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W. O. H. A.
Large Entry
Annual Meeting Held. At Listowel
on Tuesday
The annual meeting of the Week -
ern Ontario k•Iockey Association was
held in I(IstoWel on Tuesday after-
noon, November 23rd, The follow-
ing officers were elected:
President—J. 0. McDonald, alms -
let Vice Pres,—G. M, Murdock,
2nd Vice Pres. D, A. Bann, Brus-
,Sec,-Tress.—Harry Lucas, Ilarris-
Executive Corn.: S. S. Shantz, KIL.
chener; A. E. Donald, Walkerton;
Tory Gregg, Kincardine; J. 0, Dale,
Harriston; three other members to
he appointed,
The Association will have Inter-
mediate and Junior groupings and
the closing date for entries is Dec,
'yu !e!?ca# -'2ca4 zorret3tvtwtt !s;'emlim
8 -Ste aa106106t6iM6- 4',=,16-tatet,4 to
5. S. No. 6 Grey
Miss L, Hansuld, Teacher
Professor A. W. Anderton,
Musical Director
Adults 25c Children Free
eve-t6'.61cwvo6t6 oattgt6!6.mico6+ turn
An Operetta
The Magic Bowl
by the pupils of Rooms II & 111
and' the Juvenile Play
by the pupils of Room I
will be presented by
Brussels Public School
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, Dec. 3rd
at 8 p.m.
:tE!6'f,'CtZ'� t6tt;'d ot8t6tu+8t t6�.t„t6t't:s?.t6+a�t6a
WEDNESDAY, December 1st, 1937
11 a.m.—Morning Worship
3 p.m.—Sunday School.
7 p,m.—Evening Worship
Monday, 8 p.m.—Citizenship De ..W.
D. S, Jamieson will address the
Young People
Monday, Dec, 20—Sunday School
Concert, Pageant and Christmas
Wed. Dec. 15 -:-Sacred Contata by
the choir
Frt. Dec. 3rd—W, M. S. meeting ..at
the home of Mrs John E.
Smith. Tea will be served at
the conclusion of the regular
meeting at 3 p.m,
R6re''ene C.; teger.tetgeSteSeeeglet6teggeZtr,Wel
Tex Ritter Eleanor Stewart
Warner Richmond
Heading For
the Rio Grande
The singing cowboy in action
Warner Baxter Loretta Young
Virginia Bruce
Wife, Doctor Nurse
The story of a doctor's life
and two women
Ronald Coleman Madeline Carroll
Prisoner of Zenda
with Douglas ,Fairbanks Jr.
Cain and Mabel
Mate. Sat & Holidays at 3 part.
Peace Program
Is Much Enjoyed
Pageant Is Feature of Brussels
Women's Institute
Tho November meeting oe the
Women's Institute wets bold Tues•
day in Carnegie Library with a large
attendance Mrs. II. Spears, presided.
The roll call was answered by nam-
ing a prominent leader in present-
day history. Mrs. Spears spoke of
the success of the short course held
recently and of other courses to pe
held in the near future,
The theme of the evening was
"Peace" on which Miss Helen Bee -
her gave a very splendid aadreas,
0. Drummond, principal of the
Continuation School, gave a clever
talk and also explained the pag-
eant. Those taking part In the pag-
eant were: James Lamont,' 'Her
ald," who announced each charac-
ter; Miss Isabel McTavish, "Bri,
tante"; Betty Beat, "Mercy"; Bar-
bara Michie, "Justice"; Bert Blat.k,
"Ireland"; . Oarmren Baker, "Eng-
land"; Mary Backer, "japan";
Jack Bt'yane, "United Statese;
Dorothy Wright, "Scotland"; Dor-
othy Ballantyne, "France"; Mc-
Curdy Lawry, "Italy"; Marne Ring,
"Belghlm"; Thos, MoFadzenn
"Germany"; Alice Blake, "Canada."
Margaret Scott, "Peace," who was
crowned et the close of the pageant.
Songs peculiar to each country
were sung after each announce-
ment. Au exhibition of club swing.
Ing was given by a number of
girls' and the orchestra contrbuted
a pole -sing seection, 1Mrs, H. 0.
Walker, Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and
Mrs. John Olver were appointed
to look after the arrangements of
the community 'Christmas tree
which were under the auspices of
the Institute. Mrs. J. Wilton mov-
ed a hearty vote of thanks ffp all
those taking pant,
J. W. Hanna,
Wingham Mayor
By Acclamation
J. W. Hannah was returned'11'layoi•
of Wingham for another term, by
acclamation, at a meeting on Mon.
day evening. Two other nominees
Dr. R. C. Redmond and J. H.
Crawford withdrew,
Other nominations' were:—
For Reeve—T, R, Bennett, F. L.
Commissioner—A. J. Walker
For Council (six to be elec'.ed)—
I3. T. Thomson, R, 8, l:thetington,
Walter Vauwyck, Loner Wilkinson,
R. 1I. Lloyd, J. H, Crawford, Harry
Brown, Thomas Y. Smith, Gurdon
Machan, Roy Mundy, Joseph Evans'.
,Public School Board (all returned
by acclamation) Ward 1, Rev. J. F.
Anderson; Ward 2, Norman Fry;
Ward 3, 011ie IInbkirk; Warts 4,
Dr. A..7. Irwin.
Brussels Town Hall
Saturday, Dec. 4th
Come Early —8.15— Don't Misr It
(Advance Flim Service)
A Story Packed With Thrills
On the Same Program
`The Hindenburg Disaster'
'The Scene of the Explosion and Fire
Children -15c
FRONT ROW.— Roland Grain (Turnberry), George Mc' all illlyth), J. 11. Roberts County C'erk),
T. R. Patterson (County Engineer), Wa:ctr'n J. M. Eckert tiIrKillop), A. Ii, Erskine (County
Treasurer), R. J. Bowman (Brussels), Mayor MacEwan (Gorier:eh), F. L. Davidson (Wingham);
SECOND ROW:—L. E. Cardiff (Morris), Chester Mawhinney (- ep'ient, J. E. Huckins (Deputy
Reeve, Gedetdch), Richard ,Tohnstnn (Ashfield), Geon,' C. Fra -an (Colborne), W. IS, Sanders
(Fatter). Themes L)vell (D'luty It.: v^, Haw el. 'i:'-•ur„s•r,
George Armstrong (Hay), Le ware Lamport titepic'y lreeve. S:opheni.
THIRD ROW: Fred. Livermore (Clinton), Joie: A. Bryans (Howick), Henry K'y, (Grey), Gilbert
Frayue Deputy Reeve, Ashfield), Herbert Mogridge (Hullett), Wm J. Stewart (West Wa ra-
nosh), Wilmot Haacke (Goderich township), Ernest Shaddick (liensail), Wm, R. Archibald
BACK ROW:—Peter W. Scott (East Wawanosbl, George Westcott (L'eborne), R, E. Turner ,(eal"-
rich), J. H. Scott (Searfortil), Webster Turner (Stanley), George James (caretaker of Court
House), and Mr. Chas, Asquith, of Auburn, members of Goderioh Collegiate Institute Board.
Queen's Grill
osaLOCALNLwS ITEMSI a Thriell Qeemn.'s THhorteelwihllasbe
delicious sandwiches, grilled or
Plain, as well as hot dogs and coffee.
Truck Accident Boys Warned A specialty will be oyster stew on
What aright have proved a ser- Boys who have been in the habit Saturday nights, served in season.
sous' accident occurred last Tues- at playing hockey on the icy main
day morning a short distance east street are -warned to disenntinne
of Lucknow when the Browntown the practice. It is a dangerous
Transport in charge of D mglas sport.
Black left the slippery highway and One window has already been
landed in the ditch. However Mr. broken and windows of cars as well
Bleck and his assistant Dick Mc- as those of stores are in danger of
Quarrie, of Brussels emerged from being broken by the flying puck Not
the wreckage little the worse of only is property damage likely to
their terrible exploit. Mr. Black, occur but a pedestrian or passeag-
however, intends to have his truck ers in cars might be injured and the
ready to serve the public within the boys themselves, in concentrating
course of a very few days. I on their game, are in clanger of be-
ing struck by cars whose brakes
News of B. C. S. I might not hold on the icy sires',.
bt is hoped the boys will heed
Quite a few interesting events this warning. The next h"uk"n
have taken place in the school dur-�
ing the past few weeks'. :lmang window will no doubt cost then:
them was a Remembrance Day Ser- more than an apology,
vice held on Nov. 10, at which Mr, I Drummond addressed addressed the mile and St. John's Sunday School
Mary Baeker recited, "In Flanders
On Wednesday, Nov. 17111 tics
first Literary meeting of the year
was held. The train features
were a Peace Pageant and the in
talion of the new pupils into the
The school, also was in charge
of the program at the meetins of
the Women's Institute, lust Tues-
day night.
United Church Y. P. S.
The regular weekly meeting of
the Y.P.S. of the Brussels Crated
Church was held on Monday even-
ing with Jack Bryans in charge.
The Scripture was read by Barbara
Michie. Dorothy Wright gave a
very interesting and Inetructive talk
on "Canadian Poets and Poems" in
which she told of the life, education
and work of several poets and read
Poems that each of these poets had
written, Jacic Bryans then read a
short place an the life of Sir Walter
,Scott. The meeting closed by
repeating the Mizpah Benediction.
The attendance was not as high as
those in charge of the society would
like and they wish that all mem-
bers of the Y,P.S, would try and bo
present at these weekly meet'ngs.
• - DIED -
SIMPSON-sin Brussels, on Tuesday,
November 30th, 1937, Robert Mc-
Donald Simpson, in his 60th year.
,A. private funeral will bo held
from the hoarse of his sister, Mrs.
R'itat could he more tasty on a cold
frosty evening, than that piping 'ort
oyster stew Be sure you try it this
Satuday night, after that you will
be a regular customer,
Library Notes
The Brussels Public Library has
back numbers of the fol:owing
magazines for sale, they may be
secured from the Librarian,, at re-
duced prices. They would provide
suitable reading for the Winter
months. -
--Popular Mechanics, Ladles' Homo
Journal Canadian, Readers Digest,
The Chatelaine, Forest and Out-
doors, McIr ani s, Child Life, Good
Hous:. Keeping. Scientific Ameri-
can. Magazine Digest, and Health
Flu; aziue.
Sends Gifts to the West
Euchre and Dance
At St. John's Anglican Church A eurrhe and deuce i,' being held
on Sunday morning the service was in Brussels Town Hall ou the evc't-
a special one, when the scholars ing of Tnnsday, Dee. 7, under the
brou ha their gifts for childrec, nut auepiees of the Hoc -key Club. Good
in the West. Peptnt twenty-aeren prizes are being given. Dancing on
was used, the Scripture lesson was the re -surfaced floor, to the music of
St. Matthew chapter 211, verse 31 to Flonenre Sauer and her orche.l:a.
the cud, and children's hymns If yon an' interested in hockey
were sung. After singles the and particularly interested in your
hymn, ”,The wise may lasing their own hockey team be sure. you aro
learningThe rice nray bring their at the euchre and dance on Tuesday
gold," .the children brought their evening and give the club a good
parcels all Mine up ready for Christ. start for the year. Admission is
mas and plaeecl them in a basket on
the Chancel steps', after which they
filed into to front seats of the
Church, and Mrs, Graham told ,lie
story "Why the Chimes rang" by
Raymond Aiden, Michael's surgical staff has recently
The service was a very happy One, had conferred on him fellowship in
J the American College of Surgeons.
Church Notes
—s'—y— The Clinical Congress took plane
Services in Melville Presbyterian t in Chicago. He is already a fellow
Church on Sunday were conducted ; of the Royal College of Surgeons
bf Rev, A. J. Fowlie, Almonte, who of England and of the Royal College
took for his morning subject Num.! of Surgeons of Edinburgh. His
hers 32-18, "We will not return unto 1 photo recently appeared in the Daily
our house until the children of Star'
Israel have inherited every man his l Dr. Harold is the son of the late
inheritance." In the evening the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong and
text was taken from Malt, 34. "Pre- was born on the 9th con. of Grey.
pare ye the way of the Lord, make We congratulate him as few
His paths straight," from which Young doctors are so honored, His
very enjoyable sermons were many friends' in Brussels and vicin-
Preaehed. At the morning service Ity aro proud of hint. Ho is a
the choir contributed an anthem brother of Jas, Armstrong, 8th son
and in into evening ,Hiss Aloe:: and
; and Mrs, Wm. McInnis., Ethel.
Gerald Gibson contributed a duet. ' —t--
Sunday services in the United Bend Old Markers
Church were conducted 1»' lite To Thwart Thieves
minister, Rev. IT. J. Mahoney, who Ottaw;t, Out.
took for his subject in the mem- t Police asked purchasers of On.
Ing, "False Gods." In tho evening i tnrio's new nutnmobile license plat -
only _"ac and a good time is assured,
Toronto Doctor
Dr. Harold G, Armstrong of St.
oPo.fo0; XXW'w oKMX:4.+X,K.:*
Mr. George Manning was a
celIt visitor at the Winter Fair in
Toyer to,
re -
John IlecK1nn0n, Fort William, 11as
been visiting his sister Sara and
brother Dave,
Miss Aleen Gibs'oln has returned
to Toronto following her vacation
at her home. She and Miss M,
Spettan are beginning their second
year of training in the General
MN. L. 'Oallehan and son Leo,
Brockville, have been visiting her
father, 3a', S. Witaa,
Mrs, Archer Prewar and little
son are doing fine. Nurse Marg-
aret Ruseel leas been in attendances.
Orval Lemon loaves Thursday of
this week Inc a vacation in Detroit
and Chicago.
Rev. J. and Mrs. Graham and
children were London visitors on
Thursday. bit'. Graham attended a
meeting of the D.I1.R.E., of which he
was rt.-elceted seem;a.ry,
Mies Madalon. Speilan of the '1'o.
rento General Imp' -rat returned ou
Tuesday after spending her vasa•
cion at her home here,
Ml's. A, Leitch left this week to
visit her daughter Mrs, McLaren at
Mr. and Mts. Wes, Lett of White -
visitors this week with
relatives and friends(
:Mrs. McTavish of London has
joined her husband E. 3, McTavish,
merchant and they have secured
one of the new apartments on Tory
Hill, recently built by Crerar and
After the fire which destroyed his
home on Turnberry St. north, one
morning• over a month ago, Mr. Wil-
liam 'Cook has had erected a small
neat cottage. Lt was hurried along
before the winter sets in,
Mrs, George Lott of Wingham is
visiting this week with Mr, and
Mrs, McKay and other friends,
Mr, Kenneth Lott and Mies Jean
Wilkinson of Stratford motored up
on Sunday and spent the day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas'. _McKay.
Frauk Farrow 'while coming from
school last Wednesday had the mis-
fortune to fall on the sidewalk and
break the large bone in his arm. It
is to be hoped Frank's .troubles are
over for a while,
,Miss Ruth $traehan was honoured
last week by being requested to bo
a guest soloist at the Doctor's-
octor'sAnnual Banquet in connection with
the General Hospital, Toronto. She
also assisted in a duet,
Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MoDonald
were week -end visitors with their
daughter in Port Elgin.
Word was received from Larder
Lake of tile death o1 Mr. ,lack Mc-
Gregor of that town. He Wee a
brother of Mrs. A, Sholdice of Wal-
ton and :Mr's, Bolger of Morrie and
of the late Mrs. W.. A. Lowry of
Brussels, and had often visited
Mr. S. Wilton, who has been quite
111. is improving his many frien,is
will be glad to know,.
Messrs. K. Ashton and M, Murray
attended the rugby game at Guelph
Saturday night.
Messrs. W H. Bell, D, A. Rana and
W. A Williamson were in Tornto
Saturday to attend the Maple Leaf
hockey game.
Mrs. Kathleen Stokes; famous
radio and theatre organist gave a
recital in the United Church, Wing -
ham on Thursday, Nov. 25th. She
is considered the best lady organist
in Canada. She Is the daughter of
Mn, and Mrs, Leslie O'Connor form-
erly of Brussels, Mrs. O'Connor
was before her marriage Miss Melis-
sa Farrow daughter of the late Thos.
Farrow who was postmaster of
Brussels for years. Mrs. Stokes is
seldom knoevn to leave her work in.
the city but as a compliment ie her
native county she came to Wingham
to aid, the Triple V boys slake
money to add chimes to their al-
ready wonderful organ.
Rev. D viclson
Receives Call
Melville Presbyterian Church
Calls Toronto
A very large gathering attended
the special Congregational sleeting
last Monday evening at 8 o'clock:,
After palate worship by Rev, W.
A. Williams, the meeting selLled
down to consider the calling of/ it
new minister.
Three naaaes were presented and
voted on, with the Bev, Hugh. F.
Davidson, M,A., Toronto being
elected on the first ballot with a
dear majority over the other (wet
candidates. Then Mr. Robert
'lawman moved that the call be
made unanimous and this was
agreed to. 11 is anticipated that
.Mr. Davidson will accept the call.
Mr. Davidson is a native of New-
ton, an ALA., oe Toronto i uiverslty
and a graduate 10 Theology of Knox
College, He is at present Director
of Religious Education in Knox
Church Toronto. His father is a
truly beloved and popular Elder in
the Presbyterian Church In Milver•
ton, and a brother iso in tnaining,for
the Ministry in Knox College.
Mr. Davidson is married esel has
one child. We feel sure that Mr,
Davidson will be a great asset to
14ely Ile Church and the town of
World Championship
In Oats Comes
To Ontario
Middlesex County in Ontarie won
the world championship for oats
.Saturday with the victory of .silex
;Stewart, of Ailsa Craig, Ont„ at the
international grain and hay show
here. He retained the title for
Stewart won the Alaska 0, A. C.
No. 167, a variety developed by the
Ontario Agricultural College. The;,
sample weighed 47.8 pounds to the:.
bushel, It •:vas the third time
since 1920 that a variety other than
Victory won wad the first tiro the
title went to Eastern Canada, Do-
minion farmers have taken the
oats la+ngship 10 of the iS times.
Stewart won the reserve eham-
Piomship in oats last year, placing
behind the famous Herman Trelle, •
of Wembley, Alta. Trelle was
forced to retire from the corepeti_
tion 11110 year ;because of rules
limiting one exhibitor to three vie
tordea in any class.
Stewart, who farms 200 acre; of
mixed crops and raise sbeaf, is a
member of the Ontario crops com,
The victory was Canada's second'
of the day, John 'Weiner, of
Miami, Mn,,oshow-lag a Canadian
Thorpe variety in the taro -rowed
class, won the barley title after a
close tussle between his samples.
Finds Wolf Asleep
Near The Highway
Wingham, Ont,
"It knocked the wind completely
out of ate when I found a wolf
asleep in a field of corn stubble near
the Blue Water highway," comment-
ed Harry Graham of Ripley.
Graham only had a shotgun and
the rest of hie party who had rifles
were off in another field hunting
foxes. He let 'Maze with a single
bathe and bagged the wolf. Now
he is in line for the $20 bounty.
Palmerston Taxes Nearly
Three -Quarters Collected
Tax Collector G, Y. Donaldson
Waited on council Monday night, and
gave a brief report oe, the position
of the local tax collections. Roughly
three-quarters of the amount owing
being the auto of $30,320.30, had
been collected, and it is expected
Trade with the merchants who in- that thee figure will be conatl.delably
vile you. You will fled it will pry enlaage! during the l'emlander' of
you to trade with Brussels Post ad- thio year, The clerk and the col.
vea'tisers, lector were of the opinion that,
though this woenot a record in
sesess' "a arise &mecstians, it was a very gcbd
removed new license plates and showing,
substituted others, still usable
legally, disown away with garbage BIRTH
:lis text was talcen from Ecc, 12.7, i 05 in destroy the nlcl plates and by ear owners who already have
Levi Patv', Lot 1, Con, 6, Grey "Then shah the dust Tann to the i help thwart aatomnhilo thieves. bought tre 1938 markers, Numer- BORN ---Sit Listnwol memorial
at 2 o'clock. Interment in return to God who gave it," Sett- 1 they break,
township on Thursday, Deo. 2nd, earth ns it teas, and the spirit atoll ' Police suggested bending the plates oilsway caanrsd bad been stolen in this pial, to 111r, anti Mrs, Ar her
1111 used in hold-ups iu cast- Gretvaa, on Tuesday, IlovomBet
Brussels cemetery, )Husk' was ORM by the Choir, ( Officers said thieves stole cars, ern Ontemio, they Said. 30th, 1937--a son.