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P E �irSt+ .�u�,
Car is Loaded
For the West
WEDNESDAY, OCTO$ER 27th, ,1937
LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ...- Obituary
Entire :Community Helps to Fill Car
for ;the Stricken West
The people of Brussels and oom-
triunity who contributed so gener-
ously to the car of provisions' for a
stricken area of the West, can feel
the glow of warmth that comes with
the knowledge of a good deed well
done, for the ear that started on i.s
Westward journey to Eatouia, Sask.,
on Thnraday lest was full to the
top with. a variety of the things ap.
pealed for, vegetnbtee, apples, Pota-
toes, groceries, canned goods, ate„
which will help to provide food for
those in need at the point to which
the car was shipped.
Not only to those who contributed
provisions but also those who gave
then' time and energy belongs
thanks, On Wednesday last those
who helped, as far as we were able
to ascertain, were, trucks: D A
Rann, L. Russel, J. Rutledge, lire
H. Bowler and W. Rose, assisted Ly
R, J. Hoover, Walter Sharpe end
Rev, H, Mahoney, collected .the
donations and the car was loaded by
Jame., Fulton, Davol Cann:eel:am
and Jobu Simmons,
enjoy dancing to the music of
Florence Sauer S. ,Her Orchestra
The re -surfaced goof makes your
dancing a pleasure
Dancing 9.30-2 Admission 35s
Tuesday, Nov. 9th
Supper Served from 5.30 to 8 p.m.
followed by
Continuous Program from 7 to 8
In the Church Auditorium
Rev, W, B. Craw—Reader
Mr; 'Charles Halt—Bass Soloist
Mrs. Gladys `Gray A.L,C.M.—pianist
Adults 40c Children 25c
Famous Florida
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, November 12
Most Versatile Group In America
Maurice Cooper—Tenor, Manager
Orita Wilson—Soprano
Vivian Morrison—Contralto
Arthur Crittenden—Pianist
Joseph Miles—Baritone
Arthur Logan—Basso
ADMISSION—Adults 25c
Children 15e
Under the Auspices of the Band
Fred MacMurray Frances Farmer
and .Charlie Ruggles
shows what happens when thugs try
to strongarm ,a newspaper
Mon„ Tues„ Wed., Nov. 1-2-3
Bobby Breen Marlon Claire
I n—
Make A Wish
See the biggest little singing star
the world has ever known
—Bobby Breen
Thurs,, Fri., Sat. Nov. 4-5-6
Dick Powell Doris Watson
The ,Singing Marine
Hugh Herbert Jane Darwell
A ,Musical Romance
Life of Emile Zola
Matinees—Sat, and holidays
at 3 p.m,
yi tai
yes en a�
Seaforth Man
Mrs, Jessie Strachan
Heads Teachers
►4ear644� r
9YIr, and Mre, D. Glassier, Airs, W, Hits BuggyI,
Baker and Messrs' Dave Miller and
Stewart GU:seter, spent Sunday with
the ladies' relatives near Guelph,
Mee, W, Herr and Mies II?ll-a Herr,
Reg, N,, spoilt last Thursday with
Clinton /Mende,
Mrs, Hallenbeck returned to her
home in Stratford, after a pleatant
visit with her daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Davidson, and fatally
atter a months stay in Br'uss'els,
Mr. Andrew Tenant has been re-
moved to Mrs, Florence Russell's
home where nurse Margaret itnseeil
is nursing him.
We are sorry to report the vete'
serious illness of Mrs, Joseph Whit-
field at present in her own home,
corner of John and Church streets,
Misses Kay of Dundas returned
to their home last week calling on
friends iu Woodstock and Paris en.
Mr. Garniee and family are nicely
settled iu their new home, Turn -
berry et„ we welcome them to our
part of the town,
Mrs. Ida Lowry visited her sister
1n Windsor, called on old friends in
Rev. Mr. Mahoney is improving
we are glad to report
Rev, H. _Mahoney leas been cortin -
ed to his bed suffering from a
severe cold,
Mrs. John Tait, Bethel, Kansas,
who will be well remembered by
many of the older residents having
lived here for a number of years,
Passed away recently in her 38t1r
Mrs. N. P. Gerry attended the
funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Watkins,
of Toronto, on Monday The late
bins• Watkins was well known by
many here having visited in
Brussels a number of times,
Mr. L. W, Ehkmier attended the
Retail Merchants. banquet held in
the Hotel London on Monday night
One of the handsome new Chev-
rolet cars is being displayed by 0,
Whitfield at ChamPlon's garage. It
i5 a 1938 streamlined model in grey
with red trinrntings. Have you had
a lok at it yet? It is well worth
Last Monday George \fanning
brought to this office a roll of bills
he had picked up on the street in
front of Allen's drug store, A half
hour later the owner Alex Shaw,
R.R. 2, Brussels, called and claimed
his property which thanks to the
honesty of Mr, Manning was re-
stores to him.
Moving Pictures
Coronation in Color
Under Auspices of East Group
of the United Church
Brussels Town Hall
Tuesday, Nov. 2nd
Doors Open at 7.30 p.m.
Entertainment at 8 p.m.
ADMISSION — ,— — — Adults 250
Children under 12 years, 15c
Services will be conducted on
by the
Valleyfield, Que.
Services 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.
All the members and adherents are
asked to make special efforts
to attend
11 a.m.—Rev, J. S. MacKay, D,D,
Missionary From China
3 p.m.—Sunday School,
7 pm.—"Hallowe'en" Topic by the
Monday, Nov, 1st, 7.45--.Re0loial
Training School
a,m,—Rev, H. J. Mahoney
7.30 p,m,—Rev, D, A, Cowan,
B.A., B.D. of Port Elgin
Accident Occurred In Heavy Snow Change at Telephone
Storm Saturday Night ; Switchboard
ROSS RENNIE DRIVER' Miss Freda Pollard has been ap•
, pointed es the new operator and
Colelglate Student Failed To See Miss Mice Pope as' relief operator
Vehicle On Road , at the Brussels, Morris and Grey
Telephone Company.
Joseph Murphy, 46, well-known ' It the people would kindly give
lamer 01 Aiiclfillpp Township, was
the telephone numlber rather than
instantly killed about 9 o'clock Sat- the 'Partys name 1t would he of
urday night when the buggy in g1eat assistance to the operators,
which be was driving was streak It would also give the subscribers
front behind by a ear driven by Rosas much better service,
Rennie, 20, local Collegiate Insti-
tute student, Tire accident occulted
Paralysis ,Sufferer
on Nu, S Highway about two miles ; Improving
East of Seaforth, during the height Evelyn Turvey, daughter of Mr
of a severe snow storm. The horse and Mrs, Robert Turvey, 2nd of
drawing the buggy was so badly ; Morris, who has been in London
injured that It had to he destroyed, undergoing treatment after suffering
The car was not badly damage.l, "infantile paralysis'' is reported as
Mr. Hurray was' on his way to doing well. Tite splints have been
Seaforth, travelling west and the removed from her arms and legs
Rennie car was going in the aame and she ite expected to be able to
direction. The buggy carried a conte home next week. Her case
light over vvltioh was a red hand- was the only one of the kind Ieport-
kerchief, Due to the density of the ed in this district during the :pt-
retorgn Rennie apparently slid not denric,
see the buggy, and no brake. were
aPPlied, the buggy receiving the —.ex—
full force of the impact, Red Band Content
George Thompson, Rensall, trav- j Miss May Armstrong eves the
siting East, heard the crash and ; lucky winner of the "Hite Glow"
brought itis' oar to a stop. Murphy ! eleotric lamp in the candle burning
was lying on the pavement, close ' contest conducted by Louis Russel,
to the centre line. The horse was of the "Red Band" store. :Airs, T.
on the shoulder of the road and Keifer, Grey, was second, winning
the wreckage of the buggy partly 50 lbs of "Made Rite" pastry flour.
under the car. Renile, driver of the The length of time it took the
car which struck the buggy hasten- candle to burn was 4 hours and 43yt•
ed to the farm 'home of John Nolan minutes; the candle being about
from where he telephoned a doctor 12 inches' in length. A great, variety
and the police. Helmer Snell, of guesses was registered ranging
ohief of ,police of Seaforth and Dr,
E. A. McMaster were quickly on the
scene, but nothing could be done for
the unfortunate victim.
,Native of Seaforth
Mr. Murphy was a native of Mc.
Hiller) where he was' a successful Friday evening, October 22nd at
farmer, He was unmarried and re- the home of Mary Helen Eckmier,
sided with, his mother, Mrs Frank The meeting was opened by the
Murphy. :He had three brothers, usual 'theme song followed by the
John, Georgetown; James, Chicago 'Secretary's and Treasurer's report.
and Frank, California. Mr. Rennie, Margaret Gibson then favoured the
driver of the car, is a son of :Milne' girls with a plana s01o.
Rennie, of 'Seaforth, The new officers elected for the
coarsing year were:
Leader—Miss Calder
Assistant Leader—Miss Lowry
Frank Taylor President—Jean Scott
e Secretary—Gladys Davidson
Over $7;r Q�, Treasurer -'Margaret Gibson
Pianist—Elizabeth Baeker
Auctioneer Holds Ticket On Epi• Convener of Program Committee—
gram, Favourite In Wednes- liars H, Eckmier
Assistants—Frances' Burchell
Janet King
Convenor of Genie Committee—
Dorothy Armstrong
Assistants—Mary Fox
Mona Miller
This was followed by a piano nolo
by Dorothy Armstrong, z
The remaining part of the evening
hwas spent ,playing games and work'
fug at a quilt, After which a Milch
dainty was theu served by the
anywhere from 20 minutes to 3
Melville Campfire ,Girls
The Melville. Campfire Girls met
Stands to Win
day's Cesarewitch
Mrs, Taylor Has No Idea How
,Money Will Be Spent If
They Win
Frank Taylor, Exeter auctioneer,
well-known in Huron County, ;old
a half share in his sweepstakes
ticket on Epigram, the favourite to
win tate Ceearewitch on Wednesday,
to a New York Syndicate, represen-
tatives of which he met In Buffalo News of B. C. S.
on Monday, but the price he receiv-
ed for the half share was not made
It was previously reported tett
the syndicate had offered Mr, Tu-
tor $7,300, but just what anal price
was paid tor the half share was
not announced
Mr. Taylor la expected to arrive
home some time Monday, but a
telegram received by Mrs. Taylor
from Buffalo notified her that half a
share in the ticket i,ad been sold
to the New Yorkers,
Mr. Taylor purchased the sweep-
stakes ticket under the pseudonym
of "Gypsy" and that ticket was
drawn last week in the first of the
Irish Sweepstakes allotments, The
ticket may bring the owner a total
of $145,650, but with the half share
sold Air, Taylor will probably re-
ceive only 74,000 plus the syndi-
cate's purchase price if Epigraat Interest in football has again
leads the pack down the home
stretch in the big Cesarewitch event
At a mass meeting held Friday
J afternoon the students of 13. C, S,
organized the Literary Society for
the present term. The following
officers were elected: president,
Jack Bryans; vice-president, .AMarie
King; secretary -treasurer, Gerald
Gibson; convenors of committees.
Isobel McTavish, Mary Baeker,
Bruce Moore, Betty Beat; pianist,
Margaret Scott; assdstant-pianist,
Mary Davison; reprealntative of
Lower 'School, Jean Scott; editor of
Le Petit Journal, Jack Bates; re.
;porter, David Parker,
An executive meeting was held
Monday at which it WAS decided to
hold a Ha,llowe'en masquerade party
on Friday evening of this week in
the school,
Wins Football Game
Can't Take It
Hoye Iles a young salesman named
Who mattir'ed on one od ins trips,
A wdo.r maned Block,
Then died of the sheep
When he saw there worn six little
been aroused by one more ehalleng-
Ing for the Hough Cup, The first
i game of the series was played Tues.
day afternoon against Lk:tawel
High School, the present holders of
the trophy, the 110100 team winning
, by a score of 2 to 0. The return
1 game is :to be played in Llstowo] the
1 latter part of this week
Your reporter Is also glad to
state that a school orchestra has
been formed under the direction of
William D, Eckmler,
I 'wish to express sincere
thanks for the many kindnesses
shown by neighbours and friends
during the illness and subsequent
demise of my wife, They will be
long remembered. I particularly
wish to ,thank Mrs, H, 0. Walker
'and Rev.. Jno, 'Graham for their
goadu ess,
Ralph Connor
Moving Pictures of the
Coronation In Color Coming
Two Projectors, Loud Speayer, Am -
enter, Sound Equipment for Band
Music, Bishop of Canterbury's
Speech. King's Oath and other
sound work will be put on in the
Town Hall, on the evening of Nov,
2nd, by Mr, W. D. Robertson, ex-
pert photographer of Cairncross and
Lawrence of London, Ont., under
auspices of East Group of the Unit-
ed Church. Doors open 7.30 p.m.
Entertainment S p,nn, sharp
Adm wife— :daitc 25e; Children
under 12 years, 15e.
Church Notes
Services' iu Melville Presbyterian
'church on Sunday were conducted
by Rev, Gordon Duncan of Wark
worth, wbo took for his morning
text John 4:.24: "God is a Spirit and
they who worship Him, must wet'.
ship Hinr in Spirit and in Truth,"
An anthem was giben by the choir,
the solo part being taken by Gerald
Gibson, Both services were well at-
Service in the United church tva5
conducted by Harry Hopper in the
absence of the minister, Rev. II. J
Mahoney, through Illness,
Services in St, John's Anglican
church were conducted by the rec-
tor, Rev. John Graham, The mere
ing text was taken from Acts 10-5;
"And now send men to Joppa and
call for one Simon, whose surname
is Peter," and in the evening the
text was taken from John 3.16:
"For God so loved the world,"
United Church Y. P. S.
The Y. P, S. of Brussele United
church met on Monday night for
their regulon weekly meeting, Jaek
Bryans the Literary Convener was
3n charge of the meeting. Airs.. I,
Parker gave a reading which every-
one enjoyed. In place of a teplc
a very intereting debate was giver,
entitled "Is the World Becoming a
Better Place to Live in." :Mary
Baeker and 1Mary Davison took the
affirmative side while Betty Best
and Barbara Michie had the nega-
tive. The judges Mrrt, Wilson, :Tar,
g'aret Downing and Mrs. Parker
after thinly discussion decided that
the affirmative side was. a little
better than the negative. It WAS
decided that the Hallowe'en social
which was planned for the nese
meeting should be postponed ]e•
dtfinitely because of the Leadership
Training Groups which meet at this
church twice a week for three weeks
beginning the first of November,
Airs, Thos. Couites has gone to
stay with her daughter for the
Mr, Alvin Smith and Mr. John
Wettlaafer went to Toronto on
Saturday afternoon
Mr, and Mrs, Jim Johnston stent
Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs,
Chas, South, 2nd line.
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Turvey vvo,rt
'to London to see their daughter
who is in the hospital there we are
glad to hear she is some better.
Mr. Wnr, Parish -went to Toronto
mr Monday morning to be with. his
wife who went under au operation
on Monday we hope to hear she
will so0u be better and hone again,
Air, and Mrs. Rosi, Warwick ar111
Mies. Viola Mothers spent en atter-
noon last week with Mr. and Mrs,
Jas, Moses in Grey.
Mrs, George Thornton returned
home on Friday from Winghaur
hospital glad to hear her leg is
ge0ting better she fell and had the
bone broken a couple of weeks ago.
Mrs, Jessie 'S'traehan, widow
1 James Strachan, passed, away et
borne of her daughter, Mr's', Nets
€'ardlff, concession 7, Grey to,
the P. 5, Moffatt President of Hurd
on East Institut*
sirip oil Sunday morniug in her 01st - MEETING AT SEAFORTH
y, Unrecently Mrs, Strach
hadearenjoyedtil good health, Born
Vaughan township, near Toren
she later moved to near Moleswor
coming into this district, when
child o1 ten years with her tatbe
Jaynes McVicar,
In 1877 she married Jam
Stilleben who passed away in 1911.
She had made her home fey t
past few years with her daughter,
Mrs, Nelson Cardiff, Her family
consists of four daughters and two
sons, Airs. Pester McLwen, Bluevole
Mrs. Nelson Cardiff, Grey; Mils, A.
Youmans, Detroit; Airs, Andrew
Lamont, Grey; Dougal 0n the home-
stead, Gravel Road, north of
Brussels, and Dr. Jamee, Fort
Ilam; also one grandson, James
Youmans, Detroit and two nfec:e,,
Mrs, Jas. Banberry and Mrs Gar -
don Cooper, Mount Elgin,
The funeral service was held from
the residence of her son Dougal
Strachan, 3rd concession of Grey on
on Wednesday afternoon, October
27th. Interment was made in
Brussels Cometery.
Mrs, Ralph 'Connor,
le V. ,K, Greer 'Outlines New ,Couraes
la, of Studies
Seaforth, Oct 22.—The 94th an-
t, nual meeting of the Huron East
Teachers' Instituto was ,held here
ee today with the president, Miss
Helen Anent, of Blyth, in the chair
ht and an enrolneent of 110 teachers
Rev. Canon E, A:ppleyard con-
ducted the opening exercises, after
which Chief Inspector V. K. Greer.
of Toronto, spoke on "Tire New
Course of Study and 'How to Adjust
Themselves to It,"
The afternoon session opened
with an address by the president,
followed by remarks by Inspector
Bartley, of Clinton, and a report of
the meeting of the 0. E. A. held
in Toronto by the delegate, Miss'
Alberta Richmond, of Blyth,
Committees weer appointed and
officers for 938 elected as follows:
President, P. 13, Moffatt, Seaforth;
vice-president, Miss 11, Jamieson,
Clinton; secretary -treasurer, G,
Jefferson, Clinton; executive, Trying-
haat •Stlaff, George Wheeler and Miss
Proctor, auditors, ;Mss Myrtle
Armstrong and Luella Johnstone,
Clinton; representative to 0, E. A.,
Kenneth Ashton, Brussels; librarian,
Miss Helen Amtent, Blyth;
Tweety.mintute addresses on
eeleoted educational .topics were
given iby the following teacbety.
Winifred Lane, Luckno'w; Williasn •
Draper, Clinton; Violet Sharpe,
Auburn; S. MciSpadden, Walton;
Harry Brown, Winglam; Clarence
Grainger, Blyth, and Edna At Jamie-
son, Clinton.
A banquet was served at 6 o'clock
in North Side United Church by the
Mae Lane Auxiliary; An address
by the guest speaker, J, A. Gray, on
"Our Profession." was a feature.
.A. well Imown and respected
citizen of Brussels in the person of
Elizabeth Newsom, beloved wife of
Ralph Connor, passed away at her
home Queen street, Brussels, on
Thursday, October 21st after suffer-
ing poor health since last May,
The late Mrs, Connor, who was in
her 84th year had resided in this
locality practically all her life and
will be missed by a large circle of
friends and acquaintances.
She was born at Fullerton Corners
Perth county, on March 31st, 1851.
She lived for some years in Grey
township before coming to Brussels
to reside. She was previously
married to Mr. McGregor and mar.,
tied her now bereft partner six
Years ago on November 12th, 1801.
There remains to mourn her
death, beside her bereaved husband,
three sisters, Mrs. Alice Fishleigh
and Mrs. Jessie Shautte of Chicago
and Mrs. Stewart of New Ontario,
The funeral services were coa-
drroted from the Walker Funeral
Home on Monday, October 25th. De.
cause of the illness of her pastor,
Rev, H, Mahoney of the United
church of which the deceased was
e member, Rev, Jno, Graham of St.
John's Anglican church, officiated.
During the service Mrs. 11, 0,
Walker sang "Some Day 'We Will
Interment teak place in Brussels
cemetery. Pallbearers were, Chas,
Davidson, Jno Simmons, Jno. Crete
ar, R, Dark, W, Lowry and Al.
Among friends from a distance
were: Mrs. Blake and Mrs, Robin-
son, Toronto; Mr, Russel Herr,
Owen Sound; Mr, and Mrs. Burns
and family, Ethel.
Lovely floral tributes expressed
affection for the departed anti oym-
pathy for the bereaved and tnalud-
ed: pillow, husband; basket, Mrs.
Blake, Mrs, Robertson, Toronto;
sprays, Mr. and Mrs, Burne and
family; neighbors; L. 0 L,; and
neices and nephews, Owen Sound.
Sympathy of the The Post' and its
readers is extended to 1VIr, Connor,
Huron County
Council Meeting
The next meeting of the Iiurou
County 'Council will be held in the
Council Chambers, •Goderieh, Com
aneucing Tuesday, November 19th
1987, at 2 pm, .111 accounts, notices
of deputations, applications and ten-
ders should be in the hands of the
Clerk by Nobember 13th, 1937.
J, M, Roberts, County Clerk,
Air, and Wire. Guy and family
Sundayed with the fornter's sister,
Mr, and Mrs, Alex, Stels:, and
family, 1411) con,, Grey.
Miss Bolon. Armstrong of the 8th
line of Grey WAS a visitor with
Mends in D ayton over the week.
Salaries •Better
Goderieh, Oct. 22,—At present
there are only 10 teachers in West
Huron inspectorate receiving lose
than $600 minemtum salary as com-
pared with 35 one year ago, Inspec-
tor E, C. Beacon told a convention
of 125 West Huron teachers dnriug
closing day proceedings.
He urged delegates to strive for
a minimum oe $700 made possible
by larger grants to boards which
he said would have to raise little
to meet the request,
Teachers, he predicted, would
soon be able to pick their s(choois
for there are only 1,000 attending
Ontario Normal School compared
with 2,500 last year, Moreover
many have left the professinn,
never to return, to eater other ors
cupations, while there was a sur-
In 1936 West Huron teachers
passed 90,4 per cent. of their en.
trance, an all-time high, This Year
the percentage was 88.3. Few
criticisms, the inspector said, had
been received on the practice of
promoting pupils on the year's
The teachers dibided into
grade 'meetings to discuss the work
and problem a of their particular
classes and so sucoess1ul was the
idea that it was planned to repeat
it next year,
'Officers eleoted were: I•JOOorary
president, Miss I, Sharman, B, A.,
Goderich; president, Victor 0,
Dinuin, Zurich; vioe.president,
Stewart Beattie, Varna; councillors,
Esther McIlwain, Pauline Mol wen,
James Salkeld, alit of Goderich;
secretary -treasurer, R. Stonehouee;
librarian, W. Ii, 'Thompson, Gode-
rich; resolution committee, Dorene
Webster, Goderieh; 'Sean A, Long,
Ltuclatow; 'Charles Pearce, Exeter;
Mies Lettie Love, Hensel; Airs,
Lacy .altclreeon, Grand Bend; Wile
item 'Crago, .St. Marys; I7. C. Beacon,
Goderich; auditors, Graham Pink-
ney, Dungannon; Alden Hasty,
Goderlclt; delegate to 0,17,A„ BMW -
art Beattie, Varna,
Broder-.Bnrrgess-- ' On Tuesday,
October lith, 1907, at Toronto, TheI•
Ina Margaret ilaugluter of Mr, and
Mrs, James Burgess 01 Brussels to
Burl Broder of Tomato.