The Brussels Post, 1937-11-3, Page 2gra rTi.,eU By Rosemary Beryl SYNAPSIS Gloria Burke,, ecreen4ctress, la rescued from drowning by a gid to whom she is determined to give hap- piness it it le in her power. She takes Primrose Starke, the girl, back to her hate/ to have break- fast reaktaut with her and promrisee her that if at any time there is anything elle can do for her Primrose bas only to ask. eaM11315014 'I don't want the priceless Jewels.' Primrose's voice dropped to a ,sigh. "But --but I might ask you to—toe visit the Beast." Gloria stared in bewilderment. "hat is all the reward I want,,' Primrose looked mysterious. "1t may not happen yet; but, some da: Gloria, I shall call on you to help me," "And I will come, even if I am the other :tide of the world," pre nl.: ed Glaris, "I must ger now." Primrose her, Out her hand. • i no naively Gloria kisesd her, moneY," said Lois soothingly. "And , the house is yours. You can do wbat you like now—for ever and ! oyer;" Do what she liked Primrocle Pulled a face. Can any woman do what stie likes? "Don't you realise, ?rimrot,e? You are free --at last," Free? But is any woman free Primrose was held by invincible fetters of her Owr, binding. There was only one person; in the; wOrld who could set her free. The memory of her morning's ad- venture was swept otit of her mind in the flurry of packing, of gettlag to the station, of entering again the botuse that seemed so empty now • that the domineering spiret had de- parted from it. Only after weeks had eessed. and Primrose ba,l eett,a_d down as n, btrees .1 the bide:y hume wl,'t" W ,11 -kept garden swept in green terraces down to the • river, s114 elle give a though' to all t!.at. cad pr'r t ded h,•r hasty de - 1 par'ure• from i, rani rsere2 "She prom_e.d me!" Her "yes glittered, and she looked wide,. "You Trust come and see me "Anything 1 asked—ache would see again, Primrose, We'll have lots I had. )oven if she were tho nthell of fun before we leave lieenbmouth,' side of world she would come to • Primrose ran lightly up the 5n: 11 me. And she won't fail me, 1 of "Ocean Crest:' Conscious that she $T,.pw she. won't. She's not that wan making an unusual stir by he- type, Gloria Berke is genuine and and appearance in Gloria's outfit. In the sincere. I like ,�a11 the landlady stopped her for awon't fail me!" -- 1 momeivt, n There was a smile on Primrose's "Oh, Miss Starke, your sister 1a hard lips, a look of exultation in her waiting in your room, She arrived east 11 ess,sk k her, She'll have to do by the early train, I have been ex- ii peettag you in this last hour," I it, because she Is in honour boned Lois? Primrose hurried on and . to help me. I saved her Life, She e i t can never be grateful enough to me. �BRUSSEtS Pp smite good wives, 1 should ha 4— failure," looked at her sadly, "I Gan see 1 am not the right marl, er eta: would mat talk like that, Well, dear, if ever you need a 'second-best'-- send for me;' 'I will, bear." She gave him 0 warm band•preasure, then went quickly inside, Horlenee was up welting for her, "A letter for you, mam'se11e, It came by the last Post" Gloria studied the envelope with a frown. "1 don't 'know the writing. Halston—'where's that? We more fan:a ail, I euppose." With a little sigh she threw her- self down on a chaise lounge and On payment of a small charge to opened the letter, f cover loading and unloading, pas - It read— } sengers may also make use of 31,e car at stop -over points en route. Customs fel-Mantles are arranged in advance 02 shipments to or teem United States points. man. "Bat why do you go about breaking hearts in this way? 1e it fun?" "Of course not," She loked eine prised, "I hate it, but it would be far, far worse if •I were sympathetic. I Just laugh at them, and they stalk away In a fury and soon forget about me. Love doesn't last long, Lite is too full of fun to go around with a broken bears on one's sleeve." "teh, Gloria, Gloria!" He sighed feelingly, "What a lot you have to learn yet!" 'Poor Peter!" She patted his hand, "It is you who need the pity, not me. Are you really des- perately in love with me," Her blue eyes were melting and child- like "1 would die for you!" - "Poor Peter!" "But you don't care." He spoke vehemently, his dark eyes flashing fire. "You don't care how many wings are singed in the flame of your beauty. Only one day your own wings may be singed, Beware" "No." Her face lit up with gaiety. "I've seen too many people made miserable 'by love. I shall ether clear of it. Love shalt never ruin my life:' Brave words! She stretched out her hand to him. across the table. "And now take ane home, please, Peter, It's getting dreadfully late, Almost everybody's gone," They left the crupper -club and found Peter Kane's car in a quiet street outside, He slumped down in front of the wheel, and drove furloustY through sleeping London. Gloria sat by his side, and occasionally gave him sidelong glances from WEDMISIDAY, Passengers th-AuteMeloile Plea Popular With Railway Traveller$s The plan whereby rail passenger can make special arrangements to 1tarc 'their automobile precede or follow them when they Journey by train 1s Proving increasingly popu- lar, aaeerding to the Canadian National Railways, Under this arrangement car owners who bold two 020 33y or round trip first class tickets' eau also have their car trans- ported from the same point of Ori- gin to destination of one-way first Class passenger fare and one-third. There Is, naturally, a minimum rate. "Deer Gloria, -Do you remember a eentain morning in Beachmouth August? And of a compact that we two made --that if ever 1 should need you I was to send for you. Well, the time has come. 1 see by the papers that the revue you are in comes off the alat week in Septemper, Will you come down and stay with me early in Oetobec, that is, in a fortnigbt's time? , could not ask you earlier because You. were busy with theatrical ,vo,k, and I have been upset With familyaffairs. After leaving you that morning I heard that my father had died suddenly. I feel that I em only just settling down. to the new 'life now, Looking forward to -e- ing you so much, Yours-Prim:ose Starke. "P.S•—Please don't bring y.:u. French maid with you. 1 and an; e size would strike terror into t :•: heart of my old Hannah," Gloria laughed, and stretched her arms above her head Iazily, "Hortense, you may tale a week's holiday at the beginning of October. I shall be staying with a friend, and— and tbere is no room for a maid." "But mam'selle!" Hortense raised her hands in horror. "Whom will do ma'selle's coiffure, and massage and manicure?" Allan MacDonald, 29, one of the "I don't expect I sha11 need that coal miners who helped rescue, Dr. where I am going," said Gieria. D. he Robertson and Alfred Ecad- yawning. 'Should imagine it :s a ding from Moose River Gold aline more than a year ago, died on Ort. 6th in a cave-in at the Allan Shaft of Nova Scotia Steel and Coal Com- pany at $tellarton. He died of eaf- focatIon on the 1,500 -foot level when the roof of the mine collapsed, Res- cue Drew burrowed through loose rock and coal for three hours be- fore they reached him, Where Are Poets? (The Argonaut, San Francisco) WH1T1 CROSS SAFE.DRIVING MOVEMENT If you are intaree'ted, ad most of lis are, in safe driving, the White Gross Sefe.Drlreing hioven:exit. which is now being bandied by a Committee of interested citizens, may fie of material help to you, The embleene and literature are avoll able, without (:tia,rge, on application to 11flr, D, J. hbttle, Secretary, White Cross Sate -Driving Movement, 56 Church Street, Taranto 2, Ontario— without charge but not without re- sponsitbility, for there is a safety responsibility on everyone disp)aY- the emblem on his car. Emblems are available 1n any quantity for use, of your people, What a change is manifest In Eng• land since days when Lord Tenny son was the nation's poetlaureat. Tennyson wrote of all the great events in magnificent verse, And none of his successors has been abte to emulate him, When the Prince of Wales, wits: afterwards became King Edward Seventh, married the Princess of Denmark, who afterwards became. ; m Alexandra, Tennson wrote a Poen) In celebration of the event that bed the Lower to th:';1 us Over here. Is peer new 'lead 'n Erclnna. n,• awes - events mere nor,, the iee0 Ia0Claa4 ing? Has any poet.either British or American, writt .: a poem to cola brute the mare.. g of the Duke of Windsor to Wa::y Simpson We have not seen or heard of any. Moose Rivcr Rescuer Dies th narrow stn rs. country place," What was bringing Tots to Beach••; Lite is sweet, but—oh, revenge fd trader her lashes. ! 1 S ,'-` I sweeter stilt!" •When she arrived, Halston was a th in such a hurry peter was a dear, and she was so little village through which meand- ered a fine river. Primrose pointed fall in love with her. He was a WW1 her mind full of foreboding, She gave a deeIi eigh and ciasled Trlmros'e ran along the corridor her hands, "�anil entered brat' 33 r with a rush,' �.. +- H sister's;face told her the new3 C1{APTEII. II. Her "Lois --Gather?" A Dream Come True. "It is all over dear" Lois'kissed "No, thank you." her gently. "They wired for Bob 4 Gloria smiled across the table at and me last night, Bob is staying the young man who sat opposite to looking after things, while 1 came down here to tell you." "When?" a'Yesdterday afternoon. Primrose, her, and shook her golden curls, Her eyes danced with laughter, even though her wards were serious. "I'm sorry. Peter, but it just can't dear, you mustn't be sorry. Dr. be done," she said. "Guess on, not Carter sold he would have been ever 1 the marrying kind.' so much worse if he had lived. They He frowned at her. "But that's would have bad to take him away," i where you're mistaken, Gloria, it's She gulped. "The end was merciful, Your kind who would marry. The and you will know you looked after Lim devotedly while he lived, Prim- rose you m.catn't gricve too much." Just at feral there was the sen-a- tlon of overwhelming loss; !ilea i Primrose began to see clearly. She was not yet twenty-five, altho 1.11 f sbe looked much older, A hard 110.1 with an exacting father had robbed her of girlishness; perhaps it wee not too late to catch up with youth new, "You will he well_cff, Prinnr.r;ss you. won't have to worry about beautiful ones of the earth, so— 10•--" He gulped and a wave of colour spread over his cheeks, "So that beauty may go on being p'-r- petual. She pulled a face at hfm, "Peter darling, don't be tiresome, I tell you I don't Intend to marry. I wouldn't give up my career for any- body, and I am afraid a husband would come a very had second in MY life." She laughed gaily, "You are so lovely I cannot. be angry with you," said the young sorry he had been silly enough to Promising musician, whose lyrics in the revue in which she eves starring had set London's feet tapping and shoulders swaying, He could turn a commonplace song into a popular theme that spread like wild fire through the country. In his way be would soon be as famous as Gloria herself. It would have been an excellent partnership famous wife singing the sonic of famous husband; although, to him- self, Peter admitted he would prefer Gloria as the real old-fashioned type of wife who would be content to settle down by her fireside. At the Threshold of Gloria's '.;o1' he teak her hand. Gloria dear, I want you to penile+ me something. If ever you change Your mind—if ever you want me — y0u are to send for me, and I will come at once,' She nodded. "Very well, Peter - but please try to forget me, and marry some nice girl who isn': all out for a career, There are thous- ands about, Peter—girls wbo will Plan Splendid Hunting Season Plrospects for big -game hunting are unusually bright in Can- ada this fall. Reporta covering the thousands of square miles of. wilderness acoesslble by Canladlan Pacific Itailway show a plerititude of game and excellent conditions for hunting. Outfitters and guides nomas t110 oottntry also report more reservations for hunting parties, both from Canada and the United Status, than they have had for years. Wild sections of Canada lying practically in the back yard of civilization have a wide variety of big game in addition to many types of game birds and smaller animals. Nova Scotia bas xdo0ae, deer and black bear; New Bruns- wick, dear and black bear; Que- bec, moose, caribou, deer and black hear; Ontario, moose, deer and black boar; Manitoba and Sas, llatchewan, moose, deer and cari- bou; Alberta and British Colum- bia, mountain sheep and goats, Ger:leu ,� k/:vi caribou, moose, elk (wapiti), deer, and grizzly, brown and black bear; and the Yukon Territory and Alaska, practically the same as British Columbia. An indication of the increased interest In hunting this year has been given by the number of ap- plications coming to the general tourist offices in Windeor Station, Montreal, far Copies of the two hunting booklets, "Open Seasons for Hunting" and "Fishing Wa- ters and Game Monte," it out ,to Gloria as she drove her from the station in a little two- seater, "That's the river where I got so much practice in swimming, When we were children my sister and I used to live in the water practica'1;. The currents are strong further down, but I learnt to master them. The river is very gentle here. though, It flows past our garden. We must go out on it one evening when the Hunter's Moon is full. 11'a warm enough even 1101V." October was giving them an un- expected heat -wave, and the girls strolled .in the garden after supper. ale din their flimsy dresses wine light wraps thrown over, "Funny," said Primrose, laughing. "Last night I was watching you, Gloria, at the Grant! Cinema in the High Street, Nearly all Halston had turned up. because Gloria Burke is a great favourite down here, As we were coming out I told one or two people you were carving to stay with me, Of course, nobody be- lieved me." Gloria joined in her laughter. "I wonder if they would recognize me if I walked along the High Street io- morl•ow morning." "The greatest fun is to come," said Primrose, "You don't mind, do you, I am giving a party on Fri- day, and Inviting a crowd of friends, and—and—I am putting on the cor- ner of She invitations—To meet Gloria Burke," Gloria shrugged her sboulders, "No, I don't mind." She guessed that parties were more of a novelty to Primrose than to her, and made up her mind to pretend to enjoy this one, even if she were bored stiff with Primrose's country friends "1'm posting the invitations to- night," said Primrose gleefully. "I thought I must watt and mention it to you first, but Hannah shall take the coneigament along to the pont . now. Oh, I should like to be pres- ent at some of the breakfast -tables when those invitations are opened • tomorrow, It will be fun." (To Be Conlinued,) CROWDED OUT 'iMy hoaband was sick with the 1113 and was in bed six days with, two nurses and a doctor. On the seventh, day he died of a stroke. What could have brought it on?" Anger: "Maybe six daye in bed main two anuses and a doctor was too much crowding for a mat of 418.' Read the Ads. COUGHS, D $TENiP$R1, BROKEN WIND 1u,ve mkt their moeter 10 z0V.-.ma4e by the 3aRkv' «a of Uus'k7'i� letiesuro rr Palk as, eta, as, rte„ w o ltave used. EV ay it i. positively w "ee fish" relief for •14 resplrotory diaesuop le o*., PZt1, rh ehre Juow quickly d * lee to b 1 most stub,. bektriy K aces ras!t aotee xl%V' 14 bora cash. to fact Y e to do pe a day en WO t tt took P Pee e 11, SW*sk rine 31 0e. Get swab to Z1�Y t. H. 13. ALI,EN Until You Came ! (A Song of Sentiment) There was no sunshine high !a heaven's blue To light my pathway 031 the long day through; There was no hope, and love I never knew Until you Camel Until you came! There was no starlight in the shadowed skies Reflecting messages in star -lit eyes; No moonbeams dancing in !care's paradise Untll you came! Until 7011 came! There was no joy in giving day by days; No smile to chase the gloomy clouds away, ... No iadiance fair, no need to hope 0? pee Until you came! Until you came! There was no happiness or sweet de. light, No moon to light the pathways of The night, There was no love to guide my steers aright trail yon Came! Until you cam! Insurance man --You want y0ur office furniture insured against theft? Manager—Yes, all except the clock. Everybody watches that, DANCE IN TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10112 enjoy dancing to the music of Florence Sauer & .Her ,Orchestra The re -surfaced flool makes your dancing a pleasure DOME AND JOIN THE CROWD Dancing 9.30-2 Admission 35s • The kind of going that makes heavy weather for ordinary tires is "pie" for Goodyear Studded Tires. They bite in and keep you moving—under control every second. You waste no time —or gas and oil — in wheel spins, slips and skids. Goodyear Studded Tires are designed, built and proven for off -the• pavement driving and to defy deep snow. Farmers, salesmen, postmen— all who travel muddy roads need theta. To the country doctor they are well-nigh indispensable. Smooth -riding Goodyear Studded Tires give a new sense of driving security to every of£the-pavement ..* driver. See theca at your Goodyear dealer's—at the same low price as Good, year All.Weather Treads. 1.s7 Nan --'Do you believe in luck Friend -Wen, t shoald eey I do. See that Cat woman in the big bat and the red drees? Well, 1 once asked her to be my wife. JAMES TAYLOR License Auctioneer for the Count,!' of Huron. Sales attended to to las parts of the country, Satlafartto. Guaranteed 01 no pay, Orders let. at The Post promptly attended tat Bglgrave Poas Office. PHONES: Brussels 14-9. t .. ELMER D. Bi:.LL, B.A. Barrister, solicitor, Etc. Phone 20x, —x— Brussels, Ont.. DANCEY & BOLSBY BARRISTERS, SOLICITOR'S, ETC, L. E. Dancey, K.C. & P, J. Bolaby Brussels, Ont. 'Phone • 64X James McFadzean Howlck Mutual Flre Insurance -Also -Hartford Windstorm —Tornado Insurance —Automobile Insurance 'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry 8t; Brussels, Ontario WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent, Conveyancer and Commissioner General Insurance Office Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario Important Notice Accounts, Notes, Judgements collected Our collecting depessment le a result of years of successful experi- ence in collecting local or out -of, town accolade. No collection, no charge, Man Durkee Collecting Agency (License 176) Head Office, Seaforth Ont Box 498 n - A • RANN FURNITURE AND FUNERAL SERVICE D. A. RANN } Lficensed Funeral Director and Embalmer AMBULANCE SERVICE NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR HARNESS REPAIRED N ICHAPMAN Brussels, Ont. Want a Partner? Perhaps business !s dragging for tho wont csf a helping hand, ora little more capital. Men with/ money and men with brains road this paper,. You can reach them through our Classified Want Ads. di dot sow 0 0.0.0