The Brussels Post, 1937-11-17, Page 6THE BRUSSELS POST T •^- _:• Orange Pekoe Blend "S c4. , l�z lei British Doctors Favor Woollies Rheumtatlsm and Thick Joints' Threaten Lovely Ladles, They Warn sutll eo t o¢ health? ,Simply tllis�, that 1 Mime and health, as we should un- healthy, happy well balanced mind 1101616nd Jteelth aro inooMparilbl0, A is not a criminal entad. Disregard 1 for IWW,'0v.en law's which one does not 111(0, breeds au outlook ea lite which le not 11o111thy, It may well w .,.� :•,•.� poKNeuw r ��. be that soB11e 111'\ ' require to lie tee, - ansa w s _ Healed or aeliended, Perhaps the ,; �.at a`" eax svaut �..` citizenhood of Canada cannot be hero 1 o wearing �. rated as criminally minded 10 the gag 'i y0 extent shown by figures for imitate, tion, but nevertheless, the figures romatn and the upward curve of crime conviction is' alarming, :Much of this crime wave may he traced to the burlyburly of Ute—an agitated people who want to get scale place in a great hurry --break- ing speed laws and creating many situations which the law loops upon as offonves., Others again wouel appear to hold the view that the world owes them something that they must take illegally. The whole picture does not do us credit as a nation. A sound mind and a sound body is something we should. strive Tor Be individuals and work for as a community asest. Crime is un- healthy. London—It anillteers are Crow n ing ,beeau60 night club managers wY n't receive guests (irate, ilnller\Vear manufacturers are happy In rumors that the metrical proXessi0(1 may give then] a haucl by coming out for woollen u1.d'es for health. Nothing official has been said yet, but doctors heart already taken up the question, and one 8(11'0) of medical thought is strongly 111 faval of perspirati0n-abeurbellt fabric next the skin, if present day lovelies don't want thick, stiff jolnte decade hence, from rd1eumatees not to mention the clanger of being ear- ried right off in their heyday by Plural pneumonia, _ . - . _. -- ;a-••-1141. .1 ,_ ��.,N..064-4 .1"3. .�+..+. .�.:. 1111-,. "- stir until brat, then add Lima nulx- i tore, greet[ pepper and 5easclling, Serve with crisp crackers. SOUP When Its Cold It's cold outdoors, 'rho vireo in :from 8011001, The inea opine from work, All are hunt, '• , Serve spun—ricb and hot. It in , warming, nourishing, and beaiteitel. Sortie 110ups are uitnait whole tittle in themselves, '!'hose coot tiutug• SAVORY LIMA SOUP 2 cups cooked, dried L11nas 4 cups or 1, quart milk 2 tablespoons chopped carrot 1 tablespoon clic/Plied Parsley 2 slices onion 2 tablespoons butter or bacon Tact. 1 teaspoon salt Ys teaspoon pepper Put Limas through food ehopper, Potatoes, milk, and dried Lima ! Heat milk in double boiler, add beans are both noarlslting and e on- Limas Heat Eat in frying pan; ominal--and this means a lot C tiny, add onion and carrot and coo: 5 Try the following recipes )f you 1 minutes add to hot mixture cook 10 wish to serve really good soul's: minutes, then etlain, Add salt, LIMA AND TOMATO SOUP pepper and parsley, 3 culls cooked Limas Pleasing Salads 1 tbspn• ahoppecl green pe•'per Pleasing 1?.h cups cooked strained tomatoes 's teaspoon pepper 1/y teaspoon salt 2 tablesp0oses butter 2 tablespoons flour 11 pints water 2 slices onion Put the Limas, water, onion, and light: celery in a saucepan; simmer 30 rnfnutes, then rub through a course aileve. Melt the butter, add flour, stir until smooth; add tomatoes;and Now that we can secure Calitor- u1a navel orange again, we cam con- fidently ,prepare •toe salads that call for orange slices—for these orauges will slice as oranges should, Here r are two salad recipes that will de - WALKER'S FUN RM- ROME William Brussels, Ontario .....ate+, PERSONAL ATTENDANCE. 'Phone 65 Day or Night Calle MOTOR HEARSE B G. WAI:KER Embalmer and Funeral Director, osualuollmmolimultmllelomMIBIMI 10 GST ,a r the air over the (sir ! WESTFIELD HOLYWOOD SALAD (Serves' 1) / large Calfornia navel orange Lettuce sh banana: 1 teaspoon lemon juice 2 tablespoons finely chopped nuts (walnuts, almonds, pecans or peanuts) Lemon mayonnaise Maraschino cherry Peel Orange and cut into 14 inch slices, On lettuce -covered salad plate, place 2 orange slices. Cover banana, sprinkled with lemon juice and rolled in fine chopped nut meats Top alth slice of orange. Garnish with mayonnaise and a maraschino may. Variation: Roll banana fingere in grated crocoanut. A fine timepiece ,., with an accurate,lsgewel Westfield movement' Smartly destgned,,.beau- 1Stal1Y engraved) M. H. Brothers WR'OXETER, ONT. Ell by Grant Fleming, M. D. o >nt A HEALTH 5E13'1 ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES HEADACHE Pain means that some injurym is being done the body y suffer from certain forms of injury without experienefng pain, Tho sev' erity of the Pain may have no relat- ionship to the severity ,Of the injury. For all practical purposes, we may thatpain 16 a nide p fg take it as a sa reliable sign of danger in that it in- dicates harm or injury to the way, Oue tom of pain with whip;] most people are familiar is headache. Headaches, like other pains, 1115L� that som ethiug is wrong inside body. There are many varlettes us headaches describer as shorn or dull trontal or acc0Pitul (L•oOt ur back of head), morning or eveuing, Headache is the most common symptom wh,ch we experience. There is practically uo illness which rap, not give rise to beadaOhe It is oaten the (trot evidence of the on- set of disease, Even more often it is the result of indismretlons in acting or drinking, lack of exercise, eonste- patio11, or neglect of some other health need of Ole body. It a headache is severe or annoy- ing it is quite natural that relief should be soegkt, in many ways, the public are informed as to how' relied from pain may be secured by the use of this or that drug. Drugs, however, are of value only when properly used that is, when pres- cribed by someone who knows Ole condition of the patient and the drugs, The victim of headache who knows that his headache has result. ed from obvious causes from Prev- ious experience has no reason to seek medical aid. if it le 600l'ciee or fresh air he need, he then kaows where to get these; he can look af- ter his diet anti elimination if they are at fault.. 'rlo-re is another group of penins Who, in sr ite of taking reeeou1thie care of their bodies, Buffer tram per• sistent, severe or repeated head- achra, SUed1 a person is very foolish to rely upon self-neeliceti0:1, Those forms of headaches steles in- side the body, that he should seek the cause father than merely treat the headache, (Inc of the most common cau'ee or ;headache is eye -strain, welch can he relieved by properly -fitted glass es and in no other way. It i' ob- vious that if a particular hearl:tche is a symptom of anaemia or neuhrlt- is, or if it is due to emotional came. es, if the treatment is to be sn0eee- (1111 1t must be (Streeter] toward; the responsible cause. Do not overtook the possible set" iousness of dleadache, Attend to It promptly, and save yourself trouble, Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed to the Canadian Medical Association, 134 College RL, Toron- to, will he answered personelle by letter. SPANISH SALAD (Serves 6) 2 large tomatoes. 2 green pe1Pels 2 California navel oranges 1 tablespoon minced onion Cut each tomato into 3 slices, Take seeds from green peppers and Mit each one into 3 rings, Peel sir- anges and cut in small pieces. On each salad plate arrange tomato slice topped with pepper ring. Fill centre of ring with orange. Add minced onion to French dreaming. Pour over salad. HOUSEHOLD HINTS CHILDREN "Crown Brand" Corn Syrup makes happy, healthy chil- dren. No doubt about that, for doctors say 4 creates Energy and helps to build strong, sturdy bodies, Chil- dren love it and never tire of its delicious flavor. THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD u `rhe CANADA STAiton COMPAb1YLImtted lation; in per population, Convictions for minor offences:— In 1921-1732 per 100,000 ;sopule- tion; in 1931-3115 Per 100,000 lio 000 Pu- lation; in 1934-3145 P er pOPulatlou, During the 34 year period from 1900 to 1934 crime in Canada .1318-190, 22.23o iu- 1934-404 100,000 To rimae chimneys Hili s)r18't'iP3 ' rut a r' ^r of 2:11e on the 116" (04(6 in the 61,-ive, (lease the lip of cream oe milk pitcher with butter to prevent thedrip. e Jam (0rmen16 nap:tl.y is kepi In a • damp larder, A tee:spell ed ler of lime placed on the floor uncle„ the shelves (111 quickly absorb any dampness, :K Beet root will keep fresh for ;mit, a long time if a little mu4tard is mixed with the vinegar poured over l.4., TS no pante is available, the white of an egg makes an excellent ad- hesive. BRUSSELS, Phone 53X Stocking Rules for Your Children WEDNISSDAY, NOV, 17t11, 19 37 Success of Canada 1937 Broadcasts I Responsibility of Some 260 PeoPie \V1111 the return to the air of the , second series of "Marla 1937" broacicatets imperial Tobacco brews ' to 'a cooed to coast Canadian nodi- increase is not 6o great (ince 45 minutes of varied entertains- increase in rood stuffs to Mont designed to pleaee listeners of great, very taste, Elvety Friday evening The e0,sil'tarateve list was as fol at 10 p,m,, 1a.S.P„ "Collado 1937" lows:- links Montreal with the currant ; news conters of Europe in Trails- atlantic interviews with world re- Milk notated 0omm�entetor13 with the Potatoes, plc. Raving Xi.atllo Repar[er on a trip Tomatoes, can across Canada; with _ New York's Apples Great White Way for latest Sim Prunes news, The musical portion of the Bread Rotted originates 01 the Cana- 011ed Oats' dland(an Metropolis, also the mix- 'Rice ing-point with complete control over Flour the entire program, Beans not Has Sixty Varieties 1 Apples on One Tree A "one -tree orchard" on which 60 varieties of apples and one pear flourished during the season was grown iby Frank A. Good, of Fred- ericton, N.B. By grafting sboOts into sawed-off branches of the par- t fres, he (]aimed to have beaten I teehmisfans, staton operators, or en the record of a United States butt -errors at the originating or control culturist who grafted 25 varieties NOV, NOV, 1936 11927 11c llc 17c 20e 1.Dc 100 420 293 1x.121/ 0 10-120 "1-90 7-9c 5c 6c 5-12c 9c 7c 5c 7c Sc Broadcast in the 'Dominion over a Vegetables, plc, ,,,.»1111.,,., 300 nablon-nvide chain of 37 stations Vegetables, 3 bunches •••• 10C with weekly contracts with points Peas ,,.•,•,-,11,,.11,.,,.,,...,,,. 80 10'c as far removed es world news clic- Stewing Beef 7-100 9-10e tate it will readily be seen that this Pork18-190, 150 ambitious program involves a mase Fish 15-18c 21.15 of network faclletiee, telephone and Cheese Se e 22e telegraph and allied radio facilities. Butter (dairy) ......„••• c A dozen or more organizations Lard 16c 10 170 co-ordinate their efforts 0, this Sugar 5c 6-7e weekly program. Corn syrup 8e 9c The complete success of "Canada Cocoa 121/4 13c 1931” is the immediate and tndsvidu- Tea 45c 4'3-56c al responsibility of acme 250 people, •Salt 7c 5c In radio nearly every individual is Laundry Soap 40 4c a key -man. Lapses on the part of Eggs 350 3135c creased from 4)353 to 31.' 1 of apples one one tree. Good said 684, or 553 per cent, 1 he has grown a young apple tree The increase in the popuiauouof 1 foau apple branch ram the 1o1' has th memouand Canada during the sante period was ash, tain crease per cent„ revealing that the in- crease in crime rate was between t A u- five and six times that oithe p Raton,I Minnesota's Ray Ranson, win True enougb, the greatest to-, farms 400 acres in Cottonwood crease has been in the group Of County, picked and shucked 1,437 minor offences, but the increase pounds of corn in 30 minutes to win nevertheless should give us cause agricultureal 's `!orld husking echampioln- for thought. • What relation does it bear to the ship, • rd a Part bolt? Fervlapo butiness 12 Cl r a+!"i • i rt j; for 'ins.) want G9 a.htsliai g hand, 4 ra:Intlo Moro cap!tmO. (til©71 With rnenr, y 11(1x.1 mWh with brain' road. ;reit, ya:ai%or. You can r0DtCCo 'neurit( throng:1 our Cila.ci ala nil1111't Ads. +nwu n.011 ,•, ra.,,r,s, Too Short Hose Cramp Toes And Long Ones Irritate (.hiirirr,n'v stockings ought f1' hr-. :441 +•d r;,r•fufly. Short Ones creme 10cs anti will eventually make them crooked. Ton long ntteq wrinkle and twist irritating toes and heels, Also, children should he taught to wear 41 fresh pair of stockings oath morning, ihnl'2 allow your younset.or, In wear ual0Klles in the hnu e or classroom. Feet which are over- heated for hours at a time wee cer- tain to become swollen and uncom- fortable, True friendship is a 1 11drr flc,Wer tintmust be nourished every hour, --W. S. Galbraith, cl=SNAPS410T CUIL Bake Your Own Exposure Guide till CRIME (C,anadlan lied len3 Amuse) 11 ) A book of ontstandmlg interest and info111811on, yet one which le prob., ably read by tron,p'traliVely few parsons 1s the ('anode. Year Drink. The volmme for the year 19110 has the following to about crfrrl'e: Convict'it)ns for criminal offences, that Is 8Pri0ns offences, 1n Caenda shrews the, following: --- In 1021--284 per 100,000 110pn1A- 1411; 111 1031--429 per 100:000 ;iupn- Pictures Tike this usually need an exposure different from that required for a landscape. It's better to know than to guess. lens, shutter speeds from 1/10 sec_ 11ITE trouble with a good many 'I amateurs Is that they never get beyond the stage o2 happygo-lucky shutter clicking. They keep on mak- ing haphazard guesses at exposures notwithstanding the Indistinct Pic- tures iatures that too often result. They would be surprised at what they could aocOmIllah as a regular thing if'tbey really knew just what stop and shutter speed are needed with the type of camera they use for the existing light conditions each time they take a picture. To be sure, exposure is a bit of a bugaboo even to the most experi- enced, which is why so many "ad- vanced amateurs" use exposure meters. But, it you are eti1l a guesser, nothing prevents you from learning to be a good one, Here 1s a suggestion to help you lick the problem. Take the time some clay soon to mance an experiment with different stops and abetter speeds on the canna subject. have a pad of paper with you on which you have written the date, time of clay and light con- ditions and the typo of film. Then for every shot You matte, put doetc, the exposure data, Nos, 1, 3, 3, 4, Make two series of experiments like this, first with a gloms of persona, there with a Iaudevape. For the Arst r .periment, why not got the coop1ra11ot1 of your family? (let them out on tier lawn some aft• ernOon and start shooting. Seppos0 1t is not lase than an hour before sunset and the sky is bright, Yours Is a told;ng camera, with anas(1„mat bnfl to 1/100, and stops from 2.6.3 f.32. Yea have the family in the shade of a tree on a bright sunny day. An exposure of 1/25 second at 2.8 seems right. Make that exposure No. 1 and carefully put down the data. Tb.on make three other snap- shots at 2.8, No, 2 at 1/10, No. 8 at 1/60 and No, 4 at 1/100. Then make four more at 2.6.3 and four more at f,11 at the same shutter ,speeds. This assortment bas pro- vided you with overexposures and underexposures of the same sub - 'Jed but surely several correctly ex- posed negatives at different stop openings under the same conditions, Now get your photo finisher to make you the best possible prints of each negative. Then ask him to print all the negalives, in groups of four, on. one sheet of paper, using the grade that will give the best print for the best negative of all. Result; yo11 have learned some- thing: And you will have a record to refer to o2 what different expo• sures will do to a picture. end among them a correct one 1.0 emulate, Do the same thing for a landscape P1Right: T 0 recorder wittiest s e've precisely for other light conditions, but they will help you immensely to slake tho necessary adjustments, You will see for one thing that, 1111- derexpusure is a much more hope- less failing 111an overexposure; hence, in the future, you will tend to be more liberal in your estimates, 111 .coni VAN GUILDEIR! Points. will ruin the program no i matter how careful the organleatlan,, At 'Montreal, where a major part of 4.110 program originates, 73 per- sons are engaged comprising wage- tans,singers, music arrangers. technicians, telegraph and telephone control men, producer -writer, and announcer. l Elsewhere in Canada approxi- mately 163 people are required mainly in technical capacities. The New York pick-up and control point requires the services of about S men; while London and other Euro- pean links raise the personae' total to some 250. Food Prices Compared V/ith A Year Ago A petition to the council by Ten. employed Workers' Assoc., was pre- sented at Teterboro recently, Re- lief allowances increased Per cent. A report was in circulation that the cost of living had gone ftp, Figures showed an Increase ;e the price of rents, boots and shoes, clothing and other goods but the American Sapphires While tate precious sapphires• are found in many sections of the West, only in one place, which aonsisls of a series of gulches along the banks of hock creek, in Montana, ere they found where they Ore washed In paying quantities, Most of the stones are clear and heap color- less, and when seen in a ht 1 they appear a very light green. Sometimes blue stones are found, and occasionally a yellow, pints or red one appears. The largest and best stones are sent to the jewelry markets to compete with sapphires imported from Burma. 'llasretsJ ""t ^ LISTEN.., CANADA-193AA IMPERIAL TOBACCO'S INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIDAY1orM.E..S.T, STATION- Cr. CT You too will be satisfied with HAMCO, the Coke which de- livers the maximum of clean steady heat at minimum cosi. Easy to regulate— lighter to handle — longer - lasting. And leaves far legs ash. Join the army of happy householders who have changed to dustless, smoke - leas HAMCO Coke. Order from your local /I A M C 0 dealer -- he desory your ea fuel business. HAMILTON SY.PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA Sold By CRERAR & McDONALD S. F. DAVISON J. H. FEAR, Ethel Ki-11/4itigtopN, ;ri a w4, NAp,Aig1' N :g ,' oKE