HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-13, Page 8..,l,.. ,9ePnr,r,n.n.�4r Pa The !tGXOJZLS;:are GILLETTE GOLD SPECIAL 10 Gillette Blue Blades 1 Gillette Razor Gold Plated with New Jumbo Handle 1 Used Blade -Container ALL. FOR 59c $1,00 rBOX JASMIN FACE POWDER and Beautiful Framed Picture of World's Most Famous Princesses BOTH FOR $1.00 Flies Carry Disease You Can Be Sure of Killing, More ):lies in Less Time With Rexall Fly®KiI Because it is Stronger in Killing Power than the Accepted Standard for Insecticides. Actual Tests on Flies and Other Insects Prove It. LARGE BOTTLE FLY - KIL AND HAND SPRAYER Both for 59c TWO GOOD SOAPS Harmony Rose Glycerine Soap (For Sensitive Skins) 2 LARGE CAKES 25c PURE CASTILE SOAP 6 CAKES FOR 25c PURETEST COD LIVER 'OIL Builds up the system and tends to prevent colds Tested 50s and 5..00 Bottles BI Flowering Bulbs Tulips, Hyacynfhs and Daffodils T. R. SMITH "rFI FPHONE NO. 62 ySeors3 TELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER HE MUSSI 1' S POST CLASSIFIED ADS, Notices hs this column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every, extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35e. AUCTION SALE— Mervyn Hodges, 16th con., of Grey is holding a Clearing Auction Sale on Friday, Oct. 150, FOR SALE 'JR RENT— Six room House, to reliable party or would exchange for small farm, Apply at Post, FOR SALE - 9 Good Pigs, seven weeks old. apply to Mrs. Fred Churchill, phone 304 Binevaie, r,r, 9► =O Toi = l01=0=`0G0) :OGO 'O5 u O O p 11 o1=0i="'_ 02=nJr"�..._"-d0=0*".",-"'-""001=0) to?=IO e d s I .:sass s alis fy ® A. Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment "See Reid and See Right" FOR SA LE— A. Player Piano. Min. W. M. Sinclair, phone 79 FOR SALE - 2000 Iioads of Good Cabbage, 60c per dozen. phone 33-17 Chas. Workman BUSH FOR SALE— I have a few acres of bush left for sale, Three years to take it off; also a young Roan Shorthorn Bull, Priced right. phone 20-6, Andrew Turnbull FOR SALE - 2 Heifers coming in first Novem- ber, apply to Alex Ring, Lot 13, Con. 5, Morris TO RENT- 1lnod Erick Mouse, formerly oc- eupi,-d by Gordan Sanderson, Apply to Canadian Bank of Commerce TO RENT--. Frame Garage, formerly occupied by Gordon Sanderson, Apply to Canadian Bank of Commerce MEN WANTED— For Rawleigh Routes of 300 families. Sales way up this Year. Reliable bustler should start eazu- In 030 weekly and increase rapidly. Write today. Rawleiglrs, \•P.L 152 -K -J, Montreal Can. . SALESMEN— WAN'T TO BETTER YOUR POS- ITION? Then write us! Start with 525.00 assortment and realize a successful, independent, profitable living! NO RISK UNDER OUR CONDITIONS. 0uts.anaing profits for the willing 'worker. Choice territories available! AC'T NOW FOR RESULTS! Free particulars, FAMILEX 00, 570 St. Clement St. b Montreal, To the Electors of Huiroln -Bruce Once again I wish to express my appreciation of the wonderful support I received on Election Day. It was a great victory for good Government and only made possible by the support of both parties' To the workers within the Liberal ranks d am especially grateful but my duty is to all electors alike. Sincerely, C. A. ROBERTSON C.ZI LLIAX &SON. WANTED— ELMER D. BELL, B.A. At Union. Church -12 cord of thy Barrister, noholtor, Etc. Body Wood. phone 49-5. Brussels Ont Isaac Rathw•9l I Phone 20x, —x— PREPARE . FR WINTER BY HAVING YOUR EYES PROPERLY CARED FOR DON'T SUFFER FROM BLURRED VISION, HEADACHES, SICK STOMACH, NERVOUSNESS, DOUBLE VISION etc., when we can examine your Eyes by the Newest Methods known to Optical Science and g'.ve you clear Comfortable Vision. I will be at my Br a.iels Office in Miss Maude Bryans' Horne, Phor-: 26X all day and evening — THURSDAY, OCT. 14th to examine Eyes and fit Glasses when required F. F. Homuth, Phm. S. R. O. Member of — American Optometrical Assn. Ontario Optometrist Assn. Harriston, Brussels, Phone 118 Phone 26X WOSDNJSSD X, OCTOBER 13, 1037 StiPERIoR sTOREs * ®s Lily's Beauty Shoppe i 0 01 @,-.. • ... w. • i ::: • . • ... • . + . s • . i»:�"� .ire»�.O...twity'tp',»t»�1.'..a�.a�«�»r»�..4.ta.�»�«�s...r.W»a».» Queen's Hotel — Offers a special in the Line of Beauty Culture- -A SMART PUSH-UP WAVE AT $2.00 -- (Needs No Fingerwave) Phone 54 e; :e, :O .15c !: O Y $5.00 Wave at $3.50 Fingerwave .25c Shampoo & Fingerwave .50c Wet Fingerwave IENEE EEID©E NE EISA' INE ENIEREEID@iiElrl131!:,IDNEINEEE®±•r®EIEIDHEENEEliIDtl9RIBEt 1 RED AND STOREmi P12ne El ■ SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY • i wi ve NI VI 2nd• 4 ■ • III IN IN MI ■ ANNIVERS II ■ Ill al S LE " IN MI III o CONTEST : 21 Guess the time it will take to burn the candle on display in E MI■ A the •window. A Guess With Every 25c Purchase—Contest to ell li • run from October 16th to 23rd • • Prizes 1st -50 lbs. Made -Rite Pastry Flour N ■ 2nd -1 Pink -Nite Glow- Lamp AMINIMOMMIONIMBEMenvesnomilmeNOMMINIMINIONNIPIILINIMMEN LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS l ELS stI w lair►Sv>rRNEENeIIIIEE®ErsENE■E>wEsrIMlMaeENIltlesN®raaEsMIeME32rims5m4li I Grain Wanted WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable for ur product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. H EM P H LLL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter 1 ,g..,elf .... Superior Store Quality Service Specials for the Week—Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Singaport Sliced Pineapple Hillcrest Lard l's Helmet Corn Beef St. Williams Orange Marmalade 32 oz Superior Baking Powder 8 oz • • • • 14c Comfort Soap Silk & Wool Knitting Yarn per tin 9c per lb 15c 2 tins for 23c per jar 23c 16 oz • • per tin 23c 2 cakes for 9c per ball 10c Flannelette, white & coloured per yd 15c & 18c Chidren's Vests & Drawers each 25c Men's Brown & Grey Cotton Gloves per pr. 15c Men's Fancy checked Wool Coat Sweatersc' each $2.95 Men's Lumberman's Rubers per pr $1.98 WM, ZIEGLER Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont. QUALITY - - SERVICE HAPPYVALE MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 25c Helmet Corned Beef 2 tins 23c New Crop White Beans lb 5c Ovaltine in Medium tins each 58c Hallowe'en Jelly Beans per lb 15c Nonsuch Liquid Stove Polish per bottle 18c Palmolive Toilet Soap 3 cakes 17c Superior Baking Powder 1 lb tins 23c Nonsuch Silver Polish per jar 25e Crothers Soda Biscuits 1 Ib bags 15c Singapore Sliced Pineapple per tin • . . 9c Kellogg's Corn Flakes with Bowl 3 for 29c Powdered Bonami per tin 14c Hornes Quick Tapioca 2 pkgs 25c Horns Prepared =Mustard in Tumblers 15c Golden Areas Apricots per tin 17c Ready Cut Mixed Peel per pkg 15c Princess Soap Flakes per pkg 15c Junket Tablets . per pkg 15c Genuine Dutch Cocoa in Tumblers • • • , • • each • • • 15c Brussels I — hursday ll Eckrnier Friday Phone 64� ISaturday w»+,IJIiS ,ajr ..�.,•f 4+ i4 4'1. .""�# 1 ETHEL Miss Jean Snell of Jamestown was' a Thanksgiving day guest at the hone of her cousin Helen G. Bateman in the home of their grand parents, Jos. and Bars. Ames, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills are being congratulated on the arrival at their home over the week -end of a baby girl, On Monday, Oct. 11th the burial of Jake Zeigler, brother of Wm. Zeigler, proprietor of Ethel general store, -took place to Brussels ceme- tery. 109th W. H. Love, funeral director in charge, and Rev, Mr, Williams, Presbyterian lIinister at Ethel and Cranbrook conducting tine services, Look! Just what you have been waiting for, The Florida Sextet, Coloured Singers, will present a program in. the Ethel United Church, Oct. 20th, of Operatic, Popular, Heart Songs, Negro Spirtual Songs, and Hum- orous readings in costume. These entertainers are touring Canada and we are pleased to be able to secure them for this engage- ment. Keen this date open. Geo. Kreuter is repairing the ex- terior of his wolcshlp and farm im- plernent store rooms, which Ile hopes to complete before unfavor- able weather sets in, DANCEY & BOLSBY BARRISTERS, SOLICI17ORS, ETC. L. E. Dancey, K.C. & P. J. Bolsby Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 54X iier fore PHONE 61 Just Arrived a large Shipment of La;. yes Whiter Co.,ytts Every Size-GreatVaeiety-Popular Prices Corne in and See T hewn And Compare the Values. THESE ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND SHOW • SUBSANTIAL SAVINGS IN PRICES Lace Table Covers in all sizes —made in Ireland Made for service English Bath Towels, Colors fast as a rock 40c, 60c & 75c pr Candle -wick Bed Spreads for large double bed in all wanted shades—attractive patterns worth $5, for $3. each Rayon Bed Spreads, colors, Green, Rose or Mauve at Prices that please you Celanese Under Grament Locknit—guaranteed full size tailored by Ellice, • • • • any style 59c garment Silk Pyjamas, small, medium & large Gowns From the same dependable fabric MEN'S WEAR Guaranted Redback 8 oz Overalls or Pants Buy Now $1.50 Men's Socks, light or heavy weight, good wear • • • • 15c pair Men's Socks with knit -in garter, heavy heel & toe Sale Price 25c Men's Suits At Bargain Prices— Men's Odd Trousers at Clearing Prices— Men's Percale Shirts, colors fast, fit guaranteed • • • • $1.00 up E. J. MeTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel