HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-22, Page 5TI -JE BRUSSELS POST WATQH REPAIRINQ . And clock Repairing -- Lowest Prices Prompt Service J, H, McLELLAND, ETHEL Tenders Wanted ^ Tenders will be received up to ,Saturday, October 2nd at 10 o'clock a.m. for the Cunsirnetion of a load Machinery Building at Ethel, Twp, of Grey. Tendh+t's may be submitted in the following manor: - 1. For an all New Building with Steel Roof and S1(lhig, 2. For a Building using timber and lumber from old Shed for .Frame lied Streeting and 11athns. Steel hoof and Siding, 3, For a Building using Timber and Luntiiet' front Old Shed for Fraure and Sheeting and new wont Shingles and Siding. . Plan and specifeailo 1 may be seen at the Clerk's office, The lowest or any tender not neo. essarlly accepted, 7, 11. PEAR, Clerk Note:— iThe time for accepting Tenders for thework to be don on Lha Baker Branch Dlaiu ban been e:. tended to Saturday, October 2nd, at 10 o'clock a.nt. J. H. FEAR, Clerk, Notice to Creditors In the, Estate of Martha Arline Arm. strong, late of the Township of Morris, In the County of Huron, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-first day of July, A.D. 1937. TAKE NOTIL`E that all perseny having any claims or demands against the estate of the above de- ceased must forward particula<s and proof of sante to the under. mentioned solicitor in or before- the fourth day of October, A.D„ after witch date the undermention- ed executors will proceed to (11+ - tribute the estate with regard only to those claims which •they scall then have received notice. DATED at Brussels this 14th day of September, A.D. 1937, 1 rancis Duncan, Currie, Executors. by their s diener, Elmer D. Belt. Brussels, Ontario Notice T1, Creditors NO'i'I('7: is given that i(1 pi-rsons haring an. shimsagiLils' , thr Late Emma Jan. Eclenner, who died on nr abnttt tit 0th_, day of April 1937, at th Vi1L:ge of E le 1, its the County of Huron, are reqult•- r.cl to forward to rite under:danr,t solicitor for Cattle Maud Willis, •1u AdminIstrab•ix of the li:staee of the said deceased, their names, address- es and 001 particulars Its wrlting under oath of their claims, AND TAKE notice that alter 'lie lith clay of October, 1937, the eat,: Atininistratrix will proceed to dis- tribute the asset, of the 5010 d,:, creased, haviug regard only to 1.,, claims of w•hielt she shall then h tv.' notice, and that the said Adntinis- tratrix will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim she shall not then have received notice. DATED at Listowel, this OOtb day of September, 1037, G. HAROLD SHANNON, Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix, AUC N SALE of Furniture and Household Effects The Property of the Late JANE HISLOP At Lot 2, Concession 14, Grey at 2 o'clock p.m. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th 3 Bedroom Suites 1 Bed 4 Sets Sed Springs 1 Dresser 2 Wash Stands 2 Chests 2 Clocks 3 Rocking Chairs 2 Arm Ohales S Kitchen Chairs 1 Robe 1 Flour Box 1 Set House Scales 240 lbs. 1 Dining Room Table 1 kitchen Table 1 Fall Leaf Table 1 Flower Stand 1 secretary 1 Range 2 Sets Book Shelves 2 Glass Cupboards 2 Small Cupboards 5' Sawing Machine 1 Meat Grinder 1 Coal Oil Can 1 Wringer 1 Sofa 3 Pails Lamp, Fruit Jars, Crocks And Other Articles Too Numerous To Mention TERMS — CASH F, KEMP, Auctioneer. JOHN A. HISLOP, Trustee, WIODNIrS1iA ', SEPT, 22nd, 1937 Two Charged In Death Of London Girl Physlcian end Fireman Are Charg, ed With Murder of Teacher HELD WITHOUT BAIL London, Ont„ Sept, 20--1111arge3 with the murder of attrur tive 37 - year -old Mary Wilkinson, public newel teacher, 1)r. Charles A, Vitae and Laehlln J. Robertson were scheduled to appear Moudcty before City Magistrate Donald Mentes for a formal remand, Arrest of tate 7$ -year-old pity, +. dart and Robertson, a i n-yea:.1d stoker at. a glun-marntfactar+.n, plant, 011 Saturday was anteoueeed by Crown Attorney Norman New. ton last night, He said. hoc'anse of "Hie unusual t'l'elunt;tances" of Miss 11`illtiusou's death-•-attalbu.ted to atm illegal operation ---a murder charge had been laid agalust both men. The body of the Aberdeen school teacher was found to the north 1r.:. c1i •-f the Thames River in London Township east of the city Tuesday, Sept. 14, There was no water in her lungs, an autopsy showed, and she is believed to have been dead three days before reach- ing the river, Dr. Cline and Robertson were held without bail and Mr, Newton said In disclosing the arrests that while they are held on remand in. Autry will continue. Tw•n other 11' rests have also been etude, that of• an unnamed man and of Robertson's wife, Emily, The man was ar- rested Thursday on a charge the nature of which was not disclosed, Woman Detained Mrs. Robertson was arrested at. her home yesterday on a nominal charge and is being held as a ma- terial witness, Mr. Newton said, Dr. Cline and Robertson were ar- rested Saturday, the former at his ofce in downtown London. lir, Newton Said rove&&Lgatinn was being pressed into what w'as believed to be an illegal operation ring, I1e claimed au underground surgery room was inu'overed by pollee and a fee of $125 was charr- ed. -Kiss Wilkinon left her furnishes1 Datvlas street apartmtut Sop!. 7 alai is said to have drawn mime; ft.)nt a bank, 'When her lie dy was found last week routine inquiry was "mote and it was released sed fur burial. White i.e,n,murhig no inquest wood be held, ant:cull c°s ,ant tuned an undo carer probe, lead an atto.,y porin,m+e,l owl Saturday appe-tI,ed publicity for information concerti the case. In ,u •st has been ordered (•1,r Tuesday night under Chief Coroner Dr. A, It. ltoutletlgo, Tho post mortem examination indicated (1) operation on the young teacher wa; dune in en illegally (quinsy manner and death followed almost trnmed- iutely. We Who Are About To Die Salute You That was the greeting the gladi- ators of old gave to the Roman en). parer before they perished in tint arena, Ilut we are nut gladiators and We are not gong into battle, We, have MT hate for anyone. We are 1101 x1511 of life, We do not wish to die. But we will, by the hundreds. We are the people who are smog to die in fatal motor accidents 'lur- ing the years 1937 anti 1933, 510st of us have not even a pre- monition of the fate which awaits us. We do not realize that Death lurks around the corner. We have not seen his shadow nor heard his foot -steps, But Death awaits, Waits around the bend in Ilse next ear's faltering brakes, in th.'t trail of some chance driver who loves to "jockey" in a line of iraf- l?a or swish past another car on a (MAIM or 1till. In the street, on the open highway, what matter where? Death awaits and does not announce his coming, We tire marked clown to Ole, The great god called Statistics bas writ- ten down our names in his big book and by actuarial laws we are doomed. We do not know it, but Death 1;, coming, Some of us are little children. Our deaths will be more horrible more tragic, than others. But Ole we will. Parents, teachers and Professional life•rlavere with ,:'J their earnest warnings will avail us not. We are marked. down. We are careless now, We do nut take thought, Have you flavor been a child,? Do you not know w-ltat,.it is to be a stranger to res- ponsibility, to depend on others for circ, for shelter, for protection. Fes, protection. That is one of the things the child is taught to ax- pect from his tilers ; some!hitg in a cruel and reckless age he does net receive. Our deaths will be more tragic because more cruel than all the others. You can see the h ad - lines: "FIVE C'IIH.DREN IIILLED I \ SAFI•,TF ZONE," "TOTS RL N OVEIt ON WAY FItOlI SCHOOL," You will read these 1leadliiiel many tinges over in thr, ntV , BUT 1,VILL YOU IIEED THEM? WE WHO ARE ABOUT TO IVIi•;— SALL'TL YOU! A MIEN Returns to Roo. B 7. L. u 0(0 50070l 070111, Canadian n Pacific Railway, ay, Vano nt01 '; will be pro- moted to Montreal, 11"adquar•ier1 of the ('otn,tsny on October 1 as assistant pe.r.senger traffic. man- ager, according to annouueemcnt by R. 0. :o-::Neillle, passenger traffic nmanager. Since joining tate Canadian Pacific at Saint John, N.B., lu 1883, he has is:,rved TIM ,7011l1,,:ny et Toronto, Mont- real, Bee'on, Srattle, Wash„ Hong Kong, and Vancouver. MORRIS Council meeting Morris Held in the Township Hall on Mondry, Sept. 13, 1937. 4elembers all present with the Reeve presiding. The minutes o4 last meeting reit] and approved. 'Ithe contract for painting the Abram Bridge was given to James Breckenridge at $87.50, • the con- tractor to furnish paint, brushes and all things necessary for the work,. The Huron Plowman's Associa tion was given a grant of ?25,00 oral each of the agricultural societies at Wingbam, Brussels and IMMyth a grant of $20.00, To meet the requirements of the General Township rate the council decided on a levy of 2 mills in the dollar, but as the government snip. silly of one mill in the dollar Pro- vides $2,053 15 tit rate will be Otte mill on the tax hills, Tete following accounts :rev, Advance-Times, advertising $ II. Smith, making tile .12.70; 30 bags n•mrent one bolt A. H. Irskin, Treas.taxes ., N. Higgins, Tres. Stamps Suron Plowman's Assoc. Agr, Societies at \pingns.m, Brussel;, I31yth, each ,. 13.11 21.. e 14.00 29,011- I Watching by night- for the renegade of IIie dog 050e, the sheep killer:-- Finlay McCallum 2,9)0 Nelson Higgins 2,00 Frank Gornto 1,00 Stewart Proctor 2.00 Thos. Garnlss 1,00 Iiet't GarnJ$$ q,Or1 Rose Dungan , , .. 100 Donald Currie 1.00 1, Stewart Procter, insp. 3.00 itussul Grocery, ;relief, Shields 10.50 J. lspelrs, mint 195 1 Willis 2 y0 Carl Oakley, relief 10,50 Jaynes C'nnrpltell, lamb killed Geo, Edgar, sheep Jolla Taylor, 2 lambs 2 Ewes Gilbert 111o('ullum, Insp. , , , ;.ea Collodi will meet October 13th lit (hr Mali, A, bliu7s'wen, Clerk. 4,110 5.11(1 11.00 10.'5! .Nurse to go to Mission Field Monkton Groups Honor Miss Kath- leen Stewart To honor .hiss Kathleen Stewart Reg, N,, of Monkton, who is leaving slimily to do mission work in Beetle, Manitoba, for the Presby- terian church at a school home there, the Women's Missionary So- ciety and Women's Auxiliary 01 that town met. The presentation of a woolen blanket was made Miss Stewart and another highlight of the program was an address by Rev. 7, 1(, Others taking part were Mrs. J. Erskine and Mrs, K. E. Steffen. Rapture Expert Here Do you suffer from rupture? (F so, your big opportunity has now arrived, Mr, Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Queen's Hotel for one day only Tuesday, Sept. 28th and wilt be pleased to give free es_ amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate his famous appliance. This appliance will contract (he openings in 10 to 15 days and afte wearing for short time rupture has 1 entirely disappeared in a great num- ber of cases. This appliance is positively demonstrated to you right on your own person without any charge. You do not spend a penny unless you are fully satisfied that it is the right appliance ror you. A consultation with Mr. Reavely will I cost you nothing, Don't tet this opportunity get away from you. Remember the date- " , YES dear, HAMCO certainly banishes the dust bogey , .. so clean and lasts so long !From now on it's only HAMCO Colce for us." You too will find HAMCO the ideal fuel—dustless, smoke- less, longer -lasting. And easy to regulate —RAMC() delivers just the measure of warmth you want, regardless of the weather. Besides, it's a pleasure to use—so light, so clean and leaves far less ash. Order from yourlocaj HA1VMCO dealer—he deserves your fuel business. HAMILTON. sY.PRODUCT COKE OVENS, LIMITED HAMILTON, CANADA SOLD BY Crerar & " (Donald S. F. Davison H. Fear, Ethel m w t" �1r! iii' 7to.,t�00i At'," ST COKE W AL TON -•'and galea splendid topic on "Can- ada First I:s This Christian?" The Scrip'ute 'was read by Beth Shan - Mr, and Mrs. \\'illi,hnt 17r t P s have 0,T(1riletl -10211„ from honeymoon trier to T,ront , ..nil other western point Mrs.l\'i}li.utt Cusick who has spent 1) 10 ,eth with her niece Mrs, R. W. Hoy, has t,tarned to her Home at Moffatt; Mr. and Mrs. Robert flay and 3I:, crud blrs. Itoy Petrie and family of Port Albert visitors at R, W. Iiov'; Mrs, J. Patterson and da 1g lIcr, -Miss Pearl Patterson of a.e a.n'i b. spent the we k_enl with llr, and Mrs, W. C. Bennett. At the Young People's Meet Ma. TT? Plitt" United church Sunday es •a- iug. Arthur Beverley pres;d, ,t non and Parry Marshall offered prayer. Rev. Chas. Cumming gave 011 a is ,,htg "What make is your nephew's new car?" - Old Lady (rather vague about suet things): "1 think I heard him .say it was tl wow-,'' ELMER D. BELL, S.A. Barrister, t5ri(toltor, Etc. Phone 20x. —x— Brussels, Ont. DANCEY & BOLSBY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. L. E. Dancey, K.C. & P. J. Boisby Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 54X. MAR& DO YOU KNOW T4-IATMY+iYDRO BILL IS MUCH LESS THAN LAST MONTH SINCE THE GOVERNMENT GUT THE RATES ? tom, rake We YES, ITOESTA iNLy MAKES IT EASY ON THE +10U5E- Y,EEPING MONEY HELEN. NOMY ea. HEPBLIRN SAVES 05 -ABOUT $1522 BY OUR THREE CHILDREN NOT HAVING- TO PAY EXAMINATION FEES JACK TOLD 111E OUR CAR LICENSE WILL BE ONLY 2aa INSTEAD OF $72o T+iIS YEAR—JUST WATCH ME GET A NEW HAT OUT OF THAT SAVING AND I'M GLAD THEY'RE GOING TO GUT DOWN 'ON EXAMS AND +TOME WORK HE ALSO GOT $ 30,000 IN BACK MY FOR GIRLS IN INDUSTRY WHO HAD BEEN DEFRAUDED YES ANDJIM SAYS HEPBURNS UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE WILL MEAN WE'LL NEVER HAVE TO GO ON RELIEF II II JIM SAYS THE FARM VOTE WILL GO TO HEPBURN BECAUSE HE REDUCED THE RATES FOR EL-ECTRICITY I'M GLAD 4-IEPSURN KEPT LIQUOR OUT OF. RESTAURANTS • AND WILL TAKE I NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT, I'LL HAVE TO GET AFTER JIM FOR MINE YES AND THERE'S NO TAX ON MOVIES OR HOCKEY GAMES ANY MORE EVEN OUR LOCAL TAX BILL 15 DOWN DUE TO HEPBURNS ONE MILL BONUS THAT MEANS $ 5129 TO US 140 WONDER HE I5 CALLED A MAN OF ACTION IN SPITE OF ALL THESE TAX REDUCTIONS HE MAKES ENDS MEET &hA\VAVC� IT OUT OF POLITICS AND I UNDERSTAND 118' HAS MADE IT PO5SiBLE FOR ALL DESTITUTE MOTHERS TO GETALLOWANCES -- THAT'S GOOD I'VE MADE SURE JACK'S AND MY NAME ARE ON THE LIST -OUR VOTES WILL SAY tARRY ON"HEPBURN DO YOU KNOW HELEN i THINK I'LL PERSUADE JIM TO VOTE LIBERAL THIS TIME --- HE ALWAYS VOTED THE OTHER WAY L1: Isst cd by Ontario Liberal Association. EL CT ROBERTSON FOR HURON -BRUCE