The Brussels Post, 1937-12-8, Page 4widANpSfi�AX, j5100,, 8i11, 19.07 THE BRUSS'ELs POST Disposal osat Sate of Lands --1 neon Old Ways ofT oronto p Mold' 37�h �nnu�x Meeting �' NEWS IC" THE DISTRICT l 111 Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents is ! cold R. ( CANL QOK Th. W. M. 5, of 1Cno7t Preabyter- ,1a,n ehul'ch met at 'tyle manic on 'Thursday 4ailtern0on, with the Plexi - dent Mrs, W. A, \. 17.4..00 ing. The meeting opened with tele singing of a hymn, followed by Aire, I ETHEL The snowfall in the fore part et* The meeting closed with hymn the week Made good. sleighing !u a 71 and the B' nedietlun, after which short tilnt+, and seldom :sae nitre a lee lunch wee served and a .•1c1.ti been as many teams haulm; amds hear spent together, taxee as - been. neteeed during tri.. past week. even better things In the Yea: to Come, 121011 Cnited c1 »7c11 X, P, S. Men. BLUE VALE ,a Janet iiob1 erteen of I3t•u eeie actin was in charge of the •cud tit her home oil ebecutive. IFMrs, +• J. Iiuether tending its lrayer. The 4 night m g S ev spent the ei ,t Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, 3, Keys, Iia the absence et* the aeeratary Mae .1. Keys 1•eud the Infantile of the last meetlug, The roll call was answered witha verse newly elected ens is pyesicletrt, and He1Fit Ba•ett1131, secretary, There was an attend• ance of 21. Mrs, Geo, Beadier heti been lie. tressingly :aye :or several a .la+, lead n prin Pdeir ayer, e, Mrs. W, A. Williams Her many friends eseeee bee., % �le wialtand With t:ienus to Toronto, leMr, and Mrs, Robt, eVerwtek The topic "Our church Work in es for a speedy recovery. at* h`visited on u1.i1 Y with .lir. and Airs, the west" was given by airs. 13. Our local its ranchers e u} Sark Warwick, rd line, Scott. An imterestieg story was preparing their stock of fox P ,t:; t' Al r, Barry shell ha been in the given by Mrs, It, Campbell. APtei• ! asset toe market demand, 'ha, sick 1131 With Bronchitis and cold, a hymn was snug, Mrs, R. K, Mc- 1 The hope or the young people 1;,e hot1e lee will enol roe better Donald the Hon. Pres. led 111 prayer there would soon he skating wae vieel- again and the officers were then elected most realized when 0. fens days ago Alan} cols ratuiations to .lir. it'd for the new year. Dore fres,--ides. 11. K, McDonald Pres. --dire, W, A. Williams lot Vice --Mrs, D. lamellar 212 Vice 'firs H Keys See . --Mrs. M. Engel tate 1st lite', eliss Mo,91a .11iti11 at1 leas taker, a position in Ile. Mussel's store 11l Brussel3, 11r. Itaymund Elliott spr•llt the the river was frozen over, but the surface was rough and broke up in \Ir Chas, I3'reman over the a'rh•ai of a flue baby boy, a short time, lir, arid Mrs, Richard Johnston eat Eitel Gaited church last s.an and Mr. aani .L':<, Chas. Johnston i day in evening service the :+,tbe:':t acid ea visited on Monday :with their cu stressed was ,Missions, fore g11 art'1 usins Mr, and Airs. Rube Hon- As Entire County Reprented t The Can On account of t ser QUs , \ Concession (ultra lieer(tary Fleetly 'wee uo4((;eu to stay at haste 'for the evening, emelt :against 111s will. T11e 38th alulUai At -Horne of 010 Unroll Old Boys' Absteentem will be • held 111 the Alm:mire Ball, Gunge. nod Davenport head, on Wednesday ev ening, January 18, 193$, and it•e el to every lluruutee to turn out and 1' boost it, le is reported that Andrew MI. a Former Residents of Huron, Now Living In Toronto, Prepare Full Program For Coming Year, SEAFORTH OLD BOY' IS NEW PRESIDENT The 37th alantin meeting or theIiurou Gel Boys' Association 0t To- ronto was held in the West End Y- M. G. A. on Thursday evening last, the 251h alias,, with tits pres.deet. l Haran and Lack Kennedy, boat are arranging far a Mr. W. A. Buchanan, In the chair, ellutealtes, and a good attendance of mmembersi half -mile foot thee at the ueet representing every section of the old 1 annual picnic. county. The rul/o1't of the seers- ,Mr II. AM, Juekeoe, Seaeertlt, 16 a tary and treasurer showed the as- new vice-president ,He is a sou sociation to he iu a prosperous con- of the lute George Jackson, general Weidamerchant of Eginondville, and ColeThe games of euchre and bridge seraauau cunaidate ioi South alums were indulged in the remainder of in thio, H. ll, is a chip off the cid the evening, after which a dainty block.Mulch was served and everybodY went home happy. The following are the officers elected for the year: Honorary pees - Moving pictures of Gotlerich Old idents, Icon, 3, A, Gardiner, 'P A. Home Week, which had been taken Russell, J. A. McLaren, A, C, Mc - by Fred Brophey, at* Cleveland, Vicar, L. J. B, Unncau; hou0rury were shown during the evening and vice -Presidents. Mrs, H, J. Hodgins, ae a fine record of some of the Old Airs. 13 ll .II, eCreath, Mrs, aurin dome Week festivities, o - Moon, Mrs, Geo, le, Ferguson, Airs. G. Evans Dome, presented by the pastor I;vv, Davidson at llunganou, tures are remarkably clear, Th&10W13113plcD. D. Wilson, MIS. L, M. Pringle, Trees Press Sec.--131rs. J. Fischer H. Snell, There was an env, m,:-, Supply Sec.—Mrs. H. Hunter ing response given to the app. el. Borne Heber Sec. --Mrs. H. 1 Practices and preparations ere Cameron under way for the program ti he Glad Tidings Sec.—Mrs, J. Keys Presented Friday. Dec. 17 a L h:1 Or_ auiet—Mrs. C. Olmstead United Church under the an-4ir tie The meeting closed by Mrs, H, of the Sunday School, The eelead K, -y., repeating the Benediction, j treat will be presented farm a After a so('dal Dour the 1lustese decorated tree, no other 1)T913 -''en 'r ; served a dainty lunch. The auxhl- gifts will be given out on the 1.1113' Mary are Invited to held their Janu- ary meeting at the home of Mrs, G, Emile 1Irs. Cecil Robinson was taken to Listowel hospital last Wednesday 1 tentainment to be l .van 'rhure'lay where she had an operation for ap_ , Der, 16 1g' 341sh l:ala Hattcul4' pendieitis. Her many friends are school, No. 6, Grey. very glad to hear that* she is malt- Ethel W. I. are appreciative cf the ing a rapid recovery, big attendenee in Grey Twp ha1!, Mr, WilliamsaldeYa R of Knox Wednesday night of last week in College, Toronto, was home over support of the organization, The the week -end and took charge of morning and evening services In Brussels Presbyterfau church on .Sunday. The 0hris'tanee entertainment under the auspices of the Sabbath school will be held on Wed'iesday evening, Dec, 22, sign, Come and share in the ,•nJr,e- ment of this etertainnlont 1Y2r. Anderton, musical instructor of the school, is sponsoring the e14. WALTON "The W. A. of St, George's canted Staid a social at home of Mr, and Mrs. 0, Pollard, with a .good crowd in attendance. The trst part of Ole evening was spent in playing court whist, the prizes being won by Miss Proctor and Bert Anderson and the eousOlation prizes by Miss Anne Craig and Harry Bolger. A shoat but delightful Program was given consdating of community sing- ing, the ladies against the men, la wb0ch everybody joined with much enthusdasm; guitar selections, Mhos es Mary Humphries and Beth Shan- non; a dialogue eutetled 4'.eaee pass the Cream.." given by Miss 3liarguarite Bolger and Mrs, ledger Hollinger; reading, Miss P.actor, organ solo, Mrs. Graham, duet, Mies - es Beth Shannon and Mary Hartph- ries, The program closed by com- munity singing, The most important pal's of the program followed when Mrs, Hum- phries -Introduced the twa largest: waist measures of the evening', Hiss Proctor and Hugh .Shannon. As Air, Graham called the names of those present they all came forward with +a laugh ,to be measured which resulted in a goodly sum . being realized. The evening closed by the hostess serving a dainty lunch. The St, J'ohn's W.A., Brussels and St, Beorge's W. A., Walton, ins: weak shipped a hale o clothing etc„ to the West, it weighed 83 lbs. and (30ntaiued a 13 -sat number or new articles. Mr, Sletler of Waterloo, spent last -week visiting friends; Mr, Hyde, Ma•s. Lena Mc(2avin, Jack, Leona. ,and Wilmot McGavin of Kitchener. vtsitied Mr, and Mrs, William elc.- Gavin; Mrs. Hoarie and daug!ttee, Nkildred and Ruth, E, Brown and A, Brindley of Iiiedelberg with Mr, and Mins, Chas, Sellers, Ant the morning service at Duffs v -United 'hue h Church, , Re . Mr. Cumming took for Ills theme the "131131e" and preached an iwter'e,rting st!rtnuu, lie raid the Bible With a Yet or,l of 1114tn'( experience of (3.4. Mir, nd and Mrs, II, Cousins of (1•-,f ton visited Mr, and Mrs, 1'', D. Rut- ledge; Mrs Fred Rutledge: is srreending a few days In Toxemia VIs• • itIng relatives. thanks of that audience, In turd are due the meubers of t'ne total group. for the opportunity of being so pleasantly entertained. The annual meeting of the Yonne Women's . Auxiliary et the Presby- terian resbytertan church was held at the home of Miss Eluned Williams. The meeting openedwith hymn no. 729 followed by the Lord's Prayer- in Unison. Tile Scripture reeding was read by Mudiel Hackwell and the Current Events by Viola Turn- bull, The minutes of the last m`jet- ing were read and the roil call talk- R en, Mrs, L, Sinclair read a rep•,rr EY of the year's work. Hymn no. lee Miss Velma Wheeler who Is in - was sung followed by a reading by s34110(ing the pupiis in must: at Doris Ounningham. The topic was ' Shine's and Smith's choel Image is read by Ruth Dunbar and the -meet , busily engaged pre/rating Christ Mg closed with hymn no, 170, The Youltg people's meeting in Knox 1're(i1}•thrash Church on Fri- day eV'•ulug was in charge of the pr(: mento Jark McTavish. Miss 1( Jean AieBnrhey reap the Scripture le... -0g' and 31):,s Alva Mowbray of. 1 fared prayer, During the busltress period it was deeidetl to forward the five cents Per member '(u'lc'er 1 tion to the Presbyterial treasurer. Mrs. 3, R, Craig gave a blackboard talk and ronducteti a class in Mid.- sionaly Ili.tory, SI flaying the 11;111 and Jhalisi fields in India Mane aria in North China, K4, 3ans in J.oxin 1"o:mo.a, Garish Guinea and the foreteller la Canada„ The nteetieg proved to be meet instructive and full ut int -lest, Rev. .1 R. Greig, pastor of Knee: I're beeerian Church, continued his series of sermons on the Westtniu- ster Cunfes lou of Faith at the regular service on Sunday mereilie. taking ae lis subject "God's Eremite Decree or the Doctrine to Predeatl- nation,' The Sunday school will have their annual Christmas social ' we• Hing_ in the school -room on Deeem- b,-; 16, The members of the Sunday schaoi of the United teuui'eh are pre - Paring a program to be presented on Christmas Eve, Dee. 24. { mos ntu ), and an evening ,•1,tCr- For the coming year the following ll tainnit(1 will he held s1ortly, officers were elected: Preselent, What about in 11 -rtiuu In Grey. Miss Elizabeth Fear; let ulce.preel.? adjoining toW114hips are in general dent, Viola, Turnbull; and Vice -presto- having their members re -installed dent, Della Melnnes; Secretary,} by aoclaniatiou, Rath Dunbar: Treasurer, Mrr, L. , Air. and Mrs, Wright, East Waste - Sinclair; Flower Fund Treasurer,! nosh who have purchased the farm Bette Dunbar; Pianist, Estelle Cua-- of Arehte Griffith 4th con„ have ningham: Assistant Pianist, Olivemoved he10 read are getting alee17 a large section of the Parade and many groups of prominent citizens and officials of the town, 3layor MacEwan, G. le, Parsons, Council. lors Humber and Baker, Prtncinal Stonehouse and many others are among' those much In evidence- Mies 1 Sharman, of the Central Senlcae and the pictures of the groups on school grounds are exceptionally good. President Walker Buchanan, J. A. -McLaren, Itev. le, 0, AMcDer• mid. 13. H. McCreath and many others of the Huron Old Boys' As- sociation of Toronto are also much in evidence in the pictures. Among those present were the fol.' lowing: Air, and Mrs, W. A. Mellen - an, Dr and Airs. G. F. Belden, Ur. and Mrs. B. II, ,licCreath, 13r. and -firs, H. J. Hodgins, Mr, and Mrs. Jno, 310o11, Mr, and ales. L. M. Pringle, Mr. J. A. McLaren, Reh, R. C MlDermid, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Ii, Noble, Mr. Lark Kennedy, Mr. anti Mrs, Guy, Dr. and Mrs. Byron Campbell, Air, 11, I, Morrish, 37.4. and Mrs, H. B. Stowe, Mrs, W. A. Campbell, 3Ir, It, C, Stanbury, Mr. It, Leiper, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. San• demon, Mr, H. G. Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs, W. D. Spriuks, Miss E. Hamilton, Mrs. S. L. Scott, Miss M. Proctor, Mrs, D. Thompson, Wes le, Paterson, :Miss Fleming, Mr, and .1Mrs. 3I, Scarlett, Mr, and M!•s, J. F. Gillespie, Mr, and Mrs, er C. Sloan Mr, and Mrs, Ii, Brooks, Mr. H, .11. Jackson, Mr. R. S, Sheppard, Mrs. L. SPeare, Airs, Geo, Hartley, Mese Pearl Hussey, Mrs, Hic1•son, Miss Jean Miller, Mr. 3, M. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Smith. the Misses 31cLa•1g111in, Mr, A. McCar- va, and many others. Hacks+ell, A, ti - (•1('4' of 1:1? me:eting larch } was served. United Church W M. S, The Annual Yea ea of the: \1' NI, S. of :14» United cher h veto heal o11 Thursday •,.ftenloon, Dec, 2nd. at the home of Mrr., Snell. The press. dent presided and 23 attended, After the opening hymen No. 51,, Rev, 3Ir, Sneli offered prayer. The Scripture Lesson Psalm 75 was read by 'Mrs, Q. Dobson, The minutes were read and ap,lruved and the Roll Call answered with a helpful 'thought. After the bust, nese period, hymn 50 was sung, Mr, Snell delivered a spl•x'dl4 Christmas Message 'The Quest thr the King," taking as his text Math. 2-2, 'Where is 1 -Io that Is born King of the Jews, for we have seen His star in the Nast, and are caro, to worship Him?' The election of officers then tools place in ('Mune of Mr, Snell The following are the ofiteers for 13335: Pre- dent--•;FTrw, Wm, Bremner ,1st Vice -Pres, --Mrs, 11. Spelran 2nr1 V100-Pres,--alfiss E, Pearson 3rd Vice-Pres.—Mrs, C n . D obs s Q. it Reveling Se4'y.--Mrs, Currie e (kg'1' r,Ap ending Sor•'y, --MrA. Anita Treasurer MrsC. Hensuld air Snell ;Pope a word of approve Olen to .t lh4 retiring exerntive, Are. Jas, Poe mon, 11144 141Iring pre0€(1"nt Voiced her thanks for the tie -opera- tion site rect+iverl eluting her period in gftlee, The new president, lira, Wm Bremner expressed her up - predation (unatii to and Status have 'predation for the honour conferred tnkan on that mlddie•winter look upon her and the hope that with the since Tuesday, help of ali We might go forward to settled. lilies Gertrude Payne, 5:7 14444-1, was a week -end visitor with her parents B. and Mrs, royue, znd cuts, Harold Campbell, eon of Campbell, Brussr-lee alto has en.11 working on the faun of Wilh Ca./tiff 71,11 enn„ during 111e past 511':31h11ar was taken ill with appendleit)s, he was taken to Llswlvel Hospital where a sneeessful operation was performed, the 7;atient is doing nicely, The many Grey township friends, among whom she lived nearly all 11er life, were sorry to hear that Mrs. L. (l, Spetrat, 13ln 'els, had not 1)4811 well and are hoping site will eosin improve. Lynn Evans, wile has been suf- fering from blood poleoniug 111 his hand is Improving, John Bray (uta family lend brother-in-law, Mr, Zeeman, were Sunday callers with friends on the 14th, Gordon Knight has hind (1 gang of men coning wood and unde'r.,ruch- ig on his new mon in lielatilep, Gordon 114 a hits"ler ((nd will soon snake c1 good farm, el . (pith (, u1 amber o rl , 1 a 11 1., ! 1 t C around het r' have whoopitg en1rgh and 1(113' they litre worrying in 119-1+ Santa gets It Willett would bit Mee ton bad! 3rs. August McFarlane, laua+wile has been visiting in Fullerton law3.ihie and other melee, returned h. me Iltis week. She reports having a splendid time, Mrs, (emit Robinson who wee rush - ted to Listowel hospital last Wednes- day suffering from appendicitis is doing nicely we are glad. to say, Notes Rev, R, 0, McDerinid and J, A. McLaren hooked up in their usual euchre game with the usual results'. These two should stick to fleeing. Dr, G. It, Belden, the new meei Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mrs, W, A, Buchanan; life members—Mrs, Wil- liam liam McCreath, Mrs, Joseph Back, Mrs. R, Holmes, 1331.x. W. Sander- son, Mrs. S. L. Scott, 321'e, Zimmer, Mrs, 3. licVittle, bars N. Fleetly, Rev, G, W. Hanna; Past President, Mr, W. A. Buchanan; Presideat, Dt•, G. F. Belden; Vice -Presidents, 31r, H. lM, Jackson, Dr. J. G. Ferguson, Mr, R, W. Brooks, 32r, A, Ms:Quar- rie, Mr. W. F. Cautelon, Mr, C. 1I. Chesney, Mr. T. Mustard, Dr, Byron Campbell, 3M1•, W. E, Hanna, Air A. G. Smith; Honorary Secretary, Ur, E. Floody; Secretary firs, R, S. Sheppard; Assistant Secre- tary, Attu Grace Sterling; Finan- cial Secretary, Mr. John Hoon; Treasurer, Dr. H. 3, Hodgins; Chap- lain, Rev. R. 0, 3McDermld; Audi- tors, H. I, Morrish, Geo, E, Fergu- son, 6 7 11 12 Goncesslan 10 10 12 11 W 11 9 10 12 12 10 11. 12 13 W lora 8 Except 127 9 10 oda Company offers the following Lands for Cash 'Sale Lot Number of Acres 40 .N? 30 W 34 38 39 N 1i4 3 2 I~ Ira S3 W 14 31 N 114 E la 31 S. Pt. 31 North Easthope Township Ellice Township Lot !10.. •Committees: Reception, Mrs G, F Belden, Mrs. W. ea Buchanan, Mrs, W, A. Campbell, Mrs. H, J. Bodgels, Mrs. Geo E. Ferguson, 11l'1 '',V. Proudfoot; Refreshmenr, lire. D. Thompson, Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mrs. H, B. Stowe, Mrs, W. A. Donor Pro- gram, Mr. S. M. Wickens, 31r, 'W. E. Hanna, 331. A. McQuarrie, MIs, S. Walker, Mrs, J. S. Ferguson; Pub- licity, Mr. A. G. Smith, Mr. E. Floody, Mr, B. H. McCreath; Visit- ing, Mrs. II, I. Brown; Management 12 • t,. k..,.-. , • • E?JZ 20 14 Rem. 10 Hullett Township Concession Lot 100 Peres. 0 aeree 75 1cres 103 acres 50 'acres 60 acres 50 43411 s 25 a0res 98 acres Number of Aeres 100 acres 50 acres 50 acres 100 acres 100 acres 100 acres 100 acres 100 acne 50 acres 94 acres 127 perches' 100 acres 100 acres 100 acres 50 acres 95 acres 145 perches 14 Rem. Pt, E, Ry. N 1/4 21 Rem. Pt, E. Ry. N 1/4 22 Pasture land to be sold as one McKillop Township Concession Lot 2 Rem, E 1/2 N 1/a 3 14 Rem. E 30N?z Rem, 13 14 Number of Acres 43 30/160 acres - 4 130/160 acres parcel Number of Acres 7 100 acres 8 45 acres 1 150 acres 2 371 acres 3 39 acres 1 145 acres 2 194 107/160 acres 194 581100 acres 4 194 acres 16534 acres ii _ 1,At1- i .. 5 Logan Township Lot .. 3a Concession Number of Acres 13 1 75 acres 2 100 acres Good pasture lot;- well and windmill. Cash offers will be received and considered for the above lands to 14111 December, 1937, If interested write for form or offer. Address: 23rd November, 1937 The Canada Company, Toronto, Canada. 371. Bay Street, Mr. and Mrs, G. R. Dane, 12r. and Mrs, D. W. Dune, Mr, and Mrs A. H Halliday, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Weir, Dr, and Mrs. S. 12. Richard- son; Baylleld—Mr. J. A, Cameron, Camnlditee, Dr. G. F, Belden, air, J, Chairman; Miss Grace Sterling. A. McLaren, W. A. Buchanan, R, Brucefield-Ktppen- 'Hl'. and Airs, T. Brooks, H. 3I. Jackson, T, Mustard, 1lustard, Mr. end Airs. P A, Petrie; R. S. Sheppard, John Moon, Dr. FI Exeter-31iss Sadie Walker, Chair. J. Hodgins, Rev, R. C, eleDermtd, 141. man; K, C, Stanbury, Miss Lulu Floody, H, I. Morrish, Cleo, E. Forgo- Kerr, Mr. and 3Irs, Laird Joynt, Air, son, Mrs. G. F, Belden, Miss Anne Grant Colltngwood, Mr. Hugh Crittenden, Mrs. D, Thump Creech, Mr, and Mrs. Gm'(1on Davis, son, airs. H. el, Stowe, Mr. Wilfred Turnbull, Mr. and MrS. Airs. L. 112. Pringle, Mr, W, Y., Geo, 1•], Beaver, Mr. and Mrs. P. 13, Hanna, Mrs Gro,,C. Young, hiss S, Dingman, Mr S. J. Hicks; Zurich -- Walker, tilts, L H. Brown, Dr, J, G, Dr, and Mrs. Byron Genii/bell. Ferguson, A. G. Smith, D. D, \Wilson, L, 12. Pringle; Convener of District Committees: Mr. A. G, Smith; Dist. dent, is formerly from Seaforth and Net Crnunittees: Goderfeh, It, H, latterly Centou, lie is a sargnon McCreath, Cilaheman; R, C. King, denel01 meth a large city practice, kir. and Mrs. Athol McQuarrie, Air, He Is a live wire and will intik,, a 1 Earl Elliott, Miss E. Curren, Miss Le first class officer, sad is fortunate in Beck, Mrs. II. J D. Cooke, ales \V having such a c1pab:c execute"e a:s ills, Belden to assert him Very many regrets were hearth on the sudden passing or Dr. R. 13. Stun, bury, past president, and 13 t01eld Old Boy, AMany old boys' attended the funeral, Including Rev, 1t, C. 1IcI)ernid, J, A. McLaren, E F'londy, Robe. Greer and le, W. Mc- Lean, A former Clinton Old Boy, James Jackson, youngest son of the late Thomas Jackson, passed away last week after a long and pailful ill. ness, lie had three sisters in this city, 3I11. (1)r,) Belden, Mrs U, Ranee atld Ml's, 'J, J, Allen, At the annual t,raduation cxer. cities of - he Ontario Hospital, Lake Shore Road, Miss Florence Blair, of Blyth won first prize and lip'onla for '•Principles' and Practices of Nursing," Much sympathy Was cxPress47. ser Pan President nt (', ,nr r Fineman! till t in • • Ft,Y serious Meese m,.i the hope that he tented mon be on the roar 1 to :meetly recovery, Dr J. (1. Fergu,,ol1, formerly of Sunshine, le one of tin, new vlee- presiden te, Mites Pelt/fie Patterson carried off the ladles' prize in -outlive, Mille lir, IJ. Stowe careered the g'len's prize. "Mike" Sanderson war, a 'surprise" visitor. Miss i,. Diameter), Meth Old Girl, Ivon first prize In the bridge contest, A, Dauer, Mr. Ernest M. Lee, Pres- ton Strang, J. J, Page, lir ,and Mrs: Geo, 1'. Young, 3L'. and Mrs, I -t, 73, Stowe, 311' Harold Walters, .lir, Ralph Shi :Dards kites Doris Mil, John Parsons, J. Lannan, Miss Ethel Farrow, Melville Cutl, Mr, and Mrs, 11. le. Worsen, A2r, and Mrs, W. la, Henna, Mr. and Jird, Jim Hunger; Seef,lrtll--Dr, Ii. 3, Hod- gins, Chairman; Mrs, Hodgins Mr, and Mrs. D. D, \Nilson, 11, 3M, Jnc1t- son, 131r, and (Firs. Geo. Love, Mr. and Mrs A. 1e, Forbes, Mr, and Airs, G, M, Chesney, Mr, and Mrs, W, Jones; VFing)]ain—al t', R. Brooks, Chairman; Mrs, Brooks, 311•, and Mg's, ,1, Ie. Gillespie, Mr, and Mr's, A. A. lelester, Mr, and :firs, A C. ('hapala», lir and Mrs. W. H. Pear. eon, Mr, and Urs, Ilugh Hamilton, Miss Fanny Patterson, Ur, and Mrs, D, R1(3439tson, lir, and Mrs, lei', 3. Kerr, Air, and Mrs. J. Ii, lleitae; Brussels -4!4, 1., M. Pringle, Chair- man; , n 3 Mae Pringle, tit ( 1. g bar, end lire (e ' Goo, "11 w 1om,. nn l Mr. and Urs, 3i. Scarlets 131r. and Urs. Roy A. Pr nor Y Mims Eva 3lryaus, Mr, and Mee. 1 George Ferguson, Dr. 1uu1 \Ire. J. (1, Moamar/1, 91 r, a11(1 lire, It, 1, 1'ergu:rvn; my: la—Mr. John Afsielt, t1 (Ihailm ata; Mrs. John Moon, Mr, and I Mrs, harry Meati, Mrs, 1, If. Brown, Mrs. W, Sloan, 1Mr, and 3Trg. Itnbt'r t Scott, Mr. and Mrs. TI. Morris, 3T1', W. L. Rowe ro , W xeter?(horsier•••k[r, Robert Other, Chairman; M18. Greer WROXETER Plea For News IS anyone has -- Died, Eloped, Married, Left town, Embezzled, ' Had a fire, Had a baby, Sold a farm, Been arrested, Co1118 to town, Broken a limb, Beught a home, Committed a murder, Fallen from an aeroplane, That'o new—Telephone 31, The annual bazaar of the Lathe3' Guild of St. Jaynes' church was held 0the schoolroom on Saturday end was a decided success, Praci:c'al1Y all'the amti oles were sold. Special features this year were Dome belt - Ing, candy and a cabbage patch which was a source Of amuseulent for old and young, A (111111 was doe noted to the guild and a lucky Ow for same Look place, Mrs. S, Griffith being the winner. The service 1n the United church oe Sunday evening was in charge of the Y,P,S, ''tie spectra spanker WAS the Rev, Alec Sanderson, a for- mer borne boy, now 10ca1(3(1 et Mount Forest, Oa Monday lie pre- sented tauter* slides 10 his recent trip to Bermuda and other Pohle, BLYTH The Guild of Trinity iaatl•cll sPn11sore0 a very successful biastnr and tea in Memorial 'Hail Thuooley evening, The menu, which 11101nd- ed corn beefand cabbage. via Mach 1 use- ful lll and cnjoYecl. Y beautiful ful articles were on display at :he bazaar. 'The proceeds amounted to $90, M1'. and Mrs, Wesley Stackhouse of 13ru<;gfle7d were guests a.f the home of Mr, and Mrs, R, W'lglttm!ut on Friday; Miss Doris Barr, who Is a nurse it 11'411ning at Wo0t1'tt0ek Hospital silent a few days a; her borne here. In a probation clues or eight student nurses Doris tools third place, BUILDING FOR BETTER HEALTH Each year at the Christmas season 7(0 r-,` telt -J to shnr,' our blessings .with ((4,4x47 3 iw 411,! lenx fortunate thou we are. Wt. are asked to help nuance the Prov- ince -wide light against tuberculosis. l31bereulusls is a germ disease. It may affect any organ of the hody, but parts most frequently attacked are the lungs, bones and glands. People. aro not Is not born with he germs (340 is i. 1nhsrlled. The some that cause it moat conn from some m who has the ttransmittedalnf0ctiom from cattle can be flesh11 to human beings In c'rk and, flesh of diseased animals. Therefore, unless milk 15 properly certlile4 as coming from healthy COWS, It should always be pasteurized. 'Pilo great allies of the germ aro overwork, strain, dissipation. Insufficient food and all those elements that lower one's resistance. Although the gei'nms are alt about us, If we load healthy lives we throw them oft and do not contract the disease. Children, however, aro more susceptible than grown-ups; therefore it is most important thee their health be especially proteettal. Recovery front tuberculosis is slow and its success depends upon an early discovery or tbo condition, and faithful adherence to all the rngIl1remtmts of the treatment. It cannot be cured by drags , or patent medicines. 5110 methods or treatment to -day, wh3(0 closely following those developed toward the end of the last century, rest, sunlight, fresh air, and proper food, under medical su1108' vision, have been augnI111t011 by surgery, all combining to help the body in its light against. the ravages of the germs. A strong resolution to get well Is a great 11011, also In staging a suocestlhal Matte, T his On driver keeps Ons careful , 0 v r The Y rt 1 Of or. ever calci n a n ahead o e g. the road la 11 stops. So. Whonthcd, we pause n n P Urn. should, we dense ugh,n loss sofweights over fatigue a on slight t exerroseof es! weights over generally on slight lROrtindition, (1 a gor sig y rim- own eaeo ton, all danger signals of this d1141,00 too often 11nlleeded. Don't be afraid to consult a physician. 1C will diagnose 1t* trouble, and l aro out Inst heart it your fears 'With tropes treatment there to Cirmnth herO is ovory hopo of recovery, P110 Muskoka and Toronto hosp�itals for Consumptives and the Queen Mary 1107111ta1 for Consumptive Children stand rosily to serve all who aro unll(mted, but In this they must have 1110 hells of many friends, Please will yen � aid this uto•saving Iw'301)0niti1y S�)iltaril((( contribution n 223 0o11eg0 Street, Toronto. - 413.041