The Brussels Post, 1937-12-1, Page 2EunTLE'D Arr /10
" The Joy of Life"
By Rosemary Beryl
Gloria Burke, screen actress, is
X'eseued from drowning, by a g1.1 to
whom sho,is determined to give hap-
piness if it is in her power.
She takes Primrose Starke, the
Om heels to lror hotel to have break•
feet with her and promises her that
if at arty time 'there is anything she
can do for her Primrose has only to
After the death of Mr. Starker,
%Moria goes to visit with Primrose,
She plays truant from a party In
her honour and meets Lemuel Cart-
Primrose tells Gloria of the man
with whom she was in love.
Primrose asks Gloria to make
the man fall in love with her and
then 'Kugel at him, that she may
have revenge. Gloria says she w;11
keep her promise to Primrose and 1
then finds! that the man is Lem
* a+ 0 *
Sitting opposite to lean, she felt a
sudden pang !for Primrose, So
must she have sat opposite to
Min on those many excurisons' they
had taken together, must have read
love in those laughing brown eyes,
must have 'heard thrilling tones in
that deep voice.
No wonder poor Primrose lost
her heart. No wonder she had turn-
urned in bitterness against 0rim, and
clamoured for ,the sweetness, of re-
So this was love! This emotion
that set her tingling with ecstasy
one moment and shaking with fear
the neat. This bitter-sweet 'sensa-
tion that was life itself. •
"I am going to see a tremendous
lot of you in the near future," he
'• '.said earnestly.
"Oh, indeed " ,she palled a little
face, "But I shall be terribly busy at
the studios with my new picture,"
"Tihere are the !evenings'—those
long winter evenings ahead of us."
She shrugged "There will be e.
new shone coming along at the
theatre before Ohirstmas, I shall
be rehearsing.''
He wee not to be daunted, "I
have heard of suchr Places as eupPet-
thtbs--anter the shows,"
"1 must get some sleep, Every-
verybody says 1 am worltdug too hard at
present, 1 dare n•t think about
night-clubs, and my supper gener-
ally canal.'.;,., oS In,. mill.,
Ile law;hr.,t at. li'r. his eyes tend-
er and teasing.
"You can't pat ole off, honey! No-
body in thie world can keep us
She hu<AW that 'here would be no
need to lattice hien fail in love—he
was in her puw'r already. She
had to lead him on, pretend she
worshipped him and then—laugh in
Inas face,
"What is t'i' inert t ' he asked.
"You. are looking s„ miserable all
of a sudden,"
ih- forced h:. if in ::mil'•. t•)
meet his ey,, awl.
Its lunlinig. 1.' w !1 w,: go
L... cloy? 1 :: act ...
in Town to ngat."
"Yes, you have," lee declared, "at
The Rainbow Restaurant with me.'' i
She gasped, "But-----" I
"I don't rare who your other date
is -1 don't car" if he wants to fight
a duel with nue in Hyde Park at
dawn tomorrow. But you aro
not dining with him to•night,
Understand "
"Yes, Lem."
Surrender was sweet, But—oh,
it was a fool's paardise in which
hshe was to live for the next few
weelcs, yet better a fool'a paradise
than no paradise at all.
When she reached ber flat Gloria
rang up Peter.
"sorry, Peter," she said through
the telephone, but "I find I cannot
possibly dine with you to -night,"
"Some other fellow " answered
Peter's voice. She heard a mirth
less laugh over the wires, "Well, I
wish him luck if he is 1n your toils
--poor devil."
She understood how Peter felt
crow—Peter and those other men'
who adored her, Love was not
merely a subject for a thence song.
It was the most glorious thing In
the world,
That night she tried to forgot the
burden of her promise—tried to
live only in the present with Lem.
They dined together, They danc-
ed together, They saw a cabaret
show together, They danced again.
And in his ear coming borne, he
tried to kiss her,
"No, no, Lem. Not now—please:"
"But—last night--"
"Lem, we were moon -struck last
night, It was --fairyland. We have
to come back to reality now."
"But I'll always want to kiss you
"Please, Lem, you mustn't!"
"All right." He slumped back in
his seat behind the driving -wheel.
Til let you off this time, Only let
n:„ warn you, I aur not a patient
.u..11. Sooner or inter--"
He left the sentence unfinished,
but she knew what he meant,
She too, was longing for that kiss
—for the sweetness of it, but dare
not take it lest is should unnerve
her entirely, lest she forget her
promise, her solemn vow.
having introduced us," be sali
quietly. "Ili made things easier --
"Peer Prgmu'osel" Glor'la murmur.
ad, hardly realising what she 'Was
"1 was awfully sorry for her
when her bully of a father was
alive," he weut 00, "She dida`t
have much of a life, So 1 tried to
make things a 'bit better for her—
took her out, but—" He eltrugged
his shoulders. "I don't know, Don't
think she lilted mo." bead.
Gloria h11 her lip and looked away. "Not scorched, Peter --burnt right
"What makes you think that?" off, 111 be able to fly agate,'
the asked quickly, e * *
"She changed—all of a sudden. Atter a sleepless night Gloria
Quarrelled over some stupid bine.— Dyed witdi distaste the dainty break
a set of teunle I beleive it was I that try Hortense vrought to her,
m * * *
As the days went on Ithey saw
i more and more of each other,
Every night Lem drove up to
Town; every week -end he stayed tip
Every free moment Gloria spent
with him. They were unbelievably
happy, even though she knew of the
shadow between them—the shadow
of a Moved, thwarted woman.
Once Lam spoke of Primrose. It
was over a little tea in Gloria's
flat, when the afternoon was all
shadows and firelight and cosioese.
• `I shall always bless Primrose for
Canadian Pacific Extends Air -Conditioned Service
The Canadian Pacific Railway
Angus Shops at Montreal are
humming with activity these days
as the Company :continues its
comprehensive programme of air-
conditioning. In the current year,
air-conditioning equipment will
bo added to 136 cars, including
standard sleepers, dining cars,
touristsleepers, parlor cars, and
day coaches, and these, in addi-
tion to the 130 cars air-condition-
ed in 1036, will permit a very
considerable extension of air -Con-
ditioned services throughout the
Provielon Is ,made by the 1047
drogramme to
itioouod dining carsvonoallitrains
tarrying air-conditioned sleepers
Or parlor cars, besides additional
sleeping and parlor cars for use
on traine between Montreal and
Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa,
Toronto and Ottawa, and trains
30 and 40 between Montreal and
Saint John, N.B. Air-condition-
ing of tourist cars for use on the
transcontinental trains between
Vancouver and 'Montreal and Tor-
onto is a now and interesting tea,
turn of the 1037 programme. This
will supplement last year's ser-
vices which allowed stir -condition-
ed standard sleepers, compart-
ment -lounge, bedroom and parlor
care to be used nn transcontinen-
tal trains between llfontreal, Tor-
rento, land 'Vancouver; the Mont-
real, Toronto, Hamilton, Chicago
services; and the night trains be-
ty/sen Montreal and Boston. Air-
conditioned sleepers and lounge
cars were also provided for the
"Mountaineer" service between
Chicago, St. Paul, and Vancouver.
Some idea of the work connect-
ed with air-conditioning is given
by the pictures above. Cars are
stripped, as in lower right, and
insulated to keep out heat, cold,
and dust. The pictures at the
left show surae of the material
being placed in the cars. The
satisfaction written all over the
face of the young lady, in "Lower
5," expresses the public's feelings
toward this now type of control-
led comfort. Tiathe centre is a
close-up of rho control equipment,
by which, as the arrows Indicate,
the individual can regulate the
volume and direction of the flow
of air, 51
He was alone at a small table, 11110
had seen all her madness,
dIe Riad seen hie ideal Veinal be-
havJug .foollshly. Oh, she wanted
to run away and bide.
In the car going home Peter ' took
her hand.
tonight was not for me, 'Chose
looks, those mulles, were not meant
for me. I know that. Reckon
you've got your wings scorched
haven't You, Gloria?"
She bent back and shook her
never dreamt that it was anything
more than a temporary disagree.,
melt; but, to my amazement, she
began to cut rue in the street. I
wanted an explanation, but knew it
was 00 use, That queer oid father
had got on her nerves. I guess,
Oh, well, I did my best for the girl,
but she evidently didn't like me so
I'ye kept out of her way ever
Gloria bit back an explanation
How blind men were:
"But don't let's talk any mo;s
about Primrose," he went on, smil-
Ing across at her, "Let's talk
about our two salves—and the
"The future. " she sighed,
"Yes, darling, the golden futar,
that is going to mean so notch l;
us two."
Of a sudden she was sobbing
desperately, her body shaken, 11
went on his knee' before ,her, •,:u,
his arms round hers
"Gloria, my sweet, what is the
matter 1'e11 me,''
She pushed him away with both
"Leave me, please, Lem. I—I
can't explain,+'
"Please go—you can't help me—
nobody can help me! Oh, Lem"—
she looked up with tear -drenched
eyes—Pit you love me, pleas go
He said nothing, but walked
out of the room. Her will sobs
soon ceased.
Brushing the hair out of her oyes,
she went over to the telephone and
gave a certain number.
"Ise that you Peter?" she cried
Into it, "Oh, Peter, I want you to
take me out to -night. Somewhere
gay and nodsy, where we can dri)11t
and dance and forget forget---"
Her voice trailled away,
"I'll be there," cme his reasa it
ig answer,
,.She sighed as she put the rettivrr
down, then rang for Hortense and
ordered her to put out the smartest
clothes' she had.
"That new gown from Park, Her,
terse. The black affair."
1-Iortense rail..4 shoulders and
eyebrow "MI mam'seile hair! /03
7.6 gown w'as ,l!,;;rao“f u1!
gown had nu hark to it. 331 1112•
would Is ll -hailed tel w• ar i; eve
on ze stage.'
II ,,..1 ,t,:'•''• 'Tun re,1 ?11
:,ale ,h --, 'Cr.
11,e1 t -,•e: 11. r'11 lulu �: p
th, n• eg13rrg--_t1111 on my do
111y hair exqui-•hely-^make are look
more beautiful than I hays evr,.r• be-
fore- lrofp',1 in mt' 131,," She gave a
hr.rrl laugh 111;,1 had no true of
mirth in it, "And if Mr, Cart -
him I have gone
out with homebody else."
She could not lace Lem again to-
night, she Wil nut strung enough,
not braive, enough, She must ge
the para with Peter, lose herself in
a frenzy of excitement,
And she did
They dined at a modern restaur-
ant filled with a modern crowd—
there were favours given away --
funny caps streamers and whitles
Gloria laughed and drank and flirted
with Peter over the rim of her
Wine -glass, and put on a funny cap,
and made a noise with toy musical
instruments and shouted across at
other tables.
She was mad—mad—mad! Trying;
In this whirl and din to forget Lem.
In between courses they danced
and she was the ggyest of the gay
crowd, Always laughing, her arms
around Peter's neck, her slim body
snuggled up in his, To see her
people would chink she was the
happiest girl in the world, nor
dream that underneath this gaiety
lay the black cloud of despair.
Towards midnight Iter spirits
were at 'their height. She was
glorious, vivid, vital, And t.lrel,
suddenly she collapsed and was ;a
little girt whimpering in Peter's
"Take me home," she whispered.
"Oh, please take me home, Peter,'
Across the restaurant she had
Molted Into a Pair of brown 57es
.ilial had gazed at her tenderly and
sadly --.the oyes of Lem Cartwright
"See dere, I know all that stunt
She nibbled at toast, sipped at cal•
fee, and left the rest untested.
Among her letters was one from
Lean, She opened it eagerly and
"My darling,—This Cannot go on
much' longer, The suspense is too
much for me. Yet every time 1 try
to speak you put me off, Gloria, I
love you and want to marry you. I
swear I will make you happy, Please
give me your answer to -day.
Your own—Lem,"
Gas+piag, she lay buck 0'l the
pillows, white and shaken.
":11y love, my dear love! she
murmured to 11er.elf, "How can I
break your heart and mine also?
IIaw can I?" She closed her eyes
an:1 e•utht cut 1'•a' plans. V1'tt'.l'u
fifteen minutes she bad everything
A note was de1palched by band to
Lent, 11 read—
"Lem—Came for your answer to-
night, --Gloria,"
She rang up a number of her
friends and invited them to a
party at her flat !het night.
Then she rang up Primrose and
WIi1)NPisDA'X, 111310. 101, 1037
invited her also.
"1 5*41t a31t yoito atav thio
laisht," snahe said, white -hipped .at tits
telephone. "Bat a friend' of mitre
will drive you back to Balston,"
No, site could not bear to hays
Primrose around•--a1ter'Vards.
Never had Gloria looked so bril-
liant as that night when' site was
acting 115 hostess to twenty or
thirty guests.
Her colour was vivid, her oyes
were brigtrt, and elle talked and
laughed repeatedly.
To see her nobody could have
guessed that her heart felt like a
dull pain, or that she was living on
ber nerves end bad about reached
breaking -Point,
Then Lent arrived,
He looked rather taken aback to
see a room full of people, waren he
was expeoting Gloria alone, bat he
smiled across at her in a possessive
".lust wait until all these stupid
people have cleared out," his eyes
seemed to say. "And we can be
alone together, darling,"
"Oh, hallo, Lent!" she drawled.
"You're late. Primrose, fled Lem
a cocktail, will you, dear "
They were at the other end o: the
rbcni--.Lena and Primrose. She
was chattering away to him, but
his eyes were not on her,
He could only see that glittering
figure who leant so nonchalantly
against the mantelpiece, •lauding
at him, and toying with slim lingers
at the stem of a wineglass.
"Isn't Gloria beautiful '' breathed
Primrose, in genuine admiration,
She is the most beautiful woman
on earth!" said Lem solemnly. "And
s ' • •' ^.,a she is loudly, [doral
could never stoop to do anything
mean or hurttul, ,She Is wonder.
He caught her eye, raised his
glass and drank a silent health to
She stood up, very straight and
The amateur who took this picture gave thought to it. The boys are his
sons, but the appeal of the picture Is universe ,
THE statisticians tell us that there
are now millions and millions of
camera owners—more than a mil-
lion right here in Canada alone—
but how many of them take pic-
tures that really qualify as pictures,
such as might be chosen to adorn the
walls of a home other than their
own, is a question.
Some judges of amateur snapshot
contests aver that scarcely one per -
eon in a couple of thousand submits
pictures of genuine pictorial quality
or having the saving appeal of story-
telling human interest. Others say
that often most of the pictures are
so good in these respects that they
have difficulty in making deatelons.
Perhaps the verdict depends as
much upon who the judges are as
upon what the pictures are. All of
them concede that from the stand-
point of photographic quality—cor-
rect exposure and proper focus—the
average of amateur photographs is
high, In that sense there is no doubt
that thousands of amateurs •take
good pictures but with respect to
evoking general appeal, it must be
admitted that not all give evidence
of attention to artistic composition,
thought in the choice of subject, or
care for the right moment to snap
the shutter. The result is pioturos
'n'at are commonplace in their appeal
Co others. Usually such pictures are
personal to the picture taker, such
as a close-up of a beloved infant
with no qualities to distinguish it
from snapshots of a thousand other
To win snapshot prizes, camera
leers need to take pains to plan
their pictures or at least exercise
judgment in selecting a viewpoint
that will give the best composition
Haphazard shooting rarely brings
really good pictures. Unless experi-
ence has proved it, amateur picture
takers should not assume that they
possess a natural picture sense.
They would do well to study exam-
ples of artistic photographs cote
atantly published in magazines,
newspapers and books, go to photo-
graphic exhibits, and learn what it
takes to make a good picture.
Can it be that the majority of
amateur picture takers are quite con-
tent with their pictures considering
the fun they get in taking them and
their value as records of good times
or likenesses of relatives and
friends? Certainly many do get vast
enjoyment 111. carrying their snap-
shots around with them in' wallets
and handbags and exhibiting then' to
those in the circle of their acquaint-
ance. They think their pictures are
Pretty good, and, as perrtonal pic-
tures, they certainly are.
Whether or not a camera user is
interested in snapshot contests, ho
oan get all the pleasure the painter
gets in his work to create pictures
that will be admired by everybody if
he will venture beyond the field of
Personal interest and try to make
pictures of general appeal. This
means planning, care and thought.
It's the difference, for example, be-
tween a picture entitled, "ldy wife
and Junior, aged four," with the sub-
jects standing stiffly side by side
and one of the same subjects en-
titled, "A boy's best friend is his
mother," showing her, with the boy
over her knee, giving him a spank-
ing. That'sathe hind of picture even, -
body likes,
142 John Tan Guilder.
atria, her bead high, her oyes steady,
"Q11, everybody!!" Her volae
rang through. the room and silenced
the buzz of gossip, "1 have au an.
nmimenleat to make --a very pleas,
ant annoucemoft,"
.A'cross the room brown eyes met
hers in a long silence of under-
standing. Her ower wavered be..
fore them. It was not too late
And then she looked un anti saw
Primrose—Primrose, who had given
life back to her.
"I wish to announce my engage,
molt"' said Gloria clearly, "to Ar-
thur Adams, at present 1n Shin -
(To Be Continued,)
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