HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-15, Page 13 USE THE ADSro t AS YOUR Y I SHOPPING LISTS ;, i O.A:99h4to, l'., 92�a,���9�9„��,6,�11,�,1,Y,Q 9,"„ $RUE' '.'aLS, ONTARIO, Lei' yy. from West Mss, Wilbee received the £allow• ing letter as abo had written her name on a Jar of yellow tomato mar maned° which went In the car to tbe West. As requested Mrs, Wilbee is forwarding recipe and also some d Gm yellow tomato seed, Leader, Saki„ Nov, 14, 1937 Dear Mrs, Wilbee: We received a Jar of jam from you and we all send you our thanks for being so kind to us dried out people of the west. I do not linow what we would have done bad it not been for the people. of Ontario, Our cellars would ben been pretty empty. We got 7 bags of potatoes, 3 hag. of oarrobs, 3 boxes of nipples and a bag of turnips. This hail been the worst year the west has gone through, How I wished We had never left Ontario, we always could grow a garden and that is one thing we cannot grow up where we are, as we hardly ever get any rain,, Your jam is sure level yard I am asking you for your recipe as a lot of the neighbors are wanting to know bow to make It and so de I. I am thanking you again and kindly thank all of your neighbors that lielpcd us out of our hard struggle through the coming winter, We thank you one and all, I w'i11 close now so good-bye. I remain sincerely yours, Mrs. G. W. Goldie, Leader, Sask. ,Marcor 'tel .tee temmiateee teeeteleletate ■ YOU'LL FIND ? ON PAGE 8 ticizetetemtvextmelc +wete taexlveto' Afternoon Tea —and— BAKING SALE ALSO Sale of Gift Articles & Toys SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18 From 3 P.M. iN Store Recently Occupied by Rowland's Bakery Under Auspices of $T. JOHN'S LADIES GUILD retete 547, c5151G4y05LI�'tgt„41,;I,tvtcteteta 4 THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A„ B.O. Minister CHRISTMAS SERVICES DECEMBER 19th 11 a.m,"The •Good News," Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 pen.—"No Room in the Inn." Monday, Dec. 20th—,Annual Christ. mas Concert by members of the Sunday School, PASTOR'S GR.EETING!S- ---May the carols of earth, the music of heaven and the song of the Angels fill every heart with Joy. May your homes resound with good cheer and gladness because Christ, the gift of God, is in your heart, A Merry Christmas to all. neletereteietetelatetewteteieteieteteteieleeeena REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING ,Pat O'Brien Subil Jason Humphrey Bogart The Great O'Malley Full of rolling comedy and pathos, MON,, TUES., WED. Akira Tameroff Marton Marsh • —In— The Great Gambini —with— John Trent Genevieve Tolein NEWS CARTOON NEXT—THURS., FRI., SAT. Jane Withers —In Angels Holiday —also -- with an all star cast COMING— Big Business Vogues` of 1938 Mats. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m. rttoseti; WEDNESDAY, December 15th, 1937 PEQP'LR WE KNOW Mrs, Rob t. Galbvttlth, 6th con, of 1'11mta Is elm guest of her daughter, Mrs. and Mr, Archer Grewar. Mrs, David Walker accompanied by Miss Betty Walker, spent the ' weeleend at the hone of Mr, and j Aire. A. T, 'vltb'adden, London, Reeve L. 10. Cardiff, >f 1'io:rle, was in Uodet'ich, TilursdO) rriday nett Saturday of last weelt atten'ling a meeting of the Roads t1mmittee ut which he is a member. A, A. Lamont, his many Itltu its will regret to know is still con:lued to ills hone, Miss Mina McKelvey was a To- ronto visitor over thct week -end, Miss M, Downing was a Seratforl visitor on Satul"ddy, Bill Griffith spent .lie week•attd at his home le Kincardine. ?Hiss Ella Kerr and Miss Mary 11. Kerr •spent Saturday to Stratford. Misses Agnes Davidson anti Gladys Davidson were Stratford visitors on Saturday. Russel Fox was a week -end visdtor in Wingham, Mrs. B• Walker was in Strltttord on Saturday, Walter A, Lowry spent a few days in Toronto last week on business, Mrs. leen. tattle spent Saturday }n Stratford. M. Yolleck ant, J, Burnstyn were week -end visitors in Toronto. Ken. Tyerman was a Stratford visitor on Saturday, Mrs, Alfred Backer and Miss Mary spent the week -end with relatives in Toronto and gave Mary a chance to see the hockey match at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Wright of Wil- lIa•m street, celebrated their thirty- fifth wedding anniversary last weelr A few neighbors and relatives called In the evening to offer congratula- tions, • Mrs. J. Logan and Misses Mildred and Marguerite Logan were in Stratford on Saturday. Mrs, Susan Cricit has left for To- ronto to spend a few weeks with an aunt in that city. Mr, and .ilrs. W. C. King and fam.. slyhave moved into the apartment above E. J. elrTavtsn's store, re. Gently vacated by Dr, W, D. 8, Jam- ieson who is living in the• F. W. Burchell home which he Purchased some time ago. John Mooney, of Sasitatoon, son of Mrs. Mooney and the late Gordon Mooney, of Winnipeg, former resi- dents, was Sunday visitor with reln. Lives and friends Mr, Mooney will be better remembered here as 'Toad' by which name he was familiarly known. eataraest7+2't7 eeeel n"'tereeei"3aaartieiaalet"alaS CHRISTMAS CANTATA— When Santa forgot tine Smiths, S.S. no. 3, Grey, Tuesday, Dec. 21 at S,15 pan, Musical Director Mies V. Wheeler; teacher, Miss V. Turn- bull, Admission, adults 15c; Chil- dren FREE. ttcs=tetetete s o W NTO W N teteteeettPa CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT will be held on. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22 The usual fine program of Dandy Drills, Droll Dialogues, Smart Songs and a snappy ore -hour Play entitled "Rooting for Ruth') has been pre- pared. This concert always draws ADULTS — 25c a full house an'tit: $1919%91-nr24hi7a9M9tptaihrntDMIDI7+stale,' Meet Mrs. Santa Claus —AT— IAN MCDONALD Snowstorm Ties Up Traffic Here —ON_ Satu —ON— Dec. 1 1� h A .FREE GIT OF CANDY TO THE OHILDREN ttlenenetaleleleeteletettliateteotaeltaaaageeteietete A guud old fasldotted whiter has us buried deep lu drifts. 3.,storm., tltut swept the entire country, b:vu us buried eep in rifts, A St 11.1,1, and villages, threatening some with milk and food shortages, Soon Plows battled for hours with thc. huge Milts that ntatle the lilt twuy impossible. Various li,ir,iatii+r.. and experiences ore+ relieve/1 by sty:1•ounliog districts as rent, u, the s•eornt, The greatest hleenven• . ienee we have had brought to our notice here is tliat evenyout 1, worrying about how tleiy to get their Chrltmas trees, The Misty air, we agree, has been inoe•ie invigorating but it was also a bit too cold for connote when the mercury registered 11 below at about 6.30 elouday morning. The attendance at country school, le the district was decidedly same, the youngsters being in no way at:le to cope with the huge drifts, until lite roads were broken. • Roads have now been open:d and motor traffic on the h}ghwads and main roads has been resumed. ETHEL Despite the stormy weather the Women's Institute heed their meet- ing last Thursday •afternoon a, the home of ,Hiss Hansuld with a fair attendance. The President Mrs. Percy Stephenson was to eharge. The meeting opened by singing the Institute Ode and all repeating the Lord's Prayer. The motto, 'A Friend' was taken by Airs, P. Stephenson, The Roll was called answered with a quotation from. the Bible. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved All Joined in singing a number of Christmas Carols. A Christmas message (The Joy of Chrl;tmas tine) was given by Mrs. Snell, A demonstration of making Christ- mas candy was given by hiss Han- suld and Mrs, Stephenson. 'rite meeting closed by singing God Save the Bing, Miss Hansulcl served lunch assisted by the comma:toe in charge, The members of Maitland Pres- bytery met in Knox Presbyterian Church in Ethel last Tuesday after- noon, The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church held their Dec. meeting re- cently at the home of ht's. G. Dun. bar, The President Alrs. Dunbar vvas in the chair. The meeting opened by singing hymn 379. Pray- er followed the Scripture lesson the 2nd chapter of Matthew was road by bars, Mclnnis, The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary and approved. The Roll was called answered by repeating a verse of scripture. Hymn 177 was sung. The topic was read by Mrs, Wright. Mrs. Stanley Dunbar was in charge of the Current Events Mrs. Stanley Dunbar then took the chair and took charge of the elec- tion of afters when the following officers were chosen, President, Mrs. G. A, Dunbar; est vice, Mrs. McInnis; 2nd vice, Mrs. J. H. Feat; Treas., Mrs, J. Wright; Sec, Mrs. Cunningham; Glad Tidings Sec„ Mrs. Ransom; Home Helpers, Mrs, Oxtoby; Record •sec., Mrs. A, Dun- bar; Supply sec., 'Miss Ransom; Or- ganist, Mrs. Turnbull; assist., Mrs, Kreuter; welcome & welfar sec., Mies Ransom; ass''„ Mrs, KrauLer ; Mission Band Leader, Mrs. Sinclair; auditor, Mr, Hutchinson, Hymn 172 was sung and ears. Williams closed with prayer, Mrs. Dunbar served the ladies with a dainty lunch, Bank's Christmas Bonus Toronto. With "times better,” the Canadian Bank df ,Commerce is again paying a Clnistmas bonus to its staff. The bank ddscoutlneed the bonus for some years, for business did not warrant its paynfent, Bald S. IT, Logan, president, adding: "les only the fair thing .to do, now that condi- tions are -bettor," Preparations have been started for the World Power Conference welch will be held to Giouna,. Atte• trio, from August 25 to September 2, 1933, 0 ,,t EVERY KIND OP Int rpt JOB PRINTING rt (fit et AT REASONABLE PRICES rot iotas.; cmkri. ximoc.;::o;o; ms.; POST PUBLISHING HOUSE To Give..Each Good Little Boy and Girl A Bag of Candy at 2 O'clock The community Christmas tree he will dietsibute gifts to all hie is in place at the main intersection little friends, on matin street all ready for Santa Claus' visit next Saturday afternoon,' Now boys and girls don't miss this December 15th, Lovely bright opportunity to see Santa he will be colored lights sparkle on it at nigh' very disappointed if you are not and it is a very pretty sight, All there to receive the preseat he the youngsters in the community are has for you. So you be sure. expected to meet Santa at the town t and remind mother and daddy that hall at two o'clock when the band ; you must meet Saute. Claus sr, and Santa.Claus will lead the parade ; Brussels at two o'clock Sa`urrlay down to the Christmas tree where ; afternoon. t UM �Mea a VOiyytMMALIid�s LOCAL NEWS ITEMS At The Scotch Thistle Nothing could be more delicieu, to top off your Christmas dinner than one of Silverwood's Christmas Ice Cream Puddings, Pies or their Spec • - sal Individual Novelties. Leave your orders early—See ad, oa back page, —8'-8,— Local Arena Opens The local skating arena officially opened its doors for the winter sport season on (Monday evening when the boys turned out for hockey practise. So hockey for the winter 1937-38 is away to a start. May our Local teeters entered in the league have a successful season. They're in the Box So ask for Neilson's Box Choco- lates alt Greevar's and you are buy- ing the best, The box you will be proud to give away because they are sold freak, ,Sole agent for Neilson's. Insist on Neilson's. A, GREWAR. Church Notes Services in 'Melville rresby:e:ian Cburch were conducted by D:iwyn Evans, student of Knox College, Toronto, who Look for his morning text, "A Certain Man Went Down From Jerusalem to Jericho," and in the evening, "The Kingdon of Heaven Is Like Unto A Treasure slid In A Field.' At tbe morning service service Mrs. J. Oliver and George Northwood gave a pleasing duet and in the evening the choir gave an anthem. Services in the United Churcb on Sunday were conducted by the minister, Rev, H, J. Mahoney, who spoke on "Milestone," and also of Dr Fraser Smith's misisonary work in China. He took for his text, "Life's Waging Part,"'and in the evening "The Stone That The Builders Refused Has Become The Head of the Corner," Christmas carols were sing in the evening end at the morning service Miss Carrie Hingeton contributed a solo. Thieves Captured The thieves who broke into and robbed ithe F. R, Smith store of goods, the value of which was esti- mated at $50,00 have been appre- hended, The invo men, outsiderswhose names have not been disclosers by authorities, were itrreaked in Strat- ford on, Friday of net week, Mr, Smith was notified Friday evening that articles stolen had been traced and the men caught. Eoad 9 -Ton of Hay on Main Street A huge truck Which was being loaded with pressed hay on main street of Brussels all day Taesdey attracted a great deal of attention, It vvas boligdl,t from •district fermors and pressed and loaded by Lou ltoeeland trf Walton who is a buyer for Thos. Miocene of Corbeton, The truck was packed with 9 ton ac preeseel hay which is to be truck- ed to Toronto. —*-5— Post Office Notes IT IdMeeting Postntuster J''t•ed Hunter has w ail ;gilt en us the following list of date for .moi! �'a '•''r utailitrg Clui;ius tarts, ,t,, ls, ; etc., 40 '•asurcmdelivery i�b'cb'ore C1trietnlet: Day: 131111slt Columbia Dry. 1d A}bttlar - ca,kald'1eu'an Dee, 17 31ani:riba d llurit3mes, 1) ., 1't Ontario lend Quebec; Dano a/Lural Ji'lbv ;!'y Dec. 21 a/ One -Legged Exeter Lad Is Hiking to Florida - Exeter. Oat. Jank Derneee. 1.. left for e t iutol at noon ahcrut four week: ago, Not arr:vitlg home tor tit, night his folks thought maybe. yhe 110 was at a friend's. Un the oou:tr ly a day or tvvo alter ,lorry r<,cci..'4 a t,,,-, card from Lim saying he was hiteh-hiking to Florida, .1 racy days later a chid from AIab:i'11 announced his arrival there. ai'3 intlira'tetl tier- he was still asine. Jack has but. one leg, a Parr of crutches, and very little but he gets tit^re just the :ante. He ntatle a privionv hike to lion - real and back last year. .........r.....oa •••••••••••a.r...s..4.4.41, hind it. The huge glass was cover- ed by a myria'l of farsted designs. The most intricate delicate traceries shimmered and glistened like a host of tiny 'ilvered leaves. No artist we are certain, could create anything hall as lovely as the hand of nature fashioned there. Lovely Dressed Doll Given For Correct Guess Have you seen the beautiful dress- ed doll on display in A. Wood',s store window? It is being given away by St John's W. A. to the person who guesses her correct name from the list 'shown. Each guess 10c. See it in Wood's win- dow and at the W. A. bazaar on Saturday. - Presentation Alas. Charles Davidson was host- ess one evening ` recently, when friends and nei leacep„gataered to spend a social evening with Alas. L'adbley before she left for her future home in Brantford. Every- one expressed their regret because of Mrs. Badgley's departure from .heir midst, An enjoaabie time was seen: in a program of musical selections and card playing. During the course of the evening Mrs, Badgley was made the recipient of some lovely and use- ful gifts, for which site suitably ex- pressed xpressed her thanks. Lunch was served Following Is the address which was read: Dear Mrs. Badgley: We have heard with a great deal oe regret, of your decision to leave us. We feel that while we will be poorer, the community to wtldch von are going will be enriched by your presence. You were ever ready to give the (helping hand where it was needed. We will miss your bright . cheery smile which reminds us of a (poem by Marg, E, Sangster, We hope you will be very happy in your new home and will use this gat and think of your Brussels friends and neighbors. We will be looking forward to the day when we receive the welcome news thet Mrs, Badgley is corning home for a visit, Thursday of this week is the last . day possible to obtain Christmas cards- et the post. The Most Picturesque Still Chore is no finer artist than Dame Nature! Have you ever seen anything created by human hand that could esusl the winter panorama slpread before our eyes ithese days? The +trees, their green- ery laden with a pure white mantel of snow and glittering with front. The snow piled and banked in every nook and cranny where it had been blown to rest in uhdque shapes and forms that could never 1'e ate compliahed by mere man. As you walked down the street on Saturday might, when Jack Frost had been busy„ did you take time to notice the beauty of tbe store Windows? We don't mean ripe lovely things displayed in the windows by out niercirants we are refering too the ti•osted windows. We notloe,l in pasticular, the window of D. A Rann's furniture store possibly be cause of the many lighted lamps be - For Peace Tall Junior and Intermediate Groups Drawn At' Session Held In Walkerton, —.._. At along meceing, which crated here early the, morning, the yxecu- Live or the Weeeern 0n1ar}o hockey Assoein/hin tl, teed its .junior and intermediate groups for the 'season, Schedules must be drawn by De• teurht r 20 and group winners are to be declared by February 19 Croup play-offs are pertuissable where de- sired. The League will attempt to un- taugle affairs 111 Godericb, where rival organizations are battling fol the right to spimeor the teams. It was decided at last tight's meeting that the W.O.H.A, would recognize only the executive elected by the players and fans of the town. On Friday night the W. O H, A. will send a representutive to Code - rich for the ,purpose of meeting the interested parties ant attempt- ing tteanpting to reach a peaceful settlement. Clubs still late be admitted to W.O.H.A. groups before the sclied- ules are drawn, provided they aro acceptable to the other teams in the group. Clubs which desire to make such entry should communi- cate with group conveners at puce. Following are the groups as chatt- ed last Monday night: Junior Groupings. Group 1, Chesley, Durham, Hanover; con. veneh, G. W. Alen of Chesley. Meet at Hanover. Group 2, Southampton, Paisley, Wiarton; convener, Alvin Subrtt artz, Wiartori. Meet at Southampton. Group 3, Goderich,. Wingham, 'Teeswater; convener, Ed, Williams, Wingham 'Meet at Wingham, Group 4. Kincardine, Ripley, Walkerton convener, Ray Bruder, Welkertou, d -lfeeteatteWerlkertoai. - --- ,. ., ..x-• ..; Group 5. Kitchener Jr. City League. Intermediate Groupings . Group 1. Paisley, Port Elgin, Southampton, •Wanton, Allenford, Tara; conven- er, Frank Pickard, Paisley, Meet at Southampton. Group 2. Chesley, Durham, Hanover, rWed- tartan, Kincardine, Harrlston; con. vener, J. McDonald, Hanover- Meat at Walkerton. Group 3. Goderdeh, Brussels, Mitchell, Wingham; convener, D, A. Rann, Brussels. Moet at Brussels, Group 4, Teeswater, Fordwlch, Lueknowi convener, Howard Agnew of Luck- none. Meet at Lucknow. Group 6. Stratford Industrial League. Group 6, Hillsburg, Erin, inglewood; con- vener, Chas, Overland, Erin, Meet. at Erin, * * * 'i' * * '8 * * PRESS SECRETARY —ACTIVE OR DUD ? At this time•of year church * and ether societies are elect.- ,e ing officers for the conning * year. Ill enany cases a 8' "press secretary" is among *' the officers; but we notice * BIRTH that press secretaries veto * ready attend to their job - * are greatly in the minority, * It le, we should say, the duty' 3. of the press :secretary to * keep ;tile press informed o£ ''1' the activities of the organize• * tion With which she, or be, * ..GRIFFIN, Rev Arthur K,—At the +t' ds associated—to send in re- * Wellesley Hospital, on Tuesday, Na *; 'ports, not ,two or three Weolts * venber 30th, 1987. Rev. Arthur lir H+- «Ilter a sneelting hue 'been * : Griffin. 1< •held, bent immediately, while * Reeling apt the . resddenr e,. 1545 ( k it is ne's,s, Bathurst street, Funeral service at * Et is to be hoped that t'he St, M'khael's and •All Angst;' * Areas aieorertaries, or whom so '4 Ctttm'ch, Wychwood and St, Clair * anany are being :ehosnn thtb 's avenues, 3 p,m, Friday, intenuent * •inertia, iwiti sok rtree,t kite #' St. John's Cemetery, Ymk Mills. * alltlointtnon' as a jolter brit as Rev, A, K. Grltlln was a rector of 1' an otiportunity to .perform 'a * St, John's Anglican Church, Brussels 'l' useful servi'co, 8' Bonne years ago, * * a' * , * *. FISCHER--neral Dec. 11911, 1937 to Mr, and. Mrs, John V. Fischetl of Turnberiy Township, a daughter, Dorothy Louise, (stillborn), • DEATHS