HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-22, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
WRDNRSDAY, UK. 22314, 10117
elerey e,erren, o; 'reeswater, who Is
the Conservatve Candidate in
et:eon-Bruce riding, in the present
Provincial Cempelen,
1. Rebates to farmers of car license fees during the
*winter months.
2. Restoring Returned Men to Civil Service
Conservative Candidate
Giving In Mi20.'/Clige
Not Necessary Now
Taunton, Eng.—Miss Dora Lee,
.daughter 3 17.122(:),. l'
was not given ae.ey when er.
at her feither'e church at Ta•mtifft,
Her father, the Reb. John
who ezmilue'fli the • for,fy,
• 'it is not b.,'.;...(11y•
Thrldof to be givf,n •
eivett •w!V.
eeelett. part of (lo• e. • ! y ,
back to the Teyn,. we, tt a wtof:-.,1
V-'400rd...-.1 I:. •
therofor”, yny ..(dthl t z.
en away by him."'
Duch Season
Opens Oct. 1
6o.nt,, people make a practiee
shooting wild docks and ether
teeted game before the eee
01,,q11`. If this praetieei enfitevei
the Previecial Polic-- will bc 'cot
G:ve the fellew
anti pretest yeerself at le.
Weee heve 1-Ltier aad 1111--eeee
up their eleeves? asks a writei.
flatly nelvrpZip..r. No nee ter
SW S ,1,1lou thy Una
i,Yet14 1 in. arn.s.
e" es.
• The toughest kind of going has met more than
its match. Goodyear self-cleaning Lug Tires for
trucks and buses roll steadily through mud and
snow that's rim deep. They travel skiddy curves
and greasy ruts with ease. On all "unpaved"
routes they give the driver of truck, bus or
tractor a new sense of driving security.
The marvellous traction -power of Goodyear
Lug Tires makes them indispensable to any
driver who leaves the smooth, paved highway.
At your Goodyear dealer's now.
Brussels, Ont. Phone 82
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
ISItePeggul anniversary Beryl( ee
were held 111 Knoz United Cherch,
:Delgreve.Do SUnday. The church
which was -decorated with cut flow -
ere, was well tilled at both morning
and evening services. Rev, Mr.
Burton of Ontario 'Street Pelted
(1,u'1. Clinton, was the speaeor
awl tetivered two splendid addrese.
es, Special Innen: was given
the t1.t atoach serVIee, In (lip
t1t°L was sung by Misses
Whittle add Mlila Lane and in tine
evenitin a mole canter e W(1.3,
1 Norman Keating
J.. el. Conn,. and Golan? Wheeele,
as ne-teleee. ,enei seleethm,
Nue,. 34L 13: Nethery nee left to '
reenees: 1 Melee aa teacher at
sts‘hat!,,,n afler speeding the sum-
leer 'with her mother, Mrs,
The Coiled Church choir has at.
cept,,d an invitation to provide the !
music for the anniversary services
at Dennybrook United Church next E
Mrs, J. A. Geddes spent a couple
of weeks' holiday at Kincardine
Beach; Mr.- and Mrs. John Arm-
trong, of London, called On .friel).ds;
Miss Kathleen Townend left for
Weetern University, London, where
ho will pommence her studies
The Crunbrook church has plan-
ned its Anniversary Si#TVInE,
(0- lir 17) h to followed Mon-
tley, Oetober lith by a Coecert pro-
vided by old friends from Stratford.
imn't ferget the Anniveiemry Ser.
viees at Union Veiled Chueeh net:t
Sitrelya, SCPt. 20, morning serve e
at 11 alt. awl evening at 7,10. 11,:.v.
11 '14 Snell as pastor. Speciel
ine.de will be given by Union choe
in tee mermeg tout Ethel elver 1,
take eharee te night U. IlflYr the lead- f
teldP ef Mr. P. Currie. A sp'eeted
An ((Ivor y occasion is hop:31
Mks y Dunbar :leen tee 1.
w. le( id it h Jynn
3.o I
eatebee from Infirm took ie
1:3 ii(,rviet-s at Itoo's .
b-( Seed y neening and (e,enleg.
Me,. Geo, Evans hae r, II t
Kingston me anpae.e‘i
iee bet uncle. Mr. Sim Ashnt.
• and Mrs. L metinae 0Cie
Seek.. aecompenied 0 tee
Deily of Lisiowel
vl,ited leer. week at tee Mom uf J.
J. Srecham
Aire. Longman will he reinembie•-
.1 Sado Reid, f.ldast daughtee
Attain arel 13 r-3, Reid el
eli,e Celina Wheeler. Be:grave ie
eppoinied to 10101 III lisle. bn S.S. X.
1, awl aleo ut Shines No, 1, this is a
very instructive wivancement• and
teee.estiry for the children of ttedy,
The immediate neighbore
ed tet the loan, of Clifford and Mae
Cardiff Friday, Sept. hth, to honer
the bride, Ethel. Davidson, who was
married the week previous to Ken-
neth Jock -son, V. S. of Cayuga and
presented her with ar. electric lamp
and table. a kindly worded address
was read by Mrs. Ala, Armstrong
and the gifts presented by 1Iri.
Chas. Davis and Mrs. S, Winelee,
the bride who was completely take):
by surprise thanked the friends for
their kindly remembrance,
pleasant time was spent in social
chat and music, also lunch was
served before the guests retired to
their homes.
Miss Doris Wheeler who has been
a guest with her Uncles Stanley
and Gus Wheeler, returned to her
home in Hamilton, Monday.
in the (Tufted church Sunday
morning Rev. ,fames A, Gale had
charge Of the service, assisted by
111s father, Rev. It. M. flake of Day -
field. Anniversary services will be
held in the church on Octobee 17
with Rev 01. A, Anderson, a former
pastor, ;le efieeker• '
Rev. J. le. West had charge of
the morning and evening service,
in the Presbyterian (Mitre') on Sue -
day when IWO infiniring III4:S8001.Y4
yeOr th.,1
The hmal public iettot.:I 3, (.9Cnnt.i"
(,(1 to start on Wednesday and the
Sunday schools will hold servieue
fleet Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert AndnIN 0.1
and eletbel, Strallord, Misses JO/111,
AltirgnfOI and Nellie Anderson, SI,
POWs, visited with Mrs, G. Drown;
Rev, end Mrs. it, M., Gale and
Gladys, Bayfield, with Rev, and
Mrs. James Gale; Keith Hopkin-
son, Misses Eibel end I3erna Bette
ger, Hamilton, with Air, and Mrs.
M. R. Bettger; Miss Undue Schede
has returned home from New
Math neg.
Mr. Robert Bosnian of Learning-
tou bleited for v. few days with bie
parents and ether friends,
'Mr. George Abetters visited for at
week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert
lathers and family at Hepworth.
Air. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw are ,
visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Annie
Shaw and other friends in Torosto.
Mrs, Harry Robertson and baby
arrived home on Mende), from
Wingham hospital,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Battersby of
Preelion visited Tor a few days with
the Alathers
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Moses and
Archie visited on Sunday with Mr,
Henry Mothers and son and Oa
Misses Mothers,
Mrs. Milton Smith, Pent a day last
week with Mr. and • Mrs, Norman
Hoover of Grey.
Miss livelyn Turvey, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Turvey,
concession, Morris, is a victim of
infantile paralysis. This is the
first case in this neighborhood.
Annihersary servives which were
to have been held in Ebenezer Un-
ited Church, on Sunday were with.
Mrs, Jack Wickstead, Miss Eun-
ice Thornton and Miss Olive Scott
attended the Women's Institute
convention at Harriston; Aire.
(Rev.) J. R. Greig addressed a W,
M. S. meeting in the Presbyterian
Church, elelesworth.
The young people of the United
-Church have been engaged to Pre-
se.ut the play, "Clover Time," ut the
Brussels Fall Fair,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Cardiff.
Bruseels, visited with Mr. and Mrs,
1" 1,4 Maelewan.
Church services will he condneted
at 11111eVale and Ebenezer Culled
churches as usual next Sunday wit!!
A, V, 11bi> in eharge.
Children's Rally Service will be
hold in Knox Presby:ofian (thaiTh..
Although weather eenditions we,fe
Most tinfavtrable, good congrega-
flans ettended the morning tied
evening anniveesary services at
Eadie Presbyterian Church on
Rev. A. L. Budge, of Hamilton,
was the guest sPeaker.
The choir, limier the dieeettrin of
ens,: Jean Wilton. and assisted bY
Misses Sadie and Ruth Stokes, and
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carrigan, of
llelmove, rendered spedal mueie.
'Baskets of Fall flowers added to
the beauty of the service,
Vienors: Alt-, and Mrs. Barnes,
Ingersoll, Alt, and Mis. George Ir -
Win and son, Gordon Salford, with
William Thornton; Mr, and Mri,
Al,, Mackie and family, Rich-
wood, Bennet Holmes, Dundas, Miss
Mary Bottles, Windsor, and Mr,
and Mrs. Thomas Manefleld, 'Dundee
with Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Holmes:
Walter Huggan, Brussels, with
friends; Miss Margaret Doig, To-
ronto, with Miss Hazel Mundell.
Services In United church were
conducted by the pastor, Rev, R.
A, Brook. At the morning service
the text was: "When 1 Ant Weak,
Then Am 1 Strong," In the evening
the subject was "Playing Fair With
God." Splendid music was Pro-
vided by the choir, to which several
new members have been added
In the Anglican church on Sunda!'
(seeing Air. Hutchison, lay 11,11(40. of
W1ngh am, ba d charge of the service
in the absence of a rector to stir-
`ceed Itev. A. A, Maloney.
Mr, and Mrs, Harvey 13arr, Tot' -
01110, were guests at the home of
the foriner's brother, Arthur Barr,
The funeral of Ilarvey Davis,
who met seri) a neigj5 death in a
motor accident on TharedaY even-
ing near Leamington, waa held on
Monday afternoon from the home.
of his parents and Wnri largely at-
tended, ROY. R. A, Brook had
eljargo of She service et 1110 Itoth:e
and graveside. The subjeet of hie
address was "Today if Von eVill
Dear His Voice Harden Not Your
Hearts." Aire. sang a sulo
The pallbearers wero eriends and
sehoolma1e8 01 LIM JnInh'
Sint, Thigh Wyss Tannin*
-('lig Tannin, Borden Cook, Gordon
Pleever bearere Were Clay-
ton Petite W. MeNall, R. A.. raeker,
W. Boiven, 1-1, C. Johnston, J, Her
ons. Interment was Made in Union
Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Kerwlelt,
Mr. and Alia John Vinceut, Mrs, W.
Weldon and Mrs, A. Barr attended
the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry
Iloruby in Goderich.
'Word was reveived here of the
death of Ward Lanudy, son of Ed.
ward and the late Alm Lamely,
who were residents of town rot
many, years, lie died at Ninitira
He attended public and ye14.
tinuation echiols here, after whl,;(
be took a positien in the Blink ef
Comeueree, inter moving to Niagara
Falls, He is survive,1 by his wife.
itis father, KIX sisters: Gladys, May,
Dora, Mary Louise and Ada; ono
brother, Grant, Niagara Falls.
Rev, R. A. Brook, Leslie Illiborm
Irvin Wallace, Mrs, 01, Wightman
attended a meetng 01 temperance
workers in Wingham United
Chureh, Dr. A, Je irwin, Toronto,
was speaker,
Workmen have been laying a ce-
ment walk on Queen street north,
The coining of heavy frost at
111g3315 is a reminder that garden
supplies should be taken care of,
without delay.
The pltntiful crop of pumpkins
this year, in various sizes give
litallow'een-ers a chance to get some
111ng suitable, without any trouble,
for face designs for the occamion.
School supplies have been ln
muelt demand since school reopen,
ed at the beginning of the week.
Farmers In this community hay,
Ing buckwheat to mit are findime It
more difficult to harvest tees seeeen
than usaule, owing (0 010e..ii1Vr,
Corn elltting 1111(1 silo filling will
soon be the order of work for the
The service at the Presbyterif 11
Chlireh wib bbs held on Sunday, Sep-
tember 26th, at 2.30 pen.
Quite a number of peesons from
Ethel attended Roe's dinette atil
versery servives last Sunday. Rev.
Mr, Mahoney of Brussels in elm; ee
The choir of Ethel Appt. gave (dee-
ership in singing at the evening
seAsrviePannlversary serices are 0.11,3;
held at Union Appt, of Ethel church
chcuit, morning and evening of nex'
Sunday, there will be no preaching
service held in Ethel (dmrch. Sun-
day School al Ethel will meet at 2
yam Preaching service at Revel
Appt, is announced fur 3 o'el,tek
p.m. on that date.
John A, Snell and family of
Jamestown were Sunday visitwe
with relativei nEthel. Vernon A.
Snell who as a patient of Doctor
Colquhoun was operated WI for
tOOsibiti ID Listowel hospital re-
cently, is eeeovering satisfuctoelly.
It is expected that it eavorale
conditions continue, Mrs, Geo. Men-
zies who has been in hospital 1(1
Listowel for sometime, will be com-
ing home soon, Mrs. Menzits has
very much appreciated the kindle
remembrances and visits of Neils
and neighbors during her stay in
hoepitul. And wishes to see,
"Thanks to all."
On the Monday following t1
first Sunday in October, Ethel Pres-
byterian church is giving a hot
fowl supper and concert in the
church shed, in connection with the
church anniversary occasion,
Miss Dorothy Johnston returned
last week -end to her home in 1
don after spending the weeks of On
extra school vacation very enjoy-
ably with relatives, I. M. and Mrs.
Henry, Doc and Mrs. Wardlaw and
members of their family and other
(7. F. Hansuld wus among 111;
number who attended London tam
during the week, The special at-
traction for the day, was the horse
exhibits and horse speeding conies',
On Sunday and Monday, Oct, le
and 11 in Ethel United church the
annual thankbffering services will
be conducted at 11 am, and 7,20
5111,, bY lite Rev. Gordon 13111c1i 1,1
the church. And in the school
rnonts, Monday the annual fowl
supper will be served, Followed
by a good prograin, All who can
emne wit ibe welemee.
A meeting of the NV, hi, S. to be
held at Brussels during, the week te
being looked forward to with much
interest by members of the NV. M. 0,
We are glad to know that A, E,
King Is progressing favorably,
a critical operation mirror tiled re-
eent-y 111 Listowel hospital. And a
sPeedY recovery Is hoped for,
To the Electors of Huron-Bruce:—
In my letter lust week, I enumerated 13415 of the Gov -
eminent which have rimulti it in hundreds of thousands of dollars
saving to the taxpayers of thie tiding. 1 would now like to glee
you in actual 'henrys 501110 of the savings effeceed,
In Huron county alone.the assumption by the Government of
the total VOSI ot htghway-s, hue relieved the country of the payment
fitserea$178y,ea0010. IiiiilieritGigovtehremlatttharLeu
nymedarstim At
tlatir cob:tginorifing010d1 t
Pensions, and Mothers' Allowance, which meant a saving to the
county of $34,800,
The reduction of urban Hydro rates saved consumers $42,000
during the last three years. The saving in service charge Lo
rural Hydro consumers amounted to $19,000. • The redudtion of
25% in fees for commercial vehicles saved the people of this
county $6,800 during the present year. The abolishing of the
amusement tax saved $8,800 (based on 1030). The eihnination of
examination fees has saved $7,800 during the last three years. A
saving of $38,710 will be effected by reduction of $5 in passenger
car license fees.
Similar savings to the County of Bruce are as -follows:
Highways $42.000 lover 3 years
Old Age Pensions $13.000 (this year Only)
Mothers' Allowance $16.000 (this year only
Urban Hydro
Rural Consumers $ 3,610
Reduction in Colnenereial Motor
Vehicle Fees $ eeitio
$ 7,700
ele,000 ',ever fi ewers.)
Paesenger Car Licenses - et:seem teff. -tiv,' Ore 1 1
The 10e1. of giants Id township roads expnfalitnro will be wrd-
como IneWS to township councils. The: grew will be based tui the
enunint spent this year end will be available_ in 193e
Added to all this is the oee nen I,1.111,441 S 1401r0
a saving appealing m the lax 1111 this fall of 41''I'"' in Huron, Jed
efieeteo in Bruce, 'rills sati-idy which is base,i nn ineat ;Ism:sawn%
will Amount to igienej in tet of leteetelleteee ::lete. and ro•
sults, in 22.1 all ferineti,n (72 rly. ani,.414 of your tax hill. Tid1s
ihe only subslily ,:veipaiti to a (14)4113, 1.11'; by any Gee .relee et
in the Demieion of Ca413arb4and thee,- ar.• not all the Saings 23(1
tee Ilepborn 11',',. 0120,01
Th1e has been called en eleetem but eem wub ii, :' le
all itillInnivd ;0 the hea•.;,,t led Alr. It
is only keepleg his pro:ol.,-s, '1 (34 h Is 1. -11 ad -d. by 1
k:((ler of the .pposition"Where 1, his nom' -t' (eeneve f,-mee" Tee
L easily t•no '1•4"t ty!il,;12.
tophtta..4 the 11211, .111.11 1“1'14101 TaX Id,, Oi u,13;: ''4
dollars a year and aneteer eouree of reventa..• %Ohl! ein'-tel
Men eollected by tointer eoveremeuts, tee alIain!,•:
1.(ou over double 11: 1.. -t :enema (-elle,: '1 II: :INV yth,f yeer.
Par(hor, the r(lunding ni:(turing 3a11s .41 low rates ef in-
terest 11:01 many milil(ms of dollars 4 y.par. this new
enue Coup] d with an e2..onumif 41 gi,V.-41174/40 3 --1,-
11Urn to belanc,,, his budget,
Ask yentseif whe]e any new MX hae le.en imp.e.,-4 to e ne-e. •
these-thinps to hp done. and y,.0 11111 rt; -'b 30-1 :O1 of now Io11..
eticn you have get 23 1(,(141,121a1 tax 3,l1. 32,1 ::1X,-; every 1 nad,
Any government -with this reeord 414,11,M'S YOU!$,11/11,1:
Yours fail-lift:1)y,
Liberal M. L. A., for Huron -Bruce.
Elimination cf Anmeernent Tex
Elimination nf Examinatimi fees
Damaged Vessel
May Be Brought
To Sarnia Port
The package freighter Gilly driv-
en ashore near Goderich in a storm
Saturday night, may be towed to
Sarnia for salvage purtmees, it was
. learned last night. The crew WWI
I rescued by Capt. Bert "MaeDoueld,
3 in a motor launch. Stern of tlee
vessel was ripped away by the
•pounding of the waver>, exposing her
interior, inspectors and ineurance
men enid after looking the ship
over, .A wrecking tug mile' he
brought to Goderieh to take the
hulk away.
(0 4 0=
To Electors of Huron - Bruce
Mr. H. T. Thompson
Creamery Owner
• , .
A VOTE for Thomson
0 ,'"i, • ,;.` is a SUPER vote for
• '...,4%,,,