HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-17, Page 1V USE THE ADS 0 AS. VOAX SHOPPING LISTS $MUSSELS, ONTARIO, Morning Star Rebekah Lodge Card Party The annual card panty of Morn- ing Spar Rebekah a'odge $russet:: was Held in the I. 0, 0, F, Lodge rooms on Tuesday evening, A aarge crowd attended thorougle ly enjoying. themselves plaYinS enoha'0. Prize 'winners were( Ladies', fleet prize, Mrs. Geo, Semis; ladies'. consolation, Mrs, A, Me Tag• gait; MOWS first, Jno, '$Petr; man's consolation, A, Wilson, A snort programs was enjoyed in- cluding, piano duet, Mary Davison and Alice Pone and musical trio, K. Ashton, R, Oardiff and Alex Robin - eon. At the close a deidcieus lunch was served by the committee la charge, CHRISTMAS CONCERT ,Melville Church, Brussels (FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17 SALE HOMEMADE. BAKING & CANDY APRONS & OTHER SMALL ARTICLES —by -- Melville Ladles Aid 1N PUBLIC LIBRARY Commencing at 2.39 n,m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20th' Turnberry Group of the Ladles Aid Society of Knox 'Presbyterian Church of Bluevale will present their play THE RED HEADED STEPCHILD in the Jamestown Victoria Hall under auspices of Jamestown Sunday School FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19th at 8.30 .p,m. ADMISSION 25c and 150 THE UNIT CHURCH __—•r REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A„ B.D. Minister 11 a.m.—Theme, "A Program of Recovery;, 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m. -Evening Worship, conducted by the Minister. Monday 10.30 ant -"Church of the Air." CKNX Monday, 8.00 p.m.—Y. P. S. Missionary Taik by Jack Bates Friday, Nov. 59th, at 8.00 p.m.— Service of Consecration. Presentation of Certificates. at Regional Training School, Social. MELVILLE PRESBYTERI N CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21st, 1937 Preacher— REV. JAMES FLEMING, Waterloo, Ont, Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. All the members and adherents are asked to make sencial efforts to attend WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17th - 1937— Def nenelXreninienSeneneleKAXXXXXinnlinninainnicen A EVERY KIND OP A. JOB PRINTING t; AT REASONABLE PRICES h: POST PUBLISHING H:OUSE, PEOPLE WE KNOW. Fire Fighters Mr, and Mrs, J, L. Lamont,, Kin ave Building unable attended the funeral of the Tate Welter yu4ll. Mien Viola Wilson suffered pain- fui injuries when elm timed end fell In nor apartment crocking 'three front teeth, Rev, Jolla Graham was In Desboro on 'Sunday evening where, a former' meter, he was guest speaker on the oecasloti of their fiftieth. jubilee. Master Patrick .and sister ;Monica Graham were Sunday visthtors with Mr. and Mrs, B; Anderson, Walton, Mies Aleen Gibson of Toronto.. General Hospital is home for her vacation. efurdie Edgar, who has •been in Detroit has returned borne. Rev. Jno, Greta/in, Harry Cham- pion, A. Wood and R. W, Kennedy were in Wingham on Friday evening attending a laymen's banquet of the. •Htiron Deanery of the Anglican church, wallah was held In St, Paul's church there. Mr. and Mrs, S. Hemingway, To- ronto were weeloerld visitors with their parents, Mr, Stewart return- ed with them. Mies Gladys McGregor, Erin. was the guest of her cousin Mies Man gamete Bolger. 'Mrs, John Limn and son Murray on WalkervIIle were vieltors this week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Pihilip Aanent. W. A. Lowry and Dick McCracken motored to New LIskeard last week and have been spending a few days there with relatives and friends. Mrs. Ed. Bates' is visiting frletide in Toronto this week and attending the Royal Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Dune. McNlohol of McKillop were Sunday visitors df Mr. and Mre. Jae. Kernaghan, Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson of Port Stanley spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr, and Mrs. Philip Assent. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Williams and Jack of Pontdac, Mich., were Sunday bisitors with her mother Mrs, Wat- son and sister Mrs. Earl Somers. Mr. Stanley Watson .of Detroit was a week -end visitor with his mother and other relatives. James quill, Mrs, Jolin Yells, Mrs. Seen Yuiil and Mrs. Ed. Strolle of Vanderbulbt, Miele, and Grace Campbell of Gaylord, Mich., attend- ed the funeral of the late Walter Yudil Friday of last week. Mrs. Earl Dow and baby Shirley Jeanette, Cromarty, visited with friends in town Mr. George L, Ferguson, of To- ronto e, former well-known resident of •4vTaiten, underwent a very serious operation last week in St, Joseph's Hospital. Ilis sister, Miss Jean Ferguson, R.N., of Seefor•th, is his special day nurse. His old friends around this locality with him a speedy recovery. There were three sirs. Kerrs: Mrs. Geo., Mrs. Jim and Mrs. W. H,; Two Miss Kerrs: Ella Kerr, R. N., and Mary Helen who drove the car spent half a day in Wf"agham, Iae•t week, Mr. Luther Bali was a former resident of Brussels when his fem. ily resided on Can, 10, Grey, I -Ie was wdtih Mr, N. Leatlerdale in the Undertaking business. Mrs. Luther Ball was a Kincardine lady. The old Brussels friends send sincere sympathy to his family and sisters, Miss Lenore Higgins spent a few dhys last week ill town with friends she expects to enter a London Hos- pieta early next year to train for a nurse. Mayor (McLean and Mrs, McLean of Mdtellell, were visiting Mrs. I, Parker on (Sunday. Ovlr. and• Mrs, Hanley and Mr. Harvey Welbster and sister Miss Margaret returned to their home, in St. (Marys enter abteceding the funer- al of their colleen, Mrs, Whitfield, and Lewis Whitfield of Wood- bridge, Ont. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING The Ritz Brothers Life Begins at College Bette Davis Tony Martin A Musical Comedy The woodshed and read portion o3 Miss 1'7. Alcock s residence was razed by fire about nine -thirty oiclpek on the evening,' et Nov, 11th. The prompt efficient work of the firemen saved the greater ,past of the. douse, The alarm was turned in by Mrs.' J. Oliver. The flames had gained such headway in the woodshed, w'Oiere the fire originated that it was eomspleteiy burned, Fortunately there was little wind or the entire house would no doubt have been desitoyed and the fire would, in all probability, here spread to nearby buildings. Quick work with the cherntoal fire engine and volunteer bucket brigade saved the entire front portion of the home although considerably damag- ed by =eke and water. Miss Alcook had retired for the night and was unaware of the fire until roused. GREY !Sinclair and Mrs. Hemingway were week -end visitors et the bole of Oliver and Mrs. Hemingway. Harvey Dennis bought a barn on the lath con. and hay had several teams during the past week hauling the frame work to his farm on the 5111 oon. where he will have the barn rebuilt, which was destroyed by fire a year ago teh foundation was 'built during the' past summer. Mr, William Burnett and his son Jaartes, Fergus, were "Sunday visi- tors at the home of Will and Mrs. Smith, 5111 con. The funeral whioh was held on Sunday in connection with the death of the late Mrs. Richard Jacltldn was very largely attended the pallbearers were: Will and Nel- sen Cardiff, Alex Armstrong, James McFarlane, John Work and Stanley Wheeler. Akan Lamont, 7 con, 1s not at 'present in the best of health his many friends hope to hear that be is (much improved and son able to be about again. MON., TUES., WED. Dick Powell Ted Healy Varsity Show Fred Waring and his Orchestra Rosemary Lane Priscilla Lane Come and cheer college lite In the rah, Paramm(ount News NEXT THURS„ FRI., SAT. Joe Penper Gene Raymond Parkyakarkus The Life of the Party Victor !Moore Helen Broderlok A Complete Cast of Comedy Stars COMING-- You OMING—You Only Live Once Heading For the Rio Grande * attend. Mats. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m, a` * * DANCE DANCE IN BELGRAVE FRpIAV, NOVEMBER 19th ERNEST'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION —'— 25c WEDDING SC'OTT—HAMILTO N The mal'rlage was quietly selem- nlzed at the United church parsotl- age, Brussels, with Rev, H. J. Ma- honey officiating, of Alexandra Margaret, only slaughter of Mrs. Hamilton and the late A. M. Ham- ilton, of Gerrie, to James Archibald Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Scott, of Blyth. Miss Beatrice Bee- croft of Belgrave, and Hector Ham- ilton or Gerrie, brother of the bride were the attendants. Atter a abort wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Scott will reside on their farm near Myth, 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 NOTICE CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank our Pianos, ami Organs 'iened and lie neiglrlbors and friends for their kind paired, Satisfaction assured. J, C. exen•essions of sympathy in our re- Blackstone, (twee Sound, Orders tent pad bereavement, Also for left at D. C. Warwick's Brussels wall the ,beautiful flowers and the well rendered solo by Mrs, J. Meadows. Areal Whitfield and Hulila Woods ---x--- We welsh to thank our many Huron Old Boys i 1894 when he bought jot 30, Con, 4, lriens and eeignbors for their )find words and deeds during the illness Annual Meeting Morris. In June 1896 he married and subsequent death of our loved The annual meeting of the Huron E,wpheanda Barr who with twe Old Boys Association, Toronto, will daugbters, Mrs, Thos. McDonald, be held on Thursday evening, Grey Twp. and Mrs, Jolm Bowman, November 25elt, at the Y. 14, C. A., Morris Twp., and two sons, Jobe, 931 College St, Cards and refresh- Morrs Twp,, and Sam at hone re - meats following the election of of- main to mourn the loss of a beloved ricers, All former residents of husband and Rather. Three broth - Huron County now resident 111 To-' ars, John and James of Vanderbilt rento are invited to attend. Please and Alex or Grey Townsbip sun notify your friends of this gather- • vies, ing, receive prompt attention, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank ohr many .,p....0.4411.4•... Obituary WAITER YUIt-L On Wednesday morning, Novem- ber 100, one of the pioneer resi- dents of Grey township to the per- son er Walter Yuill died et his hone Princess street, Brussels in his' 77t]i year, Born in Scotland April 4th, 1861, he caane 'to •Canada with the other members of his tonally, when 7 years of age, locating on Lot 7, Cbn, 8, Grey, where he resided uatii one. Their kind words of eympathy will never be forgotten, Mrs., Walter Yule and family CARD OF THANKS iMrs, Amnia Clarke aktr aerially wish to thank their friends and neighbors for many acts of kind mess shown them during the recent illness and death of the late Axial() Clarke and for the beautiful floral trtbetes also those who loaned cars, Mrs. Archie Clarke and '.Family. Reid—Jacklin A quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of the offliciatiug minister, Rev, Kelly, of Listowel, en Satur- day noon, Nov. 6, whets Laura Evelyn, third eldest daughter of sr bIr, and bIra, Joseph Jackli+a ., 4th concession Grey, was united in marriage to Thomas M. Reid, only son of i41rs, Isabel and the late Mr. Jas. Reid, of Listowel. The party returned from the manse, to enjoy a sumptuous wed- ding dinner at the home of the bride's parents. The dining loom was appropriately decorated ie. pink and white, the table bearing a bride's cake with coronation emblems, Here Mrs. Clifford Jacklin and Mrs. Andrew Jacklin served immediate relatives of the young eou3le. The bride was, attired in a floor - length gown of Coronation blue chin fon and carried an arm bouquet of carnations and fern, She was at- tended by Miss Elsie Reid, sister of the groom, who wore an attractive green crepe, Mr, Sheldon Jacklin, brother on the bride, supported the groom, Atter a pleasant afternoon passed amid showers of confletti, exchanges of best wishes and presentation a gifts the oouple loft for a week -end * :3 * 51 s: --0 ,5 ti,"'"•'5 ' '* honeymoon to Detroit. The brid * HOCKEY MEETING travelled iht a becoming wine colour * ed satin crepe dress with Masi * Monday, November 22nd at * cont, gloves and purse. * 8 p,m., in the Library, 4' On their return they lett to * Those interested please * Bountamtagae, P.Q. where the grog * is employed to the gold mining in a: 4( a, a' '3 " dustry, _ ... New Home For Bruin Little Stars The subject of this notice was I a faitb,ful ,member of Melville Pree- ' byterian Church being for over 25 Mission Band 1 years a member of the Session and The Little Stars Mission Baud serving on the 'Board et Managers belts their Annual White Gift Sar- at different tunics. A good friend Vice last Wednesday evening with a 1 and neighbor to all, he will be good attendance. A very Interest- ; greatly mseed in the community. Do you want to see a real live lames amme was presented and ' The ,funeral service was held at bear cub? R. Harks, who has been up north near \irarton, on a hunting , a bade valued at $236:00 was pack- his late residence on Friday after. expedition, together with Joe ed to be sent to the West for tits- , noon being conducted by Rev. W. A, Thusll, ceditured one and brought it home. It -weighed fifty pounds and is now in captivity at Mr. Marks', at Walton. Accident On Main Street Dumont N. McDonald had the right rear fender of his car badly dented on Monday as he was on his way home from down town at the supper hour, Bill Cardiff of the 14th coo. a Grey, who had just pulled away from the curb on the east aide of ale street ran into the McDonald car, County Constable G. Evans called to investigate. Oliver Stewart Injured In Fire Oliver Stewart was taken in the Sioux Lookout hospital - for treat- ment for cuts on hands and arms suffered in a hotel blaze at Hudson, Ont. Mr. 'Stewart, who is a brother of Miss Grace Stewart of town, was a guest at .the Keueally hotel at Hudson, Ont,, which was burned to the ground on Friday evening. He was one of the three sent to the hospital for treatment. was Veterans Figure In Accident Early in the evening of Nov, 11th a carload of veterans, on their way to a banquet in Harrigan, ran into a Inrge herd of cattle, owner by 0. Walker, on the 9th con,, of Grey at Addison Taylor's hill. The trout of the can owned and driven by W, Willis, was badly damaged. There was reported to be about 105 cattle in the herd. Cant- ing over the 11i11 the car came upon the cattle so suddenly that they could not avoid tem. The occupants of the front seat of the car, W. E. Willis and W. H. Bell, snfiered some bruises and slight injuries the rest, S. Ruti.edge, E. Garton and A. Oakley, were only shaken up, no one being ser- iously injured, United Church W. A. C 0 r M tribution, Women's Institute The Brussels Women's Institute Wish to announce their November meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, November 23rd, in the audienoe room of the Public Lib- rary. The theme of the eveniung Is "Peace" and the programme is in °barge of the staff of the High School The Roll Call will be an- swered by naming 'A Prominent Leader' in present day history. Everybody is cordially invited to at- tend this evening meeting. Presbyterian W. M. S. The W, M. S. held a very surcees- ful tea, eider the direction of Mrs. B. Walker, .convener, Mrs. R, Thom- son, Mrs. J. Parker and Mies Grace Stewart at the home of Mrs. R. Thomson on Friday afternoon, when the 'I'm So Thankful' boxes were brought in. Musical selec- tions were contributed by Mrs. G. A. Deadman and Mrs. Wart. King, A splendid tea was served at the close. The exeouiive of the W, A. of the United Church anet in the cboir room of the Church, Thursday even - Ing, The President Mrs. W. H. Bell in clharge. Miss 0, Hingston lee in ,the opening prayer. The nom - Mating commiihtee appointed to select officers for the incoming year are: Mrs. J, E, Smith, conven. er; Mia. H, McKinnon, Mrs, L, Wheeler. A vote of thanks was given Mrs. Bell, who is retiring trans the presidency, for her splen- did leadership throughout the year and Thor invaluable help to the various committees in ,9ianniter for a S0000sstul ;fowl supper, The table °envenom, Mise ay. Robinson and. Mrs, 0. Walker wore calnpll- mented on the e;tficisnt service giv- en by titter assiatente--Theaks are due all the ladies et the Church Yoe cheerful setviee 113 conne2tion with. fowl supper, Items of business were attended to and the meeting meeting closed with repeating taps, ( letchard, Carl and InneVey and Iwo closed with the Benedietian, Candy was served by the hostess: daughters, Mrs. J. I''oster, (lista) _**, Melville Y. P. S. The Y. P. S. of Melville Presbyter- ian church niet Mosley evening with a good attendance, Miss Jessie Little, the devotional convener was in charge of the meeting. Mise E. McTavish read the Scripture lesson and Elmer Bell was guest speaker. He took for his topic "Study of the origin of the Bible." This talk was very much enjoyed by there pies-. ant, Narorwly Escaped Injury Motoring from London Thursday evening, at Arva, Hen miles this side at the city of Loudon, L. W. Eckanier was involved in an .accident which might have proved much mere serious, ,lir. lenkhitier saw a horse ruuning close along the highway toward his car, he swerv- ed to avoid hitting it bead -on but the horse struck the left side of the car bending the fender and door handle. The tunnel' was thrown to ,the other side of the road direot- ly into the path or a car wbich ran into it, killing it. The accident is being investigated. C. Co l• T. Williams of Cranbrook. The Pallbearers were former neighbors, Lewis Armstrong, Wm, Ireland, Thos. Pierce, Jas, Shaw, Geeing, and Gus Wheeler, Inter- ment was made in Brussels Ceme- tery. Many beautiful floral tribut- es bespoke the high esteem in which the deceased was held. Friends from Gaylord and Vander- bilt, Mich,; Wroxeter; Listowel; At- wood; Kincardine and other places were present at the funeral service, ARCHIBALD CLARKE Rerrrberance Day Service Held by Legion, The "Remembrance Day" service• was' held iu.: ,St, Johns Anglican church et 10.50 on the morning of Nov. lbth, under the anspiees of Br'uesels Legion, Post 218. When a member of the citizens of the cont- inuality together with +the local vet- erans and school children gathered to pay tribute to those • who gave. their Sire do the Great. Conflict of, 1914.1018. The veterans and school children• gathered at the school and headed by tee Brussels Ban dand Piper Me- Don„1d of Lucknew proceeded to, the thumb, Rev. W. A. Williams of Cranbreolr Preis! yterlan church and Rev. H. Mahaney of the United church to- gc• tier with Rev. I. Graham, rector Of St, John's, conducted the service. Rev. J. Graham gave a most appro- priate address on 'Remembrance.' At the close of the service at the church a brief service was held at the Cenotaph, Reeve Robt. Bow- man spoke and reminded those g:aiihervd there that they were there not to glorify war but to honour their fallen comrades, The "Last Post” and "Reveille" were sounded by Wilfred Cameron and !piper Mc- Donald played a stirring Lament. Floevers including the Ontario,. Legion, and Brussels Village wreaths were placed by 'Mrs. R. C. Cunningham, Mrs, N. In Gerry, Mrs. F. Burchell and Nlrs. 0, $amis. There passed away at his late home, Lot 10, Concession 14, Mc- Killop, Archibald Clarke, on Wed- nesday, Nov. 10211. The late Mr. Clarke bad been ill for three weeks preceding his death, a sufferer from acute rheumatism. He was born in Grey toivr:sllip mi.' April 22, 1861, son of Mr, and Mrs, George Clarke of Walton, He passed away in his 76th year, He bad boon a resident of the locality in which he died, for the past 47 years and leaves many warm friends who mourn his passing. He was united in marriage forty- seven years ago, to Isasella Coulter who survives. There also remains to mourn the loss of their lather four daughters, Mrs, Jua. Cnuttes, Seafortb; tiles. R. Kells, Sae.; airs. Wan. Strathern, B,C„ and M's, Armour Dundas, London and one son, Albert Clarke, at home. 'Six brothers remain. John, William and Robert. Brussels; Henry, Walton; Joseph, Sask.; and Edward, Liston_ el and two sisters, Mrs, Want - son, eicliillap and Mrs, Jacob Ziegler, Grey. Two brothers, 'Pour and Enoch and two sisters, Flora (Mrs. WibI. Metz) New Hemburg and Mary Ann (Mrs. L. Willi'imson) Walton, ipredeeensed him. Funeral services were conducted by bis •pastor, Rev, Cummings or Walton United church, with which the deaceased was affiliated, on Friday, November 12th, with in- terment being made in Brussels came tery. - , Pallbearers were, T. Williamson, Jas, Ccuttes, Geo, Hoegy, :as: Mc- Nichol, T. Hackweli, J, Hncl well, The many floral trlbwtes were SS: - pressing of the esteean in which the deceased was held, The C. t1. I. T. Group met at the home of Mrs. Stepheaou on Nov, 16. The aneetihhg opened with their purpose and spent pant of the even- ing vening sewving, The business follow- ed and ctosed with a Vesper ser- vice conducted by Jeanebte Sander - sou, in which all took part. "I Will Be True" was sung, followed by Scriinters Readings taken Brom Psalm 119:6.16 and leplttsians 4:1 - and Man. Mayberry (Pearl) and two sisters, Mrs, A. %three and Mrs. M Koester. Funeral services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. Jno. Graham of nt. John's' church Brussels, with which the deceased was identified,..; from her tate home Sunday alter. noon and was largely attended by a-. host of reletivee and friends. Inter- ment vas made in Brussels ceme- tery, Pallbearers were: James 'McFar- lane, ,Nelson Cardiff, John • Work, .. A. Armstrong, Stanley Wheeler and Wan. Cardiff and the dower lsearers were: Frank Cardiff, Graham Work, Lloyd Wheeler, M. Johnston and Glen Wheeler, The floral trlbwtes were many and beautiful, tokens of esteem for the deceased 'and expressions of sym pathy for the bereaved family. CAROLINE ZIEGLER A Dile long resident of Grey, Caro- line Ziegler, aged 61, died Thins - day morning on the 11, at the On- tario Hospital, London, after a •lain;. illness. Born on the 14th Conces. , elon of Grey, elle was the daughter of the later Catharine Zimmer Zieg- ler and Williams Ziegler, and lived on the Yarm until nineteen yeare ago, when she and her mother mov- ed to Brussels, where her mother passed away nine years ago. She is survived by one brother, William on Ethel, her other brother prede- ceased her by ems month. She was a member of Melville Presby- terian °hurtle.. Funeral services were held from Wan. Zieyier's to the Presbyterian Church, Ethel, conducted by' Rev„ Mr. Williams, with interment its Brussels Cemetery. Pallbearers were old neigghbosls, Louis Stelse,. Robert Spiels, Neii MoNlair, Jas. A. M,eNais°, Lynn Evans and Henry Gorsaildtz, Relatives wile attended from a distance were: Mr, and Mee. Wm. Ziegler, Waterloo; George Ziegler and Mr, and' Mrs. Albert Ziegler, and daughter of Mildmay also IIrs, J5colb Ziegler, Willie and Catharine of Ceenbroolt, MRS, RICHARD JACKLIN The entire ,community was shock- ed to learn of the sudden death 01 Catherine :Keene, llelovad Wife of Richard Jacklin who passed away at her home, lot 4, . con. 8, Grey township, Thursday of lest week. The -deceased dropped dead. while engaged in a telephone c0nversa- Won, due to a sudden lieant attack. J3orn in Grey townshp, death oc- eurred in her sixty-tourth year. 32 with the translation of Moffat 1 She leaves .a largo circle of friends by Lois Plum, Wilma Lonnie. i and arcgnaintanceta by whom elm Josephine VatlNoranan and Jean 4 will be missed •and kindly vemein- Stepheson, A Litany of Prayer was , hereat, given la unison and a reudMg by ( Beside her bereft panther there rg. was reed by Jean .Spairau and loved mother, fare sons, Harold, Helen Turnbull, the B,enedicton ricins to mhourn the loss of their United Church Y. P. S. The regular training plass was held in the United church Monday evening, Tale Gerrie young people.,' led by Miss Evelyn Davie, wero in charge a the meeting. Tills class will hold its closing meeting on Fri- day evening, when prizes Will be given, and u social time will be held. PERSONAL CARDS For Personal Christmas Carrs , See Ad on page 5 all new ¢toes.