HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-20, Page 3Cent a Mile Round Trip Bargain Fares
Mlnlmum Faroe: Aulte y5c Ohildren 40c)
Fri,, & $at., Oct, 29 & 30
'rc, Oshawa, Downutnville, Port Ilene, Cobeerg, 'Trenton Jot„
Hellevillo, Napanee Kingstan, Ga'Anoclue, Brockville, Prescott,
Morrisburg, 00191".11 Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbor0, Campbellford,
Newmarket, Penetang, CoIUingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Qcil1in, Mid,.
lad, GraVenhurst, Bracebridgo, Huntsville, Calendar, North 13ay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all •tawny in New Ontario on line of Tends.
kamiug Sc Northern Ontario Rlye Missing Central lily„ Kapielcate
ing, Longlao, Nalthm,'Pashota, Sioux Lookout, Gei'ald'ton, Jellicoe
Beardmore, Port Arthur,
30 to TORON O
Also to Brantford, Oltitlillam, Obesley, Ciinto1, Durham, Lex•
Etter, Fergus Goderleh, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, I3arriston, Inger,
soli, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listowel, Mltohell Niagara
Palls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Egon St
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy,
Walkerton, Wiarton, Wingham, Woodstock,
For Paras, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent.
Sea handbills for complete list of destlnatlgns
Ask Agents for particulars of Canada's Maple Loaf contest,
'Seven cash prizes, You may win $100.00!"
T he Brussels Post vtre 1'n its, 11(111•ns tell,ng C•t
WIInnt t0 1'tty ;he muuey. 3fare
R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Every Mednesday
Subscrij1! n price $1.50 Per year,
ppald in advance. Subscribers in
United States will piease add 50o
for postage.
Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont.
A few days ago trt1e was a
fettered at Streetsville fair the Inter
meat of the remains of Hayden
Pope, who died in his twentieth
Year. A day or so after it Was
discovered that the body had been
removed from the grave, and a nate
demanding $100 payment for its re•
turn was left in its place. The
ransom was not paid as the ala_
tives are poor enough folk and there
recently c1111(1ren corning front
school found the body in a ditch. It
had probably been Placed there b..'•
cause it was considered too danger
one to try and collect the reustm
j Toron'0 announces there will lick
no l' a 14: t1 nftered by t 1 'snouts
government for the arrest of the
ghoul who so callously ievacU-11 what
we consider as sacred and l rivato
preserves, and the d,e1.(1o0 is
probably wise enough, It is doubt-
ful it the offering of stoney woll(t
increase the efforts which pestes
will apply to such a case. The
guilty party does not give evidence
of having possessed any particular
cunning If be were looking for mone-
tary gain. His methods and Reid
of operation both Point to low
mentality and. extreme cupidity
and these characterisiies, make his
capture more certain.
We sincerely hope such a person
will be taken into custody, and we
have no hesitation in expressing the
hope that the liberty of the guilty
individual will then be permanently
curtailed. Slleh nn individual
should not be allowed any degree
or freedom to come and go and do
what he likes. He has shown no
hesitation in doing what the world
regards as an unthinkable thing and
fu -ere actions wnald have behind
thorn no tetter reasoning than
that which led tl the invasion eif a
grave and the dumping of a Holy
in a ditch. The owner of tt mind
ea1)1!1)14 oil' 081111 111g e114 .11 aell,:ls
:Mould not be running a, 18(1.1.
(1❑. ('au a p'..1 el 1+e P..,,..e-
crrod iu 4'(l,r for arising .-r c•a1'
with tt,0 11"'?
If you have any doubt about it.
t t1)„ later you to a( case tvhlel, tees
I heard b. (,.;e 1114._1.ttat1 Jame,: \i1'•
hay in Ilautiltuu. 'Prattle Oflir,rr
pro '('11(>d Alex Lavoie.
Ave. Long Branch, and in doing so
said1110 Majority 01: 00011103118 on
highways Were caused by de1Octive
tires, We were nadel' 111e 111iVVOS.
blest they were caused by do1COtive
4u'evele, but it may be the truffle oi•
Deers Is 1'Ighit,
Aker hearing the ease the magis-
trate imposed a 11110 of 510 aid
(Lets, It (1101 m080081,100 could 1'e•
suit in it 1100 a-1 itemtlltola the same
thing could ruse p1uee elsewuere.
anti Lure (b nothing to indicate the
UaLlb1Un. Watt api•4lueo,
001ne to t1(i&nt of It we know et
not 14411(7 0414801)8 way 1101/11111 b110(101
111: 1iliiu,t'ted e4 Use j4UL(' tees Uj111 a
t,tan Ula tine w111011 will say Ute,,
cannot Hunte goon one, At beat that
i, 1101. a 18UU4tuu.lal 18480)1 'becance
un acc•,1(41) un Luo tugatvay is llkety
to Involve two eats, 0011 one tit
aha o1 may be outlined Weth goad
tires, \viten a driver gees out Will
a• eat' with p001' tires It is qutte def-
111. -nt ,0 a man geiug fel' a walk
where be has only himself to such
This Paper is not urging that 0
round •up be 1110110 s0 that all (1,'.701'8
using poor or wer0.uul tires shall be
broug11:t to court and assessed $10
and costs. The money alight bet'1,'r
be sprint on uety tires. But It is
no ore blinking the tract that a
definite stmt. has II4rn nude, 111111
that old or wort. -out tires haver
0111.11'(1 onee man to be attested and
fined. And 111e saute thing can
dune elsewhere,
On with the Mimeo!
we line 11+
Step on it,
there tt^r• a
no-1ple '1 cr1rz that Have run into
each (She., head on! Hurry past!
There aro dead and wounded people
on the grass. We might have tc
go to mutt as witnesses. Or Carry
them to a hospital! Give her the
gas' You c311 pas0 that truck be•
fore the get to the top of the hill!
Hurry! Gosh, you almost bit that
old lady! Why do people anew
women as old as that to get on tate
highway, anyway They are all
lien -minded. We might have hurt
her, There is a hole we can
break through In that line of traffic,
Give her the gun! flee, that was
close! Did you hear that guy
swear? We didn't hit him, Blow
that horn and make that fellow get
ober where he belongs! Why. the
fool tvon"t give us the right of way!
He au't be going over forty-five,
How can he expect to stay on the
pavement at that pace?
Hit her up around the tight side
there, Boy, that scared him! May.
be that will teach stint to keep 01)01'
where he belongs! I thought for a
minute we were going to tire
turtle. Look, there's another nc-
cident! That car is on its top with
its four wheels in the air! Looks
like a bug on its hack, doesn't a?
There was blond on the grass. Some
nue Most have been badly hurt.
Crazy fen'.,, they don't know how to
drive=, yet they get right into the
thickest traftle. 15'ateh that we
matt: .She's dt:bbng al lover the
road! Ran up, alongside her 811)1
give lie ra blast on that horn:
Wle,w", Didn't her fender nick our::
when she swerved? 1 believe it
did Thank heavens she didn't
lock fenders. with us! It night bailee
caused an accident. I hate women
drivlle, 1'0:1 a1 01111(1 that fellow.
Never 101 101 the curve. There isn't
011r111111 14 coming. — Look out!
Plan Splendid Hunting Season
prospects for big -game hunting
are unusually bright in Can-
ada this fall, Reports covering the
thousands of square miles of
wilderness accessible by Canadian
Pacific Railway show a plentitudo
of game and excellent conditions
for hunting. Outfitters and guides
across the country also report
more reservations for hunting
parties, beth from Canada and
the United States, than they have
bad for years.
Wild suctions of Canada lying
practically in the back yard of
civilization have a wide variety or
big game in addition to many
types or game birds and smaller
animals. Nova Scotia has moose,
deer and black bear; Now Bruns-
wick, deer and black bear; Que-
bee, moose, caribou, deer and black
bear; Ontario, moose, deer and
black bear; Manitoba and Sas-
katchewan, moose, deur and cari-
bou; Alberta and British Colum-
bia, mountain sheep and goats,
caribou, moose, elk (wapiti), deer,
and grizzly, brown and black
bear; and the Yukon Territory
and Alaska, practically' the same
as British Columbia.
An indication of the increased
interest in bunting this Year has
been given by ilia numbor of ap-
plications coming to the general
tourist offices in Windsor Station,
Montreal, for copies or the two
hunting booklets, "Open Seasons
Yat Hunting" and "Fishing Wn-
tors and Game Haunts,"
It 0008(110 t0 be fairly eVIdent that
P70114101' Ilepburll '1tt10wa sOlnetltiug
bealdes' 01110130, '
The election is all over and 1,1111
we dont know where tate Social.
Labor candidates came front.
We Imagine that 13111 Terry of 11,e
New York Giants has a very clear
mden of just how Hun, Sari Howe le
feeling these days,
One of the problems the (lo -opera,
tive Commonevealtll Federation has
to overcome is 111e difficulty of get
ung voters to c0•oferate,
Mayor Smith of Kitchener had the
second largest majority In the prow,
ince,t1e outer day, WO must 11111)4
got the $o11d Smith voce,
We notice In the newspapers of
the province that almost everywhere
in Ontario there is a than with just
MO right qualities i'or a job in Mr,
Hepburn's rebuilt cabinet.
The editor of 'Toronto Saturday
Night thinks political paltles in
Canada will have to be 11 orientated
Well the Ontario Conservatives at
least should be game. enough to t.y
Hon. T. 13. 1lrQueston saga the
question 00 the withdrawal of 411
new license plates has not been eou-
sidered, In the interest of public
safety is should he•. --and without de.
There has alw'tys been a suspicion
that strikes are costly and the ed•
nrisison of a union official that one
in Montreal last summer cost $01t.
(too will do little to destroy that
Lionel Conacher 7111 have to dro1.
out of hockey. It would not look
cell for the member for Brockindale
to came along in a Maroon uniform
and start knocking some of his 01-
Ponents about.
A contract has been let for a $511,-
501000 addition to a London brewery.
There is one concern which evtdeut-
ly believes the beverage rooms ate
'going to stay open for some time yet
One of the surprising feature; of
the election was the fact that al-
though the Liberals made effective
use of the "Old Gang" slogan, it
was the boys ofthe old brigade who
scored nms•t of the Oppositi 01
There were do- ubtless many foists
who hoped the election would get
rid of Hepburn, Instead 1t has
merely nerved to send a second
Hepburn to the Legislature --J. P..
Hepburn, Conservative se(v Live tuember for
In 1111' Ell 0000 - Olt 1.y'1041(4')) 'h
cau114dates bt.111,10 a Liberal, with
('el14e('laal 4 t•e i3,'ki(13, r( 14,11413'5
Front nominee. a Ielbor•P1og ess'v.•
u People's candidate and 41 Cualnfon-
ir1, 1t e(ans 1t; though the most
exacting voter should be able t
find something 1111(4' to his taste.
(By A. R. K.)
—When we get to the zero nruk,
and when the night ore cold and
dark, I tarn the furnace then; lute
stoking then Is easy stuff, of heat 1
scarcely ntake enough, like lots of
other sten.
0 —1t doesn't taste much skill oa
that., it sometimes leaves me ('arises'
fiat, for It's So much the same; Calks
don't complain on what I've done,
they take the beat most every one,
and soak it in their frame.
—October brings harder though
as lots of folk have to know, one hos
to be tulle smart; thes'e's such a
little beat required, one ilas to be el
most inspired, in fact, it's quite an
—I rattle ad the furnace now, and
try to nurse the ]tope somehow,
that it wild last all day; I only need
a little heat, for now there a113 no
frozen feet, or frost bites by the
-•-84Iy furnace 'gels so joyful then,
Its though 'Mould warm some Arc.
tie then, cheer folk on frigid shores;
nail then it is 1 00110 to grief, the
folks want measures of relief, and
open ail the doors,
W'(0'DNI}SDAY, .00T„ 201h, 1.937
Mere Are Items Taken Fro*
riffs of the Post of 50
Auld Si roars Ago
It, G. Casemore of Manistigue,
Mich„ has been visiting Mrs. Peler
510s, McLeod of Toroat°, is 11x,1•
iltg into her new home, which els:
recently purchased from Gus. (1111
Miss Mary Powell, Ttnnberr,
visited her aunt., Mrs. George lice
Donald, Iasi week. Miss Po,v.,li
loaves this week for I'h-111114 phht to
resume her work as a nurse,
Jabez Jermyn Inas sold his 02110.
South half of lot 1:1, con. 2, Mu'•ii:,
to councillor Slim 11 tun.
i1r, Forsyth has !eased his fair.:
to Prod Stephenson for a terns o1
Mrs. Fred Davey is spending a
week with friends in Arthur,
Jahn Rutlei'ge returned last weer
from a trip to Ft. Haul and (1111431.4.
Miss Lulu Rutherford, Grand Val-
le)", visited over Sunday at her
The next day when I start (10w'0
1011'11, 1 10111 1f. the furnace Oro hard
clown, then all the heat retiree; I
wish .mann one World plainly state
the proper way to regulate these
darn October fires',
A number. of .friends of 311s3
Bessie Ritchie presented her with
a kitchen shower at the home of
Mrs. W. 811, Robinson on TuesdaY
4 0
Rev. Mr, Wesley anti pride 1'0
turned from their wedding trio
last Thursday afternoon. A recap
tion was held in the church on the
evening when they were presented
with two handsome chairs by mere.
hers of the congregation,
'Miss A, Grasert, Atwood is a vie!'
or at W. Perri," s.
ilrs, Wm..Perrie visited Mrs. 10,
Faulkner, Newbury last week.
Miss Peclrlie, 'Stratford, visited
Miss McIntosh last week.
-- 1—
Dr. and lir+. Luw•3hictll, L nionv:Ile
dish., are visitors at the home ,°
councillor and Mrs. Dames.
Bob Leckie 1,121 last Monday to'
they Kest.
Thus ('inti:' , .111 t w e <
'Alts Woodrow. 3101 "ire 1 tu1..`•
fre0) :SIr„Ina fate day (o..; week.
L, t
Wm. Hannah win IS in 1/11;111, .4
(n the ~tate s h<t 11'11 11 T11111111 l--.a::.1y
a; ),.111t01 1)8441)1'!'.
• ,
81101 1111(1 S11(11 llety thick and Pot
around here on Thursday last, 411 •
boys had quite a time vomiting
marks, lu the evening a nferey
crowd ass('111b1ed (u Mr, Nixon':
where to melodious music m{1;
feet t'ip11ec1 merrily away the pus
sing hours.
• •
Since the first accident it Leech'.
mill to John Messer, history repel;
ed itself. Thos., Stewart got his
hand caught in a part of the machin
cry and bas been unable to attend
to his duties Jils. SS'anteiey also ac-
cidently cut itis hated. 1t Is net a
110(10us wound, but sufficient to he
sore for some time to come.
• • •
Wm, Dunkin has got 92 feet of
well but no water,
J. Iions,•1 !s moving his hardware
and tins Into his new shop.
• • •
It. Dilworth has oohed the oil
seined house down to his lot in the
village, where it will be taped Into
a stable and driving shed,
Russel Bishop Is a1. Guelph attend.
sag the Agricultural College.
The Roe new brick • residence of
• The kind of going that makes heavy weather for
ordinary tires is "pie” for Goodyear Studded Tires, They
bite in and keep you moving—under control every
second. You waste no time—or gas and oil—in wheel
spins, slips and skids.
Goodyear Studded
Tires are designed, built
and proven for off -the•
pavement driving and to
defy deep snow. Farmers,
salesmen, postmen—
all who travel muddy
roads need them. To the
country doctor they are
well-nigh indispensable.
Smooth -riding Goodyear
Studded Tires give a new
sense of driving security
to every off -the -pavement
driver. See them at your
Goodyear dealer's—at the
same low price as Good-
year All -Weather Treads.
Brussels, Ont. Phone 82
Thos. Stokes has made a great i01-
Provemeut to Iris farm.
JIM. Granit who 114 keen th:esil,
lug with Tho,, Calder this Pall i; I
Iaid aside with a badly swollen
hand. He thinks 111. 31)014 bitten by
a black spider some five week; 3.co.
Hym, )13cud+---On Thursday ..e-
terneni1 of last Week Geo, Dark LI 1t
cots, atilt Miss Adeline, r, 44 (40111
111110111, 1 of ''i It ha.l
Were milted 171 141x-.'114' (7 Rev. 3.
T. Cuff, at the sol' ( lice of the
bride's parents. 311: s 31•md;:
Hawk411aty, Atwood. 41(t,''.11 to Ileo:
1101, was tit= h.: C' 1111 111 anti W. P..
Kelly. let u: sell, \34'4111,4,0'i)4= n'an.
31 ti i 1 •id Intl (3410, to
111:. 13.,11 ('a;Y 11' ' hrr sister,
11.11 t', a
If;w T3.hu,tun,r is licune hunt
Minion. Ile met with an 1)111111111
by . prain:lig his ankle.
Last Saturday Richard Hingstoi
had the misfortune to fall from a
ied of straw that was upsetting and
broke his collar hone.
• • •
0411 old friend A, Ii, Robert •?11
has arrived home from his third
tip across the Atlantic this season.
• • •
J. A. McLachlin has been re-
engaged as teacher of S,S. No. 1 10:
next year.
Wants International
Crime ComYssiol
Washington—Establishment of an
International Crime Commission
linking Canadian. 'United States and
Mexican police, was proposed this
week by Colonel S. T. treed of the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Take a Rabbit Along
On Your Holiday
Many p0ople have their holidays
rue.ed bt• .1 rte°.es nights Clue to in-
sect bin's, There is no need for
that ally more, Count Maeterlinck,
the famous 'Belgian author, has a
simple and effective remedy. Mos-
rtn4toes. he c jl1i.., prefer rabbit
flesh to human meat.
All you have to do is to let a rab-
bit loose in your room when you go
to bed, and you will escape long
nights of torture, ` itching and
s4..tttuhlug. The rabbit does not
feel the bites,
The Seven Georges
'When (George
Milwaukee, Wis.,
taw, he also ran
George Roabe
Goodman, 18, of
ran afoul of the
into a few name -
and George Legge,
detectives, arrested him. Desk
1 Sergt, George Heidelberg booked
bins, George A, Bowman, deputy
district attorney, issued a warrant
charging stint with the theft of 150
pounds of lead. Judge George E,
,.x Page bound hits over for trial ain't
Jailer C,4'nrhe Schnee]: led him to
Pushing Ahead --The Proprietor of
the 1401111 grys4t still has recently ad.
dad some of the latest improved
« • •
Mrs. J. A. McNaughton has re-
turned from a 1'uu(twec`11 trip to sea
:Mies .lubeR 1‘,1, 1 ilassr t5 visiting a
be, uncle's In Guelph.
1 hie cell.
it almost gave George the willies.
Neighbor--- What mattes you look
at me like that, young man?
31)0301---I tlirnLgrt yen were in the
hos pitat,
_ Neighbor .--- What ever gave yon.
that idea
Junior -1 hoard Daddy toll v
that you had been Shooting
your mouth again,
A father wrote to his sots at col-
lege—I'm sending you the $10 in ad•
dition to your regular allowance a$
I you requested in your last letter;
but I must azaill draw attention to
j your incorrect spelling, "810" i0
' written with one nought, not two.
It's, a wise storekeeper who shows
what will sell.
An Grist who Was sjtenililg a hell.
day its a small village entered tho
store and asked if they carried
r�uilei ha r
plair hrushes,
NO sir. w0 don't," limited the
e its l of
I k"Y`st t sir,"
en ap0lingetlea] manner, w0 never
have no call for 'ern. Nobody itt
these parts seems, to steep came1g,"