HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-27, Page 4THE BRUSSELS DOST
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Miss hkuned Williams and M;44
Alice I nrre::t attended the te,ten,ee
couv i tlJn n c•' Friday.
0 1, I� uforllt on 11 i y,
A flambe), of farmer4 ht thl, e%,tzl•
munity are trying to take up a few
Waterer between rale showers,
A Miscellaneous :hotter :u h n,our
of Miss Tl10 lI1 lemod ill le.. •
l,rottehi lg rnatrilii. I we .4 given by
the Obeer,o 14'olhdr:s at the home
of 3i':,s Mrs 1 ;saber, Iasi reek y
'Ho- first part of ter, eeleiltg tip,
' spree Li pholier eetee-, Atter the
gui.,1 w•t-:„ .n..ated at a table y: Misr
the „teat at honour al the Mold,
the addrf:l, w111ch follows wits read
by Al;,;, Gurdiat Switz . p.esi,1e•nt ,11
the Auxilliary.
Oct. 9`), 1:!:17
Dear Thelma. -r
The members pace and present of.
the Cheerio Workers, have been in-
vlt01 here to -night not only to enicy
themselves in a ,social way bar t'•
do honour to you in your (Ppt'e 0v7.
ing marriage.
We are asking you to aeeein ui•
heat w)a11es for a happy weld' ,J
Iide together: w ll these littb, gifts
small in themselves but mighty i(t 0
number and after all, Its fhe ;elle
things' that count,"
Little drops of wafter, little grains
of sand,
Makes the mighty ocean and
.Promised land.
Little deeds of kindness little weeds
of love,
Slake our life an Eden, like 'h„
heaven above
L!i:ie treys oC p.4n.:4 , o' -,tri•: 1.14
lett:e wives,
1\Iuke men I;ttie fibi,crs sill ,,....:i
So these Little P70sent, that we
'to you,
Will help you to 1111 your lithe hese',
And keep your hubby true.
Signed on Imitate of
The Cheerio \For .•
The gifts were present..(' by K
Creril Ittibiesoil and Miss (1.', t...
After unwrapping the ft , 1 ,
Ma thanked all :.,r t4 - r li t,•
gift.;. A lunf It was then . v,' 1 b;
the Los ess and Mrs, G. Switzer.
Tire Cheerio 'Workers h. -Id them
me -,ting at the home of MJs r.,, ,.i
Switzer 011 Thursday ati_•„ L.
The meeting in charge , t M - 'r
linethrr 011.19..(1 t,:tit repeat:0_ ,i,•'
Lord's Prayer Iyer in unison. Tim scrip.
ture leesen was taken by Mrs (,
Kernaghan, The loll call ans;r,- ,••i
with n verse of t'; tura :end tit'
cement eteems were read by, ?tr..
(7. P„b 1 ,n. Mrs. J,
D.)10,11y All reit
story was read 113 Sl' -. A. Cott—,el,.1.
A reading was iver. by Miss
Mae Fisc.lt'r. AIi,s May Ric :19.61
rears the Topic tad the mf t cl•u,
, ed by repeated the AYlze a!i 1n.t:
diction in mlis.m
Miter a loci:al hour a dainty t"t ,
was iernerd by the, hostess. T',>
Cheerio Workers ((14. invited to 'e,ld
their Novembe, meeting at tl:,
home of Mrs. Ceell Robinson,
Alex Cameronlittle son of 'MI
anti- Mrs, Calvin Cameron, is ul
Toronto undergoing treatment, hey
ing eaten lye. The extFnt of t7,.
barns (1)1) 4ea:;•-1v he known yet nu)
it is believed 114' 1-. doing very w,41.
Sev(ces in the United Church'were
held Sunday with the pastor, Rev.
R. A. ,Brook in charge, In tee
morning the text was "And Tenoc')
walked with. God and was not fox
God took him." At the even:ns
service the subject was "Drowsy
av' .
Perhaps business is
dragging for the want a;f
a helping hand, or ati little
more capital. Mon with
money and mon with
brains woad this paper.
You can reach them
Wt Adsur Classifieds.
Worshipper." At the Sunday 5,1.,,)14
1419 .,ion an instrumental trio was
&veer 11y JOnnie S m Glen K -
ch -111e and Barrie 1leldroy.
Myth 'r t �
United 14(1 (hurcll took the
service on the radio. Itev. 51e
Brook conducted the :service w • 1
A E. Cook, choir leader 01111
1st, at the piano, Jetta 31tCa'hllo
and -Helen Shaw provided a .,pedal
Hr.ward J,'.'1I!-, 1 -I -„tier.
Loudon, at dm 1'ormet'” Inane it:'_,.,
Mr. a1111 AD's. L', 4(1 'I'ct,tl'•1' ..
tun, with Air. x114 Mrs, Ilu11t,
luau; Air., (1111.1 .<G: 1.o;:10' Heber.
31t'k, Rvht, \\'%hoes;. In termitetl.
Mean, Wm, Bryant 110(0)40,'7 a r
operation in 1'=,2.7)10 Hospital.
11,111 for geilt ,47 n, 11. ,
,1 t,, Lotitieu by 1.41. l 191;;Tar -
F:d. fart-wri iu.
Dr, 17. C \tilf,:rl recently tr tee -
' --
d !t bele will attend a coli .
of .4Il)'ge0119 in Chicago all 1.' '47
(i 'rdon Augustin and ram
'hate moved from their farm in r2,--
\\ wanosli to the Mels:,llar It 111(1• .
A drematie 0,:entra!3• from
war) p..es -'lied 0 comedy Pitt?" tit
Men o al Hall en .Pilday
tinder 1)th ausireest I lyes
inanity rink. A g'.,uri attendance ,ra
present and the p'-ity vc:rclr (''4
wf11 pre: el I I was U',Uc'h '.4.11'.'
I3 st'e'm togs :crest 1.011 .i:.-:,
11-42a,sistml. M r ion Mason (Od 1 ..
11(01uu1'p (',0),11,7)t.ag ,('. w.1_, .4
Rafter .Leet by AI , J ! u .u,,!
1 ne Mct'allem.
afe,recteet , ,t I .lir I, .
1A; I.., 7411't i, uu: ri4 ..
day. (1c;_ 34111 tc!_ ., ,z1
for the i'1,i 1 q', ., _ ...
fh nieeting
111)20037 _.l()),, o "'tad
I T: 1.19:6
in. v' 111,
1..taots w.. 1:: u . 1::. I2,-1:'-4
11:1 11 Mrs.
\ C•.
111 Irl ,1 F 1:
uh h tel.., .ti 1 „ ,10 rlt to b• ae•ra 1 01
11e(,avie :cavet ! 7 '' :''Hitt v.,. :atnot rer t,t ,ie,
,lp r 1 L 1 tit .1 .I 1 14 Ill tail... para 'npb3
1 1 J
7],11 a layman be.
r_ anti ttd - t ! , , v: 1. v-. 1'"
sigh. ]F -' I, u t 14'. :aid oft n ,u,l
,1101 r1 :I,, .144 .. a ,
•. ,. .. 1 Ir~' : I I '..1rat w•..u.[1)'
1:,11 if n!d tv •h, to a•1 welt oar•
le Ila ,.a \: :I ;,t,.
l'1 mitt' L:. repeat.
Ir .. what said:
y„if "11/C'0,” a- the 62'141siut.
r,i :o •, ,' rein P(: iliptly. 10-
1 '.... ,
11 1e r: Itl'i"1 •!,n1 I13.4,11e0I ';
144 4111-I to tht. p:• -,l stria+,
1areice 01 Knox Presbyterial,
101)1(11 rot S uu1•vy Morning was 1%11.4
(140011 by tire ,easter, Itev, .3, It.
C rely, wilt) cu111:11ued (1)14 sures of
st:tnt'uili (111 "Lova:' takiui, his feet
Irout Cal. 7: 13-7--"1314 areth a )
1hhigs, t ilev41411 all things; lfoptel
la 211iui; lsudureth all tl.rig.4."
lt'v, ,71r. 11r,yle •of 1313111 tv111 et
e01:y 110 L111)r1 nt.0 drtbbatll ).s
Itt Alr. tenet.; will pr":al'11 1+13:11•
t ".1'y - r r v3 c s at Illyth
(t1.'v 1,,1 I1-tz")), 12.1., •;1: Lo:.titor.
('i;?"" 5 'li((1 the tmetrl0 T.'.. 14)'4'1-
;n' " r."(1,71 41_41_7*>1, bad charge of tee
reee:ter,ill entev0le turd Lben.'re:r
nee) eitereeert oil Stuelt,y,
V ?114'-. 1', H, t'• 1pes, Lis.
tow•., eraii1..r :not her, Mts. (limo,
11 4' 111 tit p.,•:'.rnt 1,1,.44
1),ogaliy token, [Layton, with Ler
1710'h.,7, tars. Alive Aitken;:1.1t.and
til C u e ,'.,n high's uud Jackie
ter. \recon, 1Y.•1 le J. I'a.eenr-r
teed 17 ..0 Ann. 11740191, will'
friends. 71Y, and Mrs. George (20211-
a. 1 .r 1 .014101) and Detroit; ells*,
Nulty G 1)7(11 and 1I!so Watson, Tt,.
erne, well Miss Duff.
7at.e:ry Group of the
Lott _,.d of Klotz Presbyte'4ac
c"17.7 •) 10e piny "The Ptel.
Ieefel et re1u1c1' 'in the Foreseer'e
Hee en Feeley seeming. The play
'' !in tee home of Mr, 1.1111
AI . I: , . t l rtes• 1 in Chicago, lir
( 1 1 ht-:, Elizabeth, from
\110.1art the OUtst 1 Id(la$•
r.l t• .1, E. (,rig gave e
• of !It,' play and i3"7.
ri'.:U•a!Qa:9. Tltpse wild
r,. Air's, Fttynl:>,1,1 Fa
1i1, oat, h1':olby ter .ea.
l-'1-) M .T:tvi+a,
l , ...r,.e F,+x1;,1•
•.:I1:11. -lie, \\'111 2.1t 113-.•
a J alt Sic'i av-
nrl Jack 'tr
. ,., 4 i1 "4. 11 S 1I,'
ading from he
lief' 17119, The 1(111);•
i l the du•:ap
I ,i ..
_ - a , 1,
111:. i.
Se Your Doctor
' r-' , r ,- a doctor,
AD, t a 1."I1,:' I,... .I,
l''1 _ front 'I , r .v
11 * -rd ,, ,. , i .
' "t
"119117 r1.. 13.' u. t ,
1.o11.1.11,.4.4.4('1, n ,. IF 1':F•1.. tit
ilir i t, '.el
is \\ . ,n tytit. lI 1, ',tot,:
12.1 M.. I
iy(•r pr .1 !: 1 71 711101;l,
1111,,'.- (1,7 1• .
1p.<rtfi.n't hD V"(1t.'m w:'0
ea(• \Ir. ,,7:11 M' F. D. I(utie-. -
1Y1's 3, I'.ii', a k P P:.arklil7l '71.011!
with Mr. '11111 1,r. Ii, 0, I;;r„b,
The 'lir u t I 't rt ti) 1r4 'I
0171Flt m(113. Ti.-
siert Lane 111 14,1 r= 14• at
ars.) Mire( M', Ther; war! 1,i ! I
was the 71;1'.7
111s4 Mary E,terett o' 0; tete re.
11 ilk.. its visiting with .-'1a1(1'. i
here: 31', an'l Mrs .T'l;-- p1 i (''1)711•
spen1 the week. en(1 in Tnrenl a
The \'amenia M1441,m,ry Soe.,,•w
met an October 13te vvlte Elly.1
Shaw presiding. Following the de-
votional exercises it way agreed 1%
hold the Thankoffc-,la0 meeting on
Oct, 20, at 2.10 when Slee ,':neve
will be (he guest ;speaker, '2) 01vi-
t0-l),n will be extended to Moncrief
A1lxiliary, Berlrl ing and elnt!1i1(19
are asked for in the bale, bliss
Stimpson and Mrs, Mcitotial1) report.
tel the Sectione1 sleeting held et
Ilcucelie-'ltl The new 41(1(ly }reek.
''.'< new church fuses a new 4',
tt ;as int'ralne,.1• Ali repeater/ tee
mina!) henc41e?)ati and the 11'. A.
met later,
1-leznters Bagged
Mail Boxes
Ilt'ns Gear, Dentoid Trembly told
Otto Sthrank, all of Bruce Towit-
t4111p, were given two yeai'9' gummed -
ell eentenee when convicted of doing
damage to P11111ic property, leech
vv115 111319(1 $35 and costs. Arc,or,li,lg I
to testimony, 111e three used rtua)
mail hexes as target() during a shoot-
ing expedition,
of :am), ,i 71,- )i , IJ .:ay is at
el, 1r !nvsite ! r. 10 a 1 ct -al'y . ,t,
feeeet .ted ieeet:.•a7. (usability.”
\\ e iii: I p of mnde•1ti sriea•i.
1)114.71)' tit, with a rand of 1,4
and surgleal
ani, •:,met of even by
011 1, endfi(7h t', 3•••111• rl:,rtnr crit;
PREVENT dirt:, that were (.:,re
sebig".,'1l t., 0. th.
of ?winkin,) lir can (1,1(17 d 11,3
t'''.u, h vein (;t.'e unqualifiedly label-
er) 1(171,1',''
F a he e In d0 these things
1111, tear r( ,p(:lat,cn To 0011
14: lip y" t nun t, SEEK it, The
Is fie ko.*1V, you. the More 11e
rate d', 2' 1' vain, That is why it is
41/m11401,d and 400470(111 10 watt
until au emergence' eDIll1Wlo 701 t.,
e(. !11191, 1114 41107 1e111111 e7201fli11a'
lions are (l() costly. they ale e,'1,-
n0mical, They reveal --til the tee,
Haan who can help you the we.tk
spot in your health armor vt•hech
neral strenetheuieg See your doc-
tor before he' hos 140 vee you,•,
Self diagnosis and self medleet4,n
ga1111,0e with health and maybe
with life. When our watch lieeee
attention re, our car or our furnace
the 11111 in (41t111ed lnac•hnt1ics to oat*
ervice. So telly 1ritle will' our
,011 tt.wt possession the
briny P'or't(1110-te f loan
indeed is the elan
who has 0 family physician whom 7'
trusts and 1., whom he aced his :arm
(Iy may go regularly to 14.•19) %true
1)7771 ('1,ntllei on 11,40 (f1 111), 014111;
12:et /III .7.71 p,•'r'tl'•v14 ni' (11) ])10.4,3;lust.
-- ;101d Insal,11.
THEBETTE-I-1 T .4.4.4_.4
'I',7 1'. b,•uiae,7 ,111 ab',at- 7(1 1111'•
!Iv 14 tvi-"' twhn filets it;
Titre's tie/Mere, that can't ler helired
Lets puss It by, don't mind it!
Lioness:"George, 1 am sur t I
Haiti .t mouse, squ•1ak, vva.k+,
Lion (very sleepy): "What do you
.00111. Mlle to (107 (let up and oil It.?"
• !'owlck Council
Gerrie, Qeteber 20t11, 1937
Council met 10 the 'Township
Hall according to adjournment,
members were all 1, es011t, tee
Reeve, J. A, 13ryans, presiding.
Minutes of last regular meeting
were read and on motion of Tone:
and Baker were adopted,
3luved by Loyd' and 'Salter t
Arne ncintellt to I 1 -law 1\0. 6 of t1
year 1721 as read the third time i
letally Passed. - C'urried,
%load by Weir and Baker that
sale be ,; urelme'ed for the prrs,•I'f
11,11 of the Township hoops all
papers in the Trea,turtres
and that the Iteeve, J. A, L3ryunr I
authorized to 117)1 an order for (11
.1011119, --Carried,
Mooed ley Well and Toner 111:
Amendment to L+-1.:10 Ne, d of lie
year' 1922 Amending liydaw of Jai
1st, 19$0, as read this third ulna b
nuttily )10s,,t11. —Carried,
Moved by Baker and Lovell (h'
the following bills le, paid.
J, A. Iiryan:-', 'ervlcex a -
Selector of 31 ram . $ id)
Milton Leonard Services as
Selector of Jmots
Isaac (Rouble, Serviced its
Selector of Jurors
Isaac Gamble, part salary
as clerk
Treas. Co, Huron Hospital
expenses for U. Weiler
and Pearl Holies
W. A. 'McKibben, 13,1.,
Medical cerc es for T,
Ellie In Wln>.ham hospital 8.2
D. N. Whitley., 11,1)„ eerv'ices
for I. Watson and Mrs, H.
Douglas 21.75
:�orclan Wade, premiumou -
Insurance on Clerk's office
'and on 13onds for Tieas,
and Collector;
Mnuieipal World, Supelies
for C'lerk's Ureter
Augn"t Wilkie, Sh,:ep killed
111' injured by (leg' 3Leo
A. C, Hlttchin,son, Affidavits 50
W. se
, It. Fraser, SLIT„ Taking.Ridley (•hilt to London
and Gordon Deb: to
Palmer: ton Ii( petals
1\', It. Fraser, M11 (p('niti11)
and after care el ells.
Reg, 110111)4
Httt'on Plowman's Aseee,
Grunt ?2.0,19
E. E, D• any, Postage uud
I:xci 12.110
T. A. R bt:ls, Printing Pro.
)'rams to be charged to
\-teles any' ower. 4,13
John Hyntiman, Taking Har -
pet' 1(1r) to S!'aforth
Stilton Haste.. Sheep killed
or ;1310») by dogs 33.(7,10
, H, 1(011 ', work 19:1 Del,e11-
111!'(•11 p�,ymelil1 1411/()
1tatetlle1tc Mu111cipal
Drain No, 11
of Gt', nble>, preparing
Amending B3.:a vv 1Inn.
Dail' u 1 1;,50
. I1. Ra : Extra a serv`ce s
and 1 1141 c S(atemellt
'lank 111 Drain no, 10 1) (1
frac Gamble, pr' par;ng a -
1(1,71d'. By-law }.run,
Drain No: 10
rte -f, for month o1'
September .45.10
Road Expenditure
dual Setp, 21l'•' 4,4o
aek Greco, weeds 1,60leer Williamson, weeds ,1 00
Yanford Irwin, m0]<ing 1111 2",3:1
able 1, ,01, flit 2.1)0
-1v 11)1 ti ,rt, (111 0,0')
Xn"ll:.r, d.a4Oing and
gl'avelline, :34.75
\V, Iirelh'r, (travel 1", 115-
loy1 Jae1)ue1, Travelling 31.25
'0)'711! Hubbard, gl•ave11ing 25,05
Omit Hubbard, gravelling 31.70
Henry Krel:er. gravelling 13,25
C. Koch, trucking gravel
Norman Bast, weeds 0 ,40
('nrl Geiger, weeds 1.40
Etre Kaltman, weeds x 1,40
Isaac Kroft, weeds 10
1;, G, Denny, culvert and
spreading 7.00
J. Elliott, weeds ;,101
C, Neahle, tweeds 3.50
\\'m, Lynn, weeds •.1,1
J. fMlz, weeds 1.40
'1', Hayden, weeds 1.2(1
O. Felker, weeds 1,14()
Les. Sbu'•lnaltc'r. c'ulv'ert 4.00
It. Griffin. sod) Ai dragging 11.190
Allen Griffith, 1,(,14 1 80
It, Paulin, sods 3,70
S. Grl(l:th, gavel
Peter 1111'aan, gravel 00.00
R. F, 111.1:' u, notal Slip'f, ,,,, 77 6%
J Walken', Rep, to bridge ,.,, 2.00
3.t11:m gravel n..
3- 1
!toy V,.an
la avallittg 321,60
Burns Slew O'!, gravel.4,0.75
ll. ,lae.k,on, weave' 1172.7,
'''hos. Burk, gasoline 32.15
Clarence1.1.:n1Ing, weeds 15.011 Wr 71ilt, gravelling I,xO
Jas. (nulls, .rhovelliug 1.00
Tbe,;, Sang•ier, show -fling 6x0
Iia) wry Wright, weeds. 11;1011
41)1,1 culvert 111,50
Eldon Galbraith, weeds 2,50
,, Sohmii k, weede.
Der't VSrytie, weeds
X. Wright, woeda
Prank Wright, weeds
J, A, Howes, rep..eulver't
Wm, I1r0110r, ullderbresni )g
John 1loutgoniery, operating
power grader
Earnest King, weeds
,Vont. Hays, rep. to culvert
Wee. Underwood, rep to
John Hyndmen, culvert tile
le 'W. Bolton, garwline
Walter King, Ufld) l'brushhlg
F, 0. Edgar, labour and rile
Janus Underwood, work let
crusher 21.25
1'I. E. Denny, postage and
Eze se 12':1(1)
County 311)7an, Tat' 00 road 2 i:),tle
Moved by Toner and Lovell that
Connell fro new adjourn to meet in
the United Chine!) hail. Fordwi<'ll
ou the 241(1 day o' November or at
the cull o1' the Reeve,
Isar Gamine, Cleric
3”,tc i
Arrangemeni1 al'," under way to
load and forward, as promptly a.4
htlssi111", a car or relief supple:
from Ethel, for same place in the
Western P''avhlees,
After an operation performed 1e-
ceutly by Doctor ('olquhoun of
Ethel at Ethel for the removal 01
tonsils, leliztl1)eth Barton has had
speedy recovery for which e.Ve;7010
concerned in very grateful.
Centnleneing at the first of mixt
month Iienuy Kreuter will be en-
gaged in. teaching school, in Toron-
to locality,
Mrs, W. Ii. Love has been in a
sulcus co11d)ti1n for several !lay's,
suffering frrim bemnlorages W12 1011
have resulted in extrem& 400111<1))',.'.
It is to tie hoped, there will soon tr
a c'hattge tor the better and in da+'
00121(110' r4coveo•y,
A. E. Klieg is amain able to 7)11))'
a e7 the work n.te':-17 !t1 etratiNt•171
with his fox ('inch, having made
good recovery after an lepp•'lldicli)
)p' :-:11X.11 )/011 JI 111E f1 a few wreekn
. ul 1 r 1,tvF] hospital,
Elgin nutria ",al t. at) has been in the
(anple v 01' C, R leanhar for the pert
two v ,1.- will m u ..,e the Ben tiol
leitb-r.k tient near Ethel in the .•um-
)tig year.
Last w (c h.en1 1I'lea tit I.:ocular
hurl an enjoyable - visit with her
crinin Jean Snell of Jamestown,
Albs Edna Smith of Moncrieb t ..
ited with her sister.Mrs. (arl Antes
iu Grey Twp„ near Ethel, for a r. -..at
day,1 in the little) part of the w•:..''k
Wes, who is here from the,
West and whit will be reulem•
bean!! as 31inni (tnl•he}1 a 7).t,.r
(1' t11r• late Ivy (l.nt,bril a•..1 rile
;most of C. P. and Airs. H•,o1 '•1
over Sunday. Airs. W(y will be (3'.
ing )o 1IV' East for an i1111'.I1 r,.
The frequent m1 ,w'falls of the
pant fete days made anlo drlvinct a
regi hazard. c'vn'yolle who avoided
mishap considered thentselv'es fere
The et)-tcr)ne(J parr: y weather is
making it *law and Written) for
farmers and others. to c0mei to
work nee, et 7 r to he (lade before
winter sets in.
The V .P. A. of Ethel United
church met. In the school rooms of
the church :Monday night in their
on't Forget the
raw Auction S le
�f "Riverside Vilia"
Commencing at 2 o'ek ck
The walls and aeti lar•°,ns are
bLffat of 3 : eh planks piled one
on top of each other, so the
mainbLsfcsngi3waren andeom-
forta.bAe, a good furnac, . A sink
and pump in Kitchen.
c� t�
i rs. ,{6-H. Kerr
F. W. Kemp
regular weekly se4sion. After a
period of irregular R<t harrinos,
Friday night of thee week, F:1i'1
\i'. I. w:;l give; their annual entr t-
tei7a"lent for the families of 11;1•
members of this branch of the, or-
ganization. To be 11e111 in Grey
Twp, Ball at 1,15 p,nt,
During the past week several c„:
I...d, of cattle have arrive.] et
Ethel 1', *:, It ation from Tor,•n'o
\V•h1 c1) Have been disposed of
ply 10ca1 rr11111eaneats for feel"
Het prices vt"'re lower f.1 tf.e
tceek•rtul 1113)1nenl, 13n1
thecae euneli11ons a liege Ile:n, (•r
I were marketed at lethel.
The Young Penple's Union of (7,
1'a c 1 t ), :r:'h met in h .,
roc n 014 th" cluirch r..t \Foto
night w..)1 the 131.44071luy C.01:,)?'•
tee in . Here and Mr, ( artac'o ,.111'
the Cenvener in the chair, 1",(
Lesson was read try Mere. Wht = t• ,
and the Prayer taken by 1Ir, Car:
Proctor. The Tinge Material wa'.
me:tented by 'h Leslie V!ncellt
wan 11111 fie thP 1),107+ for the (Beer,
11 - -
*11,11 period afterward. The nem.
111.10111p roil was revised and vieerre:
groups 1'-nx,delled. The 11011V,
1110111 111.1,11th Slands between 10 an,l
et) The regular meeting for this
week is withdrawn and in pliers.. of
1t a Hallowe'en Party will be ledil
on Wednesday night and the Play
presented tinder 111e ansplces of the
1\ m. 141;
e v,en in',.
Association on Friday
et• elaare-raarn ,•,w,.•: yFffidLanmN4=m,S10
over the air !
A line timepiece ..
with an accurale,l5.3ewol
Westfield movement]
Smartly deaigned.,.beau-
lifully engraved)
M. H. Brothers
Canadian Pacific Has Newest In Locomotives
Power, speed, an attractive semi -
streamlined appearance, and
the ability to 11au1 heavy trans-
continental a
o than
miles wi 1)
t outh n•
c n Ise of engine
are the outstanding features 01 30
new 4-6.4 locomotives, numbering
from 2820 to 2849, recently
brought otic by the Canadian Pa-
cific Railway.
H. 13. Bowen, chief of Motive
Power and Rolling Stock, Cana-
dian Paciflo Railway, has 0m'
bodied in the design of the loco-
motives the popular send -stream-
lined appearance which he first
developed in the 3000 class Jubilee
typo engines, as we11 as many of
the other interesting details which
were developed in connection with
the Jubilee design, and which have
proven to0
b satisfactory Y
l;ven more important than the
trim appearance of the now loco-
motives, however, is their per-
formance, Five of them, equipped
with booster, each has a tractive
effort of 67,000 pounds, 'which
means that ono engine can haul
4,780 tons or a weight approxi-
mating that of 100 loaded freight
curs. As for staying 3OWer—they
will bo used on long runs such
as the 813 miles of heavy grades
and sharp curves between. Tor-
onto and Fort Wiiliam and the
832 miles between Winnipeg and
where they
Y operate
p oto
without t Chan
g0 of
engineering developments are tIn-
corpol'ated in these newest Cana-
dian locomotives, snaking them
ideal either for fast passenger or
heavy freight trains.
This new group of locomotives
together with 20 tighter locnnlo-
Cives of the 4-4-4 typo now under
construction, combined with the
power already in service will
give the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way 0110 Of the largest fleets of•
p01201.ful modern locomotives on
the North American Continent.