HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-18, Page 3Enjoy tea at its best
Fruit Cup or Fruit Juice
Chicken in Blankets
Mashed or New Pototces
or Potato Chips
String Beans or Peas
Tomato Cups
Fairyland Eggs
Banana Royal
Your Favorite Bread and Beverage
The above is a matter key to u
delightful summer meal. Your 111- t
dividual taste nifty suggest !ere or
macaroni in place of Potatoes 011 -
other green vegetable In Place of d
beans or peas; or oven one of your
favorite salads in place of Tomato
Cups. But even with suer] changes
you will have a delightful summer
meal, well.balanc'ed, economical,
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer
told eurprisiegiy delieleus.
Two desserts are suggested --fpr a
number of reasons. The dessert is
a very finputrant pert of the summer
meat, Appetites lag, and a mitten -
atm dessert will oflect be enjoyed
where the heavy main dish is merely
nibbled at, These desserts are
cold and brat appeals in summer,
They are easily and quickly, made ---
which certainly suits the housewife
The Fairyland Pried Eggs (made
without eggs of course) is for the
children, They need a light dessert
a nutritious dessert, and a dessert
that appeals. 'Phis eggless rennet -
custard dainty fills the bill, It is
grandma's old favorite with modern
frills. Neo baking or boiling—and
plenty oaf milk in a form children
approve of.
The Bantam Royal is a somewhat
similar dessert with more calories—
wlticli may be preferred by many
adults who look to the dessert in
the summer meal as a source or
many of these needed food elements,
Here are (the recelpes for the prin-
cipal dishes of this summer meal:
Dip whole pieces of cooked chick
en in batter nlade of:
1 well beaten egg
1 cup milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
13 cups flour
The photographer, fairly close, took care to focus on the child, we,. on the
dietent scene. Exposure 1/100 second at f.8 on a fair clay.
-0-reHIS year when you go on your
1 vacation, resolve to come built
velth bettor snapshots than you did
'5 year ago.
Determine to take more care with
your lens 1:11)1)5, ynuf shutter speeds
and your fu iesing. Decide that be-
fore you take u picture you will give
thought to the light conditions;
whether the day is hazy. dull or very
dull; whether a midday sun is
shining from a clear sky or the leas
intense early morning or late after-
noon stat; whether the light is in-
creased by refler.tions from expanses
of water or sand; whether your sub•
.sect is In average shade or deep
shade; whether under any of these
conditions you aro photographing
nearby objects or a distant scene.
Say you will consider these things
each time and carefully adjust year
camera to lit them.
Make up your mind that you will
think also about the composition of
each picture, that it shall have merit
because of its pictorial qualities and
that in each scene showing human
or other betugs there shall be story-
telling interest.
Declare that you will bring back
from this year's vacation no more
out•of-focus ptettires ear tuuierex•
,posed or overexposed ones, nor pic-
tures blurred by camera movement;
no more of those lifeless piotures of
persons just,poging, nor •'scenics" as
void cif nuticeable feature as 511 army
blanket, aur any more eonelemetat-
tions of m inhiilgless composition
shot at random for no good pictorial
reason, Such pb'tnl'ns are, as you
Juicily, products of no ambition to
make the best out of thepossthili-
ties of a person's camera, the filar
ilei uses and of himself as a plotog.
In terms of entertaining, eye -de.
lighting, emotion -stirring and photo•
graphiesily excellent pietur es, the::e
po,tsibilitleg are Unlimited. and 00
vacations, whether yon stead for the
(mean, nul,tutltin, hive, river, even
the i rairie or the desert, the teras•
ttinilies fur real pirtures are un-
limited. Do make up your mind this
time to think before you shoot.
Spectra supplication: If you have
never need a color filter, treat your.
self to two or three Of different
types, o1' at least one average filter
such as the K-2, and experhneet
with then] before you start, Falters
bring In clouds distinctly, cut
through haze, combat too bright re•
flections from water or sea 9artd.
Like deftly placed cosmetics on mi-
lady's face, deftly used filters en-
hance beauty. Learn to use them.
You will be surprise(] and delighted
with the results,
tee John van Guilder
31i teaspoon salt
Fry in deep hot fat until finide
Select Man lomulues, nut slice off
top, scoop !aside, 1111 hollowed
toulaltoes With asparagus tips, place
• on drilled ledituce leaf, LOP with
mayonnaise. Serve Icy cold.
1 rennet tablet
1 tablespoon cold water
1 Dint milk
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 or S canned apricot halves
Make rennetcustard according
direc,ions on peekuge, Chill to r
frigei'trtor. Just before serving t
each dish of rennet-euelard with 01
of the canned apricot balvee Zvi
the rounded side 00,
1 package lemon rennet powrier
1 pint milk
1 banana
4 pieces sponge calve (leftover
cake may be used,)
Place the pieces of cake (abou
two inches srinTtre or smaller) in th
bottom Of the dessert dishes Mak
rennet -custard dessert ticoording t
' directions on package and pour eve
pieces of cake. Let set until firm
about 10 minutes. Chill in refrigo
ator. When ready to serve, put sli
es of banana on top of each deseer
WEDNESDAY, At.'G Tse' 111131, 1037
School Teacher
Finds Watery 'Crave
Body of Miss Amy Parsons, of
to Hallett Township, Washes
e, Up On Beach
10 A gruesome discovery was mads
at Sunset Beach last Tuesday after-
noon, when the Pody of Amy 21 41'3'
Elizabeth Parsons, twenty-six-year-
old settee] teacher of eoncesslun 13,
Hullett towneh.ip, leas found washed
up on the beach, The girl's lic(le
was found by "Mac" Robinson of
Stratfird, who is vacationing In the
cottage of Norman Murray bf Lin.
1 wood, at Sunset Beach, Mr Robin.
O son found the corpse about half a
e mile from the food of the roadway
o leading to the beaoh,
According to a number of girls
— ' camping at the top of the hill, a light
✓ late -model coupe, the doors of which
c• were all locked and which had nost-
t ed on the windshield a piece of
paper fitli the name "C. Parsons"
written in a feminine Sand in lead
pencil on, had been there all eight.
A girl's hat eel coat were found in -
o isde 4,lie car.
11 , There were no marks on the
Young women's !body to indicate
Violence of any kind; her clothing
wits In order except for a stocking
wench was missing. She was :with-
out Shoes, County Constables
John Ferguson and A. E. Jennings
e investigated the tragedy and acting
tinder ingtti'110tio11s'fr(31n Dr. W. Ie.
G'allow, coroner, had the body re -
0 moved to an undertaging parlor.
EI It was decided that death was due
• to suicide and that no inquest
s would be necessary,
• Charles Parsons, father of the 135.
ceesed, could offer no explanation
, of his daughter's actio^stating
n1 that he had noticed nothing wrone
6 ' with the girl, "Sthew
el as
a Perfectly healthy, hap-
py, normal girl and I do not know
what could have caused her to do
such a rash act," he said "She lett
e here in high spirits last night, en -
h tending to visit friends in Londe;-
- boro and perhaps stay over -night."
He went to Stratford to the home of
another daughter. Mrs. Jenkins,
shortly alter being informed by the
Police of his daughter's death.
Amy Parsons was born in Hullett
in 1911, 'the daughter of Charles
Elias Parsons and Oda Adams. Mrs.
Parsons died a few years ago. Mi ss
Parsons, a graduate of Stratford
Normal School 'batt knight for about
five years and during the past year
had been keeping house for her
father on their farm in Hallett town-
ship. -
Grate a raw potato and add it t
your soup when you put too num
salt in it, The /'potato absorbs tic
• * •
To keep juice from runnlee eel et
fruit pies, insert a .small cornucopia
of white paper into the center of the
pie so that it is about twice ill
height of the pie.
• • .
The next best thing to rains to
for the face is a teaspoonful 0
borax in ordinary washing water
which is often hard. Borax soften
the water and prevents rough skin
• • •
When mangling sheets, towels
and tablecloths, fold them differs
ways alternately—one week by th
hem, the next by the salvege; an
they will last much longer.',
• • . .
When putting curtains on a rod
place a thimble on the end of th
rod. This is especially ttseful wit
lace or starched curtains, the Mtn
ble preventing the sharp end of the
red from catching on the lace.
The Love of Reading
Pointing out that a librarian,
whether he, or she works in a small
library or a large one must be a
guide philosopher anti friend to
those who come seeking knowledge,
Hon, Martin Burrell remarked at
the convention of Ontario Librar-
ians tbn't the love of reading must
be counted one of the greatest
blessings in life, second only, per-
haps to health, and happy ie the
mortal who acquires that love in
youth. Free to ell, that g1'o(5
storehouse of honks eoutains the re-
cords of all human endeavor brick
to the twilight of history;
"Here we can find the storiee of
high valor, of ditty performed under
incredible dilieullies, of ;veil love,
of intplieehle hates, of deep tingady
—in short of th s;rngc
ques's, the failnrc , the droit;.illi
and one virls.altndos tdhat -mark the
lives of mut talc as they have trod- i
den the dusty road or ire. .111(1 ley
this fine ministry of b:eolis pall in
sickness are allevia ell, old age
robbed of half Be lrialg, borechnn 1
Lord Tweedrnurr''s
Lumd Tw•eetl(nuir,ini Planning a
10, tine mile trip from GI emit Cllr
into the North 10041 Terri write:, be-
e- the Arctic, Cinee and all 111,'
way down from 110 11aekenzie Ri-
ver to Alen vig, \\111 be following,
1rn'th 11y at least, in the. footsteps
of l rid ilyng, who tn.htt' a nulahia
torr 1.1 the C'anaddan north. 'i'ln,
1 Grvrt nor tioneittl is g „1:g
5(1111.1' north, herd '1'tweeAulrli=.• is
ar, TO t l t1 know ('t11,era' No
Governor General will hate sir mine
info the flu' tearheg and 1.1 111 '70 1
outposts of this vccei I )oMie reit IA
the present ether. reprosot1f111ttr. of
the tttemen. chief representnit\n of
the King, Lard Tweedmuir is etc.
er to know (`sheds and 1 is penpie
its people in all stations of life, and
in outer-ehr-way plasms as well a
in the more populated areas,
Married Men In
Far More Accidents
Than Bachelors
•llai'ri:,ge, they 1 01 1 you, is the ulti-
mate to bliss, life is just a bow-/
of chrt'i'ivs and nothing can g0
wrong. Slut figures of the Welk -
men's Ool0Pen.ation Beard :end to
maleate that ether r.11'ied 1iiN is
more hazardous. or that after nr10'
:gage the man is tilled what 1c sense
of home, settees and deeen'1 ear if
he does got hit by ti steam a1,'v'l,
falls down a manhole or tell'.; off a
few fingers Inn hoz saw.
1. 0 '.st fl ares indicate that just 1,8
soon 1s you have said "I do," 1au1'
chances of getting injured while at
work are (101.311011, ft 11 the chance
you will 31. killed is three and a 1.alf
times as great, '(`here were 2 I;
018 accidents, and 1.1,15(4 of then(
involved married turn, Of the
('0111ni11(1er, 9,001 were -single nem,
412 widowed, 12 "lent .apeeilir,l,"
Bea married men are ((von mar'.,
Vulnerable where Nal`1(r,'311)1)e are
concerned. Ono luuulred and 11513'•
two Married mitt lost their liv,'.i ill
industrial nlis'heps, bat r:t.a
among bachelors totalled only 11 out
of the total 203 deaths. \e: iciuws
apparently beer a charmed lite,
comparatively speaking, for their
deethe totalled only four,
Yen also learn reading the r0Port
that mere people get hurt as it re.
=fait +:5 falls ou the level than from
elm' rt1((ox, bat that your centimes of
aping its a result of a fall are greater
If the 44111 is from an elevation, raths
01' than on the level. There were
367 Calls front heights, 11 being,'
-What se Monotonous 01(1 world this fatal, But mettle utero weer 5,01.1
would be If not for 1 delusions fatal, feta 00 the level only six were
therein, the dulus.
Nearly Six Thousand `
Atttend $eaforth
Water Carnival 1
Traffic Officer d. W, Callander
Estimates That 1,500 Cars Fitter-
eel Park During Evening.
After raining out the Seeforth
Lions Club Summer Carnival for
three years in succession, the
n'eatltelnion Wednesday <-teuir,g
relented end peolided a h tutieul
warm summer- rte.11in;. 11111(.1) wee
taken advantage of to the li!1 Ly a 1
croWel that. 1111ed the large ),110 to '
E.stiniating 1hnt nearly
and between five and sx
people were he the pet k during the
evening, Provinelal Traftte either
J. W. Callender, who was In ch1r:gc
traffic, stated it 11x4 WI of the,
biggest crowds on the highway ht
this district this summer,
Advertised as Seaforth s"Nigh!
of Ni:ghtts," the carnival attracted
people for miles in every diree,ioe
and so great was the crowd at
times that it was. difficult to move
from one booth to another.
Shortly after eight o'clock 1315
carndvei booths opened for busineaa,
only to be sold out within tyo hours. i.
Dancing and the Horse race game
continued till after midnight.
The park Was gaily decorated
with hundreds of colored Tights and
these together with the recently in-
stalled floodlights over the pool,
created a colorful scene.
Shortly before midnight an awe-
inspiring display of fireworks was
presented which climaxed the even-
Parking was handled thrugh time
co-operation or Messrs Dale Nixon
and R. B. Goudie who permitted
the use of a'djaceot fields,
Jotting Down
Car Numbers
We have suggested it before, but
again we urge the noting of etren10-
bile numbers as a hobby. All good
adze/le,. -eaen'ing cars being d:aven
in suspicious matinee ar circum-
stances, eehould make a point of jot-
ting down the numbers. Many-"
Bones such a habit has resulted in
the arrest of criminals,
In Schomberg, a woman was able
to give the police a valalyle clue
when she, banded then the number
of a car which had been driving to
and• fro on the streets of that place,
which showed the direction trtvell
ed by a gang of robbers. Many a
hit-and-run driver bas gat away,
leaving his vletim dead or dying on
the highway and nevem is arrested
NESTE R N Cantu&
From all Stations in Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY -- SEPT. 26,— OCT. 2 unclusjVe
Return ,E.imit: 45 days
0 Cc/ACHES ut faros approxbnately loparmils.
TOURIST SLEFPING CARS at fares approximately Wo per mile,
0 STANDARD SLEEPING CARS at fares approximately 1 baa per mite,
BAGGAGE Chocked Stopovers atPortArthur, Amazons, Chicago and west.T,s9e
Tickets,, Steeping Carreserutstions, ont ell information from any agent, A514 NOP Ii:11r1D81tg
because no one in the vicinity'. Lits it is a good 1lahit worthy- of Curti -
learned the habit of takfug numbers. I nation:
Want to keep the youngsters from under
your feet? Justgive them a playroom.
Well transform that attic of yours into
a happy hunting ground that will keep
them out of mischief for hours. And the
job will be quickly done, with a mini-
mum of disturbance. Let us give you an
estimates Then, if necessary, finance
under the Home Improvement Plan.,
Rocky Mountain. l(.-__._
The Dollar and
the Cent
big silver dollar, and a little
brown cent,
--tolling along together they went,
`,olliug along the smooth sidewalks,.
Vbeu the dollar remarked—for the
dollar etui talk:
43ou poor little cent you cheap little
a bigger and more than. twice a
The busiest tourist season in
Years is in store for the Cana-
dian Rockies, Banff Springs Hotel
and Chateau Lake Louise, recent-
ly opened for the year, are enjoy -
Ing mid-season popularity, while
increasing numbers of visitor's are
Planning holidays at the beauti-
ful chalet -bungalow camps at
Moraine take, Lake O'Hara, Lake
Wapta, Yoho Palley, and Radium
Hot Springs. 5
Attractions such' as golf on the
sporty championship course at
Banff, riding and hiking over
spectacular mountain trails, ten-
nis on splendid courts, boating on
glacial lanes, and other sports
under ideal conditions make the
Canadian Rockies Canada's lead-
ing summer playground. Add to
this scenery unexcelled in the
world, excellent fishing, and end-
less opportunities ( for 0anlere
hunting of big game and the re-
sult is Banff, Lake Louise, or any
of half a dozen Canadian Pacific
bungalow camps set in vaileee or
by lakes of outstanding beauty.
Eaeh year in the Rockies sev-
eral feature events are held in
addition to the day-by-day amen
wants. Among them are the Cal-
gary Stampede, July 11 to 10; In -
titan Days at Banff, July 23 to 25;
outing of the Trail Riders of the
Canadian Rockies to Mount As-
siniboine, Indy 30 to c August 3;
otting of Trail Hikers of Cana-
dian Rockies In Moraine Lako
district, August 8 to 0; Banff golf
Week, August 23 to 231 and Yoho
Valley reunion camp of the 1pine
Club of Canad alit July 4,o 31
* e�