HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-18, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Wl T,w' SDAY, AITCrITS7` 18th, 1987
Open Letter to
a Boor On Wheels
Some (ley, 1uy eljelnannered friend
e'ort are going to go tee far; fietuo
day }Shen you swerve around 0
street corner, you are going 20
clip the buttons oar the wrong
pedestrian's vest, and be is going
10 catch Up wi 11 you, trued You ell;
your conu2y uphollaery and deal,
you the emacldng-down you deserve.
You're a verld.oble Titan of self-
aesuranee, arenityou, when you're
behind ,an elgelecylinder engine?
But Trow do yuu lookon your teat?
Are yen the saane dashing, impos-
iug, self•ossentiv0 personage ter
trhom tlao rest of elle world must
make room? Would you dare
above another pedestrian aside;
would you jostle •a slx1ootel'? You
would roti, .for you've just a grubby
little Inferority complex who's been
sublimated by h shot of gasoline.
And what's the leaser' for this
breakneck rush of yours, anyway?
You're in ten automobile. You'll
afrie at your destination 10, 15 or
20 times yuicker than a pedesriall
You're crowding back on to the
curb, The best he can do is Av-
or six miles an hour. You are go.
ing 25 or 30, perhaps 40 miles an
hour, Is your business ten tunes
more urgent than Itis? My, Inv,
what an important fellow you are -
What vast designs, what momeu-
tous projects meet oecnpy reit•
waking hours to ju;ify such int.
p acne,
The automobile, 1t struts:,Is t11'
devil's gift to the Little M..rl. Put
]tint -in c0nt0l of a motor car turd
hr's cock o' the c n r•c Illi But
if you suddenly yanked Ihii tee or
lwn of tion anal e?'• 1 Utli Tr, nl
Have Your Eyes
Examined • • • • • •
Prevent Serious Eye trouble by
regular care of your Eyes
Our Examination includes complete
check up of Every Eye Function
At Harriston Office Every day
except Wednesday and at
Brussels the second Thurs.
day each month
Phm, B., R. 0.
1-larirston Brussels
Phone 118 Phone 26X
Saturday, Aug, 28
AT 2 O'C1.00K
Electric Washing Machine !Ike new
.Electric Plate
Electric Radio
2 Electric Lamps Electric Iron
Singer Sewing Machine
Dining Extension Table
and 5 Chairs
1 Buffet
3 Rocking Chairs
1 Divanette
1 Bed, springs and Mattress •
2 Dresesl•s
2 Wash Stands
1 Commode
1 Large Kitchen Cupboard
Kitchen Chairs
2 Kitchen Tables
2 Small Tables
1 Quebec Heater (new)
1 Quebec Cook Stove
1 Mantle Clock
1 Axminster Rug 9x12 nearly new
Congoleum Rugs
2 Sets Bedroom Dishes
1 Gold .and White Dinner Set
1 Tub Bench and Wringer
Curtains & Drapes
Pictures 1 Good Lawn Mower
1 Step Ladder Garden Tools
1 Good Crosscut Saw
1 Copper Boiler
!Kitchen Utensils Jardinires
„Other things too numerous to
Jack Pedgrift, Prop.
J, Taylor, Auctioneer. r -
1� lii�1
A House on Your
Did roe ever Figure out how
smell a percentage of our papa -
lotion pass sour house whore
they could sae a "re Let'. sign,
or how large a percentage read
our paper? Good lemmata are
net the kind that have tine to
waste In doing around looking.
Cor signs. They .look is our
Weill Ad..
,f fou have a house -on sour
hands. Hou.. to Let” ad.
will bring theta to you.
010.1.. pa le. r,o.w• •
ander 111111, you'd And hint (est a
measly nonentity' with the mental
setting up of a public selmet bully.
You May Bay 1'•m in a bad Dante of
mind, You're right! And I'll get
over It when iellowe like you begin
to use a little care Gamlen 001111
esy and eomtnou•senne when yuu re
driving on elle streets anti highways
of this provluce.
Publisher Is Blamed
In 'Huron Fatality
W. B, McCool, WIngham, Held At
Fault In Death of George
B. Naylor
Wingebene Aug, 17,--A coroner's
jury blqulrieg into the death ul
George 1'i, Naylor, prominent East
Waw•anosh farmer, who died of in.
Juries received In a car crash on
July 28, lest night placed blame
for t•Iie fatality in 1V, B. eleCoo1,
}Vinghtem newspaper pnhlisheP. The
inquest was held yesterday after -
11.00n in the ninth concession ec11Oo1-
hotlse of East 1Vawattosh,
The jury in its verdict, found
ghat Naylor came to his death
through internal hemorrhages
caused by a rupture of the liver
in the collision of two autos, and
found that, by the evidence sub-
nilted, blame should be attacbcd
to William MWCno1 of Wingham,
lu a rider which accompanied
the verdict, the jury recommended
that stop idgns be placed at the in-
' tersection for the protection- of the
Men Get Married Too
Jelin Jones, ten of Mr, and etre.
Sem Jones, of Pleasant Ville. be-
came the bridegroom of Miss Eliza.
beth Smith at high noon today.
The ceremony took Place at the
home of the groom's parents and a
full house was counted. Mr, Jonee
was attended by Mr. Brown as
groomsman, As the groom are
preached the altar, he was the
cynosure of all eyes. Blushing
prettily' he replied to the queotinnr
of the clergyman in low tones, but
firm, .He was charmingly clad in.
a three piece suit, eousistieg of
coat, vest and pants. The coat of
dark material was draped about his
shoulders and ,tastefully gathered
under his arms. A pretty story was
current among the wedding guests
that the coat was the same Worn by
his father and grandfather on their
weddings days. Mr. Tones does ant
deny the truth of the sentimental
touch. The vest'was sleeveless and
met in front. It was gracefully
fashioned with pockets, and at the
back held together with a 91009 and
buckle, Conspicuous on teh front
of .the vest was the groom's favonr_
ate piece of jewelry, a fraternity
pin, and from the upper left hand
pocket was suspended a large Inger•
sort watch, the bride's gilt to the
groom, which flashed and gave the
needed touch of brilliance to cos-
tume it1 perfect taste and harmony.
The groom's pants were of dark
worsted and were suspended from
the waist, falling in a straight, Inci
almost 10 the floor, The sevel'a
simplicity of the garment was re.
lieved by the high pautelette, which
was caught up about four inches by
a Boston garter w0e11 underneath,
revealing just. the artistic glimpse
of brown holeproof above 1110 val-
ine loather 81101,3, laced with strings
of the sante color. The elk et was
rather chic.
Beneath the vest the groom wore
blue galluses, attca11ed fore and at.
to the pants and passing in a grace.
2111 curve over each shoulder. l'his
pretty anti useful part of tree cue•
Rune would have 1naa.cSe
d unnoticed
had not the groom muffed the ri11g
when the groomsman passed it to
him, When he stopped to recover
the errant circlet, the eernlcarl blue
of the galhtsee was prettily_ reveal-
ed. HIis neat ryas enclrci: cl with
a collar characterized by a delicate
pearl tint of Old-fashioned rcl311101l,
and att•o11)1d the collar a cravat wets
loosely knotted ekpoleng 11 coil)1
button of bright metal. The meat
extended up tater under the left ear
with that studied carelessness
00111011 makes supreme artistry in
Mr. Brown's 011511nn0 twaa essen-
tially like the groom's and ale the
two stood at the Intal' a llt1e11 of
acimtla Ion enveloped the audience
a,t ehe complete and wottderfol hay,
moray of ,the raiment, Actually,
you could hardly have told one
from the outer had 11 not been for a
patch of cadre 101118ter wornby the
groom over e11e nick in his chin
matte by a safety razor, Neither
Mr, Jones nor Mr, Brown Wore a
had at the ceremony, As Mise
Elizabeth Smith led the grnom
from the nupt1alse it runs noted that
site fore the conventional veil and
orange blosee1119.
ID The world's largest annual Exhibition presents an unprecedented array
of new, inspiring, unique attractions for Coronation Year. Famous stage,
screen and radio dance bands,. Horace Heidt and his Brigadiers direct from
Hotel Biltmore, New York City, Aug, 27 to Sept. 4., Guy Lombardo and
his renowned Royal Canadians, Sept, 6 to 11, , . MilitaryTattoo—inspiringmilitary spectacle, evening Aug, 28 only, .. Pageant "Empire Onward",
enthralling drama, Aug. 30 to Sept. 11... Frol"ex"land, entirely new amuse-
ment area ... United States Navy Band, 85 star musicians - . , Horse Show,
Sept. 3 to 11... Harness Racing, Sept. 7 to 10. ,.International Dog Show,
Sept. 6, 7, 8 ... Tom Mix circus, the famous screen star in person with his
own three-ring circus and Wild West Shows ... Lucky Teter and his
congress of "carobatic" daredevils, Aug. 30 to Sept. 3 ... World pro. title
Marathon swims, 10 miles for then—Aug. 31, 3 miles for women, Sept. 2
...World title powerboat races, Sept. 8, 9,10... Movie doubles contest
daily ... Hollywood on Parade, see how movies are made ... scores of
other engrossingly interesting, educational and recreational attractions.
Military Tattoo, night of Aug. 28 only --Reserved scats 50c, 75c and $1.00.
Horace Hsidt Broadcast, international network, Aug.' 30 only. Reserved
Seats $1.00. Pageant "Empire Onward", Aug. 30 to Sept. 11. Reserved seats
50c, 75c and $1.00. Box Seats $1.50. Horse Shoo'. Reserved seats 50c. Mail
orders to Canadian National Exhibition Ticket Office, 8 King St. West,
Toronto, Ont.
Postdam Gencrgt MunagC,
by Grant Fleming, M• D.
Beauty may be 0nty ekitl-d:. P.
but a healthy skin is the reflection
of the 118111111 of the whole body, The
skin mirrors the manner of living
of the individual
A heelt11y skin generally means
11 health • mode of life is
that fol-
lowed, and that the body is in at
state of health. A flabby elfin
usually indicates lack of exer0i3(,
and suggests that the lllasrlt'd bi
the body are tit poor shape.
Paleness, ()torches, pimples and
other such conditions very erenuent-
ly moan that the habits of life are
211011y, It may +be 3 1111 1 the diel h'-
trot balanced or that the need fell
fest Is overlooked by that sufficient
fresh air is not being secured,
Unfortunately', 2.11 skin abnormal•
ities ere not clue to an unhygienic
lire and cannot be corrected by at.
ternt1on to the habits of living, The
majority, however, are due to ketch
causes. and they can only he air.
rested by giving. attention to diet,
rest, fresh air and the other es-
sential health needs of the body,
The skin is nature's barrier to ln-
foction. The broken elan Invite'.,
the entrance of germs 'which 0,1040
in:feetion, It is therefore desirable
10 care for the satin to melee) it and
to keep it intact. Everyone should
have his own wash -cloth and towel.
Common towels are responsible for
the Spread of satin in.fectloes.
'elle skin Is also the means lay
which rho constant te111poralUre of
the body is maintained. Through)
perspiration, the skin increases,
evaporation and the dissipation ('I
Heat. It is desirable to keep 11111
skin clean, in order to eatable it Is
do its best worst.
The euanber of baths indicated t'ul j
any individual depends upon his
mode of life and the season of the
year. The person who perspires
.freely as the result of his work. or
on account of 11113 11001 should L'Icc
.(1 sarin bath daily. Two warn]
bathe a week are advisable for
I11 addition to keeping the Rapt,
duan, baths have other good ef-
fects, A cool bath au'h morn40;
is, to many people. st1111111att(10 011d
desirable, Tltere are ethers tt lin .
do not. read ad well to 11 cool „1 eeee
hath, end who are 013 11031 ht 1t.
Such individuals should avail (•001
baths as 1110y are 11251'uu'ul for tem.
As we have said, in most mei a
healthy akin is secured by a:ICI ltb3 i
mode of living and by cleaslilo.,+,y
Skin coudttlons which tin not 18-
spent] to such care require medical
A e,
heartily skin *mirrors g.ed
health (lad Is a personal asset t11•33
cannot be secured except Memel;1
proper living,
Donates Silver
Tea Service
A four -piece tea service with an
appropriate oblong tray, stamped
fully guaranteed 10111 be awarded to
winner of the greatest number of
poll's in 011 classes at Listowel
Pall Fair, This is open to the
c0110 ties Of Perch, Huron, Middle-
sex and I.,anibton. To qualify a
contestant thirst compete in at least
two breeds at livestock other than
poultry, and in et least three kinds
of farm prdoutes other than live-
stock anti poultry, Pull particu-
lars will be given in the prize list.
Vancouver province
A generation ago there was an
exodus from certain section. of
Western Ontario to the Parties of
Western Canada. • The boys would
go to Manitoba or Saskatclleyan on
n harvest excUrtlon or two, In
the fall they went dvome bath aid
tell of a country flawing -- not ,
exactly with milk anal honey, but
at least rivers or wheat. Tarn in
a daze the old folies would '•ell eat 1
and peek up pall tate whn.o [ m;iy ;
would he me to the Promisee 1am.11. •
Among the counties that em triiint_
e'd heavily to the westward !Ida "f
people yes Huron,
And toady the Seaforth Eeposi;or
speaks in this wise;
"We have never experienced a
flood, We have 110091' LxPerience,l
drought, We don't know what a
dust storm is, 1}•e lute never seek
drifting soil, Shade trees 1uc our
Visitors in town; Fred Rutledge
Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs, F. D. Rutledge; Mrs Kenneth
Rutledge and daughter, Evelyne,
Toronto, with Mrs, Chas, Drger;
Alms Maureen .Mnrrith, Blyth. with
her almd pother. Mrs, Tans, .}Ara- •
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Livingston
and family have moved to inuerkin,
Miss l:atiilyne Farvulla,'son has
returned home after spending a few
Clays with Mrs. Ivy Henderson,
Sea•forth; SIr, and Mrs. W. 0. Tien'
nett, Ronnie and Shirley; Mrs. Win l
1.elly and :Hiss Pearl Patterson, 1
eaforth, are holitlaying at Hailey"
bury; Moody Holland, ttk Lion's
Head; Mrs, R. 0. Go 1a
nd, Fergus,
with Mrs, W. S. Forbes.
Child Brides
streets; the lawns are green, and t - ., .
our gardens aro a riot of color, 111 I We are accnslomed to raise our
the county the trees are larger, , hands in something approaching
moa fmipposing and they are of holy horror when we read of child
brides In different parts of the
The Dollar and
the Cent
A big silver dollar, uud a I1Utle
brown cent, -
Rolling • along together they went,
Rolling along the smooth sidewalks,
When the dollar remarked for the
dollar can talk;
You poor lietl8 cent you cheap little
I'm bigger and more than twice as
I'm worth more than you a hundred -
And written, on me in letters bold
Is the motto drawn from the pious
'In• w trust" She. al can
�o est '
God e t width 1
Yes, I know, said the cent,
I'an a cheap little mite and I know
reel not big, nor good nor bright.
And yet: said the cent, with a mei
You don't go to church as often -ser
In Ontario' I.
every kind, The pastures aro green.
the crops are growing sa fast you ,
can almost see then] grow. That 1
growth spells albundanee — abun-
dance everywhere."
That seems pretty nearly heaven,
And that Is Huron which the !leo.
pie ltxft for teh Wostern Plains. I3
the news g8ts abroad in the drought
area., Huron nay see, if not its chil-
dren, then Its grandchildren march -
lag horn°.
"Did they take an 1'1'ay photo of
your wife's jaw at the 1108pttal?„
„They .mod to, but they could on-
ly get a moving pietnre,"
Read the Ads.
Vetted Seater, But the annual re-
port of the Registrar General for
Ontario Just to hand else shows
that the exceptionally youthful wife
is by no means a rarity In this part
of the world,
This report straws that in Ole
year 1935 there were no fewer thou
111 girls under the age of 10 who
contrlsolesl matrimony in Onteri°,
Four of these were married to boys
under 18 years of age and two of
thong were united with amen of 28
years of age,
There were 3.52 brides of the age
or 10, 775 of 41113 age of 17 and 2,176
of the age 011 18. —Brockville
Recorder and Times
Want a Partner?
Perhaps •business Is
dragging for the want Gf
a helping hand, ora little
more capital. Men with
money and mon with
brains read this paper.
You can reach them
through our Classified
Want Ads: •
- W,e,Mrxa,N 0 0 0,,n010