The Brussels Post, 1937-10-13, Page 20111.,ELS !t
MA111»ea'1110"1l11n100001,/uen,1111t11en1411oofflo l,,llt, M /ntt,n4O001111,a,4011110 O001p1„u,11nn1re,U1?t q
News and Information
the Busy Farmers
(Fern lobed by the Department of Asp ieulature)
W/// 1100,1111/ 11111(1,1111 iii nen 1111llll",l 111011,14119111011111111111111.110/ ,,,,, Mil„110 r in 11,141,1/e„1,/I,I,I,ent 001101.11.0 01011/1410,11
Ontario Honey Crop
Ontario has one Of the sinaletot
crap's 4f honey in the last ten
years. Other ; ln•oducieg ureas ar"
1'n exaltly the same• plight, the
m• s'p'a _.®se
William Street,
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 85
Day or Night Calls
world markets aro 'lower in honey
than for many years, states Dr. I.
J. Dyes, bead of the agricultural
depatuuent at the Ontario Agrlcul-
tural College
The ext7•aordivary shortage of
Macy 7s due to the shortage of
c!„tt•r anti to the wet weather early
tide year. There has been very
1101, slaver uvailable et any time
Ins season.
The honey shortage is particular-
ly n:, t tl .tine . almost all other
„nip, are ex,•/•ptionally gaud. Al-
b.a a Itan:y p..iees have not yet
rte ft, is no. doubt that titk_,
(jtU'i),:•c and tette:,
•,.alis ing itoae.y lravl: :Ln repu.tit;
;;rt:' t c,.,p,
Ontario Plowlr.e Match
Embalmer and Funeral : ThIs year, in the agricultural
Director. world, "all ri»d lead to Fergus,"
vanosingsmacmammannezmans,nrk a gl:.see at any good rand map
��� enttravel,
StuddedTir0 In all sgiv corifidenceandsecuitty
to the
river. 21tel bite into slitheringul
to the drtti e • w arida wing, even u
t traction.
They keep you. ires would, leave
ordinary er or lactam
you tog el less.11you're far postman, or
acount salesman odds of n, or
a country has to travel m Goodyear Studded
anyone who dealet'studd
rod at
drifted o� Goodyear t.k,,yri"
Tires. Al y"19
Inwhere ordinary truck tires
eeF So,
constant fearof eliding \linp,v°St
driewith completeon Good eao Li'
�uuTires.Their setf cl5untiuttt
Miry uudend find safe,
snow donteoyou----nor
ctoioads,0 d}earLugruckTires kee prover. over
"itelithe"-row3s dein YL,u qever
encounterec L,coftheLr nrtc1L•
1 they bit-Veild
ytur .. r
*al quieltly bear witness •to thea..
'Fergus, from Oct. 12 to 16, 1011
jutlup its pepnlatton trout apnroxi•`
mately 3,009 to over 100,000, during
the 25th annual Initernational Plow-
ing 'Manch Machinery Demonetra•
tion, held each year under the ams.
izices of the Ontario Plowmen's
During the four-day meet, ever
25,000 motor eters will rour into
Fergus, from every 'point of the
compass. k0mtensdve and complete
arrangements are being made by
a long list of local and provincial
committees to eueure that every
facility is being properly organized
to take t•1mtplete care of this tre-
meedeus• hsOux of visits.
Those to charge of the annual
match, according to .Mr. J. A. Car-
roll, secretary -manager of the On.
taste Plotwmen's Assleletion, have
always beeu ,proud of the ,fact that
the spectators (of 'whom more
than 104,000 are expected this
year) come to see expert Plowing
and are never disctppotuted, "Nor
have we to resort to games of
chance, gamlhlling and ballyhoo,
The contestants' come from far and
wide to show their expertness at
plowing, and the spectators conte
from farther and wider to see them
do It, and then to view the exhibits
of farm machinery and modern agrI-
cultural equipment which is always
as important a feature of the meet
as the plewing match itself."
Mr. Carroll pointed to a stat.
meut made last year by Eric C,
Boulden of the Nova 'Softie depart.
ment of agriculture, in which ha
said: "Our Plowing matches are de•
signed primarily to create an inter•
est in this implement and in the art
of the operation of plowing, but they
thabe a far greater field of intpot't-
ance, flood. plowmen are suaily
gond farmers and the basis of cur
whole program of cultivation is laid
on the foundation of good piowtng.
That our boys and young men are
taking 0 keen interest in th'ee coin.
petitions is a healthy and hopeful
si.,•n of agricultural progress for the
f n tU re,,,
Fruit and Vegetable PrIspeots
Thr centror• rc' 11 arta, crop 1111
Ontario row Mutated at 7:,ii,-
itu0 barr,ris, as compared with 78''•,-
1110 barrels in 1 , e or an increlse
n enc 1 c ase of 26 is the
-ectiun ofAtlu plv�vi les west of
Toronto, more than offsets a re-
ductiin of 160 in orchards east of
Tiernan. Peaches are 27,7,. greater
in volume, being :placed nt 503,01110
bushels this season, as against 402,-
02,300 bushels last year; and plums,
while a decidedly light erop, are
estimated at 12,71)0 bushels, a gain
over the extremely email
yield of 41.281) bushels iu 1(,36, Peer
produt ien shows a decline of
at 1113,100 leu 3i'r1s as compared w'0
196,0001 hu=hels a year ag o.
-\-: pews are sizing particularly
vrl! and colouring has Improved
(e early with the cooler weather
prevailing during the past two
weeks. Recent winds have caused
some loss in Eastern Ontario, and
several localized areas in ll'eeeern
On-ario, especially in Georgian Bay
and Middlesex districts. Infests•
tion of Apple :liaggnt is lighter this
season, and Corky Core is tracheal,
ly absent 10 most restricts,. Side.
worm Injury is variable and there is
considerable scab sllowhtg. Particu-
larly in Eastern Ontario,
Picking of McIntosh is now un•
der sway in many orchards. Ex-
port movement pats been light e,
far, /rat larger shipments will be
forwarded In the next few day .
In clean and well -sprayed orchards
}ruy''rs art. ,paying es high ae
per barrel fur "Alvin toot, on tie.
Ire's, 12,60 for Snotws, and for
ode's c, it w. 'I'tunk mews.r
lv1 putt 7 u.i:wd heavy thole, rilone
i'lum- ,"are ,:ed reel. 1,111 t•r,
firs',' of • tw,••,tr r ' en 11',, r, t
tri• ,( .sift. .n}•, •t,.:,,.l t. , ,
i,It.r•7 un of 'lyd .eel• -:". ,
4.111•:1 i,:, t i .,
1 - I , b r -ir• •.
:: 1- :ala
A s n` ! ': 71 ri a h
e •rl 1 all r;i.
2111" lei
`+'1 ,:I .,one. '+n ih:trl »xu t1,
' ' rel + 11,0 •;Ni'sews
sort 1., q t Il.
($ 01 ,t
at, V, 11 11401
cuLr pr,l,
Care Required In
Harvesting Potatoes
Tie, time tails arrived when the
tette ital tlo el•np i:+ to be ittrve.itelt
and grow, v,, shun:11 gave rcu'efnt
SPAY 4N(yr 7 i 111, 95
Will your name appear in Monday's newspapers? If it does, will you
be writhing with pain in the emergency ward of a hospital, will your
mangled remains be resting in a funeral parlor -or will you be held by
the Police on a charge of manslaughter?
If you are a motorist and value life and property, help to stop this
slaughter of innocent people. The death toll from car accidents in
Ontario must go down!
We are justly proud of the Police of this Province -but they cannot
be everywhere. Most accidents occur when a policeman is not around.
Traffic violators know better than to speed, cut in or crowd other cars
with a policeman in sight.
Ontario Motorists will Co-operate
When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to
the public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual
time and place and when you reach your destination write to
the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways,
Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor
infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested to use
sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders.
Motor Vehicles Branch
iii 411" r i•c1. yw llt'hhrtr-,,
fi'li��''ar�t�4,..1'fnwreftr«�a�+•a:-,+ '', ur a n�,:. •
lot of the unnecessary cuts end
bruiser. which result frim earele:,:s
or poor harvesting and handling.
Many groxvers seem to lose sight
of the fact that, atter spending the
whole season in producing a good
crop they bru:ee or damage many
tubers makiug them more or leets
unsalahlye or subjectto a law grad
in'g-eby hurrying the harvesting
operations. Prnduclug large yo.,dr
per acre is not the •whole story:
without quality, muantity it of little
The cor.„moc-r n1 '1'
alt'! tooa bili qu hri• prtl tri,
and if auto: art• to di pre• of r'e':
c! up at 11 111'40- 1 ill, t 111.1::'1 10
rr•:It,•Iforls to plat 1111 a 101_.!1
:,t ,L
3t, • 1: 11 1' t"1t1•: !alt
rn:;.,: ,t ..,.• 11 lest 114 1., q1 n!;
t: :r t i'.. 1 :-1:4 ,,.•
the tubers do not brnsse.
Greer:; noxi dealers alike should
SRP to it that a good pack le put nn
the market. Alt off -grade tubers
should be removed, the sacks
should be clean, and the bags
shoul dbc full eight hen packed.
Good quality will always result 10
rt,;:, at ordt'rs. This, applies th
much to seed as it does to
Fergus Farmers
Are Lucky
The ht', t 1 I.S. tl Pl e' ng lLrc1,
11) bc 11,111 at f ie't. }1).,i w,itlt
bt n cine w1117 , g7.1
1t- 1 7 .:' a ;117 tttN 4..l tt ()II'
.,t. Ott.rtr I iii , i t •it lit 1 I,,.
sir 11: tet i t, i, 7 t•t 11 .'
1, t't 1 ,",. h p
r...0•11. 1 r, ,:t ,• i l
t1 1' Ili
itt , int•• u: 111
1•11 ,7.t..
anal ItifI '1 .. tw itt a tv r 'Int, t,,r„ -.
widely used in lighthouses through- 4 thousand times you will wish to
out the world.
, release that petit -Up shame to
scream: "I killed a child anw• ren
away "' It would make you feel
Huow a sit-and-runp •• better, hint you won't do It.
Driver Feels Listen, Mr. Htt-and-run Driver:
Well, you got away with it, soA THING! AND YOU KNOW IT!
for, anyway. Of rourse yon,rj'
still a bit ne.xnas, You
startled by doorbells: your p 1',ms
sweat when you pick up the nsorn-
hag paper; your mouth gets dt'v
when a starnget• seems to stare at
yeu, I1`or there is just a poesibit!tr
li101 stone pac er•'by say you, But
your pulse is l',t unina to h Adv
sat111, D.,t11 pn siuz, day
add, d s ,it ty
If 11 will make you i:•el ail}
t}+r,.,tln may a v•r b,
Ht my t tern t l•,t , y'm Il acct•.'
t echo )Hitt -lett You'll , r
p•, fhr• shot,,, of it.tvla:. 1-i1t:,,1
child :u 9 ,nu ;I.w,t•, y r,t''I . .
' "11)'-
cry 11,+,1, ..`r 1 I. •".I
c.,w • ,1, r r p int
l ::u .:1 , 11 ...,..
A•i.:: i,i" t•-. - i„II , 1, 1
'1 tl ; 1 .111•. +, til 1.. " .
nt;t • t' }1;...1 If, u„ •1'
•`,. n•1; 1111,1 iIyit
t•,I .1 r t -d , e a 1....', i. , ba,
' :. .
11:111'II til; 1; Irl tat el:i':: 1 1:, Ili 1 ❑... .. p
n b31u;r-a'. A :•;nnplr r it:crwo o' :.d- -
1:.•"ih of 0+ 1 dd't 0. re end Hee.. py +• I ,.L, i .n ;n'",- ,'ii; -• (alrh li
w, t. l .fel., r Inn:n:r e• :/.,-ire, L Ill•. Associate f ��c'"f'1 L 'it ti ,»'t ri . 1•.11 1 t tt,xly ,:1.•
nj lr}.
andTHINGDias 1 i 11,1 n'i „ trier hot t o
Cur Irirli •1 ait,l niheP itaiu11r,'.4 ` t I " I p, epi l '
tv, dnd elle, 1,,: ic:n•+terl not 10 nil' Arthrtr K1 .4/11, 780:11..,,1,1 ire' 11 ih ic.:`It 01,L• , ti ,t•rid,01 1 i':Ir
Iia,• tube(:: luta bt 1•t:, barr,ds oe o• who tea, a eellahalitnt 0 1, I,v w it 1, heart, bet 1,,,t 1.11 1t 1r1
bts,s, -nr oth' .t.,a temehly It:uadle Alex:,niler clrahain Rel! nu tle• in .The.; 'tori w•'11 ih„ nights, witan t'o.i
ile'tn. Similar rare should h,. I.akei: ' van:tiot7 of the 1died t1r• : 11- seeps ,w'r'it yeitl' toll-cltmee .,1,1
in phtrlug theta in telt ttorngd hitt., lobo:. 1st, Kitson also wtn]c,.rl (11(11 wino, tt vin;; fai"o aHlipp at 1.0.1,
and in mnvinh thein 1'0010 Nies,. to Thomas A. ltdlenit on Ilse ot,gi'ihi ,,s +t, al into aunt, ilrod
the grueling inarhine, Thruse nm- c•lectrle light 1,1710, 11,- held tett cell 4 to p1•.ennct (hot some or secret 1-
t t+rttglrt to ways and nu In: ur r•ltiucx, inn, ehnnld have the oto i 'g for Sop Invent Mils, including I le' . atm tle, yes, the (tights will be
`S'01,1 ming, 114 fu' as ,,nesible, a parts ttiljltsted or padded so that Itits'ht incandescent light, which is hard.
L'aha to Visit U.S.A.
The Duke of Windsor announced
that he and the duchess pltu a trip
to the United States and Germany
mar -ori ur," • The Duke of
\Vial or has. always intere+!ed 171it-
s;t1f in the well.he ing of the wnrlo,
b"ct 0,011. Ile loop: Somata to op-
poe,ttue ties' that. future travels 70
nrhra• s i»tttri.•o may afford of ga"o-
ing further expo 1000,1' on 100,' tt l.-
Viz ,,rt ESA. e:S
fser h••..tasu Pitt" -t:
d 4 ,;iii; 1.7;4'
a t',. ,ae its i
money and 3;^. •;.,•t t:.
bralrio recta:, i.1.:`�
You 0t5,0, roatith '
through our C1aaai :.;.sl
Want ,Ads.
. it„