HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-9-8, Page 5;TI$SELS PO
W1 DN1,SDAY, S1:PT. 8th, 1.3 7
County rates for the several municipalities of Huron County for 1027,
ore as set out below. The irineunt in the first column 1s made up 06 a
levy of 4 •mills on Oho equalised valuation of the municipality, the 4
n1111s bourg sub -divided as follows; Goner:tl country rate, 1.05 .mills; 111g11-
wry rnte, 1.70 ni1118; Provincial hig'Imvttys sato, .30 m4113i. The second
column gives the atuou30 to be raised for high and continuation school
General and Highway Rates School Rates Total
Ashfield ,.e $ 106000 04 $ 2,880 00 $ 13,540164
Colborne 0;155 70 1„692 00 7,047 76
G'oderich ... 8,735 38 2.773 00 11,008 38
Grey .12,028 36 2,987 00 15,005 30
Hay ' 10,105 40 2,651 00 12,066 40,
Hewiei( 13,832 34 2,,900' 00 10.592 24
liullett 10,220 00 3,277 00 13,503 00
IdeKlllop ,.., k 10,919 32 2,419 00 13,828 32
Morris 10,014 SO 3,120 00 13,134 80
Stanley .... i 9,510 22 2)172' 00 11,082 22
Stephen 11,340 20 3.077 00 14,417 20
Tnokers'mith 0,456 80 3,203 00 72,652 80
Tul'nbel'r'y 0,420 36 2,122 00 8,542 36
llsporno ,,., 9,773 32 2,819 00 12,592. 32
0,691 36 2,020 00 8,717 36
6,738 16 1,969 00 8,705 16
3,077 88 3,077' 88
7,569 00 7,509 00
3,4S3 00 3,483 00
1 • 3463 40 ' 3,3633 40
1,271 00 71 00 1.342 00
1,434 <0 69 00 1,541 40
2,888 40 2,888 40
Menson 1;343 17 167 00 1,510. 17
East Wawanosh
West Wawauosh
1? o'ter•
4177,084 67 $42,366 00 $219,444 67
Ma'y Scott,
Dir. and Mrs. Harold Proctor and
daughter visited on Sunday with
Mr. and 011•s. Jos, Curtiss and
daughter at 13luevale,
,lir, and Mrs. A. Smith visited nn
Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Jack
Wi cksltetul,
Mlr. ami firs, W. Dobie of Auburn
spent Sunday with Mr. and him.
3430 Jlohnston,
MI,r and Mrs, Richard Johnston
and Mr. Ed, Johnston attended a
cousin's funeral at Godericlr lust
Mir. Carman Hetherington spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr, Smith
A number of Bluevule orangelneu
attended the orange decoration at
the Wingham Cemetery on Stinday
McKillop Loses
, Valued Resident
John Shannon Passes At Home of
Daughter In His 81st
The death occurred at the home
of his daughter, 'Mrs. Earl IIsbkirk,
Thursday, of John Shannon, a rely
highly esteemed resident of McKil-
lop, in his 81st year. The depart-
ed man, who was boric on the fourth
concession of McKIllop, was a st,t.
of the late 111'. and Mrs. W. J.
Shannon. Ile engaged in farming
and was later married to Miss MT; r•
garet Fulton, who predeceased h:n1
by a number of years. IIe leaves to
mourn their loss three sons and 3m,
daughters, .Hugh, Walton; Solomcn,
Hultetti John MoBillop; Mrs. Ear;
Habklrk, McJ'(llop, and Mrs, R. B.
Harrison Montreal.
The feneral was be held Saturday
afternoon from the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Ilabkirk, interment
to be made• in Brussels cemetery,
A family reauifa was held at the
home of Mr. and Airs. Thos. Ryan, •
over the week -end. The guests
wet.. Ile f.diow'.: 1Ir Lugone 1114'
and fancily. Mr. 14IWard J. Ryan,
Mr. Tints, 19v0y, all of Detroit:
Mrs. Statilcy Ramsden, Hiss ('134111
Ryan 0f Toronto and 11r. and 'Mrs.
'rhos, Ilyan, Jr., and family of
11r, and Mrs. Harold Harris and
son of T1lsenburg visited on Sunday
with her parents. Mr, and Mfrs, T.d.
Johnston. 1 t line.
\lis, 1111z,,0„ 11 Mothers
visited on Sunday and Monday Vett
her grandfather, 91r, George Ma 111.
cc's 31130 1Jr, and Mrs. 111, Johnston
am fuu:lly,
MIr. Win. Jus So» 11 silent Sunday
afterneen with Aar. Dltvid Jewitt
and other friends,
:MASA Acta Black of London and
Mr, Ililsml '13hireford of Ingersnil
visited over the week -end with Miss
To be held at Lot 10, Con, 11, Grey
At 1,30 o'clock on
1 Clyde Horse
1 Clyde 3I1,•e
2 Durham Cows, supposed to be
in calf
1 Jersey Crow. supposed to be in
2 Steer Calvse
0 Heifer Calves
1 Jersey 81(11
:30 Ancona hens
1 Deering Binder
1 Deering Mower
1 Massey .11arris Seed Drill
1 Hay Rake
1 Set I-Iarrows
1 Set Sleighs
1 Buggy 1 Cutter
1 Colony House
1 Brooder Stove
1 Quebec Healer
1 Quebec Cool( Stove
1 11'011 died with Springs and
mat. tress
1 Wooden Bed with Springs and
(1113 ttress
2 Washstantis
1 Set 130000th Dishes
4 Coal 011 raan1331
t Set Irons
1!, j(J98p, Auctioneer,
Minutes of Connell Meeting,
Sept, 4th, 1937,
:Minutes of list meeting were read
and approved on motion of Leslie
M<'liay. seconded by Thos. Doug-
Moved by Thos. Dougherty, :;•,e -
ended by T. C. Wilson, that We 11(3-
','(1'10l' for tenders for the work t'
be done on the Raker Brands Drain
Te. tiers 10 be in by Sept, 20th, at
7.30 p.m. -Carried.
Moved by T. C. Wilson, sewed, d
by Alex Alexarer, than all appr0vrd
accounts be paid. • 'Carried.
llovecl by Tho.. Dougherty, sec-
onded by T. C. Wilson, that we d.,
new adjourn to meet again Oct,
or at the call of the Reebe.
The fallowing necouuts were paid•
Hydro for office $ 3,61
Ont, Municipal I300111
Baker 1Irain 7,3r4
Chas. 1U:ctner, Beauchamp 50o.10
Co, Huron, HIospital acct. re
.. T1'3. 1'hylis Fischer 40 27.
Township Road Accts, 145,01
J. IT, FRAM, Clerk,
(Taken from an old Woke)
What is more Powe, (ui than 1'1:'
combined amts;", of the world
Rh,it has destroyed 111011' men 111:111
all the ware of the ((sones? The
'11nx er is given by the Safe. Worker
(Circa o1 it1 the 33)311ing sift, of
personification used by Robert II,
D;n'ids in his famous piece, 'I ant
the printing Press." We read on:
I ant nun,e deadly titan bullets end
1 have Wrecked more names that
the mightiest siege guns, I steal in
the Vetted States alone over tiv„
billion -dollars each year. T spare
no one, 1 tied era vietians among
the inch 01141 poor alike, the young
((11d Old, the stl'nllg and the weak,
widows turd orphans know rte, 1
loom up to such ln'oportions ilea
T east my shadow over every Heid
of labor from .telt turning or the
grindstone to the (moving of every
railroad train. I mss elclt thous-
ands upon thousands of wage
earners every year, I lurk in Im-
seen places anal' do most of my
work silently. Yen are warned
against one, brit you lteecl ere not.
18111 everywhere 111 the 11ouse, on
the streets, 411 ..the factories, at
Railway crossings, on the sea. I
bring sickness, tlegl'edation and
death and' yet few seek to
avoid 1110, I destroy, crush 0r
ntailn, I give nothing, but ta1a
all, T tum your worst 0net8Y,
The next meeting of the United
Fat'In Women will be 3teld et the
home of 84x0. Leonard Learning o11
Wednesday, Sept. 15 at 2.30.
The Topic to be h1 charge of Mrs.
Gordon MCGavIu and the Roll Call
to be answered by "The job I dBs.
1140 doing most," Rivel'yolle is
3uvlto(1 to attend.
The Harvest Service In Si,
George's Anglican Church, Walton,
will be held on SuoaeY 20th Sett. 1
(ember at 2.80 p.m., when the
special preacher will be the Rev,
16. L. Roberts of"M11ngh11111.
Visitors: Air. Iola Mrs. R. 0, 0143-
er, 'Charles and D1Anne ut h,lua
and 811ss Barbara Doherty, Presto:i,
with Mrs, Charles Drager: l''re(1 and
1103'tu;0 Rutlt:dge, 130101lto, with
their parents, M1'. and Airs, V. H.
Rutledge; Mr, and Mrs. Tom l3oy-
deJl and family, Toronto, with A11'.
anti Mfrs, Roy Bennett; D2r. aaul
Mrs, Thomas Watson with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy Bennett; Mr, 331Jd 91x3,
Reg. Lock with Mr. and Mrs. 11. C.
Bennett; Mrs. Lawrence 301'syt11, of
Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. 1:1. W, HOOY: 331r, and Mrs,
030017 Last, Windsor, with R. W,
Hay; The 311000, 11c'Leod of 'Dearu1t
with Mr. and Ml's, Harold Sellers;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers and
Clayton spent the weelt-end stn
Hetdlebtlr'g with relatives; 013.15
Beth Shannon has returned Isamu
after spending a few .weelcs 111 'd'c.
roma; Miss Margaret Cumming has
secured a school at Halibul'ton, flet,
Miss Lois Llvingston has mem.
ed to her Monte i11 London after
apend1ng the 31011days with her idea showed a set o
Holy Litirtl,
grnadllareute, Mr. and Mrs. David !
Livingston. .
The Young People's Society (l
Puff's 'United Church held its open.
i318 meeting on Scrutiny evening.
MJas Betty D1'nger presided. The
scripture was read by Arthur Bess,
ing and 931ah'm1or0 Shaw offered
prayer. A duet by Miss Itikhel
Shan' and "Miss Isabel.Ritchte was
Weil rendered, A short talk was
given by the pastor, .Rev, Cllas.
Cumming, and Air, Ilartley of ('lin.
ton P.5.1.. gave a splendid address,
slides au lhet
00(0 or Douglas says be agrees
with Premier A1erllart in 'the pass-
ing at his batiking legislation which
has been ((131ed by ,Ottawa. The
Major's approval really . malte3
little differences. Ilefables 11331
views from London to MI', . Aber.
hart and this country 3s not goyoril-
ed that way.
Read the ;Ads; ', "1 .
Having been asked to vacate our present
store, we are putting on a clearing Sale
before moving to our new store.
e*reis s
M a r
fire LJhthi oam Sfflte
(Oak or Walnut)
All at Bargain`""rices
We Have a Large Steck of
e,' S
All Felt Matti-eEses for only
Grey Layer Felt for
White Layer F.: -.1t for
$11.95; $15.00; $16.00; $19.00; $21.00; $23.00;
$95'00; $28.00 & $39.50
Bed, Spring & Mattress for
Bed Spring & Mattress for $19.95
Rac s
t 'a
alAes, Livia
You are Cord i
FurfitB re
A Three Piece
Y to
es r eij ;
Also Three•tiler Chesterfield Suites
Ranging in Price from
77.E0 to $107.50
Come 1n and See Our
Different Styles
Priced from
We Just Received a Large Shipment of
4 w
7 "V� 4" , Dl Ta F� les, '�• S Y 1" {1 ' ':. F�� �i+C' J �' e
i4r 1 chairs, Kitchen
ally Invited to our new store 4 doors north
ANIsi Funeral
• • d
Phone! 36 (Ambulance Service) Brussels, Ont.