HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-3, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST WPrDItt4SIDAlf, NOV„ Ord, 1954' LISTEN..,` 'CANADA -I9374' 4' IMPE.RIA6 TOBACCO'S '' INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIIDAY1 CP,M,E.$,T. SSTAT EC IV -COT Over The Air It was annowieed today drat - the radio seeiee •t"Canada Ie87" which scored sunk csuecesc' lost season 1.; to be •renewed starting Nevnniler 5111. This season, this most epee. tacular of Caned:an br,tadca te. will be heard Friday evenings at 10:00 P. M., E.S.T. Ott tlta(1dlfg contemn -Inters under the guidance of Vermeil Bartlett will again speak from Europe—an Inter- viewer In Canada probing for an. ewers to trite questions of the "man III the street:' Lionel Shapiro, Canadian 'cnrrote Pendent in New York, will speak frown N. 13. C, Stu•dioe, relaying nth latest happenings of the Gay White 'Way AS are of interest to ('anadiar, lisiteners. A new tec=hnique will be into duced in the talks on Canada to make the very pulse of the nation audible to listeners throughout the country. 1Ir. Welter Bowles will ltroadctnet, from a different 11l1dlity 00011 week, telling of that d+ ,•t', oontributiun t'i Cauade's preeress and interviewing ing "halon who make tent p_•a,g e poesible, Yet auc•l.er ten tending feature of the Pregva01 will be the nittsi^— every selection will be specially ar- ranged for the large orchestra see, choir that tir now in rehearsal. In sponsoring those broadcasts._ -err 1)0 agaitl produced by Victor Gearet -.Imperial Tobacco cem;.any of can. Limited, is bringing 0 new ex, perience to Canadian listentre Thesr, Friday e'ven'ing pragrltms are r over the air ! WESTFIELD A flan timepiece.,.. with am accurate,1S•iowel Westfield movomentl Smartly dosIgned.,.beau- lifully engraved, M. H. Brothers WR'OXETER, ONT. BRUSSELS, Phone 53X A house on Your wands Did 700 over figure out how small n percentage of ourpopu- lation peee your houna whore ehor could nee a "Te Lot' sign. or how largo OR porcenta•{n read our pc.pnr4 ' Good eanania are not rho Olnd that ha** nano to want, in tieing scicsad 1eo1ind for , fG„a, Thor .loots In our, Wool '4 it ray hate o horns on lour hnndt, to Let” w,d(' will brinjl them to 70u.' ..,o.,v (r 3ab Il7t M. :Palk, an live demonstration of the fad that Me. Canadian broaacateting la (ghoul to alae challenge for something pew and epectaeulav, 'BMW CANADA•-•-'ai;ci hockey Tans iu Newfoundiand and the Uaaited States; " Once more, ea. Saturday, November 6t11, • Foster 11ewitt's fou111iar greeting will Sweep aver a chain of Modena' from Coast to (Moot, Jeans in Cit.tolad:i-e the United Staten --and even in more distant countries --.•will rally round their radios to hear the opening Imperia1.Iluckey Broadcast or the game between Toronto 4laple Leaf.' and New Yolk Aniericuns, at ale* 1'af Gardens.. That this program is the world's biggc,.1 and must popular Wert fy slimes broadcast, 18 borne 001 l,; a letter received from an enllmsia tic woman hockey .fan, formerly of. Novo Bertha, hot who writes to any she is going to "listed in tom 1.x:1 fur -away new Monte in C ristotboi, Canal Zone, where, elle claims, re- 001(1ton is crystal clear. - The Imperial 011 Hockey Fimed- easts will expand this coming \j'in• ter practically "blanketing" every k':, v'nce in C•;”.3.0118 with the broad- casls of games iplfyeu either in Toronto or in Montreal, Last winter, broadcasting of Mont- real games.was not permitted during the regular schedule, leaving prey Ince of Quebec listeners without hockey until the play-offs. Tins Winter, however, Imperial oil Limit- ed has secured a franchise for ull Saturday night games' in Montreal. \Vith Ilse province of Quebec lane provided for, the hockey network will now cover tha entire Donuuiem With gimes prayed either in Toreute or in 3lontreal, and Saturday night will very definitely become — IiOCREY NIGIIT IN CANADA Inee:eta1 (1?1's Montreal staff of I'' ngtt ll anllOnnePrs is already fent, Mar to 1'tsencrrs throughout Venetia, cite to its ihancling of the llont'••.•iti play-off games last \Winter, Due in addition to the English br'eedl• r::.rte of games at the Forum, there will be a companion broadcast, en- tirely In French, and featuring Ro. land fieatulry as the play announcer. Thlis will go out over u Quebec p"e- vinciaU network of live statIons—be- 1i' vc, to be the largest French- l:,ne ege network ever used on u we' kiy sports feature. Ties, the Imperial Oil Hockey Bri_at!:asta darmg,the eonling Wit,' ter n•iil actually consist of 111:00 seyeteate and dietinct broadcasts err ry Saturday eight, One of th: wal he the regular broadcast of :he maple Leaf Mime games from' the -\''/'i" Le::f Gardens, In Toronto, A ser •r•d will he the English broad - cost el' ..;drr r the :Maroons or eaten, ''•u.,,, games at The Fortuu in, :Walt reel—which may nerrialonalin be board over the national network, ptlet!eulatly during Playoffs, The, ttlird will be the ail-Fre•r('ll broad. east of the Matltreal glues, sent out over a Quebec provincial net- wo rk. It is believed that thi.' (Mel bread rest from ,Mont:lOil is the only weekly tevnianeuagc feature of file sort in the entire world, BELGRA VE The October meeting of the Dt1- grave \Von1Pn's luetitute was held at the home of Mrs, I5. Procter Thurs., day afternoon vvlth a good attend- ance, The =president, Mrs. N, Keating, conducted tate meeting. Lt was decided to make another quilt, Plans are also under way for further work on the flower bed at the cemetery, Mrs, W, Pocock, who bas Marge of the girls' ch,ss in bed rooms accessories, reported they hall held their first meeting and ten girls wore in the class, Further work on the glome Conference evil! also be done in at least five homes. The roll calk was a verse on Armistice, This meeting vvas in charge of the Peace committee with Mrs. IT. Procter and Mrs, L. glolbOor as members, airs, James Taylor had a splendid paper on the motto, "Loyalty and Service," which wen much enjoyed, A Silo sung by Mrs. N. Geddes vvas very aP)>ropri. ate and much •aPpreotafecl T•he gtleslt speaker was Rev, Kenneth McLean, of Wingham, who gave a very sultoblo address on the. subje,,et, "Peace," and 901111ed out how all Mid a responsibility to Share tend should not withhold oar service from aiding those about us. Rev, .1, 13. Totemic' also spoke a few wards, 1.11(1(:11 'MS 201'811(1 by the hnsless with Mrs, J. M. Coulter. Mrs, 5, Procter x11(1 airs, R. Biggins assisting. The next meeting Will be hol(1 at the home of Mrs, S. 'rile ter. Mr. and Mrs, J, L. Stewart and Ilarry spent the week -and with friends lit Gueiph. • Maier Hoge, Saskatoon, with ani', (1nd Mrs, C, It, Coultee. 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM T. P. .LOBLAW'S T, I', Lobiaw, who rose raeidlY Isom el al 041 to one of Ontario'I out - ret 1 c e Thum.. 4,t a lin business m and tl t.1 g u 1 furs, :had for his motto: "Whatever Job you are given to do, do 11 a little better than is expected 11 You,"' Surely that should be an inspiraation to the youth of to -day. MOTTO Remember When— Forty-year.old Jack Britton, oldest man to hold a world's boxing c•hum- inansillP, lost •1113 welterweight crown to Mickey Walker after 15 rounds at New York 15 years ago to- night, Britton, who started his 1'illg career 20 years pr'eviaasly-- when Walker was only a year old —averted a knockotnt with a ma'.tter- ly defence, He quit the ring in 1929. Seaforth Rector Is Retiring Next Month Rev, Canon Appleyard, Anglican rector at Seaforth, will retire et 11 end of next mouth on e'uper.aunue- timt, Bishop C, A, Seager said yes- terday. In (large of the Seaforth Churol' since 1932, Canon Appley'ard for trlerly was Motor of the Church ort the Ascentton at Windsor, and be- fore that was et Woodstock. Canon A,',pleyard has a distin- guished war record. He is the holder of a Military Cross, 'A Pen Stealer Evestan, Sask. Nigger, a pet etnw owned by. Frank Jackson In this south-eastern Saskatchewan town, flew into a Cen- tral school class roost, recently and flew out again with a pupil's 1000. Min pen grasped in !us cL•twa, Nigger's pet triek Is to chatter in imitmtiou of human speecle but he has yet to tell where he -hid the pen. flout Radium In Sewer Saskatoon, S Batt, Five needles containing 66t- mil- ligram_ of radimu 811l,Plea.t0, va111ed at $4,000, are being sought in sewers, following the disappear :tare ,front the General hospital, The radium sulphate is believed to hav" been lost in the hospital plumbing. The radium is Part of a $20.001 :esupply owned by the Saskatchewan Department of Public Health or use in the cancer clinic. Dobbin Forgot to Duck Proverbial nine lives are attribut ed to an Elkhorn, Wis., horse owned by Roy Lauderdale who proved that the "flying mare" is not confined entirely to the wrestling ring. Stroek by a car driven by h, II Davis, the horse was hurled over the car, one hoof punching a hole in the top, and landed on the pavement be hind. A'813310nt later it vvas struck by another car driven by E, A. Mur anko of Chicago, The horse still lives, Ralph Connor Dies In Winnipeg Rev, Charles W, Gordon, widely known for his church work anti his writings under the pseudonym, Ralph Connor died in the Wintil•1eg Hospital on Sunday, Octolher 31St, I'le was seventy-seven, A former Moderator of the 'Nes bytoritin Church in Canada, 192122, he began his writings to menial the people of his cinn'ah with prof• lents and importance of relteleu' work In Western mission fields. Retired trout the active minkK:kV Of St, 54ep115111s Milted church, Winnipeg, in 1924, he had "lore maintained peen interest in the progress of Church 'Union„ He was stricken while at hls summer home an Latta of the Wands, and entered hospital here Oet. 'r for an ab,tam. road operation (rain which he failed to rally, Town To Run Ritaht Tile Palnuost'0 look will p.'obai4g be operated by the town 11113 year with particular attention paid to tea .t„ t 1 'dl.t t f 'staved • children. i interests of t, 01 meeting of council It Is expected 1101110 (Wcis:011 8.111 Ise reached It 111 freqlleIl 't C0111 P1101101 t flow! . the fink ily mid 31a111181', A Brainy Cow Foreet, Ont, Ernest Karr, Warwick farmer, has a cow that uses her stead. He saw 11er take a love -hanging brunch of an apple tree in her mouth, shake it and then eat the apples that .ell, Site did this with several trees. POOR FISHING Gotterioh, Ont. Not i11 20 years has commercial fishing in Lake Duron been at earl'. low ebb as this autumn. One boat brought three trout into this port last Friday, another 40 pounds, the Proceeds failing far- short of ray- ment for gasoline burned. Prevail, ing high wind:. \vete blamed for the poor season, for many hundreds of dollars worth of nets were riddle 1, torn and made u;>rless by heavy sear, Stops On New Ice And is Drowned Part Arthur, Oct, 27 Stopping to light Itis pipe while crossing newly farmed ice on Louts! Lane, 18 miles north of helm All Tammela, 35 -year old homesteader, crashed into the water and was drowned, Tanlmela was said to have ignored friends' advice not to cross the lake on skis, No Bush -Beater This.•:Cieraman Boeton, Mass. While posing for news photo graphers - yesterday, Mrs, Franklin D. Roosevelt remarked: "I should think you'd get tired of taking my picture," "We do," mumbled a cat11eranla.7 btu..shing. The hit'st Lady tu11811111. Lines Nest With Socks Hamilton, On I. For weeks incl,:: have been !Peal)• nearing from Mrs. G. R. Katie''s. house. .Site waS at her wit's enti to 011pluln the mystery when ehe entered a bed101110 and caught the thief 1n the act. He was 0 ;;11'" squirrel who hod made himself a comfortable soclt_11nett nest in the chimney, Inspector Robert Inglis of the •Society for the Prevention al Cruelty to Antidote released the cap, tared. animal in a distant park, Farmer On Spree Gets Free Colt Dundalk, Ontario Eighty -nine-year old William Scutt of ,Maxwell was the life of the party at an auction sale 01 Western cotta here when he bought no less than nine of the animals, receiving a free colt for purchasing the highest !manlier, Vernon Berber of Owen Sound paid the highest price and reeel(ed a free colt as a premium. A Tiver. torn man got the prize for coming the longest dishing', to the talo. seventy utiles, Fifty colts were (lib- erated of at ltigll vices, Carloadings Increase Carloadin e for ilio week ended October 23 amounted to 61,349 encs elle' against 10,781 tat' 11(0 previous week whiten eoulained a holiday and 61"288 for the week Previous to that, Compared with haat year's loadings the In101 was ftp 6,1(17 cars, bud. the 4211(1 week lust year contain. ed tiro Thanksgiving holiday, Total loadings in the ,'astern division tn. creased from 34,1111 (Mfrs fur the Precinct* week and 32,510 in 1926 to 30,908 ears and in the western division tt'oln 22,627 Lor the previous week and 22,482 in 1936 to 24,08 Oat's at Stratford. Still Active M She Begins Her 91st Year Wtu;gham,--"Tbis has' been a busy week, and it seeala funny %hat people should Pity so much attention to a petuon after they get to be 9u" commented Ma's M. J. Lougheed, of Wiughaou, wtha has just entered bee 91s1. year. 1:)e1aptte her year's, she manages a house of her own and has one hoarder. She. still takes an active interest in all her surroundings and manages by means of. the 1100'8' +1and radio to keep herself lf v'r;:lt in0'ted on current events. She ,tilt Kercl lip early in the mtn'ning, but 11110 of hen' Main 1((1'('11t0118 is :t' e tat a nap in the afternoons, ,1tsi a (Mort nap, but she gets up refresh ori and able to carry on far the re. Inlander of the day, Bull Trees -Youth- 74 Falls Breaks Arm Glencoe, Ont, A bull and a rotten tree limb combined to cause 74 -year-old \\'it.- llam S9ulre a broken shoulder. Ser as a youngster, he scared a tre(1 when an angry bull rustled hire while he was building a dam on ids farm near here, A rotten limb crumbled under lits weight and he fell to the ground, Alone at the time, •the Farmer drove a car seven miles to obtain medical treatment for his broken shoulder, Railways To Facilitate Remembrance Day Travel Reduced tares on Canadian rail- ways to provide economical travel for the observance o1 Y,ememb:'an, r Day at important Pointe across Can- ada. will go into effect froth Mau Wednesday, November 10 to mid. night, Friday. November 12, accord- ing to C. P. Riddell, Chairman, Can 111 11 Passenger A, oc:atuon. Tit' .- fares will consist. of single far:, and one-quarter for the round trip, glen in clinches or in sleeping euro Parlor cars on payment of res„lar charge for sut•h urr.•onanutda'i•a•. They wtil he good going up ti _ P.M. Thursday, November 11, Centa Mile Round Trip Eargain Mlnimum F•areet Aults 75e Children 4Q6) From BRUSSELS Fri. & Sat., Nov, i2 84,1 ares To Oshawa, Iiowinanvlila, Part Max', Coouarg, Trenton, Jet., Belleville, Napalms Kingston, (34u)l a)oa3uo, 13rockvil1e, Pres0Oatt, Morl'isburg, Cornwall Vxbrklge, Lindsay, Peterliorlo, Campbellfford, Newmarket, Penetarg, Col'ftngwood, Meafol'd, Barrie, OrIltIa, Mid. hand, Gravenlnurst, 13racebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North 13ay, Parry Sound, Sudlany; all towns in. New Ontario on line' of Temia- teaming & Nortaern Ontario Ray„ Niplsising Central Rly„ 118915loaa- ing, Langiae, Nakina, Tasllrata, Sioux Lookout, GerakbU'on, neilicoe Beardmore, Pont Arthur, Sat, Nov. 1 to TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Ciintou, Durham, Mx- eter, Forges Goder!cl,, Guelph, Hamilton, I3anover, Ha1'llaton, Inger- soil, ngersoil, Eh/coercible, Kitchener, Loudon, Listowel, Mttoteell Niagara Palle, (Owen Sound, '815107, Palmerston, Pattie, Port Bgin, Si. Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Soullalul>ton, Stratford, StrathrOV, Walkerton, W1a1 Wu, Vt nghun, Woodstock, For Fares, Return Limits, Train information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, See handbills for complete list of destinations NATIONAL BOOK FAIR November 4th to 13th, Inclusive at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto The Literary Event of the year and the Mecca of Boklvoers. See the best books of the Year. More than 50 per cent. bigger than in 1936, Extra booths, more exhibits and special topical displays of wide and varied nature. Poetry, Drama, Travel, Romance, The latest and best in Boys' and Girls' gift books. See the 50 best books of the year. Favorite authors to speak each day and more than 2011 publishers from United Kingdom, United States and Canada will exhibit. Rare and irreplaceable manuscripts on view, An attraction not to ue equalled for all lovers of books. +NATIONAL MOTOR SHOW November 6th to 13th, Inclusive, The Automotive Building, Exhibition Park, Toronto The 'Pacemaker of Automobile Shows et the World' offering the latest in the newest design of cars for 1938. Alt the best products of the automotive industry on display. Experts declare the Toronto show is unequalled from point of view of exhibits, number of manufacturers taking space and for special building, designed for the purpose of disvlaying new cars. The 1937 Motor Show provides a spectacle without precedent, or counterpart, in London, Paris, or New York. Experts state that the 1937 National Motor Show wilt be bigger and betetr than Ever. NOVEMBER 13—NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Chicago Black 1- amths Vs, Toronto I lame Leafs CAN Di N N'+i;Tli N Lt A Recent: Sale Was ,Advertised in the Classified et. Column For 2 Weeks Previous to A D issuing 100 Sills On the .Wednesday Night Previous to the Sale 200 Dodgers Were Distributed THE RESULT WAS A Large Crowd Present -- Everything Was Colt) THE SALE WAS A SUCCESS THE BRUSSELS POST A FINE MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISING — READ ADS IN THIS ISSUE BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 31