HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-13, Page 1• USE THE ,ADS AS YOUR .SHOPPING LISTS argas:ala+onCalat++a+i'asdrasalane ;s the BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY,. OCTOBER 13th - 1937 i� +, EVERY KIND 1OP J 0 B F.!''IN.tINQ $ + AT REASONABLE PRICES 1.14 A aKs iK+♦aaliaoPri(1:N1ti+Ki+,AlEKrla'aa POST PUBLISHING HOUSE„ John Barr Passes Away at Horne Well-Knewn Farmler and Native of Morris Called By Death in 77 Year There passed away at his home in Br'usa'alts on Monday, Jobn Baty' in his 77th year. Born in Morris and raised in ithie community he was well and favourably known as a fanner and drover. He leaves to mourn their loss two shlters', Mrs, Frank ,boatel, (Ethel), and Mrs. Walter Yuill, of Brussels, two n9p. bews, Samuel Barr of town and John of Niagara Falls, The fun- eral was held on Thursday after- noon from the Walker Funeral Home, interment in Br aseels Ceme- tery. KNOX CHURCH, CRANBROOK Anniversary Services will be held on SUNDAY, OCOBER 17th at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. GUEST PREACHER Rev. J. M. McCurlie of Atwood To be followed on Monday, October 18th by a High Class Entertainment To Be Given By The Hadyn String Quartette of Stratford First Violin -William Asher Second Violin -Irene Kirk Viola -Ross Macintosh Cello -Jean McDonald AND 'OTHERS Each member of this Quartette is .1 solo artist, and together they have won over 40 medals from various Ontario Festivals. ADMISSION -Adults, 25o Children 15o EVERYBODY WELCOME Harvest Festival ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, BRUSSELS Sunday, October 17th Services 15' a.m. and 7 p.m. PREACHER - REV. HARRY O'NEIL, GORRIE Tuesday, Evening, Oct. 19th FOWL SUPER IN BASEMENT OF CHURCH From 5 to 8 p.m. PLAY IN TOWN HALL -8.15 p.m, "The Red Haired Girl" Presented by Presbyterian Church, Bluevale ADMISSION -Adults 40c (Children 14 and under) Children 250 James Thuell and John Fischer, Wardens REGENT THEATR E SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Sonja Henle and Tyronne Power present the skating star In the new Ice musical Thin Ice .with - Joan Davis Arthur Treacher Mon., Tues., Wed,, Oct. 18, 19. 20 Shirley Temple Victor MoLagien -in- Rudyard Kipling's Wee 'Willie Winkle An adventure drama with Shirley in India Matinee --Wednesday at 4.15 p.m, PEOPLE WE KNOW, Miss Isellel Mr1Cinnon oar Blue. vale spent Thanisgiving here with her grandmother, .Mas. H, Mc- Kinnon, Miss Irene Taylor of i3luevale. was a Tbankegiviug visitor with 'Tains, W. Locking, W. L. and 'Ml's, McKelvey of Montreal, ,their son Dr, M. A, and Mrs, McKelvey of North Hailey, Que., and Mrs. Louis lllckmier of Toronto we ergueste at the home of Mrs. I), 'McKelvey over Thanks - ° v lair.ing, and Mrs, Geo, Rodanill, Miss Audrey Rodmili and Mr. Jack Pep• per were holiday visitors with Chas, R. and Mrs. Davidson, Donald McRae of London 'Uni. varsity visited with his parents Dr, T, T. and Mrs, McRae over Thanks- giving, Mr. and Mrs', L, Pringle and daughter .Margaret and son Maxwell of Toronto; and Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Cole of Goderich were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion. Percy Tyreman, Gravel Road South, bas gone on a- trip to the West, Reece Elston Candie, Morris, who has been attending a good roads convention in Ohio, has returned ham e. Mrs. A. C. Baeker and family were Thanksgiving visitors with Toronto relatives, R, Kerslake, Seaforth was a boll - day visitor with Kr. and Mrs. W, E, Willie, 'Mr, and Mrs, E. D. Ewan and children, Toronto were holiday visitor's' here. Mr. and Mrs, Sidney Ballantyne and daughter, Thamesford were Thanksgiving guests with his 'mother Mrs, Jack Ballantyne, a Glen Garniss, Eesex, event the holiday with hie parents, Mr. and Mr's, Chas, Garniss, K. Ashton was a holiday visltor at his home in FordwIch, Mrs, Geo. Yuill and Rev, William Jewitt, of Owen Sound were holi- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S, Walker, Mr. and Mrs, Ohas, McKay and Miss Mary Lott attended the funer- al of Miss' Wooles at St, Marys on Friday. . Mr, and Mrs. Fred Mee spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Walter Willbee, \14ss Ruth Strachan of Toronto General Hospital is holidaying here with relatives and friends. Mr, and Mrs, Ward Buchanan acd children of Detroit, visiting at the home of Mark Buchanan over Sun- day, Mr. and Mrs Roy 1lcKay of Toronto were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Chas, McKay over the week- end, On Friday, Oct, Sth about 50 friends gathered at the home of Mr. and ;tit's. W. Craig of Fordwich and vresenteu Wilmot and Mrs. Craig (nee Doris Pawson) with a nivel laneous shower. An appropriate address was given by Edwin Mar- tin, to which Wilmot made a suit- able reply. A tasty lturch war served and the balance of the even- ing was spent in games and dancing Thurs., Fri„ at, Oct. 21, 22, 23 Walter IWlnchell Ben ,Bernie IN Wake Up And Live Alice Faye Patsy Kelly Jack Haley A Musical Comedy COMING- Easy Living Exclusive Matirees-Sat. and holidays at 3 p:m BORN On Monday, October 4th, in Township to Mr, and Mrs. Mills, a daughter (Mae-. Grey Earl DANCE IN BELGRAVE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd ERNEST'S ORCHESTRA ADMISSION - - 25c Famous • Florida Sextet (Coloured Singers) Will present an entertainment of SACRED, OPERATIC, SPIRITUAL PLANTATION AND POPULAR SONGS Have You a hien Equal To This? 1 We have read of hens in ether Places 'laving laid oversize eggs and now comes our tarts to prove that art least one hen In this vicinity a+n "eaolale" with a justifiable feeling of a job well done for au egg 81/2 inches by 91/6 inches In circumfer- ence, and weighing ]re lb„ was 'brought in the office of "The Poet" Mat Friday, It was without a doubt ft 'liberal' hen, in more ways than one for title remarkable egg was lald on election night and found under the roost, It was found to contain a; double yolk, The hen producing this egg belongs to Loene Addle of the 14th . concession of Grey Township, Poultrymen at the East Huron Produce Emporiu msaid it was the largest egg thew ha lever seen. North Section of W.M.S. Met Here The North Sectional Meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Woman's Missionary Society of the tilted Church met in Be'ussels United Church on Tuesday, Oct. 12th. Mrs. Nay, of Fordwicb, Vice Pres, of Lhe Section, presided, the general theme being Thanksgiving, The Wroxeter Auxiliary had charge of the morn- ing devotions, a splendid exposition of Psalm 118 was given by Mrs. W. WearrIng, after which Mrs, 1 Stodks, offered ,prayer, Mrs, Smith, of Brussels, welcomed the visitors and Mrs. Bremner of Ethel resvond- ed with thanks. Splendid reports were presented by delegates from the various organizations. Mrs. Gtllesgie, of Whitechurch, In giving a taik on Temperance, stress- ed the great need of temperance ed- ucation among the young people and urged a temperance secretary in each auxiliary. Mrs. Willis, of Wingham, present- ed the Missionary Monthly. our aux- illary paper. Miss L. Young, of Londesboro, spoke on Christian Stewardship and .Finance, Mrs. Harold Doig of Fordwiclr gave a very oppropriate reading, The morning session was closed with prayer by Mrs. Emerson of Whitechurch. The afternoon service of woehip was taken by Corrie Ebening Attain iary, a short talk on "Jesus, the Light of the World" was given by Miss Evelyn Dane and Miss Alex- andria Hamilton offered prayer. Mrs. J. F, Anderson, of Winghetn, introduced the Study Book "A New Church Faces a New World" by Dr. Jesse H. Arnup, The meeting was Pleased to hale with diem the Presbyterial Presi- dent, Mts. Gardiner, of Londes'boro, who spoke on the duties of the different officers of the auxiliaries and urged the auxiliary members to assist in leadership of junior groups. Mrs. McKenzie, of Seaforth, gave a splendid report of the Leadership Training School which was held in St, Thomas in August and urged that there be a larger attendance next year, The special speaker of the day was Clara M;eGowan, of Blyth, who has hetely returned from China. An invitation was accepted to have the next meeting in Fordwiclr. Music during the afternoon was sup- plied by Mrs, Jas. Michie of Bel- grade and the Misses Idella Bryans and Jean Spetran of Brussels Mis- sion Band. The meeting was Moe - ed by Rev. H, J. Mahoney. • In Ethel United Church WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 8.15 p.m, Under the Auspices of the choir Maurice Cooper Lyric Tenor Mise Orita Wilson Soprano Vivian Morrison Contralto ,Toseph Miles Baritone Arthur Logan Basso Arthur Crittenden Pianist Admleison--,Adults 26o, Children Iso Come and Bring Your Friends THE UNTFEU CHURCH Obituary LOCAL NETS ITEMS- 11 Miss Christens Woolen Re -Decorating Basement of St. John's Church • This week: the basement of Si, John's Anglican church is being treated to a new coat of paint in preparation for the Fowl Supper on next Tuesday evening: :ills is a gilt to the 'Church by Mr, Alex, Coleman and Mr, William Fischer who are donating their time, labour and material This is .a very thoughvful and kindly act and 13 much apprediated by the rector and member's of the congregation, St. Johns Guild The members of St. John's' Guild met on Tuesday afternoon and made final ar'r'angements for the Fowl Supper to be held on next Tuesday evening, Tine supper seems to get more popular year by year, last year being the most successful ever held Harvest Services will be held on Sunday, the special preacher being the Rev. Harry O'Neil of Gorrle, Greer will also be specie. Harvest music, The program after the stripper on Tuesday evening will be a play entitled "The Red Headed Gir," and will be put on by the Presbyterian Church of Bluevale, Women's 'Institute The Grandmothers or the Com- munity are to be entertained by tbe Women's Institute on Friday after- noon of this week, at there o'clock in the Public Library, The motto for the meeting Is "Living a life is more than living" and is to be taken by Mrs, J, Anderson, The Roil Call is to be answered by "Some- thing in use now not in use Fifty Years Ago," Short stories of Historical Local Interest is to be given by several Grandmothers Each Grandmother is asked to bring their wedding piotures to form an exhibit, Everyone is invited to the Institute, Will yon be there? REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B,A., B.D. Minister 0w 11 a,mi-Rev. F. J. Fydell, of Borrie 3 p.m. -Sunday School. The evening service is withdrawn so that the congregation may won. ship with St. John's Anglican Church In the celebration of their Harvest Home Festival. Monday 8 pme,-Y. P. S, Friday, 8 p.m. -District Meeting of Bible Society, Rev, Walter Mw Leary will give an Illustrated lecture on Spain, Nov, 7th --Anniversary Services Nov 9th -Fowl Supper -za-- United Church W: M. S. The October meeting of the W. M. S. of the United church was :held at the church Thursday, 711, with a fair attendance, The Pres!. dent, Mrs. Parker, presiding, led in the opening prayer and reading the Scripture lesson from Psa. 8.1; Mrs. Procter read devotiinal leaflet "The church of the living God," Minutes were read and business session fal- iowed, It was decided to hold the auttunn Thankoffering on Sunclay. Oct. 24th for which envelopes are being distributed, The 'Stu4y Period was in charge of firs. Ham- ilton who introduced the New Study Book, 'A new church faces a new world," an intensely interesting study of pioneer life in Canada which is also the history of the church and its growth in this new land, MMIrs. Davison, Miss Le, Downing, hiss Skelton, Mrs Parker shared in presenting the first chapter. a#_ Engagement Announcement 'Mrs. Florence Flood, 'Ci'alpbreoit wishes -to announce 111e engagement of tier youngest daughter, Thelma Isabel, to Edward Ralph Keifer, third son of Mr, and Mrs. Telford Keifer of natal, the marriage to take place the end of October, CARD OF THANKS St. John's W. A. A special missionary tea was held by St, John's' Church W, A, Friday afternoon when they celebrated their 50th anniversary with Mrs, (Rev.) A. C. Calder, of Goderich, as guest speaker. ,An invitation was extended to the ladies of Melville Presbyterian and the United Church to be present, The devotional part was given by YIrs, A. 0, Dames. and Mrs, Geo. Davis, and musical num- bets by Monica Graham, Kenneth Coleman and Lorne Bryans, while Mies Mina Bryans contributed 0 reading. After a few gracious' word8 of welcome by tlIrs. (Rev.) John Gra- ham, she introduced the speaker, Mrs, Calder, who apoke on social service in home and church and along ntissionaay lines, Mrs', Calder is a very pleasing speaker and her address was much enjoyed. After the talk all adjourned to the school- room where the :tea tables' were prettily decorated, representing the four seasons spring smumer autumn and winter. After a splendid sup- per tire fifty candles on the birth- day cake were lit and the secre- tary, Mrs, Alex, Coleman, had the honor of extinguishing them. Gen- erous pieces were served to all pres- ent. We wish to plank our ueiglubours 1 and friends who showed many kind- nesses and expressed sympathy in word and act at the time of our i recent bereavement, none of which will ever he forgotten, it was much appreciated, Mrs, Jacob Ziegler and family, Anglican Church Notes The morning service in St. John's Anglican church on last Sunday was a Thanksgiving service, Mr, Graham preached from the second verse of Psalm 103, mentioning various things for which we should be thankful, special psalms and hymns were used. Continuing "Studies in St, John," Mr. Graham preached in the evening on Nieodemus the ruler who came to Jesus by night. Mies 'Millstone. Wooles, ]vim for the )last seven Years evade her home with Miss Mary Lott, Brussels, ,passed away on Wednesday, Oetob• er 6th, after a long illhess, She was born in New York City in the year 1864, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Charles' Wooles and moved when a child to St, Marys with her parents and lived .there until coming to reside here with Miss, Lott ,Site leaves to mourn her death oue bother Charles Wooler, Stint. ford and a cousin Miss Lela Faulk• ver of Brantford, A funeal service was conducted A funeral service was conducted day evening at the haute of Hies .Leet and Friday morning the funeral cortege poeeeded to the Ball Funeral Home in 'St, Marys and interment was made in the family plot in St, Marys cemetery. C�Of�a Cameron J. McLaren, Upper Canada Bible Society The annual meeting of the Brus- sels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Sosiety will be held in the United Church on Friday evening, Oct. 1611. Repouit will be given by the Of- ficers of the Branch and an address on Spain, illustrated by piotures wild be given by Rev. Walter Mc- Cleary, secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, This should be a very interesting and instructive evening as Spain is now in the timelight. All are welcome. —x_ - Presbyterian W. M. S. The regular meeting of tbe Wo- men's Missionary Society was held on October 6412, with Mrs, Harold Parker, 1'st vita -president in tbe chair. There was an attendance of le, The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Parker. The Scripture reading was given by Mies Grace Stewart and .firs. Strachan led in prayer. The secretary and Treasurer's re- ports were ead and adopted. -lies Patterson being unable to take the topic for the November neeiing, it was agreed that we ask Mrs. Parker to repeat her paper on India, It was decided that we serve 101151 at the sectional meeting on October the 20111. It was moved by Mrs. Macdonald and \Irs, J. C. Baeker that. Mrs. 13. 0, Walker, Mies Grace Stewart and Mrs. Rabt. Thomson be a committee to oolr after same, Mrs. Parker e1lleseed the regret of the meeting at losing our Pre"•i dent, Mrs, Moore, The topic "Hungarians and Cleran- ians in Canada" was taken by .Mrs. James S. Armstrong, Current events were given by Mrs, area Robb, The meeting closed with hymn 393, and the Lord's Prayer in unison- -.r_ Coaching Conference On Friday of this week bath after. noon and evening a Coaching flou- ferenoe will be held in Clinton under direction of the Committee on -Christian Education of the Unit- ed church. A large delegation from all eburehes in Huron Pres- bytery is expected. Prominent leaders in our different departments will be on hand to give instruction in the various phases of the church's work, Rev. X. 3, Beaton of Toronto and Dr, E. 0, Wilford, Master of Surgery in the union University of West China at Cheng. to will preside at the Mission group and both leaders will give public addresses. Reb, Kenneth Beaton will speak at the supper hour and Dr, Dr. Wilford at .the evening session, Lorne Beds, of St. Marys 0-111 lead tite discussion group on. Elders or Members of the Session; Miss Margaret Focg- ler of Torouta on 'Children's work and Vacation Sebools; Rev, J, F. Anderson on Boy's and Girl's work; Young People's and Leader - C. J. 'McLaren of Norwich died October 4th, in a Brantford Hospi- tal. He was 68 years old, and waa born at Clearvllle, Ont. From this district he moved to ,Chatham, where about 15 years he operated a market garden business prior to his' moving to Norwich where he has been in business up to his death. A shoat funeral service was held on Wednesday morning at 11 o'clockat his late home, following which eon tege journeyed to the Duart Presby- terian Church, where a service was' conducted by Rev. T, E. .Kennedy, Norwich, to a large company of rea- tives and friends, thence to the Duart Cemetery. Pallbearers were six of his nephews. The flowers were numerous and beautiful, show- ing the high esteem in which he was held. Surviving are hie wife, Mabel Lettch of R:idgetown, and two sisters, Mrs. T, L Carey and Miss Tena McLaren, both of Pal- myra. Friends were there frnn Kingsville; Detroit; Saginaw, Mieh; Ridgetoavn; Morpeth; Highgate; Rodney; Clearvllle; Palmyra; Nor. with; Otterville and Ethel, Mrs. McLaren is a sister of Mrs, Wm, Ziegler of Ethel. ceenenatse Jacob John Ziegler The people of the community mourned the passing o'f a life long resident of Grey township, Jacob John Ziegler, whose death ocourei in Listowel hospital on Friday evening of last week following au operation after a lingering 111nees, The deceased was born, in the township where his death occure,l, on the 22nd of January, 1875, being in his 63rd year, He was the son of the late Mr, and Mrs, Win, Ziegler of Grey, his mother', maiden name being Cathariu'? Zimmer He married Miss Marion Claris who with a daughter, Kathleen oral son William, at home, sura'ves• to mourn the loss of a beloved h'ts- band and father, Also surviving is one brother, William, of Ethel and one sister, Miss Carrie Ziegler of Brussels. Funeral services were conducted from his late home, lot 17, con., 13, Grey, on Monday, October lith, by Rey, W. A. Williams of Cranbro,;k Presbyterian church, with which the deceased was identified. Interment was made in Brussels cemetery, Pallbearers were Messrs James A. )12cNair, John McNabb, William Dunn, John- McNair, Neil McNair and Robert Shiehs, Six nephews, George Williamson, George Metz, Albert Clark, Jatnes Clark, Alex, Clark and Tolbert Clark were now- erbearers. Rehabs -ea attended the funeral from Mildmay, Atwood, Lis. towel, Monkton, New Hamburg, Seaforth, and Hensall, NOTICE ! A green tarpaulin 1Gx24 strappod with two heavy straps belonging to C. R. Davidson was lifted from North side 0f Lemon's Hotel, This party was seen, They are asked to return this property to owner, to ,save further trouble, Chas, 11, Davideon. soap Training by Miss Marjorie Jennison of Grand Bend; Sunday School Superintendents by Rev. C. Cosene of 0l111ton; Temperance Superintendents of S,S, by MroR, W. Craw of McKillop, esuIts of Huron County Plow n a�chi +� sMt 14th ,Annual Plowing Match Was: On Ed. Rowland Farm,, In MaKlliop Township The Annual Plowing Match of thee Huron Plowman's ,A.ssociatton was, held on the farm of l,d, Rowland ir, the townsliilp of McKillop, lie miles West and VA miles South of Walton, on Friday, October 48th, . 'The day was very cold and die - agreeable with the result that the entry was not so large as was ex- pected. However there were , 18 teams plowing and they ploughe2 as fine a block of land as you wou,d want to see. Mr, Rowland's farm contains 'won- deriful eon and this showed up ex- ceptionally well in the fine straight furrows laid up by the plowmen. Apart from the teams, six tractors turned six acres of furrows that was hard to find nuch fault with, Listed below you will find the names of the winners: ,GLASS 1 -High out plows in ma open to all, one entry -Bert Hems- ingwby of Brussels. CLASS 2 -Jointer plows in sod, open to all, 3 entries - 1st -•Elwood Fawcett, Tara, Ont. Best Crown and Finish, tad --'Earl Gethke, A2itchell, 3rd -Dave Boyd, Walton, CLASS 1 -Jointer plows in sod open only to residents of Huron County (3 entries)- 1st-Jack ntries)- 1st Jack Willitts, Wingham, Best Crown and Finish. 2nd -Ebner Dennie, Walton. 3rd -Sim Keys, Brussels, CLASS 4 -Boys 16 and under 19 years in sod, (5 entries)- lst Norman Dow, Staffa, Best Crown. 2nd -Lawrence Emmett, Tara, Best Finish. 3rd -Rose Cunningham, Ethel, 4111--3, B. Jeffery,. Teeswater. CLASS 6 -Boys under 16 years In stubble (8 entries) - 1st -Gordon Fawcett, Tara, Beat Drown and Finish. 2nd -W. E. Jeffery, Teeswater. 3rd -Willie Learning, Walton, CLASS 6 -Single riding plows In sod (2 eutries)- lst-Geo.. Martin, Brussels, Best Clown and Finish, 2nd Wm. Dennis, Walton, CLASS 7 -Tractors drawing nar- row bottom plows- 1st-Rey lows- 1st ]toy Patrick, Walton, Best Crown, 2nd --Wm, Thamer, Walton, Best Finish, 3rd Earnest Cardiff, Atwood. 4111 -Joe Ryan, Walton- CLASS 3 -Tractors drawing wide bottom plows - 1st -T, P. O'Malley, Teeswater, Best Crown and Finish, 2nd -Ed. Rowland, Walton. Per the Best Crown and Finish -- Mr. Hemple of Wroxeter, maker of the famous Wheat Berries donated a bag of Wheat Berries for the Best Crown and also a bag for the best Finish in each class, WEDDING Wilson -Russel At Knox Preebytorian Church Manse, Cranbrook by Rev. W. A, Williams, Miss Irate Russel, second daughter of Ml's. F, Russel' to Eldon Wilson, eldest son of Mrs, 11, Wilson of Grey township, at 2.00 o'eiock Wednesday, . October 13111. The couple were unattended. They are spending their honeymoon ou a Northern trip, MORRIS Record crowds attended the An niversary Services at Bbauezeg church on Sunday lash. Two Io s,piring sermons were preached by . Rev, Mr Tydell of Gonne. In tea morning, the choir of the chore]; were ably assisted by Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Speirs et Brussele. Mr. Spec it gave two solos in his usual gond style entitled "Teach Me To Pray" and "Jhrsd For To -day." In the evening the Newbridge choir thri3- 101 the crowd,wlth their s'lrlendid music. The choir and quartette will be welcome guests at this church at some fame occasion again.