The Brussels Post, 1937-12-8, Page 7en rEo ed to before 1z and 17 aint th an con- .. Mc - words its cam - the then a'int- you. what it is ry a tame . dif- pic- tsion with light rtled low lees. they lows wing :titre. ,ork- frmn Ludy and will will ler wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwws Cent a Mile Round Trip Bargain Fares Minimum Fare; AuIte 75c Children 400 From' B R U S E LS Fri, &Sat., Dec. 10th & 11th ' Tu Q9haw; Bowe anville, Port Hope, C000urg, . Trenton Jet„ Bello v;110, NePanes Kingston, Gulultloque, Brookville, Prescott, Morrletee,g, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Campbellford, Newr,,,..lcet, Peeetang, Ooleingwood, M^tifot'd, Barrie, Oreea, Mld . land, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Oalender, North. Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns In New Ontario on lime' of Tomis• kairsing & Northern Ontario dilly„ Nipissing Centra] lily„ Kaplekas- ing, Longlac, Nakinat, Taehota, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Jellicoe" Beardmore, fort Atelier, 4,/ Sat.i Dec. 11th to Toronto Also to 'Brantford, Militate, Mosley, Melee, Durham, Pix. eter, Fergus' Goderloh, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Inger• soil, Kincardine, ICitchener, London, Listowel, Mltohell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pains, Port Egln St. Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Soetltampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock. For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, See handbills for complete list of destinations CANADIAN NATIONAL .T he Brussels Post FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published _Every Mednesday afternoon Subscrip:l'n prtce $1.50 per year, raid In advance, Subscriptit.; in United States will please add 500 for postage. THE 'POST' PRINT !!! Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont. BRUSSELS —.— CANADA THE PERIOD OF CRACKING DOWN Tre chairman of the Ontario Liquor Control Board has announced the suspension of beer authorities in Sour hotels. Mr. Odette says in-, speetors are now engaged in e.heck- iing up establishments throughout the province, and adds "We intend to crack down hard on all offenders.' !Possibly where there are so many places weal authorities to sell beer in tbe 'province it may be impos- sible to have inspectors enough to see that the latw Is being observed, but each time there is a new drive BUY'S TH115 M. H. Brothers BRUSSELS, Phone 53X w 4 YFA0L0 AGB people used to ,nit, the+oeclvee honed b+ shouting from thn haulm /opt, if ytin tried *ho( to-Ii/LY YOU would probtihh have le appe.r bete., • rgmallsalOb In ino-aUlt3, 4 LNOW-A.DAYS the b \Minfl,101 man owe Our %Vtot .AO, on for observance, and a new season of cracking down on offenders it mean:; the Control Board has be. come aware of the fact that the law bas not been observed, And we do not believe, that period of non- observance starts at a cettalu date and teereivates ., ":y set time, At.ii that of course prompts the reason- able question es °so why places which are now losing their permits have been allowed to operate. Aud It also raises the rather pertinent question as to why beer authorities should have been issued to such In- dividuals in the first place. HOW MANY 'DSO THEY KEEP OPEN There was qutte en extensive raid carried on by ,provincial police at 'Bill Beasley's luxurious madhouse' a short distance from Toronto, It took place in the,early hours of Sun- day morning. A couple of lookout men were taken Into camp first and with the sentries off duty the going was rather simple. One report says thousands of dollars' worth of expensive gambling equipment was taken; likewise a quantity of liquor which was being served to guests fromthe kitchen, Between 50 and GO men and women, referred to as "members of Toronto's smart set" were lined up se they could give their names and addresses to the officers. 'Such things happen now and then and the wonder always Is hots ,hese places mremeee to remain ones so long. 11 the police were aware of the exielauce of title place late Set- noday night it is very likely t'tcy have been aware of its ea , tnee Ter seine time. The fact ilia, there, wt.re outside men w'ilet were mice pos, 11 ti, 01C ea(011) of the ap- p t ai i of O l .- , uuk11)W1 etreeeeee elffi 41 i' elf tl pat en,. et sf beam .t,,=1 tele 11 , n, tliay ,A71.1 s;rt,r r.; ;^a,� "smelt `=,1 t' of FFFi T tv t tt 'lee, i hills; h,.! t,.11c11 f, 1 t t :hey W''. ( tinier• 001'10in th<:y would be safe They knew how to get iu and likely they wet* qui'e sure of safety from discovery alter the door 010951 be- hind theist. Why such places should not be spatted at o:t0e is sinal{:'."l,ing Which is dialrult to underetan;i, s="-taGa Not A Good Plan When Attorney -General Cement moved first reading to the amend- ment to the Succession Duties Act be explained that It had been found one of the important provisions of tbe Act might not be entirely come stitutional, The purpose of the emeudiment which the Government pr0009ed to pass was to snake this pantiealar section capable o'f opera- tion, It is difficult to agree with that soli of reasoning or with that sort of action by any governing body In ,this C01111 ry. Whether we agree with She constitution or disagree with It dogs not alter the fact that the Conti utI0n remains as the standard against which all enact• mute have to be measered. If there is a section which aloes not 'conform with the provisions or the constitution then the mere fact' that le legislature Saye such 511.111 ito declared workable does not cl,ange inserters at all, The weak 01' Oleo. •tiont,ble section which is recognised 08 nu; -being entirety C01t8titutl0na1 will matinee, to remain He inherited weakness, and the time will arrive when i0 will be challenged and tier Tea roti. THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, DEC„ 3th, 1937 WHAT dS THE ANSWER? Young Liberals who were bolding their annual Meeting in Toronto had a0metthlng to say about the mare nor in welch rural mall Couriers are Paid, The feeling of the meet- ing Wee that the pay was not nearly eufllrelenl fol' the amount end nature Of the work, Without seokdg to debate or de- velop that point we believe It can be taken for granted that people in general feel the same way, But what Is the Answer? We know. there has been a good deal of hl- quiry going oar but there does not aptpear t'o be yet a eestem devised which will 'work fairly on a mileage basis. Por this reason: There are two routes running out of the came centre and they are each of 20 miles, But, one 'route is on paver Ment where the going Is good and where the road is open all winter; the other is not a good road, Even` in the summer it is hard enough go- ing in places and during the winter season it is worse, It is the same mileage as the other, but it 1s harder work and more difficult end it takes longer. Such uestions are being raised, and if the men In the business can provide the answer and explanation they will have added something of value to the diseussiOf, EALTt by Grant Fleming, M• D, -totJa A HEALTH SER\ ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES CHRISTMAS SEALS The most effective appeal which can be made to. Canad•iaee, is through their sense of responsibil- ity to ;their fellowmen. This humanitarian appeal is not forgot- ten when it is urged that tuberculo- sis be fought on economic grounds. Tuberculosis strikes and kills at all ages, Neither the infant nor the aged is spared. The young adult hears the 'brunt of the attack. Tmbercuosis more than any other disease, is most prevalent among the poor, that group which is least which is least able to bear the tx- pense of illness. Most of She beds in sanatoria ere public beds, There are oat few families which can carry the !mane dal burden of R disease when the time required for treatenet must be measured en years and mentis rather than weeks and days. Among the young adults who fell victims t0 tuberculosis are many who are paroles of young children. If It be a mother, then the home efe will be disrupt, ilr if it be :her bre 34- wimner, the family will likely ere - tepee under an 100110r.tbie er4)0-.0111c burden. This is ene1(1-:11 to melte 11 clear that wn $111.1.thl von', 11.1 111 bet nlo- ,d if on no hietter mound thee thet 1tf saving our 1111:t 1311-'r,+olt. DITeetly 017 itn"irectly, WO 1111 pay a sl'a'a of the Teary cost of tuberculosis. There iso ly on, way in which we can 1)1111011 the herd ,n, att,l Itta.t is through 11rturbo about a reduc- tion in the incidence of tubctculoaf�. Surprising Its it may seem, thora arc thousands of Canadians wile are suffering from tuberculosis, who are not aware of their condition. Their ignorance not only endangers their own lives, but makes of them a men- ace to others. The first step in the campaign a- gainst tuberculosis is to find the cases. It is among the members of the family, young and old, where there is or has been a ease of tab- erentosis that unsuspected classes are found most frequently. It is for this reason that the examination of contacts is urged, ,Ae this season of the year, all over Canada, Christmas Seals are beteg ,sold. The proceeds of the sale go ,to support the war that is being suc- cessfully waged against our 01101113', tuberculosis, Tlte army which lights for 115 1101 Only takes care of those who fo:li vlotim9 to the disease, but niso safeguard our lives, day by day, a8 We go about oua' work A young flying officer, stetiOned s01neweero in Egypt, while flying near the Great Pyramids, carrying oat ox00reeles i1 navigation, and working with a sextant to discover het exact pesiteen, 9uddeniy turned to the pilot and said, "Take off your 111tt 'f "Wig^ ' 'naked the pilot. "Because, according tb my calcula- tions, the are new inside St, Paul's Catbodrat ," NOTE AND COMMENT. Probably if Massollni'e »011 bad been at 111e catclliiig'end for a while lie would not find bormblilg Snell de, sigh fol &poet, A. banner baseball season 19 Pre - diets(' by the president .of the National League. 1f winter 001nes can spring, etc? It is predicted in Germany drat Planes will soon sPan the Allantie Ocean 111 six hours, That is a little faster Main the Mayflower made the trip. Gustave Lanctot has been ed Dominion Archivist,. been associated with that since 1012 -the records will stuff to him. appoint - Haying Munch be old — *—*— Copper Otiff minister predicts that there will be no real cold until January 4 ad least, By then spring will not be far off. —a=-9— With L. M. Frost appointed depu- tp house leader by Leopold Macau- lay 1t looks as i1 the Conservative strategy in the Legislature will have a decidedly Scugog flavor, An English r- ector has inaugurated. "Pray before you (lance" se,vlees and She way some of the modern dancing is done suggests that liere may be something in the idea, — 4,—*— Lord Tweedsmuir has been nom - 1. 0.1 rtee ec. lt'on 0: ch._: for of Ednburet University. Ons way and another they manage to keep the former John Buchan very busy. — *-0— A. Texas girl who epet $3 on sced :raised a garden valued at $1SS, That alas Is a much better record than they have been able to make in Saskatchewan for some years. One man is going to run for mayor in Toronto who says in advance he knows he will be licked. Others entering similar contests probably possess similar knowledge but they keep it quiet. — 9-0— At Saltcoats, Sask., a reporter oc- cupied the chair at the annual meet- ing of the school board, He was the only ratepayer present apart from the trustees, No matter what happened the chairman •:ould not v 'y well claim he had- been ntisre rted. We dee a. letter in a Toronto Paper which the writer says the recent -'Canadian book week was "balderdash."' If he said the: lur- ing the fair it is probable that a new record in point of wordage would have been set up by the element authors and poets, All One Way By A. R. K• ¶ John Joseph works meet every day, and he polls down a goodiy Pay, and he lives well int100(1; and idle days come not to him, nor dor1. he Have to rat'i'o and trim, nor shorten on his feed. ¶ John Joseph is an active Say, at times be has a lot to say, alma). 1110 worker's dight; he is outspoken on his stand, be tells folk what tb_ry should demand, and how they ought to light. ¶ In feet John Joseph's quite the rage, in speaking on a goodly wage. 011e higher than before; he gluts ad- dresses here and there, and tells the men it is but fair, that they should ask for more, ¶ But When ,Iohn Joseph goes to buy, he clever likes to bid up high, a bargain is his pet; if 11e needs slices some time this week, for hours he'll w'llnder forth and seek, the cheapest he can get. n And if he wants a snit of clothes, John Joseph nearly conies So Move, he's harder than a vise; he says the enerchants's robbing him, and taking both his bones and skin, he wants a sweat -shop prime, ¶ John Joseph likes the goodly pay, that he cos pull down ever} day, he'll taste all they 1vi11 give; but there lids vision seems to end, for 11e will never go and spend—so 0:5110r font can live, 00501ed Parson — "B.eo111er Jones, that was the best chicken all ever et, Whereat did you all obtain such a delectable fowl." ' Brother Donee — '1Pnhson, when 130" preaches a good 50111(011 Hoes Ab ask whereat vet' obtained it. At craves Ile sante f0-belLrane0 (0010 yore" LET US LOOK AT THE PAST Hove ire /Seine Taken /row Mos of the. Post of lits and SS Yews Art 25 YEARS AGO CRANBROOK There will be service in the Ger. man church a we01t from next Sun- day, the 27-th 1115t. k * * John and MI's. Fischer and fatuity, of St. Thomas, were here for a short visit with relatives and friends. * a, * Jas. Gust, jr„ of Blyth was visit- ing bis cousin R. McDonald, JAMESTOWN Weenesday of this week 3110. E. and :Mrs. Witite moved toi Lstowel where they purpose making their home, :l: * Exchanged Farms—This week Thos. Smith, 1st con„ Grey teem - ship, exohang'-d his 100 acres with David lireckenrdige jr., for his 1530 - acre farm on the lst lite of Meeris. 1Ir, Breckenridge formerly melded in the saute .community to which he and his family are moving as .hey were formerly located on the Roe farm 011 the 2nd con. of Grey. G- REY Miss Cunningham, of Holland, 1G a visitor ivttl1 her cousin, Mrs. 3011105 P�arscn, Mrs. Refit. Pearson sent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Vipond of Donegal, * * * Miss Anna, Schmidt, Tavistock, is the guest of Misses Mayne and Kaye Denman. * * 9 Charles Love is home from the West for the winter. s= * * W. L. McQuarrie is here from Prince Albert on a visit to the parental home, —'K—e— WROXETER Calvin elleNaugbton, Turnberry, has taken a position in the Royal Bank. * :i: * James and Mrs. Herres of Asquith, Sask., are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. M- ORRIS Miss Speir, 4th line, has been visit- ing her sister Mrs. Denholm, Blyth. :R * * Henry Mooney and daughter", Mosso, Clara and Minnie o5 Wes - burn, Sask., formerly of this town- ship, purpose spending the 18011"1 In California. Henry and firs, Bane, Srd line, spent a few days at the Ironic of I. Elb, Teeswnt+>r 100111[7. -List week, BRUSSELS From Dakota -- Heavy \I.I. an. Siete Scharer, and dou:;lttee, Mies Anna and Robert Work, nrer, all of Landau, N Il,. vi'11.it,r are stere on a holirlly rsiit with relatives 11115 fdientis. • ep s, Teo. Ferguson is away to Ar1'mw this weep a9sisti1.0 Rev, D, B, Mc- Rae "settle" in his new home. * . T•'. Burehiil arrived 11o1n from Saskatoon last week and will be heat until after the holiday season. * * * Frank Stream, jr„ al Calgary, Is renewing old- friendships in Brus- sels and lorality. * a: * W, C, Stretton, of Lancaster, Chin, 1111,5 here for a short visit, 50 YERAS AGO W R'OXETER We are pleased to r'epovt that Rev. iia'. Brown's health is fully restoretd again, Alex. Gibson returned from Soot- land ootland on Tuesday afternoon, * * * Mr, Haalewood shipped a large amount of flour to Liverpool, - *—*— C:RANBROOK Mrs, James Cameron. is improving h1 1100111.. * =t: ,C, 0. le—At the last meeting of Cblat Woodbine, No, 100, C.O.F, held on Nov. 26111, the following a- scots ' were installed;—Ilroiher l(Ober'1 Blair Chief Ranger; .Robt. McDonald, Viele.; A. McNichol sr„ W. Daniel Zinllner, Jr., W. Adam Zimmer, Sr, 13, Adair Steles Jr. I3.; TELEP3doNE TALKS IN TON. WATSON E.t1Mjl,,ili 1') "Let me taut to Daddy!" Talking out-of-town tee Daddy when he goes away on business is really no novelty to Patsy and Donny. Bob Wat- son always makes a point of telephon- ing home each night. And what rivalry, there is to be first to let himhear that happy, "Hello, Daddy"! It's so comforting for 'Bob and Muriel, too, to be together each evening. Of course, Bob always calls just after seven when the night rates begin , a Low Night Bates begin every evening at seven, and apply art, Day stmmasl A. Ragan, R.S.; T. C. Iist'b'=ttle. FrS.; and Chas. Dames, Treasurer, —0—*— WALTON Mrs. Sage and Miss Annie per- formed on ,the musical glasses a1 :the Fortsters' concert in Wingha,m last Tuesday evening. * * 0 Rev, Mr. Torrence will preach at anniversary services in Hensall on Sunday. MORRIS Alex Hood is home from Michi- gan, but intends going back in Jana- ary. Messrs Errington and Jewitt are: loading cars of wood at the station. Alex Forsyth, son of a forme,.' 1 resident, now in Manitoba is renew- 1 ing old acpuaintances here until after Christmas. BLUEVALE 31rs, A. Mosgtove, late of Bl evil' is visiting friends bear here. Adam Cleghoru returned lee; week from Detroit, looking muck better for his trip, • * James Timmins is holding an Auction Sale of cattle this,. Saturday BRUSSELS John McCallum has moved his shoe shop from the bridge to the shop one door south of Reeve Mo- Cracken's Grocery. * * x W. Blashill was a recent visitor in Winghasn. sk :f= k: Mass Buchanan d$ visiting old.' (friends at Brantford•for a few daps, * * James Armstrong is away to To- ronto on business. Mrs. Pugh is visiting old friends in Woodstock for a few weeks, John Halliday, of London was in down this week. Do Your Christmas Shopph'ag Early / w/ 11■ N 1` �G CONVEN E I CE�,�dSAfETY I Eliminate the fire -risk of old faulty wiring and at the same time give your home plenty of baseboard and wall outlets, smart new wall switches and modern lighting fixtures. Let us took over your present wiring and give you an estimate on a new installation that will enable you to take the fullest advantage of the mar- vels of electricity. Wiring and fixtures, of course, come under the Home Improvement Plan for easy financing.