The Brussels Post, 1937-12-8, Page 8ovemowsilimokoziolumamoNs G.. It cnristrnas 'Time At The Rexall Store Fill of Holiday Goods With Many Bargains Waterman's Pen and Pencil Sets Yardley's Gift Sets for Men and Women Yuletide Gift Booklets Popular Fiction—Many Good Titles in Reprint Books Gift Cutex Manicure Sets Perfume in Gift Packages Men's Leather Travelling Cases Military Hair Brushes Cosy ,Hot Water Bottles at 98c Gillette (Gold Plated Razor with pkg of 10 Blue Blades All for 59c Eastman Kodaks and Brownie Cameras Snap Shot Albums, Scrap Books and Autograph !'lbuma Bath Salts and Baby Dusting Powder Stationery in Gift Packages Special Values at 25c, 35c, 50c and $1.00 The Newest Toilet Ware Sets and Compacts Leather Bill Folds and Key Cases Christmas Decorations—Wreaths, Foil, Crepe Paper, Hinoki Rope, Tinsels and Ornaments Christmas Parcel Wrappings, Tags, Seals, Ribbon and Fancy Cord Toys, Picture Books, Games, Blocks & Dolls F. R. SMITH stor ¶F:1 PPHONE No. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 airkhWitka,.WitaNztt tit i i ti LET THE II 'Scotch Thistle' SQLYE YOUR CONFECTIONERY PROBLEMS THIS CHRISTMAS 4 We Have A Choice Assortment of Creams & Peanut Brittle --and--, Other Clu•istmas Candy .rA t • iy 9y ti pF iy dfiA tt di pu d4 ry to Wool Sets Silk Hosiery C. Hingston fc--tMCV-gb.i atek=tettl€tetzttatatVeteeSC Specially Priced— CHOCOLATES 4 lb box $1.00 —also— Featuring the Popular— "ANNIE LAURIE" CHOCLATES 50c tb Highest Quality— Oranges, Grapes, and Nuts THE BRUSSELS 'OST Let Wood's be Your Shopping Headquarter WIIDlvUSDA.• A17C., 8th, 1937 :tctc K- lcittzt ocliteetwatov 9p eu Figs, II n'F t1 s 1st stekve ,' teez 5'.'tszat°..extet�lFto tem tl 4 Boy's Golf Hose Lastex Tops tetazzavalststegamstesameztaestetzteem a� Clearing Sale In Fall & Winter + a FELT HATS AT HALF PRICE if VELVETS ALSO REDUCED Remnants of Velvets, Silks, r Crepes, Metallics & Ribbons ; Just what you may need to finish Christmas Gifts or trim dresses, etc. "Our Pleasure to serve U" Ladies Silk and Wool Sweater Coats by Ballantyne • . 2.95 Ladies All Wool Sweater Coats by Ballantyne $2.95 & $3.50 Ladies All Wool Pullover Sweaters Children's Wool Pullover Sweaters Ladies Chamoicette Gloves Lingerie Children's Mason Knitt Underwear rictefvgsG'.-a;ti'a" i CtW «tick! 34rc catc..:"•a^{€4',.Q.v $1.95 and up t $1.00 25c pr. and up At All Prices J' syA oa 8 Men's Woolen Scarfs Fancy Checks Men's Ties boxed Men's Braces Men's Garters Gu l� A Now Is The Time To Get Your Permanent Wave SPECIAL ALL CURL PERMANENT — $1.95 Waved and Curled—$2.45 OIL PERMANENTS — — $3.50 $5.00 & $7.00 NEW NATURELLE MACHINE ABSOLUTELY NO FRIZZY ENDS OR COLORATIONS FINGER WAVE 25c 35c 35c 35c MARCFI.1 MANICURE FACIAL "ALL WORK GUARANTEED" lyth Beauty Parlor BLYTH, ONT. PHONE 79 Grill Room Now Open —AT— Queen's Hotel SANDWICHES (Grilled or Plain) HOT DOGS and COFFEE SPECIAL ll`"avis Oyster Stew In Season Every Saturday Night fitatg4telititiilititete4CAffietetetZletgVeteXtes Your Shopping Guide IN Listowel Enamel Roasters Latest Trim in Graniteware Boudoir & Table Lamps Floor Lamps (with the new triplelite Fancy Chinaware Dinnerware English Crystalware Silverware Cutlery Coleman Lamps & Lanterns Aladdin Lamps Visit Our Store and Be Convinced of Our oustanding Values We Have a large and Well Assorted Stock To Choose From C. Zi' liax ani Son HARDWARE Phone 40 — Listowel bulb) asae .%.:' ' Jms'xx5-sttg '�1"3.JcE,:: av ak wcy:°gaksi'i'lc�•"�tiJc,•A:Jc%4.:Jiog.-f. ., 7' r , •'�, `� . `.,�., D S T O rr N.+ Phone Y+G r i } 12 SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Frexh Sar Dates 3 pounds Christmas 4 lbs. Christmas Cakes Iced ANA 21c - S1.50 The Best Mixed Nuts - Pecans, Hazel, Brazil Nuts, Walnuts, Almonds 2 tb Fresh Roasted Peanuts • • • • per lb Cut Mixed Peel per tb Bowes Whole Drained Cherries per tb White Raisins Almonds per Ib per It 39c 15c 25c 60c 19c 60c ORANGE SPECIAL Large Size Per Doz• • • • • • • 29c Medium Size • • . • • • • Per Doz. 23c Small Size Per Doz. 19c ASK FOR YOUR CALENDAR Gq' LE / A. RUSSELL, t U SEL .„„S: ,. ko., Blue Occasional Plate FREE With C� Each Large Box of Ivory Flakes • • • • 24c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes • • , 3 pkgs • • • • 25c Red Bird Matches 3 boxes 25c SEE Our Stock of Christmas Packages of Tobacco & Cigarettes O. K. Laundry Soap •••• 3 bars 10c tai Tip Top no. 2 Peas 2 tins Trimettes • • Per Pkg Christmas Serviettes 21ct l Oc 1 ' el 15c fit Boy's Windbreakers GROCERIES Mincemeat Old English recipe Walker's Sodas Glaced Cherries Seeded Lexia Raisins Cut Mixed Pee; 75c up 25c up 50e 25c up 2 50c $2.75 up 2 Ib for 25c 2 tb for 23c 50c lb stet t t€te!E t 'CV utlet4letct le t tetee,.c-t erg;c per box 15c ztb 15c •.:t�tcc.:, r� ugct as lr A 7e Wood's ,,.„, ryxro 5 Eitrrre 1 A 4 Phone 24 Brusseb9 Ont. CA v 1 QUALITY - - SERVICE HILLCREST SHORTENING p 2 lbs23c Crunchie Sweet Pickles~ Large Jar -� 21c B Liptons Tea in One pound pkgs with Canister Try Crisco for Your Christmas Baking . • • . 5 Ib tin • • • • 65c Weston's Old Hickory SodasLarge pkg 27c Two Week's Special on Five Rose Flour • • • 98 lb . • • • $4 00 Mince Meat 2 Ib ..... • • • • • 23c Chocolate Drops per lb 19c Cut Mixed Peel including Citron per lb 25c Toddy, (Serve Hot or Cold) A lb tins 23c 1 lb 39c Satin Mixed Candy 2 Ib 25c Genuine Dutch Cocoa per Tumbler 15c Mixed Nuts Five Varieties 2 tb 39c A Pineapple Rings . '4 11 Coloured 15c Whole Drained Cherries Choice Quality %4 Tb 13c Jelly Powders Assorted 4 pkgs 19c New Figs Selected 2 tb 21c Blue Bird Marshmallows per pkg 10c WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF SPICES AS FOLLOWS— Sage, Pou_ r y Dressing, Marjoram, Thyme, Savory Onion Salt and Celery Salt From time to time, as the ocacsion arises, we have citizens cone to us and say "don't Put This or That to the Paper." We have never made ,the practice of publishing anything which might ease,: a slur or cause in- jury to anyone, but when spall things ocur, watch might no termed as news, there is no reason 1n the world why they should not be Pub- lished, In many such cases, the same person who asks us to with- hold etntain information, are the firt ones to say "there is nothing in the paper." J mmigoa AVE YOUR EYES EXAMINED Thurs ay, ',gee. 9th ra r� ib F? F, r� Fa '4 t F. ', Bonita,' Ph. B. Re a �a dl c3 Harriston, Brussels, qt t' • Phone 118 Phone 26X t`apicirrtUM,MMAV, 'MOW MOW MAIS.:21W5lex? qR' I expect to be at my Brussels Office in Miss Maude Bryans' Home all Day Thursday, Decembr 9th to give Expert Eye Examinations and supply Glasses where required We particularly welcome those difficult cases who have been unable to get satisfactory Eye Service elsewhere MAKE AN APPOINTMENT IF POSSIBLE 65c to Ste, o. 1 1,1 Brussels I Phone 64 L W, Eckimer\� i�h�xrsday . r•iday, Saturday 0'08 VITtJc�s` 'J0 Jc'4,5100;%5MV.Wc'te.W.1& ce.`5c'A1:" VIE Mr - Grain Wanted - WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY' THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable for our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter to k: .-ate M 5 z5 ' F.9 w t5 Superior Store Quality Service CHRISTMAS SPECIALS — Thursday Friday & Saturday Hillcrest Shortening 2 lb for 23c Aylmer Tomatoes 2's 2 tins for 19c Mince Meat 2 tb for 23c Crunchie Sweet Pickles 27 oz. • • per jar 21c Christmas Baking Needs --Everything in stock for the cake. Christmas Cards 3 for 5c Baby's Wool Sweaters, pink & blue . each 69c Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs 25c, 35c & 50c Ladies' Sillc Crepe Scarfs each 69c Fancy Toilet Sets 39c, 50c & 65c Men's Fancy Boxed Braces • • • . • • each 49c Boy's Boxed Ties each 25c Customers:—Be sure and bring Coupons in next week in.. stead of the busy week before Christmas. Also take not that Coupons will .be discontinued on Groceries by December 31st, but will still be given on Dry Goods, Shoes & Rubbers. W111�eZUEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone 2211 22211 l Ethel, Ont• rts ener .iP 1 'tLre PHONE 61 U `AFD lfi, yi as €i►G e e ch iris' � a • i"os woven Just to hand—A Full Line of Ladies Underwear Featuring Penmans '95' In All Sizes Ladies Flannelette Nite Dresses and Pyjamas Ladies Cashmere Hose—with rib topsat 79c and 85c pair Also Full Fashioned at $1.25 pair Silk & Wool Hose at 35c, 65c and $1.00 pair Children's Cashmere Hose — All Sizes Children's Flannelette Pyjamas Ibex Flannelette Blankets both Grey .& White Wool Blankets for cold weather at Popular Prices Men's Sweater Coats for $1.50 and up Men's and Boys' Brush Wool Sweaters with zipper @$2•25 & $2.69 Men's Underwear, Stanfields, Penmans and Turnbulls Men's & Boys' Windbreakers in heavy Doeskin and Mackinaw Materials GROCERY SPECIALS Gold Medal Coffee 50c lb Flowerdale Tea • • 75c lb .szeelellraMiloWletaxeconnesemenrion Wonderful Soap 7 bars 25c Ginger; Cookies •• 10c lb ® J. MeTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Dor South of American Hotel em`•'• ailligft5Xts5A531,5A5mal WartW i 1 •