HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-11-3, Page 4County of Huron Treasurer's Sale of Lands for Tages ay virtue at a warrant Issued under the hand of the Warden of the Gouiity of Huron and having the seal of the said Corporation attached thereto bearing date the Eleventh day of August, 1957, ar.d tet mei directed, commanding me to levy on the and heretIrder erlttmerated, for the arrears of taxes reepcctively clue thereon„ to.. gether with costs, 'Notice le hereby given that In accordance with tie: ASFtse• ment Act, I shell proceed to tell by publlo aurticn the said lands, or so much thereof es nay be eeff'cient for the peynl•'nt of the taxes .thereon, uniese the same be sooner paid, The sale will commence at the Court House, Goderleh, on Tuesday, December 7th, 1937, at the hour pf two o'clock int the after. noon. The adjourned este if necessary, will be held at the same hour and place two week later, A. H. ERSKINE, Treasurer of the County of Huron. Goderleh, August 17, 192.7, 9 Name TOWNSHIP OF GREY Leander Gole Lot 31, Con. 16 Years Description in Arrears Taxes C c;:te Tetnl 1933 30.70 2.77 13:17 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Bowling Club Lots 4.5, Turn. berry St, Lorne Pringle N H Lot 28, Eliza- beth St, Chas. Pope Lot 6. Mill St. Bulla .Patrick Lots 384-5, Alex- andra St, 1934 3.92 2.25 6.17 1934-5.6 86.,8 4.15 '30.33 1934 40.25 3.00 49.25 All the lots described above are patented. A. H. ERSKINE, Trea.t:rer Treasurer's Office, Goderleh, Goderleh, August 17, 1937 Published in Ontario Gazette Sept. 4. 1937. TII :JItU ELS al?S`'C ' WIANO DAY, NOV., Bra, 7.637 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents Huron and Perth Farmers Set for Wi inter' s O s1 a fight In Bert Shape They Have Been in as ,u:::. tie 1, ..,.. leu. , For Years m'n% It Is o,.,t lite wici Ry \V. A. eldwaree tt't e you tln Conlon .9 Free 10.=.) , The tan nerthe n ettenteei Huron ar•1 Perth seem well t for winter, Meetof the pc rishah'e. crotts are .safely :;`.orad, fall wheat is fair- ly well on it: way, fall plowing int many cases all clone and ":arks g c ally speaking., in spItmilld condi t nn to leave tile grass. In the d#?'tr#c•i" <:nittc'd we were impr seed with thie readiness fa: eventualities by the termere in practically every town -hip v:eited Another th'nc, too, quite apra'•e'it was the advantage taken by in tem crania fnrmeee ('ether of the r. t't"' to prosperity er the '"Horne Bolsi -V, - ment Plan," as evidence at , rn ! • alt alone_ the w'3y of honk• beleee molded or repaired, barns (0t'1':• ed and fencing and other sadly ... •=1 ed rrgnieites that during the leeen. years behind lie strepiy had to wait. Not only wee all thio at.var'•1,, hat 100, many nett, tlwellingr w :e bt-iOtt built, new honing n t ele:e' 1 and DPW barns. hero and there. and and other building as well. When questioned how things were going, tanners all through Perth 110' Huron testified with a smile the; "everything was nat so trade' 'They admitted they had enjoyed not n• ly a bumper crop, but also were rx- IoNomffrmifixavomtmottlatozostAMEMar WPiL,l{ER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario --- PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Calle MOTOR HEARSE B G. WAI:KER Embalmer and Funeral Director, G„�..i31 i1 tri ti1.44 Want a Partner? Perhaps business is dragging for the Vir',nt (if a helping hared, ora little more capital, Men with money and men with bruins reed this paper. VOU can roach them through our ClassMed Want Ads. MORRIS Minutes of council meeting, shot rig held 111 the Towushlp hall art elonduy, Ot+tubal' le, 1937. gram - beret all R1 >e11t. Athletes of last !meeting read illtei adapted. The (`tnntei3 decided to by 5 cr,:els of tined for Carl Oakley. It w',ts .11•u thel4,il to Ill••0 a puwtr• gusto to go over ,ad, where lie:' d i iitiiiitt rho directions n:. a1 the road ;,tui. ria ten .rut (ori Oakley V and Ar111;m Stanley we., each .,tit $loin, a,1i r, 11 rcool r 1011 t.1,.0. l'a lutd w;t-., 1,1-.1'..•1 1- o".i.nl> bit :,evoteht to .1 mit 01: load. • The fel.teeete Itoeotttlta W,:* pald. lilts -ell ( :e, ry. relief ots.t. 3 111.11 W. E. Willis. b.'ad relief. twit. 3.0u noir.... d Sin fill, Et Ilh- made 12 tie leeettea I. 11. eeelerieh .... 91,; 1 R. tlC1 101 0, SA: 'ttte, atlh tai 2 oft A. 11..I -_r, I.a,tyers fee ,u0 'i:titut' ey, .-lief 1p.te0 ta.1 teatime,. :'chef 10.00 (leo. 1.'liar41, road occident 4,50 ['earn;: will deet et the Iran on eiteolly. November Sth, 1937. A. 3laoFhven, Clerk. Toxoid Administered Ile, .`.1',. -wart. 1.1.0.II. for 3lurrie, .00.0 lee Redmond, M.O.H. for Turn. h.•r:'y. V. 41000i I11ueyab' and Brow 11 tea:, eeiteels on \t tineerlay and .u1- Ini:r:00:0' 01 diph(herta toxo#d to lee .., ,, ,, h#hitch, 1 c:, 11'. iy ne-tliti1s 11500 i, lot t1 cls ,t'':, It date e.ewine. tue well as in ee 1 .I, c eOter lie, ',1 !erudite. P.1 : iv,. 1... p1 -1 a' 1 their '.oil ,-,..,l .say they hove 11>tiimc to ',r,rotelti' ;item, curl rt ai nisi a g.>cd crop r,i 1>22.:. :,' well as in other 12001 >002102.00201'-s, E oils in Hasten and Perth. lei. w,41 as el, -where :>li ot,•r the. :creme' ni Western -t, ra Ontario will total a bum. p 1 , lop. Tit-' earlier traits "ere p>ent tui Milt-, ,# and most celitis ore w_10 '1„'31 wit0 conning 0,1 p:*'. -..r0'' , \..w• that the aPi'. ':I''1' i:, au .:!ower: chili» Loti, en exttii h..:ivy yield a•1 well as a euv•tit-r sato; le. This. they claim is ,bit. -inn r vans k> Got uul,�nt ui `t: :,i c11 as 11211''thorough spraying .221 5'11 l:.,a Uf the el n,a::. ,tile ri1,4.2.1 t',ll0 orchard` tlioti;i1, t e ii...ing ,,.t .,1u. _\1.10 formers th.i_,: .0n 2•.1100 2 tidies to,, lung to 010.x00 , had 1 tui lit. and all .... hu, at il..utt t :.<II. a,. l_ -t :7,.1 :,t +0117! 121" 11';! a geet. Tie, fee t t, 11, .1 u i,. 0011 In .. .lith-, Cattlu 1'Ck and a ,:u lir.. r wit 1:> .11211: 11 to make a pay ,.,;>' na i...e feral, Alt in an, we Ivor, 0.- 03i.:0 7, 11,0:3' about this 1 1. ;.1.4eix', oo ilia net etralli nut tri: tit tito mach .1 let titto._.tr c ..' 1:3d. f..1 t !v „f ,•,1^ i-010_2,, we L.,,:>: .,! , btedl, L7, nu . :met ".rl wetel. Ave 11.0 el: lied to get ata' tc;tita'.r.. Cn1•..- lir.:: a:vl o• ?:' ..x 01+:0-11, roti t 0,1 0.11 _ 1I 1 theft' ever was env': n Stock and Feed ETHEL The observance 1>f Hallowe'en. 111 Ethel l and Community for customary pranks and Jokes wen nlldertnkett Saturday night, Slulday nigh' would have been the reel date, Some laughable etunis were performed, tiiw;' taneldlin1g1uof hthey hCaavledditmtopnraoviend saame not so funny, Inn however it "Bode he first went tilers, lie stileme, .til in the :lay's tel' 1111,111 work) there is still need. for more worker^: So lets it go at that 1n Chlrrrt. Alurtti 11 11 !tilt the Teem; pe0111" of ; '1'11e 1. 1'. 5, or Duff's Church helcl Ethel 1111tc1, Church epuir o e'1 a t the regular ordains Sunday ev'ning Haile,w0 cit seal t1 w'lticlt 00210 1` w-Itil Blaurmuit Shla',y llresiding, A source of 11:21#1 ntt't'rfmeut, as wr''t1 1 !Alt on "Hymns" was given by lea• a the per :^.1:ati:ler of many ,,,,,00th„bet Ritchie. A talk was given b) whih' t] aa, ' Chas. (lemming. canel'tiuns, i'ram 11r(„,... the Walton group or the W.M,S, hand knewic<tg'., Rev. 11. Snell Ives 1 of Duff's bolted Chervil met, at the a etroig advocate and helper In the l hong. of Mrs, Fred Rutledge, Mrs That t, t>. lit the ...y n .+l -1!' r en Tureen ar d 1,•.1- - ".1St•>i rh0• ton>Lta:, 1,'1]1 :'r,setti and future. They seen! .'.J feet some 1003' they have the feed ar:d f••d'ler, the ssi etc to Teed to _»d 1>>'.-.i• tet udnautn, assure them of gmiti 0122'y for their troll'. ],t>, ,, told .11 -1 investment, tment, In rut 1>1l1>n with 087!11 need e.. ery ;+gr we we'weret teed toil. 11.17 heel L hc' best year 1n their bile ter :q y' 0x"=1. "We have sold 011,'.+' binders. mowers, manure spreaders end tlrt'urs this season then we sold altogether this last teen ;47,-..4 1'3." wa4 one agent's ,tory, "Due to better tames?" Wo sig gest ed. „Better times and more (•onfidence in the tutureeertupted, of course will• the fact that most, everything tee farmer has been going along wr111a during the lean years Is worn out and simply HAS t0 be replaced." Fall wheat in these Iwo counties. considering the location, Is remark' ably well advanced and shows a strong growth. Some rye was, net. iced, and rye growers claim this le a more profitable crop, year for year than wheat, The fact that rye axe be converted to both pasture and a grain crop as well is pointed out lie one advantage. Corn still stands in 'the shock, expecting that put into ensilage, whdch was considerable, ae, touch dairying is followed by brill Huron and Perth, especially the la`• ter county. Turnips stilt stand, aucl stork beets as well, while the sugar beet bu.ine0s is Just beginning Roots, on the whole.., look genii tend will bring Fluron and Perth farms ',_ a lot or money. Some worry WON manifested earlier in the fall over slow development, bet since the enolsr weather is with us roofs' have mottnmed -up well land will turn out heavily, Potatoes A Gamble 1 Potatoes., they told us, are a gam- ble. Some farmers claim an extra• ordinary heavy yield and within hoit WALTON Al the uwrning service !u 1)ulT s Puked ('hunt! Sunday Rev, Ur. elite Osten of North 1Lcattn, who hes been on the 1>1i'+2IW1 ileitis In Chula for over 40 years, svelte on "'Thee and 4 mile the reverse is the case, AP• p0'>d'ar tem u1 relief supplies to he seta out to tile tie'tteru 1'ruvilleeo, The al,'ival- uta tar load of cattle at P:thel C, N. 11station, Friday, o1 Lee week, for Stewart Turner of tliey Town -hip, north, gave satis- faction and relieved the sIraitl of waiting, as (111., was a prepaid core si5-1301en4 and had been an order for a considerable time. Services to Ethel United Chervil, Sunday, Or-, 31, at. 6,30 o'clook, coeductt;d by re•turued missionary IIeC'ey were in behalf of missionary elforte and to inspire interest in that work, The threshing of buckwheat direct from the fields which was almost despaired of, owing to continne,l un- favourable weather, has preeneally been cgonlpietee, dating the few fine days of the fast week, 001y •I very slight improvement net; r•lble In Mrs, W. H, Love's emelitteu, who him been suffering Iran the offeel4 of 11 ILenerratetts. ji /.1'1e11> i,..itlin ,p'llt the week- end with relatives -:n town. She has 1>:sd a splendid recovery after an operation for the r moval of tensile. By taw darters advice, Inc. Anp�� xy Attlee ifs 6t7t is to quietly test for a while, AunivcI ary of the Presby i"r'zr In entieiuntlnn of perchte.deg a w Chtterll was held on . nndny, Tee ear Gorden Sloielthahn is learning 1 10ratiler w•as Olo>l and good rr>n;;r,•. V, ]tat/die a motto' 00111bi11at10n, 1 gar" lie wee le present at hath 1.00 Kenuy K1.2101111' commenced 3101:.'" Vices. In the inereing, Rev. Mr, as teacher ht e school at Oshawa at Gregg, of 13luen•:'le, had charge of the first of this month, theservice and delivered a splendid tmx notes are beim h11110 •.1 0>I;' address. The choir of the church World it not be 1r(Lte Ince if they provided >; leildid music, could be cancelled as easily as they At the evening >4erviee, Rev. Ge,r are received, Timed, in charge of eonetructiu0 the portion of the road to give more dime counectem bet ween 'Grey and Eln:a townships fur Con•ession 1, .1'..:1 1 I i. ilt'•y' tt': int to go 11130 t.,1'71111trio» which they tan r .r quickly alt t 1•..1: 1'4121r11 Tae': .'.1.11 4` -•1l fttivell. le study i. }: of tet.'li1P30 !chane s.. ,.s it ie tt,' >i>3. eeee..leetis varieties .lave, leen d<tc1 , t,..i,h will !war fruit in bet ,. 10:0 years front the plantiii steel ;ttirl>ly t y 11011d'4,011 e re:nrns for their lull••-:in1.11t, Ung; canner Lt its •1,10 h (.,,til1140A,1 20 old lir eita.ti: had 1110 utd:zed for lir,.'. t•nou 'll 011>1 11 ,0hburilot>d. ",tad 112,1 ono et thisc. 5024. replotted," he arid' rd. dation and Perth, like meat of Western Ontario, are helm; 'veil .tt,tkr.d with t,':'dr'r cattle. Me cat- tle #hai'l' s is Cuomo!>n (hit fall 014 mn>.t of lln,on and Perth tato,,, There seems abut (kind t of t>"•10 ,Ind >:xeleetetioes that this teed when it.;1 will bring. good money. Hops are a good average., with she''., 1n 111 00i1 two eountiee stepped 011 10118.1101 - able, Clover Seed Clover seed north has been much better than. in the counties to the south. Although not turning out like other years, it is a fair crop to: the grower and wwiii certainly fetch a good price. Hay up north his been exceedingly heavy and putter• es in the areas we went throngs very luscious indeed for this tau: period of the year, All in all, Flumen and Porth 1>0> only look prosperous, but are pros. Porous. There is the .exception, 7t course, but wherever we went. wherever we looked hnuniiness was spread before, el>out and around ns. Another thing, tee, we 110(100(1 n pb,1t.<hng scarcity of those weed', that marred the Lundseaape' farther south, Apparently Iluran and Ile:'th nee laovinv Ilse Noxious Weed Act meene something end are apparent- ly putting it to splendid execution. hlxports of Canadian cattle td 1314, Milted States in 1937 »:p In Sep'em• bee 30 amounted to 1 5,5457 Cattle and 60,685 calves, showing an in. crease of 17, 367 cattle and 33,311 calves on the norresponrling perm.' of 1936, In the, 1037 ,period 80,687 hogs were shipped to 111e united States, TownHaII W, Hol 1tw^c11 presided, Airs. Cum- ming led in Prayer. The 'adder quilled a quilt and a dainty lurch was served by the hostess asst„ ted by Mrs. Albert Travies and Mrs, Freeman I3aelt1ve11. Mr, and 'rim, henry Last, Wheel. sol, with 110, and Mrs. it, W, Hay; Air. and Mrs, Archie Graig, 5'•0s - ton, with Mr, and Mrs, W. 0, nen, nett. On Oct. 26, the elonerief Auxiliary met with Walton W. Al. S. in Duff's 'United Cburcll, Mrs. Craw of Winthrop gave an Interesting tall. C'hina's problems. Her daughter is 111 China at Present. The 11(sees Harrison rendered a duet, Leaflets on "Excuses for not being present at a \\ SI, 111001 11134" and "Saints in C, e .al S IIo eebelil--Ahe Christian headers in China" were read by memb rs. D011.1 Ini et the Annual Bazaar of St ( er;r• Chnrt'b t,alhl, \Va1':,r. at Ill.!, home of P. Johnston. on Fri- day, Nev. all, :'upper served 4 to 7 ;1.111, e russels ve Enjoy Dancing to the Music of Florence Sauer & Her Orchestra TheRa.surfacedFlo rye&&cs yourdancnng a pleas -ore your From 9.30 p.m. to 2 a. m, don Reddy, of Clinton, WOO the speaker. A male quartette of Clan- ton assisted the chum' in the musi- cal part of the service, 11cv, NV. Boyle, pastor of the chtu`t•h, are hoping: to matte a thnroughlle Rev, R, A, Brook of t'nited (Mundt tini-'hril jet) of lt, before winter 11,> assisted in the service, in. Oct Hand ly evening 111e Ladies' Word hos hoot received freju Jim Aid of the Presbyterian (:hatch. Snell and \\•1t11'd 1Tieheh 'who w••0111. entertained the Ladies' ,'lid S0c.1.tle4 North some weeks ago Uy mo'",'- 1 of the L'elgrave and Auburn cen;1.'r- eyrle that :110.3' arreeed in Ghee ,?'.1e. gallons: this soetal gathering heing a sa!'eely. Althom:h rho 01 11 100'•- 10,10 oveleome to the pastor, Rev. W. elto•ether without clisenmrnrte. >1 Boyle, and wife who lately moved They are at work, and the C18101et f here from Toronto to take over the are they will he ;staying lndefl11ltelete work of alto enngretal1aaS. Mrs, J'n1•n L'•go of ,1lorpr111 vr:t• Ai the United ('hump, Rev, Il.. A, ed her l''131101>1,•Sire. Wm. Niegler 107 i Ilrc,oh 1111d charge of the mo•ni,ig a few days. servete, tek#ng as his text "Whew, - The \\';morn'= inetitnte will meet on Thursday afteennoa, Nov. lith at the bonne of Mrs. Chester Baker, The Morin. Fier ho -s, !tope more, tat less, clime more, whine less, smile ever is tirst among you shall be his t _sant." At the Sunday 17 01001 st•4s1011 the orclteetra was h1 attend aleck. A temperance readleg was given by Doris Aloof/. more, grumble 1e00, praise more, all The Tee, sponsored by tlt4, local Mord things are thine, will be Liken (( firemen leek] In Memorial 1ia11 00 by Mr:•. Dennis. 1 Friday evening, was quite a sttce1100. I1t>01 fall, What I owe my body. Triple. Reeponsibllit.y of tire. tete in in pronating public health, will be taken by Mrs, Jas. Pearson, All the ladies Interested are invited to >134 end. W. '1', Spence has got nicely set- tled In 1118 new office above Voddens bake slum, Kenneth Kreuter has gone to The attendance was large and e gond time was enjoyed, The Watt orchestra provided the music, V.ietto's In down over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs, Lnr0n Dale, and fancily, Seaforth, with Mrs, Dale's father, W. J. Sel•vis; Sir. and Nies, Peter Gardiner, Lan• tion, with friends,,-. Sirs. Jack Bry- ant, Stratford, with her parents, elx. Oshawa where be will teach school. and Mrs, John 3laiuea; Mrs, Glary WO 'Malt him success, Srolvn, Toorndo, with her sis!er, Mrs, J. Logan, •Satnday evening next a memorial service will be bell in Memorial Jordan and Cleric Jolwstan; selcw iron Bedstead, Spring and Hall, Rev, W. P, Lane, or Gnder(ch tions by the mouthorgan band; Mattress tvi14 he the sr.ettltet', Legiona#res or piano solo; '!aide Wetlsh, Chairs and other articles Clinton with the ]Heal Legion mein- he the program lunch tuns IMPLEMENTS hers, will elected In a body, served, 1 Walking Plow. new Don't forget 1]>e Annual Bazaar of The evening Was closed by all 1 Spring Toothed Cultivator 51, George's Church Guild, Welton. 8m0hlg a few vs10105 01 well known 3 -section for tractor 1 nAdmissiof 35c Come and Join the Crowd iii r g a i n s DOLLAR DAY Prices are being continued all this week till Nov 6th. Oustanding Values in COATS, DRESSES, SUITS DRY GOODS and HOUSE FURNISHINGS -Don't Miss Them l -- KING'S WINGHAM nenshiP to be !tele! !u Wroxeter on BLV EVALE Nov. 3. Special features of the meeting; were demonstrations by Mrs. le, 1)emenerling and Mrs, Williams, of Forciwich, Iles. Demmerling 'leen. oa:nirated milting meat loaf end upside dawn meat Tee, also hots to oitooae meat, the various tuts end colo'. lire. Williams de11100111 atc.d salads, all of which were served to the members, The 11oetees was >ssistt.41 by 1Ir>, .11eLaughlirr 010,0 Mts. LoVrll. This very cnjnyabli and instructive rneelleg was brow: -let to a diose by singing the National Anthem. A hearty vote of 01la1ke was extended the Furdwich ladies' 1>y firs. Waller and Mees J, eV, Allen. Dani forget the Annual Bazaar t.1 St. Oturgees Match Guild, \\'111;un, at the twine of D. Johnston. on Fri day. Nov. 51 IL. Supper served 4 to 7 Pale Rev. Mr. Moyle, of Blyth, cnntleet • e31 the service in Knee I're; byteclan Owlet on Sunday morning, telt !ag his text from Acts 17:22.2e, tee theme being "A Glorious Cnei-•. tiai H' lt.lge," Itev. J R, Clete preached ;inn 1 -rsary t.t.rV'!Cri at Blyt11, • Mies Merge -fret Curtis has returned from vielthee her sister, Mee. MlriC>' , at 14',111x l: 117. and Mrs. i'ess Dnaghi. Lennon wilt Miss Duff and Mrs. A(01( l lir-,es Ethel sad Fleronr'. Beat tie, le,etfnrth, with dude 1'.11...ls, Mae and Olive Scott; ( nes \ltlr'el Meadows, 11ilv's,ron. Miss Margaret Curtis has retnen- ed 110101e after an extended visit with her sister, 711:?, McKee.In Mont- real.i 'Mr. and firs, Ross 01001115, Lon. don, spent Sin lay with 11t's 1)aff and :lire. Stis.. s L_hel and Fitts, rice Beattie of Seafnrth v:=i'rd on 5tu>'lac with. Hallowe'en ey'g S0Q.'Fa>- t their c4usina, Mac and Olive Scott. Was jolly .Xe' air I Ili.;' eturiel Meadow- Milverton,J Y is with her si.tec, \Ir, I1, 11. 1,awete Splendid Program. Presented At I Viet...tee went Mr. and \1 v, Joseph Carel 3f. S over Sunday; .. atei Al:•». Gathering of Beigra United ' f.'1, Bowie. 3t', anti glee, Switzer, Tor. Ghurcn Y. P. S. unto; Air. and etre, (lleenwaud act A very enjoYable eVening we.;1Ue and Mrs. Ro'd'±, Stretford; Mr. 1 'Wednesday night when 1Ae and tilts. liar 11 Pro•'tu1 av„1 dough - menthol's on ter, Margit-et, 1:, glare members e the. X. 2> S. and t!v:]r 11'41'1- 1ur.1 1.'u' 111011381 }3,tzaar of >hlo in the basement lit St. (1' nreete ("1'lr; It (it> :d, Wallen, Knox United chard!! fur their anoele at .111' ha:r' ,:f D. 3n::n.,an, oft F " gathHallered '1 social. As the ati,-'t' (01t7', ;;ov. Slit, :moor > >'v.rd 4 to gathered those in costume cause+d 7'11.01 14011111 eldest} as to (heir 1dentLy Mit after the grand march had beau a �.;... held and the jndgeu had given 'Bair AUCTION SALE deeistol as to the winner's all weee I Farm Stock and Implements and asked to unmask. The prize "or Household Furniture the o1d•fasfiloned couple went to Lot 13, Concession 6, Morris Twp. Shirley (:hunnety and Mrs, It, Cham- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th ne3'; moat utoderu couple, Wee ., The following will be offered: Eliza Procter and Elaine Walsh; for sale at 1 o'clock: -- novelty cohtume, Mae Frisby; Hal HORSES lowe'en costume, Dorothy Wade 'Inn 1 Team Heavy Horses Jane Armstrong. 1 Heavy Mare With the completion or this part 1 Driving Horse of -the e0lertalument a varied pro, LIVESTOCK gram was enjoyed. Goldie Wheeler 11 Breeding Ewes was chairman Bur the Tollntt'ing 6 Lambs program: Vocal duets, Clark Ja!1n- 1 Brood Sow stop and Clitfod Logan; solo, Nota 1 Pair of Geese Van'Oamp; chorus, a grout, of yndug HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE farmer boys; instrumental number; 2 Organs 6-octive Doherty make George :Wavelet; piano solo, Velma 1 Sewing Machine Raymond make Wheeler; reading, ledi111 Procter; piano duet, elm C, Logan and nil- een Malignant vowel duet, George 1 Extension Table 1 Fallen Leaf Table 10 Bed Room Sets at the home of D, J0hnslon, 011 Fri- day, Nov. 5t11, Stepper served 1 1,- 7 .pen. • WROXETER The regular monthly meeting of flee Women's institute w110 held al the home of Slee. Stewart MoNett'rh• ion. Tho 0r051(1e01, lira, :1, Me. Laughlin was in the their, The Veil Call, "What l would do if l had a million /Inflates," bronglit forth many varied replies, A disenssioll tool( Ware eo 1't'rning tie',ping a needy family, Mao Lily Weller was ellnant1 ae tltirlstant to Mrs, eleDnn- 31111 in tatting up line course in huy- byneus and the Benediction. Titc r00m14 were very truly Pretty with their Ilallowe'en decorations, Mr, and Mrs, M. Lake, Fergus, were vislto's with 001r. and Mrs. J. A. Breeden; Mr, and firs, !ler- owe Rath with relatives in Brant ford. Two large Intel( Mutt,., of fruit lied vegetable'; were contributed by the people of illegrave vicinity for the Weelern J'.>'ller cur which WAS load- ed al Wingltam, Dont forget the Annual Bazaar of St, floor) els Church (1111111, \Velto, at rthe home of 0. Johnston, on 11014.. day, Nov. 8111. Supper served 1 10 7 pen, 1 Massey Harris Binder 7 ft in good order 1 Deering Binder 7 ft. cut 1 Good Wheel Barrow 1 Seed Drill A quantity of Mixed Grain A quantity of Alfalfa Seed A Pile of Wood 1 Good Cutter 1 Road Cart 1 2 -furrow Plow _ 1 Hay Fork, -Ropes and Slings all complete Other articles Oct numerous 'to mention TERMS -CASH Wm. M. Cook, Proprietoe James Taylor, Auctioneer