HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-20, Page 1x 410 xx 19 f;tx / 4ni'1h'{t','hioxiM._1x«x
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Installation of "`"""'"'PEOPLE WE KNOW.
Morning Star
Rebekah Lodge
Mrs, ina Wolfe, D,D, President
Stratford Lodge and Intsalling
Team Here
On Tuesday evening, October 12,
Mrs, Ina Wolfe, D. D. President of
Stratford aconiipanied by her inetal-
ling staff paled ]nor official visit to
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge No.
316 for the purpose of installing the
officers for the ensuing terns.
During the evening a Pan Noble
Grand Jewel teas presented to Mrs,
Gerry the retiring Noble Grand and
a nosegay of roses and Baby's
Breath teas given to Mrs, Wolfe,
The lodge room was. bright and
homelike with. bowls and baskets of
flowers and at the close of tre lodge
the members enjoyed a social hour
with the Stratford sisters while a
delicious hatch was served by the
soda' committee, •
Guests of Oct.
Institute Meeting
On Friday afternoon the Women's
Institute entertained the grand-
mothers of the community in the
public library. The meeting open-
ed with the president, Mas, Harold
Sl>edt", presiding, The atotto for
the meeting "Living A Life is More
Than Living," was very capably
taken by Mrs, J. Anderson. The
roil call was answered by naming
something in use now, not in use
fifty years ago. Short stories of
local intereet were given by airs, A.
Stracban, who [spoke of the dark
day, while Mrs, I. Parker read some
letters written by her father to hie
brother eighty-five years ago wren
he took up land near Brussels when
this country was all bush. Several
grandmothers showed their wedding
pictures. Mrs, J. Oliver and Mrs•.
Proctor sang a cruet and Mrs, rt.
H aiacdonald and elks, W. Stewart
gave readings.
Best Skippers
A doctor says that people wen)11
feel much better if they did nt,re
He points to the flue physique of
book reviewer+',
Walter Wlnchell Ben Bernie
Wake Up And Live
Alice Faye Patsy Kelly
A story filled with mirth and melody
Mon., Tues., Wed,, Oct. 26, 26, 27
Jean Arthur Edward Arnold
Easy Living
A shop girl Cinerella yarn that
,has everything
/The (Fight
Tommy FARR vs, Joe L'OUIS
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Oct. 28, 29, 30
'The Surprise Picture of the year -
packed with action and loaded
with Stars
starring Fred MacMurray and
Frances Farmer
Make A Wish
The Singing Marine
Matinees -Sat. and Holidays
at 3 p.m.
Mee, Lyle Hopper bas returned
Monte after spending several days
with her another, Mrs, Lake.
Mr. and Mrs, Dan Denman spent
the week -end with Dr, and Mrs, R.
P. Field, The ladies are casters.
Rev, C. J, and Mrs. Moorhouse,
London were ween -end visitors with
friends, Mr, Moorhouse was In
charge of anniversary services at
Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Wilton spent
ripe week -end in Detroit with the
former's sister, Mrs. F, Reuben. who
Iter many Mende aro sorry to know,
is quite 111.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Oliver, De-
troit, were week -end guests with hie
mother, Mra• Jaw, Oliver,
B. Maud on aid, 'Cromarty, was a
Sunday and tor with his mother,
Mrs A, II Macdonald.
Mrs. R. Straeran and hiss Flea
once Buchanan were recent Toronto
iIrs S. Fox was visiting her
brother, Chas. .l1eCufcheon, Wrox-
Mr. and Mrs. H, Champion, week-
end visitors in Toronto.
Mrs, Tiros, Vodden, Ethel leas
been visiting with Mrs. A. 11, :iJac•
Moving Pienures of the Coronation
in color will be shown in the Town
Halt, on the evening of Nov. [2nd.
Under auspices of East Group of
Vatted Church
Misses Lillian and Eva McKay of
Dundas were visitors ealth Mrs, W
Il, Kerr over the weekend.
Mrs, W. H, Kerr visited friends
and relatives in Kincardine on Mon-
Mr, and Mrs, Jack Anderson and
fancily of Beigrave visited on Sum
day at home of Mr. and Mrs, W.H.
Rev, H. O'Neil, Gerrie, was a
guest at St, John's rectory while
con noting the harvest services on
Sunday last, Rev, Jno, Graham
was in ebarge of the Sunday servte•
es at Wroxeter, Gorrle and Nord.
Mrs, F. Burchill has returned
Miss Eleanor Nichol et Straiferd
ant( Miss Myrtle Fraser of Seafnrth
spent Sunday- with Mr, and Mrs
James Rhodes.
Mm Hatton, and -lir.. Harriston,
of Elena visited at W, H. Bell's on
Sunday last,
Mrs. W. t', Strettmt. of town, AJr,
and Mrs, L, A, evritht of Toronto
spent the week -end with their sister
.firs. Pringle in the country,
Mrs. A Le -itch attended t he fan•
mai of her son-in-law C. J. IilrLaren
of Sorwleli, a [week ago,
Mrs, Ger el. McKay of Allier-'
natty, tisk„ is the acnes[ of Rah',
Liviu_saone of Walton.
' For the past tett clay.. Mts. Rust
Cunningham iras been seriously in
at her home In Toronto.
Root of All Evil
From the Raleigh, North Carolina.
News anti Observer) --Officer Cram
witted of Accepting Bride,
Services will be conducted_ on
by the
Rev. Gordon -R, Dunciu, B.A., B.D.
Warkworth, Ont.
Serbice at 11 a.m. and 7,30 p.m.
All the members anis adherents are
asked to make special efforts
to attend
11 a.m,--•Annual Thank Offering of
Woman's Missionary Sooiety,
"Before Thy Call 1 Will Answer"
3 p.m,-Suhday School.
7 pan.-Worsrtp conducted by tate
:Monday, B .p,m.-Y. P. S,
Nov, 7th --Anniversary Services
Nov, 9th -Fowl Supper,
Wir . Cook's
By Fire Wed.
The home of William Cook, 'Cu'tt-
berry St„ north, was completely de'
Jnoliehea, when fire, believed to
have originated in the deankey,
broke out at approximately 6,30 Shia
morning (Wednesday), The blaze
lead gained suoh headway when the
alarm was turned in by Miss F.
Bueilanaa, that in spite of prompt
work of tate fire brigade, notrtng
could he torte to save the house and
15, toegeher with the entire Contents,
was completely destroyed. Bruesets
has been very fortunate Os Gate is
the fins serious fire since two years
alto when the Banker grant elevator
at the station was burned,
St.J ski's Church
Harvest Festival
Rev. H. A'Nell of Gerrie Conducts
Services at St, John's Anglican
Rev. H. O'Neil, B.1„ 1.D,, Gerrie,
was the guest clergyman in charge
of the Harvest Festival services of
SR, John's Anglinan church on Sun-
day last, He del4bered two splentl
did discourses taking for hie morn-
ing subject the 35111 verse of the
11th chapter of Si. John "Say not
ye There are yet four months, and
then cometh the harvest: behold, I
say unto you, Litt tap your eyes, and
look on the fields, for they are
white already unto the harvest."
and In the evening the let verse of
the 92nd psalms "It is a good thing to
give thanks unto the Lord, and to
sting praises [into thy name, 0 most
S. ectal music by the choir induct •
ed the anthem "Fear Not 0 Land"
by Simper, solo parts being sung ey
Kenneth Coleman and Lorne Bryan
the "Te Deum" and "Jubilate" at
the morning service and during Lha
evening worship a solo "Beneath
His Wings" contributed by Miss Al-
berta McMurray, the anthem "Can -
tate Domino" and the "Kittle Dimta
tis" and special hymns and prayers
were used.
Large congregations were present
at both services, particularly in tate
evening when Melville Presbyter -
tan and are United church with.
drew their services to order that
their members might join the Si.
John's congregation in the annual
"Hervest Homo" service of that
The church was beautifully decay
Wit with the first fruits and bowers
for the ot•easion, The officers were
grttitted with the subsl.aatlal
"Thankoffening" received,
Fowl Supper
A very large crowd attended the
Fowl Sup -per held Tuesday evening
under the auspices of St. John's
ehureh, Approximately 600 tickets
dere sold.
A play 'The Red haired Girl" was
presented, following the supper, In
the town hall by the Preebyterian
young people of Bluevale and thor•
()uglily enjoyed by the large audi-
ence, Between acts pleasing solos
were contributed by Rev. Grieg, of
Bluevale and piano duet by Mrs. J,
Graham and 'Bobs' Campbell, Rev,
.T. Graham was crairman for the ev-
ining, Rev, H. Mahoney of the Unit-
ed Church spoke a few words.
Institute meeting, Monday, Oat. 25
The Women's Institute meeting
meeting which was postponed will
be held on Monday, Oct. 26 at the
hone of Wire, Harold Procter with
tile Peace committee in charge. The
Conveners, arm Harold Procter,
Slrs. L. Iiopper; Roil Cal!, A verso
on Armistice; Motto, 'Loyalty and
Service,' Mrs. Jas, Taylor; Aciderss,
Rev, Mr, McLean; :Nasik.•, Mts, N
Geddes; Lenteh Com., Mrs. .1. M,
Cenetes, Mrs, R. Higgins, Mrs, S.
Teacher -Now, Joiutny, can
name a place in Alnska7
Johnny -No 'an,
.7leacher-JI'31ait'a right; Nome.
Good for you! Next!
jit ' EVERY KIND. OP a*j
,6.O 1fxxxi qwxOrxgoK4i xl,L9:1
LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Annual Meet ng Miss .William,s
Cad �iLle Society Elected Pres.
At Y.12.. Rally
CARD OF THANKS Look At Your Label!
We wish to thank our ueighbnrs
and friends for their ,itindneas and
expressed sympathy in word and act
at the time of our recent bereave.
Jack and Sate Barr,
A Bright Idea !
Have the Partsian Dry Cleaners
freshen up your winter coat before
Mailing to wear 4t, and your lighter
weight garments before storing
there away.
They, will wear longer and look
like new,
C. Hiegaton, Agent,
Pae_sed away Ont. 0th, 1937
During the past seven years when
Mies Wooles has made her rome
with nie many kindnesses have been
shown us. Although a constant
sugerer she was a jibing example oe
patience and cheerfulness, The
many visits by the Iadtes and the
ta°'ty treats brought in were so ap-
preciated by our clear friend
For these I wish to express ncy
thanks. I would especially thank
Rev. Williams and those who came-
ameto the service to pay their last
respects to our loved one,
May Gott bless you.
Mary E, Lott,
Church Notes
The services on Sunday morning
in Melville Presbyterian Church
was conducted by D, T. Evans, s'u-
dent of Knox College, Toronto, who
took for his text, John 14-6, "The
Way and the End of the Way." Suit.
able music was given by the choir,
Rev, Gordon Duncan, of Warks -
worth, will preach on Sunday, Oct,
Service hi the United Church was
conducted by the Rev. F, J, Fydell,
of Gerrie, who spoke from I Tim-
othy, 1-8 "Do not be ashamed to
testify to our Lord.",
Evening service in both churches
were withdrawn in courtesy to St,
John 'sAnglinaa Church which heist
its harvest Home Festival 011 Sun-
United Church W. A.
The H'uman's A:ssntriation of the
United church Kehl 11S re;;utar 10,-e1.
lag at the home of airs. H. L, Jack_
son Thursday evening with a need
attendance present, The President,
Mrs, W. H. Bell, presiding, In the
Devotional service etis. Ihrcir:at
and Mrs. Parker assisted Maisia
Dorothy Armstrong and Jean ,sett
con ributed instrumental music.
The secretary, Miss Robinson
gave minutes of previops nteetln c.
Treasurer's statement was also .te-
en, after which plans were conrt,141
ell for the successftti carrying one of
the fowl capper to bo served at the
United elturch, Tuesday evening,
Nov, 0th following Sunday Antclvo.r-
sary services,
At the couclusiou of business the
west group served an Autumn Tea
which was much enjoyed,
Listowel Business
Man Is Paid
Final ,Tribute
The funeral of Arthur B. George,
one of Listowel's oldest business
men, took .place from Knox Presby-
terian Church Monday afternoon,
Rev, W. F, Kelley, of Knox Cburch,
had charge of tate service, assisted
by Rev, H, Naylor, rector Of Christ
Anglican Church, During the
.liana's of the funeral seraldoe stores
remained closed in respect cet his
long business career here, Mr,
George died suddenly from a heart
'attack in hie restaurant. His death
terminated a business career of al,
.most 50 years in Listowel Besides
tris wife, he is survived by two sons,
Roy, of Galt and Ilr, Morton George
of weed and one daughter, Mrs, nay
of Oshawa.
Crawford --So yon can't under-
stand Why your boy In college Bank•
ed in all the foreign languages?
5rtrbsitaw-ho, it's a mystery to
me, Ile picked tap alt the college
yells in no time,
Our mailing flat has beau revieed
up to and including October 20th.
Payments received after that date
do not show on the label,
If you have matte a payment since
our list was revised and prior to Oc-
tober 20111, make sur
at your
label reads cotreotly, Should there
be any error please let us know in
order that the proper change note' be
made when our lists are corrreetee
Moving Pictures of the
Coronation In Color Coming
Two Projectors, Loud Speayer, Ant
pSffer, Sound Equipnment for Ilan,l
Music, lilshop of eanttrbtu''s
Speech. King's Oath and other
sound work will be put on in the
Town Hull, on the evening of Nov,
end, by Mr, W. D. Robertson, ex.
Pert photographer of Cairncross and
Lawrence of London, Ont., under
auspices of Bast Group of the L'nii.
ed Church. Doors open 7.30 p.m,
Entertainment R .pan, sharp
Adtniesion-Adults 25c; Cililie'n
under 12 years, 15c,
_„x_Legion Dance
Enjoyable Affair
The dance held in the Town Hall
on Wednesday evening of last week,
sponsored by the Legion of Brussels,
was a most enjoyable function, well
attended by the dance loving folk
of the community. The music of
Florence Muer and her ororestra
provided appreciated music and the
re -surfaced floor of the ball was a
feature which added much to the
pleasure of dancing, The hope that
many auotber danle of the sante
type may be held in the future was
expressed by those who enjoved
themselves Wednesday evening.
On Wednesday evening last, a
number of 'blends met at the home
of Wm. and Mrs. Somers to spend a
sneial hour with their neighbor Mrs.
Lake, prior to her removal from
their nidet.
A dainty lunch wa- served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. Bates and
Mrs, Denman. After which Mrs,
Lake was made the recipient of a
brantitul Trail Mirror,
Tho' taken by surprise, Mrs. Lake
thanked her friends for th'ir
thoughtfulness and invitee theme to
visit het ht her new home.,
United Church Y P. S.
The I, P. ee, of l iu --,ls ti t i
Church met on llond•,3 : evening
for their regular w . 111y
Charles hryana tat t 1::en. nap C.,1,.
veuar in (barge. clary :iced
feat) toe scripture for the
The topic euta1 d'The leael ,' it
of Law' win 41h1y talon by Eirc r
D. hell. He teemed out to the
group how th'o ly law end religion
]fad beelr linked all 14o1gh the
gradual et„vulti, 0 whhrh jaw had
taken. He told many or the 'insole
by which a utau was, proven gutity
or not guilty man} years ago and
showed how these bad been improv-
ed on from time to tint!, Margaret
Pearson then sang a sole whirl
everyone enjoyed. The meeting
closed for anotifer week by alt re.
pettting the Mizpadt Benediction,
Mrs. .Hoerle and daughter Rutin,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hoerle and
ales, Henry Hoerle of Heidelberg,
visited with Mr, and Mrs, Charier
Sellers; Mr, and Mrs. Silas Johnston
and Wesley Stevenson and Ritts
Eileen Stevenson spent the we3k-
e11d at Male tool Guelph; Ma's. J.
Sellers of .Morris with Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sellers, RIs', and Mrs, Deet
Dennison and daughter or Preston
Mrs. Lena Me -Gavin and sou, Wilmot
of Kitcihener, visited Mr. and Mrs
Herold Sellers; Louis Armstrong
tool daughter Doris of Morris end
111x, and :Mrs. Armand Kermeek and
Joan, and Mrs, John Harris of .Blyth
with Mr, and Mrs, Harold Solders,
The people of this community
loaded a rear of vegetables, fruit, era
for the West Tuesday,
Miss le, Coulter of Melei11op is
vrieittng Mrs, I2. Hoy at. ,present,
''hose who attended the annual
meeting of (h local branch of tiro
/Ale Society in the United chtlreh
on Friday evening, Oct, 15111, en.
joyetl a real treat, as Rev, Waiter
McCleary, District Secretary, gave-
bis illustrated lecture on Spain, the
work or die Society there, and con-
ditions. as they are at present,
The Secretary's report for the
years 1931 and 1930 W11s encourag.
lug, sdurwlrtg au Illerease in amount
Ile~pori is as follows,
1915, Cash h on Maud $ 2.8e
Colleetione 19115 1u 1.'3
Collections 1934 1;17,62
Total $245,o2
Upper Canada Bible
Society, 1938 $11)5 011
Upper Canada Bible
Society 1935 -- 130 00
Total 3244.00
Balance on hand $ 1,02
The election of officers, presided
over by Rev, John Graham, resulted
fn she re -appointing of 1936 officers
and collectors, with a few necessary
changes and additions.
A hearty vote of thanks was ac-
corded last year's staff for the good
work done.
During the evening, Mrs, Jelin
Graham and Mr. George Northwo r5,
favored the audience with much are
predated solos, Mrs, Bobs Camp.
bell was accompanist for the aver.
ins and Jack Lowry presided at the
Lantern, The President, P. A,
McArthur was chairman.
The following are the officers and
('shatters for the ensuing year:
President -P. A, i oArthur
Vice -Presidents -The resident min-
isters of Brussels, Ethel auti
Ser„ Treas.-Carrie Hingston
Executive Committee 1lenibers:
Mr. Geo, Eckmier,
;air, Jas, Bryans
Mrs. D. Denman
Mrs. A. Straeran
ails, A, C. Dances
airs, J. C. Smith
Mies Jessie Strachan
Mt', Jna, Sdinock
Ilru.:,:el., I•:ast-,llrs, D, De:runan
airs, Meadows
Brusesls We t- Mrs, A, Strachan
Mrs, R S. IIamfltr,,lt
Muss, is Sortie -Miss Ma. Skeitnn
Hiss Grace Stewar,
3 .u.h Mrs, Wm. Fi titer
1•,111,1-- elre. ti! ''. 1 [haler
\its, h^a, lerauter
eir lad -.lee. Thee, Wilson
Mrs -,dna, Riley
".tel Itlt-1I1s_ 1 Strachan
Mrs- Geo, Joltniton
31It \ tole3l•ee, P. A. McArthur
11ns, Jas, Turnbull
7th a 5th -Sits, N. Cardiff
Mice SI, MrFariane
nth a 111th --'Mrs, A. Lamont
Miss V. Ellacot
/lar & 12th -Mrs. Va. Petrie
Mrs, E. Higgins
13th & 11t11 -;Hiss J. Alcock
Hiss .11, Stephenson
East of Ctanbrook-•-Jno. Sahnock
3r0---M.tss Ruby done
- Miss M Ireland
4th-11rs, R, Currie,
Mrs', M. Lowe
6th --Mrs, Geo, Davis,
:errs, Wm, Clark
6th--M'is.s Aden Orasby .
Hiss Ilisten
Me -Mrs. S. McCall
Mrs, le Barnes
Notice -
Annual Meeting, Cranbttr is ('`oat.
Inanity Hall will be held in tit • h•aU,
on Monday, Got, 251h, at 8 Pat
A11 interested govern them 'res
ilsn ortiingly,
D, R, Houston, see,
Miss Myrtle Fraser of Seaforth
spent tote last weep with her par.
eats, Mr, and Mrs, Fraser, 8111 line
of Morrie,
Societies Representing Maitland
Presbytery Convene at
The annual ropy tee the Young
People's Societies of the Maitland'
Preebytet'y, was held in IKuox Prase
byterian Church Friday, The eater-.
3ltton session 5e11ed at 5 o'clock
with members Of aha Elbe] society
taking iebarge of the devotional
period. Several items of business
carne under discussion. At 6,10 the
radio of the congregation served
supper to over 128 members and
delegates. After supper all joined
in a sing -song led by Rev, J. R.
Rev. C, H. MacDonald, Luckuoly,
delivered tbo after supper address,
evoking of the four divisions of
Y,I':S, work, dealing with the devo-
tional work iii inueitular, and urging
the young people to keep the dyes
of Chrhtlauity horning,
Promptly at 7,30 members of the
Whitecltdrth Society opened the
evening session, John 1VInTabish,
President of I311evaie Y.P,S., gave
a few words of welcome and Miss
Elizabeth Inglis of Delmore, gave
a report of Kintail Summer SobooL
Rev, Kenneth 14IanLean introdae-
ed the gueaker, A_
Thomson, est Elorasp, who gaveRey. anE.
spirtug 'talk on seeking the right
thing in life, He stated those who
seek will find, and if wrong things
are found, disappointment is the
result, Solos were rendered by
Cameron McAuley and Miss Camp-
The new officers are as follows.
Pres„ Miss E, Williams, Cranbrock;
135 vice-pres., Clark McGregor, Tees -
waiter; 2nd vice-pres., Camerin Mc-
Auley, Ripley; cor. sec., Miss Dor-
othy Deen, Wingham; rec. sec., Miss
J`essle Little, Brussels; areas-,
Thomas Wilson, Whitechurcr, Ars
Invitation was ac0epted to holda the
nest rally at Lucknom,
Roberts ---McDowell
St. Paul Street Cburch, St, Cath-
arines, was the setting for the mar-
riage of Anne Josephine :MeDoweit.
youngest daughter of the Iate Mr,
and 3Irs, Harvey McDowell of Det
grave, UM., to Mr, Robert li'ctlton
Roberte. son of air, and .lira, Charl-
es Robeets, of Si. Catharines. Rev,
12uy 1 r,tl performed the ceremo,ty,
The bride, given in marriage Le-
yh. r brother -hr law. Mt', Wallace D-
Sholdice, was lovely in a gown of
ivat,v suede lace made en prin:'a.::'
linos, The skirt and train had ina
serfs of net and the long embroider.:
oil veril fell from a eorouet of lace
which matched the dress. Site
curried a shower bouquet of roses,
lilies of the valley and orchids. The
bridegroom's gift to the bride was
a lovely gold locket, aim Dorothea
Ilubert, the fa -ride's only attendant,
was charming in a quaint ,period
dress of St. James' rose faille taf-
feta, made with square ueckliue,
triple puffed sleeves and very full
skirt. Iler demure poke-bonuet of
the same material was tied beneath
her chin with matching velvet rib.,
bon and she carried a colonial bone
geed of roses and snapdragons, AVir
Itiohartl Seehuber was groomsman.
Mr, Harold Holgate played softly
throughout the ceremony and ac
coinpahied Mr, F. Ilanlps0n who
sang "Because" during the signing
of the register. The ueheen were
Mr, Orval Graham or Str0.ttoid,
brother-in-law of the bride, and Mr.
Tack Ralberts, brother of the bride-
groom, Follotwing the ceremony a
reception was lield at tee home of
the bride's sister, Ottawa street, St,
Cethdu•ines Mos, Shoidice were
black velvet wtltlt matching bat ann
a corsage of roses, .Rims Roberts
mother of t'tp brldttgroenn, chose
black lace twill' bat to match, and
also were a corsage of. roses, Later
Mr, and Mts. Roberts left on a
of trip to New York, the bride
Wearing a black suit with black
and white accessories, Shp earrled
re shoit fur jacket. On their retain",
they Twill reside on Niagttt4 street;,
St, Cittbarines,