HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-17, Page 70
t7 e
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7!th, 1,937 "
T he Brussels Poet
rata"; FO JNpao-1819
W. KENNEDY — PNbilsher
I Published Elvely Medliesday I
SubsortmeM Irrlee $1,50 pet' year,
ppaid 114 ailvLuWO, Subscribers la ,
United g'"t';s WI': please add 50c
10r poste ,e, tui: i
e —:—Tele hon 31 ,— Brussels, Ont;
Already there have been many �.
columns written and printed about
Right Hon. Ramsay MacDonald,
whi died when starting an about tbe
first vacation he bad ever known
when he was not weighed with res-
ponsibility of office. The man's
accemplisilrnents were indeed greet,
hat -we have always regarded as
most unusual the fact that Ramsay
MacDonald ever .made his way to
the point wbere 11e 'headed three
British governments, If ever
there was an object lesson of what
a persou trona Bumble origin can
do ^1n democratic Britain: Mac-
Donald furnished that lesson,
Today if we were considering his
ease as a lad we would probably
refer to hint as underprivileged;
we might have been moved 1n see
that be had some better nothing
and more food because he sprang
f"om whet we call pav"_aty, 'Pile
house where he was born would
probably have been condemned by
our standards, .for ft was but a two -
room shack in the Scottish fishing
village of Lossiemouth, and probab-
ly our school laws might have step-
ped in .to protest when 11e quit
school at age of 12 and went to work
In the fields, When he was work-
ing in the fields it Is also likely our
wage laws 'would have dealt with
his earnings because they were so
small. Even on his third jolt he
' would not have measured up to
requirements because es a laborer
In a warehouse he earned but 12
shillings per week, and in our cur-
rency that would be but 93.
When he was 29 he had learned j
much and the public library had
been his university. He ran for
parliament in Southampton, but he '
received only 897 votes. He was 1
bitterly opposed to the South Afri-
can war and said so, after which be
A Hone ore Your
Hands --
Did ,on eenr anorn out hos
•mall o parcant•en of our 1 opu-
lutton pato roar house vhnra
(hr could tee a "To Got" sten,
or how Annie a percentage rood
our pcpor? Good lemmata are
not the toad that have tine to
wont* In toluol around locking
for elltot. Thar, loots In our
Wont Add
If rou have o hawse ' on Sons
llamado, y " Ile... to Lot" ed.
will bring theca to rota,
a„„n.,,•, • 1.1 9•9149,
tried agala for a seat 111 the Com-
mora, Jett wee so thoroughly beaten
that Nye might well fitly ire should
have read In the election nettlts the
Plain meosage that he was not
Wanted, It took him 1,1 years 40
kind tt seat for the constituency
of Leicester, Then he became
leader 04 some two 800re then wee
made up the Leber party of that
Clay, but with dist small success
ante alla,101' tragedy at Wile.S;rithin' a tew months be lost his
wife, his son .David, and 11.14 .mother,
Ramsay MacDonald was' 014)0601
to the World War and that opposi-
tion brought about his defeat in
tile ,election Yoillowi,ng the Annie -
ice; he tried again In a by -elation
but was turned back. It was not
until 19122 that he was once mere In
parliament, What he did Fence
then. is a matter of almost present-
day history. 'But judged by our
often enough mistaken ideas about
privilege, opportunity and Pros-
pects, Ramsay MacDonald should
never have succeeded at all,
Canadian nurses with an objec-
tive of working at tiled' protes'iion
in the 'United Saha will be disap.
pointed because of the special
regulation issued by the immigra-
tion department of that country to
prevent Canadian nurses from
crossing the border to accept work.
The new regulation has been put
into force because of complaints
from nurses) organizations In the
United States protesting that the in -
ere - ., Csneeten nurses was Un-
fair to the home talent.
In recent years, there has been
considerable demand for Canadian
nurses in the United States, Ap-
parently American hospitals found
•that Canadian nurses were capably
trained and were more efficient in
their work than the -average U. S.
nurse. The appeal to the Canadian
girls, was that they received higher
pay In the United States. The Can.
adian regulation pay for private pa-
tients Is said to be 94 a day while
the rate for similar work In the
United States is $7.
The matter of objection to Can-
adian nurses being given preference
in the States bas been under consid-
eration for a year and it is c'.lfficult
to see how the immigration depart-
ment could avoid a ban, especially
if there are sufficient nurses In the
United States to do the work, There
Is some uncertainty on this point,
it being held that a number of hos-
pitals final it difficult to get the
kind of nursing help they require"
It is the case that American hospl•
tut au(llor.'•ties have been wr'tini!
to C".nada to get graduate nurses.
Once, however, that nursing associ-
ations began complaining that Can.
adieu nurse wore getting the prof
erence, it was obvious that the gov-
ernment would have to art,
The situation is ttn'fm'utnate for
theee Canadian nurses who had op-
pollunity to obtain wink in the
1'uite:1 Sister, For a nunlbe- of
yes:• nursing work in Canada-. was
1101ftcd lu earn:' of depression and
there was an excess of graduates.
Candelas are batter nein fel' a
number of the smeller Tin,e:t rle
abandoned their tri,Sei114 .a rrr.,ls
Irrd .:11" nuauher of graduates was
1 ' tally reduced.
The ban is just one of these af-
fairs in the economic situation that
has came to puss and nothing caw
be done about It. The Canadian
nurses will have to be content with
the apportuirltles for careers w.11ch
their native land otfere.
Alitilur W. Outten, native of
Guelph and admittedly the leading
operator for years In the Chicago
Exchange, died s0100 time ago, It
was, known he had made millions
and probably loot some of them as
well, but at the time of his death
an aceeutltleg of ale affairs showed
$150,470 in cash, Total claims
against the estate, including federal
and state taxes, amounted to 92,300,-
There has been a search carried
on industriously ever since the
death of Arthur Cuttsll to find out
what became of the wealth he wee
aup4osee to possess•. There have
been all sorts of rumors that he
bad concealed it in Europe and 111
Canada. There have been agents
from United Sthtes in Ontario and
their right of search was never
fully recognized, We learn the
seardh bas not been comple!.ed if
dile man left wealth in a concealed
state thel. some person must know
about it.
Perhaps it Is too much to suggest
that Arthur Outten lost his millions
as he had made them, But things
just as' strange as that have hap-
petecl, and are still happening.
Ready For Winter
(By A.R.it,)
¶ My Uncle Jed was in today, be
had a Wee time to stay, may even
spend the night; he's not too busy
on the farm, and things are tidy in
the barn, but winter's now in sght.
¶ It's always been the same with
Jed, lie Ikea to buy. Its stug ahead,
for he's afraid of chills; so when the
winter coenes along, Jed likes to
know his stock is' strong, in oint-
ment and in pills,
¶ He bas a list he writes in ink,
and marks down pills both black
and pink, and others green and
brown; then Jed goes shopping at
the Store, knows just what he is
hunting for, and checks each p111
box down,
11 Of salve and liniment and stuff,
my uncle never has enough, he
knows them all Iby name; and
when he gets stocked up agate, he's
ready for the winter then, he's al -
Ways been 'the same.
¶ Before Jed puts his victuals':
down, he 'takes a pill that's round
and brown, and sinks it in some
bread; and when he's done the
chores at night, before he turns to
douse the light, he takes a pill
that's red.
¶ I think Jed had sly lands of
, pills, and saves and ointment for
his is, perhaps the number's ten;
be likes to have his stock well filled,
before 1110 winter air gets eheled--
for he feels safer then
Cold Chills
"Jchn!1y," said the minkier
"rvery time I hear you swear a cold
' chain runs down my bark."
"Gee," said Johnny, "1f yen had
r been at 111y house the othee day
( when dad caught hie nose . in the
teatime wringer, you'd have froze to
ilea th,"
Plan Splendid Hunting Season
f' ,c �> Vii•....
Prospects for big -game hunting
are unusually bright in Can-
anada this fall. Reports covering the
thousands of square miles of
wilderness accessible by, Canadian
Pacific Railway show a plentltude
of game and excellent eond111one
for hunting, Outfitters and guides
adross the country Akio report
more reservations for bunting
Paries, both from Canada. and
the t'United States, than they have
had for years.
Wild sections of Canada lying
practically in the back yard of
civilization have a wide variety of
big game in addition to many
types of game birds and smaller
animals. 'Nova Scotia has moose,
door and black bear; Now Bruns-
wick, doer and black bear; Que-
bec, moose, oarlbou, doer and black
bear; Ontario, moose, deer and
black bear; Manitoba and Sas-
katchewan, moose, deer and earl -
boa; Alberta and British Colum-
bia, mountain sheep and goats,
caribou, moose, 0111 (wapiti), deer,
and grizzly, brown shad Matic
bear; and the Velton Territory
and Alask1, practically the same
as British Columbia.
An indication of the increased
interest in hunting this year has
been given by the number of ap-
pitcations coming to the general
tourist offices in Windsor StattOu,
Montreal, for copies of the two
hunting booklets, "Open Seasons
for 'Bunting" and "Fiehing Wa-
tens and Game haunts,"
A Michigan man he's killed a deer
With a bow and arrow, 11 ie a panni
tive method but It at least fives 111e
quarry a eleetng . chalice,
A British Coluarbia mea weal's 16
Mee shoes, He would probably
have difficulty in getting through
some of the mou1lans passes'.
Ottawa policeman shot a thread
off the leg of c sparrow caught In a
tree and we have an Idea It would
pay crooks not to start a sheeting
duel with that particular officer,
Lord BeaverbPoOlcsays there 18
not going to be any war fn Europe
among first class powers but we will
still remain a trifle uneasy until we
check on what he means by a first-
class' .power,
Culverts are being built along the
10W Brockville-Galianoque highway
to let cattle cross the road safely.
Pedestrians will continue to have to
look after themselves.
It 1s al la bit puzzling. Putted
States fal'lners• are to be paid a
bonus to feed their potatoes to
livestock so that the price that the
consumer of the tubers will have to
pay will be kept up,
A woman alde!'mau will ren for
the mayoralty fn St, Thoma, and
new we suppose her opponent, will
pro ceecT to brush off chat old ehlyirig
about a woman's place being in the
•e '
Port Severn man has geave a
pumpkin that weighs 95 pounds.
That would probably supply enough
pie for a whole church supper and
leave some over for a second night.
Story from Burlvash tells nbont
Hon. Harry Nixon and his deputy
shooting a dangerous northern rap-
ids, After all of course you would
expect the Minister of Game and
Fisber'des to be shooting something.
British soientist says the Ilea of
destroying London by alr-ral1s is
ridiculous. An enemy might suc-
ceed in killing 50;000 Londoners he
a1Lmite, but the inference is that
would be of little consequence—un-
less of course to the victims anal
their• relatives,
Already 1058 unemployed single
men In British Colombia have regis-
tered for work at the forestry :amps
established by the provincial gov-
ernxneut. Evidently there is need
for such, planes despite the fact that
the King Government abolished
them shortly after coming into
(Walkrton Braid and Timesl
Not often that newspaper; talk
about their own business, but then,
is no good reason why they sbeuld
not do so. Right nave the"s are
some of our readers who obje(:t to
paying for their paper in advance
They argue this way: "Send as the
Paper for a year and then 41':4 w111
pay ter it," So on that pol,tt we
will .talk; just a Plain stntemeat of
the position of the new: pa;:er.
A newspaper is in pretty much
the sante position as the farmer
with his cream cheque, IIe gets It
regularly and does not have to
watt until the end of the year. It
is well that such is the case, becuua-1
the farmer- has to live all through
year and ire needs ready casts, A
newspaper is something like that
To illlratrate: The Herald -Tinges
purchases many tons of uelvSpriut
during the year, and each time a
carload comes' the people wile sell
the paper want their 1110ney, '1'he
paper mills have to pay their wages,
and it seems reasonable enough that
1110 newspapers should give pay -
meat as s0nn as called on, '1'11ose
employed in the herald -Times office
cannot possibly wait a year for
t11er money, and it is right that
they should have it each week. A11
the supplies we use aro paid for
when purchased. The people who
furnish 11s with light mad power and
Water seem to feel the same about
it, lit iutervels they present bills.
We mention these things so readers
will understand the position of the
newspaper and the way In which it.
Is ('0uatantly paying opt money. All
these deanteuls for looney every tiny
and revery week explain the reason
Why the newspaper netts that it be
paid for,
Antidote Nov. $.--Nott, hart Roble,
Ontario Conservative leader, was
elected to the House of Commons
for Defferin-Seeltoe by a001ainetio1
today When nnminaiiens tor the
Nov, 15 by-election closed,
f r. Ara !tern/ rakes „"raw
,u.a of the post of 10
and 1K Years Agri
Wedding --A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the howls of Mrs.
Martha 'Spews, 13luevale, on Wed -
timely, Nov. 13111, at 11 o'clock a.m.,
when she was united in merriage
to George 3alkwill, of Toronto, who
for the past season bas been en-
gaged in butter -making in Bluevale
Ceremony was: performed by Rev.
. E. Cook, The wedding march
was !played; by hiss Margaret Irwnl,
Mrs. Hamilton and 'baby of Ed-
monton are visitors at Jacob Long's.
• V •
Will. Cusic Is home from the
West after a three-year stay mad
W:11 return ;u the spring,
Wooden Wedding—Tuesday even-
ing a score of friends of Joseph and
tars, Long, 11th non., called upon
them and spent an enjoyable even
ig in social chet, games, music,
dancing, etc. It was the 5111 anni-
versary of their marriage and they
were presented with a leather
cushioned easy chair, centre table,
Harvey Henderson a1u en. For-
sythe are back from the West.
• • •
Township clerk elelSwan has
been away on a duck shooting ex-
cursion In the St. Clair flats.
D. M. McCall, Edmonton spent a
few days at the parental home, 8th
eine. He came East with his sister
Miss Annie.
• • •
Deer Hunters—A party of deer
hunters were in Parry Sound dis-
trict for two 'weeks, They were
Fraser Eniibury and Robert Nichol
of Morris, Burt Allan and G. Er-
riugton of Harlock and John Mel-
ville of Londesboro, Each got
their quota of venison..
W611, Cardiff and R. J. Hover ere
back from a holiday visit to the
Great West.
a a
Councillor and :lies P, A. McAr-
thur tyre in Toronto for a few days
during the past week and teak ex
the Women's Institute meeting and
the Horticultural Show.
• • •
Monday Isaac Gayton, who has
been employed with Ernest Iloszell
for the past sea0011, left for Orilitt,
where he has accepted a position
as a barber.
Mrs. Cent'ad Bernath has relturva,l
to "Waterloo water she Will Utak
her home with her nephew, Allan
Ceehrane and wife.
The trustees of - Ethel Peelle
school Jae engaged the serve...'a of
Hiss Dar -brook, of Newly; at; 10a041-
er for the coining year,
• a •
Passed ey'antn--ln connect/tot WW1
the exaulivattone of New Tte tn-
nlent history in the teachers tr.tin-
ing class of the Presbyterian church
Here there were 8 Candidates writ-
ing, s took 1st class honors and
3 2nd class. Following ars the
results: Edith Ferguson, 95; Mrs.
Ferguson, 98; cusses , hIabel La -
wont, 78; z, Spence, 68; Mrs. Geo.
Kreuter, 61; Misses Stella Dunbar.
05; Elsie Dunbar, 68; and Alice
Barr 64
Mfrs. J, T, Gardner, Chicago, is
riedting at the home of W. 1t,
a et at
D. M. Scott arrived home Satur-
day trona Prince Albert, wheer lie
hear been for the past few months,
Saturday of thiswe• ek Miss ,lean
Stewart will sail from Montreal for
the Old Land,
• • •
Harry Keys le home trent West,
While worsting out there he hats his
right arm caught in the belt of a
thresh4ng machine end the ore -
arm injln'eti considerably but he Is
tattling a good r e00Ve.1'y.
Cant a Mie Round Trip $aygain Fares.
Minimum Fares; Aults 750 Ghiidren 408)
• From BRt 1.S
Fri., Sat. Nov, 26 27
To Oshawa, Bowlnanville, Pant Hope, OoDeul'g, Trenton, Jot„
Bel9evil'le, Napanee Kington, Gananoque, Brotekvi1io, Preseo;tt,
Mornisburg, Curnnlall Uxbridge, .Lindsay, Petembo1o, Campbellford,
Newmarket, Penettang, Carllingwood, Meo4ord, Barrie, Orillda, Mid•
land, Gmavenhuret, Bracobridge, Huntsville, calendar, Nol'tlil Bay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on 11110 of Penile -
keening & Northern Ontario lily., Ndpissing Central R1y„ JSapislcas-
Ing, Lonlglac, Nakina, Tasllota, Slone Lookout, (leraydrton, Jelll000.
Beardmore, Port Anthur,
.,� ••
Sat. Nov., 27 to Toronto
Also to Brantto1d, Chatham, Chesley, Clinte h, Durhapn, 311»
eter, Fergus Goderioh, quelpb, Hamilton, Hanover, I•IarrIston, Luger
sell, Kincardine, Kitchener, Loudon, Listowel, Mitohell Niagara
Balls, Owen Sound, Patsley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Egin, SL
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Stratltroy,
Walkerton, Wtarton, Winglaam, Woodstock,
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent,
See handbills for complete list of destinations
are a novelty and are att ,iron;
considerable attention,
C.O.F.—Colt1't Douglas of the
e'. elected the following office,? for ;
the current term:—Albert Tingleh
0.31,,; Jahn Gardner, 'P.C.R; Rev.
A.G. Hartley, Cbaplain; John Bur-
gess, R,S; James Elliott, F.S: Geo.
Atchison, treas..; W. J. Johns:on. 41.
W; It, Duff, J. W.; in. Smith, S.B.;
David Errington, J. 13.
• • •
Robt, Duff, who bought Mr. Read-
ing's term moved into the house on
Friday, Mr. Reading moved 1.0
his own old home near the station
and Jas. Thompson, our able ane ef-
ficient teacher took the empty house
of Mr. Duff's.
I. J. Tuck has returned to Chicago.
Alfred Raymlann has secured a
school in Logan township for next
year. He gets 9300.
Thos Angus intends leaving
shortly for British Columbia.
Debate—A't the debate in m: er-
son's school house ou Tuesday even-
ing tbe subject was `Resolved deli
the Scott Act should be rep=ales.
The affirmative was captaine.;i by
Allan Cochrane assisted by Jas,
Bowman, Donald McLsuvhlir anti
Geo, Anderson. The captain ft••
the 11eg1tive wets Jas, A.tl Ane b:l111-
ed by Malcolm Black, Jas, Ireland
and Chas. Armstrong. De.'ioinn
Jas. .10hl1sion Hale been driving 1
nice pair of Arabian ponies. They '
given in favor of the Act, Jas, 11.
Martin. occupied the chair and W118
assisted by Rich. Armstrong and
Chas. Roszell.
S. Y. Taylor has been re-engaged
as' teacher for next year at S.S. no.
tin Thursday of last week while
Jobn Wright was splitting weed at
John Par'r's he bad tbe misfortune
to give bis foot a bad gasb.
111 • •
Alex Grant and Oldver Smith Have
gone to Michigan for the winter
months and Thomas and Daniel Mc-
Lauchlin are away to Algona,
Mrs. Robert Bell and daughter,
Montreal are guests at the home of
G. A, Deadman,
Alex. Wilson has added a very
comfortable addition to his house on
Princess street.
Two of a Kind
They tell the story of two beer
drinkers. One said to the outer:
"I've been very sick, George. For
two days little pink snakes and
frogs and lizards were crawling all
over me."
"Been sick," said George, "Why,
man, you're still side. Pink swarms
of 'em are trawling all over you
Eliminate the fire -risk of old faulty wiring and
at the same time give your home plenty of
baseboard and wall outlets, smart new wall
switches and modern lighting fixtures. Let us
look over your present wiring and give you an
estimate on a new installation that will enable
you to take the fullest advantage of the mar -
vein, of electricity. Wiring and fixtures, of
course, come under the Home Improvement
Plan for easy financing.'