HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-29, Page 1xiwx "i 4;7 ;:mc a*; • * i i ;;i; ixfir' ;•t USE THE ADS `+ rt AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS iy 1• 1� 1 1• t Ai 7Pi 73ritsotto BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th - 1937 Local Man Sligthly Injured Peroy Thuell Figured In Mishap Near Winthrop On Sunday ., lUI4e.P,eto,,,a �►""� .1 liar:i«+-""' Percy Thffel1, re,eeived outs, later• ations and 1Yruisds" `on his hands, arms and Rate when his par was struck by tar driven by Thos. Mc- Kinney, Walton, which was comnig out of a lane near Winthrop on the Seaforth-Brussels road late Sunday afternoon, Thuell's car rolled over three Mmes. aster the impact and then took fire, but neighbors were able to extinguish the flames with pails of water, after much hard work. The car is almost e complete wreck, Thuell was taken to a doctor, McKinney was un- hurt. Traffic Officer Lever re - porta, NOTICE ! All children in the Township of Grey', with parent's consent are to be given Toxoid for immunization against Diphtheria, Free of Charge. There is positively no danger from this treatment and all parents should avail themselves of this op - opportunity to have their children made immune to this disease. First treatment on Friday after- noon, Oct, Sth at Ethel school house. J, D. Colquhoun, M. 0, H. THE UNITED CHURCH REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D. Minister 11 a,m.—Worship conducted by the Minister.. Topic—'THE POWER IS OFF' 3 p.m.—Sunday School. There is a class for you. 7 p.m,—Evening worship— Top ko—"ELECTRON NEWS" Everyone who has a vote should hear this sermon Monday 8 p,rn.—Y. P. S. Meets. Our Anniversary Services have been postponed till Sunday, Nov. 7, with a Fowl Supper on Tuesday, Nov. 9th. ot `•t EVERY KIND OF t Pi< PPI 1� *` JO PRINTING J P•t it `` BL AT REASONABLE EASONAE PRICES 1•t / IPt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE, PEOPLE WE KNOW.' Celebrate 50th j Appeal For Mr Donald MoRne is iutte dIng' ETHEL UNITED CHURCH Anniversary Services will be held on SUNDAY, 'OCTOBER loth Guest Speaker REV. H. C. WILSON, of Auburn Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special Music by the Choir ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER THANKSGIBING MONDAY, Oct. ',1 Thanksgiving, Monday, Oct. 1 ,th followed by Concert by "Favourite Four Enter.tainers of London—consisting of Pauline Wilson ,,,, Cellist S: Reader Armstrong Violinist Gladys Cornell ,.. Contralto, ~Coronation Singer Maybelle Smith Pianist Supper Served 6 to 8 p.m. Admisison—Adults 40c Children 25c Come and Bring Your Friends REGENT THEATRE SEAFOR.TH —NOW PLAYING— Merle 'Oberon Srlan Aherne —IN— , Beloved IN— Beloved Enemy See the struggle between man's two strongest emotions— Love and Patriotism Mon., Tues., Wed., Oct, 4, 5, 6, Katharine Hepburn Franchot Tone —I N— Quality Street A .delifhtful romantic comedy Western University, London, Miss C. Walker, has gone to To. Panto 14)11',BowmaA Galbraith leaves shortly for .Toronto where he will a ttgn:cl,Toronto University, Mrs, A, Tbonvpson, who has bleep visiting friends in LueknoW, re• turned home Sunday. The many friends of 'Mrs. Alex Dark, of Wingham, formerly ' of Brussels are glad to know she is now recovering nicely 'from her. recent operation in the Wingham Hospital, Mr, Harry Kirby, of London, is vlseting here for a few days. Mre. E, T, Boll of Toronto, was a visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. James Speir during the past week, Mrs. Thede Stone and Mies Hilda Graham o'f Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. Speirs, Mrs, Bell return- ed to Toronto with them, Mrs. John Long and Winnifred have returned home from a three - week's vita with Will and Mrs. Long, Halleybury, they motored back with Will on his return. hone from Brussels. While there they enjoyed many motor trips through the North and in the Province of Quebec. Mr. George Irwin of Toronto was a guest at the home of W. A. Lowry last week, Mr. Jolon Friendship of Detroit has been visiting his sister Mrs. A. Currie. Mr. and .Mrs. Horace Wilbee and daughters Joyce and Ruth and Mr. and Mrs. Alex McGregor of Seaforth were Sunday visitors with Mrs. W. W. Wilt ea. Miss Pearl Senton of Chesley is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bowler, Rev. A, C. Wishart of Vancouver, B. C., a former minister of :lielcille Presbyterian church, is renewing friendships around town. The Ladies of the United church are planning for a fowl supper fol. lowed by a concert on Nov, 9th.Further announcements later. Mrs, A. Leitch was pleasantly surprised on Sunday the 19th, when about twenty relatives and friends visited her on her birthday. She was eighty years old and still is smart and of sound mind. Those. present were her sons and daugh- ters: Dougald Leitch, Jahn Leitch, and airs, C. J. MoLareu all of Nor- wich; Mrs. Wm, Zeigler, Ethel and Thurs., ,Fri., Sat., Oct. 7, 8, 9, —2 Features— Vlrglnnia /Bruce Melwyn Douglasm —Women of Glaour -A Drama Also— Charles Starrett Iris Meredith IN --The Cowboy Star A real western packed with punch COMING— The Toast of New York Thin Ice KNOX CHURCH, ETHEL Anniversary Services will be held on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3rd Guest Preacher Rev. H. C. Feast, of Seaforth Services 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special Music by the Choir To Be Followed on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th FOWL SUPPER AND ENTERTAINMENT consisting of The Stratford Orpheus Male Quartette Leslie Fraser—Tenor Charles Martyn—Tenor F. G, McDonald—Baritone Capt. A. J. Pequegnat--+Basso Miss Lois Thompson—Reader Miss Alice Pequegnat—Planist Supper Served from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission—Adults 40c. Children 25c. Everybody Welcome• Union Anniversary Services are to be held on Sunday Sept. 26m at 11 a.m. & 7.30 p.• The Speaker for the day will be. Rev Harold Snell, B.A. Assisted by the Ethel Choir for the evening services Wedding LOCAL I WS ITEM ►nr versar Women's 'y United Church Mr, and Mrs. Fred Oxtoby of ,Grey Twp,, ;Presented W Ith Gifts by FIlencjb and Neighbors Friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred • ipatoby,'ninth cou�cesalon of Grey, • ori'uesday evening, Sept, 21st, to celebrate with them the happy oc- ,casien pf . their having .: reached the 6'Oth' •mtieatone of their matrimonial 1 journey, A delighbful social evening was enjoyed by the one hundred and fifty guests who paid tribute tp the bride and groom of fifty years ago in hearty good wishes, During Ute course of the evening, Mr. and Mae Axtoby were made the recipients of a handsome studio couch and .woolen blanket presented by Garf Baeker, Win, C. Stevenson and Cheater Baker while the accompany ing address was read by Mrs, Robt. Baker: Mr. and Mrs. Oxtoby, Dear Friends: We your friends and neighbros have gathered here' tunigii.t to tett der you our best wishes on this your Golden Anniversary. Fifty years ago you stood on the ,threshold of life with all the antici- pation of its joys and successes, , To -day, you can look back over life and have .the satisfaction pf viewing ambitions attained, of dif- ficulties conquered, and successes achieved. TM have watched the growth of this country from Indian trails to paved roads and .from log cabin to brick residence and you have help- ed to make these changes, You have also helped to make this neighborhood what we think one of the best in this fair Canada of ours, , We would ask you to accept these gifts with our best wishes and hope you may bo spared to celebrate your diamond anniversary,Fifty Fifty years of smiles and tears, Fifty years of hopes and feats, Fifty years of work and play, And now there comes Ute golden duly When love has triumphed over all, When from the past sweet mentor les call. And all of us who love you too Nish many more bright years for you. Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors.. Dir, and Mrs, Oxtoby thanked their friends for the gifts in suitable :replys, The house was beautifully decor- ated in yellow and white. Mrs. Oxtoby, whose maiden name was Margaret Annett, is a native of N'issouri township (near Thorndale, and met Fred Oxtoby while keeping house for her brother, William Annett, now deceased, who lived on the 9th con,, Grey, ou the farm now occupied by a nephew, Percy An - nett. They were united in mar- riage ou Wednesday, Sept, 31st, 1887, in Loudon, Out., by Rev, ,mo, Scott, and spent an afternoon honeymoon at the London Western Fair, They mare their home first on the old Oxtoby homestead, 9th con„ owned at the present by Gar- field Baker, where they lived for two years, Following a years residence in Atwood they moved to the farm of Mr. Bernath, whare they celebrated their "Golden An - MONDAY EVENING, SEPT 27 at 8 p.m. A CONCERT will be given under auspices of Women's Assoc. The Hill -billies from Wingham Assisted by Local Talent Come and Enjoy a Good Time Both Sun. & Mon. Admission -25c & 15c for Children Rev. Harold Snell, Pastor, Mrs. T, Dougherty, Pres. W. A. (Continued on Page 8) farnilies. Two daughters were ab. sent: 'Mus. WMn. J. Laurie, Kings- ville and Mrs, Victor Sperling, De- troit, A few of the Grand -children were there, Ivan and Bessie Leitch and Edmund Leitch, of Toronto also Great Grandchildren, and other friends. Wm. T. E, Kennedy of Norwich called and wished her many happy returns of the day. She was showered with flowers and lovely gifts, Liberal Club ' ' The Women's Liberal Club I meet at the home of 'Mrs, Alex Strachan on •Mouday..evening, Oct. 4th at 8 o'clock: A11' "tallies inter- ested are Malted to attend, Miss Catherine Walker Honored By Choir Miss Catherine Walker, who loft 10r Toronto on Monday of this week was ,presented by Miss Wilma Lowe on behalf of Melville church choir, with a beatifui kit of stationary. Miss Walker, taken by surprise, ex- pressed her thanks for the lovely gift and good wishes extended. Wm. Thuell Severely Injured Wm. Thuell, resident of Morris township, con, 6, was severely burn- ed on Monday of this week when testing gas for his tractor with matches. The gas elploded caus- ing severe burns about his face, arms and one leg before the flames could be extinguished. Mr. Thnell Is improving as well as can he e.c- pected, The paper will give the flection Results. Thursday, Oct. 7th The West I Young People's The Westertr Relief Commit to e , The opening aneeting of the United Church Young People's 'was' held on Monday °Veining with good 1 attendance, The election of of Boers was keenly 'contested result. Ing as follows; Pres. --Douglas Anderson October 1lth .« Thanksgiving Day falls on Mon- day, October 1.1th, this year, making a long week -end. The proclama- tion published in the Canada Gazette sets- the date as "a day of general thanksgiing to Almighty God for the bountiful crops and other blessings with which Canada has been favored this year," ST. JOHN'S W. A. A special missionary tea Is being arranged by St. John's W, A. for Friday, Oct. 8, at which the special speaker will be Mrs. (Rev.) A. 0. Calder of Goderich. An invitation is being extended to the Ladies of Melville Presbyterian church and the United church to be present. All those who heard Mrs, Calder some two years ago enjoyed her m.esasge very much and many have expressed their desire to have the pleasure or hearing her again. Further .announcement will be made. next week, United Church `Notes Service in the United Church cn Sunday morning was conducted by the minister, Rev, H. J. Mahoney, who took for his subject, "Original Sin," Rally Day service was held in the afternoon under the direct -Ion of the superintendent, Earl Ander- son. The opening address was given by the minister. Merle and Janet Sanderson gave a duet. The afferent classes responded with Scripture passnges and singing. Seven pupils received pins for at- tendance, P, Sullivan, 13. Currie, I. firyans, DT Seeker, D, Wright, L. Wheeler and A. Cardiff, Awards were given 40 Miss May Skelton. Helen Baeker and Willie Black, Miss Helen Baeker gave a delight- ful reading. The Sunday school orchestra supplied the music for the occasion. Presentation Made At Opening Y.P.S. Meeting 'Monday evening at the opening meeting of Melville Presbyterian church Y. P. S„ three of. its mem- bers, Bowman Galbraith, Tack Booker and Donald McRae, who are leaving to continue their education in other centres, were presented with hymn books by Gerald Gibson, on behalf of their fellow, members. Jack and Donald who have already left town were not present but Bowman thanked the young people for their gift on. behalf of himself and the other boys. Earl Moore, vice-president, pre - ended in the absence of Miss C. Walker. Minutes of last meeting were read by Isabel McTabish and a telightful program presented:— piano solo, W. D, Eckmier; guitar, trio, Dorothy Armstrong, Mary Ilelen Eckmier and Gladys David- son; quartette, Bowman Galbraith, Gerald Gibson, 13111 Eckmier and Jack Bates, Foliow.ing the preacntation, 'For He's a Jolly Good Fellow,' was swig,. Games, under the direction of Tom Maradzean, were played anti 'lunch was served, Vice -Pres, Margaret Pearson, Secretary-lzerle Sanderson Treasurer—Hugh Pearson :Ghristiem 'Culture—Jack Bryans Christian Misisons— Margaret Downing Christian Fellowehip— Helen Baeker Christian Citidenship Charlie Bryaus Social Convener -aviary Davison Recreation—Elmer Bell Planist—Dorothy Wright Press Reporter—Barbara Michie On Thursday evening of this week the executive will meet at the home of Miss Helen Baeker to plea a program for the year. United Church W. A. The Sept. meeting of the W. A. of the United church was held at the home of Mrs. Mo:Naughton, The President, Mrs, Beil presiding, Mina Hingston read the Scripture from Cor. 1113, Miss Skelton offered prayer•. The minutes of previous meeting were given by the Secy, ,Hiss Robinson, who also read a very gracious letter from Mrs. G. Sperling now of Clinton, auto letters of .appreciation from several who bad been remembered by W. A. during illness, Mrs. Parker gave financial state- ment and read a letter from tl.i, West with an urgent request for a bale of clothing, bedding and books to be forwarded before winter sets in, as the need is greet. Parcels will be received at Library or parsonage. It was decided to serve a Fowl Supper, Nov. 90. Committees were appointed to Pre - pars the way for supper and pro• gram to follow, Miss Hiugston conducted a short Sing Song after business session and tea was served by the host 'es when all enjoyed a fine social time together, It is desirable that all the ladies of the United chetah attend the October meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. II, L. Jackson as final arrangements will Brett he , made concerning fowl supper. hope that all the residents in the Brussels' area are not forgetting the car .o1 vegetables and fruit which 'we are to 1111 on Wednesday the 20th October. The publicity committee would like to say that after the pnb]ica• tion of this week's Post they will canvas all the roads east and west of Brussels, when they would he glad if the citizens could give them some idea as to just what they will contribute, Last year the car was not nearly as full as it might have been, and so this year the committee hope to fill it right uv to the torp, We know that everyone will co-operate to the best of their ability, With regard to getting the *stuff in to the car, where it would be impossible for anyone to bring their contribution in personally or to ar- range with a neighbor to bring it in, will they please phone to one of the following, Dr. Ha'mil'ton, R. 3. Hoover, or Walter Sharpe, Phone early on the morning of the 20th October. This committee would also be glad to have offers from those having trucks to bring the stuff in, Mr, L ewis Russel has 1 kindly offered to use his truck for this purpose. What to send, Potatoes, parsnips, ground wheat, rolled oats, canned tomatoes, flour in 8 lb. sacks, apples, beaus, cheese, canned fruit, sugar, tapioca, carrots, squash, Prunes, I jellies, marmalade, rice, beets, pumpkins, honey, salt, maple syrup, corn meal, turnips, onions, pickles, Do not send cabbage as this spoils in transit. Any one wishing to donate cash may do so, the committee will then purchase flour eta., to load. Cut this list out for reference. "Inasmuch as ye did it surto them My brethren, ye did it unto Me." BLUEVALE Fall Fair Is Cancelled There will be no fall fair in Brussels this year. Because of the epidemic ]f poliomylitis (infan- tile paralysis) the 11, 0. -H, did not We are sorry to hear Mr. George lTchnston, 1st line, is in L'.stowei hospital suffering from Pneumonia. ;We hope for a speedy recovery. ; MIr. Thos, Stewart visited fnr a iweek with Mr. and firs, Wm. Stew - pre at Grand Valley. 1 Mr, Jack R'ickstend left for the Wast on Saturday morning to visit lois brother and wife, , The farmers are busy tutting r)rn and filling silos. Mrs, Grace Snell has been on the sick list and has pleuisy. We are glad to hear she is getting better. Mr, George !lathers received word that his grand daughters, hi:ss ,Elizabeth Mothers was operated or for appendicitis in Woodstock hos- pital last Tuesday. We are sorry to hear Miss Bessie Moses hasn't, been enjoying good ' hearth lately. We trope to hear she believe it act .V1S abs to admit chidrt:n ' 16 years of age and under to the fair grounds and as a number of fondles attend the fair chiefly for the enjoyment of their families and 1 as many entries are made by child- ren 1t� the fair board did not believe it t wise to have the fair, so it has been cancelled for this year, Letter to the Editor 3- Brussels Post Dear Sir: Ann writing this letter thanking you for the item you had in your newspaper some time ago. At the bane you will receive this letter I will have commenced a seven year 6 month term in the Royal Air Force and another reason for mY sending this letter is to see If it is possible to receive any letters from my old playmates, In a year's, time I will be sent to India for a temp of 5 years abroad, so You can see how any news from the home towu will be appreciated, I promise to answer any correspon- dence that is sent me. Believe me to be, Yours truly, Victor Pope. 103 By Pase ltd. East Hain, London, 12.6, Engle ud. will non better. The Sunday School joined with the congregation of Knox Presby- terian church on Sunday morning and observed the rally day service, on the theme. "The Prince of Peace," Rev. J. II., Greig gave a very fine actress on "Peace." During the service two Junior members of Sunday School, Miss - and Mrs 8leGuire, if Beach 0. Kinney sang a duet very sweetly, and Dirs. McGlire, of Beach 0. Pines, contributed a solo. The Y. P. S. of Knox Presbyter- ian church held its first regular meeting, for the fall and winter months, on Friday evening with the president, John MCTaish, presiding The Scripture lesson was read by Eldon Kirton followed by prayer by Arnold Lillow. During the business period, discussion centred around "activities for the winter and the Presbyterial Young Peo- ples' Rally to be held in Bhievalo on October 15. Mtss Jena Mt:Burney, delegate to the Iiintail Summer School gave a splendid report outlining the pro- gram and sumnittrizing the material given by the different ledaero. Rev.Wm.Moore Bids Farewell ToCongregatioir Rev.. Moore, Departs to New Charge) Arter Serving Melville . Presbyter- ion Church for the Past Six Year; Rev, Wm. Moore preached iter farewell sermon last Sunday ever. ing bringing to a conclusion six -one - one -half years of service as paklere., of Melville Presbyterian chain* here, He preached a most a-- propriate sermon based on the tend "Finally Brothers, Farewell," men. 2-11-1'3, St, John's Anglican and i rs United church withdrew their eves-, ing services and the church was well filled with the congregatielr and friends who gathered to be with him on the last occasion of hir service here. He was assisted in the service lei Rev. H. J. Mahoney of the Uaitere church and Itev- W. A. Williams nO Cranbrook Pers.byterian elinin, The choir rendered special mus; including an anthem, Mr. Moore ale;, had charge of the Rally Day service in the morn-utp when he chose as his subject "Peace." A quartette, by Bowmaso Galbraith, Gerald Gibson, W. 1C4. Eckmier and S. Lowe greatly 2F. predated Prestentation Made to Rev. and Mrs. Wen. Moore A large representation of the epee gregation of Melville Pxlesbyteriatt church, with friends met in the church schoolroom on Friday even- ing to bid "Godspeed" to their minister, Rev, Wm Moore, who left this week for his new charge. With Robt, Bowman, representing; the Board of Managers, as chairman: a delightful program including come munity singing led by L. W, Eck. mier with Bill Eckmier at the piano; address Rev. H. 3. Mahoneu;, solo, Mrs, W. Kerr; speech, Rev. W A. Williams, instrumeutal dues., Rev, H. J. Mahoney and Bill .Eck- mier, duet Gen. 'Northwood and La M. Eckmier; address, Rev, J. Gm- ha.m, was biven. During the course of the program Mrs, Alex Strachan on .behalf of the W. .lI. 5, read an address and presented Mrs, Moore with a W. BS S, pin, and lir, and Mrs. Moore were: made recipients of a purse of mens -- presented be James McFadzean os behalf of the congregation, while en address was read by D. McTax ish. Mr. Moore replied on behalf. of himself and Mrs. Moore thanking them for the gift and expressed their rgret at leaving Brusseil, and Melville church, Auld Lange Syne was sung and lunch was served ANYTHING FOR SALE 2 2 ? 7? Note the Low Charges Of a Classified Ad.! TRY THEM—THEY SELL • CRANBROOK The Cheerio Workers, held their meeting 011 :Monday evening at the manse, with Miss Mae Fischer it charge. The meeting opened with singing of hymn no, 590, The Lord's praef, er was repeated in unison The Scripture lesson was taker. from the book oe Ruth, chapter g, and was read by Mies Mara' Huether, An article our the We and .wort,[ aT Miss Esther Hazel Armtsrong Who died on the 29th oe Jane, 1937, given by Miss Gertie Pride. Hynni no. 679 was sung M14_1,irx- (Rev,) Williams lett in prAyer, 11iistt Eluned Militants gave, a 461'Y Wav- esting topic and the current' events on, "Oversea Missions'' 'weer read by Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Camarosl Misses Edna Cameron and -',Yetis. Fischer, The meeting closed rift :. singing of hymn no. 60.0 and repeat-. Ing the Mivpalt Beunedictioa' lar unison, Lunch was served by the hobsess after a social hour, lairs, Gordon Switzer is visibl g with he rparent sin Monktoa 131(0 week. Many from here attended tee United church anniversary ser+vlcen at Union on Sunday. On acooutnt of the anulvemai services in Knox Presbyterisat church in 'lthel. There w111 be mer services 15 Knox Presbylerimsa ciesen Cranbrook on Sunday,