HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-10, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST WIDNjSDAY, NOV-, Qth, 937 County of Huron Treasurer's S ale of Lands for Taxes By virtue of n warrant leveed under the hand of the Warden of the County et Huron and having the seal of the said Corporation' attached thereto bearing date the Eleventh day of August, .1937, and to me directed, (,orr'manding me to levy on the lands horeueder efumeratetl, for the ;.,treats of taxes reepectively due ther:era, to.- gether with goatee ,Notice Is hereby given that In accordance with tee Assess me,nt Act, I ah^'I proceed to sell by public auction the eald lands, or oe much thereof ac may be.:uf:,cient. for. the payment of the taxes thereon, unless the same be sooner paid. The sale will commence at the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday, December 7th, 1937; at the hour of two o'clock 111 the after. noon. The adjourned sale if necessary, will be held at the same hour and place -two weeks later, A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer of the County of Huron, Goderich, August 17, 1937. 9 Years Name Description in Arrears Taxes Costs Tct:,1 TOWNSHIP OF GREY Leakier Gale Lot 31, Con. 16 1933 30,70 2,77 33.47 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Bowling Club Lots 45, Turn - berry St. 1934 3.92 2,25 6.17 t.orne Pringle N H Lot 28, Eliza- beth St. Chas, Pope Lot 6. Mill St. 19345.6 86,,8 4.15 90.33 Julia Patrick Lots 3845, Alex- andra 'St. 1934 40,25 3.00 43.25 All the lots described above are patented. A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer Treacuror's Office, Goderich. Goderich, August 17, 1937 Published In Ontario Gazette Sept. 4, 1957. New Chevrolet Motor Cal's The new Chevrolets for i>:'' were announced last week faer. Oshawa in three spriee—the M.. ter. the Master. Special and Master D'I.u.xee. An adv-i: tip,:eriptitiil of these prpui reveals many pleasing er in apn'aianrre and 1Y Principal interest centres ,rr r.l cllanical 1mprovemnets, more numerous this year C,T, in any year hetrto oro. Us ,ef these is a marve l.m new a radical departure from t..‘-v;,,ers years, which wi11 mean more confirmable d Ming only to the clutch in ing:: r i• t1I' new starter n>ce.hal..-m. ?> bodying new erase and certainty of starting in any weather. The 11 r 001 Ma,ter Special Chevrolets for 1938 come out with a n.,.w of spring suspension which tr„t^-1- dousiy Improves roadabilIty, riding comfort and handling. The \Ii t Deluxe continues' the fully-enrlo •=d knee -action which has P:oven :a successful. Production on al: s-'ric e is sew well under way at General M:'11s factories in Oshawa and Regina, and the new models are in' dealer's showrooms acre:.s Canada At a preview of the 19:38 Chevro' lets in O -Lawa recently, there was unanimous. agreement among the automobile whlters and engineers that the new "Tiptoe—Matic" c-uten must he consideree a major ennui. button to the year's new dewlap - meats. Among its many au1 ntag. es over the previous clutch are lighter Pedal pressure, whicrh rle. creases during the stroke; so','ter engagement; and smoother opera- tion. It Is far more simple In do struntion, weights less, is more dur- able, and never bas to be luhri. caters; This type or clutch spring has been used before, chiefly in heavy duty mechanisms such as long- range artillery, hydraulic presses anti railcar conplings, hut its use was l(mlted because of ,the lack of technical data,However, Chevro- let engineers investigated the goer slibil1ties of this type of spring, de- termitt,ed it fp be readily adaptable to clutch'opperation, modified and improved its ,basic design, and are applied it, for the first time in any automo'bil'e, • to the 1938 Chevrolet clutch; nether Refinements Bodies, both interiors and eater. tore and chassis units reveal system - tale refinement of features wltieh al- ready have been proved by Chevro- fet 0W'ners, The pnblic is al- ready familial' with the 81.horsepow. er high -compression, valve-iri-ltead, rax -cylinder 'engine. Widely am elalmecl for its power Smooth lrss, economy and freedom from sena, interruptions, this Power ,plant le to 110 found In both series, Again offered' on all the new models aro ,features Which have ' eomtribttted to •CitOvrolet field, 80±11 as perfected hydraulte brakes,' alas:Befit o)11•steol turret top bodies ee, and tr,lab:e-free Liv - pee; ,.,1e . ,:ale...dueed in 10:17 A•ivereeeiatC t..:a, wi*!ch entrant: b spy , a.:cF of the dict. > it 'ii trent ere' S . ;,171, f.... ,. 1 1;,en -nl a cowl u i t' a gre,mati t,m to the. Lead' 1111"z; ,5 an r!ixl-st 4`: t:,.:,t., dirt t'a,,:ad Nt"h•C., is an 11 •1" fr;,1:1L.st year's d . .,,-, c ...._ .- :,r 1!,:.ris•,0:91 b.:'. fictvii..; , cit t•,ni tri, centre d'- - aI: the grille to blind into t'_l.- tor sheds. The aura: e ' h -e• ;e u_ uhf -a• L1 -r. is'•rentuat .', by ,.-. u -t that t y rt h Irir is of and pi tl:pf_l (101011 V..litre with vermillion enamel, (rehire. -4 in 19:17, the apeeald .. we...eh imparts a racy 11as:, to the tyle is again f,atu:ed this year T9- ce:,i-Anel effect c.t tlteg ma:y retin,,,mmt, is one of greater lenath teat ,ar}'rr, mese g,aela1 titre in Die ca e of th:a engine, adve.re. es arra pn t,e:1 ally in the natur'c• of 1101 !fl' nts. • Engineers ers Ioirt r:'0,. however, that a new ural al, :.'' tee - wheel. la corjul,ti,n with teenew clutch, aiffurris er,,Jt and tOlu kes response to the e,u- r f: ills, d:(1 1a:e, Irl.•:',-. certain p >,•iunt; of 1116 ver ing i tern have b„en 1-rl,..,istt• ,1 ra•'.,a than simply r•tinist. There le a faster transfer of ]feat from • combustion rhan[ber+, especially to the vicinity of the valves. - Departures r-iated to units :: the electrical rysomin include the :t, w starting ni -,.han ..ni similer to that featured on cestl!er General Me., can, It has an over running clutch and eau:motle throttle a') vanes, assuring easy, Posllve "art, There is also a new weatht,ght, and ace-sible battery mouatirg. Widening of the rear seat from 57 9/16 inches to a full 89 inches has provided more body epace and increased stability on the (road has been achieved by an innovation In the method of attaching the rear springs to the rear axle hauslnt• Bushings and washers of reetlent rubber in c0njanction with a new bracket welded to the front of the housing on each side provide com- p/et? insulation between the springs and the housing. Engineers have also given attention to the eldmiue- tion of nietal.to-metal contacts and the transfer of road noises' to the interior of the cat Thus, there 1s no longer any necessity far adjust• meat lubrication or service of any kind at this (mint. The motoring p011110 will note with interest the convenience earl utility of the trunk models, prnv:d- ing greatly ]nore,ased luggage spice, Itemoval of the flat shelf under which the spare wheel formerly reefed herizontally. gives 8?/a inches. greater height, while the Impart. meat floor has been redesigned to include a well in' which the spate wheel can he placed in an almost vertical position. A rubber mat covers an entirely flat Hoer and against Heat and cold, Just Meath e tear edge of the trunk lee ton- venlent tool compartment NEWS OFT E DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Ow: Correspondents RLUEVALE Rev, J. R. Greig occupied the Pulpit in Knox Pres,bytei,'ian Church on Sunday morning, using as his text, "Love Never I'a:leth,” A service of special Interest 'wee • hold in the United Church a Sau- da). evening whet( Dr, 3, M. Men 8101, of the i'niveisity of Hunan l'11inu addressed the meeting tell - leg of the conditions in China at the pree.Ill time Mut the effect on nileeiontily work, 3gra, A, D. Smith and baby, ;Mary Eieanr, arrived home from the \Vingbaln General Hospital on Sun- day and are with ales, Smith's par- ent,, 31r. and Mfrs. George 0. Thorltton. Mise Florence Fowler spent Sine day in Seaforth; D. 13. Lowry anti daughter, Adell. w.lie Mrs, Lowy who is with her Parents, Ml', aad Ileadowe, near Milver[ou. The Forrester's Il a was well filled on. Friday eveu[ug for the Presentation of the play "Clover Time," under the auspices of the Young People's Society of tha United Church, The p:ayere took their I,spectdve parts well and the l,rcg:alll tiu't.ughout was well re- ceived. The cast consisted of D111 Pea- coat, Carl Joilnst0u, George John- ston George Hetherington, Smith 1±.>,..,, o, Alberta Wray, 1110114 Hu,1mt;:Su,1, Isobel ,licKinuon, 3:oaie ,11i,ligaa, lite pray was pl'es1t<tel• thea r the direction of .Mfrs, ;(tics Aitkiu, Music and singing ber,w'ert: acts was reuuered by (:lark Jo.ut• - ‘on, L'eigrave, Air,, <t:•::xandF-t' 11aelfwen, 1o,: OPe11ed n,r 1 :t a 2,0150,29 afternu,JU fur :r.0 mh.l. ,t.y 1(4: e:1118 p1 tnr. :1e5r.e.at;e11 of tile United l v.ry iti nit, lige d:-1'uiiuuad 1,<_, lu,f ,,1' the !I .lild,,t.L, .1,.'. •- v , .1rt:0eitn•.21. Items 0l b0al- .... e - beam: ti sc„sd,0.1, 1. ,.,_.,..1t q' --•':i` 111.0 ..,iJ Lu oay .:rn am til 44,1116 tile Niki„:)", .,, L l ;.,.0 Juaa,iue gale a 101 1 ! ca ae 1,. .1i,. ..1 ±eta.ltly la Da,.ng tire cut 41 hour o. ._ tithe 01 110 It.ee '0 1::1 .., were-, dried, .11 a Mace; ,1,11,, t1:: ,,l i.i 3brairum, sirs, Ward eirey a:a 11f ea F. Jun ataa bc,:ig (tie ±0arge. file \e. M. S. tit Knox 1'reaoy- (elia l )lateen held its remit ar 111-..1. L,y 10,: et111g 1:unitiay at....t- nOw, 1-ii;l 111 • preside:it peeetu.05. 11.e .1p,are 11.5nn 1145 41111Ilo,- ntund illi-::: onc.ed prayer, 'fee s('c,;:ai 1.'111 01 bbaiakas Pias 10 1.10 a,ac-012,1 with it barge -uf, eiuthium ails ucddit.g to 0e 50111 to the Ca::,,itan West ire two weeks. 1Irs. Mow- bray had 1l 0,10 of the Legit: x men 1.:15 11.t• closing tempter from tae study book,"Stewardship in the Lite of Women," and dealt tritia "The woman w'lth a message," Low- ing taht all have a message of the Uosle1 to give, Mrs, 3, R. Greig reported setae , items of interest from the 150011t Sectional nteetdrrgs held aC Brussels and Whlteciluivlt. 911'. Jack Foster of the. \Wet i1 visiting with his uncle and aunts, M1', and Mrs, Rohe Shaw and lOIre Mary Robertson and :Mas Fraser, WA L TON tive instrument panel which is tits° easier to read, Iteflnemeete herr, in- clude an illuminated ignition tock. sure.grip c0ntroi knobs, flash -typo locking knob on the glove compart- ment, and firmer grip steering wheel, which can he adjusted to the spoke -position .preferred by the driver. An entirely new design in the backs of the front seats of five- Paesenget• models in all three aeries marks an advance in both safety and convenience. In this' connec- tion, engineers state that the hard Position of the hacks of the l,r,nt seats terminates several inches low- er than on previous models, and vile portion above It is soft -cushioned, minimizing the possibility of injury to passengers In case of sudde'i stops. Greater ease of Ingress and egress has been achieved also by this change. 1'pltols.tery and trim are of ffuc't material and craftsmanship, Grey Mohair velvet is used in the Master series, rill grey cloth or blue grey Mohair velvet in the Master Spec:ia] series, Taupe cloth upholstery by ' supplied in the Master DeLuxr- ; body interiors with taupe plush available as an option(, Body rvtyles are .aa nut:merotis as usual. The Master Spnnia]:.1nrend9 all -the Master DeLuxe etylee. ex-, 'It cei:t 1116- sport -, again cabriolet, secs The Nov+mbe • meeting o the ' ' t l t11g i t1 United Farm Women will be hula at the Mune Mite. n l-1- . u ut.Ia. A1d1e1v Tu e bt[lh on \\idle •,l i. , aaremele 17, n.t 2,90 11,111, ('shit' and b0145 a friend with yoa. 'etre 55001(10 at St George's elmeel! WadloO wilt be ci,Idacted 110x1 .-un- day by timid Deau, le. L. Roberts, el i\'ingllam, A geed represenla•. tiun 0f the euug,egattuu is re- rlue5ted, The annual bazaar and supper of St, George's' Church, Watton, Was held in D. Johnson's house 011 Fri- day last and was an ruquatlfleu success. The rooms were, tastefui!v decorated and .Paesentred a most at- tractive appealance. A large a:- sOrtmeut of articles were offered for sale by the guild and W. A, wh`ie the fish pond was well patronized The correct name of the beautifully dressed doll was guessed by Mies Edith Ennis, A most appetising hot supper was 8[000d. A vote of thanks • was 1 tendered to Mr, Johnson for h;s generality in leaning his house. The generous patronage of the public was' much aipreciated by the ua:•ficers- of the guild and W, A, Al the morning service of Duff's United Church the pastor, Rev. C Cumming preached an approptlaet. ;ernt0n ter Itenlembrance Day, tak- ing his t,,enle, 'Peace: A quart•.,te consisting of John ,McDonald, Geo, IcArthur, JOhu Leeming and George Ramsay, sang a fitting aunt• i her, i la the evening at the Y.P.S.meet• tug, Ieabei 14.15(1±6 Iue51ued. Bette" Leager (meted i,rayer, Elmer 0±11 of Brussels gave a talk on "Public Speaking,' wllieh was much appr'-c1- ated by the young people, A -short talk was given by Mr, Cumming, W. C. Bennett and William Keil y have gone ninth on a hunting ex- Peddtion. airs. Haerle and daug11ters, elli- dred and Rut11, of Heidelberg s,;eu, the week -end with iii, and Mrd. Charles Seltois; ;Liss Edith L''nnl. 0f Kitchens Is visiting w2th Lar Parents, Sur, and Mrs. Fred Ennis, ,Hr. and Mrs, Hassel Marl:, Lave gone (10,111 on a minting trip, The 'Cauat1111i (1:zas In TI (rani ' have been t00iganiaecl and alma every Tuesday ufteruoon at the n(ILe at ,11ra, Cumming, BLY1lj The Blyth \\rumen's lntittit:e held its regular monthly meeting at the hone of Mrs. John Potts with a splendid attendance. The secretiere road a pathetic appeal tor help from tau Gn,a1,u buc,e,y for lr,ppieu C.111,11±a a n,.-•; tar donations. A special collection was taken with very glatU,iiug Iesuhls, :\1,s, Ftea (Liter, convener of Legisiatton, gave uu ea]ightenhllg adurees on "How We Ate Governed," Mrs. Itusel Fear reajonded to the motto for the month. A ten cent tea War served by the llosteee, Mrs. Pette, Airy, Col- cluugh, -1105, 'fhuel, and Mfrs, 161, Johnston. The December meeting held at the home o1' 1'Ity, when Rev, R. A, Brook guest speaker. M, Boyle, George McNali ant Beet Tacker, local war voterane place() a wreath on the 116111011+ tablet followed by one minute et slienoe. The last pest was sountlei by flue members of the Clinton 13ant1, Another anthem by '11e choir was followed by a hymn awl Benediction, The morning service i11 the United church was iu charge of the pastor, Rev. R, A. Brook who took as his subject "What the church can du to promise peace." The choir pre- sented as the anthem "Holy Art Thou'' (Handel), At the Sunday School session a piano iustrunlentul was presented by Helen Shaw, Dr, el, 0, Wilford was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Rebt. \Vightlnan on Sunday also taking services at Kipper', Elmv111e and Thames Road. Mi' , Wm. Rodger, Con. 3, East Wawanosll, was removed to Clinton Hospital on Saturday where an op- eration was performed for api>ea111 citis, BELGRAVE The regular meeting of the Wo. men's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs, S. Procter on Tues- day afternoon, November 15, The Health and Child Welfare commit tee will be in charge with Mrs. S - Procter and :tors. R. W, Procter a, convenors. Roil call, First Aid Remedy; Motto, Mrs, I3, Wheeler; Music; Address, Dr, Jamieson; Lunch committee, Mrs. C. Wheeler Mrs. H. Procter, Mfrs, R. W Porter All ladies are cordially ,invitol t0 attend, The Young People's Unn1on of flu United Church met in the salami room of the church • on Wednesday night last witr the Fellowship Com mien 0 in charge. ;Ir, Cecil Arra- strong occupied the chair and eles. Velma Wheeler was at the piano The prayer was taken by Miss Edits, Proctor and the lesson by Min, Thelma -McGuire, The Topic ma terial was presented by Miss Edits Beacom after which a •discussion was conducted by the minister 11 which there was good participation. After the regular meeting the firs ' singing practice was held in prepar ation for the service of music ant song to be given On a Sunday sem. ing at the Christmas' season. YY RO.li e'.: X ER Visitors in town: lir, and firs G. Davideon, Oshawa, 1vit1 Mies 51 Davaleon; M. and Mie. James !tae Brantford, with 3t'. and Sirs, 0 W. Rae; Dr, and Mrs. Spence, Tor onto, with JIr, and 31.s, R. 3, Rant; Miss Margaret Durst, Clinton, ant Mr, and Mrs, Mottles Iloperot't tutu son, Dashwood, with lir, and Mrs, J S. Durst; Mr. and firs, Guidon t5ci gar and sun, A1'be,te, with 31re, It Edgar, -• Cut of town: Mrs. Elsie Paul's: and Baa, Mr, and Mrs, 1), D. SIM demon and Mrs, H. Mercer nett l:.ends in Detroit; Miss Isobel E'er' in Hamilton, A play entitled "Let's All Get Marrhe,,, was presented by the Young People of the AIlglieen Church in the town hall and was a decided success. The hull w'ae filled. The players arsto be cuu- gratulated on their splendid efforts. The Fordwich o,chestra supplied music be,tiveen acts and Mr. Cook led In community singing, The Mission Circle of the United Crurch held a bazar in the base- ment of the church Saturday after. 110on. Tea was served and a fiyb pond proved good fun for both old and young. Tickets had been sold on a unlit and Ken Edgar was the holder of the lucky ticket, Say Farewell to Missionary Going to Western Field Wallace Murray, Organist and Choir Leader at Gospel Tabernacle, Leaves for Saskatoile wan Wallace Murray, formerly choir leader and soloist at the Leaden Gospel Ta:berna0i,., IRIS loft rot• I110ughtnn, Sask., whore Ile will serve under the l'resbyte,:an hoard of Missions, >lembers of the eon great( tioe gathered recently at the home of Rev. J. Ii,' Dudgeon to say farewell to Mr, Murray, end to present him with a number of gifts. Brief speeches expressing appreciation of 1115 varied sorvites In connection. With the church were given by ;lire w(;1 be A. Taylor will be: 'the Jum1w' Home Makers, Club' held its that meeting at the home of Lite local leader, Mrs: Fred Oster, The following officers were iec[ed. Prey., ilargaret Scalia geour; vice_pres., Dorothy (1(11((1; ser., Holly lsttuel Cumming• Plaut' were made for carrying out their P'u)ept, euem1)0m AL'reeisornee.' On Sunday 1bening is Memoeial Mall a Soldier's .Memorial service and Armistice Day commenlora• Burt was held. The ball was nicely decorated with flags, bunting and flowers: A union choir sul)pli;;u appropriate music, Clinton Legion No, 140 and 'he local veterans 1((tended In a bo Blyth Citizens" 13and be. fore the opening paraded , be. Rev. W, 1, of the service, Lln1e of Goderich was the guest speaker,. taking as the text 01! 1114 address "I think 11 moot to stir you up by way or remein- branee," Prayer was offered iy 1 ev: R, A, Brook Who Presided. er'ipture lesson was taken by ]tee-, R, A. Brook who ,presided, Seal)• ire lesson was taken by1 Rev. A ' an delivery and 7- I The woman driver in particular passenger sedan, which the ;latter i tl will be interested in a more aftrac• DeLuxe linedoes not, 73kuklwell, for the <sheir; Lance 2'101' 18, the Sunday 801(001; Jac11 Wa11a00, the 61'61105tea 111111 104, Wnl- son, the Young Men's Bible Class. 19, W. Galena, on behalf of the members of the Tabernacle present • 611 a slung of money and, an address to 1'111011 31r. Melia), made a .titling 0e,p1y. Friends escorted Mr, IVall[ice 1'1 the station on 1118 departure and lrynlns were sung until the earn (aft. MORRIS Mr, and elm, C. Payne, Toronto and Mrs, G. Payne, Cio1ericll were Sunday visitors with their parents 311', and Mrs, B, Payne, Jamestown, Sectional Meeting of W. M. S. Held Central Division W. M. 5, of the Maitland Presbyterlal Met at Whitechurch Owing to a misunderstanding the results of Sectional Meetings did not appear in alt earlier issue. The central division of the W, M, S. of the :Weiland Presbyterial held a sectional meeting 111 Chalmers Presbyterian Church, 'Whitechurch, recently. The president of the division, Mrs. Linklater, Teeswa.er, pesided and opened the meeting with the call to worshipp. Mrs. Fred Davidson, Whitechurch, read the scripture lesson dealing 1'1111 "Freedom from Sin" and airy, (Rev,) Kenneth MacLean offered prayer, Words of welcome were extended by .\Irs. Godkin. Repots' were presented by several of the. Presbyterial secretaries, The treas- urer presented the flnaucial state. meat, Mies. K. McLean, Pres. President, gave an account of Lila Provincial Board meeting Ileid recently in Toronto, pointing out the necessity of having accurate 0+1)001: 80,1 in on time, She explained 1114 legacy fund and the Gold Mite Dox - es an encouraging item with a fifty per cent increase iu Life Member_ ship eer:iiicatea, Her closing 11„ e. sage was "that we must continue in. our efforts to meet our oblige. tions in order that Christ's messag•r may reached to the uttermost mote of the earth, A duet 'by two members of Calvin auxiliary was much enjoyed. Miss Beth Parker of Dungannon, 'tele gate to the summer school at KO - tail, presented a fine report of lite 'weep siren( there, making special mention of the lecture periods, a,:,, the dmpreeside communion sere:l'o. SIrs, 0u, :Cn- loss, was(1±the0,) guYoestngspeakerSouth for 111'?- nlo±tiug, who Welt for ]ler 01(U) t; `The Pt ice of V;et:lry; stat.ug last v:etary is to defeat an enemy in battle and there Is not victory Milt out conflict and mentioned sum,, of the enemies that we have to coot, -3.11 with such as Lldifference, 1'nb:rlief mud Love of Money, and to conquer, it is necessary to saelitice, awl 11.4,, humble ourselves, use 5elf-cuutrul, have courage, intelligence and ears_ Sy, conserve our strength and h:vr. a 1(51-11'6 — and always be obed to the leader. Sacrifice generally a reserve victory, she slated. The offering was- dedicated le Player by 111,8, Guthrie Reid, 't't1l water, At the close of Ole meeting th" ladies of Whitechurch auxiliary 5elved refl'eshmets. Retn•c-centa• tees were present from Teswater, Langslde, Calvin, Wfngham, 131ue• 'alt, Whitechurch, Western Section Met at Kinlough The western section of .\laltleet, Presbyterial W.M.S. of the Presby tartan Church in Canada, which comuprises 111d congregations of Ashfield, Bervie, Duuganon, Lorne Luoknow, Kincardine, South Km - laza, Kilough and Ripley Presby, terlan Church, also met Thursday afternoon 'for their sena-annual tally in Kin hough Presbyterian c'urc11 with an attendance of about 50, The meeting wad emtductee byAirs. Robt, Davidson of Dungan- non, one of the Presbyterial 'Hee 1)1011dents. ls-v, Gordon A. Peddle, of Clinton, thee guest sy,eaker, was introduced and, gave a most interesting account of his two years' work In the Peace River Diolrict from where ]le re- turned hoe months ago. He Fuad of the dieflcultos encountered by Le four ministers and tell worker" in covering the 100rlt of the 27 preaching stations' owing to batt 101(68. 111 mast cases the trips had to lie made on ]lo,ueback, With the thermometer registering auywhee,• t,om 20 t0 21) degrees below 5,;re, it was necessary to dress warmly ill order to withstand the cold, 11)Us7 iug words were given by Mor, Rev,- G, M, Young, of South Mt 0ss, who, in an earnest 'appeal pleaded for greater zeal and 611(109. ]asmt In the work of spreading the Gospel, Br/peels at BW. M. S. Sectional f1ep6l'te of Eastern Plvlelon Maitland Presbyterial Were Most Eneoureging Owing to a misunderstaittding the results of Sectional Meetings ,11111 not atppear in an. 0001100 Walla. 1 . The sectional meeting of be eastern Division of the W,M,S, of 911a1llnnd Pl'byter(al 'th0 )'res. byte)lan ,Chnresab was 11010of in' Mel• Church, Brussels, on Wednesday afternoon, October 20111. Two vice- presidents nreslded, hors. Barry Mn - Gee, Wung11am, and Mrs, (Rey.) W. A.Wa, Craiibrook. Ropilliresonmstltllve8 wore pr0seut frons WhhtecllUrtiIl, Wingllam, llthel, T;adies', Bluevale, Molesworth, Oran. brook and Brussels, The mi n111g devotions' were con- ducted by members of the Whet Auxiliary, followed by a season of Prayer for the ehul+0h missions and missionaries, for _prelim and thalnks• gtvlug, peace, Western Canada, end felt divine guidance for parents In training their. children. ' Mrs, Robert -.Mowbray, fluauee secretary, and Mrs, (Rev,) John Pollock, treasurer, gave very en- couraging reports with .good reason for thanksgiving as at the present time there le a gain in every 110(11( over last year at this' time, Mrs, Alex, Strachan of Brussels extended a warm welcome to the visitors acrd spoke of the sectional meetings be- ing born of love and friendship and a desire to 'God Forward.' At this time hiss Margaret Garuiss sang, "Give its Peace," Mrs, Erskine, of efonkton, was the guest speaker and delivered a most inaplring address on "J'esnse Power to Heal' and His command "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel." Indifference and ee1- liehuese come between us anti our duty, which is to matte use of oto• time, talents and money. \Its:: Parks, Dungannon, delegate to the Kintail Summer Seined, sen: a very concise report of 111e week spent there. Reports were given by the Presbyterial Secretarfs, Cor. Secretary, 311s. film',) J R. Greig; Supply, firs, W, Deuglae; Life Membership, lira, J. Park,x; liissfion Band, Mrs. Armstrong: Glad Tidings, Mrs, Bowers; Mite -a- ttire and Literary, hiss lsbist,'rt Press, ;Vise Olive Scott. Mrs, (Rev.) Kenneth MacLean, Presbyterial President, presented `Gleanings from the Previa(;i:l Board Meet:tig" >howmg that an increase had been repOI'ted from several of the departments. 1111(1 as president sht,e Was finding in('rp,se6 interest and a fuller cnn;etlatinl, and made an appeal for )•limned pr•!yhe'e s. Toffeting was dedir:it:el in l rayon by Mrs, Leslie Fortune, At the c1(01' of the nteetilt2 a social llsur was enjoyed 01100 the ladies of the Ilrusse;s c011g1-1 gahiva served lunch. Di.;eonrtesy on the road can titre man's laughter. info mensiaugilie^. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Imp;aments and Household Furniture Lot 13, Concession 6, Morris Twp. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th The following will be offered: for sale at 1 o'clock:— HORSES 1 Team Heavy Horses 1 Heavy Mare 1 Driving Horse LIVESTOCK 11 Breeding Ewes 6 Lambs 1 Brood Sow 1 Pair of Geese HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 2 Organs 6-octive Doherty make 1 Sewing Machine Raymond make 1 Extension Table 1 Fallen Leaf Table 10 Bed Room Sets ',` Iron Bedstead, Spring' and Mattress ChaIrs,and other articles IMPLEMENTS 1 Walking Plow, new 1 Spring Toothed Cultivator 3 -section for tractor 1 Massey Harris Binder 7 ft In good order 1 Deering Binder 7 ft. cut 1 Geed Wheel Barrow 1 Seed Drill A quantity of Mixed Grain' A quantity of Alfalfa Seed. A Pile of Wood 1 Good Cutter 1 Road Cart 1 2 -furrow Plow 1 Hay Fork, Ropes and Slings all • comhy¢ke Other articles too' Mumet'pi to mention „ 9 TERMS—CASH Wm. M. Cook, Proprletor James Taylor,' AuctIoneer v , t.• 2y!w