HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-29, Page 4?`3 Harry Logan, of Teeswater, who is the Conservative Candidate ti Huron -Bruce riding, in the present t ro�luoial Gam,„t,gn, DO Y'*U F V the 1. Rebates f.'1'•mers of car license fees during winter worths. to Civil Service 2. Ret R:a;:�*red Men positions IF SO VO`C'E' c, t= :•1t `; L ,ryGA Ccn-ervati'te Candidate '174;"=:, x” ` , 4 ,,• it%, ZiAti0 Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to Saturday, October 2nd at 10 o'clock a.m. for the Construction o: i I.e.te. 1Machirnery Building at Ether. Tep, of Grey. Tenders may be submitted in the -allowing manner:— with L For an all New Building Steel Roof and Siding. 2. For a Building using timb-r and lumber from old Shed for . Frame and Sheeting and having' Steel Roof and Siding. 'For a Building using Timber and :Lumber from old Shed for Frame and Sheeting and new wood Shingles and Siding. ;Plan . and specification may be ..seen at the Clerk's office. The lowest or any tender not nee. ass -tally accepted. J. H. FEAR, Clerk, Note:— Mlle time for accepting Tenders Yat the work to be dcna on 1.1t:t Baker Branch Drain has been el: .landed to Saturday, October 2nd, at. 10 o'clock a.m. J. 11. FEAR. TkIK BIW$SELS PAST t. NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspoldeants UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock and implements South Half of Lot ;6, Con. 4, Morris Twp. THURSDAY, (OCTOBER 7th The following will be offered at 1.30 p.m. h'JRSES-- 1 Horse 6 -year-old 1 Aged Horse CATTLE - 1 Farrow Cow 2 Cows, 3-year.old 1 Cow, 2 -year-old 1 Cow 2 -year-old 1 Steer rising 2year-old 1 Heifer rising 2-year.old 1 Helfer 1 year old 2 Steers 1.year-old 5 Calves 14 Steers 2 -year-old IMPLEMENTS - 1 Binder Mower Disk Seed Drill Harrows Plow Turnip Pulper Cutter Set Single Harness Clerk. Set Double Harness --------- Do Laval Cream Separator 20 Ton Hay 500 Bus. Oats Notice to Creditors 40 Hens 7 Geese Fork Stoneboat an the Estate of Martha Adina Arm - Wagon Hayrack Shovel strong, late of the Township of W AL' 'iN ET HE L wwW WEDDING 5. Mel li.e on gird -rector their eaheols each week. This is a 1 Oct. 10th, at 11 a•1n, a The Anglican )rectory, Parkhill, quiet wedding ou i forward step in the right direction i The Annual Fowl Supper mlghkwill QCC Sat rde scene oP a q 1 and the trustees and fatepaYel's or l held on Thankglvingtlen 131 e(Oet Nacho , d Sept•• 25'tk, when Mary ter- Nirhol, 4wughter of Jannes Nichol of +thesevsehool sections should bo crn1- 11e11 lulalwod by a rs1' Morels township, was united in mar- gratulated. The teacher is Miss ( taintne lL See spent von t Page nage to . j31 6, Bird, On a 3I r, and Platen 61000on of Ks r is h Mr, Malcom Fraser u having gaol end visiting Helen friends t 'Loudon LawJas. form Grey. Rev. y I • ' success this Yea' in Showing Ms and Delaware. Lewin performed the ceremony `fine collection of peultry at the fail 1 W. E. Brown and family have The honeymoon is being spent in 1 moved from the 14th con„ of Grey fairs. as bald two, to Willie Krauter's farm oi' Walton, no, 2, Grey, ana 00. p Ethel ilnited Church Anaivereery r have music 981113 taught in l Services will be held and 7.30 0.01. and around London GREY Ethel United Church AuniverSarY Services will he het(1 on Sunday, Oct, lath at 11 aan, and 7.30 P.M. The Annual Fowl Supper will be held on Thanksgiving night, Oct. 11(11, followed by a splendid enter. tainment. 'See advt, on front Page. 3T1', and Mrs. W1n. Claimer,. J tmeatawo have left c01' the West, ilrs, Grainger was forced to Feel: n (1111'erent climate on account of her h'•ttith; She 1s- suffering from Astir 1111...). 11 :he present time they are s1aY• iIlg with Mr. and. Mrs, 1Va1t1n G:,o(lwin, L.iuydtninter, 3I1•s. flood - will was formerly Mies Ruby Crain - TERMS—CASH Morris, in the County of Huron, John J. 'Brooks, Prop. deceased, who died en or about James Taylor, Auctioneer the twenty-first day of July, A.D. '1937. A miscellaneous shower w Coa. S, almost adiolning Ethel. at the hone of Mrs, Thomas YoUpy Cuthbert al Ht ad oini of con, 6, 10 honor ot her daughter, Mrs, Wit. Dundee, who was recently las made good recovery, after tier. married. There was a short pro- eral weeks special treatment .1t. gram consisting of contests, musical Listowel Hositital, numbers and reaelinge, Tile bride Anniversary dervicesi In l2thet received he r'dovely gilts in the form United Church, Sunday, Oct, 10 at of a treasure hunt Atter the un- 11 a,ln. and 7.30 p.m A hot fowl wrapping of the gifts the bride s0 stepper wil Ibe served 1111, lottom o wed thanked alt those present. by a good program. dainty 1).n S. n meeting Casper Fleet who is in the era The Y, P. S. meeting on Sunday evening was iu charge of Blairmure ploy thebut C',N.R,also 35 manseacifgesolltna a fuarm 01 Shaw. The Scripture reading wars 13onfryof n, in the c0ntnitrltily has been harvest- take wasIe Mildred Sellers and prayer16.ing a snout' cutting of alfalfa h.ti', spas lhi tal by t.; Alvin b the A recently', which being a fah' arop, tor, Rev, talk wits given by the pets has given him mn011 overtime out tor, Ttep. Mr, ('urumiug' r ploYmeut. At the rally Day service of Dai, Cornet Hart who gainers milk by United church Rev, Chan. Cumming motor truck ar Silver Corners fee - toy, while removing 301. McGinnis' can from the stand to the truck made a miss step and unfortunately fractured an ankle bone, Although he is not entirely disabled 1t will be suite a handicap for a time as 116 Ul.l?ti`14SDAR, SEPT, 23t1i, 108a ° ger. MI,AA Evelyn Parr visited with 31:'.' Helen Riley during the week. Mrs, Cecil `Payne of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bernice Ind (.'on, The Anniversary Services of ('nion United Church were held lust Sunday. The church was beauti- fully decorated with cut flowers was well filled at both morning and evening services. Rev. Harold Snell preached two very inspiring sermons. His address for the morning service was "The secret of faithfulness. The choir provided special music for this service. 4n the evening his text was "The Harvest is over, 'Summer is ended and we are not saved." The Ethel choir under the leadership of P, N. Currie provided excellent music for this service. Two very fine an.. thems were sung and a very pleas- ing selection was rendered by the male quartette, On the following evening the an- niversary concert was held when the CKNX radio entertainers of WIngham assisted dy Mrs. McFa.r- lane Scotch reader presented a very splendid and varied program. On Wednesday evening, Sept, 22, the congregation of Union United church met in the basement to honour their pastor Rev. Harold Snell and his bride who was former- ly Mists Jean Plumsteel of Clinton. A varied program of musical numbers and readings was enjoyed by all after which an address wee read by Blair McIntosh and a beau- tiful occasional chair was present- ed by Robert Baker and Angus Brown on behalf of the congrega- tion. Rev. Harold Snell made a very gracious reply thanking the people on behalf of his wife and himself. Community games followed under the able leadership 01 ;Hiss Drover TAKE NOTICE that all persons Notice Re Cemetery slaving any claims or demands Dear Sir:— against the estate of the above de- mised We wish through your paper to must forward particulars thWealik all, who have paid for care of and proof of same to the under- Lots in ,he oBhave id for Cemetery. mentioned solicitor in or before the There are some people who neve: 2ourth clay of October, A.D., 1937• have to be notified, and they never' 011- It tools chose for his subject, "Grown Hhn Kind" and gave a vne sermon. Au anthem was rendered by the choir the under the capable leadership of organist, Mrs. Harvey Brown. The anniversary'. services of Duff's United church. mill be heft has to use crutches in getting about. on Sunday, Oct. 10, Rev, C, W. D• G. A. Dunbar is the nest in this Cosens of Clinton will preach and community in getting the work of. special music will he rendered by cure cutting and silo tilling complet. the choir. ed, on his se,beral farms. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers and W. C. Bisbee formerly, principal son, Clayton. spent the week -end at teacher In Ethel school for live suc- HeideTbelg visiting Mrs. I a'arle, cessive years, now head teacher in The Annual Harvest Thanitsgiv continuation school ut Waterdown, ing service of St. George's church, aceompaied by Mrs. Bisbee and son Walton was held on ISundaY after- Carman, motored le Ethel and spent noon with a large number attending. the week -end enjoyably with friends The church was beautifully decor• in Ethel and community and incl- ated with the 'first fruits' and low• dently attended the receptin given es. The special preacher for the 1,'rlday night is honor or the- haute occasion was Rev. Rural Dean E. conning of Rev, Harold ,Snell, newly L. Robets, Wingham who Preached inducted pastor of Ethel United an eloquent sermon on the subJec< church, and Mrs. Snell the bride of of Gratitude and Thanksgiving, erg• a month ago. In appreciation of ing the congregation to show their valued associations in Mullah affairs gratlltude to God at all times and in the scanty spent here the Bis'Uses not to wait only for the Harvest , were given honorable mention at Festival Special music was this .function. rendered by the choir directed Uv I Owing to anniversary, services be - Mrs. J. Graham who presided at the 1 Ing held lest Sunday at Union Unit - organ, Misses M. Humphries and ed church, 'Sunday School at 2 p.m„ B. Shannon sang a duet "Bringing iu ' was the only service held In Ethel the Sheaves;' l church on that date, The church wardens, Mr. Harry 1 tFltfie1 Presbylerlan church held Bolger and .lir. Bert Andelson re i preaching service at 2.30 p.m. last ported the offering to be the largest Sunday, Next Sunday anniversary in several years., services are being held at' 11 a,m, and 7.30 p.m. folliwed by a hot fowl supper and concert Monday, Ott: '4, in the church shed, In response to the invitation tgiv- en to take charge of the choir con- tributions for Union church enut- versary service at 7.30 p,m, last Sunday, Ethel United church choir officiated. This was the in- itial appearance, wearing their choir uniforms. The effect met with general approval, The congregations or hoe's, Union and Ethel L' f Eth BELGRAVE The Y,P,13, and W.M.S, ot Knox United Church are having a comblu• ed service on Sunday evening, Ont. 3rd at 7.30, Dr, Wilford, of China will be the special speaker on this occasion, Come and hear 'Dr. Welford's ad- dress. The Young People's Society of the United Church held its first gather- ing 1 the Fall and Winter season on Tuesday night of last week, the form of an outdoor Rally and Weiner Roast round a blazing cam pfire, The gathering was hetet iu ,llc('1"uaglan's field on 111e Ninth line„ The earlier part 01 the evening was given' over to vigorous games under the leadership of 'Mr. Goldie. Wheeler; the games were :111 of 'group character and char moon- some weeks ago has so Mr re.otet•- 1 light night added to the enjoyment oil that be was :Mewed after which date the undermenti ed executors will proceed to die. forget ;itis sruu 1, get yearly obliha- 5ribute the estate with regard only tion, 10 those claims which they antl Lr ie rs have to be Rallied sever- then have received notice. al ,u,+s and stili hesitate or do riot ell - 'DATED at Brussels this 14th day '' I t year when ncat.1ees were sent ,tut a ci:cuiar Wan encitoos, sir :ing 1 - tor editing grass would be , i, not 9:2(1 h:ru,', S.ptdui 1 1.:• '._(t1 t.s1 1,11'.: to f01,8 an sr September, A.D. 1937. Francis Duncan, Ituesel C^.re's, .Executors, by their solicitor, Elmer D. Bell. P,r•u=sols, Ontar;0 .01.444,444444 iV otiCe To i.., r';adi •Ca i 1'0']'1.1'1: is hereby t iv"1I 716 1,h 1( n_ having ar,t l,la +h late 1 1 ma. J'1 t 1 rn died 1 (1 41 about. t . i.-1 i9„-- 12237, r •,i 15' ,'t. 11 ti'r' (' ,aaty of S ., : r 7.11 (0'. ell to 11I,, e. •.•c1 10 ,a - solicitor c, (',+:Tie 'r( -'') ., 11 , •. d l 6,11 t ,•t .f t1t. 11 1'' 11' 71: said d,a•'a.Fr1, 111011 .:I 271' t1 11,1"•':;;- aiol 1'11 p".'tirn1.i: in 1,,.':7(', 1-�.-• 1• W1'1 of 11e11' 0171; std, ANT) 'i',1:I413 tunic,. ;hittZit' 3 lie, Atli clay u1' Oct d or, 15:;7, the. wild Attila hlistra1.215 will pro(t'!'d to di-1- (ri1n11,: ((ne i(::0ts tlf 2h;• -41(1(1 tease.d, 1rt622n3 regard ably- -to 'lie claims "f 11:'ich site sle.11 (loot h(tva notice, and t('1 the o:ai(1 Atlmtnt:,- ratrix will not be Iiablar to any pirr- s(ltl nP w•hnu" (Biro she shall riot (rae'n haV'; 11 ''' (0(1 21011(e, DATED 'at T.lstowel, this 20111 Ary of September, 1937. G. HAROLD SIIANN(3N, Listilwel, Ontario, • So31c('or fns' the Administratrif, 1 1 1, 1 01115. . tett altuom ,st and Mary MlIntost and luncheon was served by the ladies, Addre34-- '10 Itev, H. J. and Mrs. S'ne,Il: Wer the emigregaltan of Union 1'ai•od church have met here te. night re extend a welcome to :ttrg. Snell noel to ':pend u social evening ill your company. fu tin:• C, w' w'•elca y011 hove beets oar Iia - or your genial 'iispo,ition and 1111,0y snip,• hove won a el;.(e• app s, o el United church circuit, Each in turn tendered a reception to ltev. Mr. Sne11 and brute, to convey can- gratulatlnn and best wishes and welcome them into associations as pastor auci 1people, A. L. Bing who underwent a try. log ()potation dt1 Listowel hos-Paal to cont to At 9.30 the tampilre wen ltghte41 his home where h„ 1,4 yet reedy and a Sing Song heli while it barn- ing attentit''' mune, cd rluwu su hafentlq to start the• 'nit l a11 uprara1100 Ip4rformed sante Out w i t . 1 t1'• nr (y n•i1t1 i.,taro, b.tt•,�. 1/10'11 1111 hi -Tirol in to u..• (1117'+10011 1'trial 11111. J. ll. wee' s pas1 in Listowel hospital, ri, • L „n,• ,,,,1„11!...,.loins: od outfit n d the Y. 1'. i'• i Geo. :11rn;lee ,s prolan(- i1. r,, ,i .. t., u I ru,,y''.i',l t t :,etivtti . it:,t � R 1, i •, , a ,,,,y. "''r 1,11,1:11114: t ue1 -itr uk I, 1''-. ( rs (11.1 11avo h,•(u p j'''q letota.bly towar(I ton.lel,! repo .•ry, .....1..i ,,., .. ,. n ,c,iv t 1:.' •r 1, . t 11 to ,..0:11`,,.. It' :1. t ! it -trip ,l .ler th'- 11'is:fe't•nulnrls thr.1.; " 162' '1110 S Y S. t '.t-`.,1 1'i,: -d :1.-1 „ .:,1 it ,1•-^-• i' i t.: r '1 .,•,.I :1= w: b• ,t u• L,,t'.r ac- ti''�S b'..;.8 with a c•ilflrc1-'•'rtir,• nn (11(11' his 1, u,:,; a '4 It ,• ,„,„1 in 1 t13 Ile Pib'.'1 u/ ]' h 1 ] v 1' 1' '.1t 01 :i� i ylu..u, . 1 a'c ,�I,.: .11 .1 •a-• .II. I.Jai 1. .. ,. .... .., �, u,t ...''-..,, r +i'l,l.! I I1, ;C- ' 1II,L: '1111 kt.;,'1 t I °Ips'•' .. 1 it ,,:. , r, to ;tit' nit, -,r.-, ,1;142 , (171 (y. 01. wall ie• .ao'^ Io ri"t b,:1 :,r1 CW 1111 • I tat 'a•:11 h' .V,1 111 - 11'• ( ;Ii.- i1 1:.• ',1't •: . • 0,40 ,1 r1 „t01 10, 14• ,d 1,01x• 1) 1 '6 rn7(1•I „r y',,n1' h'r,• ,, It Is with '.rota P101,1ir„ 1h0 r(_.,' 2,11, 1.)' 1' In , :i(s•i(( rite to you for a ha(ipv 3414' d UG• .411(1 Rn :1 7 (r:n of our '', 1":`at 1.611 !(9.t yon 14 (x:(1115 this gift. W» hope yen will use i; fur nt.1ny yr 104 h1 111x• , Itl',o(:acm 110'0 ((((rl may it .serve to 1em1101 you of y.1,1? friends 1( 1Ttlinu. 'Signed 011 behalf of the conies: gal inn, Mr, Harvey I1'yaas has purchased Angus Brown Blatt McIntosh himself a coupe cur. WO). Speirau Robert Halter •,1i i mad , ,, .r + 1,7 1111. wilt! 11 liatn111142 I4 1111,1,'. t`i;; 4614 lila: 1((((11412 their lots ea611 year if lets. slide vial !11(1 4, (1 Inc any 1••v'i2.1(3 or 0;1, n- ,121.!l' A1ay 1•:1 (•ac'1 year (.92 -,alter may 30 811,•11 work r, im ares ht (1 d r! nu' (144 r': mi against. eitel1 int (()nli1011. 'Ccme„•y hoard,' ;5111-1 c 11 '!ll w'':• - ,. `l', -at 111.;:1 f. ('Islet 1,: t10' (410,1 `'1 1 r, '1.14 w,,'h, if v., 4(14,?). Is rwl., d- ilii t' .11',3-- :'u'l ;lie NV II: (1, (1:.-.02n:1113 will Lr :.:0411 .n 1,1 ,.,nt,;,, 1444 .4 3,2't0 ate rn:1sb 12h-1 their t,rc t Ills (1171.1.1 01 S o'elo(k. 1,11 ,r. . ,•1 Fit•,.:. Th;' t•arl(6, 4(11: 011d141 tt•i1U :1 brief 0 'vnl1:ural :•'1 - ch'• noel 6105161t, 1,0 1.111011y, Ii r.' 1"::`('(( ' ni r,rn:o half 110:10,1 rail rhe at"'I.danc,• ((601• 410 'nark. • v(t RO.ly: E ■ 4ER Saturday r'i.cht a s'ray row nn 11(0 (011)1 1.614 1112'ca'1„( of 1(21 a1. 00111 10.41' Wi•ox(1('1', 111(011 Millrtd 1L1110117h of 31ischell, all 1110 4611.:'11• ed his car a11(l 11i1iiso11' !00.1116011 4 had ohol0(13 11P, Tho cow owned 11y. Andrew Douglas, jumped soddenly out of a dlt1h in the thrlcness. 11 fared mnc11 better than the autc- mohlle, BLU .v.'. V ALE', J.u•k 11'+ at, d 1 ft oil 1+,•1(1,•1:, fora short visit al Cdudstune, M.'1 ; St(.warl vl:;itit:g 111'4 wn', M. 11, wart 111 Grand Vali-'y; Airs, Alex. Mowluny with le r V"rdotl 1,01 3lit-, M•,whr4y at latch-. now; 311:cs 11,lbttr:l TItynue h•,: To the Flecture of Huron -Truce VOTE ROBERThDN and HEPBURN Your support and 'influence is respectfully solicited in order that the Hon. Mitchell. F. Hepburn may be enabled to CARRY ON. Hepburn's Record and Accomplishments 1• Cheaper Hydro. 2. Lower Interest Rates 3. Fearless collection of Succession Duties and col- lection of Provincial Income Tax which made possible'the 1 mill municipal subsidy. 4- Total cost of Provincial Highways assumed by the Province. 5. Cost of Mothers' Allowances and Old Age Pensions totally assumed by the Province, alsowidows with one child receive allowances. 6. All Relief cost paid out of current revenue. 7. A straight Pay -As -You -Go Policy in every Depart - merit. 8. A Balanced Budget and Surplus. 9. Cheaper Car 'Licenses. 10. 10 per cent Increase in Township Road Grants. 11• Actually saving to Huron -Bruce riding $540)000- 12. All pledges fulfilled. It is up to you, Mr. and Mrs. Elector, to again return ONTARIO'S MAN OF ACTION and give him a clear mandate to legislature for this 'OUR Province of Ontario. Balanced Budgets and Surplus are good business. Let Honesty, Integrity and Courage in Government continue, Vote II1tftTON and MUM Huron -Bruce Liberal Association x;f•'r�vi�y'1a;. Ott VAP;: r 7 .::� �1 I•,a�;.+rlia'SFtA{ �Jwt1 ;4aW+ i !>.e d4.>-^�'..,.� =GS; ,: So=oL.. . ,. loraQ 0=OY— –toL o= :d Announcement cement To Electors of Huron - Eruc'e ':. T. R hoP9apssG3n C'ruanx,ry Owner INDE ENL'1 NT LIBERAL CANDIDATE IN PROVINCIAL ELECTION t:rturne(1 frein a visit, with A VOTE for Thomson 11, phcty, W, 11, tit, wa1'1 taut Mrs Stewart at ttratnl Vatiey; Mr. and �r is a. SUPER vote for Mts. S. ltulph, 'pouch, with 11t y , t 1 Y r „ ' f� ' `" N and Sirs. W, Munn; Mrs, Fowler, ilEl'B 1 Ll Port iluron and 34r. and All's, Mc- I Culla, Beach 0' Pines with Miss Flarenca T'owier. • do O) (01el0 O1GfO otzgOr =0 O