HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-15, Page 1Ktxxxxcesmxxxxxxx-mmxxxer
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quiet but pretty weeding Was
solemnized at the home ta Rev, C,
J. Moorehouse, London, Ontario, on
eSaturday, Sept. 11th, when Clara S,
youngest daughter at Mr. Win. Mc-
Call and the late Mrs, MoCall of
Morris, became the bride of John
A. Perrie, son of Mr. and Mal,
James Perrie, Grey. The bride
Wore a becoming gown of blue
openhym velvet with matching hat
The, youn,g coaple were unattended,
Later they left on a. trip to Sarnia
Port Huron and points south. For
travelling the bride wore a rust
tweed suit with Mack accessories.
O. their return they will reside en
the groom's farm in .the 12th con-
cession of Grey,
Mrs. T. Fletcher
Passes inToronto
Old friende here leereed with re-
gret oe the death of Mrs. Thomas
Fletcher a the home of her enter,
Mrs, Elizabeth Staith in Torontp.
The late 'Mrs. Fletcher, whose
maiden name was •Jane Riseen Ger-
don wee born iu Exeter and came
as a bride to Brussels where she
lived until Mile 30 years ago,
For the past two or three years
the deceased had been in very poor
health and has been cared tor in
Toronto by her sister Mrs, 'Smith,
Who survibes to mourn the passing
of a beloved sister also surviving
is one son Russel, another son, Reg'.
nald, predeceased his mother e few
years ago.
The funeral services wore con-
ducted from Walker Funeral Home
Brussels, on Wednesday by Rev. H.
A. Mahoney of the 'United Church
of whiob the deceased was is mem-
• Paltbearers were: Noble Gerry,
Walter Lowry, D. 0, Roes, Cleve
Baeker, 'Walter Scott, Harry
Farmer Found Guilty
Stealing Own Cattle
Goderioh, Sept, 10,
It is possible for a man, to steal
his own property, Magistrate Mak-
ins ruled yesterday, when the con -
elated Daft Pltlatid0 fanner of tak.
in twenty head of his own Cattle
from Walter Luenden's barn, after
' leimeden had found them in his
pasture and Impounded them.
"I find you guilty, Your actlou
' Was high -banded and the law will
not tolerate it," said the Bench,
remanding Pitbaido until Oct. 7,
"to see bow your cattle behave."
Ball of 3500 was arranged.
Father: "Ian sorry I brought yod
here. Dorothy, This is hardly a
Play for a girl -of your age"
Daughter "Oh, threes all right
dad. It'll probably liven up a bti be-
fore the end,"
10 a.m.—Sunday School.
11 a.m.—Morning worship conduct-
ed by Rev. Harold Snell, B.A.,
of Ethel,
7 p.m.—Evening worship.
Monday, 7.45 p.m.—The Y, P. S.
will assemble at the church to
attend a social. All young
people 14 years of age and over
will be made welcome.
Sunday School Rally day will be
held at 3 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 20t'n
OCT. 10th
Alice Faye Don Ameche
—I N—
You Can't
Have Everything
Ritz Brothers . Rubineff
A most gloirous perade of songs
and stars
Mon., Tue., Wed, Sept. 20, 22
Tyrone PoWer Loretta young
Love Is . News
Don Annelle Jane Darwell
Slim Summerville
A comedy with verve, charm -
and hum,.
Thurs,, Fri., Sae, Sept. 23, 24I 25
Charles Ruggles Eleanore' Whitney
IN •
Turn Off the Moon
A musical comedy deama
New Faces
Beloved Enemy
A quiet, wedding Was selemnized
at Duff's United 'Church -Manse,
Walton, on Saturday, Sept. llth,
Rey. -Charles Cumming officiating,
when Ruby Eivelyn, daughter of
Mrs. Young and the late Thos.
Young was United in marriage to
William G. Dundas, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Dundas,
lop. The bride wearing a royal
blue prepe dress with white (tease -
sores was attended by the groones
enter, Miss Agnes Dundas, gowned
je et !Varga crepe with wilte ac-
cessories, ' -Tee ea*spe,,,eeee
Mr. Frank Young, Cromerea
nephew of the bride supported the
groom. (renewing the ceremony
the bridal party returned to the
home of the Medea mother, where a
was served to the immediate
aalatlyee (thee Which the young
couple lea on a motor trip to Toron-
to, Beleeville and other eastern
points. For travelling • the bride
wore a• dubennet crepe dress black
hat and matching accessories. Upon
their retura they will reside on the
groom's farm on the lath con, of
Perri e—H am Iton
Trinity United Church, Chestee
vele, was tbe scene of a pretty wed.
ding Wednesday afternoon, August
25th, when Miss Marten Hatuiltou,
youugest daughter of Mr. and Mrs,
Wesley Hatmaton, became the bade
of Rev. David LCnechtel Poeta, son
of the late Rev. Dr, and Mrs. Perrte
of Wingham, Ont. Rev. R. C. Tait,
pastor of Trinity Uuited offlciated,
assisted by Rev. 4, G, Rintoul of St.
3;1M:thew's Presbyterian churcu,
Montreal, brother-halaw et the
The wedding music was played by
Mr. P, G, Hewitt, organist and choir
director of the church. During
the signing ot the register, Mrs. Al.
lima Graham sang "Because,"
The altar of the church was bank-
ed with pink and white summer
bloom and the guest pews marked
with white satin bows and pink
Tho bride, 'who vas given in mar-
riage by her father, looked charm-
ing i0 a gown at ivory satin, made
ou princess lines, the skirt finishing
in a long train, the upper part to the
bodice was full, with sleeves full
at the shoulders and fitted closely
from the elbows to the wrist, Her
veil of tulle Illusion was held in
place by a coronet of orange bLe-
?ems. She wore white lace gloves
and white satin slippers, and carried
' a bouquet of Talisman roses and
Mrs. W. C. Powell, of Elgin, sister
of the bride, acted as matron of hon-
or, She wore a gown et Venice blue
crepe with pink accessories and
carried a bouquet of pink Ophella
rases. Little Miss Joan Hamilton,
niece of the bride, was flower girl.
Tin bridegroom was assisted by
T. II, Mills, of Ottawa, as beat man.
The ushers were Wieser, Allison Gra-
ham and Hubert. Dixon, assisted by
Masters Robert and Graham
of Brookville, nephews of the
Mrs. Hamilton, mother of the
bride, were a gown of black sheer
with' a corsage of 'Sweiteheart roses.
Following • the ceremeby, a recep-
tion was held ea the home of the
bride% parenter whet,. the roma
were prettily decorated with pink
and white roses..
Dater Rev. and IVA.. Perris left
ear an extended motor trlp, the
bride travelling in a navy suit with
accessories to mateh, On then re -
A -
ID 0
POST Pi,J13LISHING 1-10K.JSt., •
United Church
11, LOCAL NEWS ITEMS and Nim, Wrn, Lociting and
PLE WE KNOW Appeal For
WAS:Meeting Mr, John Hulley also Miss Tillie The West'
Ti -
clay afternoon in 'Stratfora.
HulleY, all eta Brussels spent Tues.
Tart Sept, meeting 01 1110 W. lot. S.
of the United Church was held
Friday. The membership was well
represented, The. Presidena Mrs.
Parker, Presiding, Mrs, McKin-
non, eine Blo. McNaughton and
Mrs, J. 11 emelt taking part in. the
devotional exercises.
Misses IVIerle and Janette Saucier- ,
son contributed a duett with Meta
Mary Davison at the Piano. Min-
utes of prevous (meeting were given
by Mrs. Bates and treasurer's report
Y Mrs. Mcleraelein It wee devot-
ed to use the new steely book for I
the current year commenciug next
month and will be in charge of Mrs. !
R, 5, Hamilton,
The study program; "The Church
Everywhere:, was in charge et Miss
In the form of Questionaeres on
the blue book regarding the work of
the W. M. S. in many lands. It was
interesting as we Iles informative,
The persident closed teh meeting
with prayer.
Tuesday, Oct. 12th, the North
Sectional meeting of the W. M. S.
of the 17. C. will be held in Unita]
Church, Brussels, mornng and ease.
noon session, iee,e,e;
Epidemic L'osing
Grip On Ontario
But .0ne More Case Under Observa-
tion; NeW Pisses In Stratford
' Stretford Beacon -Herald
Hospital authorities reported oue
/gain young patient was being ad-
mitted to the hospital Tuesday for
observation for infantile paralysis.
The patient had not been brought
to the hospital at press time.
Meanwhile the epidemic of Poli-
omyelitis, while checked in some
communities is still breaking out
in ethers.
In Goderich Monday another case
of paralysis was reported to health
authorities and one case was report-
ed in East Wawanosh. The second
case was also reported in Monkton.
Infantile paralysis was slowly re-
linglishing its grip in Ontario, me-
dical officials indicated today, but
at the same tme warning went out
to parents net to relax close watch
over children. The „disease has
claimed 69 lives since it struck
various parts of Canada near the
first of June,
Netw Brunswick recorded its third
death yesterday when a victim died
at Plaster Rock, Victoria county,
Nova Scotia death list stond at
three, Ontario bore the brunt of
the epidemic with 47 persons, 2 be
the Toronto area, dying in the past
three months.
Approximately' 1,600 cases were
recorded since the disease first ap-
'peered in Canada this year with
1,300 or more occurring bn Ontarirk.
Manitoba health authorities report-
ed 120; Sasitatchekan, 90; Alberta
49, while the West's deaths reached
Deaths occurred yesterday at
Winnipeg and Prince Albert Tor-
onto, where the epidemic is believe
ed on the wane, has not added to
the total cases since Sunday when
one child died.
Dr. B. T. McGhie, Ontario deputy
minister of health, yesterday said
Indications appeared that the ape
demi° 'was "easing up," He said
since theidisease hit Ontario 1,482
Persons recedeived serum, mostly in
Toronto district,
Rev, Wm, Moore
Receives Call
Rev. Wei. More of alelville Prea
byferian Clench has received a call
by the congregations of Puce and
Essex In the Chatham Presbytery
The Induction will be held On Sept,
30 at St. Andrew's Claurch at Puce
Notice To —
The Ladies
Mr, C. Horne, representing the
Legion Knitting Mill, will be at the
Paris Ladies ShopPe in Listowel all
day Friday, Sept, 17th. For the
purpose of taking orders on Knitted
Suits, Please keep the date in
Milder Winter
The first prediction as to what
kind ef a winter it wlii be' a few
months hence comes from down
near Fort Erie, Farmer William
Henry Wintinute of Bartle township
says it will be mild, because the
husks on field corn are 'unusually
sparse and thin. "That's indica-
tion enough for me, and its reliable.
too," says Mr, Wintemute,
Huron Plowmen's
AsSociation t
the Karen Plowmen's Asoscla-
tion will held their annual plowing'
IVXtch, Friday, October 8th, in the
township of 1VEcKillop, on.' the farm
of Ed. Rowland, Fe miles, south and
11/2 miles west of Walton.
Keep this date clear and come
and enjoy a day with the Plow boys.
R. L. McDonald, Pres.
L. E. Cardiff, Sec.-Treas.
Threshing This Year
Is Very Dirty Job
Threshing this year is said to be
a very dirty job. With: so much
rain, the butts of the sheaves sank
into the mud, which dried around
the stalks and is picked . when
the sheabes are loaded. Atter a few
minutes running of ,the threshing
machine, the barn Is filled with nne
dust and in some oases, 11 is report-
ed that machines had to be stopped
for a few. minutes while hands had
a breathing spell.
Local Students
Pass Exams
Congratulations are extended to
Miss Velma Wheeler and Miss
Alice Pope who were successful in
passing their exams of the Torinto
Conservatory of Altaic held at Clin-
ton during the past summer.
VeLma 'Wheeler—
Grade V—Harmony
• Grade V—Counterpoint
Alice Pope—,
Grade V—Form
• Grade V—History
These are pupils of A. W. Ander-
ton, SuperviSor of :Music in Brussels
and Ethel sehools. It is a grand
showing andteaches. are to be :commended for
this line success,
_loth pupils and
St. John's Guild
The September meeting of St.
John's Anglican Church was held
on Tuesday afternoon at the home
of Mrs, George Davis with a spleu-
did 'attendance. The president
Mrs, John Fischer presided and
with the assistance of Mrs. Alex.
Coleman, ;the vl•ce-president, and
Mrs, Davis, the secretary, meted
tborugh making all arrangements
for the annual Fowl Supper and en-
tertalament whin will be held on
Tuesday evening, the igth October.
The meeting was an enthusiastic
and very enjoyable one, After the
business was transacted Mrs. Davis
served a delicious lunch of jellied
chicken sandwiches and cake, and
was assisted la serving by Mrs.
John Peclgrift who will shortly
leave for Eligland. The rector
opened and closed the meeting
with Prayer,
Duck Season
Opens Oct. 1
Some people make a proatice .of
sbooting wild ducks and other pro-
tected game before the season
opens. le this practice Is continued
the Provincial Pollee will be sent
, Give the other fellow a chance
and protect yourself at the same
turn they will reside in Hastings,
Rea Perri is a brother to Mrs,
Harold Parker, Brussels and the
Rev. Rintoul a brother to Chester
Rantoul et Morris.
An electric shack from a. defec.
live lamp caused a woman to leap
her speech completely the other
day. Some husbands 'might like
to knew title.
Notice To
The Ladies
Mr, C. Torne, representing the
Lagion HnitIJng Mill will be at the
Paris Ladies ;Shoppe in Listowel all
(lay Friday, Sept. 17th, For the
purpose of taking orders on Knitted
Suits. Please keep the date in
Look At Your Label
Our mailing list has been revisal
up to September 16t1, Your label
shows how your subscription ap-
pears on our list. It It is not erne
root, please let us know at once in
order that the correction may be
Roe's Church
Anniversary Service
The Anniversary Services of
Roe's. Church will be held on Sna-
day, September 19th, at- 11 a.ma in'
the morning and at 7.30 lian, in the
evening. Services will be conduct-
ed by the Rev, Mr, Mahoney of
IThe following Monday evening,
September 20th, a good program
will be put on by local end home
talent in the church shed after
which lunch Will be served. Ad-
mission 25c and 16c, ea"a"
School Re -Opened
Precaution Still Necessary
;School re -opened Monday after an
extended summer vacation •due to
the paralysis epidemie. It was not
thought necessary • to have the
school remain elesed any longer
but precaution is still wise The
dance to have been held under the
auspices of tbe Legion tomIght
('Wednesday) was postponed. •Brus-
sels as yet is free from any eases
and the M. 0. H. and citizens desire
that every precaution will be ex-
ercised to have it remain so,
Postponing Schsosol
For Municipal Officerk
Following consultation with the
Department of Municipal Again
and ethers interested, a has been
decidde to Postpone the SChool' for
klunidipal Officers for two weeks
because of the provincial election
on Octobre 6. The School will thus
be held on October 14 and 15, 21 and
22. The program will remain as
indfcated. Application forms will
be mailed the latter part of Sep-
Dr, S. P. Maine,
Director, Extension Department,
'University of Western Ontario.
Seaforth Lions
Club Clinic
The Seaforth, Clinton and Gode-
rich. Lions Club are holding their
annual clinic for crippled children
aileron County at Scott Memorial
Tospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday,
September 28, at 10 a.m. Dr
George Ram,say, of London, will se
in charge.
The clinic is free to any parents
who have a crippled child. Parents
are asked to get in touch with Lion
H. T. Edwards, .Goderich; Lion H.
el. Monteith, Clinton; Lion Dr, le
J. Berlina Seaforth, or your own
family physician. No mental cases
will be received.
Ou Friday evening last the minis -
Mies Tilley Halley of Brussels
tors of .the diirereet ,Clirches la
vho has spent the summer monilia
with MrS, D. IL Madam of Monitten
has returned lame.
;Mrs. Alf, Lowery has -returned
Iron an enjoyable visit in Toronto.
The funeral of George Lott toog
piece from his home in Winghant
to the family burial plot in Bras
eels cemetery on Saturday alter -
Carrie, Bye and Amanda Mc-
Cracken, Mrs. 'W. Wright and Mlss
Gertrude Ross are avoiding a few
days In Toronto.
Mrs, P. Plessey of Toronto who
has spent the summer with Mra, II.
Champion, left for her home, ac-
coinpanied by Mr, and Mrs. Cham-
pion, Who will ilea there for a few
Mr. and Mrs, -Samuel Walker were
visiting in. Sarnia for a week's
_Miss Doris Wheeler of Ilamiton,
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, W. 11,
Mr, and Mrs. E. 0. Walker of Re-
gina was yielding his parents, .Mr,
and Mrs. S. Walker, Mr. Walker
was bere on business, attending the
insurance convention held fn Lon'
This is to advise that tbe seven
Huron county School Fairs, which
1 were to be held during the montb of
September have all been cancelled
for this year, owing to the epidemic
of Infantile Paralysis. The local
Medical Officer of Health in each
school fair district deemed this
action advisable,
Church Notes eaaakke,
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Church Sunday were conducted by
Rev. W. A. Williams, of Cranbrook,
who took for his subject, 'What
Doest Thou Tere, Elijah?" A pleas --
Mg- solo was contributed by Miss
Marie Ring.
Services in tlie United Church
on Sunday were conducted bY Rev,
H. J. Mahoney, B.A., B.D. His sub
Jere "The Problem. of ,Suffering,"
was taken in the morning and in
the (voting, "What's In A Nemo."
Anniversary services will be held
in the 'United Church on Sunday,
October 10.
Services in St. John's Anglican
Church on Sunday weer comae:tad
by Reb. Jahn Graham who took for
his subject in the morning, "The
Sacred Things Belong Unto The
Lord Our God," and in the evening
a special series of. addresses on
"What might be called atildies in
the GosPel." Mr, Graham is plate
ing a box at the rear of the church
for the questions asked on Sundae?
Town Hall
Floor Resurfaced
The hearts of the dancing youth. of
the vicinity will be gladdened and
their feet will perhaps ache a. little
less the morning atter dancing Most
of the night, for the floor of the
town hall has undergone treatment.
Tbe knots which have been the
subject of many .harsh .words bees.
been removed. Mr. Harry Hart of
Seaforth with his sanding machine
did the work.
Contests Open To
Public School Pupils
Juvenile Amateur Contest for
Public Scheel Pupils of Brussels,
Morris and Grey will be held In
Fall Fair Building the night of the
Fair, If you wish to take part
hand your entries in to E. D. Bell
who will conduct the contest, You
bave a chance of winning ong of tee
cash prizes, which are being
Added Attractions
For East Huron Fall Fair
In an ecort to provide en added
attraction for the East Huron Fall
Fair, A. L, McDonald, the well-
known cattle drover, is offering
special prizes for two, novel events
which will have a special appeal
for the younger people. These
events will be staged on Friday,
Oct. 1, The first is for a bay's dog
lace, quarter mile, hitched in wagon
or cart. The prizes for this
novelty race will be $3 for the first
and $2 for second. The second ..1. .
event will carry with it a $2 prize
for the est team of goals, ,„;.
hitched, or any other novel team,
town tegethee wbtii 711e11 represeette-
dye of their various congregatiena
islet in the library to consiaer send-
ing ,out a car -load of vegetables and
fruits to the dried -out areas of S9.13.
latectevran, The tollowing were
present, Rev. W. Moore, Rev, le,
Maloney, Rev. a Graliam, 31, J,
Hoover, W, ,Sheap, R. Bowman-,
James Thuell, Jebn Fischer, a IL,
Bryan, Percy Mitchell, James Me-
Fadzea,n, W. C, Enema. and Dr, R.
S. Ilsonvingilton,
chaisman last Year
Mr. Graham was asked to open the
me,eting. In doing so Mr. Graham
stated the purpose for which they
had come together, and moved that
the Rev. H, J. Mahoney be appoint-.
ed chairmen for this year. This
was seconded by the Rev, W.
Moms and carried.
On taking the chair Mr. Mahoney
briefly described conditions in,
southern Saskatchewan, and it was
moved by R. J. Hoover, seconded by
Walter Sharp, that a car at vege-
tables and fruits be sent from Ibbs
community, 'Carried.
Moved by R. T. Bowman, second.
ed by Jas. Thuell, ,that we fill the
car on Wednesday the 30111 October.
laaved by R. a Hoover, second. .
ea by Walter Shane -thatGra-
ham, P. Mitchell,' Sas. agartelzeata.
W. C. Ella(cott and R. a Bowman,
be a committee. Car-
Maved by R. J. Bowman, second-
ed by Jas, IIVIcFadzean, that Dr..
Hamilton, R. J. Hoover, and Waiter •
Sharp, be a committee to find
ways and means to have the stuf'
brought in to the car, Carried.
Moved by R. J. Hoover, seconded
by W. C. Ellacott, that Sas. ThuelL
David Cunningham, John Simmons
and Jas. Fulton, be in charge of
packing the can. Carried.
!moved by Rev. Graham, seconded
by R. J. Hoover, that the Rev. H. J.
Mahoney be asked and authorteed
to erectile shipping inetracflartsM"!
the head committee in Toronece
when the oar is ready to be forward-
ed. ,Carried.
Moved that we adjourn. Carried.
At this -date the committee would.
request thatt, all those who know
about the sending of this car, would,
ithdly pass the word on to others,
'and also that all residents in the
community would pian to ins.ke
some contribution. The most de-
sirable things are potatoes, turnip,.
carrots, parsnips, cabbage, beets,
vegetable marrow, pumpkins, apples
in giod shape, pails of honey anta
groceries of an kinds, We would
like this year to fill the car right up. '
to the top. The territiry from,
which we ask contributions wilt bet
the same as Iast year, that is to
say, the east half of Morris town-
ship from the third concession to,
the seveeta, the west half of Geer
township down to the fourteenth„
and the village of Brussels. This,
will be purely a community effevte
and so we solicit the interest and
help of everyone on behalf of those
who ere In need in the West. No
contribution will be too large or toe
to wagon or cart, and the award
will be on the basal of the best all.
Peanauce and general performance,
Plowing matches, Ineernational
and local will be interesting attrac-
tions for the neer Suture.
The Annual Taankoffering ot the
Women's Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian Church will be held
next Sabbath at 7,30. The Minis-
ter will preach.
Roes Moth congregation have
invited Ethel United Church choir
to assume the responsibility of that
part of their evening anniversary
Service next Sandal',
Mn. Minya Spleran and hie friend
from. St. Louis are visiting at the
kSpeiran falnilies; at ilithel and
Mr, alid Mrs, Bondrober oleo of
St, Louis accompanied them 0.5 far
evenings. as Detroit.
Miss Margaret Sellers, of the etle
line, returned to her position at
Seaforth atter speeding the past
week at ;her home.
Mr. Michael Stratycheck of Sas-
katchewan bas taken over the Fred
'Peck &arm. He moved all his
household effecteby mil from the
west, His ueighbons and Wanda
wish him luck
Amilverso7 services at Roe's
United Church will be held on Sue -
day. Sept. 19th, with Rev, H.
Meat:toy, of Brussels in charge -
Morning service at 11 a.m. With
;music by the local choir and even-
ing service at 7.30 with the Ethel
choir presenting the music. Don't
forget the annverseey concert 5111
IVI,onday evening, Sept. 20. Program
by local and outside televa, slid
bench will be servea,
MISS Male Wardell ot StrathroY
ie visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Dear,
is on the 14111 concession,