HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-10, Page 1• USE THE ADS AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS $RUQ^'FLS, ONTAI 11 Y, .193 va EVERY MND OF 9 Dr 10B PRINTING ( t+r Dit : AT (REASONABLE PRICES "OST PUBLISHING BOOS tlfe fiscal year next Mareb, a or ays In ng lam, a le• a ObituaryUnitedChurch tlfe fiscal year next Mareb, a or ays In ng lam, a le• ip so IU1 ea an It ObituaryUnitedChurch eel to be very interesting, lie told Surplu';-Of !' OPLE WE KNOW. I I� Long as 1 live, Orville moved she leaves many by whom ]he will how God had 1(:d men through 33. Million , ,+,.,,., I . Mrs, Mary Whitfield Marks 61stIs ReportedW , 3wtp is ig to Stratford tile weet- ����� A wide circle of friendsand ae - because e • May Report school spent friondv Vaud relatives to i� luaintunces were grieed of the death Mrs, Mary Whileld r ® nniver's'alry DomOnlon. Government and with [� of home The I�'ind O f Death j Balanced Budget In March town, Walter• hiller, London, was a,l�en�lef%Ibrance 0 ay at her in Brussels au Satur- day night, bre was .tile widow of The United Cliuroh of Brussels The Canadian Government had a first Sunday visitors' with Ills mother, � the late Joseph Wh9field and pass. was, crowded to capacity last Bun- day evening when It celebrated iln su1'Dlus of $33,872,600 for the Mrs, Win, Miller, Turuberry street, Mrs. Frank Woods, Mussels. lira T. Whitfield, 14th concession Gley; ed wway in her 741h Year following a department $1,000,000. Total re- seven mouths ofthe fiscal year, it north, ' 1 year of falling health. Glat anniversary, Four ministers is reported today by Watson Sollar, From Mrs, Robert Pearson, Attwood was Sunday with friends � The deceased was the daughter Mr, Mr's. 13artwell Speiran, were present; Rev. Air, flaltonoy, pastor of the church; Rev, Mr, comptroller ofthe tresaury, a visitor 0 of and Graham of .St, Jahn's Angilcaa P,,pmii 1 to Oct, 31, receipts totalled and attended the anniversary ser. $52,945,554. 16th con., Grey township and was Church; Rev. Mr, Wilbsins, of Cron. $319,767,177 and disbursements vices In the United Church,194I� The fine wether helped to burn near Mollerleff. the foriner's parents, lir, and lira, $286,384,577. Wm, McCracken was In Hamilton IRA I her marira.ge to Joseph brach and Rev. Mt. Cowan of Port Elgin, Mr, Mahoney had At -tile same date last year, Fitt- Dunning faced a de- on Mpnda.y. Mrs', Wm, Sinclair has gone to ]� The Debt Un e 19 Whitfield she resided on the 1it:L con,, of Grey township and later charge of the opening worship and Mr, Wil- arcs Minister , Hamilton pa ayabl I to liatns react the Scripture lesson. ficit of $64,003,380, The difference e artiage of to attend tile m her daughter, Miss Ruth, I� moved Graham's survey, one mile Brussels. Two daughters Player was then offered by Mr. this year represents a turnovor of which will winter spent south of , $100,000,000 and Increases the hope bud- take place on Saturday, Nov, 13t, Mrs, Young, (( j� 1 predeceased her in their young wo- husband Graham. The guest speaker for the evening was Rev. kir, Cowan of of treasury officiais a balanced Edna Morris, was .lie What can give, tuanhood and rer passed Port Elgin, Hh, get may be reported at the end of 4th prize winner at the Triple D 11 D \Vi =1 Sh r „' 0 ld ' l 1 d brave away fifteen years ago. Some yearn ,I ���h`tfi ld • d a sermon was, p• "Cone, and follow Ale," which t ,v- tlfe fiscal year next Mareb, a or ays In ng lam, a le• ip so IU1 ea an It ago the late ra, 1 e at ba to Brussels whore, eel to be very interesting, lie told All Report Increases of the ua- ceived a ladies toilet case. Burt Gallonage, St. Catbarine•1 I I� Long as 1 live, Orville moved she leaves many by whom ]he will how God had 1(:d men through On the revenue side town, �ma � be � life to death and thst we should tional ledger, every agency rctiort- Io Customs duties was a weekend visitor in firs. James Fulton is vis.thtg thin ; To pay the life you gave �' 1� greatly missed• There remains to mourn their loss answer when Ile calls. as increase. ditties,, in Toronto with her daugctter, i� - her one son Orville at Baine, four Special n u rc was rendered by were up $10,000,000, excise week ,Irs, Ii, ll. Clarke, The I�'ind O f Death j sinters, firs'. George McCall a,:d the choir catnlstmg of two anthems $4,000000; exeire taxes', $21,000,OtlO; I� and the quartette Mrs. O, �Sira 11100th@ tax, $16,000,040; post -office Telford xeirer, was the $1.GU prize winner for the largest w eklY , For has slain lif e s f lower � Mrs. Frank Woods, Mussels. lira T. Whitfield, 14th concession Gley; Hiss Margaret Garniss, Tam Sirach- b department $1,000,000. Total re- you 1�1�. Mrs. ilichel, Godericr and tl,reo all. and J'the Bates. Milos Garnlgh eeip4s in the elven-months period order tit the I, McDonald butcrct' Ic;rt � It withereth I� brothers, John Speiran, 12th con leader the chair received high last year were $266,811,623 and this year, $319,757,177, Ila iucrea;a vi shop Week, a ,r and ::n, 9 I � [God all alceds in ours. u s>i'ol Grey, H.,t,y Speiran, i; tr Lake Speiran Brussels, ni t-en,mendatic^i for the splendid cougar numbers, $52,945,554. vi:, ors Toronto wee Sunday visitors w•itlt cont grail; j and Fnsert set'v7ces, conducted by The fine wether helped to On the disbursement sic19 fire the foriner's parents, lir, and lira, l the large congregation which ai- comparable figures were $330.815,003 J. C. Backer. her pastor, Rev, H. Mahoney, wile tended, ry r last year and $..8G.384,a77 this Mr. and Afro' G. A, Deadalau I� I� �ICC��Iii��j�held from her late residence, year, a decrease of $44,430,426. have returned to their home here for the having I'12 Church street, with interment in Brussels cemetery. Foy., Sapper The net result of the seven winter spent months' operations lyes a tolleu- summer months in Merlin where Pallbearers were: Stanley Speir• During the n s' Pets hour Pleasit:g collect- stratlon the Dominion wasccect- 'Mr. Deadman conducts his apia°v anWolilam SpeiranLouis Whit , , entertainment teas. presented by Ing more money and spending iesa Mrs. Ira McLean and datightors, field. Ewart Whitfield, Cloyne Mich local talent. Hiss Alice Pope .,nd Marilyn and Donna are visitors el and Ralph Thomson. Mary Davison favored with several tha a year ago, Two of the major reasons wry a with relatives it Wroxeter. 1 Ing and look up the house in case - duets, a trombone sola by lir. deficit last year teas converted Into Mr. and Mrs, ArtIn Do n, 1 `Q1 thre were unwelcome callers but r. Letter t® the Editor Buschland, clarinet solo by Mr, a surplus this year concerned the Leamington, Mrs. G. Chidlow, Hes• ! we can't state with certatnty lh t Blackstone and several gaiter dusta Bank of Canada An(l the C ana:diall pier and firs, G. To:phaui, ;ew- anyon rmoved their radio to the Eatonia, Sask., b the Mveallam sisters of Blyth. y National Railways, It was neves• bridge were week-eud visitors +lilt cellar or other convenient biding Nov. 1st, 1037 A letter was read from Western sary last year to provide $33,:132: the ladles' brother, N. Chapman• -Mrs. Listowel Retains NOTICE place for a time but -it has been To ill our dear friend Canada thanking citizens of Brus- 970 for Ills railtway under tli%, re. Brussels and sister tJ, W, Hough Cup Pianos and Organs Tuned and R. done. Brussels, Ontario: cels for theft car of flf funding act but no money was Fischer, Cranbrook, Friday afternooA the final football paired. Satisfaction assured. J. C. - at We people living in and around We The stain program the eonce necessary this year, A2 the same The lloutreal GanadIens' Morena game between 1,16towel Ili gh S'.'hoal Blackstone, Owen Sound, Ortega Ramsay M'Doatalel Sask., namely some 160 was' given b •the Centennial concert y to t time, $23,500,000 wits provided last Memorial Hocke game at Stratford y and B. C• S. tock Place the local• left at D. C. Warwick's Brussel will p Lal70Y i�ta>zG'SP13aB'1 families cansisting of 6Ua People Party of London. Owing to the ab Year for the railway's deftelc and on Saturday attracted a large num• y team beg Brussels. winning by a score of 1 to U. receive prompt attention. I�SG'S Seca wish to thank you from the holtom e Fence of Rev. Walter Craw, Bfr, 29,250,004 this year, of young men from g B. C. S„ however was beaten on the _,,_ at of our hearts for your great car of Hall was master of ceremonies n•td Last Year", the Dominion est aside Win. Stills was unfaruuate enough round as Listrrti•el had taken the Presentation Made last vrgetaibles and fruits to us alt introduced his party of .lira. Gray, $u,100, 000 for the purchase of cap: to severeiy cut his foot with an axe first game of the series in Lislotvel to Bruce Moore Prime Minister In 1924, 1929 and 'week. Pianist; Miss Pauline I•'itzggraid, tel stock of the beak to give it oon day wood Satur while choppingthe Tuesday before by a score of i The Y. P. S. of Melville Chnrc.t, Again In Year 1935 There were 316 bags of Potatoes Violinist and Miss Taylor, Realer: control, No money was needed afternoon. The gash required two 3 to 1. called at the biome of Bruce Macre over 300 jars of fruits, lovely Punrir Mr. Hail delighted the con congregation tIrt this year, stitches to close it, --aa_.. , on Saturday evening, pa -or to sly HAD HEART ATTACK kips, squash, citrons, apples and with his Bass solos, and a$ Yh+ Mr. and Mrs, Frank Jescbks, D^• Western Ontario departure for Chesley where be -�� miscellaneous cods and the can- g y numbers of the ensemble were - ---• troll were week end visitors tt.:.n Hockey Association will join the staff of the Bank of Veteran Laborite Was 71 Years of siltuted a special gift to each honi� heartily encored Famous Florida frtendv. Commitee, and presented hint with Age; III For Years among You have dobe a beoog0000t+esastisaas�avaoasoaaa� Sextet lir, and Mrs. Ha rry Champion The annual meeting of the W. O, hr the Lletotr'el u pen. A delightful lunch was sore- Bight F3on, ltnnlsay IacDouald. us. Christian deed and we wish to tell were visitors with friends at Ail;" Ii• A. will be held ed and (lancing ejoyod. All enjoyed Great Britain's outaan(ling labor Law it has blessed us. Under the Auspices of the Band P Craig sail D•rtruit: Club, Listowel, on Tuesday, Norelu- in wishing fir. Moore tht beat of statesman who headed three govern- you Thi LaPorte Relief Committee, ch McNichol-Querengesser Hall Brussels Town Hatll John Rushton and daughter, Mrs. ber 23rd, at 2,30 p,m, luck in his new position. menta daring his tong career £n pub- Laport, Si -k.. A quiet fall wedding was solem- ��it tL Friday,1VCaVen11)er 12 Stow, Port highz were Sunday Business includes election of of- -'-'-'°- Itc life, clicd last night c•a reut'> to Signed -Rev, Ph£llipp Mueller, nizecl at Knox I'1•es�liYtei•1an manse, Most Versatile Group in America guests with )It-. and Mrs. S, r, fivers, suggested groupings in both junior. series. Former Brussels Resident South Ani, aica, where he had reaped Lutheran minister, cllall'SIli11, Cranbrook, when Iiulda Querenges- er, 12th Grey become the EACH PERSON Davison, Mr. and Mrs, Dahnrier, 11r. and I intermediate suer Representatives from your club are Passes In Deficit to recup,•rate his health, 'NvDonald Ret, 11'!11, L. Gaurley, con„ of brine of Orville AIeI�fchol, also of AN INDIVIDUAL ARTIST Mrs Brill and fIi a 12oppe iinJer- invited to attend, Tre commavity was Badu ned to lir. sailed last Thurs. , United Church Mu!stet•, eel 12th can, The ceremony was CHATAUQUA CONCERT wood were visitors with friends ort 1leDonald, Actin Pres, J. C, g learn of the death in Detroit, crt day mt its truer P.eina dell Iacilka. message from the liner performed by Rev, W. A. Willlnnne RADIO Sunday, Cheney, Unt. Tuesday, of lira. J. F. Ilouhan, form- A tvh•elsss his death, ll!. ilae- �r gT �+-g"r ,p g dSLV 1.,.' 6r 1YdL� V The ;bridal couple were attendeat Maurice Cooper -Tenor, Manager r, , Trt• Ladies of Brussels i cued H. H. Lucas, Sody; Tress„i Alice Wilton,n daughter of 3L•. reported D Leeds, lU, 1£acDoa(k'a by the brirls's' sister, Miss Elsie Orita Wilson -Soprano ctturrlt Packed a buil of goods at Hanover, O:;t. Samuel Wilton and tl•o !Ate \Ira, Sar Wilton, iiiuuau uP son -7n anuoueed, 'M Roht, Dosman visited twills Qnersltge-ser and Wesley Otte,vetl, Vivian Morrison -Contralto Arthur Crittenden -Pianist the library last Thursday est. oa;t `a*i Brussels, Bostcles her husband, Lhe ipavvr -law, Reports idicated fir, MacDorsald his Parents in Bluevaie and wits littler fr£en(is to \\'itsgham• os Detroit, After Joseph Miles -Baritone at $176.50 for the West. Mr, and Mrs. William Clark have Church Notes foot children, Mary Ii., Aiargurrite four died of a heart attack. M, and , Carl Nels and fain• a honeymoon spent in Dc - y' „ i trait the newlyweds tw.l, reside ill Arthur Logan g sold their farm, and will move b telt lIurning service In Melville Pres Nat, Alice also three sisters, llrs, fir. Mac7)onaid wits 71, 1-1e re- ily d.,wc,i to G title last week. Grey township. ADMISSION -Adults 25c to their home in Brussels. byterlau alhureh was conducted by ' Coleman, St, Thome lits, (:ctilaglt• shed as Prime \Iinioter June 7' Mr. David Ranisay and Mr. Rolit. Children ',5c Mrs. Ii'erher Craven, is tine Rev. T. Lewis Williams of lila'- I hen, Belleville; Airs. Birtles, Toruli 1935, and rums succeeded by Stau? t;' lia('eilau : Pent Saturd iy !it Loc. RIEH _ Mrs guest of her cousin, lira, \\'ni, Aston, who tools for his text, Psalm:, 1 III to; her father, III,S. Wilton and Baldwin, uow Earl Baldwin of don, A quiet wedding teal: place at riding took place 54111W L E., N T Bing; Miss Helen Backer to Toron, 45-8, "All Thy Garments Smell ail 'Myrrii, Aloes and Cassla," Tlw one brother, Jos., Brussels. Thu funeral will take plarc Friday morn L'atvdley, bast flay, shortly after the Coronation, Mr. MacDonald and Mrs. Jus. 'lose; spent the tvazk end with her father anti brother ru the 'United church manse, Walton, when Rev, C. Cumming Ica. L% to and Hamilton. Word has been received in town choir contributed au anthem, Oeor ,, i ing at wins o'clock in Detroit, Baldwin retired together from I;luewaIe, united bel Jane, only daughter of Rebels of sudden death Ilamilton Northwood taking the solo part. Tli` i -+"- the Cabinet.- the fir, and Mrs, Milton Smith and AlcTu and the tats Mrs, fico THEATRE. h Gear"ge Tapping, rusband of Annie George is evening service was tvitltdrntvn in' Melville Campfire Girls r- son Ross visited on •Sunday texh rt, c of Grey, to Taggart, eill, Beattie, a former resident of courtesy to the United Clurc'!r The opening meeting of KI -X (in the evening of November StL, g P.Y.P:S. Cranbrook for this sea- ,lir. and Mrs. Norman Hoover in Donald Riehl, oil sun of A'!r, and only n y' ,S�i�i�®�LTI-1 Brussels, where anniversaryservices were r •ilt , ail, ]fir Girls hsUl tite fI h e C 1 e G sAirs, t of Grey. Joseph Riehl, cont:easi`nn 17 NOW PLAYING Mrs. A. Ii. Macdonald spent cite hetet. � meetin at the home of Jean Scul,`. g sou tear held on Sunday evening 'Mrs. Alvin Smith and hab • came of Grey The happy couple were at Eddie Cantor tweak -end in Horning service in 5t, John's � The meethlg Iva, opened by the uau, tvitli the president, Alfred Knight !n t home from Wingham hospital, gl'id tended by Miss Velma Robinson off -in- .lilcllald, Anglican Church was .conducted by al theme song after which illi 'sc• charge, The meeting opened will, boih ars fine, who bine lace over IIiie .Ali Baba Goes "` " -^- - -" - the rector, Rev, John Graham, who rotary's and Treasurer's tepnrte the singing of a hymn and Lord's Vi=e are sorry to hear Mrs, Chris blue sten, and 'Wil gg t0 Town took for Ills text, Batt, 10.24, "The were given, Elizabeth Backer thea prayer followed, by the reading of toPher IIelheringtou is not as well he raiod supmorted the bridegroom. The bridug ani. iwELVI�.� \\oral Stu Evening service was favoured us with n Piano solo, It the n113t11t0a clad the roll coil by no her many friends would like to bride was becomingly gowned in -with- Jana Lang Roland Young .� PRESBYTERIAN withdrawn. was decided that the, next meetht" 'Miss Aitte Fischer, The script:tri lesson ices read by S. Fischer arrd a see her, inti lace over i p pall satht. Sapper A fun feast of music and dancing , -*• - , St. Johns would be held at Elizabeth Baelter',s biome. I 1iIr, and Mrs. Jack Wicks*.incl was served at the tome of the brief business period was presidled spend' Sunday afternoon with Iter Matinee-Thurs„ Nov. 11, at 3 p. m, CHURCH Ladies Guild 1 bride to inimediats .1lleuds, fits Margtirot Gibson then showed how ` aver by the president. Follotvin. parents Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Tltt.n. bride's going away dream' oras to { MON., TUES., WED, SUNDAY, Nov. 14th, 1937 The regtiltu• monthly meeting of to matte an organdy flower, wrttclt the mymh suit offering, reorgait)• { ton and family A zation of the society took place. - tw=eed effect with Black broadcloth. Paul Muni Preacher- i, St. John's Ladies Guild was held r wag very interesting, realing w•ac given by Gladys Davidson. Last year's officers were uuaui,• DEATHS coat trimmed with Persian lamb '-in- REV. HUGH F. DAVIDSON, M.A, the vestry room of Ills church au Games were played and candy want moualy returned to office for the with matching accessories, The happy couple left. on a motor trip to Life of Emile Viola Toronto Tuesday afternoon with the press• opened ensuing served by the hostess. b season and are as' follows. YUILL--,In Brussels, on Wednesday, the south and on their retetrn tvfil -with- Services 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. dent prosicltiig. The rector Following ores., Alfred lir XIlt; vice -Pres., November 10th, Walter Yuill, I in reside. in 'Stratford, Gale Sundergaard Ralph Morgan All the members and adherents are the meeting with prayer. S, Fischer; sec., Aiiss E, Williams; year. i Did You? his A fantasy of yesterday Is reborn asked to make 87locial erth the roll call Ile ho»rtribittion cards for were Landed ht, As Or Did You Not? ,trees., Miss M. Fischer and organist Funeral will tales place, Princess Huron County 'Williams. NEWS COMEDY' efforts to attend the year I Miss E, The singing of th, Service Did tho radio license inspector' g Street, Friday, Nov. _ - - -- -•-- - trere are still soave of these e:lads t Meeting to 10; 1 catch yon without It radio license' auath,er hymn and the repeating of i a,t 2 p. i,. Itttertnt)ni in Brussels Council NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. 7RIL� U111�L'1y �I9YTgli�ii �T5. ,y;a�, HE CHURCH outstanding it wits dccide(7 ` the Mizpali beoudiction In unison, , Cemetery. till' IIe paid an unexpected visit 10 -se� Dick Powell Ted Healy Ulrl 1;IV the ladles to leave them at t'a*dory or with thd, ofdcers of the I brought the meeting to a close, I on Tasatiny- aunt Io The next meeting of the ITaron Fred Waring _ _+M_ before Ili(,. next rneetdng which or some Next Monday eveningthere '%TI I to reports it was tan soon for scrap l i GRAY -In Morris Towtrsbip, reports Council tt'ili be hold to ho Varsity Show y REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., 13 D, guild will be the annual meeting on Dec, 7, MUTTCounty m- fours. We don't know just how be a social evening; conducted ht i Tussday, November 2nd, 1039, Couupfl Chambers, Godariclt, Com - I Rose Mary Lane Priscella Lane Minister 14, Correspondence was rear! by many dilinqusnt purchasers he ap- the hall by the P. Y, P. S. instead Wm. Cray, In. his 91st year. Mincing Tuesday, November 10th I A 'Musical Comedy o<•0om• the seeratary. It was decided to proliended but we do know that of their regular Sunday ovouing Funeral service was held from tis 1037, tit 2 m, All accounts, noticcid p. 11 a.m,-Public Worship,, Bald the annual afternoon tea at'( there was a.great lush at the post• luocting in tits church. ThEt°s will tats rssfdea:ee, Lot 25, concesalon 02 deputations, .apiplieakiclurt and ten- COMING- Conducted by the Minister, attic of gifts and baking on S.- office of radio owners who were in a I be a prpgranr autl contests. All l 7, Morris' Township on Thursday dors should lis lu the Mantis of the The Life of the Party 3 P.m, -Sunday School. day, Dec. 18, great ]tarry to secure the npces"itry 1 the young People are Invited to at. November 4th, 1037, at 2 o'clock, Clerk by Nobember 13th, 1987, 7 p.m-Evehhlg Worship, Thu cinsud the meeting tend and enjoy temsolves under the Interment was wade, in Brusaels paper. Thefts avers the odd riersa is t J', M, Roberts1, County Cleric, , You Only Lime Once FRIDAY, 7.45-Rogional geeing twilit P)mysi• wits found it convenient to go call- Ansples of th Y. P, S. cemetery, Godoriolx, Mats, Sat & Holidays at 3 p.m. Training School