HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-22, Page 8'Two Specials LARGE' TUBE FLY,KIL M 131 (16 oz) DENTAL PASTS KILLS FLIES, MOTHS and Blg Box of AND INSECT PESTS ENGLISH SCHOOL PAINTS BOTH FOR —AND— FLY-KILLER SPRAYER 49c Both for 590 The New School Books Try Our Store For Them FULL LINE OF HIGH SCHOOL AND PUBLIC SCHOOL TEXT BOOKS ALSO SCHOOL ACCESSORIES NOTE BOOKS, SCRIBBLERS, ART SUPPLIES ETC. 11 CORKS— For Catsup Bottles and Pickle Bottles BOTTLING WAX—in Tins PAROWAX MEM'BA SEAL PARKE'S CATSUP FLAVOR PARKES PICKLE MIXTURE PRICE'S CANNING COMPOUND FINE QUALITY- -PICKLING SPICES BISMA-REX QUICKLY RELIEVES THE DISCOMFORT OF ACID -DYSPEPSIA 75c JARS FALL PICTORIAL REVIEW QUARTERLY PRICE 25c See it for the NEW AUTUMN STYLES AND LATEST PATTERNS CLASSIFIED ADS. Notices in this columnG coati ci 25c up to four lines; every extra line, Cash must accompany ad.• Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE - 11 Choice Pigs, 6 weeks old. apply to Sr% Lot 25, Con. 1, Morris Janes W. Riley, FOR SALE— Eight Chunks Pigs, three month, old, 25 cords dry hard maple body wood, 12 inches long; 25 cords dry hard maple circular wood, 14 inches long. Torrance Dundas, Blyth, R.R, no. 2. NOTICE— The person who porrowed my tin snips please return s once and oplige, Ilarold Thomas FOR SALE— Whit" Leghorn Yearling Hens, bloodtested, apply to Colin Fingland, phone 905, Walton SWITZER'S CLEARING SALE— Starting today, we art putting on Isale, every article in our dry goods and hardware dept., at a reduction iI of 10 to 20 Come early or make inquiries while they last because these articles have all advanced in value and cannot be replaced at these prices, 9 oz. Smocks, reg. 1.90 for .. S oz Smocks, overalls & pants reg. 1,51) for Boys Rivet Pants, size 2.S & 30 reg. 1,25 for .35 turerinol per garnr't .73 'Vool Ripped 17nderntear 1.09 Penman's Fleetknit .75 .lien's 5 lb Wool Socks .30 Woman's Cotton Stockings .16 Hardware— Zinc Washboards .27 Beacon Lanterns 1.05 Stove Pipes .16 5c Work Scribblers 3 for 10 Corn Flakes Se per pkg Shredded Wheal = pkg for 230 All other Cereals at a similar reduction Peas 17 no. nn. 4 3 cans for 25c SWITZER'S GENERAL STORE Cranbronk, Ont. Phone 52-9 F. R. SMITH 'FI.FPHONE NO. 62 — DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 $1 65 $1,30 THE BRUSSELS POST W9:DNESDAY, SI5P'l'. 224 1937 11 You WRECK'EM O WEFIX'EM--'° G. SANDERSON El Now Located at Ford Garage o 11 Expert Work Done on all makes of cars n All Yours - - Wrecker Service, All Hours 0 ii Q —Always a Stock of Fast Moving Parts —Grease checked in cold weather, also Sparks —Overcome Your Tire Troubles Here —The Service is Yours & Full of Cheer Sib GORDON SANDERSON Fall and Winter Samples on Parade p.m:1J of o THE CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES REPRESENTATIVE Mr. R. E. McKenzie WILL BE VISITING OUR STORE Friday, Sept.244h We invite you to come in and inspect these completely new styles and patterns; such as Kerry and Rockwear Fleeces and Bramble and Thornberry Tweeds. STYLE — SERVICE — SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • . • •There Is No Obligation To Buy • • . • Agent. for "Cambridge Clothes" A. Wo Brussels, Ont. Phone 24 �. _— FOR SALE— FOR SALE - 100 Barred Rock, 1 -year-old Henn In E:,mondville, acres, 7 -room Bloodtested and Govt. Banded, 75e Frame House with hand and soft each. also 200 White Leghorn Pull w''`_",i ;ad tarn. hen -house. Hy, lets, $1.00 each. Choice Durham deo. Reasonable.Cow to freshen Nov. 1st. Wm. L. Speir, phone 5-44, Ed. Rowland, Walton, Ont, =Oso aC7tor!'•—lo=or=�—.•.—=- ,0' "Ar -----x--101 0 Now Located in Ford Garage 0 Phone 73x Brussels, Ont. r.� =0=02===110=101=20=1)=201=2: =I Reid's Glasses Satisfy Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist R. • For Nearly 20 Years c AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment "See Reid and See Right" isssltsssssssemausiassszesssse®isuslsees®s. sousssssessessssesePI s ■ ED B,, STp 12ne a' ho ■ ■ 1,„in PI SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY um 5c ■ PI 3 CAKES CALAY SOAP - - • a With Purchase of 1 Targe OXYDOL at - - 23c ▪ r AUT pkgs with Fly Coils, Tanglefoot, Wilson's Fly ■ ■ Kellogs Corn Flakes, 3 ■ white, blue, green or pink cereal bowl 29c Pads and bulk Fly Spray a Specialty • 25c ■ MI Red Band Orange Marmalade 32 oz for 25c (Loose Soap Chips • • • • 3 lb . II Patterson's Waxtite Sodas 17c Bon Ami Cake or Powder 15c ft•I 23c 3 Ib Bags Salt 2 for 13c le; I Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 tins 19c Young's Pure Mustard ' Ib , • 19c 1 Ib • • 39c III Heinz Cooked Spaghetti 2 tins N 1111 Velveeta Cream Cheese 17c THIS IS THE WEEK FOR II ININ ■ ▪ ;Old York Cereal . 25c PRESERVING PEACHES N r 27c Hemphill's Wheatberries 29c Certo ill NI ■ ■ I Special 3 Large Boxes Matches 21c Roman Meal Bread 9c MI 1 0133 0 x=01 10=10 0=0 0 0 O1�[01===t09=0' - Grain Wanted - WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable for our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter �--- ■ ▪ LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS 11111ium11■sImmiu1Msu11■■i11111oninnumIIA■>>(MelI11111e■1111u11uIfulwrlli vgdasmilmlidNIMI 1Brussels I le We Eckmie ,am?d y �jjam? Phone 641 Saturday SPerios Stores QUALITY .. - SERVICE P. & G. Naptha Soap 10 bars 35c 1 This Season of the Year Rats and Mice work their way into the different buildings Rat -Nip will Exterminate these pests at , Tomato Juice in 101/2 oz. tins 5 for Quaker Health Bran per pkg Chateau Cheese '/z lb pkgs Each Soap Chips 3 Ib Good Broom Polished Handle Polly -Prim Peas per tin Heinz Catsup Large Bottle Asparagus Cuttings per tin John Bull Floor Wax 1 Ib tins • • .. Infants Delight Soap per cake Royal York Orange Pekoe Tea '/s Ib Glacier Sardines in Olive Oil Large Oxydol 3 Calay Soap for 35c 25c 14c 17c 25c Each 47c 9c 19c 15c 25c 6c 30c 10c 29c McLarens Jelly Powders 5 for 25c —GET YOUR PEACHES THIS WEEK— McCormicks Fiddlestix per pkg Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable Soup 3 tins .. . • 21c per tin 20c STRAYED— From Los 22, Con. 5, 1 Red Steer, weight about 1200 lbs. phone 3319 Ivan McArter, i STRAYED— From Lot 7, North Boundry arc• Kil top• One black Steer with white face. marked with nick in top edge of. FOR RENT, I lett ear, Attractive Shop on Main Street, •Russel Knight, Apply to Box 50, phone 2S•16 Brussels' Brussels 'Post' Office ;i, Lila's Beauty Shoppe x. `.0. Queen's Hotel — Phone 54 .c- • Offers a special in the Line of Beauty Culture— p: — PUSH-UP WAVE AT $2.00— ;: A SMART: (Needs No Fingerwave) ; • $5.00 Wave at $3.50 Shampoo & Fingerwave .50c • Fingerwave .25c Wet Fingerwave .15c '< • A 1 Superior Store Quality Service Specials for the Week—Thurs., Fri., & Sat• tF & G Naptha Soap 10 bars for 35c per Ib c 3 tins for 2115c 6 pack for 25c per yd 15c Bulk Cocoa Aylmer Soups, Tomato & Vegetable DeLuxe Jelly Powders Factory Cotton 36 in. wide • • • .reg• 20c White Pillow Cotton per yd 29c Table Linen, bleached or unbleached per yd 65c Ibex Flanelette Blankets large size per pr $2.25 Girl's Wool Pleated Skirts each 69c Ladies Silk & Wool Hose, three colors per pr 35c Men's Black Calf Oxfords per pr $2.95 WM, ZIEGLER Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont• Brussels General Store PHONE 61 Arrival of Many New of Merchandllse THESE ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND SHOW • SUBSANTIAL SAVINGS IN 'PRICES Japanese Table Covers 52x52 in various colors and patterns—A regular dollar value—while they last 50c each Lace Table Covers in all sizes —made in Ireland Made for service English Bath Towels, Colors fast as a rock 40c, 60c & 75c pr Candle -wick Bed Spreads for large double bed in all wanted shades—attractive patterns worth $5, for $3. each Rayon Bed Spreads, colors, Green, Rose or Mauve at Prices that please you Celanese Under Grament Locknit—guaranteed full size tailored by Ellice, • • • • any style 59c garment Silk Pyjamas, small, medium & large Gowns From the same dependable fabric MEN'S WEAR Guaranted Redback 8 oz Overalls or Pants Buy Now $1.50 Men's Socks, light or heavy weight, good wear • • • • 15c pair Men's Socks with knit -in garter, heavy heel & toe Sale Price 25c Men's Suits At Bargain Prices— Men's Odd Trousers at Clearing Prices— Men's Percale Shirts, colors fast, fit guaranteed • - • • $1.00 up E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel