HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-8, Page 5BOTH SUCCESSFUL A proud mother and a proud 'son are Maw,, Jona Hetherington, elected to the Goderieh eouucil 00 Monday at the top of the polls and her son, 11, S. Iletltei•ington, Wltib^hunt, who was eleotell to the Wlagham council, Mrs, Hetherington Is the widow of Major jeune Hetherington who served with the 101st and 27tH Bat. talions, ,C,ILI(', Notices in tnls column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE— 4 Cutters—all in good condition, phone 79X or 41, 1-c Geo, Galbraith FOR SALE— Asir ALEPair Tube Skates, size 5, 1-e apply to Geo, Northwood WANTED— A load of Second Cut Alfalfa. 1-e phone 5S-23 Thomas Pierce CUSTOM ROLLING-. Get your feed grain roiled In Tour ]yarn. phone 15-11, 1-p George :lr-ichie TO EXCHANGE— Will Exchange Stewart Warner six -tube Radio in perfect condition, for a good young Cow due to fresh- en soon, 1-p Phone 0311 FOR SALE— Buff Orpington Cockerels, at $1,255 each; also beef and pork, any quan- tity. Wanted --a set o f brass scales, 50 Ib, Phone 46-1S. 2-e 7, A. Nichol, CUSTOM SAWIN G—v Will be done at fleussels opposite the creamery in the Spring, phone 42-11 James Stevenson WANTED— ' MIXED GRAIN, Marley and Oats or all Barley, 2.p FOR SALE - 100 -Gallon Steel Tank—Ideal for tractor owners, who keep supply of gas, apply at phone 31 The 'Post' Walter Rose, phone 95 or 4-3SX MEN— Tf you want a eult or overcoat, it will pay you to look my sample¢ over. Fet and workmanship guaranteed, E. Bates, phone SX1. Brussels, SALESMEN— WANT TO BETTER %YOUR POSI- TION? Then write use Start with $25.00 assortment and realize a suc- cessful, inclependeat and profitable living! NO RISK UNDER OUR CO.NDITIO•NS! Ouletandilig pro flts for the willing worker! Choice territories available! ACT NOW FOR RESULTS! FREE particulars Familex, 570 St, Clement, Montreal. Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Archie Clark, late of the Township of McKillop, in the iCounty„of Huron, Farmer, who dled on or about November 10, A. D. 1937. TAKE NOTICE that all parties craving :claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased unust mail particulars and proof of mate to the undersigned on or before the thirtieth day of Doc. ember, A, D. 1987, upon which dale the tluderelgneil executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets with re. gird only to those Menne e Which they shall then have received 110110e. DATED at Brussels tilde 8th clay of December, A,1), 1937. George Hoegy, Jnhn R, Williamson Dxern'ters by their Solicller Dirtier D. I3e11, Brussels, Ontario, BREVITIES Laugh if you Want to, Grill If you must, But keep a straight face. If the joke's tll'y as dust. Items Are Always Welcome for the Sez, I, Cali'em --Possibility of aluminum ships is being discussed) in London, a: :I; a: -The modern girl makes a good wife and a poor husband, :u :r. a: Don't pat meet confidence le In- side information. It's usually nothing but silly hooey, —What goes ninety-nine bump; ninety-nine bump? Answer—A centi- pede with a wooden leg, k :R is :Y• We shall do something in life if we try -to live up to the expec'ation of those who have confidence in us. • r, ,k u1 mean Is as ofd as he looks when he needs •a shave and a woman 13 as old as site looks right after washing her face, 5 5 5 Tay—Are you acquainted with your fashionable new neighbor, Kay—Only In a way. Her cat boards at my house. * * :k Now we are told that exeaselve laughter can cause heart trouble. So many of us wall have to stop laugh- ing at our own jokes, k ,k —The difference between sowing wild oats an the city and the country is that the neighbors in the country know the size of the crop, x * ,k 5 Here's an unbeatable philosophy of life, "Keep an even mind and a flue spirit and eventually the bouquets will outnumber the brick- bats," • * 3 —In everyone's lifethere is more prose than poetry, The most common birthstone, found by some men is the grind- stone. a:* Old fashioned music, as we get it is the kind that's supposed to carry some kind of a tune along with it. We wonder if that isn't the main reason it's still pretty much inclined to be popular, k 8: ,k —"See that man? he looks honest, but he defrauded me of half a million." "Impossible." "Yes, he refused me the head of his daughter," * * * Every man hates to settle down and try to think out this immediate problenms. It's much harder to do than to work, What we want to do when we ought to settle down and think, is to wish and hope, is Cue of the Lest resolutions you can make is never to do anything which you would despise or think meanly of in another. Never do anything that you would be afraid or ashamed of if It were, your last hour on earth, Theu the world will call you blessed, is ,k :i Man told a friend that he was running for an undertaker, es his wife was seriously all. Friend—But it's not is undertaker you want; it's a doctor. Scotsman—Na, na, I canna afford. to deal with middlemen. a: k * A young boy, undergoing an ex. amination for posielon came across the question; "What is the distance of the earth from the sun?" He wrote answer as follows; "I am un- able to state accurately, but I don't believe the sun is near enough tc !n- ter'fere with a proper performance of my duties if I get this cleritehip," Ile got it. :k :k :k Burt no matter what your peculiar- ity may be, avoid absenterinded- ness. PathOtider tells this ane,— Elsie—What made you quar'r'el with Norman? Helen—The meanie, he proposed to me again last' night, Elsie—But certainly that was 'nothing to get -angry at, I7elen—'Oh, yet it was, I had ac. eepted him Lilo night before, eletSielef ttc!a+eieteell fele leiateleleit releie MORRIS The An1111a1. Christmas 3mntertain melnt of the Browutown March will be held 0 Wednesday, December 22nd, Watch for full particulars in next issue. THE BRUSSELS .POST (11OUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM Report Hearing Lynx Orangeville The cry of a Canadian lynx was reported heard recently by residents of West Garafraxe township, The animal, rare this far south, has not been sighted, Loaning Canadian Art Ottawa, Dec, 4, The national gallery of Canada announced today 70 Canadian watercolors would be sent noxi week to Edinburgh for exhibition there in January and possibly in other larger cities of the United Kingdom thereafter. The exhibition, containing works of about 40 artists, will be tite second of its kind to be shown an Scotland, The first sent in 1033, atbracted wide atetion in the United Kingdom. Eggs Hit Policeman Montreal. "You certainly couldn't qualify for a baseball team," Reconler Leonce Plante told Petitie Ga- brielle Lariviere today when be Rued the 21 -.year-old striker $2 for hitting a constable with an egg she said was meant for an employee entering the Ideal Dress Contpany Building, "Wes the egg fresh?" asked t'he Recorder. "Well," she said, "they cost me 60 cents a dozen and I meant to hit one of the 'scabs' not the nice young officer." Bride -To -Be Buried In Wedding Dress Hamilton, Dec. 6 Frieda Reinke, etiest daughter of Mr, ann Mrs. Belford Reinke, Ham. ilton, died suddenly here yesterday, Miss Reinke was to have been mar- ried December 22. She will be buried Tuesday in her wedding dress. She became ill Tuesday and con- tracted lobar pneumonia. Promi- nent in musical circles, she was well known among the younger ao- Mai set of Hamilton and district, Surviving besides her parents, are two sister's. Mrs. Lyle Beckett, T!lsonburg and Mrs. Clifford Oder, and tour brothers, Harold, Toronto and Albert, Howard and Russel, Hamilton, Disliked Cruelty So He Kills Man Florenc, Ariz. Curly Flpee loves horses. When somebody told him a ranch- er named Henry Towner had mutil- ated a Nese, the 19 -year-old cowboy brooded. A tote tines later '!'owner was found shot dead, Joe Flleger, an- other rancher was arrested, County Attorney Virgil Chandler theorized the shooting was another chapter in the bloody "haunted coral" feud, Then Curley—his real name is Cecil—confessed he had killed Towner in a quarrel over thehorse, . Flleger was released, Last Thursday -Curley pleaded guilty to second degree murder and was sentenced to 20 to 90 years, Lindbergh Home After Long Exile Englewood, N.T. Colonel and Mrs. Charles A, Lind- bergh are 'tome from a two year exile abroad hast the guarded Mnr- raw estate close by the Hudson River hold the secret of why they have come and how tong they w911 May, The hero of Americrtl aviation and his wife Anne, who has , alaeedl many notable flights with him, slipped unheralded tato Now York Sunday aboard the United mates liner President Harding, They had sailed trent Southend). ton Nov, 27 under the 1,100511111 111 of "Mr, and Mrs, Gregory' 'for their firsttrip to their native land since they Went to Great Britain in search of the sechuslon they felt they could not final here—just 16 days short of tem years ago. Ask Double Relief For Christmas Day Winnipeg. A delegation of Women's Federa- tion of Unemployed members today sought a double relief vouchee from Winnipeg relief funds for Christ- mas, amounting to an additional cost of $60;000 to the city. The re- quest is being considered by the Manitoba, Unemployed Advisory Board, Starter Sleeps In Pittsburgh, Frank Gill, Duquesne University senior, Is working his way through college by getting other folks out of bed—at a price. His specialty is arousing fellow- a'tudett'•,.te for 8 am, classes, He works on a slogan, "Failure to at- tend early classes has blighted more careers than any other cause." The first day he started work be overslept. Duchess of Windsor Gets 3 Words In New British Who's Who London, The Duchess of Windsor entered the British Who's Who recently with publication of the 1938 edition. The Duke and Duchess were listed in the section reserved for the royal family, their names appearing thus. "Edward Albert Christian George Andrew Patrick David (Duke tit Windsor). Succeeded his father King George V, January 20, 1936; abdicated December 11, 1936. Mar- ried June 3, 1937, Mrs, Wallis War - The new Who's Who is 28 pages larger than t'he 1937 edition having 3,783 pages. The editors still list Haile Sel- assie as Emlporor of Ethiopia and give him the same amount of space as Premier Mussolini of Italy. Each received 32 lines of ;print. Musso- lini's biography is in Italian' Chancellor Hitler of Germany and Joseph Stalin, Soviet dictator, oc- cupied five and four lines, respec- tively, Bayfield Checks Typhoid Spread Bayfield, Ont, Confidence that an outbreak of typhoid fever in Bayfield had been checked was expressed last nigh by Dr, 1. W. Shaw, of Clinton, who has attended all the four cases oc- curring • so far. Otte death has occurred, and three are ill with the disease, but are believed to be mak- ing satisfactory reeoverle Miss Marion Davison, whose fun- eral was held Saturday, had been visiting in London and Hamilton before she Wile taken ill, but the local health authorities are inclined to blame water and milk contamin ation here, Water used at ova milk scource front which all se fat at- tacked by the disease, had obtained milk Me found to be impure. 1t was 'believed that the milk had be- came contaminated from the water used in washing utensils. The use or milk from the place ryas stopped, water in the vicinity was ordered boiled, and other usual precautions taken, 4iNi!N•IMK4,4"N41.4 ..KN1M1rl1,11N WEDDING ......+w.••• N I C,H O LS ON—SCOTT A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the manse, 05-011110011 on Saturday, Dec, 4th, when Rev. Williams, united in marriage Ethel Myrtle Seale, youngest daughter of the late P, C. and Mrs. Scutt, Moles- worth to Joseph Thomas Nicholson, Ethel, The bride wore an anile length gown of continental blue movie tattette, made on Priltcese lines and a. pearl necklace, the gift of the groom, Following ;the ceremony the happy couple 1..ft on a short motor trip, spending some time at Petrol - in and 13eihwell. Por 1ravelliMg, the 11tk1e chose a rust crepe dress, blue velvet hat, bine coat with pllutihum wolf collar and matching accessories. Mr, and Mrs, NIchoieon will roe side In Ethel. Letter To The Editor The .Editor, "The Post" Dear Sir: Voicing the feelings of a good ninny who were heard to express their opinion may 1 say ]tow delight. ed many of us were with the school concert put on last Friday eveulug, All the tray through the clriidcca appeared to have been well trained and very happy in the presentation et their program, Will the teachers kindly accent this short letter as an expression of our appreciation? Thanking you, Yours sincerely, "0 resident of Brussels," By Special Request It is not often these days that a minister is asked to repeat a ser- mon he has preached, but the Rev, J. Graham has been asked to repeat the sermon lie preached on St. John chapter 6 and verse 9, "There is a lad here, who has five barley loaves and two small fishes, but what are they among so many," and will do so Sunday morning next. All members of the congregutiou are asked to be present, BELGRAVE Knox United Church W. M. S. The November and, December meetings of the W.M.S. of Knox United Church, The November meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Geddes, with a good attendance. Mrs. R. Chimney, Pres., presided, The de- votional period was carried on in usual manner, lifts, J. Miller gave a very intereating paper on 1st ball of the lst Chapter of the Study Book. 'A new Church faces a new world,' During business period Mrs. Vin- cent gave an interesting and full report of the Sectional meeting held at Brussels. At the close of the meeting a bale was packed for the West, valued at 9100.00 The last meeting for 1937 was held on Dec, 1st in the church, 31 ladies present, Mrs, Chamney pres- iding, 'Mrs, R. Nlicholson gave a splendid paper on the and part of Chapter 1, of the Study Book, Election of ofacers was part of he business period, Mrs, I3. Wheeler was elected president; MYIrs, Norman Keating, Mission Band leader, other officers re-elected Mrs Mackie, Baby Band leader had a special pant at this meeting, 2 babies were presented with "Life Member- ship certificates' Dona May Ander- son and. George Abraham Procter, Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Chamney, Davidson Is Re -Elected As Reeve of Wingham Reeve For Past Four Terms Defeats T. R. Sennett By Majority of 124 ....Votes; Harley Crawford Heads Council .Poll; Election Was Quiet. est in Years Wingbaan, Dec, 7—Wingham yes- terday witnessed one at the qu:etr'st election days for some years despite the fact good weather conditions prevailed. In the race for peeve Fred L. Davidson was viotor over has only ofPouent, T. R, Bennett, by a majority or 124 votes, thus assure lug Mr. Davidson his fifth terns in this capacity_ The election for councillors was .closely contested as shown by the number of votes cast in favor of each candidate, Her - ley 'Crawford, beading the poll, was victorious over his closest oppon- ent, R. H. Lloyd by a majority of 41 votes,' h. The only change in the cutn- cii was that of Joseph Evans, re- placing H, T, Thomson who has served in 'Ole council for the past two years, Those eleoted as coun- cillors were, I3. Crawford, 2. Evans, R. le. Hetherington, 13, H, Lloyd, W. Vanwyck and L+' Wilkinson, The de- feated candidates were le, B:own and H. T. Thomson, The total num- ber of votes polled today was 2,577, Mayor W. J. Hanna was. re-elected by accinmtation. Hultett Results James Leiper was elected reeve of Hallett Township yesterday, defeat- ing Mathew Armstrong by 90 votes, The vote for Leiper was 312 and Tor Avunetrong 272, 'Herbert Mekli ige "reeve last year, did not contest the office, ,Couircilors elected were,. ,john Ferguson, 416; Tlutnirbrey Snell. 389; Ina Rapson, 323 and thee! Peeled:I, 324, Tho defeated candi- date ''vas John ,130,5', With 225 votes. Ferguson and Snell are new men in political life. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early' 1 G 'till "ZB3m7 ' Inas lioni l"I Have Your Eyee Thoroughly .Examined At l;etd'e Reid*s Glasses really give the comfort and satisfaction that you anticipate when you have new glasses. You can depend upon the safe, scientific examination which shows definitely when glasses are regulred, REID'S GUARANTEE SATISFACTION AT A MODERATE COST. Strat R A cid ford's Leading Optometrist • • For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment To Whom It May Concern I wish to announce to those who have confronted my fellow mem- bers in council concerning a haspital bill paid by t'he township for Alvin Armstrong to the remount of 343,50 for which I myself was responsible. I beg to deform you that there well be no need for lnrther coni Inents as I have received the above amount in full. Faithfully yours, L, E. Cardiff. Municipal Notice 1 Hereby Give Notice that the Nomination of a Reeve; Four Councillors; Three Public School Trustees and one member of the Hydro Electric Commission to serve the Municipality of the Village of Brussels, during the year of 1938 will be held in the, COUNCIL CHAMBER AT THE TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS at 7 o'clock p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1937 All Nominations to be in by 8 P.M. If demanded a Poll will be opened at the following places on MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1938 Sub -Division No, 1 Council Chamber, Brussels Sub. -Division No. 2 Public Library, Beussel's R. S. Warwick, Returning Officer, Brussels, Dec, 8th, 1937, f Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Read the Ads. mmayeiplizam Municipal Notice I 'Hereby Give Notice that the Nomination of a Reeve; Four Councillor to serve the Township of Morris during the year 1937 will be held at the TOWNSHIP HALL, MORRIS at twelve o'clock p.m. on MONDAY, DEC, 27th, 1937 If demanded a Poll will be opened in the following places on MONDAY, .LAN, 3rd, 1938 Polling Sub -Division. no. 1 At the School House S.S. no. 1 Polling Sub -Division no. 2 At. School House S,S, no, 9 Polling Sdb-Division no. 3 At School House S.S. no. 6 Polling Sub -Division no. 4 , At the Township Hall Polling Sub -Division. no. 5 Stone School House S,S, no. 7 Polling Sub -Division no. 6 At School House S.S. no, 10 Poll to be open from, 8 o'clock a.m. to 5 p.m. Alex MacEwen, Returning Officer, Bluevale, Dec. 8th, 1937. By the looks of things there'll -be no green Christmas this year... se WANTED Duck Feathers 40c Th; Goose Feathers, 50c We are in the market for— Poultry—Dressed or Live —Call for—. Mose Yolleck or J. Burnstyn Phone 52X COMM'. NITY AMERICA N HOTEL BARN BRUSSELS Sat, Dec. 11 HORSES CATTLE PIGS IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE ETC ETC Bring What You Have To Self Come and Buy What You Deed Sae Starts At h30 P.M. Thos. Bridwell Auctioneer, Clifford For information apply at Amleric tri Hotel Phone 26