HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-20, Page 7Trust HAMCO to heat your
home adequately, safely,
economically. Produces an
abundance of steady,
healthful, easily regulated
heat. Lasts so long, too --
is light and clean to handle
— and leaves far less ash.
Y ou '11 be mighty pleased
with this dustless, smokeless,
wasteless Canadian Co ke.
Order from your local
HANICO dealer—he deserves
your fuel business.
Sold By:
J. H. FEAR, Ethel
4:F41, $6t7'' .,,pikE
ifidte. 4,,
$11 ....... 1100 lllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111 ll 1 llllllll llllllllllllll 111111111,011111111111.111 llllll 1111111111100 lllllll 1101111111111111111 lllll
News and Information
the Busy Farmers
• —ec
(Fmnished by the Department of Agriculture)
00111 llllllllllllll 11 lllllllll 1111 lllllllllll 1111 llllll 1111111101 lllll 1 llllllllll 4111111411101 llllllllllllllll 110101111101 llllllll 1111111110 lllllll
-Current Crop Report '1 dons increase is evident there ea
the munber of 'feeders brought lit
Bruce County tports very littts from the West. Fall wheat. acre -
movement in gine. atid hay. with
seine ttlPalta going into meal at
ii$7 a ton f tr s. eta. rite:.
feein rep,ols its td 4 4' cash erne.
potatote. not sElling a; a very high
figure. Prices rameing from :Vitt to
titic a bag. The yiteid of late poet
foes 'there Is led ereeeted to be vs ed urt e canning:. Fortunately no
high as lag yeer. In Itallon heavy ete oecurred and the Ot,.:d
ierest is keener in feeder cattle and Dere Wu.? necinal. re:telling lte
lambs Glatt in !eine years. Tbl 1 high a.,4 11011 Ini,1101,1 to tie,
age there is only about 50% of
OLE 311111. Lincoln CoUnty will him;
prelmbly Imee Ds mutt whyz,t
sown this year as last, There ;;
deniand In Lincoln for pullets for
111111 t" laying. In Northumberland
the tee:mine factories have collude
largely due to excellent fall pastnees
end r011ghlibe for w.ltl
feeding. Ilalton barns are 111 11 1,11(1
stacks of bay and wain numeretts
throughout the eaull Ty. There 14 a
nn. or two fields but averaging
about etto bite. In Ontario County
corn was an elteelh:mt crop but bed
ly Indeed anti many farmere cot
thtir own eorn by hand, The
Loge qi1n11:11y 01 5veond erop and manold crop in Yea.: promises to 11,+
E 01110 third crop alfalfa being eni heavy 00e. Farmers in Letele
'hoe this year. Alfalfa spell is in have friend difficulty, in obtaining
strong dertuUld WWI 1/11y19's .111erlinE farm help. In Munitoulin the MI.
from $10 to as high as W5 for mend for Mile is keen and the gem
seed in the rough, but quality Is 00 oral condition better than ustiel.
low normal due to sprouting a011 Several boat -loads of finished and
weathering, Perth has harves•eal feeder stuff have been shipped and
one of the beet. crops of corn In four Lamb Fairs ore being held this
many years, . The root crop is also month,
exceptionally good. North Sim -
c00 reports cattle in better that: Storing Farm Machinery
average condition and more feed -
ere than usual being secured by Proper Care should be exercised
farmers in the (enmity. Turnips at all tinier to protect the Dirge
are being shipped in Waterloo, with investment in farm machinery (rum
a price of 1Sc per bushel being paid. IaIId deterioration. Tient. nude.
Wellington reports buckwheat, I ture, wind, Vest and direct sunlight
mangels, Corn and potatoes some- are the most destructible elements
encountered by farm equipment.
Storage meane protection effects
during the inactive life of the ma-
chines and has been found to be the
greatest single factor is prelonging
the lire at farm macisinerY. The
most active period of deterioration
is during the season of machine use
Tt is important however, to protect
machinery the year round from
the effects of weather. aenereus
use of point on 1111 wood and metal
parts, wherever the original nee
Worn thin, and the removal to a dry
shed of all stilts, carivasse4, 11111111 1.
plough ehares, cultivator teeth, etc.,
immediately the wahine is out of
use, will heir Prolong the useful life
of the implemene,
Pnee all hearings with correct
grade of Ittenticatte, Cover all expos-
ed metal Parts worn bright from use
with aid crankcase or transmission
oll before putting the machine ashle
even for EL few tiny's, Thie will keep
out all dirt and molsthre from the
bearinbs and off the wearing sins
faces, thus ereventing excessive
Wear dile to rust. ('loan all seed
; front seed drill boxee, make sltre
that an dirt is removed from plough
or one-way diet bottoms and that
what better than average crops.
Pastures there conetinue hi excellent
sit/we and the large importations of
cattle and. sheep of then pastures
are doing extremely well. In Heidi-
anand livestock Is reported 'as is
'excellent condition, A tremem
AF) logitior9
A House on Your
Hands —
Old 70U eTer 11,•9 out butt
emelt C percentage of our popu-
lation pass your house Whom,
thew could nee s 'To Lmt" elan,
or how large a percentage reed
our paper? Good tenants ere
not the hind that have thee to
waste In going emend looking
for Hans. Thor bolt hi ou.
1.'ne1t Ade.
• lfyan have ft hove., on your
heeds, o Ileums to Lot "
will bring the. to 700.
10.4 m •
Y. 001", 20411,
w Is. The :Time
00/1,1,, -1,041+00:C.1,-.0101.01=110.6001104011000110111.10201011:0001111,0013101.0.1.000
e ore Ico Have to Start Worrrying tAbout
aying Your Taxes and Christmas is
Just Two Months Jiway
e do not wis
. 7
SS t s,
re late
7.ass J
Vfflertittier, 'Nee 1,Vike''0111ii ON/4' t)Y' ;kw:, L,fjaA. ''-44F„S" '
b W rk at the Right Price
they are W511 greased t..Eqore leav- As soon as a hei'd nns passed
1)15, Alt straw, male or weeds two annual or three semi-annual
should be thoroughly cleaned trent
binders, combines, eeporntors, cut. signs of the disease, and conteen,
Denture, disks, etc., befOte. gre415i1g at least ten registered pureEbreda
and painting for storage, Bright it is designated a "Tuberelosie
sunlight and moisture cause ex- free 4/credited Herd," Conneell
posed parts• to warp and crack, paint cation is paid for retie:once-that is
applied early will prevent this de those animals 111011111 allow signs
struation. Metal Parts exposed of the disease as n result of the 'est
wil trust autl wear grease or palm —nnd is based on two-thirds of the
valuation placed upon the animate
will have these surfaces.
Mettle storage of grain boxes, by veterinary inspectors of th
wooden drills, wagon naming gears, Healab of Animals Branch. The
and wooden separators is aesirablemaximum amount of compeusa.tiee
butt not essential, Outside storage of Permitted under the Animal Conteg-
machinery has been found highly toes Diseases Act is $100 for pUTe.
Suc00sS1U1 when proper cere has breds and $40 for grades. No cam -
been exercised to protect agates! pensetion is pEdd, however, for
animals and weather by good fence%
the 11011 of paint and proper lubri-
testa 1111ihotlt an 1111110111 1010Wilig
cattle affected with lump jaw, nor
for grade buns which reaet to the
test. Such animals, nevertheless,
must be slaughtered under fedmal
Accredited and Supervised Herds
Throe plans are 10 operation by
the Health of Animals Branch of
The sopervieed herd plan is a
single herd policy applicable to
grade herds irrespective of the
the 11011111110)1 Depart 111011 or Agri- number of pure-bred or grade ani
mature for the erndication of bovine
tele rculests, namely, the neeredited
herd 1111111, the supervised hertl 511111,
111)11 tho r0E;trleled area plan, The
Objeet (it the first Man is the cradi
cation of the dieease in purple' et
breeding herds, These herds are ;tit. •
nrculin tested free of elutrge bY
salaired veterinary inspeotot Te
be eligible for acceptance under
this; plan. a herd must contain at ,
least fitio pure-bred cattle of one
breed, registered in the apothem e
name. The nitinbor of registered
pure bretle must. however (minimise
at least one-third or tfin total num.
bar of cable in ilio herd,
melte they contain. No compensa-
teen is paid for anitnats that reaet
to the test, 11111 1110 oWner receives
wilt:hewer proceeds there 'nay be
from the salvage„Ownere Piec-
ing their herds ituder Ole Wan
1111151) llgreo 111 slaughter reactors,
to pomptly c1eanse And disinfect
their premises, and lteep their cattle
from eD1111115 in e01118.01 1111111 111E10E.1.-
ed aliiiitals, 111 a herd in not 1110 11)'
lathed 011 the 1111,11115e8, breeding
operations must be reetricted to a
tested animal,
'rho restricted rtrett plan has for
its dbjent the eradication of tubo
cultists in definite tirons. At leant
two thirds of the eattle OW1101'.4 In
any definite area must sign a 0e.
1111011 for the ee1ablesInuent
such an area under this 1111111. The
(1111111011 must be forwarded by the
Provincial Minister of Agriculture
to ehe Minister of the DOluthion
Department of Agriculture rennet -l-
ing that the necessary action be
Subscription Ends;
Still Comes
The following item with respect
to magazines and newspapers an -
neared in the Questions and An-
swers column in the Toronto Daily '
J. A. RY
.: ou are liable for cab
etiription 111111' it you tithe the paper
from post eflice or receive it from
the postman. If you did 1101 intend
1111:id 11a1'Mlbn1;11tilheed
to atErept the liability for 'payment
You should have notified the 5.111
man, 101,0 W
TOthlishers to tstop st
nine, le the company get a iudg-
ment neatest you they (multi have a
writ of e.xeention issued P11 (11
Would bind 701111, 111,01lerty.
11) a desire to ertt down expenses,
a man NVill 10,00 ris wife to it $1.50
dinner entirety foligebting that itt
dinner, entirely forgetting that in
either event his wife will spend
$2,00 to have her lutir fixed on the
day of the oceasion, -
Ogee -ilr0104
1,ke1)mmv04-*1,41,4‘91‘,.01. • ,A,,,Pkoi#4,4,
Tells Farmers To
I Cost of Dying
Use Departments Comes too High
Hon. P. M. Dewan Says That is
Place To Iron 'Out Troubles
Fergus, pule—Farmers of Ontario
were invited to use the provincial
department of agriculture tis a elear-
ing house for Alter ideas and
troubles by Hon. P. M. Dewan in rot
address Friday night before more
than 1,00e persons oft 11 banquet
which brought the 24th Run= inte1.
national ploughing match to rt close,
door ctf the office a the minister or
"As long as I am in office, the
agriculture will be open always," he
"When yon have auy suggestions
you 111100 will be of benefit 40 11)1
farmere of this province. brieg them
to me. Come and bring your
thoughts, There will always be a
Weleerne 10 yoll.
"1 hope I may have your sym-
pathy and tunfidence in the difficult
task of administering one of the
largest of our governmeut. It is a
heavy Job for one man and 1 am
fully eonecious of the tremendous
11180 of preperly atiminietring and
Iain aware of my Ihnitalione."
Mr, 1501151111 1111.1dE51 the 4110,1511.
' 01011s association and promiaed
that_ continued considertetion would
be given to their intereets, because
he said, "where you lind a good
I plonghinan you win find it gnoa
fanner, a good groever of seed and
a good manager."
Herman Levy, exiled German,
who is one of Great Britain'.( leading
eronomislts, told the British Asaoci-
Otto)) for the Adbancement of
Science. meeting at Nottingham,
England, that "the high cost of dy-
ing is exorbitant 10 Britain, and
should be controlled by the state." '
He pointed to ,Switzerland as a
countr7 where the entire cost of.
burials is seate.controlled and ea'd
that "there a, banker lies next a
laborer in an unostentatious grave t4
and no man worries ebout the pos•
eibility of going to a pauper's
Recommends Survey
Levy reconenended a Government 1
survey of the burial problem with a
view to eventual adoption of the
Swiss control system.
Under present concliitons he said
"11 1114111 most have almost $100 or 1,
$125 In order to consider dying." 0,
Where It All Goes
Dow nittell ('01111 11111(1 11(1)101 has
gone, an11 is 501115, Into the maim,
facture of the worlths imEtroments
of War in these years snick. 101212
That, it seems to us, 111 a question
the. Canadian people should put to
themselves, soberly, earneatly. De-
mise It does involve a most 8011100
responatbiltty. —41Alifax Herald,.