HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-20, Page 5RUSS= PAS' Cancel Speaking Contest' Tho Bruce County 19dttefational As. eoclattion regret to antlonnec that owing to Vile cancelling of Salle& irairti, and the time lost by a largo number of Schools being irate in op. ouhtg, file Annual Pnbile Streaking Contest will not he held this year. Slatitatics show that more men est. bezlle stoney in order to gamble and drink than for any other reaeon, Awl most women who et tonally lingers, ilo so because they live be yond their means, AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & Impteme"nte S ye Lot 42, Con, 7, East Wawanozh One Miie South of Belgrave, Five and a Half Miles North of Blyth on No. 4 Highway TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 at 1 o'clock Sharp HORSES— Good Brood Mare with foal at foot Black Gelding, 6 yrs. old CATTLE— Cow supposed to be in oalf, clue April 28 Cow supposed to be in calf, due May 20 Cow supposed to he In calf due May 20 Cow not bred 7 Yearling Steers and Heifers 6 Spring Calves H`OGS- 6 :tore Hogs about 160 lbs. each IMPLEMENTS— Deering Binder in A-1 Shape international Side Rake Frost and Wood Mower McCormick Deering Hay Loader nearly new M. H. Fertilizer Disk Drill Land Roller Disk Harrow 2 Set Diamond Harrows Quebec Sulky Riding Piougr Fleury Walking Plow 2 Good Wagons Hay Rack with roller rack and attachmeet Wagon Box Set Sleigh 2 McTaggart Fanning Mills Massey Harris Cutting Box 2 H.P. Gasoline Engine Scuffler 2 Wheelbarrows Cutter Buggy Massey Harris Manure Spreader Turnip So_ oora Pulper De Laval Ceam Separator Set Single Harnc's Set Double Harne-3 Hay Fork, Car, F,' ^s am Pulleys 1930 Pontiac Sedan Car in good condition 500 Bus. Barley 900 Bus. of Oats Forks Chain; Shovels Whiffletrees and Other Articles Too Numerous to R"ention. HOUCEHOLD EFFECTS -- Good Cook Stove Florence automatic Coal Oil Stove in good shade Good Daisy Churn Couch Edison Ph0rogral( Other Articles too Numerous to Mennen Everything to be sold without reserve as Proprietor is in poor health TERMS—CASH THE FARM THE FARM—At the same time and place the Farm which consists of 150 acres of good clay loam (more or less) will be offered for sale sub- ject to reserve bid. This farm is web equipped with good farm bund fogs witr electric lights in both barn and house, well watered with spring creek. 40 acres of good hard wood bush, Balance all workable land and well adapted for mixed farming. Terms on farm 20% of purchase money paid down on day of sale; balance In 30 days. GEO, H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer HENRY CAMPBELL, Proprietor. I. C; `"Irk A House on Your lands'.. Did you ever`ndure out how email a poro,ustatio of our pogo. lotion pane your house whoro they could odea „To Lot' oi((n, or how largo a percenta(fo rood our popor? Good tenants two pot tho hind that hove limo to waste to dolul'around o ra (r for rldnn. .Thea'.. fond o ',".,u4 Ads. S if you have a hours' an 7005 hands, Riau** to LAO.' ad. will Urinit thom to you. o,hr.s.r no M v. 5.50, ,,1tna,; t5li UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stack 4 Implements At Lot 2, Concession 4, Grey Twp, Consisting of 60 Aores; 6.Room House 1 Acre Land, Graham .Suryoy TUESDAY, OCTOBER 26 The following will be offered for sale at 1 o'clock— HIORSea 1 Black Gelding 9 years 1 Sorrel Gelding 10 years STOCK— S Cows in calf 6 Calves 1 Sow 85 Hens 600 `Bus, mixed Grain Turnips 75,Bus. Wheat 30 Ton Hay 50 Cord Stove Wood Binder Mower Cultivator Plow Double Harness Single Harness Cutter Buggy Cream Sepaartor Wagon Sleigh Forks Shovel Household Furniture and Effects Other Articles too Numerous to Mention TERMS—CASHFOR CHATTELS One Half Cash, Balance 6 ptr cent First Mortgage for Real Estate A. C, GRIFFITHS, Proprietor JAS. TAYLOR, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Farni, Farm Stook & Implements Lot 9, Con. 3, Tuckersmlth (One Mile South of Seaforth) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 At 12,30 P.M. HORSES— Team Working Mares, 10 and 11 years old 1 Dappled Grey Gelding, 6 yrs. old CATTLE - 5 Grade Durham Cows, all supposecl to freshen in November and De. cember 1 Grade Durham Cow with calf at foot 2 Steers rising two 5 Heifers rising two 3 Yearling Heifers 7 Yearling Steers Six Calves PIGS - 1 Brood Sow G Creep 1"•1:'LEMENTS- 0' erirq Binder, 7 ft. cut Mr.' n mick Mower De••: i':g Seed Drill, 15 -hoe Eti at othed Cultivator with seed heti Fcur•ssction Harrow Ste0' Lard Roller Int:ran:Iola! Single Furrow Riding Pieta Twin Pto'igh Manu'- Spreader Scuffler International Hay Loader Horse Rake Massey Harirs Side Delivery Rake Wagon Wagon Rack Slide Rack Hay Box Wagon Box Pig .Box Gravel Box Set Sloop Sleighs Buggy Trip Chain Sling Ropes Hay Fork Set Double Harness King Cream Separator International 1!2 H.P. Gas. Engine Stewart Horse Clippers 3 Steel Tanks 5 Barrels Water Trough Grinding Stone Emery Stone with Stand Clinton Fanning Mill Set 3,000 Ib. Weigh Scales with Stock Rack Chains Forks Shovels Other Articles too NLltnerous to mention ' Coal Oil Stove Gerhard Heintzman Plano 15 Tons well saved Timothy flay mixed w)11( Alfalfa; about 150 bus Seed 'Barley; about 130 busFend Barley; about 31)0 bus. Banner ()Mr lit for seed A quantity of ilaY Apple, Baldwins and Sweet Arpteg about 30 Bags or Potatoes, ;null Quantity of Elm Lumber Everything to be sold without reserve as Proprietor Is giving up farming TERMS ON ABOVE—CASH THE FARM:, THE FARM—at same time and place the Farm will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid. The farm, lot 9, Concession 3, Tucker. smith, contains 14t1,'e acres, more or less, of onoioe clay soil, thoroughly drained, and in the highest state of 1 cultivation. 10 sores Fail Wheat, 30 acres plowed, balance seeded io clover and timothy. Barn 45x72, Straw Shed36 xg4, large Driving Shed, Modern Brick House with slate -roof, ...,Hydro .and ..water throughout all buildings, Terms on farm, halt cash and balance at 4%. JAMES NOLAN, Proprietor GEO. .H. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. WlilDNC'.'sTM.Y, ()or., 26th, 1687 AUCT ON ins Lad ... of Prov Oce. House and Household Effects At "Rtverslde Villa" The Old Vanstone Home, Brussels, ie offered for sale on Mrs, Mitohell F Hepburn Plays No Small Part In Husband's 1 Sucoetas FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2g The %ilcwing wild be Offered for sale at 2 o'elook Dresser Victrola Mule Cabinet Music Stand Kitcren Table .and Chairs Kitchen Cabinet Corner Wardrobe Double Tub Holder and Wringer Secretary Settee Hall Seat and Mirror Hall Table Lounge 2 Umbrella Stands Wicker Rocking Chair Cane Seated Rocking Chair Iron Bedstead, Springs & Mattress 2 Wooden Bedroom Suites Spring & Mattress. Single Bed and Spring, Mattress and Wash Stand Wash Stand Tea Table Electric Floor Lamp Oak Table Lamp Oval Centre Table Table, Plush Top 2 Kitchen Tables 4 Kitchen Chairs White Kitcren Cupboard White Stand on Castors Kitchen Stool on Castors Buffet Rocker Dining Room Table 6 Dining Room Chairs 2 Iron Beds Springs Lawn Swing 2 Sewing Machines Other Articles too Numerous to Mention TERMS—CASH Riverside Villa will be sold subJect to Reserve Bid MRS. W. H, KERR, Proprietor F. W. KEMP, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE TAKE NOTICE that there will be sold by Public Auction on Tues. clay, the second clay of November, A. O, 1937, at the hour of 2.30 o'clocp, P.M., at the premises, the following lasnd: "The Fast hair of Lot No, Tl1r(. and part of Let No. Four, both in Om Third Concevison of the Town. ship of Howlek in the County of Huron, centabning 7"2 (teres of land more or leas." - lapON the said premises( there la said to be :innate a barn 40 1t x 00 ft., house 26 ft. x 30 OL and wood. shed 25 f1. x lift. There are approxi- mately 30 acres under cultivation, TEEMS OF SALE: 20 ler rent down and the lxilauce without inter- est within thirty days thereafter. .DOTED at t4'inghant, Ontario, this lath day of October, A.D. 1937. 'nor farther particulars apply to J. W. Iluslifleld, \Vhngham, Ontario, enhic•iter fur the Genders, Thos Fells, Auctloueer. Andrew E. \ItLeunau and avid McLennan, Venders PEOPLE WILL TALK You may get through the world, but it will be very Blow, if you listen to all that is said as you go, You will be worried and fretted and kept In a atew, fur meddlesome tongues Hurst have something to (10 -- And people will talk. If quiet and modest, you'll have it presumed that your humble posi— tion is only assumed; you're a 'wolf in sheep's clothing, or else you're a tool, but don't get excited, keep per. featly cool— For people will talk. And then if you show the least boldness of heart, or to slight indica- tion to take your own part, they will call you all upstart, conceited and vale; but keep straight ahead, don't stop to explain— For people will talk, if threadbare your dress, and old- fashioned your hat, someone will surely take notice of that, and hint rather strongly you can't pay your way. But don't get excited what ever they say— per people will talk. 11 your dress is in fashion, don't think to escape, for they criticize then In a different shape. You're ahead of your swans, or your tail- unpewcl, But nand your owu bust. us., there's nought. to be made— For peOPie will talk, The best thing to do Is to do as you please, for your 111111(1, it you hove one, Will then be at case, Of ('nurse you will moot with all rants of (tltu8)', but don't think to taut/ them, it's not any use -- And people win talk, 1 11•Af-T Monthly. ELMER D. I3i:LL, B.A. Barrister, *elicitor, Eto. Phone 20x. --x— Brussels, Ont. 'ul F�omemak Success r GRACIOUS HOSTESS (St. Thomas Times Journal) Successful hememulcer, devoted wife and Molitor, and a busineSs wo- man of proved ability, Preur'.er M. Hepburn has in 11:x. Hepburn aa assistant and co-worker 70rose W0"lh cannot be underestimated. The lolrst lardy of the Province Is a 11(118± home -loving woman, et g"ac- lona hostess 10 the ninn7 who visit talo Hepburtl farm residence, four utiles south-east of the City of 'St. Thomas, Beth elle and the 1're;n• ler are the very aunt of raspitahty. Their home Is alwayo open to that,' friends and argnadutaucea--luttl he it said to their credit that the l warmest friends are still the people who babe known them for years. Like her popular suh1and, the Premier, Mrs, Elephant 11as not per. milted political sucoees to turn her Head. She is the sante unafls^fed person site was 12 years ago when 'Mitch' IIephu'n woe just a hustling young Elg)n county fanner. Only a companittively few people know and appreciate MrsHep- burn's business ability, Filling the position of Prime Minister of On- tario, treasurer of the province president of the cabinet council, as well as looking after two ur titre( other :portfolios within the last few months', hasn't given Premier Hep - burl much time to devote to his farming operation—not nearly as Ouch as he' w011111 like to drvot8 to theut, And Premier Hepburn isn't u entail taunter, Ile has nearly 1,000 acres of Land under cultivation or Wider paskurrage in South Var. mouth, while his fanning activities are dfve)tslfied, 4o say the least. Somebody had to manage that big farm (luring tale Premier's absence on official duty and the responsi. bility fell on Airs, Hepburn. Sits Jlu8 looped after the farm manage- ment exce):1lonally we'll, a11r'nell to the various details as c:cpshiy as any experienced man could. Daughter of Farmer The. Premiea places tmoeu'it Ian, ill 1171' r fund joelgt11ent IBerrt anti :(tined on a farm, do ((Ole 81' 01 , 1 01 the 11100t p('n1.1rrs1)'t-e (:1111 *1180• tical M11110rs 111 SoutlnvoleI Iotas. 1)11111, Ails, Hepburn has a 11(5(1 c(ai ltIluwledge 01 Mauling and farm Itis that has stood her in good stead. Remaining at the helm w11111 Tho• I'1'enlie1' was attending to the 00 fairs of state at Queen's Park, To- ronto, has not lessened Airs. He -w burn's pride in home, nor in the things that bear the stamp of the gentlewoman Her home and reale surroundings both claim her at- tention, She is an ardent hortioul• Wrist. To her the finest recreation Is to get in her spacious gardens. with her two happy children. six- year-old Peter, and three peat•-oid Patricia, working among her flowara 1/1strpel'vi:pielg some new landscap- ing scheme or decorative unit, A great joy entered the Elephant hntisehold with the arrival of the Premier's and Mats, Hepburn's arlep. led still and daughter. Deni+d ehildron of their own, both hate opened their 110a1rts' to the 'we (iodates. P 101' was tr:: 11,1 10 t. rite, a sturdy little bay, alwaya .tele• 1110 questions pertaining t0 the hundred and 0110 wonder's of his new life .and every inch a Yotlog tamer. Then caste l?atriela, mina?' tempered Patricia with 111o1'e than a glint of red gold in her hair, No mother could be more devoted to 1110 welfare of her children, p Alas, Iieviburn was brought up in the Presbyterian faith—good Scot Nsh presbyterianism, but following church union slid affiliated .with the United church, attending the little church in Union where Peter and Pansy now attend Sunray school, U1eii'ently. It was the same catarrh that the Premier at. tended in his boyhood, , 7're first Lady of t 0011.1 i' is a a busy woman She huts no time for 1snobbery but ,;(wry,•: time to cwrl- carne and entertain old friends, i 811e f1) tic. C 41(10 Era Iku ton 11i:)1. burn who was born 011 1110 old Pott Stanley Higl'eway in Bahl=hwcld inwralttp, mar the 11!,toric village of rhii0a1. a little h, fret than 37 Yours aero, She Is the 8)1(10' girl whom the future Premier of Olet:.iria const(.,] about 18 year8 ago and flak t(1 rural dances, church socials and garden parties in the old family flivver, —The Tines -Journal, St. Thomas. Another way to make home happy is 10 say nothing about tre 1)p its that 00,1 on the table -cloth. They • nvays w'a811 out, while the memory of unkind words sometimes won',t, There were 3.3711,000 sheep 111 Canada in 1936, as compared with 3,56S.00t in the preceding Year. JAMES TAYLOR License Auctioneer re- she Count. of Huron Sales atter%'v to in I parts of the country Satisfit tlo :!Ig trainers for these camases. Guaranteed or no pay, Orders 1st at The Post promptly attended to Beig1'ave Poss Ne 1,"4 ht,v.' lt:sd PHO0rfiNES: Brussels 14-9. Asa Youth Trainlin, Class Contrnaes' Forestry Camps Close But Mics' Work To Start Mat glasses under the Dominion Provincial youth training ,plan will end tarifa week and 0111)8'0 will 1313 under way. ,51l4ctered across. Northern ' Ontario f0r the past *700 months 350 youths'in 31 camps have been receiving tralning in 'forestry, and other 1)1100s to matte them use' 1u'I in lumber camps, The youths have been living in tents and the weather will cause a start on (11os' tug the camps newt week, impl'ovcd industrial and i'al'm:ng roncliaiilns are blasted for (1011001- tics in getting registrations of au - employed youths for agriculture (.laser-,;, Outgrip agricultural 'rep resentatives were supposed 'to lo - eau. 10 youths in each county w1re, were 10 receive board and 310 a indln1lh, as were other groups., (luring trainin), ,`Very fens appnleu)ione have been received, said officials of the farm wrainitng program. Fifty you•lhs' are s(dtednled to start 'training in mining, including assaying, surveying and boulelteep- .ig at the Ilaileybury technical school next. week, They will have flve months' training and the On- tario mines department expects then to bo able to place them in positions, Department of welfare already has four clauses in home service. They' are at Toronto. Windsor, Sarnia and Preston. Classes wll lopen at St, Thomas and Ilanlilton next week, 10, Hor- ton, deputy minister of public wel- fare. said thele was no trouble get - 811e1'y soft of w' ata»r during the .i: 1st week. t3 t1NED SIGNALS FOR DRIVERS (Signals generally understood by Canadian ",fust accidents aare re . clearly preventable. Do your part by 1 Y 1)i g g your intention before 'nuking a right or loft turn. or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco; we challenge you to find a quicker acting motor fuel .. . In an emergency, its lightning quick pick-up snaps you to safety ... Its high knockless power minimizes gear shifting; reduces one -handed steering ... its freedom from harmful chemicals and from corrosive action makes it safer for your motor. RIGHT TURN Hood and arm extended upward or moved with a swooping motion frau/the roar to the front. LEFT TURN Hand and arm oxtondod h orixontally. Many driven also point with tholrindox, finger. SLOWDOWN OR STOP , Hand end arm extended downward. RROSLO y�v 7(77 701 fl Y.M : al Li :.L TOP PERFORMANCE ... a regular gas price