HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-8, Page 2BRY$S - PQ ' ENT TL& ei "The Joy of LAT " By Rosemary Beryl SYNOPSIS Gloria Burke, ocreen•aetress, itt reseaed from drowning by a glad to whom ahs is determined to give hap. pinese if it 1s in ber power.. She takes Primrose Starke, the girl, back to her Motet to have break. fast with her and promisee her !hat 1f at any time there Is anything she can do for her Primrose has only to ask, After the death of Nir, Starke., Gloria gees to visit with. Pr}mroae, She playa truant from a Party In her honour and metas Lemuel Cart- wright, Primrose tells Gloria of the man with whom she was in love. Primrose asks Gloria to make the man fall In love with ber• ani then lough at him. that sbe may have revenge. Gloria says she will keep her promise to Primrose and then finch. that the man is Lem f'artwright, Lem and Genie fall deeply Its love but (1lnria keeps her premise to . Primrose and gives a party at whirls she announces her engagemtnt to an imaginary lover "Arthur Ada ;" of Singapore, % * * * CHAPTER IV. Aftermath relurnel lightly. "He went oat to pelted her to look him atralgbt le Singapore years ago, but we have the eyes. "You wanted to make a correaponfied ever since, Probably fool of me. did you? Well. you 1 shall go out there to him." very nearly succeeded,' She was speaking glibly, talking "1 wanted to snake a fool of in calf -Hes. you." The words forced themsely- She had several men-Irierirle reit 1 es pa.,' her dry lips. "I didn't pelieve you could do anything so rotten. Not you, Gloria. Any other woman might be a cheat, GlorIa," sold one of her frier K ae. but not you! I loved you batter cusluglY. than life and all the rime I thought "'Why abrupt I?'' she raisrel !zee Feu were returning my love," shoulders slightly. "I prefer to k's'p She was laughing loud, mirthless, rey real lova affairs private," hysterical laughter. His grip an There was enough emphasis en the You led me on," "real" to eau:-: Lee's cheeks to must admit th,rt.ImtYol let Inctyou tame. be - Primrose, watching him, was eon, ltev' you Carel." ,cions of triumph. He was as decent- : StiIl -troy laughed—lau; hed— fnrrable at this party ae elle had 1 laughed. been at that Halston pasty, seeteef Suddenly he threw her aside, and were looking at him, won Lr•i:' " strode to the door. Turning, he about him, Pitying him, ; :coked at her coldly, sternly. GIoria had done her work well, 1 er v:eht has killed every yes - Somebody pie t'°" 1 d acme s tige of love I ever felt for you. I tree:: to Gloria`s future happi; --. never want to see yen again, Lem 'finished res..“ Praireee ere: ' The doer hanged. He was poree stepped uie c the1,Ulr',11Y. laughter turned to wilder After Gloria's announcement. tot' I weeping, When dawn cams she no re'.won at all, the party seemed was lying among the cushions, dia- to go fiat. I bevelled, exhausted, ?never again Even the high spirits of :he hos- would =he he the saute Gicria teas were flagging, and by meleigllt t Burke, than vivid, vital girl wbo the guests had made up their minds had drawn all to her by her meg- la Singapore, but the name Al tsar Ada= was a figment of bot' b a'tt. "You've never mentioned Irina to depart and go somewhere el e. netle personality. There silence or the room was • Something had died in Gloria that Glor:a stood in the little hallway' night—her intense love of life the shattered by the sound of a falling glass. It had dropped from the nerveless grasp of Lem Cartwright, Gloria could not school herself to meet his eyes. She merely smiled and shrugged her shoulders and turned to those nearest 4.0 her. bidding everybody good night. Primrose hugged her with excite- ment, "Oh, Giotto, you were magnifi- cent!" she whispered. "I've never seen a man so taken aback, To- night has wiped out all old scoot?" "Well—dont I get a few congratu- "Yes," said Gloria bitterly, "To - lotions?" night I bave paid my debt to you. "But, Gloria, dear!" gasped a Primrose.". Gluria'a heart, but sbe forced her - Self to .Mile. "1'm very glad, dear, And now, Prbtrase, you must let .Hortense and me take you in hand," "Take me In hand':" Primrose baked Puzzle, "Yes, tonight you must be 010- edella fu all iter glory." Bour's at a beauty parlour --hours at a bair,4resser's—hours with a maeseue0, a manicurist, and a dressmaker. When evening came Prifnroso was transformed. She looked beautiful. "What a fool I am," thought Gloria, as she gazed critically al the radlaut girl before her, "Here 1 am sending her straight into hie arms, Of course it will be a case of love On the rebound, but I owe her so much —so much." Yet to the weeks t1101 followe. Gloria began to wonder if Ilte were so wonderful es she had iniugined, Life by Itself. Life without love. Why. there was nothing fa 11. Ir was empty. futile, wasteful, She might se well have let tbe gt'een wave close over her head. She was beginning to hate Prtmrese tot' having given back this usole.:s !1}it. Thou she k'ie-w It was wick-,! think like that, knew she must0111 an effort and get through the lays somehow. Wolk took up a ereat deal of her time, She went duwn to the :•4..1 d led every day where a picture was eying made, and already there was t lk of a new Lansdale revue in *hies aha would star. A 1' w months ago she would have been thrilled at either of these evru- boring? Or leave a girl out who realities, but a:,tv ,i1>e did ., .:,, sprang to lopu::•r:ty 7o quickly joy of life, Primrose came to see her during the morning. She hardly noticed the Pale face, the violet shadows under eyes that seemed drained of their usual colour. 'She was too full of her own exalt. ing news. "Just think, Gloria," sbe chanted, her hands 'clasping and unclasping, girl, and then faltered. Her gaze The guests were gone, "He has rung me up—Lem, I mean. unconsc}ouely went towards Leta. She turned bark tato the room, a He wants me to dine with him to "Gloria, who is Arthur Adams?" ghost of her former self. Then night a: The Rainbow. He's going asked somebody else. "Never be gave a start. to take me out dancing afterwards." heard of him." Lem stood facing ber. "An old friend of mine," Merle, "So!" He gripped her hauls, tom- Eaoh word was a separate stab in Canadian Pacific Extend, Air -Conditioned Service The Canadian Pacific Railway Angus Shope at Montreal are humming with activity these days as the Company continues its comprehensive programme of air- conditioning. In the current year, air-conditioning equipment will be added to 136 cars, Including standard elections, dining oars, tourist sleepers, parlor cars, and day coaches, and these, In addi- tion to the 130 Cara air-conditinn- ed in 1936, will permit a. very oonsiderahlo extensd0n of air-eon- ilitianod .services throughout the Dominion. f Provision is made by the 107 programme to provide air -eon- dittoed dining ears on alt trains carrying alt-candttloned ,steep's Or parlor carp, I MsidO additional sleeping and parlor cars for use on trains between Montreal and Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa, Toronto and Ottawa, and trains 3D and 40 between Montreal and Saint John, N.B. Ale -condition- ing of tourist cars for 000 on the transcontinental trains between Vuacnuver and Montreal sad Tor- onto to anew and Interesting fea- turn of the 1037 programme. Thin will (applement hunt year's eer- vtoce width allowed air -condition - re Mender(' sleepers, compart- ment -lounge, bedroomandpallor cars to be used on traasoontlnon- tal trains between Montreal, Tor- ronto, and Vannouver; the Mont- real, Toronto, Hamilton, Chicago services; and the night trains be- tweeA Montreal caul Boston, Air- conditioned sleepers and lounge cars were also Provided for the "Afouatalnecr" service between Chlaago, St. Paul, and Vancouver. Some idea of the work 1onnect- ed with air-cendiiieni:tg is given by the pictures above. ('ars are stripped, as in tr,wer right, and ie:misled to keep out heat, cold, and dust. The pictures at the left show seen of the material being placed in the cars. Tho satiated/on written all over the face or the 701: 1)0 lady, in "Lower 5," expresses the public's foelinga toward this now typo of control- led comfort. In the centre ie a close-up of the control equipment, by which, as the arrows indicate, the individual can regulate the volume and direction of the flow of sire 01 COUGH$, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WiND gave met their .easter in 75V,• -,-made by the mak, erg of Buckley's Mixture, Stockmen, poultry breed, ere, etc„ who have used ZRV pay it is poaltively "sure fun" relief for all respiratory diseases in hones, rattle, sheep, pigs, , poultry and dogs. It is amexine hew cyaees6eln results5, e guarantee stub - bora 10 de in a day or two .what it took old, fashioned remedies a month to do, Pet she 09*. Stock she $1,00. Oet ZEV at H. B. ALLEN Her lip curled scornfully. "There was a time when yea were not too'busy to take me out to luneb," "I know, my dear, but that was— last summer," His eyes' narrowed !!! and he looked at her keenly, "What's this nonsense to the paper?" asked Gloria bluntly. "What nonsense "00, don't hedge! You knew exactly what 1 mean, The news that I ant out of your next revue." She looked at him sharply. 'Well?' He eprearl out his hands', "My dear. haw could 1 help It ate;* the recepliou? You slid your bit, I'0 adroit, hut everyone was yawn. ing. When Dolly carne om--- "Yes " Glorb' spoke impatiently. "She took eye,ybody by storm. Two encores, and they would have had her on again if there had been time." "Well?" She looked at him de. fiantly. "Weil, do you think I am su^.h a fool as to star a girl who is round to care, { You've gone downhill lately there Down at the studios they were 1 isn't an ounce of spirit in your Meowing some 'rushes' of her day's dancing or your ;1fce," "Oh!" She n caned and covered her face in her heads. "I believe you're right, Joe." "You must snap out of 0 unless you want to he lift behind—and for gotten," was his t deice. She trailed wearilY out of hie of floe. Snap out of it, Oh, but she work, Behind her, In the darkness she heard the annoyed exclamation of ber director, Afterwards he asked her to come re his office. • "This won't do, Miss Burke;" he said, seriously. "It is impossible to use any of those scenes. You are couldn't! not doing your best—not even try- i While she had this dull paha in ing. I hate to break a cent 'act, her heart life held no meaning to but—" He spread out bis hands i her at all. in a meaning gesture. 1 She lunched alone in ber tav0ur- GlorIa rose with dignity, I ite restaurant, a dejected figure in a "If you think I am not suitable for corner. Over the way was a lively the part, say so. I will give it up table, at the head of which sat el at once," laughing girl who looked as though She expected him to expostulate who 10337. she 'Were in love '>vite lite, So hail Gloria Burke looked six menthe ago. Soon came the reallsatlon that her so-called 1r10nd9 were dropping uer. Fame and fortune had brought llor an =madly long train of Minn, but now both were IlOpart ing the admirers wore no more. She Vas asked Out to a few parties but finding she did not join In the reckless mood of them, she was asked no 'mere, over Before the wint01 was Gloria Burke was "forgotten" except by 'Peter, He took her to account over it. „It's, your own fault, The ball was et your feet, you should have been in the first make by now—and kept there. It's that apathetic outlook of yours that is killing your chanes., "I know, Peter." She smiled wist- fully. "3301 can't help it. Life holds nothing for me now" "A love affair?" he asked, grimly, "Somehow I never did quite tileve in that Arthur Adams episode, but 1 thought you were very keen on Cartwright," "Please, Peter—`' She held out her hand to check him. "What's happened to the fellow?' j "I—I don't know.' But she ]clic:' what must :rave happened. Primrose had gone to him from her hands --'Primrose looking beauti- ful for (be first time in her het— i Primrose, waiting to catch his heatt on the rebound, to make frim feel that the first love is the best after all. ,lo try to soothe her down, but to her her amazement he jumped at her resignation. To put it in plain words, site, • Gloria Burke, the film -sear, had been fired. For an hour or so she was }ndi Want, and then the "don't Dare" mood came un her again, WTlet was the use of being a famous star, with half the word in love with you, when you 01117 tenni- ed I.r•111••-44•m--Lein! Lansdale was 1taging a cabaret show for a 1rete'y ;tethering at a due11) s's hrn'-. Glrr}a w:•nt to cin Iter "t't ' b,rt, 1ho• aphis', that greets.. -d her 1111011 rune fe•11 on ries( ears. She red tial wan'. tial.1, people to watch her rind lis`: a to Iher. She tvautea L•:111-1.,•ni-- Lo Itsut!!f.irrartid1,'; .1i<, .g0110 h,•, s.onr. *0.111. 131(91)) 11e1• (111)111,, Th.;• .•t), pistils at the ,rirl i'r'is not 11.1;t"). 11!!, 11!ar"ir,, oval she received do encore, "1111t 1 don't cart.." she Vold her r13-'ontNut ed Gee in the mirror. '1 don't rare about anybody.' A girl followed her with a short Song -and -dance turn a little lire. wire of a brunette with la mei ing eyes and a mlat•1lievoUs an111e, a girl whose sager feet were nli eadY set on the first rung of the rudder that leads to success. Even in the dressing -room Gloria could Hear that the new little deecer bad taken one--two—encores, "But I don't care!" Gloria raced her reflection, "I'ni 8011 Blorlu Burke—in spite or everything," A few weeks later she road Ill her morning paper that Lansdale bad concluded the preparations for 1115 0015 revue, "Contrary to el! exlpectaltons," ran the paragraph, "Gloria Burke will not be taking her usual place in the company. The leading lady this season is a newcomer." Scarlet with intlignat!lon, Gloria Jumped out of bed add threw en her clothes. Ther' must be some mistake, Perhaps the paper had got the wrong information Why, Lansdale couldn't put on a revue without her, It would be impossible. The Pub- lic clamoured for her, They would not be coetent with thaw new girl, Film found Lansdale In his office, busy at a (leek full of 01211ers, "That you, Gloria? Well, I'll give you a minute, bet eerie spare much longer. I'm up to my eyes in work," (To Be Continued,) Plea For News / If anyone has— Eloped, Married, Left town, Embezzled, Had a Pre, Had a baby, Sold a farms, Been arrested, Come to town, Broken a. limb, Nought a home, Committed a murder, Fallen from aa aeroplane, That's new—Telephone 31. Cl-ieSNAPSLlOT GUI L Make a Christmas Picture Book love, lee ':K iJtTi Let pictures tell the story. Bedtime on Christmas Eve is as impor- tant to the story as discoveries at the tree next morning. Amateur flood or flash tamps and supersensitive film put the pictures on a snapshot basis. LANNING our Christmas pictures fireplace, will give a proper firelight is very much like Planning our effect. Christmas shopping. Far in advance Then, there should be a pajama wo resolve to do it (early. Day after picture with the parents admonish. day the resolve to do It early. And ing the children to go, to bed and be then all of a sudden tbe time is up, good and stay there. There should we can't do it early --and we don't be a picture of the children asleep do It well. —they seldom are on Christmas Eve So, here's sound advice. Do it but they ran at least close their eyes Howl Get yourself pencil and paper and pretend. and work out a Christmas scenarto, Next morning, a picture of them a series of pictures that will toil the peeping down the stairway. Joyous whole Christmas story and give snaps as the new toys are discov- materinlfor the pictorial Christmas ered, A snap of father trying to put boost you have always wanted to Junior's new train together --or of make. Junior struggling for a chance to Then, first thing tomorrow, lay In play with it himself. Snaps of the a proper supply of supersensitive Christmas dinner, the 'afternoon film and 51(151eur flood or flash nap, the new sled getting a tryout .. . bulbs, so they will be ready to hand There is material bore for a whole when Christmas comes. album, a book for the years. Don't skimp in planning your pie- Watch your exposures, for these Lure series. Remember, St's an aces- are pictures you do not want.to miss. sten that cornea only once In a year Inexpensive reflcotore help incre050 and even it the children are still and ()petrol the light. With a box young, they are growing up rapidly camera at its largest lens opening, as far as Chrlettna5 is concerned. you can take snapsllots lasing neer. You will want at least one Mature sensitive film and two big No. 2 —Perhaps several—of deoorattng flood bulbs in cardboard rellectons, the Christmas tree. If you nae a three and four feetfran>•theaubject. self -timer, the whole family can For the Christmas tree, which is appear in One picture, Another dark, use three bulbs, or more if it "must" will deal with hanging up is a largo tree and the lights have thio Cllrlst111as stocking% 01110r pie- to ho farther been from it. Aatl tures can be related to theso-for where 5055ih10, try to arrangers bal. example, 111e children peeping up anted lighting, without harsh black the rhimuiy to matte sure it Is big shadows, for 'these especially injure enough for Santa's entrance. A flood a child picture. bulb, tucked away in a corner of rho 165 John van Gttilder. FREE: BOO "I1ow to Become a Hockey Star" by that groat authority T. P. 'Tommy" Gornat Book prousely ll us ttrated and containing many vthealuableof tips,GREAT onPI,AYEhowRtoS play aI5o AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES game (mo,nr acrd pmi te) Group Dflintecra bfaroons", Grow I.Cf Caiures oa or f5J 0,isat feturw op aidyDave'''e4ider Johnny Ctngnon aortia Cain ]3l0uoe'lilineo "Baha"Silbert Paul r3oBurryet Marty 10 RobinsontWalter Stowell JoDraptellia y Cue Maker George Menthe 71% 111100115r Dano 2(orr Too 13lako "Hine ,Cluecy or any of the moat �v enbinrnt planers on Me" Afaround" or' Lea Conadiens" dubs } Your choice of the above • For a label from a tiff of "CROWN BRAND" or "LILY Won the he back yoTE" Corn ur n nto and address and the words 'Woe - key Book" or the name of the picture you want (one book el). Mali label toe oaddress below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The0ANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited TORONTO ommiesimm ELMER D. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc' Phone 50X - Brussels, Out. HAROLD W. LOVE General Insurance Agent Ethel, Ont. — Phone 22-& JAMES TAYLOR License Auctioneer for tie County of Huron. Sales attended to in ar parts of the country, Satisfartla, Guaranteed or no pay. Orders let, at The Post promptly attended so. Bolgrave Pose Office. PHONES: Brussels 14.9. DANCEY & BOLSBY BARRISTERS, sDLICI'DORS, ETC. L. E. Dancey, K.C. & P. J. Boleby Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 54X James McFadzean HowIek Mutual Flre Insurance —Also-,- —Hartford W4ndatorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile Insurance 'Phone 42. Sox 1, Turnberry tic Brussels, Ontario WILLIAM 1 SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyancer and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario .important Notice Accounts, Notes, Judgements collected Our collecting deem anlent is a result of yours of successful expert- enee in colheetlog local or out-ot town aceOUntl. No collection, nn rltarge. Mail Burke. Collecting Agency (License 170) Office, Seaforth Ont Box 4911 Head n- A • RANN FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE D. A. RANN Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer AMBULANCE SERVICE NOW 1S THE TiME TO HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED 1 N APMAN BrUsaeis, Ont.