The Brussels Post, 1937-11-3, Page 1• 'y, 50;#,6.ASS}}}f,tfKt.tM+,`,A+er"io*A< ;1 USE ADS V AS YOUR A SHOPPING LISTS LI 8R'US a ELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd - 1937 CounMeeting $Mussels Nov let, 1087 7llie Mturicthal Council of the Vil- lage of Brussels met in the Clerk's once on the above date. Ali member being present with the ex' caption of W,Llttle; The minutes of the previous meet- ing being read it was moved by W. Kerr; seconded by H. Bowler that the minutes be accepted` —Curried, The following accounts were presented: Mre, Jae. B. Reynolds, election Costs $ 15.27 11. +Sullivan, Digging Drain 7,50 Crerar & McDonald, Lumber for street 3,76 r1f, Thomlpeen, Digging Drain 0.00 R, W, Ifounedy, Printing ,,,, 3,00 Wilton & G•illespie, Mise, Repairs 21,40 G, McDowell, Oct. Salary ,,,, 60.00 11., S. Warwnck, Oet, Salary 25 00 Relief for the month 21.60 Moved by W. Willis, seconded py R. Bowler that tate abcounts be pard, 3Ioved by 11. Bowler, seconded b, W. Kerr that Rev. "Mahoney be ap- pointed member of the Library ry Board to ' ler e,.t1 R..i, Wm. M„ Carried. Moved by W. Kerr, seconded by W. Willis that we appoint R J. Bowman to look after the town's in- terests In the tax sale in December —Ca -rigid Moved py W. Kerr, seconded by H. Bowler that we express our deepest sympathy to our fellow Councillor, Wm. Little in the loss of his Mlother. —Carried. There being no further business the Council adjourned. FOWL SUPPER Tuesday, Nov. 9th UNITED CHURCH, BRUSSELS Supper Served from 5.30 to 8 p.m. followed by Continuous Program from 7 to 8 In the Church Auditorium CONCERT BY CENTENNIAL CONCERT PARTY LONDON Rev, W. B. Craw—Reader Mr, Charles Hall—Bass Soioisl • Mrs. Gladys Gray A.L,C.M.—Pianist ADMISSION Adults 40c Children 25c Famous Florida Sextet Brussels Town Hall Friday, November 12 Most Versatile Group in America EACH PERSON AN INDIVIDUAL ARTIST GHATAUQUA CONCERT RADI'0 Maurice Cooper—Tenor, Manager Orita Wilson—Soprano Vivian Morrison—Contralto Arthur Crittenden—Pianist Joseph Miles—Baritone Arthur Logan --Basso ADMISSION—Adults 25c Children 'Sc, Under the Auspices of the Band REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH ce=ert=ena PLAYING Dick Powell Doris Weston The Singing. Marine Hugh Herbert Lee Dixon A Musical Romance Mon, Tues., Wed. Nov. 8-9—,0 Shirley Temple Heidi Arthur Treacher Jean Hersholt Shirley Temple brings one of fiction's best loved characters to life on the screen Matinee—Wed., Nov., 10 at 4.15 p.m. Thurs., Fri., Sat.— Eddie Cantor Ali Baba Goes to Town June Lang Roland Young Louise Novick A Comedy Drama COMING— Life of Emile Zola Varsity Show Mats. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m. PEOPLE WE KNOW ltev. Ii J Mahoney was in Lon. don this week, Mre, J. Gibson was a weekend visitor is Toronto, Donald McRae, who ie attending Western University Loudon spout the weeh'end at his home, Mrs, W. Wallace and on Mervin, Newbridge are guests with her Uncle, N, Chapman, Mr, and Mrs, J, 31, nieArter and children, Robert and Betty, ]haute. ton, were Sunday visitors w1U the farmer's ,sisters Mrs, A, 0, 'emitter, Mrs, J. A. Brown and Mrs. P, r., McArthur, Miss Iielen Baeker and D, C. War. wick imairt the week -end with friends In Hamilton and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Wan, Phillips, Gode- rich and Miss Mary Phillips, Toroth to, were callers recently at tlfe hams of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKay. Airs, Robt, Straehan is still in the Toronto General [hospital where site le turdergoing treatment. Her many friends hope for a complete reeov cry in the near future. Mr. and Mrs,' Wesley Lott, White. 'church, were visitors one day this week with Mr, and Mt's Cha 3. McKay, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Lowry, New Lielteanu, have been guests with the former's mother, Mrs, Alfred Lowry, Mr. and Mrs'. Wm, Porter and little daughter Sheila Ruse, Toronto, were week -end guests' with Mr. and Mr:; W. Rose. Mee. A, IL Macdonald has been visiting in Wiarton. Mr. and Mr's, G. Northwood aid son were week -end guests with rela- tives at Victoria Harbour, Twenty ladies are enrolled for the short course in sewing sponsored by the Women's Institute witch is be, fug held In Carnegie Library, Miss M. E, Phillips, Toronto, is the in. structioness. Mr, and Mrs. J. C, Beeker and .Miss Elizabeth Backer were weak end guests in Toronto visiting with their son Jack who has commenced his course in pharmacy by taking a position in a Toronto drug store. Mfr, Wnt, uell, Morris, who was so severely burned a short time ago was removed to Clinton hospital, in the D. A. Hann ambulance, on Sat- urday, where it will be necessary for skin to be grafted on some of tit: severely burned places, 3Ir, Thuell's many friends hope this treatment will aid in a speedy recovery, NOTICE ! --x-- IN REMEMBRANCE —To Fallen Heroes the `Post' will be closed all day Thursday, November 11th, —Advertisers and Correspondents are requested to have copy in this office by 6 o'clock, Tues., Nov, 9th. DANCE _ -- IN BELGRAVE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th ERNEST'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION — — 25c MELVILLE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Service at 11 a.m, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Will be conducted by— REV, T. LEWIS WILLIAMS, Harrtston, Ont. The evening service Is being with. drawn owing to Anniversary Ser. vices In the United Church A11 the 'members and adherents are asked to make special effonts to attend THE UNITED CHURCH _**— REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D. Minister c--7oraxv ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 a.m,—The Minister, Special Music by the Choir. Topic "In the Nick of Time” 3 p.m,—Sunday School 7.30 :p.m.—Rev. D. A. Cowan, B.A., B,D„ of Port Elgin will preach Monday, 7.45—Regional Training School Tuesday, 5,30 --Fowl' Supper "I was glad when they said unto us, Let us go unto the House of the Lord" Training School For Leadership The first sess'lo4, of the Annual Huron Presbytery Leadership Train- ing School of the United Church was held Monday evening in Brussels Dulled Chw'dh when a series of studies for the next three weeks was outlined and begun, The purpose er this school Is "Training for load• ershlp ht both Sunday School and Young Peoples' Work of the church," The scbool this year is under fbe capable diredtion of Itev, H. 3. Mahoney as Dean and Mr, George Taylor, Wittghain as Direc- tor, Four courses, providing trait certificates toward the Leadership Training Diploma, are offered this year, as tollows:- 1, The Enrichment Course—"How tite Bible Came to Be," led by Rev. ti Chas, Cummings, Walton, 2. Methods and Materials in Y.P. Specialization, Unit 11, by Rev. H. J. Mahoney, Brussels. 3, Boys and Girls Work—"To- wards the Understanding of Youth,' , by Rev, Jno. Anderson, Vi'inghant. 4, Preparatory Curriculum--' Je ' ClIS as To-trhet anrd "ITow To Tin- prove Your Srrn'1sy School," by It. v A. V, Robb, Bluevale Pront'ptly at 7.45 o'clock the school is opened with a Worship Ser- vice conduated by one of the Pres- bytery Yoitng Peoples Minions. This is followed by the first study period at 8 o'clock, At 8.50 a twenty minute recess and recreation was enjoyed followed at 9,10 by the second study period which continued until the adjournment of the school at 10 o'clock. ,Miss Helen Baeker, acting regis- trar, reports that twenty-one young people have already availed then selves of the opportunity of register. Ing in the different groups and many others enjoyed the opening meeting of the school, The Dean and Direc- tor extend a cordial invitation to any persons in our community inter- ested in Sunday School or Young People's Work to attend the suc- ceeding sessions of the school which will be held on the evenings of November 5th, Sth, 13th, 15th and 114th in Brussels United Chnrch. You will be made welcome, WEDDING Rattan—Smith A quiet wedding was solemnized at high noon on Saturday at St, John's Church rectory, Brussels, when Clara Cavell, younger daughter of Mir. and Mrs. David Smith, 6th con, Morris, was united lu marriage t.e Mir, Samuel Arthur ltat.tan, son of Mr, and Mrs, L. Ratan, Fordwiclt The bride was attended by Miss Isabel Tbynne of Morris, and Mr, Glen Smith, brother of the -ball, stPported the bridegroom, The bride was gowned In a dress of rt'='t silk crepe embroidered in sequin? A wedding tlittuer was served at the home of the bride's parents, Mfr. and Mrs, David Smitlt, 6th con. Mlotn'is, to immediate relatives. Rev, John Graham, the rector proposed the toast to the happy couple, who left in the afternoon 0n a- motor trip to Toronto, and on their return will reside on the bridegroom's farm on the lit con. Morris, Boyce—Munn The Micliillop 'manse was the scene of a quiet wedding on Tues day at 7,30 when Mary Frinnie, only claugleter of Mrs. Munn and the late Alexander Milian of MlcKillop, was united in marriage to Edward Lloyd Boyce, only son of 11r, and Mrs. Oliver Boyce of ?vlonkton. Rev, 11, IV. Craw officiated. The bride was gowned in American Beauty corded silk with •'black sequin ,trimmings and hat and veil to match. She was attended by Miss Gladys Royce, sister of the bridegroom, who were a lovely black satin dress with hat to match, The bridegroom was at- tended by Mr. Clarence Henry of Stratford, after the ceremony they returned to the home of the bride's mother wiliere a s3mrptuouswedding dinner was served to immediate relatives and frlonds, The bride- grootu'e gift to the bridesmaid was a pearl and amber brush, comb and mirror; to the best man, a. tie pin and holder. The happy couple will reside on the 10111 concession of M eKtlllop, Property Sold "Riverside Viltla" owned for many years by the late W, Ii, Korr and Mrs, Kerr and known as the Vanstono property was sold on Fri- day lash to Thomas Miller, Gtli wit., of Morris, Little Stars Stars Mission Band The regular ntouthfy meeting of the Little Stars Mission Band wee held on Monday afternoon, Nov, let w'itit the President, Mrs, Armstrong In the chair. The story was told by Dorothy Ballantyne anti Margaret G':hson gave an instrumental selec- tion, The Band are planning to hold their White Gift Servtee Oil Wednesday evening, Nov, 10t11 et g o'clock in the basement of the church, The gifts will be forward- ed to some needy part of the West to be need to .provide Christmas cheer. Hallowe'en Pranks. There was the usual evidct:ce of Mltll.twe'eu moult:, an Surd^v mom'. 1.114. F to 15 41 -;h• and everyone te.r_ perts tilat the Hanot number e0 witohes, hobgoblins etc,, will be abroad demanding their hellowe'eu apples, cookies, candies, etc., but people are, to put it mildly, vexed when gangs of boys are bent on vropet'ty destruction. Considerable damage has been reported about town this year. It is too bad that boys, or grown men, can't be made to realize that property destruction will 'not be tolerated even on Hal- lowe'en. Melville Y. P. S. The Y, P. S of Melville Chureb held its weekly meeting Monday night in the form of a Hallowe'en party with Marie Ring in charge. After the opening exercises, a Parer on the origin of Hallowe'en was road by Dorothy Ballantyne followed by a parade of those in costume. 'Margaret Scott won, .first prize. 'The program consisted of a piano solo by Jean Scott; duet, Marie Ring attd Wilma Lowe; talk on ghosts, Alan Lamont; piano solo, Wm, Eckmier; a cornet duet, Bruce Moore and Gerald G1b gar. Games were played and ee'tlma Lowe gave a reading 00 `'Thirty Years From Now," which w,ta muck enjoyed, Charge Follows Accident Frank Stewart, 348 Nelson stre"t, was to appear before Magistrate T. A. Meleins in police court Monday on a charge of drunk driving, fol- lowing a crash on Highway No. 5, about a utile and a half west of Stratford Saturday night. Stewart's car sideswiped a car driven by Jack Hamilton, Atwood, and li"th nacltines left the highway after the accident, going into the ditch on the north side of the road. Stewart was travelling east toward Stratford and I-Ia.milton was travelling west. Hamilton's car turned over 0a"e after leaving the road and was ex- teesively dautagecl, although no oc- cupant of either car was injured. Stewart was arrested by Provincial) Traffic Officer Charles Anderson, who iuvest.inated the crash, and was released on his own bail of $500. Poppy Day Have you ever been in Christie Street Hospital? There you come face to Mare with the pitiful tragody of broken humans, diseased and crippled in body and mind—ruined lives, the terrible price of war— twenty and more years of pain and suffering, To help 'these patients, can yon re- fuse to buy , poppy! Just a tiny blood -red flower, but if you wear one on voppy'day you can feel that you have done your bit to help, The emblems were made by the Christie Street 'patients and the proceeds are used in aid of needy veterans. The annual appeal will be made in Brussels on Saturday of this week. If ion are inclined 10 rotitse to buy wahen you are asked to piir'ehase 1 poppy on Saturday remember the worthy cause for whtch the Mone,? Is need, —Do Your Bit —Buy a Poppy, ;$EVFRY KIND OF �;'+� t 4 JOB PRINTING AT REASONABLE PRICKS POST PUBLISHING HOUSE, J I Obituary Mrs. John Little Half Holidays Ended_ Last Tltrtiaday afternoon was th last hall ho2lday for the season, The business places will not remain open on Wednesday evenings' any longer Melville Ladies Aid The regular meeting of the Ladies Aid was held on Monday evening Nov. 1st with the President, Mrs. Meadows in the anti.. it was de- oicled that we hold a sale of home made baking, candy aprons and small articles in the Library on Sat- urday afternoon, Nov. 20th begin- ning at 2,30 o'clock, Ladies were kindly asked to leave aprons at Allen's Drug Store before that elate and to mark the cost price on oath one, The result of the ;personal canvas of the rongregatlan, instead of the fowl supper was very grati- fying, over $200, being handed in at this meeting. Church Notes The ecu vices hu Melville Presby- terian Church last Sunday were conducted by Itev, H. Lindsay Shea, r'cn or Valleyg,.s,r, Qreb,'». 1. morning snrvico. fit spoke no tile : 23rd Psalm and In the evening r * his text was Hebrew 12:22-34. But y': are come auto mount Sion and unto the City of the living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an in- numerable company of angels to tate general assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven and to God the Judge of all. and to the spirits of just men made perfect, and to Jesus. Services in the United Church were conducted in the morning by Rev. .1, S. MacKay, D,D., missionary from China. The minister, Rev, H. J. Mahoney conducted the evening service, the topic being "Hsllow e'en." Anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Nov. 7 The morning service will be conducted by the minister, Rev, H. 3. Mahoney and in the evening Rev, Dr. D. A, Cowan, B.A., of Port Elgin, will cou. the service. Services in St. John's Anglican church were conducted by the rec- tor, Rev. John Graham who t'aok for his morning text "Attachments" —Cor 12-20, and in the evening, "True Worship," John 4-04. News of of B. C. S. On Friday everting of last week a Hallowe'en party was held hi the school. As this was a masquerade a large number of students were in costume, Others who attended the Darty were the members of the sclmol board and their wives and the teachers of the Public School. The first part of the evening was spent ill games and contests under the direction of the teacbing staff of le C. 5, At the conclusion of these a lunch was served followed by a short period of dancing. The music was supplied by the newly formed 13. C. S. oro•ltesira which gave a very creditable performance. Football is still very much in evi- dence e at B. C. OnFriday • tido, ,f.ei_ uoon the return match was played in Ltstowei where Listowel High School 'wan by a score of 2 to 0, Title evened up the series between the two teams, Under the old rules to the event of tie Listowel would have stili held the cup. Those rules however have been changed awl, the holder of the cup must now defeat the challenger, Another series of two gashes was therefore arranged. The first game of this series took Place in Listowel on. Tuesday the local team losing by a score of 2 to 1. The return match is scheduled for this Friday afternon. An executive meeting of the 041- erary Society was held Monday at which it was decided to hold the iir:sst Literary meeting on the after - 11000 of Wednesday, November 160. j A life-long resident of Morrls, ellen Jane Munn, aged 73, died. Sat- urday morning at hal home after tt long illness, ST, GEORGE'S CHURCH GUILD Will Hold Their ANNUAL BAZAAR At D, Johnston's House, Walton FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6th All kinds of Fancy Work Consisting of Aprons, Towels, Etc. Also Horne -made Baking Supped Served from 4 to 7 p.m, ADULTS 25o GHiLDREN 15c Mrs. F. Snarlet, Pres, Guild Mrs. W, Humphries, Pres. W, A, Mrs, B, Anderson, See. Treas. ltev, J. 'Graham, Rentor, Born ht Arthur she was t'Le 4 daughter of the late .7 rases ',and Isabel Munn, She was married to John Little 10 1886, who predeceased her six ,months ago. She is sunny : ed by three sons and three daugh Iters: William; Frank; John; Mae. C(Mrs' James); Anne, (:Mrs, Thynne) and Marguerite (Mrs. Crawf': ttij. i She wins a member of the Aneltcan I Church and her .pastor Rev, Graham ' had charge of the service, w-lticlt was held Monday afternoon to the 1 family plot, Brussels cemetery. 'rhe pallbearers were William and !Frank Little, Rae Crawford, Albert James, Dan •Manus and Morris Leitch, Mrs, James Straehan Following a short illness of 'h'ee weeks, airs. Jessie Strachan said farewell to the concerns of earth and passed peaeefelly away to her reward on Sabbath morning, Oct. t't at the hcme of her tau its ..Ira, N. Cardiff in her 01st year, her laiden name was Jessie 'McVicar and was born in North York, Maple Vaughan township, daughter of James McVicar and Isobel Malloy. After the death of the mother, the father and family came to the Queens Bush and settled on a fa'm near Molesworth where she grew to womanhood and married the late James Strachan and came to live on the 3rd con., Grey. The subject' of this notice was a most kindly and much beloved woman, had a wide circle of friends who will hold Ler in kindly memory, She was a read er of good literature and always kept herself abreast of the times• and could discuss the leading events of the day, Her Bible also was her daily companion and she was a life- long member of her beloved Presby- terian church which is based on the great divine truths, The funeral was held Wednesday, Oct, 27 from her old home, the home of' her sun Dougall Strachan which was largely attended by friends. The eervic•e was taken by Rev. Williams of Craabrook who spoke fitting wc_•de of the deceased. Those who are left to mourn thine loss are Mrs. Peter S. McEwen, Bluevale; Mrs. Youmans, bet" ?it; Mrs, N. Cardiff and Mrs, Lamont, Grey; Dougall, on the homestead and Dr. James, Fort William who was unavoidably not able to be pres- ent and nue grandson James Those who attended from a distance were. Mts. G. McDonald and Mrs. Lawson, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs., Bauberry and lir, and Mrs. Cooper, Mit. Elgin; Mr. and Ales, Calder, Carthage, Mrs. Montgomery, Win throe; Mrs. Simpson and Thos, Mc- Donald, Motesworth and Peter Deig, Fordwich, Beautiful pillows were given by the family and nieces and frl.ends from Fort William, the pallbearers were Robt. T„ John and Crawford Strachan, Chas, Simpson, Wni. Moses and Alex, Yuill, Interment took place in the family plot, Brus- sels cemetery, GREY Y The annual 'Christmas' concert of Union United church will be held on the evening of Dec. 13th in Ile church, Mr, Oliver Smith who is at pres- ent at the home of his son, Will. Smith, 6011 eon., is not feeling up t1, concert pitch but old neighbors hope to 'hear that he is much 'improved in health, Williford Nichol and Leonard La- mont have taken a trip to the North in Prospect of work, Leaving for Suclbua'y Saturday morning. Percy Tyreman who is' not feeling in the best of health has taken a trip to 'California. Miss M. Livingstone, Mrs. Bessie 'Wheeler and .Miss Ruth, Detroit were week -end visaitors at the home of Alex Yui1L, Mrs', Youmans who spent the peal couple of weeks here, returned ]tome with them. Archie ancl'Mrs, Griffith, 3rd eon.. who hent a sale last week have par• chased a fruit farm at Vineland and expect with their family to move there shortly, Killed en Action In Spain Roy McQuarrie Makes Supreme Sae. rlflce While Fighting With Spanish Loyalists Word was received here this week: t7ttat. Roy McQuartie had been ail. cally repotted Its 411001 in action on July 17th hien while fighting with the Lnyriiet army in Spain, Tin young man was the only son of Roy W..McQualrie, Who is well. known here, having spent his bays hood days at Cranbrook with lila grandpe-,.nts, Mr, and Mrs, Donald McQnatrie, He grew t0 manhood do Detroit and at the :time of his ee- l4simen: last February be was' a student in attendance at Wayne tll:ivereity, Shortly after his arrival at the re- eruinng base in Albacete, Spain, l: ty bad been detailed to ofMears' Staining school and upon his groat!. mien was placed in eommaud of a section of the Tom Mooney Battal- ion of the International Brigade, The report stated that as a non-commis- sioned officer, he was killed when Itis, outfit, which he was leading in 11teek un V 11a tea'the de Puddle, was battlb'c(1 by a )k.t Cr inaurge'ltt planes, The deceased young man was a secured cousin of Almer MoQuat'rie, Oth conces'ison, Grey Township, and of Mrs. R, Warwick. Brussels. By reason of his iucluatry and studious heb)ts, his future was full of mush promise. His untimely death at the early age of 20 gears is deeply re, gretted, School Teacher Winner of Auto Fun galore featured the annual Hallowe'en frolic of the Seaforth Lions C1ub held last Friday even- ing, Starting with a parade with the baud leading a boisterous throng of kiddies dressed in every eonceiv- able outfit and ending with. a well attended dance in the Odd Fellows Hall, It was the most successful event of its hind held by the club. Throngs jammed into the rink until it looked as though no more could possibly get standing roost. Geese, ducks, chickens and other Prizes were on display in every booth in the, rink: The holiday mood was taken u11 by the crowd as eel- denced by the happy faces, Every- one had a jolly tinny and the club reportetl a good surplus. The children's events were again well filled and the judges were hard pressed to pick the winners. A space was roped off for the races and contests and . much Bantering and laughter took place as the con- testants look their ;places dressed in costumes ranging from gypsles to blackened comedians, Archie Hoggartlt of Croiparty, Young school teacher of R. R. No. 2 Mlciniliop won the Ford V8 sedan. Winners of other prizes were: wal- nut bookcase; George Hall, Dutton; bridge ri g0 9 et (; Pi S lis, Seaford.; walnut table, 0, Eby, Kitchener; Kenwood blen3et, Flora Webster, Lucknok; silver lamp, W. G. Medd, Exeter; tea set, H. 0. Walker, Brus- sels; coffee maker, W. Kellar, Strat- ford; sandwich toaster, Joan Hawk- ins, Seaforth; clock, Mrs. Ohas. Williams, R .R. 2, Dublin; walnut ehest, J, 1+'owler, Kitchener; girls' costume, M. Chesney, 3, Habkirk, boys' costume, D, 'Muir, G. Baker; girls' character, L. Habkirk, M, Dos- well; J. O'Dell; girls' character over 10, D. Smith, J. Swan, D, Gallop; girls' comic, E, Gallop, Pauline Matthews, Marie Hicknell; .girls' comic over 10, Betty Matthews, M, O'Reilly; boys' chaaacter, D. Munn, R. Savauge, W. Munn; boys' ebarace iter over 10, H. Hogg; boys' race, A. Henderson, Cliff Ross, Bruce Mc- Lean, Remembrance Day Service At the 5t. John's Anglican Church THURSDAY, NOV. 11th at 10.60 a.m. All Veterans and School children to meet at the school house at 10.30 EVERYBODY WELCOME ?t0 ATTEND THIS SERVICE