HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-17, Page 5Notices in this column cost 25c, up to four lines; 5c tor every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. BUSH MR SALE— I have a few acres of bush left for sale, Three years• to take it off. phone 25.6, Andrew Turnbull WANTED AT ONCE— Wanted at once a girl to }work in office. Good education, 1'n apply to Swift Canadian Co„ phone 45X FOR SALE— Vim~ 8 York Pigs, 5 weeks old. V anted, some cattle to feed for winter months, apply to 1-c Harvey Hulley phone 47-5 Lot 31, Con, 18, Grey FOR SALE— Collie Pups, apply to Donald Currie, phone 12.14. FOR SALE -- A number of White Leciltorn Pullets, about 6 months old, apply to 1c Leslie Lske •pbone 50-15 FOR SALE— A Sat of Heavy Team Sleigh's, good shape. Amply to lc J, Allen's Blacksmith Shop FOR SALE - 11 purebred Yorkshire Pigs, ready to wean, niao 2 Aladdin Lamps. 1 Hangiing and 1 Table Model 15 Wm. L. Speir phone 55.4 WANTED TO BUN/— Standing hardwood bushes, and maple, basswood, elm, . beech and chestnut logs. Write for particu- lates. 3-0 Hay & Co. Ltd.. Woodstock, Ont. MEN— Ir you want a suit or overcoat, it a will pay you to look my samp!eq over. Ft and workmanship b guaranteed, E. Bates, 1 phone 8X4. Brussels, BREVITIES ''tar's' a wee bit of news fake n equdn.t itween clime See it now, or Hee it -later But read the ,whole papor, Items Are Always Welcome for the Sez, I, Call'em —+Seafolrth will have an Enternted- late "W' O.H,A, team tide winter, —Sez 1.— —There hoe been wiudog peeking reported in town—atpparentiy some attraction but what —Sez I.— —War eosdbiness Ls 'termed ill more ways than $ and cents—•callous, costly and calamitous, —Sez 1.— —The scale oe pay for au aleetion 1s D,R,O,, $10,; Poll Clerks, 86; Cone statbles, $4,; and rent of booths. $S. —Sez 1.— —There is only 32 shopping days before Clirie,brnas, The Ads, say shop early. The early ,shoppers say it pays, —Sez 1.— —Sixteen widowers and nine men. who had. been divorced under 20 years old were included in the last BnLtis'h census. Sez I, -,Many of the exchanges from our neighboring towns reported last week, the sending of their second car of produce to the West, Sez I.— Braevlere in Chicago used a large salami sausage for a bludgeon. However did they overlook the over - ,powering possibil ties of limburger cheese, —Sez 1.— —In Aylmer two of the Bay Scouts , did their "good turn" for Nov, 11 by catching a porker that escaped. from a sack at the rear of the local butcher shop. —Sez I.— --Edscuesions of peace are the topics of the day, what with so many surely some could be sent to the countries across the sea and Put into practice.—Sez I.— —Keep a candle from driepdng and bantling—d0 not burn it. But a recent invention is one that;,. will not drip or bend, is molded le an engaging honey comb pattern, Sez 1— --The 'Post' gives you the local ue s's, Subscribe for it now, • The price of newsprint has ah•eady gone up. !Some of the dailies have in- creased their subscription rate. —Sez I,-- Four nations are Joined In an Pried for peaceask for concentra- tion in Good Will and Better ender - banding. This sane appeal could e aJmlee,d, very often, to neighbors, avers etc, —Sez I,- -On Remembrance Day at W'cst- minster Hospital and Byron Snui- tariuu, London, there were 150 ex - service men who marked the day as they do every other day of the year, by staring at life from a hospital cot, —Sez I.- -There are many deer being ecen o Huron County and further South. This is probably accounted for by the open season in Bruce last week. If the clear hadn't been scared the Jersey colo may have lived, Better Put bright red cloaks on the cattle, —Sez I,— WANTED— Cars For Storage, Apply at Champion's Garage TO RENT— Good Brick House, formerly oc• copied by Gordon Sanderson. Apply to Canadian Bank of Commerce TO RENT— Frame Garage, formerly occupled by Gordon Sanderson, Apply to Canadian Bank of Commerce M EN— If our organization .gives over 750 doalens the chance to earn their living profitably, IT CAN DO THE SAME FOR YOC 1 Ambitious and hard-working men will do well to write for our plan, explaining how to make money easily during the HOLIDAYS! Have a yearly de- pendable uud advantageous business of your own! For free catalogue and. panttculeos:—FAtitrLEX, 570 Sit. Clement St., 'Montreal, (2-) ir,A %8 AGO people moat to mono a1 a o. lv boors! •sl by shouting from t'- Itomoo tope. It YOU tri l thwi to.dm eon wool.! probohly t.nvo to oppose before . r ••.. '.. on In InSanity, H 7iQW.r u.t'ra rue buato o4 mai, ones *me t`v;u.a.ALLY. —(Bears don't look like deal-, but bears are baring up occasional] dur- ing the deer hunts. At Lindsay a beach bear was brought in last week weighing 600 bks. and ears measur- ing 14 inches across, We also re. pout in another column, a cub was captured and brought to this vicinity, FORMER TURNBERRy MAN SUCCUMBS IN WINGHAM Wingham, Ont, Seam .'McBurney died Snitu'dsy 10 tris 81st year, He was born in East Wawnnosh June 1, 1857, and farmed 10 Ttrrnbrrey township ter more than 50 years. He wee n Conservative and a member of the Presbyterian church lir. Mrllurney is survive/ by tour daughters and one son, James,. of Tm'ltherry town - stilt). 'the daughters ere: Mrs, Barnes, of IIowiett; Mr's, Fern of Saskatchewan; 11118. Beat :Martin, of Wroxeter, aecl Mrs, Moffatt, of London, Ile has one sister enr- vdwing, Sarah of Wieghant, and two brothels, Sail and Robert, of .East Wawanosh, ME BRUSSELS POST 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM Ball Player Bagged A Deer Owen Sound, Nov. 12 George Bell of Menford, a former ball ,player, bagged a deer while bunting iu. St. Vincent township. Bat, as he started for the fallen ani- mal, a couple of .men jumped Over fence, picked up the doer, slung It into their car and disappeared, Four Hunters Shot a Cow Port Elgin, Nov. 11 Following an hour of patient staliking (four local hunters shot a Jersed cow onvne by Herman Boot tger, an a farm bush lot, a few miles' from Port Elgin. Damages have been paid and the cow quartered to setsfacton, See Balanced Budget Goderich, Ont, For the first time in history, Huron County Council will bold ire annual clean-up session in Novem- ber, comianenaing Tuesday ' at 2 o'clock instead of the second Tues- day in December. The debt of the county is now down to $35,000, a new low, and it le forecast that the treasurer's' statement for the year, to be presented on Wednesday, will show a balanced budget. To Prosecute For Radio License RUSH FOR LICENSES Scores of Names Being Forwarded to Ottawa Nantes of scores of persona found operating radios withou tlicenses are being forwarded to Ottawa and may result in court prosecutions. For the past 10 days officials from the radio department have been conducting t check-up in Western Ontario. WRECKS CAR IN CRASH WITH HORSE, THEN FINDS INSURANCE HAS EXPIRED Wingham, Ont.Nov 11. Cameron Geddes, Lucknow singer, run into what he termed was the most unfortunate "break" 11e ever had in one day. He was heading for Toronto and a Kiwanis Club luncheon, when a horse stepped out on the road a short distance from Wingham. Ie was in the early hours of the morning and the visi- bility was poor. He struck the animal, seriously damaging the car with the result that he conlrl not fulfill his engagement. To top off all the misfortune, he found when examining his car insurance policy it was to find that It had terminat- ed on Nov, 1. Wouldn't Testify In Court Man Major Bowes Home Lost Consumed by Fire Mill Wood, N,Y,, Nov. 15 "Laurel Hill" the 10 -room reel - thence of Major Edward Bowes, theatre and radio impresario, was destroyed by fire, More than 100 Paintings were :destroyed. Servants said the fire started in a chimney, It spread eo quickly that it was be- yond control before apparatus ar- rived from Oss'lning, The Major was not at home, Home Damaged By Fire When Family Away Seaforth, Ont. Considerable damage wan done to John Scott's house in Roxboro on Saturday night about ten o'clock when fire broke out when the fam- ily was returning from town, Prompt assistance however on the part of neighbors and the flre bri- gade fortunately saved the house. It was said to have been caused by an ovea'heated stove. King, Queen Revisit Old Courting Spots London Eng, King George and Queen Elizabeth decided tlbis week to visit the scene of their courtship. Breaking a routine of week -ends at Windsor Palace, they motored from Buckingham Palace to the Hertfordshire countryside at St. mau'l's, Waldenbury, where the Queen. spent much of her girlhood, and the King wooed her. They were guests of lion, David Bowes -Lyon, the Queen's brother, and his wife. Laundryman Spotted Montreal, To youthful Dr. Cecil Krakower goes credit for discovery of a case of leprosy in Montreal, Home on holidays from bis stud- ies of tropical diseases at the Und- vens'iiy of San Juan at Porto loco, Dr. Kral.otver .met the Chinese laundryman at the door of his mother's home. He suspected the deliveryma,t of having the disease, and clty health i.nvestlgators were sum- moned, Last week -end the Chi- nese was' taken by airplane to the leper colony at Tracadie, N..13, Essex Tobacco Sale Expected to be Brisk Lean) lugton, Ont, Opening Tuesday, the Essex County flue -cured tobacco market will be bedsit and lively, providing growers are offered a fair price for their crops, according to John Coghill, president of the Essex County Flue Tobacco Growers' Subpoenaed Objects In Witness Association. Box --Shouts "God Save "I have little doubt in my mind the King" that the buyers will give the e,ow- ans a fall• deal." Coghill said, "We I Lydnev, MemErnest Williams, of Purton Mau - or, Lydney, walked into the witness - box at Lydney pollee court, rents the oath, and mid: "I object to any maglstluttet over 65 adjudicating in a case 1n which 1 am concerned, 1f. magistrates over Ibis age continue to sit I pre - ler not to give evidence, T d,, this for the snits of my country and English jttsticel ' lien Williams, who is a retired engineer, refused to give evidence. The court adjourned for 10 nileut, Wand a policeman handed bear a .subpoena.Ile returned to the tt'itnrs. box„ rend the oath nimbi, then 01' lc'd: "God Save the .Binge' The ()Meet magistrate nn the bench Wats 1l'illium Jnne:r, who hi over 80, J, W. Sully, the chairman, ealti afterwards: "Any one has a right to issue propaganda concerning the ages of magistrates, 131,1 we do net entisid- er the court roans the right place for It." sleet a price of around 30 cents a' ;pound to break even with our crop. Estimated at an average yield of S00 pounds of tobacco an mere ,the grower needs that price this yea,.," Weather Expert Expects Mildness Tom Green an Indian from Cape Croker, returns 0)1011 fall to a bush in Wawanosh 't'ownsh'ip to cut wood for the winter months. Lal year ire first broke into ,prominence by his weather predielions. Lest yen' he peetlh'ted snow, steady from No- vember 1 en December 25, and itis pred'.etion utas a failure, 1_1nda11ndt'd. however, he state, that this fall will lie mild, "WV, will have little snow until after Celest- inas, bemuse of the thuerfer- sdorins," 11e says, Adding these nfe feet the mechanisms of hie "future meter,' on which 11is predit'tione supposedly are made. After Ch1'iatmns is a long time to predict aecul'ately, but he feels WEDNESDAY, NOV, 17t1i, 1037 9Ji rittIRIVAIMVAVAMMRitteAVAVAIMICAVAISMOIIVM Flt=: 1 i 1t LY1111 WI 32a Y 'S; 5,410'. ore , ,. r„ ppi d st , lt `+4: a s Till Ct 1S! MAS •,otil-v'FS• /c la:Jwc'a`.nJc ► lc - ',mo'vAhv+"! Q, 'b` Greetinq 1rds I See Samples at the "Post" This Special Offer Only Last Until November 30th g Prices Printed 2 Doz., $1.5Oto$2.50 For further particulars call 31 The Job Printing Det. Assures You of Good Workmanship Aomacam%Vg A'.VOA: c7►lL•%Agcat%A JXgatJ c JVgc's4J.1t5c7VStOc ag`Lb that therewild be Heavy snow dur- ing January and Feburary. The "futuremeter" is a box -eke aparatus, with hands on a home made dial Inside there le a con- glomeration 08 wires which do not turn the hands because he had to adjust :thein himself. "I just Seel," he states, "and then the weather makes me turn it to the right place. I can tell pretty good for three months, but I'nm not so Sure after that," Earl Rowe Calls Caucus Nov. 22 Toronto, Can. Ei1ghty.nine official Conservative candidate who contested the last Ontario electiou will meet in caucus here November 22 to consider fur- ther reorganization oe the provinc- ial party, Hon. Earl Rowe, M.P., for Due feria -,Simone, and Ontario Conecrva- ties leader, announced date of the meeting Saturday. A recent cau- cus of elected candidates confirmed Mur, Rowes leadership, though he is without e. seat In the Legislature be - Ing defeated in. S1mcoe East by Hon. Dr. L, J. Shuman, provincial inh1- ister of education. More Than Ton of Milk Spilt W. A. Wallace, who bee been gathering an1Ig from the farmers for .delivery to the Fordwinit Cream. el'y, met web a peculiar accident, when ,his truck stalled en tvain's Hili. He applied 411e brakes and left the cab 10 Block the whe'1s with stonee. The county grovel truck 111 trying tri pass, Michel the sack of the milk boric, Iptlsllilt„ it over the blocks and stn.rtlng it flown the trill bilrlewarde, It turned sideways Irmo the baatle and upset., throwing the carts of milk to the hard roadway, It Is estimated that over a ton of milk was loslt, making asmall creek down the 1111011 to '1315 river at the foot of the hill, LUTHER ALEXANDER BALL PAID FINAL RESPECTS St. Marys, Nov. 12.—One of St. Marys' tb.est-known businessmen was bunted in Wiiugham Cemetery this ateternoon. After a peivate Service at the home, the remaius of Luther Alexander Bali, furniture 1 dealer, Rotarian and sportsman„ were conveyed to the United church and there, while townsmen filled the large church to capacity, Rev. W, A. Walden assisted by Rev, Canon Bice, of All Saints' Church, Leaden, :ated Rev. 4. A, Agnew, of Empress Avenue United Church, London, conducted services. After the diurese service the remains were Conveyed by motor to Winghusi for interment. Pallbearers ware D. L, O'Brien, H. A, L. Anderson, E. 50. White, J. S, Davidson, W. N. Harrison and William Hardy. Hon. every pallbearers included 3. Pool J. Lind, J, Ready, L, Eedy, R. 5, Box, W. H. May, R. S, Grabam, IP. G. Sanderson, M.P., W, H. Bart- lett, J, 0, Mitchell, Joe Grant and e W. FI. Mills. Mr, Ball, as a young man lived en the 1010 eon, of Greys and took up undertaking .and furniture business in ;the Leatherdale stole In town, BELGRAVE The Young People's Union of the United Church,met in the school room of the church on Wednesday Mgt with the Citizenship Committee in charge, Mr, Kenneth Wheeler presided and Miss Freda Jordan was at the piano, The lessen was taken by Mee Marjorie Granby and Topic materlal ,prseented by lir, George McClure, A group discus. sloe that ran for half sn 11oa1r fol- lowed the preeentabtion of the tense. material, The members of Bolgrave L.O.L. 462, entertained their wives and families at a soctul evening in For- ester's Hall Thursday evening„ A goodly number attende8tend enjoy- ed a soelal bane, The first part of ii: the evening was spout in progres- sive euchre. Mrs, Worsham, : Johnston and W, Brydges secneel the prize for most potties and the consolOtion prizes went to Mrs, W, 1 MbMnrrty end Almond Jarotei.enn- Leach Wee servers and dancing was 1 enjoyed for a time. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Pocock; and family spent Thursday with Mr - and Mrs. G. Pocock and family in Lambeth; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Potter - son, Auburn, at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Alex. Manning, Emerson Wright, hae purcbctsed. e farm in Grey township. GIVEN A MONTH The bluest of blue laws was called into play at 'Blaoknack, Ireland, re- cently; when Miss Julia Clarke, of Glasgow, was sentenced to oe month's imprisonment at Dundalk, for embracing and bissng a man 0 public, in that seaside village; In a recent picture Miss Clark demonstrated on a reporter (lucky guy) exactly the pose she assumed during enee3ment of her "crime," BRUSSELS, Phone 63X