HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-18, Page 4THE J31RUSS
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Many farmers in this arca have
undoidaken the wart of r, •siting
the stooks of ,gain, thathave been
is the fields through all ti , rain
Of the wet weather period, In an ef-
fort to secure' as near 100% god
quality results as postale,
Monday afternoon of this w'eek,,
on the farm A2 Wm, I•Iamildot , near t
Btbe1, stook 'threshing was again in
progress. "
Geo, A. Dunbar, bee had Hydro In-
stalled and is placing other modern
00nvonieneesto the property re•
c'f ntly acquired by him front the
Mrs A. I':ckuiler estate bef,,;'e 'unt-
ing to occupy it.
The property of the late George
SPieran situate opposite W. T.
Spence' insurance once, main
titt'eet has been purchased les J. W.
Sooners of Con, 6. Grey Two. He
hits the privilege of lnutle'll session.
Mr. - and Mrs. W. Simpson came
to B..hel from Atwood and fni the
past three years have been residing
in their home in Ethel, f:[:n10,1y
owned by the Spence family. Ida;-
Ing resold to W. l eunil'on of tire::
Voter's List, 1937, Village of
Brussels, County cf Horan
Notice is hereby given that I :Leer,.
complied with seeder 21 nf
Voter's List Act and that I i. via
post ed up at my afile e at lima .c Is
on the 14th day of August,i
1 23 7.,
the list of all persons entitled ,
vote in the said mutticipsL., at
Dlunicitutl Electituls and that etch
list remains there for inspection,
And I hereby call upon all voters
to take immediate proceeding to
have any errors or omm[ssions ct:r-
rested acocrding to law, thti last
day for appealing being tate 9°lt day
.Of September, 1937,
Clerk of Village of Brussels '
'Dated at Brussels, August 19th, 193,E
Twnp, who takes possession after
harvest, they will again reside 111
Atwood, .where they have v euted a
home In whielt the interne neat" tame
will give opportunity of fixing it up
to their lilthtg.
The sudden tragic, cess •'. „f
the lite of I)oetur Kidd of Atwood
,by drowning which oeour,ad at
Bruce Beach .shortie after 4 p.m.
Aug. 15spread sei•rawtn' sympas
Huth.. regret throughout 1. - entire
community, •
Sacrament \M
large slumber of eomnn,.lc nth in
Ethel United Church at 7 29 o'clock
i pan, Service lust Sunda coeduc:
ed by the pastor Rev. II Seen.
Fur three Sundaes after rete;
orf August, will be t to atl0lt
Ethel United church for nt,tithat
Services, Sunday School v: ill ,it
venc• ax usual at 10.:10 ::.m,
fl rant Gray and ist(ul grant wilt
I have been lltiitd LVit'g with
f1 lends for the past two t i
turned home last S;t,n 1.., t
Gordon Stefr.•,hthulin arrived itnmt
Saturday of last week, a 21.'1' a live
week's course of study to t.leiet't:t
any" agriculture.
.Miss Elizabeth Fear wits is a
teacher in Elite! public 4c11.1,4 was
at London for several w.., -k, of
midsummer holiday time, tt.ltf•t, up
special- study con•,,.
Miss I>,tolliy Fttir_:tIirt is
in -7--t in Z,',101 general store weer']"
Mrs. Zeigler is on vacation
Airs. Perot St,•pheltso" - ttd
daughter Elizabeth are awtr,t on -t
trip to the we -rein provincts. tt '111..
meueiug last w••ek-cud f: :it lit!: 1
t _ t C. N. R.
Sir,. 1), Jett w_ou• of I r.+L n
0 013anled by her daughter D 'othy
and lady contpan,n i w,.t,. tv'rk•-,nor.
visitors 111 the. b" gat lir r t;et
week with their relatives, I 1I. and
Sirs. Henry and the \t'artll:tw
also the corners of the boulevards
The ilurticilteral Soeioky deset'vt 0
great credit fol• the work undertak-
en in making these beauty spots. •
Another of the beauty psot:; of
town is tate C. 1'. R. property with
1101011 Shaw, agent. respuut ible.
'1'111+ piece of land, ful•merly at
marsh grown up with weeds, luta
been transformed into a beautiful
dower, fruit and veritable garden
wltieh provides .lir. and Mrs. Shaw
and family with an abundance of
fruits of alt kinds and tevctabies
of many varieties. There is also a
beautirul perennial border and "tu.
ea- summer flowers. Mfr. Shaw ha 1
the pirzt tetany times for
1 the hest kept grounds on the divot.
and AAs. Win, Vender, hart
A:it.. Al ace at•c:.mperied by Rc.v.
, and Airs. Melvin Vender. fort iia
tort were cadet, at the h•,20 of
\Ir. and Mrs. Itnht. \\ i h[malt and
Mrs. Phoebe 'Taylor; air. and
SMrs, W. Baldwin. Ash ld, guests
tel Arthur Barr and family,
One of the mos/ interesting tr-r•t•
ings of the Ethel Women's Institute
was held at tete bout, of IL's, J. P.
McIntosh on Thursday. August. k'-',
when tate girls of th nstftni t t.
terra f ae in n. members •\,tit
hollowing programme:
The motto "Friends like prt.ntis:s
Should be gept' was read ?.y Jean
The Roll •Ca11 was II t,w'e sod by
"Tour ileal name for a girl" A
very pleasing solo was i, w,.o try
Helen Currie and the tope- 'My
Ideal Girl' 'was taken- by Dato-'+y
D1Iw'ortb. An amusing .,,atria,
"Miss -Cornelia makes a cell' wet.;
given by Mary Melut,. It
Annie Franklin and Mar2.1 Back.
well. gave a very interesting rtport
of the girl's Conference et 120,•2* h
and expressed their al>prrec:aLnn
the Senior Institute for .'S j! r'..
ing their trip,
Edith Speiran eondtteted a must.
('al contest after whittle lut , -act
was served.
The girl, of the Institute are
to be c:.rngoatulatetl en the. a year's
work. They 1 . 013lel1•11 Lola l': o-
Jeets, "'1Iu. Sapiens yeah" and
•'('Iothr, Closets" under local le tal-
e1's chi:^len t'It.ni i1t;-ii' nw11-.31•.: up
and ave J:tanttirg for the fail fa e.
jec•.t ,.lth,Irr..m .1e-, . ;pries" oa l -t
the learlc:•11i1, 'ti Mt's. 11- b it
Ilr,. amen.
A' Acht•-v' 11 Itt Day held Ili 1
('iit:tou .,. 1..1^ ole,. t.],t;-
mnkeis 1•,111:.: Chillget fist 112t -'.
th'•s team 4':u9l tratlti'>
cmtte" got second pias'+, f,iur of the
girls got certificates of ac•bieve.
Meter and Mary McIntosh hut the
honour to be Outsell etre of zit., team
to rt'presient Hut on County let the
Canadian National I:xliihi,ion.
Arnold Earl, pupil of Air. 11'. G.
Hall of Listowel recently pa ar,l
the grade VIII violin exaaw,n,ition
with honours
Service was held in Trinity
chn'eh Suncloy evening with Rev
A, A. Maloney in charge,
In tete United church Rev, K. A
Brook had charge at both services,
I"olIowing the evening a rvieces
Blyth Citizen's Band present^d a
tarred concert On the lawn of AIe.
moria] Hall which was much ap-
Predated by many listeners,
Rev, A, A, Maloney who has been
rector of Trinity church for some
Ulna has ticceppted a call to Luck -
now Anglican church. The c'harigr
will be made in a month's (fuse,
Mlany favorable continents are
heard these days on the Deauty of
the memorial park, formerly the
old cemetery on Dinsley &tree:,
lies • (' ICraut11 and fit tighter,
Madeline, returned home to Kitch-
ener or. Monday after vizlliitg
the 11 111,' of the former's brother,
J^.r*n, Fischer,
It,: r. W. A. \VVi111-tms. Airs, Wil-
liams and Ivor have 10turn.0 1onie
. ,-m 0 h"ti'lay spent tit Inver.
11111 hush,
Airs. B. Matin and son Jim are
visite -_, ::t the hear• o1 how f,tlu'r
Miss- Evelyn IIt'•'ber has r, turn-
ed t.. Kitchener ens after :1. tw.• twt:.11
v.ge,-t!eu to her home.
miss Ilitutr'11 WIlltauts 11,is is urn -
"1 :,, Toriatzo to -resume her Sum.
coutig., at rite Callers ty after
a few days visit at home,
Miss A, Forrest is visiting at the
home of It"r uncle, Walter 1•'orrest,
Morris township, •
Airs, Wm. Cameron Is visiting
friends 111 Guelph,
th, :1037
... You get both in
Chevrolet's New Unisteel
Turret Top Bodies by Fisher
TINE very name of these smart new bodies—Uuisteel—
suggests the very unusual ]dried of steel bodies they aro.
Each is just what the name implies . one structure of steel,
with steel top, steel bottom, steel sides—all fused into a single
solid steel unit.
Is it any wonder that these new Chevrolet bodies are the
strongest, safest, and most perfectly silenced steel bodies
They're thickly insulated to keep out external driving noise
and end "tinniness"—Bs well as for better protection against
extremes of heat and cold. Windshield and windows are of
Safety glass, The famous Fisher No -Draft Ventilation is built
in. And they're wider, roomier bodies in every way,
Only Chevrolet in the lowest price field gives you the beautiful
new Unisteel Bodies by Fisher—world's standard of quality,
coaoh;work !
Monthly payments to suit your purse on
the General Motors Instalment Plan.
Agent Orval Whitfield - Champion's Garage
FISHER .. Combining All -Steel
safety with silence. Wider and
roomier, Safety gloss equipped.
Recognized everywhere ns the
safest, smoothest, most depend.
able brakes ever built. Equalized
ENGINE ...The heart of Chevrolet
dependability—economy and
brilliant performance.
, .Ends drafts and windshield
"fogging". Enables you to "scoop
in" fresh air on hot days. Curries
away smoke.
Master 2 -passenger Business Coupe
(tclircred at faelnr), O•Jt,tr a.
vonu tor,. li, unit reed fnichtaddai.'nal,
(Price, tnbf•ct to change unbent notice.)
Over one 'hundred friends and
neighbours gathered at the homy of
Mr's, Gen. Paulin Friday night to
attend a shower given In honor of
AIr, and Mrs, Geo. Paulin, wnu were
recently married. Mrs Paulin was
formerly Maude Milligan. The.
popular young couple were tete 10•
editions of many useful articles
The evening was spent in cards
and dancing. The address was read
by Miss Lily Waller to which the
bridegroom replied on behalf of his
wife and himself. .4.11 joined lo
singing "For They Are Jolly Goal
Fellow's," After luncheon was
served dancing was continued until
the "\i'e sma' hours," all enjoying
a real good time.
Visitors in town: Mr. and Mrs.
Graham Campbell and little sun,
li i1 ris with Mr, and Mrs, Archie
\1,-AIirh,u_1; Sir. and Mrs. Alvin.
22 -lay, Toronto, with lura. J. 'Vey:
AIr ani Mrs. T. W. 12.1117, Cit
with 11r. and Airs. T. G. Ifcmuhil1;
Frank Sanderson and daughter
Ei'am,r, Toronto, with Thomas and
J. RIeitle; lilt'. nail Mrs. ,1s11-
toa Morrison and song St. ('a+il:,r-
ir•'rs. with Airs. J. Morrison; A7rs.,
hiattk Meted:tin and ;laughter.
Oshawa, with Mr, and Airs. W, 12,
Gan VI•snl'
21: tors: Air, and Airs. ,'4,, ni to
Brandon and daughter. Toronto,
with Mr. and Alts, it, Rock; Ait•,
and Mrs. R. Stock; Mr, and Mrs,
Art. Wearying' and family, London„
with friends; Mr. and Airs. Les
Laughlin and daughter, Nedlta, Osh-
1122(1. with Airs. 11, McLaughlin;
'Masters Ilvered McDougall anal
Gerald Duncan, Hamilton, with. Mr,
and Mrs, Ward Sbarpin; Mt', and
'Airs, Roy Smith and daughter and
'firs, L. Dittman and daught'r, An.
easter, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams;
Miss Irene Wright has letnencd to
We are sorry: to hear Mrs. Rev,
Robb is still very low. and little
hope iS held out for her but hope
she will get better.
Mr. and Alis: George Patterson
and son of Toronto are spending
part of their holidays with friends
on the boundry and let line and
Sorry to hear Mr. David Patton ie
very low and a nurse waiting On
Mrs. 141m. Parish is sick at pres-
ent and hope for a speedy re1Overv.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Bench and
two daughters visited on Sunday
with Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Bishop and
fancily. -
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnston spent
Sunday with Air. and Mrs, Win.
Bishop in Grey.
Sir. Fred Johnston, Toronto, is
holidaying with his brothers and
wives in Ittuevale.
.lir, Fred Johnston took the ser-
vice in Bluevale 'United Church on
Sunday morning.
Professor I'', Johnston, late of
Victoria College, Toronto, acconB-
anied by his two daughters. Freda
and Lois. spent part of last' week
at the hone of r, anti Mrs. Arthur
Shaw and other relatives here, Mr,
Johnston occupied the pulpit in the
faired Chet eh on Sunday morning.
The Y. P S. of Knox Presbyter.
ion Church bud charge of the ser.
vire on Snntlay morning, These
laking p;1rtwere the president,
Jack McTavish, Arnold 1,11 low,
Claude Bellsmi-th and Jean Elliott,
Gordon Gray gave an intaresting
outline of the work of the Y.P.S.
end Its relation to ..the ehurr'h
There will be no service nekt Sun- i
11tr, and firs. Si W. Wettlaufer, l
Suck and I[arvey, spent Sendai
her home here altar cumpleteing a
with their son, Mr, Carl Wettiaufer,
• summer tonne at Huntsville; Rev, and 'Mrs WeUtlau;fer. at Maple.
A. 14. (Grand. and family, at their wood.•
r truss at Grand Rend. Mr. and Mrs, John Tiet.kerldge .
attended rho funeral of their
nephew, Iiarold Barrett, at Water -
on Thtn'sday Mr, Barrett was
The event culminated the Sunda)
school attendance contest conduct-
ed among four classes, senior at'A
junior boys and senior and junior
girls. The contest was won by the
girls' classes, and the boys' groups
were hosts at the Weiner magi.
A pleasant time was spent In play-
laying games and singing around a
roaring camp fire. Coffee, weitte['4
and cake were served to complete
an enjoyable evening.
'Visitors, Verdun Mowbray, Mrs.
Ostrander and son, Rex. Luekuow,
with Mr. and Airs, Alex Mowbray;
Mr, and Ars, R. Kirstine, Walkerton
D. Shaw, North Bay, and J. Fietcner
Fell, Toronto, with the tatter's
mother, Mrs, Eliza Fell; Jaelt
Keith and Joyce Fell returned to
Toronto with their father after six
i ,weeks with their grandmother;
Mt'i Vernon Higgins, Toronto, with
her 'mother, Mrs, Mary Moffatt;
7, Wesley Beattie and Misses Ethel
and Florence Beattie, Settfo•t'1,
with Mr, and Ales, 11, F. Garnets;
Mr, and 'Mees George Donaldson
have returned to Toronto after
six weeks at their summer house
►•o Wer's>tw>V+,•wonsaey�ya,gy1.111.4044�,,,, a former Illiterate boy and opera 11(1
Van Veisor^Hoops • a garage here 0 few years attn.
Miss itutlt Patton, Toronto, is here
The parsonage of Barrie United
Church was the scene of a surer
,wedding of Thursday, August 12,
when Marlon Jean, daughter or -Mrs,
Heim 120030r, Clifford was united
In marriage to Wilfrid Laurie Van
Visor, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. r,
Van Velsor, Wroxeter. Rev. C. 0,
Long performed the ceremony
with her uncle, David Patton, who
is quite i1!, Ilelen Mowbary iu
Winglmtn and Jack Mowbray (a
with his aunt, Mrs, Taylor, in Wa.
wall oslt.
On Wednesday evening the
Young .People and teachers of the
Ilnited Cinn'ch Sunday school 114,1)1
a weiner roast on the river tints.
Depot Kissing
Love kisses, duty hisses, short
hisses long kisses, 1 it every - vari-
ety of hiss gets a shtimoie;s
(though sometimes embarrassed;
showing in One of Toronto's busiest
and nest nubile meeting plates.
The place is the exit coucoarse et
the Union Station, -
Niue out of tun incoming passen-
gers met by members of the 03-
posite sex gels kissed, according to
a station attendant whose duty •
keeps him s:atioued at a *put ate
inirably suited to a study of usenet -
tory art,
'Yes, sir. Guess we see Jttsi
about everything that's cumhtg n,
the hissing line," he said, "About
a thIrcl of then[ are nothing but
duly kisses—pecks on the clow,
and sometimes Ou the lips, but
the other two thirds last an average
of five seconds,"
Age, he explained, is the outstand-
ing factor, pcolle over 10 seldom In.
dulge In the more affectionate type
of greeting- at least not in Judith..
As for the younger ores, 'they re,
all pretty much alike, thought they
do shorten up noticalrly as the
people grow older',"
(Ino young couple, he recalled,
have become regular costumers.
"Tire fellow gets off the 6.10 traits
:Crum Buffalo every week -end awl
the girl's always here 10 minutes
early to meet hila, She conies in
and sets down over there acting
kind of nervous, When the train
gets in this chap's always the lir.[
"They walk right over next to
that pillar there and no matter how
crowded the place is if that kiss
doesn't last at least a miute and a
halt the guy who sold .. me this ,
watch gypped me,"
Then there is the nervous, ember -
type, "They soft of come to.
ge;her and don't know what to do.
One has the intention and the other i
gets it. They Just stand there
blushing attd swaying back and
Ilut there is one chapter of the
subject the attendant has yet to
puzzle out, "I've never been table
to figure:' he said, "why it is a
woman nearly alwyas stands on One
foot when site's
EmpPloyer: "Are you ncarried,
young malt?"
-Applicant: `Olt, no, sir ---Tut en.
tirely dependent on myself for sup -
Pot t "
Don't Forget to Turn the Key F i
or Else?
It is a rare occurrence when a double exposure does not spoil two good
pictures and waste film. "
TFC a above pioturt of Brobdtng-
nagian young lady mnraeulously
reclining on the surface of the sea
amidst a fleet of sailboats reminds
us Alar while mortem cameras are
Indeed close to being robots (u their
1ki',lt!i'lliP129e, they still demand the
e opera'tlti fel human intelligence
in order to fune4{oil With the 0.081112
The photograph is the curious corn
sequence of a double exposure, illus-
trating the fact that the film behind
your camera lens will not stove over
for the next picture by the exercise
of its own free will. About that 11 is
totally indifferent. You have to per-
form this operation yourself. If you
forget, it, and fled that you have
twice or thrice exposed the sante
frame of film, you may by chance
get a picture as amusing and worth
keeping as the one above, but in
most cases you will have a Meaning,
less jumble of superimposed shapes
and shadows that will interest no-
bodt out even a Cubist. Result, you
have list, two or three pictures that
neOjlilps you can never take again
and have wasted fi1tp, v- ":xt
Most of u9 lta've 11a� this sir ,°> _L•
encs. Then why iia[ gat the habit of turning the key to the next ex-
posure the very instant after you
have taken a picture? if you haven't
this htybit as yet, and times ggme, es
they0119075 \will, when you hestlate-
becguse ren t'g not triostether.
;6111117% a die key, pray safe; give'
Jt another turn rather than take the
°hails° of epoililtg two pictures.
01 course, you can find plenty of
amusement in deliberately making
double exposures in order to produce
freak photographs. But these need
careful planting to be successful.
They must he done usually with.
still subjects and require minute ac.
curacy in the focusing. A tripod is
a lirst necessity. Astounding pic-
tures may be produced by double ex-
posures deliberately planned, but if
you have success fu such efrort8, lot
your conscience and the credulity
of your friends be your guides when
you exhibit them.