HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-1, Page 3T he Brussels ,Post FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY Publisher 1 ue v r 1v Published Ay edn d o a y afternoon $ubscripteme price $1.50 per year, paid in advance. Snbscriptiae in United States wilt please add 50o 30V postage, TI -1111 'POST' PRINT Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont. BRUSSELS CANADA THE LIEUTENANT- GOVERNORSHIP There has been much ado in re- spect to the appointment of a lieutenant -governor tor Ontario. It was generally understood that the matter had 'been settled end that His Honor Dr, H. A, Bruce would remain, Compliments to the King and Hepburn governments were freely expressed, Somehow, 'how- ever, there was a mussing up of affairs with the result that His Honor tendered hie resignation to have effect on December first, With the ill -service thus rendered came the suggestion of Hon. Duncan Mar- shall a sucessor, this being equally, as ill-advised. As a politician and a platform compaigner, Mr. Mar- shall has few equals. To be lieutenant.gaberno' is a different matter. 'Some of the arguments against his selection were doubt- less set on a firm basis. Others were weak, very weak. For example it 15 s:n'y to argue that he should not be appointed because he has been a party worker. How n.any of the governors have not been Again, to argue that the appciut meat is above party patronage le simply a waste of energy. A glance over the names of the past reveals' that some of the most out. &tandiug occupants of ' the Position were equally as pronounced party WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Cala MOTOR HEARSE B G. WAI:KER Embalmer ant Funeral Director, "How to Become a Hockey Star" by that great authority T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus- trated and containing ninny valuable tips on how to play the game. also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES of GREAT PLAYERS (mounted for framing;) Orcettp Montreal "Mamma" Gro tr `.1.en C'nnu liens••. or indittilual ppicl. res of: DaveTrottter Johnny Gagnon iferbie Cain SoldyNurneeott Wilt. Gude Pool littynett liters Mimeo Buba" Siebtrt I'et„ h,liy Lnrl R I ireon Aura Jnlu t rtnrty Barry 1 11 ra, ie Walter Sowell Jar! 1) ,-ficLe Cat rens George "#cc" Gets Marker Stow Evans Penult Iiuuel:cr Dave liter Ton 111a:.o Hier C'tnucy or on& of the most rroatinent (,layers on the"Maroons" or• LesCnnaduma" clubs • Your choice of the above • For a label from a tin of "CROWN BRAND" or `•LILY WHITE" Corn Syrup.—Write on the back your name and address and the words "Roc - key Book" or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mall label to address below. EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD The CANADA STA RCII COMPANY Limited TORONTO Fz IMMIZMINKOZNInat C.ZI WAX &SON. .. �...,... mow,,..». �.,:..... • seppaf+fere es Mr. Marshall has over been, yet it wee aieither held against their anointment nor dill it militlate against the service given, A further study of the list and a comparison with the g'),'ern- mends at Ottawa shows that , erely, has other than a friend of the gov. Or`llillg party been accorded the Honor, Wherein then lies the ar. gtuuent that le is not panty patron- age? Admittedly, it would be better were it not, but why try the game of maks-believe when the facts are so obviously against it. REFORE rTRATION IN GREY COUNTY Grey county council hae entered upon a plan for reforestration of an area unsuitable for agriculture 'rine necessary byelaw has been passed and as a 'beginning Jive hundred acres will be taken over at once, The protect Is new in our neat door county but dt is not a venture ex- periences in other counties, Sin,roe and Norfolk, being notable exampl- es, going to show that Corestr'y is not a fad of waste of public fut:de, In 'Simcoe the value of the move is se recognized that at the moment two -thousand acres' are being utilized, while more will he likely added during the ensuing year., In addition a large number of success• fol forestettes are scattered about the county, :many farmers using odd plots and planting for windbrd:cke. Forestry is a valuable work. The restoration of but a part or the lumber wealth, and that Is the best to expect, is seen as almost lna,era- tive, Though this may be termed an iron and concrete age, there is nevertheless an important' pati to be taken by products of the rtet, 'Plnlber and lumber are yet necess1. 'ties iu construction, hence to in- sure a supply cannot bat be accept- ed as a very valuable and. important_ public work. Grey county council 1s to be commended for eetc'fna the list to counteract the 1'tithless. cess of the past by ensuring a sup- ply from hone lands. tra MAY ACCOUNT FOR IT Huron County Council has Really disposed of a case which has been hanging are dor a good many months. During the season of had floods in the spring a farmer was called upon one night to go to the assistance of five people—three of thele children—In a car. The car was stuck do a road where the water was t unning deeper every moment. - The former had no hesitation about going. He did not wait to have the authority of the towuship council or the county council or any other body. lie took a team or horses, went out into the flood and hooked onto the car and got it to safety. But that is not all, When he was making the rescue one et his horses got tangled in the 0araess and was drowned, Later the farmer asked that he he compensated for the loss of hie horse. The county council had some legal authority to look foto the matter and it was (teelered that the flood was "an act of Providence," or some smelt thing. Meaning, of course that as providence had caused the flood and not the coun- ty, then the county could t:0'- he held liable for the loss of the cw ee. And as argument goes we sappuee that was as good as any other 011ic;1 might he advztnced. But ,ire question was not allowed to drop there and at the last see% sion the county councillors agreed that the 'farmer should •be paid elm: for the lose of his horse and thank- ed as well for the Courageous thing he had done. Many of the mem- bers spoke saying they slid trot want -the world to be told they were too mean to pay a bit where a mare had risked his horses and also his own life. In fact they all ademed filled with -desire to say the seine thing at the salve time, .Aud the flood was a long time ago, to the in- terval nothing witg done toward paying the •bill, It may be that the near approach to another election had something to do with the fine and entirely proper attitude 10,,1,1 so generously adtvpted. 'L= JLlui-t, FROM JAIL TO JAIL William Labadle, 17, will brave the Sarnia Jail shortly for Kingston, and it looltt, as though he wo tl l stay there for a Mug tithe. He was von - domed to be hanged but th_' -'n- imico was changed to life liup"isan meat, For several melts 1.u1)odle had been staying in the death cell at Sarnia, and it is stated iht' "ware him down" a gond deal, He was glad enough to :get out where be could 500 and Martially nsenciate with other prleoners, and it is said he wag glad onoug'it of the chance to go 'to Kingston, One may he pardoned for Wing a little difficulty in trying to appreel' ate or understand the mental out- look of 80500 people. We read that Laballie at his own request was lab• en out to see the scaffold which ba:J been erected in the Sarnia Jail for his execution, and he was s'omewhttt shaken es the mechanism of the Beteg was explained In detail to hint. As he puha Sarnia for King='ton it is :mid this 17 -year-old prisoner sentenced to life has Lopes for the future. He thinks be will learn a trade and will be released in about telt years, Of course no such promise has been made to l;lni, but of coulee when one has (mescal out from under the shadow of the gal- lows life may be inclined to take. on .5 brighter hue. Bouncing Cranberries Few people have an idea wbat a cranberry has to go through be- fore it finds ids way to market, the Amerioau Weekly points out. For one thing the berry has to prove that it is, in a matter of speaking, :something of an athlete—lit bee to bounce over a barrier in order 'to get by the inspector and eventually go to the storehouse or the corner grocery as a !proper member of its species to be made into sauce and jelly, * Some time ago :this .business of making cranberries bounce was adopted as the surest test of good condition. The berries, deep red in color, have a rather thick skin, If the berry Is sound inside and its hide is prime it will hop v. dropped, If It is decayed or bruis- ed It Just plops dowln and refuses to leap over the barrier—and If it can- nel get over the fence it cannot go to market, * * * The berries are picked in the late summer or early fall but it is not un- til Thanksgiving and Christmas time that the market demand for the crop is active. F 0 k This makes it necessary to store the berries until people are leody to buy them and du the past this period of waiting has 'taken the bounce out of a lot of berries Government experts have found that heat is bite biggest factor in robbing a blushing cranberry of Its sprightliness and are telling grow- ers that their storeahous'es should be kept at a temperature of about 36 degrees—about four degrees above freezing—to keep the bounce in their harvest. :h dt dt In the vtcinfiy of Cape Cod, \far_ sacrusetts, the cultivation of cran- berries commenced early in the last century. Wide tracts of waste laud have been used for the purpose. Low easily flooded, marshy ground, worth originally not more than from $10 to $20 an acre has been made to yield annually from $200 to $300 worth of the fruit per acre. _^ WEE AN., EIS By A. R, K ¶ Wee Angus' britchee needed care, and one side showed a gond- sized -teat•, 'Would let out her. of heat; another rent wee on the knee, where it was far too plain tc see, another itt the seat. ¶ 'Wee Angtte left his troteears home, so they could be repaired and sewn, he stripped his pockets too; he'd have to carry all his stuff, and he had much more that, enough, I noticed but a few, ¶Wee Argus has a pocket knife fire seen an awful lot of strife., 1' don't know where 'twos made, I don't know that the thing weeld cut, nor will it open up and shut. to got it In a trade. ¶ He had a little ball of sG ing, and from some clock he had a spring, 'twos bent and rather strange; there handkerchiefs were Mowed away, they might Conte out some washing clay, likewise three cents in change. ¶ Hs had a piece of chalk in there, tun keys that tit not atty- w1te:t', Aurae stubby pencile too, bet t' w e,e three screws, a Meer. of wire, a pitch for fixing on 0 li ;: dog tag far from new, ¶ I asked Wee Armee of tial - e, , said -he had most three tt. cnnugb, 'Mould weight hint r+'n n hoed go; Wee Angus stowed Ili.: e ' away, and parsed a tnitntlt s i1e .t to say---hls Klock wars rather It MARITAL LAW Wives of great men oft remind them That -they rate no great big band, And departing leave behind them Foeep1'Ittis on the witntss '•,crud _ Uta ClugC THE RgUSSI LS POST 53'F NFS!DAY, DEC. let, 1037 NOTE AND COMMENT Mussoltnl'e son in a book lust le - Sued has described war as a be,luli• fal Sport, We still like Shernlan'5 dealtltlon better, k --•d;— Aatybody louping for a ewinner cottage ;Might do well -to- uppiy to Premier Hepburn. Ile will be trying to get t'id of Charley' Perk soon. British Columbia pt"poses to eat down -tire speed 1iu111 fru. uut'uttobll- es to 30 to les an hour ut night which Is the time when fast driving usually begins, Henry Ford says that the busi- nassrecession noted recently is merely a pause before 'ln:atter climb. That is all right provided the pause i$ not too long. It 1s 'saiti thele will be only a skeleton staff kept on at Govern- ment House in Toronto, and that Will probably lead to the rumor the place is haunted. —*—*— There were thirty strikes In Can. oda du October and looking bar*. at them it is More than a little dlfll. cult to determine just who the winners were in each ease. The Malay St- ates have presented Britain with two squadrons of air- craft and Mr. Ilore-Belisha will undoubtedly feel that this Is going to be a good Christmas so far as Ms department is concerned. J. H, Thomas, former Labe cab- inet minister has gone into busi- ness In London and those who kt,ow "Jimmy" are sure there will be no "Humbug" about his new venture, Port Hope has chosen a new slogan "Where Canadian Radium is Refined"—mud now Cobourg follt will say that the radium is the only thing in Port Hope that is termed, —dt—,r.— It is said thieves are stealing old license markers, although you'd imagine such a proceeding would not be necessary now as no one can read the new ones. It would be helpful to know just how much of thie government grad- ing of Children's Aid Societies is a mere matter of book-keeping tecrui- calitles. Sometimes• government bodies are unable to see the forest for the trees. Acocrdwng to the Labor Depart- ment at Ottawa the cost of living in October stood at $17.51 compared with $17.41 in September, Interest- ing no doubt, but not at all helpful in seeking how to get hack that extra October dime, The grand ch- ampion steer of the Royal Winter Fair and the second prize winner have both been ilcught for the Chateau Laurier in Ottawa, It looks as if our statesmen are going to fare very well during the ' conning season, — < A Washington despatch Celle of a tax formula that Is designed to help both big and little business. Any lt:hld of a tax that would help any kind cf business would be a hovel• ty worthy of the attention of mue- 001)1 managements. Ben Lents. an Indian, was in court at London, Ont„ and he made the statement there were not a -sough police in the country to make itim tell where be secured a bottle of wine, Ben will not be lonesome when he goes to Jail for 20 days as he eau take his secret along with hint, The horse still has kick left, even In mechanized America, There are 93 water troughs in New York, attd it Is estimated that 19,000 horses aro at work in the streets of that city. Televi>v:on must have more accur- ate technique than either radio or the screen, fur once on the att. that's the end of it. The telephone direc'tor'ies 1-, te911l111 atom' on Tittle's Square. New York, are Used so incessantly at 110 11)711 It' tele' flit,_: in:+1all0a there that tot^y t::' eromeet ly worn out ar.eft 1111 e:iys kind have tt+ Ile re. plac,' 11, Nitll„f \\e jitat dropped out att- chct', lady. --1 titonght you would. It'a been dangling outside for Bottle time. Captain --"1ittve you cleaned the fleck end polished the brasses " Rai.inr - "vee, stn', and i've swept the horizon with Iny telescope," LET US LOOK AT THE PAST 1 flow Ara Ueme Takes Prp'n► /Woe of the Poet of 50 I and 65 Yeors Ago • 25 YEARS AGO JAM ESTOW N Thomas Smith ie aunoutcing an Auction Sale for Friday, Dec. 20th, • * • 'W. Holt, of Jamestown, *Mb, of late has been sailing on the lakes between Cleveland and Mihail, was renewhtg ac0neintaltces in toW11 this weep. MORRIS Reeve Sliortreed Is attending the County Council this week at Code, rich. Mrs. lir, Ii Armstrong is visiting at (tetrsouville, Michigan, and other points, Wesley She▪ dden, 4th line, arrived hone from a trip to the West. 0RANBROOK Last Sabbath morning ID, P„ Mc- Rae concluded a long, useful and successful pastorate Int Knox Church. Rev, McRae will move to Arnow in the near future, GREY Miss' Edna MOBatn, of Orlliia, is the guest of Lottie Jackson, • • Mr, and Mrs, J. K. Baker were recent visitors in Exeter. G G •: R. H. McKinnon is home from the West, • • • Reeve Livingstune and Deputy Reeve Brown are at Goderich this week atteudrng Huron County Council, • e r Hugh and•Miss Jesoie Smith, titin con., and Vass Elsie Ireland of i Morris visited at the home of Thom- as Smith and John Douglas, %%ex• ' eter, on Tuesday` BLUEVALE Rev, W. J. West, M. A„ expects to leave for Port Perry next .Monday on the 7 a.m. train. ETHEL Wm. P. Bray le considerably im- proved in health, we are glad 10 re- port, * d: * d+ A complimentary banquet was tendered Rev. D. B. and Mrs. McRae on Wednesday evening in the Town. ship Hall on the eve of duet: de--, partnre for their new charge at Aranow, WROXETER Chas, Simmons has returned from a visit weth his sou at Burford. Mrs, C. F. McLean, left for Mobile Alta., 0u Thursday, where she will spend the winter. ;\Ir, and J1rsyB, Stafford, of How - ick Twp., entertained two tootle of young people from the village. MONCRIEFF Geo, Dundop, 17th con, was a recent visitor to Ashley, Pen„ where he spent a few days, John Osbor▪ ne hod a very ansae• ressful sale last Wednesday. He is moving to Ethel, Robt. and Jobnw\ttt'ay and Miss Violet have returned from the West. BRUSSELS J. le. McCrae is visiting relate vt and friends in town, 1. C. Richards was on a Wetness trip to Midland city, Miehigut last week. • • • J. T. Wood has0000 to on a business bit)), 1 Miss Mars lt,s •Wtras errs. 1Ilev.1 Langford et lase week, elentt'cal ?letting tests WeI (leo, Rolrbr1 at 0flt•Iph 1111+ week in connection with the lite in;tir :me business, 0 .4 re. Married llnmlcai-Smut+ - alt ":llapte Breve- I'olrm," november 4111 by Cameron. Mr, Francis Morris 'township, to M,66 dang!hter of Mrs. Jnrtl Grey Twp. • * ,• Lewis -Gathers -At the the bride's ptu'tnls, on lieu. 11. E. 13. Damen Rachel Fe G, :ill. it a, lInI1L, r.1' November Cent a Mire Round Trip Bargain Fares Minimum Fares: A.uits 75e Children 40o) From BRUSSELS Fri,, D llth To Oshawa, 13owutatttville, Port 10050, Cobuutg, Trenton Jot„ B nJleviRs, Napanee Kingston, Gettanoquo, Breekvillc, 1'rescott, Morrisbug, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Petarborx), OamtObellfol'd, Newmarket, Penetang, Co'ltingwood, Mea'fot'd, Bartle, ()Mita, Mid, land, Gravanhurst, Bt•ecebridge, Huintevllle, Calendar, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudinnry•; all 'Mune in Naw Ontario on lime of Temis- kamdng & Northern Ontario Rly„ Nipissing Central Illy„ Kaplskas• Jug, Longiac, Nakiva, 'Destitute, Sioux Lookout, ,Geraldtop, J'ollteoe Beardmore, Port Arthur, Sat., Dec. lith to Toronto Also to Brantford, O1talham, Ohesley, Clinton, Durham, Ex - ate; Fergus Goderlc111, 0 uelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harle,ston, Inger- soll, ngersoll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Lietowed, Mitolte11 Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paftilley, Palm -ex -glen, Pares, Port Egiu. St, Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strafhroy, Walkerton, Wiarton, Wdngham, Woodstock, For Fares, Return Limits, Train Infol'mation, Tickets, consult nearest, Agent, See handbills for complete list of 'destinations CANADIAN NATIONAL 27111, by Rev. R. S Lackland, Mr. Frederick John Lewis of Turnberry Township, to Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Lathers, of Howdck Township. 50 YEARS AGO GREY The debate was held in Shine's :wheel house last Wednesday even- ing, The subject discussed was "Resolved that winter is more Con- ducive to happiner's than summer," The affirmative was taken by Jae. Perrie, assisted by D, Ritchie, II Robertson and A, Hislop, The nega- tive by Jas. Robertson, assisted by A, Perrie, E. A. Martin, W. linetchei W. Perrie and ,Ino Bain. Decision Was given iu favor of au'mmer, George McFarlane, 2nd eon., end. George Graysley, of Turnber'ry, have gone to the lumber wood in Michigan for the winter. • • • Wesley Mtraver, who has lived with his uncle, Wm. Bishop, for the past two years has gone to Hamilton where he takes a situation. 'What might have been en a serious accident happened to Alex, Mc- Dougall while returning from Wal- ton. on Saturday. While at the corner of the lath con. his buggy came in contact with a waggon by. driving too close thug upsetting the oeculpants and breaking the buggy. They escaped with a few Ode To A Harris, W. Ennis, A. K, Robertson ' and Wtm, Wilkinson. Furniture—Thee itaotory at Sun:. shine will boom this winter as eight hands are engaged. A competent foreman having been secured by the manager R. Leatherdele, BRUSSELS C. 0, F,—At the last regualr meet- ing of Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24, the following officers were in- stalled:—Rev, T. W. Cliff, 0,11.; A - Koenig, V, C. R,; Walter Smith, II, S.; Geo, Rogers', le. S,; 5, Smale, T; R. Leatherdale, S. W.; R, WilLams, J.W; P. Sell, S.B ; N. Platt, J, B.; A. 'Crosier, Chap,; J. A, Hutchinson, Phys, • • • Band Of Hope—The regular meet- ing and the Band of Hope was 1101d Friday, Nov, 25th, in the schoele., house And alter the opc3ning e"re'cis- es the scripture lesson was repeated' by the Bend. A recitation by 13 boys and girls entitled "Dare to do right" was nicely given. The child- ren were: Blia Love, Ida Frane, Ella Ainley, Lizzie McLennan; Ira Gerry, ,Charlie Honing, Ruben H•indes, May S!hsrw, Edie McLauch• lin, Annie Scott, Willie Ainley, Fanny Rogers, Lorne Dunford• Emma Webster also gave 5good recitation, Mrs. W. H, Kerr and Mises Nessie Kay then prae :sed songs with the children. slight injuries Fourth Form Blonde.; In Fourth Form there is a pretty JAMESTOWN Jas. McDonald, Robt, Gordon and Jao. Thompson took their departure last week for Wlartan, where they intend working in the lumber woods all winter, • * • Alex, ,Simpson is engaged as But sends a quick reply. 0 blonde, Of whom I clan se very fond, Like most modern girls, she le not so shy, For when I slyly wink She does abet tura a delicate pink, cheese maker in a fastory near Walkerton next season, WALTON Wm, Garter has moved to the vil- lage having sold his farm and bought: the house belonging to Wm, Pollard, He is employed by the Messrs. McDonald to work in the mill, TOr, and Mrs, Leech have gone away for the winter, but will return it the spring as Mr. Leech is hired AS cheese maker for the next three years, ETHEL The Tindall Bros, ,have rented David Dunbar's shop. They will dee it for it butcher shop, P. Dilworth has disposed of his vii• lags property to M. Henry and he has bought the 50 -acre farm from the latter. John Cober an• d son* rhave put in some now machinery in their car- - tloge shop ail intend to menttfac- tae certain lines of furniture, T. T. Conk is eugfgty( to take clntra'e of title department. MORRIS Farmers Club1 ±t a public meet.. ing at i31o, Brewer's, Tltured,ty evening a lee t'mer's Club was organ- ize21 for the 4,th lino, Jas, scent was elected chairman and :\l, black, set.., when the following officers were elected: -..-I'ri's,. Gen. Ilrt.war: viceiln'es., Joules son; See. M. Blaelt; Treas., Jus, Scott: Conn, 1 of M',nagement, Jas, Martin, 0, B. POME Winter Is here So cold And drone Aud I Do Fear 'Twill last .All year, The snore So white Sneaked in Tues, Hite. Piled t0 Great height :My what A s'eigtt't. ieAltta AGO people unod to matte thotn•eIveo hoer,t br nhoottntj (Vow /ler bonne tort, tt You tried thnl tq-day 50" would probably hove to app. uv before a comminuton to InnnfItr. NOW -A -DAYS the buntoera men m17• aur Wut./t, kin, ,r,.iJrn,rH •.•w.,• eetietee.