HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-10-6, Page 2t; SE
M,IIN11111Ie1111111111/ellla4n114Un1„In111111111flllll lllle111111nee,11„111111tnt,Il,Im,lnlnn,nnnif llnnenk,11111 nl„011 ."I
ews and Information
the Busy Farmers
(Furnished by the Department of Agriculture)
duction in August declin i s ng::riy
while the total output for the ti s'
eight months of 1937 show a rends.
tion of 4,4%u In eontparison with the
Previous year. The make of 1•lt1•t•"1'
for August represented an Inc r1 rile
of 12.4% over August, 1936, Dur-
ing the first eight months of this
year the cheese output was 629':
797 pounds or 11.0% higher than in
the same period of 1936.
Purchases of feeder cattle from
'Western Canada have been unus-
ually heavy during the last two
months due to the abundance of
winter feud available la most of
otd Ontario. Prices range from
;4.60 to $6.60 per owt. The hog
Population 1k somewhat lower than
a year ago,
In Central and Western Ontario
a large increase Is being sown to
da11 wheat but in Southern Ontario
the acreage Is espected to show a
moderate reduction from last Year.
owing to the late rush of harvesting
work following the .peri:id ,f n'
weather and the additional. fa,:....
In soot, counties the soli is net is
too good condition for ploughlxg.
Stock Breeders Optimistic
With "Regal ani 1^., . •1;,:
as motto and
roundittgrft :'
Winter F:._. _.._ ..
ti:,sr f...
. ..
the c.+.._W
pluses _.. _ farms _
stocking has, •
now b:.- -
ter ” _ s ....... ,... . -.hta
1' /tt IV:di
b '' ._ axh bitors at the Winter
Ar. Dairy cattle breed-rs eh:0
,.re benefiting by direct and a;:1e.i
Activity and are improving their
,lerds by timely sales. There -..
everywhere a distinct trend to a
higher level of excelienre obsirv-
abte, with better quality for show
spurposes, In horses, cattle, she p.
and swine taken collectively more
entries are anticipated from prnr.
lutes where the feed harvest has
been good.
Current Crop Report
The preliminary estimate plat
the average yield of oats in On-
tario at 33 bushels this season as
compared with 29.5 bushels in 13':6
and a preceding 20 -year average of
.05.4 bushels. The yield of befit
is estimated at 2.0.0 t(u leers per acre
as against 27 bushels in 1936 and a
long-term average of .30.11 bushels.
Total production of sprint; wh-.11,
oat,, oats.., and barley will amotunt.
t0 92,949,000 bushels, which is ap-
proximately 19,000,0110 bili -hely
greater than last year, lint 11,3110,.
000 bushels less titan in 1935,
-Pastures were reported in keit"r
than average con(lition the begin-
ning of September. Mutter Pro -
x /ciA
over the air
A line timepiece
with an aceurale,ia-Sewel
Westfield mevemenil
Soggily designed.,.boau-
ltlully engraved"
M. H. Brothers
Sucoassful Potato Storage
With the approach of another
storage season, producers sllo111.1
now plan for the succtt;sful stlrrla.:
of the crop. Success in the stir
age of any plant product, -more-
u,rly the potato, is dtlpt•ud-.a'
n,oct. the care exorcised in t ruwb.1=,
_.L -vest , and storing the c:.:0.
a'e4;rdtzgiy, it will be clear tile:
_. long quality- of (3111:3 1„
t0 d. cot,,dd"1•aa l»
::+rag' /trim
wastage a3-rot'e11 p ,ta•
usually" l3•' tr'1'e:e,1 ,,<I ... .:'i
during d1_gging and .. .
urian:-. 1'altatu_.. iruen,✓:,I
$111.,1114i 1.14' 1fur; 'Irly
'fully u1. rill
solo. ,
x iicient layer ,:;t soil moves ovi:r
.... •,::evator L+J set as 1a cushion.
With certain :rP�._ 1 e1:ir ors t11e
1_0'1301 bars should be w•,a1'ped with
7leees of rubu••r h„e., F1'-sirly dui;
tubers aaouid Ir.. 1%t' for au soul' , i••
' 1re Un the :;in`;ncc Gr th,e 3:1311 1
3 _nreurot'r tit, dr in_ ;,net lots-cot:1 t,
cf adhering 6-,11. Yick•.r• .,?11(1:,1
be inatruelod to 1.,:41: (Ut3i . `1, :t-
ing stay decay 1(1 tie, tl••:,.0 uLd 111r.1 -
('d against hit,." 1.31 DEstatl, •-,i 1+t 9
baskets or etitf,t,Ving bakers 4141'1
barrels from shy consileraill'
height. Every care should be
t, avoid bruising in loading tie:
product in the ti :^i and in 1(11311.1•
!rig at the Marcosnse or t,ellar, The
utmost care should be tka»n
storage 1011,1ing to avoid rou2n
handling of ora I,lr1 is or bits
and wader n" omplitem should walk•
tilts on the. p! ••d tn1s+:., 1s, allow -,1
If time allows curl if the lua111111'..y
is 0vaii31110, it Is a hood practice to
rut" the pr..141.0,-. over 0103 got,.i-:.
and 1 --move any blemished tab,,,,
pricer t., tilling 033 bins,
Before use the warehouse
Mora •i:ar .;ould t '11•otl:;tr•
ly e un i
and spin 1 w:ra a
solution of 4 bounds r,f t•e,pp'l
IMate In lei 1;allriras et w1t•:r. Doris;:
the fir t. e... V0e13s 44y till's.e
. -
Sturagae_11,u-.= :Outbid b1w'-11
latod 'I ur+lir t., 091I1• ctr tilt, 11
Cure from the ,:50:t'tag Wh• t's.
t,mlll rrtu:e 15,1,W1,44,444:41 341 and 114 ,,
1131•1 Ia-1:„t L ut 3(11uid be 10:1,11.
tamed during the sto1ag.. ,343'.43tt.
maturity' and
picking for quality. Increased sugar
content Is one Important index but
recognition of changes Su appear-
ear -anti., in cilout', In firmness of Lex -
tare, as well as a general knowledge
of the variety, are necessary to
formnulating sound harvesting 1'c'-
c'onlmenda t ions.
Game Licenses
Announcement was made by D.
A. Taylor, Ontario deputy minister
of game and fisheries, all game
licensee in Southern Ontario after
3937 will expire the last day of
February instead of May 33.
Licenses now issued will be good le
May 31 next, but when next witticism's
permits are issued, there will bt
three months cut off the season, It
has been difficult to ge tconvictions
for hunters after pheasant and
quail in the nesting season, said
Mr. Taylor, because hunters said
they uere after rabbits or other
legal game,
by .Grant Fleming, M. D.
There exists a general misunder.
standing regarding the activities or
the mental 'hospitals, The idea per-
sists that such institutions aro
maintained to provide for the shut-
ting -up therein of those who are
suffering from mental disease, The
mental hospital is thought of as a
Place wheer restraint is comntlnly
practised and where freedom 1s al-
most unknown.
That such was the case in the
Past merely means that, in those
days, mental diseases were not
understood. They were viewed as
the result of heredity, were con•
sidered as inevitable and incurable
and in addition were looked 1000 in
the light od a disgrace, as they sill".
t , 1 -fret f
't' im( lH o
posedly indicated s
undesirable nature„ nl the tipsily
We know now that Mental dl
is ehlefiy the result 01' faulty cut r
potent, The child's sUrrountlings,
his early training, the development
of his emotional life, are the doter,
mining factor's as to whether or rot
he sec0res mental health and avOkts
mental disease. "dental hygiene
is now considered a part of preveu-
Live medicine and is based upon the
•taleretandhtg that mental health
can he attained just as can physical
health by proper care during the
early development years,
10 mental disease does develop,
and the patient comes under the
care of a mental hospital, he re-
ceives treatalrent, These are CUM, -
tire methods for mental disease
just as there are for physical ni-
sease.14oder'n medicine does pct
neglect the mental health at the
expense of the physical, Modern
medicine treats mental .disease, and
the mental hospital Is an institu•
tion where curative methods are ap-
plied, with the result that a return
to normal mental health is secured
W I;
11OStDAX1', QG'rO'i o I WI, 1937
Enjoy tea at its best
T E A I:"
In a largo number of Celine.
As in other fields of medicine, it
is preferable to prevent mental 1116•
ease than to await its appearance
and then attempt to euro it, The
future of mental hygiene Is full 03
promise, and its development whl
go far towards making life happier.
There is 00 reason f01' misconcep-
tions concerning mental disease dud
the work of mental hospital. A
better public understanding wilt
help to secure even better facilities
for those suffering from mental
:R:uplain to everyone in the hoose
what to do <in case of fire, how to
put out fire in clothing by wrapping
in a rug or blanket, what to do
when grease catches fire In the
Remove rubbish, waste papers
and all unnecessary combustible
faterials. Provide metal ash and
trash cans. Burn rubbish only in a
safety covered brick or notal In,
cinerato0. Watch the fire,
Canadian Markets Want Quality
The marketing 1:f poor gnalit;:
fruit de,ttr'ys censutn•+r coatid.-nc.,
and 1'0,1:- to slow et, ::ale,+. 1111a(1(7
In fruit 10 prlln103110 a gr'owur'„
problem but in t11 !nal analysis it
10 a linoston of 011.unrl.r pret:r-
en1e 91331 therefore a marketing pro.
position Quality bogi113 in the
chard or garden and must grow inti,
the fruit t radttalty the fruit in.
creases in sire and weight until
maturity is reached when the sugar
content combined Ith certain acids,
flavours and juicy texture reaches
the otsiatom for ,picking, T1(3 )1
the fruit begins its storage tire,
which may be short or long accord•
ing to variety and no it may be in.
fiuenced by temperatures and Pint -
of storage. Almost each vast."
has its own peculiar storage 110,'
and reaction to treatment, Usuallt-
'rutt should be picked just he -fore it
roaches; the peak 0f maturity t.1
ripen into the best 01 eating shulit;,
To pick immature "green" fruit is
wasteful and also injurious to .4311.•
nlrssful marketing.
It has been found that errlaia
fruits increase in weight alnlo, t
30 per cent during the maturity
period. At the same time boor
colour and .size improve the sugar
content increases, and Cha fruit ne-
tttally c'urr'ies to market in much
isetetr condition than dues "gr•. -•o'
fruit of the stone variety.
13Xperimouts at the :lulnnicrld4ti
I;xperimeental Station endeavour to
establish standards r of maturity for
tl,,, various varieties of 1'rui,,
Vagnrles of the season aro beyond
control, 'hut the natural changes in
fruit aro Indications of approachi•tr
The design of the 1938 registration plates is exceptionally attractive
with Crown and Orange fl. . e,.,, c ..._, �a4 Ls
To Save Ontario tonsis Y iie and Money
1938 Motor Vehicle Permits
re Now Available
DUE to the advance in the new car purchasing season and the fact that increasingly large numbers
of used cars and trucks are now purchased at this time of year and following the practice established last
year which met with such favourable reception on the part of the motoring public, 1938 Motor Vehicle
Permits and Operators' Licenses are being made available in advance of the date of expiration of
1937 permits.
1938 Permits (now available) save the purchaser of a new car or truck the expense of 1937
They save the purchaser of a used car or truck the fee for transferring the 1937 registration (1938
Permit can be procured without transfer fee).
As indicated in the Budget Address delivered on March 9th of this year, the Government is able
to announce a downward revision in the fees for the registration of Motor Vehicles.
4 cylinders
6 cylinders,
6 cylinders.,
8 cylinders,
8 cylinders,
12 cylinders .
$ 7.00
up to and including 28 horse power .. 12.00
over 28 horse power . 15.00
up to and including 35 horse power , . 15.00
over 35 horse power 20.00
16 cylinders 40.00
(S.A.E. rating of horse power shall be used)
1938 Fee
$ 2.00
- 10.00
All Commercial Motor Vehicles and Trailers have been reduced 25% from the 1937 rate.
The Fee for the registration of a change of ownership has been reduced from $2.00 to $1.00.
Fee for the Registration of a Motor Cycle has been reduced from $3.00 to $1.00,
The Government having decided to change the license year to coincide with its fiscal'
year, 1938 permits and licenses will be valid to March 31st, 1939.
This advance sale of 1938 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operators' Licenses is for your convenience;
Secure YOUR License Early!