HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-10, Page 6Tea
or every Taste
white bread and e, leaf of ieutire
wheat bread or the rare size, (lot
the bread lengthwise of the WO,
malting 2• white dices 'and 1 dart:
tiles, each 'shout 1inch Miele 13e.
serve test of the bread for other
11808. Pr'e'pare 2 different santiwlob
' Mimes as eolltaws:
No. 1 --Opel: a small eau of white.
meat tuute intent and nake, Adel 2
tablcelmo1ls finely minced green Pen -
per and 4 tableepnelts shredded ht•
tate Moisten with mavoenaist
Na.2--(.'hop 3 hard emitted rgs,
10 stuffed olives and a :f feet:
- -
'• — ~131 a::e, Add 4 tablespoons shred.
rd 14,1 Ilea, Maistirn with mayan•
met e.
P. a ',Thee of white breed on a
tete covet. el with Bary waxed eil,-
el• - i11,rr.ri1 wish 1111i13 NO, 1. Platt..,
tb,, 41r1- et deck bred in ]t. Sp d
with 1111nig N. 1 3, (t re With tilt.
Wiwi.' Mee- of white bneed. i tee
with t tont 3 err •hut elimesee and
nn iret(n 11te in 11 -'-h r841110 until they
me- t,f the ,•g.ht t nskteuel to
al prem:. nest t tre t eP and s d - of
tee loaf with the obeeee mixture.
Iu.(a..ate the top will: a ficiwres er•
raneement mete of egg yolk, egg
white cut to pcta:s and strips of
ere(11 pr iper, Sum mine the base
with parsley ;at'nic-lted mith stefird
'Here's something for your eee
party that you! • 1,ues,; w'11 e3.j•,
Neapolitan Sandal hes
"j'lleee lnteresting sandwe he_, I:t'
so w•ell•hno11'n t: they might lar
OM` own country. are ntaoe
of stair cake, some cut '. • there
ehecolete or gingerbread
spice loaf, some Iron' pound or
any light-cttiored loaf. The sl
should he cut quite thin, and three
go to the making of each sandwieh.
eri 11 ,I S.. ,,t,
m i l ,t . ri.
li.Itt take; ^I e•aei
ese r it p.nee a
slice et
nvttisit this :Lite 011 ('1"
C u es of nil ,ed calor.
ieeeieeitted. w e 1e sp:'«.::4 :t
•t 11 1112'1 tilling;.
'1.'' of (lark cake; s:..2((
h.en ever is pie.e, a silo ; of
get r eke ; ettrnlse this 11'Ith Cave.
pee, eiii,ddyd fruits of mixed abets:
thio way, uei3t• d 1•.
w.•1 , s alteeaatedy In e'er!.
:r,t -
1e 1=andw.ch, 118111 all Ile -
l eeare:• Ii -+ed tilt. It 11; e.so.i:iia.!
.11 Tiley b • on Gen. for tete fill 4
t:rr it r':. -tempi be cut in triangles or
,t;( n 1 strips eat as finger•
f • I1)i 484)1111 you like to serve to.
as 1 r 11 - 11[111 011ah e mote a de
! , ,,- t•olieotitIon for party or we-
:`.e 1 ,!i 1 d \\ 1t. LCI( a
t h•:r ..h in..a W:4'1 •.a1., Ps,*
vv ) it. Yetie Il 811, c;,1 '
C j DR
"Crown Brand" Corn Syrup 1
makes happy, ea y i !
dren. No doubt about that, . f
for doctors say it creates 1
Energy and helps to build ,
strong, sturdy bodies. Chil-
dren love it and never tire
of its delicious flavor.
HORSES promptly grid CATT°MOROLE
Simpiy phone "COLLECT" 10
PHONE - - 72 I
Oat 111 Th
New Anaesthetic
For Dentistry
Experimentation Works With Para- hide. 'Phis is sa}d, 54001a 00u-
311811ime:: when you only need
the white of an egg, you are at a
lose; having no immediate use for
it. to know what to do with the yolk.
If you will clover it with cold tenter
and place in the refrigerator it will
peep until you want to use it, With-
out drying un.
whore Sallee of in•
,Bach Seat Przlviers
Receive Rebuke
Survey Reveals No Need for Lou11
Yelps from 3t,al' BecauseMst
privers Know How to Drive
The len% Bureau 0f Public Route,
last week gave 111eitseut n1atni'18te )1
dose of their own nleldci110,
The Bureau publ:alted au 1 Lor•
heasiv4e study showing thee
fists almost 01way,$ their aitplr•
clearance when. paveing euotllet' 830
One long loaf of sandwisll bread
w e 1 make 43 titin sandwiches. One
gene! of :.a11dwith eiread wilt Gil.
To ',teen that , fresh bread front
dt tb ng up when 1011 are cutting:t.
beef y •,,tr knife b `tie. You end
ileo the levee, will find the go 1g
Mock fete i cake Innen eat le l
e :ref
� try placing t
ti, n
(,; better i
> your ! 1 •tic stat for :til horn The
1.,µer te:mpelaturc' will make i1
,('1.,e 11#331. teen it will be easy to
- n 1
t a I i i1
1 1
1. a ::
1Ili: Slite••,1,- 28. e.-',':, t„.
1 ct'i ..l;k': tr.:31 1,0,..' t ft en
21,1 teal t:, e 11,1I. '
..';w,. ' 20 Int Le=,t 'net.1 .1,..,
..e, -.., I;.,, a:el n•.i:,: In ones
II i1•:. r runt 11 8411 nein
{ 1 ,rd let eee-1 in that I eitiu13.
O"(11118 Sauce
se 1 1 ,p 1.
-._ 1 7181.4! :111,1 gr' d rind 1 orange
i 1 . ,e_ 1 1,•111011 juice
t 1
William street,
Brussels, OnY
'Phone 65
Day or Night Galls
g O, WAI:i<ER
Embalmer end Funeral
I 3:e, i n c 'r:. -?unit:
lysis of Nervous System. 81 ,'dote the wife, mother-in-law 01
Electricity whoever is giving arm:Done trete
the riser µ2:11t that there le no reai013
No longer 11 tl 1, he given lo 'a- 4 to bevy the Yawls and 511U8t at
l e elle in the d,•o .`y (11081' VIM). , the drivel 11111
the ..-e- eiumme uta 11«1333 cur ed Ample Clearance
ultt by De lu1vDyi,1 08 the (.t11t al On the basic oI 1,unnetie of fool
t:ani;lec,, e,i1 Research earth Snstitui11 oe mutton ,picture 11101 lase:: Dena
Le nin•,;rat,l. have been brought to a a specially 21111111111111 (18318 07 auto'
1(1(11 seful conclusion. The place of mobile, higlhlv11y expert( said t#Lat.
0hlu8,480 111, or other anaesthetic, the clearance of passenger auto
will be I tkrn by nlet•trie vivreate mobiles overtaking aid paasuI1
which µi11 F,t,aieee the iet'v0u8 sy: other cars averaged slightly more
tem, and so render the patient in- than four feet, When the caro
sensible to pain, wel'e approaching each other, the
Alter 6iteeeseful experilne11ta with distance was even wider.
The tests also domol1straUld, they
the 1108 anaesthetic had been ear-
rigid out on a number of rabbits, two said, that A:mericaua are not excit-
or Dr, Yakovlevie assistants mule- able as motorists. Drivers of both
went tests to prove its efficiency in passenger cat's and t,tt lad tend to
the ease of human beings. Clinical follow the lanes of trade .assigned
tests are now being earned oat, and to teem,
soon it is hoped that doctors, aura- "Road Hog" is Passing
es, and dentists will be 1n a post- The results, the exreerts said, in -
Hon to administer tide new palmitin- d1c:ate that the "load hog" of a few
er, which leaves no unpleasant after• years' ago -tire motorist who hugged
effects but enables' the patient to the middle ut We read 'mud reunite
feel Terfeetty na3•mal the moment to budge- is passilrg.
the current is switched off. Tile officiate, on the baste of their
"(meds " movies, sued that roads 16
1L,7air Tinted feet wide were too lia,lu0 either lo.
!d L Is Latest Vogue pas c„(er cant; aleue or fora uratel
traffic of trucks and Pmeeengel kiln**.
On tilt. 1a -leve h:ghw lye, puss"neer
Caleld Newest Thing in Styles For C„r ai;'.'wed tee Teel l 111,1115 01s
Women by European Colours i'-1+ut rail 114 evelage tl4a tic„
allowed was 4.1 feet n.1 more then ii
'_~”"wet x1111111,. ai t a'gil1 of sunny.
1-laer :1111111, a tender, tender reef' "Candid" Survey
Is tee great new thing in womi•e'3 yu s
The Art of Making
Tu ': 1 1 utmost in flavour and
t eine Dem ea to an art. but it
•1 a- n widen :thymic can pro'
dues a ata terp E cl, by following
11 - .' e 1 plo directions:
Run the "meld' tap a few secor.P1
in i,r" 11,11:ng 1141 kettle (never a'2
water ol• water from the '1,88'
1 u
t h t r tan!, ' that 1111, trial„1' lo
1 e. k ,t,:,,tt b1 ,0. 10, in•;e 111 .y .end 3)1,1 nen st amu,
.8:20 , td «r1d •,.122 a ct•ohely 4,81,al, 111”»'
,1 4114, it 1:) a. t t llO lfttl of T,r„d
(. 1
t: 7 3
S ,e
1 j• =N , 1.
I11 t
d... - ,.,, .� t, j• ._ ,,�..:.�, 112 -.r1 i ta' a 1t}> In. )ri
ft t ,1 pee 71; rl •h boi31n6 wat..r
L1..: .
sHe 1, Y.,: 118e m3rutl, b before
.8o'l P« e,,.0 viµ C + 11 sero
eileneleilte ,,,. ;•,'. I iL, f."1,e i,+.- our t -+-d
tat y. uY'4••i+.', n li - .' a r4 .., , - us the yam catn(111
Ln -1 ,1,4 3. ., ...40 1, 3.'2114 'aat 14(' -t ft001 1r
...:3? (rip of te t inn '17• « wort ll
,v' • C. 1''0 fr.:m a 1 -'-" '3 ,: wine to melte it eine-141y,
Canadian Pacific Has Newest In. Locomotives
Dower, speed, an attractive semi -
streamlined appearance, and
ty trane-
continene tal trains moreto haul vthan 800
Miles without change of engine
are the outstanding features of 30
new 4-6-4 locomotives, numbering
from 2820 to 2849, recently
brought nut by the ,Canadian Pa-
cific Railway.
11. D. Bowen, chief of Motive
Power and Rolling Stock, Cana-
dian Pacific Railway, has em-
bodied in the design of. the loco-
motives the popular semi -stream-
lined appearance wbiclt he first
developed in the 3000 class Jubilee
Typo englnee, as well as many of
VA, ' r.G%moi
the other interesting details which
were developed in connection with
nd which have
been provehe Jubilee n tog bee satisfactory in
elven more important than the
trim e.ppearance of the new loco-
motives, however, Is their per-
formance. Five of them, equipped
with booster, each has a tractive
effort of 67,000 pounds, which
Means that one engine pan haul
4,789 tons or a weight approxi-
mating that of 300 loaded freight
cars. As for staying power -they
'will bo used on long runs such
as the 813 miles of heavy grades
aria sharp 011r8e5 between Tor -
onto and Fort William and the
832 miles between Winnipeg and
Calgary, where they w111 operate
without change of engine. Latest
engineering developments are in-
corporated in these newest Cana-
dian locomotives, making them
ideal either for fast passenger or
heavy frelgbt trains.
This new group of locomotives
together with 20 lighter locomo-
tives of the 4-4-4 type new under
construction, combined with tbo
power already 1n service will
give the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way one of the largest fleets of
he Northwerful mAmericanContinent. omotives n
" lwcaty foot ill ale uua.
styles. a isuropean hair- t,Llin; ex. (elate ter 111 L Beene. ilicfudtug a
pert said,
You mean pink hair?" he tem, i"""
UULa;+ tteav
i"e"11 u<
eta tike l eef ly ea leglex11) -'G ;ee•t
asked, wino, tory found.
Leu of 4fenna, who recently c^ii_ When a drive: rutty oft the hi3h•
fed the Muir of the Duchess of e1'd- way on the shoulder, nue 01111118e1.�nr, thumbed threng13 a small C
u' ,,oli1 taveu that iusttad of Ming
man dictionary for the word "pink." cr1.4841 d by another vehicle ha in
Then be Plotted up brightly and an.
Playing sa-e,
slotted, ja jar, Tile 'caudad' cam- "a survey erste
Although the Ductless of Windsor ct>ntiuc cd by J, T. Th>npson, .Pre
prefers to wear iter hair 111 lir fe51,08 of (;evil 11 at Soleus
natural -fu, pink hail he :',rid is 13upk#11a University of Maltiikiur;
and Norman Hebden of the Bureau
of Public 14'oado,
'W1F11D19.1CSDAY, NOV„ 10t h
Cerl'r'ct for evening, because 18a.
nun, at evening should always leek
Rower -like,"
"Tender Rose" Shade
The mild,teuder rose ehade 1n'1ke
'fresh and ftientily' in the daytime,
he added, with dark street clothe.
Asked if men would Iike it, he ned-
e• 1"
;led -
fled grimly, "They # will,"
Women ehnutd rlra11(3' their stye?
of leer di se or at least vary Be
1 inc•:
V/ar's Horror
Will. Increase
You too will be satisfied with
RAMCO, the Coke which de-
livers the rnaxlmum of clean
steady heat atini a a
cost. Easy to
lighter to handle •"- longer -
lasting. And leaves far lees
ash. Join the army of happy
householders who have
changed to dustless, smoke-
less ARMCO Coke. Order
from your local RAMCO
dealer -- he deserves your
fuel business.
Atgt2 ltQQ[
falls__. 1
Sold By :
J. H. FEAR, Ethel
.. ..�—
Emotion Meter
Gauges Instensity
Of Love's Mood
Machine Measures Feeling From
Curernts in Palm of Hand -
Similar to Lie Detector
i niversIty of lew•a prof meth ha: -
devised an 'emotion meter' 111111.41 he
says measures the capacity of nor,'e
coded For luxe by the per elratin11 in
the palm of tete hand.
But the machine would be of tittle
use to the unenlightened swain said
the p1ofeeser, C. A, Rllckniic11 be
0(10311' it 32ik04 a trained I>sycolu, - t
to int: t Ibo icadings,
Alt Types of Emotion
The meter measuresall type of
c 111otio11al disturbances, iuemciine
anger, fear, joy and that Produced
by lying.
Professor liucicntick said that af.
ter a series of readings it µ'113 up
to the 1,syeologist to find out what
emotion had been etimaalted. Lie
detectors generally rely 011 changes
in the blood 1» es,l11re and breathing.
Ruckmick said, but in his opinion,
band perspiration le more reliable.
"Aotiv#ty or the sweat glands is
absolutely involuntary* and 31,1C0n-
trolable," he eleplained, "Persmnc,
11018 are learning to contra Melt
breathing and other emotional res.
pones, but they cannot control
glandular activity. 13esitles, it is
more coevenlent. slid c0nlfn•la11tt
to lest the hands than b100,3 pees•
sure or breathing,"
Tiny Currents Picked Up
When a person ties, the sweat
gla11110 in the Muds (become men.
melee, he said, and this generntlrs
electrical 8urrente which tire sherd
ed by the tletecter e galvanometer.
These tiny carte is are pinked up
by two copper elle—treks which are
tightly damped fleetest the mein
of the band,
By asking 3eaclin questions, Pro -
femme Ruekentelt says he can. (fele
feren'11atc' between the various eeine-
iionet 11118815111111113, He was aselstnd
i1y ri. 1'. Greenwald, former eWgin-
ecn'ing reeeareli aes'ik9tant, in devl,.
Ing the detector.
Ramsay MacDonald Warns Associa-
tion For Advancement
Of Science
Fermrr 1' ime Mini'lt"r llaul"ay
1IucI,>:uald, dddl(ss1ng the I3ritlsh
Ai -4,11010u for the Advancement of
(1'1011'e,dist d sed the effects of
more -nu st•letace on warfare.
Il,e said China and Spain had
0110µn the great advance attribut-
able to science in the clestl'nrctive
terve:, of 50-ca.l11 d civil#za eon.
These would be teeeated with In.
Clea0t'd horror wherever war broke
Cannot Avoid Worst
"1f we cannot avoid war, we can.
not :avoid the worst that can 1lnppen
In 'warfare,' he said lu delibering the
fiat Radford Mather lecture to the
association. 'But lot us not be mis-
led by t11wkiug scientists as such
can stop war,"
The eetee or the farmer in grow -
Ng wheal and food for war, be con-
tinued, was a.itiit to the engineer
turning (1111 improved flying engines•
But it was false judgm+nt and caw•
clydly for one to blame then: if peace
µaa 3,01 secured.
Wants Practical • Democracy
"The plea I make is for practical
demuciney, butif democracy 1s to
3r}anr113 In the attack now being
made, it mutat have method, abet I
believe the rounds' of the scientific
worker and the way he sets aerie
his work will steady and clarify the
popular taint: not only to complain
(eminently, but to conclude wieety,"
the former Prime Allender cicolaredt
A mt1u•n (n bows and arrows, b,t
added, would not remove 1110 grlev-
antes of nations, for whloh they will
fight, or supply the enlightened die-
1csatacy wither can keep peace wen.
n FIem 9,
by Grant
Birth of Sextuplets
In India Reported
(4,asral 14. D. Giles. of Lun-
dell, L
ena 1001 u
reported vter
birth of sextuplet 1111. in India.
Tile general ea 31 be wa 311 twcelpt
11! •t letter from Lieut, D131' khan, an
Indian officer on tine northwest
frontier, relating the birth of the
six bays t0 the wife n; 1(31 ceuste,
All were doing well. the lieutenant
Persons wishing to be aviate.rs L. -0 -ordination subjected to a most thorough
medical examination, and rightdy ea, ! Is Necessary
as flying requires both pheeit.ai Sine unenipl(� it 4 ut 1' a most ur-
MeeL''e awl nl1rttat tl•::.t;1 ':. a
high ordcl. 1)11e of the 1111(31 1,-, - gc111 oe-a1 aura 41'1'1111-111111'
to which the t;:r.l,11 i. yubjet•, ti it is cltvemely tree -Uy 111,1 the
is lain' it
.•a.i•ttll taut. 1.3 tie. D;Inil:',n .313,1 the (, :elft'.. ` oOlt!
• gt• 41-17,..41111' alt h.a n,..tte l µ,Eh th:,
termini, flint -� fu the „•en. ur.. rt-t,
C'r to �'.1:,•3:d
14011:;1131:17 ut cant:spine: 011 her)- least possible d.eriv
pleat:, be a central teln3 t : :171..11 u31,1'r a
1 head,
highly l p,,:b.
I(lit. f.
S(°i111 #1n. In'..:rumcn;r are, used :n
the different lame -lies theeneh,lut
memere uccureely jn=t 111v3 h;lig r
It Jukes 1}le individual umler te.-, to
du certain things ulncler varying tan.
dltimis, In nater weeds these 11•
Atlllrrlellt in3lie:t e Y (-It3'ly to wilt:
degree n,e03al a1Clt1r se trod pbysi,
cal at'tion are in harmony. In 41•-7
gro1113 of liersone SO listed. it is olewofltt9rs in s•tlne path. tit the
(served that some are slow, 011'0., c1111( y will suggest 1'tng in
are jttnly',v while ethers ag.tin are on Immigrants of this claws. Why
the hair trigger of precision nen bring in outsiders if there art Can -
accuracy of control, adians who are qualified for the
Normal reaction time, like normaljcibs, or can be fitted for them?
all" 1707 nurmai te3nperatore is da. Unemployment insurance will be
the Dominion slimed . under 4,1e'
, (-tee : nd are un e'.
dirertt>T5, Til(-
11«-f cunaittues It •itch :halt 11, e"'
s try be cau01 al tacit .0 an efficient
ay -10111 for ldat'1tg Olt. 1111e-1,1patyetl
111 plat, Why (413•,11131 1118:' :emelt:
so? The, 6C,.e� l(1111112y of sleeted
lf -able. d01'letl In S01n0 way' before long,
will be expedient to keep
But unfortunately there are a > 71 n tt
unemployment at a minimum, and
great many persans whnse reaeliot: i{i this will require a fully organized
time is not normal, And in. 311>= and aggressive emPiny3»eat service.
fest moving age of motor traffic 1 There la every Mason. for abandon -
when split oetond decisions are of.. i
ten called for, serious accideIng the presenk policy at cit9fl. For
nts' the salve of the taxnay0rs and also
occur because at least one of the ` of the unemployed, the Dominion
individuals eoneernetd Wag ant res. ; and the provinces +s'hould lose lul
paneling quickly enough to the ds time in establishing an efficient, co -
metals, His reaction time was too ' ordinated employment service,
slow' which -can 'be mollified later ie
To all mo:or141t8, ri]etdtaltiC4' and Iaccessary, -Winnipeg Free Prete.
to everybody who handles movable_
objeels which if out of control eat,
Injure 0 rrleall'oy life, we world is.
sue a wore of caution.
Take stock of y'ou,. teethes tem!.
Try and be perfectly honest ahnitt
it 'too. By doing n little thinking. m:
Ole snbjeet you eau likely determine
whether nr net your t oilet:on time la
normal. Thea µ11e11 you ate fa: ed
with the responsibility of pulley;
year reaction time to tile test -play
safe ---by leaving yourself a wid3
margin beyond your normal.
'inks year in Canada 20,6:10 pen3,le
will ba 1ij111'3'd in automobile acct•
dente many of which will be due to
the fact that drivers were 1101 peen;
to the exist n.les of the nnlnle11,
T1' i' couldn't do the right tiling
quickly enough, Their Tea -Rion 1111ne
wo.s faulty, Put an honest rating
upon yotur own reaction time and
play safe,
Want is c,, . f•' ?
1"'e�.i t a"1,..
Per11t1pe bsrt9.l '
dragging for c t
a helping hand, era litdna
money L1.t6A t .•^.r.
brains read t1113
Vora c81481 ray l:
through Our l:laai 4c1
Want q o m