HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-10, Page 5'1'H BRUSSELS POST
New Campus Slang
Compiled- By Paper
t'R.M.4.C,te, "01nq/" "Fruit Flyt'
Etc„ Are Explained at the .Unl-
versity of New Mexlco •
Borne of the slang current on a
modern campus has been compiled
by the Lebo, •etudent paper of tee
LTirivoi'slty of New 1t'lexlco, Isere
are samples:
13, M. 0, (1.-B1g man an the cane
pee. •
Ding -To blackball a candidate
for fraternity,
Fruit Fly' --'phase who study In
the campus candy shop,
Goon -A silly or boring person.
0n the SWIsh--To be In the know,
Hardevare-Fraternity jewelry,
Jam Sessions -A gool,' noisy crce-
Dig --'Get acquainted dance,
Kee Wee -Good, swell, or almo-t
any throes,
Nub -An unattractive person.
Hang the Hardware or Plant a
Pin -Put u fraternity pin on a gird.
Quilling -Make up 10 your proves.
Sklooking-Unroinanttic term for
the romantic urge to make love,
T, P, or Table Party-Informei:;,.
The •Morgue -Hall where all ex
emmnation narks are posted.
To Jelly -Soda and cigarette date.
Wheel a Sled -To drive an auto-
Wolfing -Snaking other glebe
'(Kingston endued)
There wive an interesting item
in this neweemper yesterday front
our Ge,:iona coree:pondeut on the
subject of taxes,
Noting that the tax bills the
Portland Townahiep rave been die•
tributed and that the taxes, ewe:
for the one mill reduction by
reason of provincial subsidy to
municipalities, are almost identie:
whir lust year, rte observed that
until this year there has been a
steady increase for over a halt
century. In illustration of the
way taxes have advanced he cited
a tax bill of $25 this year on prop
erty on w'ti"•h the taxes were only
$4,0.1 in 19:el and $2.69 in 1832. It
Is to be not. 1 that the rise in 21
years from 1:+.2 was about 72 per
cent. as compared with 460 ;Ter
cent. in the 34 yea, a since 1903.
These figure:; afield a suggee.
tive illustration of :1.,• way taxer,
have risen on villa., property and
also en farms in ti; • elder part,
of Ontario in half a c•>llury. Some
adclrtiunal figtn'es t.'r t' years be-
tween 1:103 and reef w told odd to
the story. In the ten year-» be.
fore the war rural taxi's made a
gradual advance but in the post-
war years the advance turned tette
a steep climb, The building of
highways has been responsible for
a large part of that rhar•per ad-
vance, Other contributing tae.
tory are larger expenditures for
edam tion and expenditures gree
ing from seem measures, such a'-
old age pensions,
While many persons declann
•aelainse the: increased .taxa:lon
and will not admit that they re.
cetve benefits jute:trying their
heavier tax burden, our correspnn.
dent tastes a different view.
'Many roittls which fifty years
ago were little better than a trail;
he asserts, "have been turned in-
to up-to-daete htgltwaye; while any
side road Is much better than the
best roads of that dime." AIM
the eante marked improvements,
in his opinion, are to be found In
the schools and other public Insti-
These are things to be remem-
bered by the people who sigh for
the good old days of light taxes.
1Vdiile some of our tax burdens
may he charged to extravagance
o iFl western" adminebeiiatlon, for
f ` eigremies'aeu
3 it
(EARS AGO pamplo mond to
molts themnolvoo beard by
eboutiti from aha bouoa tope.
1/ rm toted that to-dq ton
would p obobty hoof 10 wppoae •.
before s etiMMIa.tlon In laeanitr,
NOW-.1.IMY31 the basin's.,
man. vane our Wavi.Attr.
Impel w r e •. nw..a ,
time most part trey aro dna to the
tont Of seevloes amid 'public w0.rke
that people theinselves Bayo 'de -
Mended and many of welch they
would Pot be colteltt to do with•
cwt, Untfortunately for those who
Ilbilto their living on thio land,
there has been no • rise In the
prices of -farm flroduelts, taken
over a period of years, sad 1n 111e
earning power of farmers to bet -
once elle increased tax burdens;
? ?
? ? ?
3 In this column you may seek ,
n Jattiegd tram here and there •,t
a, Ilaglpenings tiro' the past ween
e1 In Ontario and everywhere
Items Are Always Welcomed 91
for ra
Sez I, Oall'em
-In Cayuga, Ont„ a cabbage weigh-
ing 20 lbs. was displayed in a loom
window last week,
-Sez 1,-
-Exeter and Wingham were repre,
'tented at the annual pheasant shoow,
held at Pelee Island last weak,
-Sez 1.-
-Many fall bulbs planted at Inger=
soli by members of Horticultural
Society thereby beautifying the
-Sez I.-
--The North is some place, the
hunter's par:Whie and a number of
young men are going there seeking
-Sez I.-
--Clinton Hospital reports good year
at .annual meeting, Au Increase
of $3:19, over the financial report
0f one year ago,
-Sez. I. -
C. el.
C,li. Smith, chairman of
Lion's Club Frolic (ronin 1ttee, Sea.
forth, thanked the sueporters of this
dlarect through the Press,
-Sez, 1,-
--Seafoetli Ludy Bowlers plan
bridge parties for winter. Boal in
summer ant/ Bridge in winter,
Dig physical and mental exercise to
the extreme,
-Sez. I.-
'•-,Moatreal is considering licensing
cats, By so doing,. the Sept, of
humane Society claimed, Leer
would derive $60,000, annna ly,
chargers each owner $1, per year.
-Sez I,-
-The different organizations 'n
aur.nauil ng communities are rtag•
ing piare and dances at this sea"oi,
of year. The proceeds to go in
settles started with sports, daring
the coming winter.
-Sez 1.-
-British Tommy, "Yes, on Christ-
mas eve, 1917 my regiment was in
MacTavish, "Aye, and I guns e tet'
shepherds watched their Rocke tsat
nicht, al nicht,"
-Sez I,-
--To assure our publishing reports
of various meetings held by the.
different organizations, the Press
Secretaries are requested to sena
same into this office as soon ahcr
each meeting as possible,
-Sez I,-
-At Teeswatet• the Women's trial
tote staged an "At Home" 1st town
hall. Members, their families and
friends were present, All tutting,
Part to cards, games and Contests
and enjoyed a real evening of feta,
-Sez 1,-
--Letters from relief recipients in
Western Canada are being received
by people who donated at various
places in Western Ontario, These
letters explain trying hardships and
there is no doubt the thanks are
right tram the heart,
-Sez 1.-
-hockey meetings, as the seasons
do change, now is the time to organ-
ize a bocltey club, You can't nve}-
look the yahoo of forming church,
school and junior farmer's leagues
-bids gene+aily go the way they
aro started i1 sports,
-Sez i.-
-Hallowe'en reposed in vaflottr
places' in this district as being
radical in some, others with list
05001 commotion paused by ghosts,
etc„ with no property daninge as all
atom -tittle tale 'I'eeswater being nn':
model town of the latter, Good boys
over there!
-Sez 1.-
--Triple Dollar Days held et Whig -
ham recently, sponsm'etl by mc1•
chants of that town was an otbte.
standing event, aconeding to the
prizes given: Chesterfield Cuair;
Walnut Coffee '''able; Ladies Aare
pack; Ladies Toilet Set; Itevereible
ling; Table Lamp; Roasting Pun;
,1Motteruistic Vase. This big sale he
an annual event,
'Skylarks sing, on the average, for
2.22 minutes.
Earl Rowe Elected M. P.
Alliston, Nov, 8,-Ilon, Earl !Owe,
Ontario Conservative leader, was
elected to the Ilous'e of Commune
for Dufferin-Siiucoe by acclamation
today when nominations for the
Nov, 15 by.eleetion closed,
Shucks 1,497 Pounds
Corn in 80 Minutes
Marshall, Me,
',Minnesota's Ray Hanson, wise
farms 400 acres 111 Cottonwood
County, picked and shucked 1,497
pounds of corn in 80 minutes to win
agriculture's world series -the
national corn husking chalnpion-
Monster Octopus
Grabs Woincin
Fort Bragg, Cal,
A story of several terrifying min-
utes in the clutches of a giant octo-
pus was told to -day by Mrs, H C.
Graves, The animal grabbed her
while she was gathering abalones
here yesterday.
5eiziug Mrs, Grave's ankle,
huge squid encircled ber waist with
another tentacle and pinned her left
arm to her side,
Struggling frantically and calling
for help, she was rescued by her
companions, who beat the monster
to death with their Iron abalone
bars. �_ J
Late Huron Treasurer's
Photographs Arrive
Two splendid photographs of the
late Wm. Lane who was county
clerk and treasurer for years be -
fere retiring and moving to Detroit,
where lie diets this year, have been
received at the courthouse. The
protograpbs, showing Mr. false in
an easy chair in his Detroit some,
now hang in the offices of Clerk J.
31, Roberts and Treasurer A. H.
Erskine, They were sent here by
Dr. Charles Lane, of Detroit, x111 of
the late Mr. Lane, Last year the
County Council determined to ob-
tain a large picture of Mr, Lane to
slang in the courthouse, It is ex.,
peeled the desired picture will ar -
rive from Detroit in a few days'
Economist Predicts Rosy Future
For British Women
The future is rosy for the girl
Prepared to watt six years before be.
coining a bride. In 1042 the mar-
riage market will welcome her with
open arms, There'll be such a
shortage of spinstdrn then that
she'll be able to plok and choose.
Sir William Beveridge, famous
economise, says so, He should
Peering Into die future, he told a
British Association meeting in Not-
tingham, England:
"Assuming that marriages lake
place at the average age, the
'trough' for spinsters will arrive in
1943, and that for bacheto'se from
1945 onwards,
50,000 Short
",The bachelors of 1943 will, there-
fore, be conscious 01 a shortage in
the supply of spinsters of the usual
atge-'at least 50,000 shunt,
"Sptnat'bra will Anti termselves uu•
usually in demand,"
Sir William added: "There will be
a depression 111 all the trades affect-
ed by the malting of new hones in
the four or five years about 1945,
"ro honor the 'lead,'
'T1s our uppermost thought;
Of theft bravery we all knew.
And many a tear it hes brought.
On Poppy Day, 1 hope
Ail have done their part,
To bring needed cheerfulness
Into some soldier's heart.
There are also leen,
'Viio have ,stood the test;
And were able to conte home
May they also be blest.
-Ann eimiture
to their departure for their new
home at St, Cgtharbles a pletesent
ovellil)g w'as event,au chat, Miele,
song and readings, lt1i', M, Dennis. of
the sante 11110 acting ase the oenable
apemen, and aeon the noltelusion
of the program invited Ml', and Mrs:
Crinkles and family to, conte tore -
ward when the Following- address
was read and presentation malls by
George Johnston and 'Irani Streehan
of behalf of the eolunwuitY.
November 5, 1 93
Dear 31r, and Mrs. Grifilths;
x�� We your nolgllbors and friends
Continues Yv QX�t �i2 wish upon this occasion to exi,reas
to you our roost sincere regret at
Artificial Heart your purposed removal from our
midst. You have ulnae splendid
Dr. Alexis Carrel, research seem- • citizens, kind and obliging and are:
List, discioeed title week that. he nod i leaving with us an heritage of peal
Col, Chas. A. Llndhorgh were c: at• ess alta dllIgenee,
ilnuing eXpe1'iuienluticst lnniting tri- You Archie coming from the ;It"
ward perfection of the artil)ctal with but little knowledge o, 1'al„n'ei.
kieart" whieli they devised for etude an4 Nettle impaired health have peen.
08 Human organs outside the body, en to us that of Proverbs 10 and 4 -
Dr, Carrel, returning to New York. "The hand of the diligent nutt:el>1
from abroad nn the Normandie, e• rich" and we trust that the sante
fused to say that tllt'y were 013k111g ancreee and Prosperity may fellow
Progreso, but iudicaled that tht'Y you in your new enterprise,
still were working along the ratite Ore net forgetful of the service you
lines. He -ejected as "nnnsensl• rendered to us and count during
cal'' reports that Lindbergh planned entire four yea's of the Great Was,
to become a British citizen, 18x. The discomforts, loneliness, privt-
-^- - - tions and strain to both mind tic 1
Ring Around Moon
Not Sign of Rain
Studies of the weather chichi eel
low the appoarauce of a ring armlet'
the moon show that this, phenome-
non does not herald the approach 01
stormy weather. Neither range lir.
ound the moon nor changes of the
pleases of the moon appear to affect
weather, The moon has been an
abject of superstition from early
times, because It 1s the most con-
ipicuous body in the night heav-
ens. However, most of the popular
beliefs about it are false; and when
a ring appears around the moon the
weather which fellows may be wet,
bat it is just as likely to be fine,
No Cash, Ring
Liberty But
He Gets Wed
Belleville, Ont.
Steven Woods, sentenced to 1
month in jail for theft, to -day was
back in jail a married man, He was
given time out yesterday to get
Released temporarily, Woods re•
elized he had no wedding ring,
Pollee solved that, They loaned hint
one of A.'Forbear, Woods' friend,
also :charged with theft, Then
Woods remembered he had no mon-
ey ey to pay the minister. A. friend
righted this. After the ceremony
Woods we,tt back to jail,
Esteemed Resident of
Turnberry Passes Away
An esteemed resident of Tarn-
berr • township in the persoof
Ann Breen, wife of William i
A. Mines passed away Thursday in
her 655th year. The derailed woman
was born in Turnberry m 1971 and
was a lifelong resident of Gibelocal-
ity, She was married in 1940.
Beside her bereft husband, ;Tee
daughter two sons survive Mrs.
G. Wright, Howlett Town:Meis
Cecil, Niagara Falls, N.Y,; Geteg', •
Cleveland, 0„ ones ter, ells, John
Fortune, G10ud Rapids; six brothers'
David, George and William, Grand 1
Rapids; Charlie, Milwaukee, Wis., 1
Thomas, Sault Ste, .Marie and Ito.
The funeral service was conduct. ,
Mr. ed by. Rev. M . Grant of Salemand
Wroxeter United Church, Saturday
at her home, Interment was made
in Wingham Cemetery.
A social time was held 'Friday
evening of lastweek at the honor of
Archie and Mrs. Grifith, 3rd con„
when friends and neighbors gather- 1
ed and presented them with a silver
tea service as they are leavtnc
Tuesday of this week for Vineland,
where they bought a fruit farm,
Mr. Weight of East Wawanesh
has brought Mr, Griffith's farm, 311
con., but he and Mr,s Wright will
not move to this locality, just at
Reeve Harry Keys and Dep.tY
Reeve Thos, Wilson attended Cunn-
ty Council at Godet'it•h this week,
M, and Mrs. J, ll' 11111, Mrs. A,
Hilt and Ylls. Meelas,tet', Detroit,
W01'0 guests' of MISS 8, McKinnon,
etre. Hugh Porter, MTh hoe of
Gley who hos been stole 'for the
past six weelts is recovering, we are
glut' to report. Her two sons lee
gin end Russel of Winnipeg, Man ,
were recent visitors with their:
mother, MTs. Hugh Porter, fri1
A number of ends and acquatn,
'tes' assembled Friday evening, r
body th oughoat that long period,
You too, Margaret, gave up an m-
ly brother, whose young life, acd
sacrifice is marked by a little cross
1 In far off Flanders.
We shall miss your little family
all different in appearance, visage
and disposition, but equally beloved
by us all, Jean alert and che.et•1•.
Joyce dignified, and lovable, Ant)
Charles earnest, and witty. They
shall also be missed in the James-
town Sunday school where 111.!r
places weer seldom vacant-darii.g
the summer months. And we ]lope
and trust that they will contemn ;r•
sbine as stars in the work of G„t'_
Kingdon in and surrounding year
new home.
We shall especially miss you Mer'
gare.t you ]laving spent your :mitre
life among us, with the exeeptien
of a few years spent in 1or,tnte and
St, Catharines, and so we beg of you
that you and Charles will maize o:
it a boast that you w, -re bout b -';'o
in Gley township. We now „
you to accept this 'Tea Service' as a
1Y7?i11NB1StDAX, NOY, xot1i,. 4, RT
111g Ileel111 W.e'e1 Otesita,
Just befoul the pleating ctoee% the
girls served candy.
P. N, Currie, C,N,R. agent
Ethel le on vacation for two we
Ile wIhl sipelld part t17ne. !n
Bruce -peninsula, Bunting.
Doctor •Colqubeun and J. 11. I
lett et the end of the week, foe
few daY's recreation amid' t1'y tl
luck 1a securing the full , allotm
of game, on s, trip to WW1
groun•de UP north,
Northern SPY alleles of a go
tivalldy are being offered from fru
bade in the village, at a reasonal
Rev, err, Snell, patsor of Lib
trig wee closed w111: ypk lgtdolistt:,
Attter the meeting 1110 Ways 0114
itt:eate Comfat teie se;N gxx�,,1ouato
008 iuuch,
Undine the direction ottile W.M,s.
a bale of good used :ell:4•h1og le bee
lug sent to the West. An rrnee ear.
the + Jug to donate may leave tiseir pale
eels at the hone of Mrs 2uia'e
daring the weep, Nov, 3th to 18t11,'
I: it
Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Dawson,.
Lamtbse on, Miss :George •Cbldloty,
Hes:pier and Mrs. George Topham
and lilt's. M,Wallaee and .son ,Mervin
no ' Were weelc.eud visitors at the homer
of Mi', and Mrs, Jacob Fiselter.
The '1
01 l oh of Knox Preshyterian
L'nited chuech was at Lendesba
last Sunday conducting anoiversa
services, This, was a Partic'tlat
Interesting inveleirt to both Areae
P1' and 'congregation, as this was t
church of his boy'h0d, The .e
vices on Ethel circuit were taken 1
the Londesboro minister,
The cancellation of the regal
weekly session, 'Monday night
this weep, of Ethel Cnited Churc
Young People's Association, gaze
opportunity of attending the teal
Mg for leadership meeting held 1
re church .held an enjoyable crooitinale
ey social in the hal plus Wedaeeelay
;y, evaning,
h. Presentation '
ho Mr, and Mrs, James Perris and
t•, Miss Rebecca McNait' .were honour -
)y et by friends and neighbors at a
social gathering in the Cranbrook
sr hall, The guests of honour', who
'brussels' are retiring to Br3113' following
hmany yearn of residence in the
e Ctanbro0k community, were made
n. the recipients of lovely gifts 117,,,
Brussels on that (Mte, the second 1
a series to be given in the cousin
Last Friday night, Ethel Unite
church Y. P, 5, conducted the d
votional exercises in a class group
at Brussels Training for Leadership
Harvey Grey Twp,, located near
Berens, leacher in a
school In
Walton with a number of pupils of
the S.S. were given treatment by
Doctor Colquh0ml at his office Sat-
urday, in diptherta inoculation.
Mrs. 11', J, Somers leas on the
sick list last ween, bat Is bet"ei'
again we are glad to know.
A check up en radio licenses in
tills community was in order dur-
ing the past week,
ipwards of 20'1 persons have bee,)
given vaccination treatment iiy D;•.
Colquhoun, M.0,11., at Ethel, with-
in a few week's time.
J. L and Mrs. Cole former well-
known itsidente of Ethel L,, 1.'
Flint, Mich„ visited or
end with Geo, and Mrs, Addy sed
her friends in the community,
George Hall of Flint, Mich,. made
ectal occasion to visit for a a•h',a
the latter part of the week Will'm. Hall of Breese's, bis fati'et,
he has been in failing health for
any months. Travelling by auto -
ohne he was accompanied by hi»
ife and daughter. They weregists over Sunday with Roy and
les. Hall on con, 9, Glee, near
hel and incidentally attended 7.30
m. service in Ethel United Churchhere they met a host of friends,
hey enmmenced their homeward
urney Monday morning, 51r, and
re, Cole, Mrs, Hall's parents re-
rned with thein.
Car load= of coal have arrived at
Ethel station for J. H. Fear, quite a
member of delivetice were made to.
consumer-, di:•ect from the car, the
the balance was placed in the lens
where it will be available at awe.
elltes who attended the Pot
Luck stepper given by Union 'United
church Tuesday night of last weer:
were well .pleased with the eater.
taiumont presented,
The disagreeable weather of last
'Sfanday caused change In weekly
routine work in almost every henna
in the village, The weekly wash
not being in evidence,
That some organizations have al•
ready chosen and advertized the
date for Christtms,s functions, is a
reminder that. the year is drawing
quickly to a close and there are yet
many responsibilities to meet in
1'17 Dunbases Hall, Ethel on Sat, '
afternoon, November 20th, there
will be a sale of Homemade Baking
and a Tea, under the auspices of
the building fund of the Ethel Pres
byteriau Church.
The Autumn' Tban,k-,Offering meet.ing of the W.M.S. of Fetrely United
church was held on Thursday after-
noon, Nov. 4th, at the home of Mrs. )
P. Stephenson, The president oc-
Cl15i d the chair and 17 ladies at-
The meeting wee opened with theDoxology, The Scripture reading,
Acts 2-41-•47, was react by Mrs.
Maguire and the Deo, Leaflet, 'Tote
Worshiping Church' by Miss 71,
Penmen, Mrs. H, Speirtm theft of...
fermi prayer', After singing hymn
401, the minutes were read and an.
proved and the Roll Call ans'Woret
with a helpful ve1We.
Following the business period
Mee. W, Bremner gave a repot/ el'the Huron le es1yterial held 01
Brussels, Mee. Jos, Pearson gave a
splendid synopsis of Chap, I of the
Study ook, 'A New Chnrole 'fat'e's aNewWorld,',Atter singing 1mn y 478, the nreet-
u . Cameron and reeve Manly Keys
spoke of the high esteem with welch
g Mr. and Mrs, Perlie and ,M188 Mc-
are regarded. Splendid
a neigtlliors and friends, ever willing
p, to lend a hand in community affairs,
they will be greatly missed.
.Rev, W. A. Williams read the fol-
lowing address and Robert Tyerman
and John R, Dickson made the
presentation to Mr. and Mrs Me -
Nair while Miss A. Forrest p1•eceent-
ed Miss McNair with her gift,
token 01 our love and esteem ee of
You, hoping it may remind you . of
the happy years spent among ole t n
friends In this and surrounding
locality. We also stress the feet
that the gift is but a Iong drawn out n
hint that should any of us ..tee m
the fortunate opportunity of 0alll.lg nt
on you we shall certainly expect to w
receive a cup of tea, gu
And now may a kind Provi'lepn a i.3
watch over and keep you, each by Lt
name in the earnest and sin 'ere p'
wish of your many friends in Grt y, u
•Sigel on behalf of Community, T
George Johnston anti Tom Stra •ban 10
111x, and Mrs. Griffiths somewhat 1I
taken by surprise made suitable to
replies thanking the friends for tee
kindness shown them. And il'I'e
at some future date to tveleetne
tlrenl to their new hone,
The pupils of S,S. no, 3, Grey held
their monthly health meeting on
Monday afternoon, November 1.
After a short program cone:eiay of
dialogue,recitation anti musket cum•
bars Joyce and Charles Griffiths
were called to the front Then
Jean MacDonald read this addr,-ss•
S,S. no. 3, Grey,
Nov. 1,19111
We your school friends are holding
our monthly health meeting this
afternoon and at the same tune are
tatting the oppaitnnity of formally
saying good-bye to you,
We realize naw that you are tear.
Ing use just what true friends and
companions you have been, We
shall miss you both in our work and
in oar play. You Joyce being
president of our Red Cross Society
last year have he}ped res make our
meetings interesting and helpful
and have willingly spent much time
and effort in preparing them. And
you Charlese3 though you have not
been with us long, have always done
your pant.
We ask you to accept these small
remembrances as a token of our
good wishes for your health and
happiness in the year's to came,
We trust that you will very sone
feed at home in your new school oral
that you will speedily make a host
of new friends,
"Make new friends but keep the
The one is silver and other gold,"
Signed on behalf or
The pupils of S.8, no, 3, Grey
Marie neither then presented
Joyce wish a mirror and bottle 01
perfume and Jaeit Bishop presented
Chaelea8 w°,til a peucll box and
fountain pen.
Joyce made a short 'reply thank.
ng the ,pupils for •rem0mboring
them, and all sang "For They Are
Sully 2loocl Fellows,"
A short .'time woe then spent try..
November lith at the home of Archie
and Mrs, Grifbbths, 4th line, (Trey
township to bid them farewell prior
Nov, 4, 1937
Mr, and Mrs, James Perris,
Dear Friends:
We have assembled here to -night
as your friends 011d neighbours' to
wish you well as you leave us for
your new hume in Brussels.
You have been a long ,time with
i us and your good name is respected
everywhere, for your home has ever
been open to us, and your wonder-
ful hospitality appreciated by tis.
You have led a busy active life,
from early days Tett have plodded
on, and now the time to retire has
come which you richly deserve, and
which we slope you will greatly en-
You have been successful in your
work, wlta•t is yours to -day is Inc to
hard work and the bleseing of
Providence upon it.
But you were never too busy to
lend a helping hand wherever it '
was needed; you heard the cry of
the poor, and •malty long hours you
event entertaining your friends, and
what good sports you were!
You, Mr. Petrie, have bee quite a.
force in our community having
helped us on many stn occasion with
your quaint readings, which we a1e
ways enjoyed.
Yon were lovers• of all good
things, lovers of the Church, lovers
of Nature, and lovers of your Cpm -.r
Now that you are leaving us, we
snow that you caunet forget us.
1'e hope that:.the coming years will'
e very kind to you; Wray they ba
any and peaceful. We hope that
he sunset of your lives will be
ills the seating of to -days sun, : red
nd bright anti glorious, a sign of a
etter day to come.
Just to remind you that we are
coming with you to your new . house,
we are giving yon just a reminder
f what is in our hearts. May this
china mi
calbinet rend you of the
many happy hours we spent togsthe
r in tile best of fellowship and •
Rohent Tyernan, , ,
John R, Dtokeen,
Nov. 4, 1937
Miss Rebecca McNair,
Dear friend;
You, too, have contributed largely
to the development of our, gommlul-
ity; you were always coggisteut In
your support of all good capses, al-
ways willing to help, and ready ,to
give u sof
our best, bots in our churtli
and school and there are "many to-
day who will readily` testify 111134` you
were the beet teacher they over
There are those in life who have
been Called to suffer, anti there are
those who have ben •callsd .to
Mile, Yon always carried a
simile; you were always sheilding a
ray of sunshine, so teoel� ion mailing.
Vire hope that you will not stay
away, but that you will Continue to
take an interest in us, and come
back often to see U9,
We have a little present, this
dresser 881 for you, May it speak 90
Yen of happy days well spout :incl oto
Mende, yeti ave left behind,'
Signed -
Robert Tyerntan,
John 11, Dickson,