HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-18, Page 811 1 Vacation Needs Briton Tooth Paste For Brighter Cleaner 'Teeth 29c Tubes 2 for 53c ,Kleenex Cleansing Tissues 200 Sheets in Pkg 25c Gypsy Cream Fine for Heat Rash or Insect Bites 50c Bottles Jasmin Rouge Refills Popular Shades 25c Jasmin Face Powder 50c Rexall Nice 35c Dainty .. , . • , . , 35c Stops Perspiration Ends Body Odor A Good Vacuum Bottle Keeps Liquids Ice Cold for 50c MI 31 Shaving Cream 25c REXALL Shaving Lotion 35c Old English - - Health Salts with Drinking Glass Both for 39c Pickling Season YOUR OWN SPECIAL PICKLING RECIPE CAREFULLY AND ACCURATELY FILLED FROM OUR COMPLETE S TOCK OF FRESH SPICES AND OILS Eastman Kodak Verichrame Films are the kind that you can getting a good picture, We have the different sizes in Stock Films Developed and Printed 41111[Ct Fine Assortment of Picture Post Cards Cardof the Town including the New Post Office and a late view of the Main Street- 2 treet2 for 5c and 5c each 1. R. SMITH #64-e.eat' SC.(71' 'ELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 THE. BRUSSELS POST I ' 10 1 CLASSIFIED ADS 00e � ® g� r'� Bruce 11 �y �p a� Notices 117 this lines; cost Huron J i b e ra 1 25c up to four 5c for every extra line, Cash must o accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c, FOR SALE -•A quantity of Feed Barley, apply to Claire Bong, Phone 22-23 or 45X FOR SALE—. 5 Chunks of pigs about 90 lbs, also 2 litter of small Pigs, 2 -week- old, apply to Baxter Stephenson phone 43.20 FOR SALE— Fruit and vegetables are like eggs They need to be fresh. For Tomatoes, Corn, etc. Phone— Alex Woodrow 77-4. Get them at first cost, FOR- SALE --- 1 Tractor double disc; 1 Gang Plow (two -furrow); 1 11, H. 7 -fool Binder (cheap). S, C. Fox, Agent, Iltternational Eery/ester Co., FOR SALE— A pair of good Shoes, worn only short while, Size S. Reason for selling is they odn't fit, May be seen at N. Chapman's Harness Shop or Apply at 'Post.' FOR SALE - 150 S. C. year-old White Leghorn Hens, Blood tested, heavy layers, 'Phone Brussels 82-r-8, FOR SALE— ni,,, _ Ir.., m.• r"ewn T'T,..n'c a(.'gots, Bced -:unibers, I� by :d thearbasket or bushel•tsanCu Stanely Speiran, phone 85.23 Ethel. (3) I a 0 0 D tI 144 0 fi 0 0 rel r =0Y--10=Or'------tai.. THOROUGHNESS IN OUR EYE EXAMINATION ASSURES YOU OF PERFECT COMFORT AND SATISFACTION GLASSES SUPPLIED BY US ARE EXACT IN EVERY DETAIL "OUR RECORD SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" 0 od Stratford's Leading Optometrist o Ae ei For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 200 to 5.00 0 'Phone 51 for Appointment 0 olex0 0lcn©r---4-^=0=0*—. 0=0=====t0= O O 0 O D O 11 0 ti 0 LOST— .A Wrist }Watch, in Brussels or Morris;during past two weeks. (Reward $5.00) George Galbraith, Phone 79X LOST— A Watch Chain, between Down- ing's store and the United Church. A keepsake Finder please leave with Robt, Downin SHED FOR SALE - 34x50 ft. rock elm frame, apply to Leo J. Kelly, Blyth. 'phone 14-9. (3) MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY — Good pay every day; shady Work all year 00 your own Rawleigh Route, which are established suc- cesses throughout America. Over 20o daily necessities needed every home. Steady repeaters, Dig Profits; lowest prices; best values. Experienci, not needed, Use our capiial. Rawleigh's Dept„ III 1+",2 70_H, Montreal AMBITIOUS MEN! LISTEN! Could not a nine year Girl Can- adian firm manufacturing 2041 home necessities iu4,•rest qualified sales- people Maintenance* of ultra - superior quality with lower prices created Familcx reputation. 703 active nett earn their living in r;• - served districts of 1,000 families Our success depends on their !fora. c•onsmuer= create demand for retailers, $21.e0 brings couplet,: outfit, Buy and sell for cash, No risk, Succeed or return goods. Ambitions men ask for FREE' cavi_ lanae. Famil'x Products Company, 570 St, Clement St. AMontreal, EEE! m >! ami mmiliimmic iammamllf 'I'•,Bl IME 'AM 'IfIM''MEM ';;MEM ;:f®{.if tui SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, Kellogg's Corn Flaks� Sultana 'Raisins • • • • 2 lb 25c PUFFED OATS, RICE AND WHEAT IN CELLOPHANE BAGS • • • 10c • Tiger Catsup 26 oz. bottle • • • 19c ■ Polly Prim Sweet Pickles 23c ■ sliammturt • ■ ■ Phone 12 FRIDAY & SATURDAY Pkgsti- white or blue Cerealbowi 15c Christ'ies 2 Ib Fruit Cake 25c Fly Swatters, Rubber, Wire or Cellophane 9c Surprise Soap 4 cakes, & 1 Infants Delight Cashmere Bouquet Soap, Ivory Flakes 2 for 23c 2 for •••• 11c 19c A ■ I#1 ■ Red Band Jelly Powders • • • •• 5c Wilson's Fly Pads 10c ■ I Manning ;Scotch Cookies 15c Tangle Foot 4 sheets 9c ■ ■ Red Band Toilet Tissue • • • • 3 rolls 25c Oxydol • 23c • ■ ___ ■ II r SPECIAL OFFER—• ■ $ALADKTEA BROWN LABEL 33c 1/2113■ YELLOW LABEL 29c %alb ■ • NI ORANGE PEKOE 39c %zlb ■ O CANADA'S FAVOURITE . r LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS ■, ►s1.M*lUI UINlUu1■UU■Ar■i■/1 Ufl■�U U■■■■hh h1 � �1Ll�t Convenion A Nominating Convention ll WILL BE HELD IN THE oTown Hall, Wingham p —ON— flWed9Aug.25th0Aug. il 0 AT 2 O'CLOCK 'P• M. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELECTING A CANDIDATE 0 FOR THE FORTHCOMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION Dr. D. R. Finlayson, President E. F• Martin, Secretary Huron Bruce Liberal Association HONEY FOR SALE— N4., 1 Clover Honey, Well ripened 7. D. Warwick, Phone 72. WANTED— Roomers or Boarders. phone 1X. 1 School of Commerce Clinton, Ontario Fal l Term --September 7th COURSES:-- }Stenograpihic, Commercial, Secretarial Special and Correspondence Courses Arranged M. A. Stone, Commercial Specialist Vice-Prin. Phone 198 B. F. Ward, B.A. Principal Clinton - Grain Wanted - WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable f. r our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter :IIIINil tlilit 15411411311S11i 11191122Pl5i1113111`alltgifCdlhEllIISEIllt9111t IUMIIi61I0tSll191111011'Edllf hi E i NOTICE 70 ea We wish to thank our many customers for their 6 il continued patronage for the past twelve years and 6 ri also to announce the partnership with Dean Davison 6 6 The firm name to be known hereafter as— to DAVISON'S HARDWARE iti 1e All outstanding accounts owing either party must be p- al paid by September 15, 1937. 6 i ▪ S. F. DAVISON Do F. DAVISON 2 lellallWil1®IINIINIMMllglinelllillilai llPodI®'linillelaII® lailililailinilltllllIGNIKlllMlle 4 ,;Py,rr r larg i,,iit Superior Store Quality Service Specials for the Week—Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Men's Work Shirts Ladies Rayon Silk Hose Chidren's Vests & Bloomers Girls Sockees Rubber Bathing Caps • • .. Men's & Boy's Straw Hats Bias Tapes 6 yds „ Ladies Canvas Slippers Lifebuoy Soap . De Luxe Jelly Powders Polly Prim Peas 17 oz HIGHEST 'PRICES PAID each 79c per pr. 25c each 15c per pr 15c • • each 10c each 10c & 15c •• each 10c bunch • per pr $1.00 3 cakes 20c 6 pack 25c • •.,•x•••• 2 tins 15c FOR EGGS WM. ZIEGLER (Store closes Tuesday & Thursday Evenings) Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont. WI DNTOS Y, AUGUST 18th, 1337 upe w r Stores 110111111111101111111111141111111111101110 QUALITY . - SERVICE I 17 oz, tins 2 for 15c Polly Prim Peas Superior Baking Powder 1 lb tin. 23c Sultana Raisins 2 lb , • . • • • • 25c Wilson's Fly Pads per pkg . , • • 10c Grape Nuts • • per pkg • • •• , • •• , • , , , , 18c Hemphill's Wheat Berries • • • • , , • • • , • , per pkg . , 29c WE HAVE LARGE ONIONS & SMALL WHITE PICKLERS French Drip Coffee Fresh Ground per lb 39c Hillcrest Shortening . 2 ib , , 27c Tanglefoot Double Sheet • • • • , , • • , 5c Lifebuoy Soap .. 3 cakes 20c Tip Top Pumpkin large tins 2 for , • • • ••,• • • • • 23c A FULL ASSORTMENT OF CLUB HOUSE SPICES Grape Fruit Juice 18 oz tins • • • • . , • • 2 for •••• • • • • . , • • 29c Heavy Zinc Rings per doz 23c Bulk Peanut Butter „ • • 2 lb .. 25c Pineapple Jam (Delicious) per jar , , • , , 35c We have Orange, Graps and Lime Punch per bottle • • • 25c Miracle Whip , . 8 oz jars • • • • • .. 21c Cashmere Toilet Tissue 4 rolls .. 25c Snowball Mallow Cakes .. • • • • per lb .. 17c Aeroxon Fly Coils 4 for • •• • • • • • • • . • . • . 10c Brussels Phone 64 L. W. Eckmier Croydon pilots are charging ten shillings for a flight over a nudist camp. Still that cannot be des- cribed as bare -faced robbery. Thursday ' iday Saturday The air over the Atlantic is it: danger of being fairly cluttered up with air machines. Four more survey flights are boing planned, ARE YOU GETTING VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY ? ? IF NOT -- BUY A VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR (With a Ten -Year Guarantee) COME IN AND SEE THE POWER •DRIVE Demonstrated at Swift Canadian Co. "YOUR LOCAL DEALER" J. 0. Long 1 ru se! General Store PHONE 61 TI -HESE ARE BOUGHT FOR CASH AND SHOW • SUBSANTIAL SAVINGS IN PRICES Japanese Table Covers 52x52 in various colors and patterns—A regular dollar value—while they last 50c each Lace Table Covers in all sizes —made in Ireland Made for service English Bath Towels, Colors fast as a rock 40c, 60c & 75c pr Candle -wick Bed Spreads for large double bed in all ,3.•r`7466g wanted shades—attractive patterns worth $5, for $3. each Rayon Bed Spreads, colors, Green, Rose or Mauve at Prices that please you Celanese Under Grament Locknit—guaranteed full size tailored by Ellice, • • • • any style 59c garment Silk Pyjamas, small, medium & large Gowns From the same dependable fabric MEN'S WEAR Guaranted ,Redback 8 oz Overalls or Pants Buy Now $1.50 Men's Socks, light or heavy weight, good wear • • • • 15c pair Men's Socks with knit -in garter, heavy heel & toe Sale Price • • • • • • 25c Men's Suits At Bargain Prices— Men's Odd Trousers at Clearing 'Prices— Men's Percale Shirts, colors fast, fit guaranteed • . • • $1.00 up E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel