HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-25, Page 1rte':' '.`C✓k"rsC'l'1; a'; vol . v$�`,ra{i A USE THE AIDS A 41 $ AS YOUR ,Q, `= SHOPPING LISTS 91: «t 4 ,q►,X0,1 «,4:io x o 4.« ♦.xx:.;:.x.,: ;.xxx 6 ori �`� BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, .,,11111"1111r1111.117" '111111-111.116011111.411•WniadMtlaimp*AatA.60.04•011.0.1111.3141.M.K.WMAPPOIMININAMMISMullOyMAILAMORA;41arss.pr +l t1 a° Local r oman Marks Birthday Mrs, George Seeker At 87 is Still Enjoying .Good Health Congratulations wore extended to Mrs, Geo, Backer, who en Satur. day celebrated her 87th birthday.! Mrs, Backer still enjoys good : health and has the use of her recul- ties. Many friends called on Saturday alteration to wish her many happy returns of the day. Born in 1880 near Kitchener, she is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Welts, In 1872 she married Geongo Backer, who passed away in 1000, Of a family of ten children there remains tree daughters and four sons, 1VIrs, E. , Lien, Roundup, Montana; Mrs, Rohn, Fairless, Winnipeg; Mrs, Nor- man Forbes, Winnipeg; Earl, Cav- alier, North Dakota; Garfield, Fort Francis; Militant and Cleve in town; also fourteen grandchildren- I SCAVENGER PARTY AND CORN ROAST For the time of your He come to the Scavenger Perty es Corn Roast On the Church Grounds, Qranbrook FRIDAY EV'G, SEPTEMBER 3rd at 7.30 o'clock Bring your flashlight Admission — 10c Heaps of Fun — Heaps of Corn REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH —NOW PLAYING— DOUBLE FEATURE Ralph Bellamy Reginald Donny Ida Lupino IN Let's Get Married A Rpmantic Drama .And Paul Kelly Rosalind Keith Thurston Hall IN N Parole An Action Drama Mon„ Tues., Wed. Sept. 6, 7, 8 Ronald Coleman Lost Horizon with Edward Everett .Horton Jane Wyatt, John Howard Frank Capra's most wonderful Production—.An Adventure Film Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 9, 10, 111 Double Feature— Melvyn Dougia Virginia Bruce Women of Glamour She lived only for the moment until -7 Also Charles Starrett Iris Shunn Sy Jenks The Cowboy Star A Western with lots of action COMING— When You're In Love You Can't Have Everything ro.o'vv►wm�e'4•ow�vw►+roao,o,.oa+�Poawa't PEOPLE, !W E KNOW Mrs, D. M. Stent, Hamilton, le '1 visitor with relatives and triend'.. Mrs. Jas. Leckie, 'Poiuntu, is vi:;it. Ing friends, George Ualbiuith, Hervey Gibson WI Joe Brower are in Toronto eu- joying the "Ex" Jack 1-Iatrison, 'roraleto, has been bollduying at the home o1' Mr, and Mrs. D. Glassier, Miss May Smith, vistthng her cousin Stewart, Miss Minndfred 130hu and Harold Thomas, Peterborough, were visi- tors at the hone of Mr, and airs. Alex Anderson, Mrs. H. Bar'cliff, Clinton, has been the ;guest of friends. Mx, and Mrs. Russell Taylor ahli son Carl, Inddanapilis, were visitors with the .former's sister, Mrs. Joe. Wilton. Mr, Lewis Welts, Minneapolis Minn., bus been visiting his sister, Mrs, Geo, Baeker, Jack Galbraith shipped a carload of heavy horses Prean here on Mon- day to Montreal, Mr, and Mr's. A. R. McKay and :Mss Ilelen of Toronto were week - c: d t iseasib ee the IuAuer's par seats, Mr. and Mr's. Chas. McKay, Miss Shirley returned home with them after an enjoyable vacation with her grandparents, Mrs. Lou White, of Winnipeg, has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Sal. vester Fox. A love birri named by Miss Eliza' beth Downing was lost last week. It is a great pet and spent agreat deal of time on the shoulder or Tread of its mistress, One day it was missing and •that very day a bad win dancl ram storm came up which made miss Dawning feel sure they would never see it again. How- ever Mrs, McCall livling six milds away phoned that a love bird had lit on her head while she was out iu the yard. It was returned to the owner and is recovering from the exhaustion occasioned by the trip. Mr, and Mrs, Walter Miller of Wroxeter were visitors with rela- tives in town. Harry Lott of Toronto called on relatives am friends one day last week. Mr. and Mrs, Russel Taylor and son of Indianapolis, Ind•, were visi- tors with the former's !Biter, Mrs. Joe Wilton last week, Mrs. Westgate of Windsor and Mrs. Bell of Toronto spent Sunday with airs. Jars. Speir and family. Dr. Hamilton and Mrs. Hamilton were Sunday visitors at Point Clark, Mary and Jean Wilton have re- turned home from an enjoyable visit with relatives in Varna. Me. 1'71l1 McCracken, Misses Amanda and Eva McCracken and Mrs, John E. Smith were visitors on Thursday with Walter Rose family at Point Clark, Dr, Fred Berths, of Toronto was a visitor with his sister Mrs, Dan Denman last week combining busi- ness with pleasure. air. and Mrs. Wan. Donaidion a.nd daughter Margaret of Atwoid were Sunday sashes at the home of Will. Hamilton, is Mies Grace • n The School in Brussels and likewise Schools of Morris, Grey Turnberry and Wingham, will not open till September 13th. This was decided as advisable for the protection of Children against the spread of Infantile Paralysis. The Sunday School for the different Churches in Brussels are also ordered to close till September 12th. CHILDREN MUST NOT CONGREGATE ON THE STREETS OF BRUSSELS T. T. McRae, M O H 1�- ru150Qig WEDNESDAY, August 25th, 1937 Girls Softball ! I LOCAL NETeam Defeated On Wednesday, August `rude the Brussels softball team met Tiver- ton Marc in the first round of Scutt Finals, Although a large crowd was in attendance the Brussels girls failed to click and the game ended with a eeore of 13-10, for Tiverton Mac's. On. Friday, August 27tH, Bl'ussele travelled to Tiverton. Brussels was anxious to win and tie it up. They also had their manager, 10. D. Bell back on the Job and gave the Tiverton Taus great , excitement, Both teams were at their best, but the game ended with a score of ld_ 13 for Tiverton, —The Ladies Softball Team of Brussels wish to thank all those who helped to make this season a success by attending the games, and also for 112e donations by which we were able to buy our equipment. We would also like to thank Mr, 11, J, McLauchiin' who so kindly went after all our players which were from out at town. We. also intend to have several games in the near future with Durham and I: rristnn which promise to be Ivey interesting and hope that the large crowd that have been attending out games will continue. Church Anniversary to be Marked Sunday! Rev, DeWitt Cosens of Clinton To Preach at Bluevale United Church • b License Prices Down Word was received Saturday by G. 1 ,Graff, local issuer, Stratford, of, motor• licenses, that the cost of the Yellowing licenses will be redeeed by oue-half, effective Sept, 1: pas• Seeger and commercial vehicle, sl\veareutemee behtetes, mot:mese Se and trailer permits and original chauffeur's ]lcauses. —roe--_ Huron County School Fairs The fololwing is a list of the seven School Fairs being held in Huron County this full: Grand Bend . .,.. Tues„ Sept, 14th Hensel! Wed,,. Sept. 15th Carlow Fri. Sept, 17111 13elgiave Tues. Sept, 21 Fo dwich Wed„ Sept. 22 St. Helen's Tues., Sept, 2 Currie's Corners ,.. l'i'ed., Sept. 90 Large Attendance at Band Concert The largest crowd 00 the season gathered at th'e park Sunday even- ing to enjoy the splendid Band Con. cert provided by the Teeswaler hard. All n:errrbel., ,;f iia.,, b:':d were not able to be present due to illness, ut those who were, under th leadership of Alb. Stutt, gave two hours of first class entertain- ment which was enjoyed and ap- preciated by the audience. There was a freluently expressed hope that there would soon be another opportunity to hear the Teesw'ate_ and. To Cut Out Summer Courses School Lathers throughout On_ trio will rejoice at hint given out by Dr. G. F, Rogers, inspector of secondary schools at Guelph receut- ly in respect to summer courses. He stated the Department of Bee - cation was beginning to think that summer school work was overwork- ing the teachers. The ending of these teachers' courses would also relieve the pocketbooks of those in- structors whose salaries are not far removed from the minimum. How they manage to finance their course after paying board, clothing com- munity demands, a little insurance, moderate entertainment travelling expenses, church collection, ala, would amaze many a school trustee. Rev, A. Valiance Robb, has left on a two -week's bvacation, Robert Shaw conducted the regular service in the United Church Sunday and next Sunday, apt. 5, Rev, DeWitt Cosens of Clinton mill preach an- niversary services at 11 a.m, and 7.80 p.m. Rev. J, R. Greig accepted tht pulpit in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday, fotolwing a month's aeation, He deliveerd a message on "Love," based on I Cor., 13112 chapter, verses 1, 2, 3, Regular Baby Diet Dungannon, Aug. 25 A litter of twelve pigs, owned by Thomas Wiggins, Ashfield farmer, bereft of their mother when six hours old, are still thriving well under the careful feeding of the farmer's wife, who gives them the regulation diet used for babies, con- sistiug of milk, water and brown sugar, which she feeds the every four houtas. They all drink eagerly front a pan. They are now a week old and are well on the way to be- come 200 pounds at 6 months of age, MUST COME ACROSS Efficiency is a word that can be justly applied to the Inland Rev- enge, Whatever we may have tn_ say about them, they do get the money in, 'We've certainly got to hand .it to them. t AN ODIOUS COMPARISON —., - S•duu• NS.11 Isis n y y si a t . g Yp ist is not as serious an offsets as assaulting a policeman," said the judge reducing the tine levied na A J. Romer from $100 to $50, pouter denied kissing his employee. a2•cCackeu. ales. Waiter Scott who has not fully .recovered front the accident lu July is returning to Concord with her sister, ,hiss Nellle Jardine and will visit her sister there. Miss t'arrie McCilteken has re- turned to Toronto front the .trip te, Japan and will spend the next two weeks with her brother and sisters here, THE UNITED CHURCH REB. H. J. MAHONEY, B,A„ B,D, Minister 11 ache—,Public worship ,conducted by the Minister, Special Labour Sunday Message 7 1Y m,—Evening Morship, "What's In a Name.," Owing to the prevalenoe of infantile Paralysis no session of the Sunday School will be held until Sept, 12th GREY Ma and Mrs, Hari0) Wsester and Miss Margaret Webster all of St. Marys visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Alex Speiran andother relatives iu Grey on Sunday last. Margaret McPherson has return ed home after holidaying with her grandmother, Mrs. Sas, McFarlane. There will be no services et Roe's church on Sunday, as the pastor is ou his holidays. Services will be resumed on Sept. 12th, Anniver- sary services on Sept, loth. Watch for further announcements, Dorothy and Frances Denate spent a pleasant vacation with Ruth Thomas in .Brussels. John Peason, 4th con., has dis- posed of upwards of 60 head of hie prince cattle realizing 7 R: 71, cents Mr, , Pea exon like alt the farmers in general sees the importauee o1 Fees 'Prude and the upward trend of the markets necesary to all coun- tric+s, air. and airs, {tuns Wheeler's little son Bobbie, while in play was Jump- ing off the veranda and broke his leg above the knee was taken to the Iastowel Hospital whore he re. celved 1,-atment any remained diets fora few clays find is getting slims nicely. Alex Pearson who spent a couple of weeks motoring through the West has twinned home, Ile is tee gaged with Swifts, Brussels, Mrs. 'Vnt, Bremner and daughter Miss Kathleen who spent an enjoy- able two months out west has re. turned tames, the latter teaches in 0 schen! nenr Moorefield. Mies Nellie Armstrong is the new teacher at Shine's Schoolhouse and begins her duties Wetinesday at this week, The continued dry weather of last week was heartily welcomed and stools: threshing Is being clone whish eliminates the labor of hauling grain into the barns, Tuesday or this weep Mrs. W, J, ------, i Engagement Announcement The engagement is announced of Clara Se daughter of Mr. Wm. Mc- Call and tile late ;11rs, McCall of 1 Morris to John A, Porde sen of Mr, and 'Mee. Janes Perrie of Grey, The se oar.ta , . •t" , t will false place in the near future.. Canadian National Exhibition For several years tile' first person to maga seat reservatlins for the pageant at the Canadian National Exhibition was a man from einem- natl. He is first again -this year with an order for twele box seats for a two -fancily party.. ,The Coro- uatlin motif will extend to the great pyrotechnic finale, On the Bowling Green On last Thursday a large num- ber of bowlers competed for the "Doubles'' at the local -bowing i green the winners were as follows: J. Rowland, 11, Downing, C, Seeker, L. Russell, P. Kelly and P. Stew- art. lfondny ,right ttr Lnwlere h thNtr regular jitney with A, Wase W. Herr and It. J. -lle•Leucl,lle carrying off the honors, On Tuesday evening the ladies took possession of the green and Prize winners were: Mrs, A. Baelcer, Mrs, A. Wood, Mrs, C. Buschlen a,:d Mrs, Hamilton, After the bowl- ing the ladies' club enjoyed sundaes and sodas at the Scotch Thistle. C. Backer, W. Willis and 11. Downing competed, in the bowling tournanleal at Goderich on -lloude.y but did not bring home the bacon, Church Notes The services in the Melville Pres- byterian ehu'ch were conducted au Sunday by Rev, W. Moore, who: chose for his morning subject: "Re- pose in Spiritual Life," and for the evening, "Companionship wills God," In the absence of Mrs, 0i'. C Icing, organist and choir leader, W. D. Eckmier resided very acceptably at the organ, The morning service In St, John's Anglican church was conducted 'by the rector, Rev, John Graham who took for his text Nehemiah 5.10: "So did not I because of the fear of God." The morning service in the f'n dried church was conducted by Dee- ald McRae, who took for his text Psalms 1.6: "The Straight Way, the Broad Road," from which a very in• terecting discourse was given, WEDDING Jackson—Davidson A quiet wedding took place on Friday morning at Melville e1urch manse, Bttrssels, when Ethel may Davidson, daug11te of Mr. and .erre. Robert Davidson, Brussels was un- ited in marriage with Kenneth Geoge Jackson, V. S„ of Cayuga, only sou of Mr. G. M. Jacksltl. Walton, ancd the lute Mrs, Jaeksen. Rev, IVilliant Moore officiated, The bride was becomingly dressed 911 a navy bine .chiffon gown with ae• cessories to match, were There lin attendants, Dr. and Mrs. J:t,•ksnn are taking a motor trip to tic\. LLskearel and oteltr places. On their return they will reside in Cayuga, BORN SIrotoic'E—Iu Brodllag,tn, On,,, 011 Saturday, August 25th, to _Mr. unci Mrs, Russell Sholdice, n sou, Gary William, 144,4.44444,44.4.4%..444,41,44, Houstnu arrived at the home of ,llr, nod Mrs, Jack Iiislops, Mns Ilotis- ton has been visiting relatives and friends in Scotland since June, , Mr. Beeston. came to the 16111, a month ago and has been visiting his bro- ther's and sisters, they will. visit 1 their daughter, Kathleen, Mr. and Mrs, George Evans spent the week -end at Huntsville, Brace - bridge and Windermere, visiting friends. They made the trip by motorcycle, ---'Union Muted Churoh A.*nl,ve- eary will be hold on Sunday, ,Sept 26th. Watch for further particu- lars, . CN 1 f O',«",;f � ♦,b,P,«:,:1.1,�F 0 9 ? � O,'1,'1i'#.":t 0 �1:� �! . R ` .Eel A !1*LN,MI 7.F7," *� JO PRiNTIN_G 8. my': „ AT ,REASONABLE PRICES ;1 bb«444:4;Ft'4;4',b;;',90:«;tbJ,«:9;,bo.ww,,fx'b'., ' POST PUBLISHING HOUSE, Rob ; rtso Again ` is irn-Bruce Liberal Candidate Letter to the Editor Editor Brussels Post. Dear Sir; In your last issue a Citizen wrote regarding some of the deluge of town, while I tape exception to second last para;t'aph, he Is to be commended for bringing these die - graceful practices to hand and lites. less said about it the better for ail concerned. Citizen made the re- mark our Village has won the repo - Whin of being the mot lawless In Western Ontario, Well that takes 10 quite .a bit of territory and I do not It1Ow where he gets the in, formation, I am sure 1f you read the. London or Stratford daily paper you will see a lot more court cases for the: surrounding Village, and towns than Brussels. There are just as bad and worse boys elsewhere than here. No doubt if our Village con- stable would exercise a little bit of the authority that goes with that job, we would have a lot better order, you wouldn't see young boys nd girls riming the leesele 0n tweaks, even riven in the business section, also ears parked at the intersection that you have barely room to turn up a slue street, If you happen 10 see him on a Wednesday or Satin.day night. it will be on a chair, its_ stead of walking up and down main street as you will see In any other Town. He will not cooperate with county or Provincial police, so why should they bother with him, Just Another Citizen, Organizing the School Work —x-- The xThe staffs of the Continuation and Public Schools were on hand Wed- nesday morning to open the fill session. But due to the prevailing epidemic this was postponed by tt,,. ',Ward of Health until Sept, 13112, Mr. Drummond and staff, allss Calder and Mr. 'Murray of the continuation School spent the 'ley agonizing the work and in the everh- lg met the School Board to discuss plans and policies for the year. With the re -arrangement of sub- jects and the, qualifications of tate present staff all look for a success- ful year and ask for loyal co-opera- tion from pupils and parents, All will be ready and organized to start work in ful force and without further loss 0f time as soon as the sehool is allowed to reopen, Brussels United Church Woman's Association On Wednesday evening of last week a committee from the Wo- man's Association of the Brussel) United Church ereseuteci Mrs. Mary Sparling, who is moving to Clinton. this week with the, gift of a lovely 1 umbrella, The following address aecempeli- fed the presentation; Dear Mrs, Starling: t 1t is with sincere regret that we have learned lard of your intended de - immure ,0010 our midst, leer many years you hove been a valued worker giving of tour tiny and e1:• ergiee its the 1' 1'i„lo, ,11•g11111Zatinl'.4 of our church, We could not let you go without telling you how niue•h w•e' have appreriateil this fiti:11 ful, willing sortice and the 111114 01' meats to which we have been in• spired through your tcseuce ,41111 efforts in the paster', •Cause. We w'utilrf ask you to accept tlhis umbrella as 1, tangible token of our good wiAleti rut• Soo. As yon use it even ill inclement weather mey Yon be rein ill ded of your mane- lady anylash• friends in the 13russels United Church, whose wish is that you may be spared- in health, strength anal happiness to malty • years of ascoful service fur the Muster. Signal on behalf of the ladies of til„ United Church, Mrs, W. Bell, Mrs, A. J3aeker, llrss le, Downing, air's, Sperling thanked the ladles for this lovely and usefui gift which was greatly appreciated, and ex- pressed her regret at leaving her many friends hero, Present Liberal Member of Legisla- ture Choice At Wingham Meeting SEES 35 CAR LICENSES W,dugham, Aug, 26,--101otnr ear licenses will be reduced shorty lard will probably he set et fire cl.ltars, C1larles A. Robertson, menrbrr of the laot. Legislature for Ile lInron_ I3uce riding told his musttto. gat, Dere last night as lie MIS renom- inated as Liberal candidate for this riding, ais•. Robentsnn was opposed for the nomination by \V ,J, Maclean, ex -M. L. A. for South Bence, who dost his South Bruce sant at the last redistribution, and by Gnerge . II, Mooney, former publisher of Tile Ripley Express, Mr. McKay expressed his gri„v. ante at being left out and send he felt since Mr. Robertson had been member for 11 years be himself now deserved supped, 11r. Mooney made a spirited attack on Mr. Rob- ertson but when heckled by the crowd withdrew his imam. :,, 141. voting Mr. Robertson had a Laps majority over his opponent, Stands Oh Record "I am asking tor your support once more on the record of the Hepburn adm'inis'tration in the past three years. As menthols or that party I have tried 10 do my best in the interests of the people of the riding of Huron -Bruce and if I am returned I shall continue to do sl,”' stated Mr. Robertson, 'tPreanier Jienburn made many Promises at the last election,' point, ed out Mr, Robertson, "I did 1101 see at the time how he could fulfill them but I can certainly see be has done so to the best of his ability. We were paying eight million dol. lars too much for hydro and he bee remedied that situation, "'Within a short time the motor license, will be reduced by a large amount and I believe that they wi11 be set at five dollars, "We area nevi'""paying two and two and a half per lent. for money that we formerly had to pay six per cent, for, The tax subsidy 11041144 11 substnatial reduction to all of us in Huron as I know my own taxes have been reduced by eight dollars "'I believe that I have done my best for Hul'on, during the pact ses- sion, as we have over 60 miles of the 200 miles which were added to. the provincial lists." Predicts Victory "I predicts that the man who was nominated at Ibis convention will be the Liberal member In the neat Government and that Government will be a Liberal one," said R, J. Deachman, M. P, for North I-Iuron, as be addessed the crowd, "Every day we find onr Tory friends call- ing the Provincial Governmetat traitors. Certainly they are not perfect, hut we must consider their record when we do, it is zhewn' lm they deseve wholehearted support for tbeir efforts. , "Macaulay, in a speech in this hall a few nights ago, stated that 'Hepburn u 1 urn n, building roads ev,•ry where.' Consider ,that statement and therm the Tie slogan should be 'Vote for ilarl Rowe and 'travel on dirt roads.' Those roads ar ebeing built with extra revr,ruc tier should hive been eollecto,l 71,ars ago. I, for one, pledge my whole•hsat'ted t tippoi•t behind Premier Iiepburn Dr and the marl you chose. as ,'aurld- date," W. D. Smith, member of the Legislature for Dufferin-Sitneoe rtdinl:, deckti•ed "the it ydro eon_ tracts were e eein''1 in iniquity and sin, and for that reason my cnneclenee aloes ant bother me, at the method with which they were t1iepos d of and which mighteeven •be ,•ellsirleyed as uutlri.c'al. We saw our hyr11•o-sleetrie systenl aug- mented ilea 11 distributor for' tho Quebec power interests and power bought as Melt as $12 and $16 per horsepower, being disposed of for heating for as low as a4 per•bnrse, power, Passed By Henry "\'e inherited the baby called d.etnperance, and it ie our duty to care for it, When the Hepburn' (Continued 0n Page Five)