The Brussels Post, 1937-11-10, Page 3THE BRUSSELS RAST MaNill$ 0!A,X; NOV„ 10tH; ..ISIn nn!anaepauu,e„auuaarbenem,,,nnum nna"um+!aulw"ao,uau , ,uuura,,,m„ np,onn"uuw ! News and Information For the Busy Farmers (Punished by the Department of Agriculture) 4.x:.1•...,.. 44.1111111.411111111111111111111111111 iiiii 1 JJ 11111 i 1 iiiiii 111111 lllll 111/111111111111111111/111141111111111111ellllll 1111,uaeeu,nana„uWan Current Crop Report The weather during September and Octr.!ber was favourable for the development of late field ,reps and the -yield Of root Oropw 11011 fodder corn la well lip to average. Present cstlnratt s Owe the yield of grain crops h1 Onta.In at 13^ri above last your, hay and fodder •crops 111140 13% above and runt crops 10%, higher, 1 I1 Na IIWI'n Ontario, however, the hay crop was deodedly light and eonsidee- able quantities will have In br parch tn;ed. while in ^astern On- tario, an well as in M utitoulin und Thunder lay, grain yields were 41:n- a;ppotnting, and Ineutflclott for winter feeding purposes, Farmers 10 Wmto.n and Central Ontario have purcha:-ed the largest number of Western. feeder cattle on record in order to matte use of plentt:ul supplies of grain, fodder, and roots, a considerable portion of which is - of inferior quality and only suitable for feeding. In the three month's, July, August and September, ship- ments of 'feeder cattle from Western Canada to Ontario totalled 120.i12 head as compared with 42,1.23 ,.. S�IIJJ %ik °CANADA -1937' IMPERIAL. TOBACCO'S INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIIDAY1 OP,M E.S T STAADON -C'OT :.. PIPE ?# • OB'Ac.e.p FOR A 1 LD, cobL; moo, assammusassiteresuagoexeraleasziaastaieses a II r aver the air ! WE STFIELD A fine timepiece,,. with an ac cuttile,l5•lowel Westfield movementl Smartly designed,..beau- tifully engraved M. H. Brothers WROXETER, ONT, BRUSSELS, Phone 53X For A House en Your Hands Dld you aver agora out hew mall o poreent.da of aur popu- lutlon rasa lour house whom. they mould see a "To Lot" elan, or how torte a peroantmdo road our paper? Good tenants are Dot tr,e hind that have time to tomato In Ifoibg ,inland loakiod for r[, ns. They look In. out, \Elaut Poon. 'il' If 1441 have a house on roue hands, s, " Benne to Lot" wilt bond them to,you, ,.r .,...s,,.1' '.44 'r4 the eaane months of 1930. Due t0 all Increase 111 both acre. age alta yield per are the pre. duction of potatoes 111 Unlarlo shows a gain of approximately 12%, ,yid) praducti011 estimated at 9,759,061) eget. this season as compared Mils 8,700,11314 e1vt, in 1936. The tut ;I Ca nadin n mem 11.111 anteunl. I6 41, 709,00u cwt. us °!•(1441'1. 311.4141,lttitl met, lust year. Iteceut prices 11.4ve been quite ioli', but ft 141110y 1ead- e::ey 114 deo( loping uta it ie r, tire; at that Phe supply situation its relal;on to demand is almost us favait ante as last year, clue to til( fret that ;ru- auetiol) In the Maritimes skew ll de- crease of 661,060 ewt, from last year. Laying Contest Leaders Tn :lir W. S. Hall of Oakville be- i0ngt the most creditable record ever made In the Ontario Wes..'10 egg -laying contest at Harrow, Ontar- io. His pen of S. 1', White 114'g - horns, No. 13, took the lead 10 the first week and maintained it throughout the entire 51 weeks or the contest, finlshing with next tl the highest record ever made in Ode contest, namely, 2323 eggs and 2643.4 points. 141r, Hall also had In this contest a pen of Barred Plymouth Rocks. which was the most important rano :•r -up. It never fell below thud place cru int; the year. and finished second with 22249 eggs and 2469.1 points, Two S, C Witte Le;horila of 31r. Ball's held the high record. for Individual 1 i'forillaoc'. the leading bird No. 1! (Pcn1 13) ii*i'- in:; scored 299 eggs and 317.3 points for the year. Another outstanding sec„411 1411.; made In the contest this year by Mr. W. S, McCa11's (Simco,) pen of Mite Plymouth hocks which laid 2151 eggs with a scale of 239.1.2 This is the Bret pen 01 White Plymouth Rocks to gain this high rank in the Ontario Weste!n caite-t during its seven years open. ati.el, I3irds numbering 106, or 42.1 pc, cent. of those cnmIleteing the ecate.t. were registered in the Con - National Live Stock Recor,h A : ii•L•tti:m by sleeting all the ,ktitid qu:r 114 (a bions, ,(;121) st begin„ and t.e4'n4.tl- atcs 4.24... month in advance of the other contests. ntests, 311. II, F, 1lurwun is Me superintendent and Mr. W. 'P. Seett Ls heats pou111ym'tn at this centre. There were twelve Barrel Reek p, .1 eight S. 1', White Leg- 1turn.; and three White Rooks in the contest, New Minister and Deputy Ontario's new Minister of Ag1• 140htuie, H,.i;, P, W. Delvan, W,l, born on a farm In Carleton County dear Ottawa 0041 spent his boyhood there. His college traknlug began at Ottawa 1'niver+sty, ,'untimed atkit Francis Xavier 1'ilive,.,ity at Am tign0is11, N.S,, and was canlp1'ted at the Ontario Agricultural College. In 192.2 he joined the staff of Kenlet- vllie Agricultural School, speciaaz- lag fn .poultry, animal husbandry and economics- 'Mee seers later 11e accepted a position as managee of the Oxford Ir'armer'e COOpera,-ive Productive Company at Woodstock. This is a 10unty..u1icle organization which has ,grown to large prOpoe- 1104114 under his able direction, With a first-hand knowledge of marketing problems Hon. Mr. Dewan is well. fitted to deal with the many pruh.. lents of cooperative selling confront the provincial government, Mr, W. R. Reek, the new Deputy Minister of Agriculture, is already well-known throughout Western On. tart° as Superintendent or the Ex perrnlental Fal'nl at Ridge :own 11e11T. County claims the honour or his birthplace and has been the, centra of itis activities for tho past la yenta, After graduation from 0, A. C lir, Reek was engaged ae(14,21• age surveyor for the Department of Agriculture, being One of the 1)1,11, ('14441 in this 1vorit in Ontario, 1i„ be. CMS secretary to the late Dr, (1, C, ',fumes, who wail then deputy 11i111t1- ter of agriculture. Afterwards lir, Iteelc uaas sort 10 England by the Ontario Government, where rho be- came assistant to the Agent-Gene'11± for Ontario in London, In 1914 ilc 1Yas back at the Ontario Agricuitet- al College as associate prafese0r of animal husbandry. In 10.1.6 he 11110 tonna in tho employ of 111e P,E.t, Government as director of agri(ll- ttu'al educalbiol During the iest able contribution to the agricultural deYelopme114t of Western Ontario, GUELPH WINTER FAIR The 111111 Ontario P1'Ovillcial Vrfp, ter Pub' at Guelph, otherwise known as the Guelph Winter fair, proui:,- es to he the best in the history or this oldest of all winter snows Guelph Winter Fah' is known all over Ontario ah' "The Farmers' Show” where neighbor meets -neigh bor and friend meets friend, In outer words, it is a friendly 141(3(1. The dater, for 1937 are from Novem- ber 30tH to December 204 tuelusive. Entries positively close November 10th. President George 16. Teller and the Secreta y, 1,, E. O'Neill. are ulc..t elnhu+lastle over this year's fair, Entries' from 11 111111(1141' o3' prominent li1'4' ,;toot, swine an,l sheep breeders have already been recciviel, while lroultr7 ('114.'31412 promise to be larIor than ever, Th,e r nut ' ludze list totals 42u,011(9 in 4 4411, The Light Horse Show held hero nl ht ❑f the fair is a leittum•e 1111)!. buy ;;.(441.11 rap±dly int the 11ast ','41 years, stere you will find the pick of Ontario horseflesh in competition in the fair arena -hunters, junnpl're, performance cusses, inter -city haat teams, high steppers, carriage and roadsters. The seed show is another inter- esting feature of Guelph Wolter Fair as is the Junior Agrtcultluhl Department open to Boy's" Grain tied Potato Clubs organized by the On- tario Department of Agriculture Thele will be competitions for 1 ,y in judging grain and potatoes. All ntrles close November 10.h and should be sent to L, E. O'Neill. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Write bir, O'Neill immediately for the official premium list for horse, beef cattle, sheep, swine, pointe: and seeds, All Canada Linked At Royal Fair The sparkling "Spirit of Canada" is to be caught far eight happy days at the. Royal Winter Fair When taus of the Canadian Provinces will 1 celebrated by a "day" specially dedicated to showing its Plad'IelO and el:MU:tn. This li1killg of all ,r0• vinc•es thourgh continua interests its agriculture and to foster a spirit of broad C'2140,Uanisnl was instituted at the first Fair sixteen years ago and has been continued uulnterume oily ever since. Fashion meets. the farm, City Life 8re014 Rural Canada, nitre p1ovinei s nod merrily to each other, It ie a symbol so far as the Pair can melte it, of Canada's notional unity h1 mat- ters going far beyond the farm. In this, "Regal and Imperial Year' the day's are: Tuesday, Nov. 16 -"All Canada Day;" also Children's Day. Wednesday, Nor. 1.7-41ritish Col- umbia, Thursday, Nov, 1i-31aritinle Day, Friday, Nov. 1± -Quebec Day. Saturday, Nov. 20 --Alberta Day. 3Ionday, Nov, 22 -Ontario Day, Tuesday, Nov. 23 -Manitoba Day. \Vethu+sday, Nov. 24-aaskat4,e- 11an Day, Thrill of Plowing "11'1411 was the aurae mu?" pruh• ably the first question litany pe.s;014 asked on reading ,the news the -vault reporting an attendance of 25,ntse people lu the second day and l"a,00U ou the third clay of the international Plowing 3Iatch at 'Fergus. eeergus being a town with no great perpul1ttion it would he readily :as- sumed that a large percentage of the people -came front outside points, 1't wouid be further assure. ed that only a small percentage or [twee 45,006 actually took Part rn the contest. The answer, of course, would. be obvious to anybody who knows :my - thing about plowing, There is no. thing like the thrill Which accom- panies plowing a straight furrow, and when you can't du the plowing yourself the best thing is to wateli. --Windsor Star, Canadias Furs Win Grand Prize Tile Department of Trade viol Commerce announced it had receiv- ed a communication that the fur exhibit at the Canadian Pavillon at the Paris Expinitio(1 119(1 1;124 aWarded Lhe 'Grand Prix di Lunn of hightail !pew, whielt can be 1141:'1. ed nn tiny exhibit, Ile Canadian exhibit of fur,, in• eluded pelts or ptiuctllal fur beaeln4 animals of the Dominion, particular displays being llladc of silver and other damctptically bred foxes. The award was made by a jndg• Ing committee, which inrlltdell or- flftoon years ile has served as head Octal representatives from different of the ltidgotowu Experiulen',tl t'oun1lrles' represented at 11e 4',1p401' Station, her he has made a n.t• tion, nein COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND have met Choir matter In 41V -'made b1' the mak, era of 13uelr.4ey s Mixture, Stoclanen, poultry breed. era, etc., who have used 2EV say it is Positively "sure Ore" 'relief for all respiratory diseases in horst%, cattle, sheet,, piss, poultry and doss.. Itis amazing how i quickly it acts results n the most stub• born eases, 31) fact, we guarantee.23v to do le a day or two what it took old.: fashioned 100.'&tock size $1.00kliGat ZEV at H. B, ALLEN How Sinoke Is Inhaled • mstny peelde have: the ici+a When a sntek(4' Pts ..:(:-, U1•' �,'!trise goes to Ins 114 1;,, and is then br' o' ed. °tet tomo 114, , ; ;t 4„ •'fhs 11 (1.4,111 b'. 111!' t b.c` 1,,: 1, 11'1 '41 10 84 )Rd :u :41.11±1 , 41;: 11'' 11; • ,91.',� Wbi.';at. 1'101''1) (r:.,0}11, 1:1.','11- a S.n ai=hl 14111 114(1± 1:1 11141.44) breotl(1 .nip the !•.4.11;1 1411.041 flir tont ca11gl1±01. luhaictl smoke m1.•1'ly 440' 1 to the bac„ of mouth where the 1111(1iils eontin1: • with th. 11111 :11, and -11.41 goes up and put tlruu41) the. nostrils. It may be Li -mired nut of t11e nose or m0ll)4n by exhaled breath front tate lm.1g:., hurt rump of the smoke itself gas,) into the lungs, New African Diamond Find Is Guarded Cape Town, Oct 21 The South African Government ((a- 1 day despatched a special force of diamond pollee to V(rneuk Pan to guard a newly discovered diamond field, pending a legal deeisiot or en action to stay prospecting. Vern(.1ik Pan is a lake bed in Calvinia wh.•re Sir Malcolm Cam;;beli established speed records in 1025, Students To Eat To Music :Annapolis, 51 h. St, John's College students soon may have languid nili1Z,'4 for brach• fast, leisurely foxtrots for lunch :,ed measured military (narehes for dim nor. 313: s Georgia Smith, college dietlton. decided that the boys had been eating. too fast. S.11O 1, a1r't: G- ilhg to have tt radio installed 111 t':: dining 11a11 to slots the pace, Fish for the Asking Six ilundrod and 111`17 Cho earl trout were 4alae(1 from eggs ti;11 Year at the Quebec prolineial fish hatcher). at St. Fausun • in the haurelltian Mountei0s. Next rear it is hoped that (Wei' one littlish baby fish will be reared for the pm,i- pose of re -stocking Quebec's uamer. nus lake:, .says a writer In th monthly. magazine issued by can. adieu Industries Limited fa Mot; 1. real, Fertiliztltion of Die eggfs fs done by hand at about this Gm, 1,f the year, H;tclting takes Place from March to April 104,1 from ,( 11 on 14141'1 tic• :ltltunmi--attain 11•0. young fingerling, are nourished is: lung r°neerete tanks and at five months o1' age they are shipped in special containers to the vnri:n, fish and gang„ clubs, who pay a charge et $155 a thons:tud, Or triton request to the 'publicly owned lakes. I .A trout call he said roughly to -gain a110114 a pound an weight a year, All Interesting thing about these fresh. water fish Is that in their y0nna (State they Have to be given a fre- quent salt hath to keep their '12±113 free from disease, Novelist Passes New Voris -tit's. Florence -Morse Kingsley, 7S, noveblst, who wrote 32 books, tiled yesterday. The wife of the Rev, 11r. Chprlee R, Kingsley, a retired pastor, Mrs, Kingeiley began )ler literal.). earner in 1894, when She. won note) for the best nlau)us'crtpt of 386 submitted in a contest tis Ohio. One of her hooks entitled "'Pilus -+C Comrade of lite Cross," has since, been published In every civilized language, Living Longer and Liking i t 111, alth league of Canada) Toronto --Rules for "Living Long- er Shit liking lt'' are set forth 1y Sir William Arbuilnnot Lane, Presi- dent, Ncw Health Society of Great Britain, in au article In n Fromm 3inblicat1o1 "(30148^ir." Sir William's first, sugg'c8ti011 ±8 the ireduction of the consumption of moat to a stri-ot mininlulln. Another rule of Sir William's is to include in the daily food supply some whole 1rheat or rye broad, some oitrens 11'u1le, other 3ru1'ts, green Vegetables aPel znlllt foods, People .,should drink at least six 411106410 Of Wild' a day -two on arts. ing, 'two art l 1311(1 0 Slid the other two sometime between heals,. The blugli711 1(0111h -lender urges men, women a11i1 (11111(11'0(1 to work and sleep lu well -ventilated roues or 111 the open air,'. lie advises We 1111(4' every opportunity of giving tate j811'e air and slUlliglat free access to the s'ki11. Refelrring to clothes he 10 414te "Always wear light teethes 111.0,:. the weather is Ve1'y 4'(11(1, IOW all clutbes should 1133 Ilnruus 10 :tli,w the ckdn t0 breathe, Never wets bight clothes." A daily bath is iliu 010411 ter !lin bnuctianin! Or OW shin. Sir Wiliam state,;, Hot hat118 should he 1 (1(411 only in the evening, Cold Vali:. are not sun:t1)14' must nor be -01.1011 R"Ihoil 10,leelt• ing your Doctor tlr t, Teeth shouhl ha bruelnel at Leat every Morphia 1(11(1 1 vary evening, Ten 211111111eg physical lA- erc:,ae morning and evening 8±1;ru1(1 also be a rtrlet rule. Tim a'1)ntlg exercise before on open window on arising in the morning will hip prevent diseases of the nese, throat and lungs, Sir William tie dared. A breakfast one morning, the town buehel014 noticed some han& writing on one of his three-minute ergs. Examining It closely be made out the following message. "Tilts egg 1 13' packed by a girl a:er, is perparcd to marry the plan who notices this message, She is said t0 be the prettiest girl in this neighborhood,' ' IIs wrote: "I wouhl like to ('orres- pomd with you object matl'imo:•y. S"veral days later he received a reply: "1 Cant flattered by rlur offer, but I um now married 141(1 have three children." Canada supplied 1.336 cwts. of carrots to British market out of ,. total import of 5.957 cutis, fro Ere. 1)11" countries i 1 1936, 4';' Fir:elLta rTu1:- tries brought the total British int Tart of ca;rats up to 1'') 1±, Britain expects in some Ml.ticitecil civilian gas masks for imierzenclos. Cent a Milo Round Trip Ear ahr* Fares Minimum Fares; Amts 75c Qhildt'en 40o) From BRUSSELS Fri, & Sat.,. QV. 12 84 13 To Oailaw ), P,0'wuranville, Port Hoe, Coboul'g, Tren1011 Jot„ Belleville, NaPauee Kiingabon, ' Ganallofiuo, I31'oclvvilste, Prescott, Ilert'isburg, (51411lu'tt31 Uxbridge, Lindsay, Petelbovo, CanlIlbo)iford, Newmarket, Penetang, 0011i1ugwo0d, Mae,1.ord, Barrio, 01'211ia, illid. land, G'rttvenhuest, ,Braceliridgts, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay,. Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in Now Ontario ou line or Tends. Wising & Nortbera Ontario 11,17„ N±pissing Central lIly., Iiapisltaa- lag, L0nglac, Naltilla, Tasllrota, Sioux Lookout, Gera)dton, Jellicoe Beardmore, Port Arthur, Sat. Nv.13 to TORONTO Also t0 13ranttord, Chatham, Chosley, C1111100, Parham, Ex- eter, Fergus °oderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Har1'lotun, angor. spl1, Kincardine, Kitchener. Loudon, leetawel, Mitchell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, 1'aisley, Painters'1011, I10419, l'ort Et 111. St.. ('abharites, St 11ory's, Sarnia, Sualhalulptou, Stratford, St.rathroy', Walkerton, ", ierten, Vdtughalu, Woodstock. For Fares, Rennet Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent. See handbills for complete fist of 'destinations • NATIONAL BOOK FAIR November 4th to 13th, Inclusive at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto The Literary Event of the year and the Mecca of Bokivoers. See. the best books of the Year. More than 50 per cent, bigger than in 1936, Extra booths, more exhibits and special topical displays of wide and varied nature. Poetry, Drama, Travel, Romance, The latest and best in Boys' and G11-10' gift books. See the 50 best bookh. of the year. Favorite authors to speak each day and more than 2011 publishers from United Kingdom, United States and Canada will exhibit. Rare and irreplaceable manuscripts on view. An attraction not to ue equalled for all lovers of books. NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW November 6th to 13th, Inclusive, The Automotive Building, Exhibition Park, Toronto The 'Pacemaker of Automobile Shows of the World' offering the latest In the newest design of cars for 1938, All the best products of the automotive industry on display. Experts declare the Toronto show is unequalled from point of view of exhibits, number of manufacturers taking space and for special building, designed for the purpose of disvlaying new cars. The 1937 Motor Show provides a spectacle without precedent, or counterpart, in London, Paris, or New York, Experts state that the 1037 National Motor Show will be bigger and betetr than Ever. NOVEMBER 13—NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Chicago Black Hawks Vs,, Toronto Maple Leafs ai!1'I,,y ••etr ,+vIHVAam=[aC,P"em'± 1;' - .a ...vF�r�aeJ�r^r�tm'Sa'^-':T`•,m .Jlr.'9!N ``:1 n1 eon 7 A1(10 .i`:: 'V here You Are Invited Follow The Ads of Loc,::.,.1 Merch ants Who Adartise in THE BRIMS PAST A FINE MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING — READ ADS IN THIS ISSUE BRUSSELS, ONT. ,PHONE 31