HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-1, Page 4THS BRU S FAST NEWS F THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents - : CRA.,i'VB1i6OOdiX' Miss tlettle 'Pride has-.ix!t-n Musty In In Lhitewel ho: eetti she was !alters, suff0,gtg from sett=v appendicitis, Miss Dorothy lintelier Ia ar a, s• enc in St, .Merys where she Mai ac- cepted a PoeRion, A. very pleasant time was nen, oughly enjoyed by these invited t7 the asocial evening held in ;he Cranbrook community hall utter the auspices of the Cranbrook cent - annuity club on Fritley evening of last week. i{;uehi+: was played in the earlier part of the evenieg, prize .avinners being: ladles, Mrs. Jar). McTaggart and Men's, Neil Duncanson, The latter :part er the evening was spent in daucing. WALTON Mrs, Roy Bennett, who under went a recent operation in Scott Memorial hospital, Seafortb, is getting along fine, Mrs. Herb Manning who has been under Doctor's care 'cur the peat month is not recovering as speedily Otis her many friends would wish, The Walton group of the W. M. S. of Duffs United Church held its monthly meeting at Mrs, W. Y. Bennett's, The Y. P. S. of Duffs rutted Church held its regular meeting Sunday evening with Blainutia. Shaw presiding, The Scripture was read by Miss Goldle Tame, A splendid address was given by Colin.2fingland who took for his srsbjeet, "The Prodigal Son." The Pastor, Rev. Charles Cumming. read an interesting story on the mission. aly, Miss Dow, A nominating com- nAttee was' appointed to elect the of. flcers for the coarsing year. Jack Sarandon of We1lAnd is visiting his father, :Vowel(' Small - don; Mr. and Mrs. Plenty Last of Windsor with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoy; Mies Rosie Slmp:ton who hus been visiting friends in Lunen. re.. turned home; 31rs. James Johnston' and sons Jalnos and Ira of Detroit are visiting "friends and relatives here; Mr, and Mts. Charles Sellers sl+enc the week -end in Heidelberg with the latter's mother, :Stag Hoene, MRS. WILLIAM M. SMiTH The fuueral of Mrs, 'tt'ildiern 31. Smith, beloved resident of W'tlt, for many years, was held It, St. George's Anglican Church, Waltoa on Saturday afternoon, The rector. Rev. J. Graham., of Brussels, offloi- ated. Interment took p1a+e hr Brussels cemetery, the pa11b;+.u•.srs heft Harvey Hoover (Listowctl) and five nephews: David Sheltie., Wim. Sholdice and Messrs, Smith (Atwood) 'M s. Smith was fm'nter'y Susan Sholdice, second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. WIlizatn Sholdice of Tuckersmith, in which township she was born on wnwe siou 3, lot 4. When she WO, a young girl the family moved to Morris Township, two and a half miles west of Walton on etree),sion 9. She was married to Hart;. ie. Button, who was in the carpeuterin business in Brussels. Itis death occurred two years after 11') marriage. Later she returned to Morris Tp, and atbout thirty ye u's ago was married to Mr, William M. Smith who was then a general merchant In Walton. Dor linsimtd later retired and twenty yeast' ag11 hie death occurred, Mrs, Smith continued to reside in Walton where her passing will be keenly felt, Mr,. Smith was an active and d"voted member of St, George's (Thera. Walton, and she spared neither time nor energy in doing good work Her death occurred last week from an attack of pneumonia. Two brothers and three sisters of Mrs. Smith's survive, of a family of elaven: Adam Sholdice, near Walton; W. H. Disposal Sale of Lands c- t, C4, The Canada Company offers the following Concession 6 11 12 Concession 10 11 13 14 Concession 14 Concession 2 7 Rem, 17 1/y 3 13 1• N 1 1'1 s/i 2 Item. E1N14 3 14 1 Rem. '2 Lands for Cash Sale North Easthope Township Lot N 1:2 \Vt Number of Acres 40 100 acres 36 50 acres 33 75 acres 39 103 acres 32 50 acres 33 50 acres 31 50 acres 31 25 acres 31 98 acres Ellice Township Lot Number of Acres E 1y W W ?c Except Icy E?.2 Rem. 10 100 acres 12 ` 50 acres 0 30 acres 10 100 acres 12 100 acres 10 100 acres 11 100 acres 12 100 acres 8 50 acres 9 94 acres 127 pe. ehss 10 100 acres 11 100 acres. 12 100 acres 20 50 acres 10 95 acres 145 per -hes Hullett Township Lot Rem. Pt. E. Ity, N, 1/2 21 Rem, Pt. E. Ry. N 1/2 22 Pasture land to be sold as one McKillop Township Number of Acres 43 30/160 acres 4 130/160 acres parcel Lot Number of Acres 100 acres 45 acres 150 acres 3712 acres 39 acres 145 acres 194 107/160 acres 194 38/160 acres 194 acres l66% acres Concession is 3 4 (4t la 5. Logan Township Lot Number of Acres S 3/.t 1 75 acres 2 100 acres ,,en ' Good Pasture lot; well and windmill. Cash offers will be received and considered for the above land, to 14th 7)ecernber, 1037,. If interested write for form of offer. Address; 11:. "p �•q•' �: �.' l# ,'��,�, !.IMF.. i .!' �., 23rc1 NOV 1087 The Canada Company, 371 Bay Street, Toronto Canada, Slroiitiee; h1/s, Alexander Smith (Annie), Saskatoon; Mrs. 1Vrn. Christopher (Lucy), Saskatoon. mei Mrs, Fred Seurlet1 (Maude), h'e.ul•� bury. A s•»tf r, Mrs. 11'11"°1 t of \1"Intiw' , :;redre, x143 d iter Inst yew:, Alilelig those front a dlrtar('te 131. t+'nling the funeral were: lir; and Mrs, Unwell, 'Toronto (the tat ,,r beat;; a niece): Russell h:')+lee, I3rodhtt rt1; 3L. 1,', 12, Sbuhl '. sea. forth; Mrs, William Strnu- Mr Leonard Strong, Mr, John Sholdice, ,lir. William Clidflelcl, 31r. and Mr', McCartney, •Mrs. Thomas Ile'attle, Seaford'; Mr. and Mrs. C'ofl' r ;nul Miss Smith of Newrie;Messsrs, Sni0tlt of Aline Tp., 3dr. and ,Mrs. Iiarvey Iloover, Listowel. BLUEVALE 131r, and Mrs. A1vi;, Smith enol baby visited on Sunday with `.Tr and Mrs. Joseph Smith in Turub *r' y. Miss 1':imrta Johnston spent a f w Oat:; in Toronto and tools in the Royal Winter fair. Mr. and Mrs. Rtobt. McClennan and fancily visited on Sunday with friend. at Listowel, Miss Viola :gathers visited en Sunday with her Father and brother Mr: and Mrs, \Will. Johnston repent Thu. -day anent= with Mr and ars. Ed. Johnston, 1st line. Mr, and )Ire. Sperling Johnston and -on spent Sunday after:,0011 w•i.11 ll,. and ills, Chas, Johnrtola, \Ie=nbccs of the Woman's It:sti- tnte an f ds.everal other intereste ladles gathered at the home of lits. Aitk'n on Wednesday a.fteru 7 ua for the first lesson on "Buymanettlp,,' conducted by the local leader, Mrs. Altltln and her assistant, Mier Florence Fowler. The In1wufac. tune and wearing quality of cotton, linen, woollen and rayon rn1.3erial was th;• suhjeet explained ami lis. cussed. During the afternoon the ladies quilted. At the close of the session a Pet rock lunch Was enjoy- ed: Mrs. Aitkin will complete her lessons at the regular December meeting of the branch, The "Steady and Trtie"11;==ion Circle of the United Church, has packed and shipped a Christmas bale to Parry Sound district valued at $37.00 and consisting of candy, toy,, books, etc„ suitable for chil- dren, Jack Fraser, Rush Lake, Sask., who has spent a couple of weeks in this vicinity has left for Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Bawler" Wingham, with friends. The regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of the United Church, was held in the school room on Friday a erring with the president, George John- ston, presiding. After singing an opening hymn and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison, a business .discussion was held. The Scripture lesson was read by Orval Smith and Rev. A,• Vallance Robb spoke - on T. W. Borlen's essay, "Plat Blessed Word Whichr, The young people are preparing to present their play, "Clover Time." at Loch. now this week, BELGRAVE The Young. People's "[Minn or the United Church met in the SArday School roans on Wednesday night with the Social and Literary Com. mittees in ..charge. The 1" 4111er social evening was abandoned to give opportunity for the ep+'Cial singing Practice of the Choana),. Service of Story and Song, rhe Devotional period under the chair- manship of Miss Anna Granby was as follows: Mr. Goldie Wheeler led in prayer; Mies Laura Hopper read the lesson, comment on the lee of was given by Mr. Borden Scott, The nominating committee met after the regular meeting and soma progress in the nomination of a 515te of officers for tale forthcoming year. The Women's Institute held u euchre and dance in the Forrs,er'e Pistil Friday evening and a very gond time was enjoyed, The first part ('f the evening was spent in playing progressive euchre. Prizes wee„ W011 by Mabei ("suites and W. Proc. ter for most prints and consnlatir:a prizes went to N. Jamieson and Mr,;, 31. Grashy, Wilber Procter won 11,rr prize for the tenet lone hands, Leneh Was server) by the ladies and the re. minder of the time 35.14 .le l'' fu dnneing with Jackson's orchestra supplying the mnsir, Miss Florence Blair, daugh'er of Mrs. W. Blair of Wawanosir r„rcty ed hen• nurse's diploma at the grctd- (lattott exercises held at the (n1' fano Hospital, Toronto, Ott', (ttui Mr:;. Hugh Illair, Mr, and 131,1 10. WEDNESDAY, D130. 1st, 103? ' lay Starts et t o'clock GOOD PRIZES WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWMCWWWWW orf" Fi ,.r o the music of or And Her I Orchestra Under the ar Au3p e s of u Ad 11 Enjoy Yourself And Hep The Boys Off to a Good Sart fission - 25c Walsh and .11rs, W. Blair attended the graduation. Mr, and Mrs. R. J. Scott, Mrs. H. Procter, Mrs, Cecil Wheeler, J. M. Coultes, A. Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. C. R, Coultes attended the Royal Winter Fair and the United Farmer's of Ontaria convention in Toronto; Miss Lille Taylor, Welles- ley, at her home. Elk-IEL Owing undoubtedly to incl•'naent conditions of the weather, there: was a much below average attendance at Ethel United church, at 7.30 11.01. service last Sunday, when Sacra- ment was ob:erred, with the pastor, Rev. Mr. Snell presiding, Monday night 01 each week is regular meeting time for Ethel United Church Y.P.S. An increas- ed attendance is anticipated as each session is made as interesting and helpful as Tossible. A large assembly of people met in Duttbar'e hall, Friday night of last week, with Italph lieffe.' and bride as guests of honor, following splendid musical and literary Pro- gram given under the chairm'ans'hip of Rev, Mr. Williams of Cranbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Keffer were presented with an address read by Fred Saw yer and the gift of a kitchen cabin- et of the newest design, by Stan. Alexander and Carl le, Ames, Ralph Pearson and Geo, A, Dunbar were also members• or the managing committee. The presentation was appropriately acknowledged, After iunch was served, local talent pro- vided lively and harmonious music for the varied dance numbers, which were continued to the close of a pletlsant occasion, 1' An enjoyable time was apcllt Monday night in Dunbar's hall, when Mr, and 111.4. McNichol Cure Ruble Quertngessov) of Grey Town- ship were tendered a Prese01'41nm party, We are reminded that tax pa;:it(:; dime is approaching. Tax college) .Wilbur Turnbull will uc in Ethril, Dec, 41h, to receive payments. Miss Mildred Holmes who WI ! an employe,, on former occasions at Zlegler'v will again assist through the Chrisituas trade, Reenrring, annual events Of 7 1..er. al interest for December month are: tax paying, ,public school meetings, municipal ratepayers assembly and Christmas. Harvey McLelland, of Ethel, has accepted a position In Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, J. Beatty, of Wood- stock, daughter of Mr. and 3Irs. Geo. Edwards, spent Suedes) in Ethel. MIs. Gen, Eeknaier, of Ethel has been quite ill, ,Mr. and Mrs, Gen, Addle spent Sunday in Palmerston, visiting relatives. Mr, and Mts. Harold Love and family and Miss Annie Franklin spent Sunday at the home of ,Ott'. and Mrs, Melvin Gflkinaon, Minto Township, The V, imen's Institute will meet on 11hueeley, Dee, 9th at 2.30 at the home of • '131!ss M. Hansuld. The motto, The greatest good to the greatest number, will be taken by Mrs. Brown, Roll Call, A Quota. tion from the Bible. Christmas ad- dress, Mrs, Snell. Chrietmas Carols, Demoastration, Christmas C«tidy. All the Ladies of the community are invited to attend. Howick Council Fordwich, Nov. 24th, 1937 Council met in the United Church Ball, according to adjournment, members' were all !present, the Reeve, J, A, Bryahs, in the chair, Minutes of last regular meeting were read anti on motion of Toner and Baker were adopted. 'Moved by Toner and Baker that the Sohonl Attendance Officer's Re- port as read he adoptel,-(la Tied. ,:loved by Lovell and Baker that this Council join the Ontnrlo Ate - sedation of Rural Municipalities -Ca laded. Moved by Weir and Baker that the Commit tn.+ be aathcr'1z"-(I 10 pmr.h'tse the 1931511111(3 in question and 11(Ve same plarNA 10 position s,ecordeig 10 agreement. --Carried, Moved by Weir and Lovell that a graft of 55,00 be given the Vete', a its ltcr- aus Association, --,(lamed )loved by Toner and Lovell that the following hills be. pa111.--Carne'! Edgar Byrd, sheep killed or injured by deals $ 10.00 (laniard King, potatoes for Relief car Marjorie Weiler, attendance on :Ars. R. Hobbs for one month, in full United Oh. Fordwich, rent for Hull for two meetings County Treas. Hospital ex- penses tar S. Creke; Wilma Ridley; G. Dolg; Jennie Weiler and Lorne ICaake Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as Clerk J. H. Rogers, Repairing lamp in Public Shed, Fordwich W. 11, Fraser, 11.11, balance of bill due on trip to London Isaac Gamble, Registration of Relief recipients' 1V, R, Fraser, M.D.,Services to S. Creke and taking Vera Porterfield to Loudon T. A, Roberts, Extra work on tax bills Ont. Assoc'n, of Rural Muni- cipalities, Membership fee Jae, Douglas, Repairs to Clerk's' office County Treas., Hospital ex - pensee for Steve Ring Veterans Assoc., Grant ., Relief, For month of October Road Expenditures \Vim. E111ott, drain tale Balfour Wears, weeds and gravelling Ernest Ilai•ris', weeds Clare Harris, weeds L, Rnight, weeds Jas, Topham, weeds Wm. Heuckroth, weeds and ditchin Stanley Brgide, weeds Harry Gowdy, culvert and tree Arnold Ilellidey, culvert ..., Idaissal Harris, culvert ,,.,,. Harold h"n, rter, weeds Norman Reis, Weeds Fred Lnrking, weeds Tnv'p. of Minto, guard .a11 W. 10, Patterson, gasoline ., Edgar Pike, weeds A. Chapman, Weeds O. 13. Shoemaker, weeds Stunl1'y 1''ni;vt,n', gravelling C„ Bride, 311)51'! J. Topham, weed» Evart :Ile ICerchm', wire ft /1;70 4.00 Jacob Weitz, wire fence .,.. 1.60 Helwan Graef, gravel 3.15 John Finlay, culvert and 10.06 snow fence 2.20 S. Finlay, culvert and snow 3.00 fence 1,40 John Robinson, weeds 2.00 Walter Icing, Underbrushing 20,30 Manfred Irwin, fill and guard-rail 51.50 39.30 Archie Irwin, gnarl -rail ,.., 1,0+1 Oliver Stewart, guard-rail 1 jai 33.00 George Griffith, weeds 1.50 John Montgomery, orienting ,75 rower grader .10.7a R, F, Edgar, Supt, salary , 41,0e J. H. Neill, repair to gamier 1.30 7.50 John Ilradwell, weeds 2 40 Clarence McCallum, gravel 50.30 3,00 Itoy Vogan, crushing and trucking gravel 1337.9e M. Franklin, underbrushing 9.110 Village of Clifford, weeds 4.95 20.00 • Wesley Underwood, ditching 2.40 ' Archie Steurnol, ditching 1.00 4.00 ; John Hyndman, culvert tile 7.10 1 Win, Brown, ditching 2.00 5.09 IT, E. Burrows, Rep. for grader .50 5,75 Wilford Nagel, Under. brushing 0.00 15,75 W. E. Pattereon, gasoline ,, 30.00 5.00 Moved by Lovell and Weir that 76,61 Council do now adjourn to meet in the Township Hall, Gerrie, on the 4,50 133117 day of December, according to Statute or at the call of the Reeve. -Ca'f red, Isaac Gamble, Clerk, 3.70 .80 .80 .80 1,30 3,30 .80 3.50 2.50 2.'30 1,00 4,00 2.10 11.36 33.60 1,00 .40 5.73 ;3.60 .75 5,00 16,00 SIAM .4115441 A House on Your ------ hands Old you over figure nut how •mall a percentage of our popu- lation peas tour house whore Ener' could ace a "To Lot" sign, OT how large a percentage road our poper? Good tenon), are not the hind that have time to waste In l(o)ng as'eood 1w:slang for rlgns. They loot, to our Waist Ads. if you hove* houso oa year hands, "/louse 10 Lot" ad, will bring them to you. w„,Mrl Y W "Wr,4 •