The Brussels Post, 1937-8-11, Page 44 e'er THE DMA -US POST NEWS tl DISTRICT ByCorrespondents Written for the Post Our Own Corres Dari RL(JEVALE We are sorry to hear Mrs, Rev, Babb is very ill tit. Prerient, We are sorryto hear itlr, Wm. Smillie was taken to Can -tun Heepi- tal last week. and had his leg teeter off below the knee, be is gm:leg on as well as can be eXpecied. Mr, tine Mrs, Wilbert Ma tilers and dau01 E11.s of Hepwor th Spent the ;veek-end with his 'father In Blue. vale, Some of the farmers have dirt -h. ed their 'full wheat, it is tu:uioE .art good, Miss Dona Smith nurse -ice tr:,ht;::` at Clinton Hospital spout Sane lF with her Irrrewts and Item uete .; tl line, Glad to hear Miss Mein. S tee, is ge'ting on so well to rottener to her home to help take ire Miss J,rtet \CottUs sPt•ta ilii- tt,n4 with Mr. and Mrs, elms. Bos. man. Mr, and Mrs. Roy King and family of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. George ;Anthers also :ut. anal St:,, s Wilbert slathers and Mr..+ Tay'ior, 1 Rev, C, IL MeeD.,nalrl, Ltt•.rktetx. nceupiod the pulpit is Knox 1'.. ,- byterfan Church Sunday areal ini on "He will he silent to His love. Next. Sunday the Y.P.S. will have charge of the service. The service at the ttnited Church Sunday morning was addresse+1 by George Taylor, Wingham, president el the Presbyterial of the Yotm:; •. People's Union. George Johnston, president of the Bluevale Y.P.U. was in charge of the se vItte. Masi. cal selections by the ch•iir and hi I the children of Mr. and MIrs, Ratph King of Toronto, were offered, ' Mr, and Mrs. el ilbur Slathers with George Matllers; Mr. and Mr:;. Morrie Bosman, Westfield, with I Mr. and Mr's. L, H. Bosman; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McMichael with Mr. and Mrs William ,\ti•.liichael; Mrs, Clegg, London, with Mrs Jr. eph Underwood; Mr. and Mrs. Are thur Chalicomb and Allan, Toronto, with Jams E. Niehot; Mrs. Law. ',encs Kirk and David, Ottawa, with Mrs. P. S. MacEwen; Mr. mei Mrs. A. Lynn, Bolt and Harry. of Wheatley. Mrs. Earl. Derbyshire. Windsor, with Mr. and Mrs, J, W, Wettlaufer; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph King, Mrs. Budd, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris, Tilsonburg, with Mr. and Mrs. Edward John: stun; Robert Shaw conducted the service in the United Church a; Fordw•ich Sunday. The regular monthly meetimr of the W. M. S. of Knox Piesbyteriau Church was held Thursday afi.-r- noon 'with the president, Mrs. Alex Mowbray, in charge. The special item of business was arrttngi:e'e for V'eetern relitf work. Mian Be,•bu.et Thynne nfere,i ineyer. '1'ha >.1!ey of the "Stewardship of Women" was continued, following the reading of the Scripture pi,:,age dt i:ug w:t Jesus' visit tea the home of M,: and Martah by Mrs. I.iac..:,el. et Start had charge of tin. Woman of the Hour or the Steward. ship cif Tine." \I' &eine:: Breik i; hr..'•.us an Tbutsit, the meeting of the \\ om t }'. \ _• hist on 0 the I niied presid' nt, Mrs Mc L ',: v. p • sot d and conduete0 ser. -?rat :1,111,.. of bt::i. nests. Mrs, Eliza Fel; am! Edward Johr.t•m roti 1.e lesson and lett ht p „ ; - ing duet, "Jesus Is So Sorry," wys reudericrt by the Misses Doris and Itid!,h McLennan. At the erre the meeting refreshments were se -l- ed by the hostesses, Mrs. Edward Barnard and Mrs. Jost plc itr,sc':• .t ridge. Mrs. Mulligan met with a Pain- ful experience this week while at the home ut her oaugi ter, ilii;, sSd. ward Bari.tird. When going dorsa stairs she fell, and recin5ed a s t +re shaking up. Mitre Florence Fowler file `A' Thursday at Seefoith. Site was accompanied by Miss >CI:era I ick• ney; M's -ms Doris and Edith McLen- nan, (trey Township, with their cousin, Jean MdLennon, WROXETER _ 1 Visitors: Mr, and Mrs. Chester )I Smith, Galt, with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1 :un9th• Margaret, galet Du t Cl in- wtat Ingersoll,1 • Durst inn 'Mies era s V • D'and Mr. and Mrs, 'Irwin Dust: t, a Mrs: Sptnre, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, A. Minn and family )3russels, with Mr, and Mrs, It. J. Rana; Mr, and Mrs. Mao Stewart, Molestvorth, with Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sangster; Geo, lupe, London, with Mr, end Dirs. IEiss Pope; :kr. acid ND'S. K, Gibson, Ed: Gibson, Hamilton, with Misse'r E. atatt M, Gibson; Rev, anti Mrs. W. Mclfeuele, SLuttliampt:,u, with :Hiss,. es )a, and K. Hazlewood; Rev, A. L. Sanderson, Brantford, with Mr. anti Mlrs, D, I>, Sanderson; Miss Et'etei 1)tvuy,' Hentiltou, with Mrs, J. Davey; R. C. Bet'kieehaw, Tureen), with Mr, and Mrs. F. Kitchen; .Rev. bit. Kunkle, Torotnu, took charge of the service in the United Cliu •els Smithey teaming In tate a'b:ear:: pl Rev. A. M. Grant: Dr, eitilt;,heil is vacationing in Muskoka disoici, MORRIS Tile Morn•, tot r.sh,p fiery of Gsirge and Mrs, \Vv;wlr'k wn, the :;e,an1 of a jelly gather'ng when fi•itrds and might -Airs m.1 to honour their son Jack, hitt hi.: bride. A shower 01 lovely gifts were presented to the 1)015 and a Pleasant evening shit, in dancing, Jas. and Mrs. Bremner and son Barry of the Bah con., and Meiv';11e and Mrs. Dennis and children spent Friday last with the Glikinson latn- ily near Palmerston, Friends were sorry to bear o: the avoid reit in whish little Janet Mc- Farlane lost the end of a finger when it was taught in a dour -nap A jolly picnic was held by it ft's United Church Sunday Scthool Last Wednesday in McFarlane's grove. Two snappy ball games were tapir - ed by Rev. Mr. Snell and an interest- ing program of races given, after witieh the ladies served a bountiful pit•rtic supper. Joe Smith who was rushee .o Listwoel hospital on Sunday morn- ing to undergo an operation for appendieitis is doing as well es can be expected. WALT"ON The United Farm Women will hold their next meeting at the ltotne of Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, \Vedeee- day afternoon. August 15th. The topic will be in charge of Mrs. Waiter Broadfsot and Mrs. Harvey Johnston and the roll call to be an- swered by a Household Hint. Everyone is rurdially invites Le attend this meeting. Thomas Deic•her•t, Linwood, is at present relieving on the C.P,R. [rack until a permanent man is placed Air. Ired Lew•ing;on, section fore- man. left Saturday for his new s.'. tion in the vicinity of Woodstock where he came to Welton from 1111 year ago. His wife anti tastily will move in the near future. Miss Amy Love, Toroneo. i, 11211. laying with her mother, }IIs J. Love find other trio -olds. Miss Vera Gar'diuer. Titre etre ie 1'l/trying with her aunt, Mr. anti Mr:;, J. Bn:,itsnan, Mr. \t'- Farquharson recIt,'ta ;t Molly frat•1 ;roll leg at the gravel n't when a t•rusl.,tr lilt: gtre way. 1It, wits •:.Leer n, 5 .1'1 M•morlel i'Ittspf• tai sr:ft RELGRAVE 'I lk, t\r,tn,. In. -+t t..,• wtti 1:+1;q1 their replier meeting on Tuesday, A;t.;u t 17th at the:, hence of Mrs, It, Wee 'i sats Via be 1:1e cirri's nit - ii:, with Liars Hopp•+r ant, Nora Vant'autp as eo lt- Fat, 3'h following Itit.-tt:in has been a i,t•t (d: Roll eelentetilleei r-;tl(ti do to make hitter Iwst_.il'e M-,_.ittgs: Motto, What kind tet a branch would this branch be if every meat. her -ws just like nue Vias: J. Pearson Pith l; Current. Lents: Athos.,.A ytar Normal, I sol 11`g.,n,s; Maisie, Freda - Jordan, l:eadM't, E]:t;t Preettr; Lunen. ('elft .r,•et ., Gives of the Institute. ride Mini ,':1'y who was it jueed while trackieg cement for ion. strnt•.tiag past/tient on No, 1 high- way, is i 'ptrvirg its \\'inghaui trtene:lel 141 pi'(11. He watt bijurte,l - when riding nil the side of the• truck wench was; struck by a ;tread truck, and be was pinned Mew, ,0 them and one leg badly injured when jammed between tite handle of the door and the (thee truck. Mn, and Mrs •e e T. \\he_l_ru ,I r' Gladys who have spent the pas few :weenie with reletivtts here have lent on their journey home to Vat - eauver; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Couhea and Mabel with friends near Parer and in Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, J Mciienzle. ETHEL The recent rains were ajiPr'ecieliii although harvest work itatrn*t be canttuued until conditions are more favorable again. Fortuuately the fall wheat crop was harested and much of it threshed direct from the fields before the break in the wrath- et' The lawn .social held Friday, August 2, under the auspices of Ethel United Church Women's As-' steintion, on the spacious grounds, of Jos. and Mts. Pearson, Lot 20, I Con. 4, Grey Twp„ was a de.•Itled succuss and the ussocia'ton is grateful for the splendid support given. To a -sure this result a game e t sot°boli called for 0.30 between Brussels girls and Ethel girl's teams was the first of many Interseting features of the evening's program of entertainment, The committee counted it a favor to secure Brum. sets girl's team, who are !ceiling in their group. in their league schedule games to join with our girls iu putting on an attractive number. And commend our team, on the good sport's spirit shown in taking on such a competent team. The other part of the program was pleasingly presented although the concluding numbers, owing to rate eommeucing to fall were given in the house but was satisfactorily and successfully carried through. The Proceeds were quite worthwhile and the management Is to be coug:'alu laced on the result obtained, Last Sunday there was again preaching service at 7.30 p.m. in Ethel Presbyterian church, The previous Sunday there was no ser- vice held at that hour. Grey Township council met at the cerk's office as per usual in regular monthly session last Satardy, Aug- ust Gth. Brussels girls softball team, dated Ethel girls team fee Wednesday. August 11 to go to Brussels for practice game. The well chosen and familiar .musical seleteions given in open air concert one evening of last week by Listowel Salvation army Baud, was well received and suitably as knowledged. We are sorry to hear of the less of Robert :McTaggart, 15 con„ Grey Twp., in the destruction of property by fire, when lightning struck during true of the severe storms of last week -end and the barn with ordinary contents including some livestock was compeltely burned. Mrs. Percy Stephenson and daughter Elizabeth, have arrived home after several days visit with friends and relatives in Det.r.oit Friends and acquaratances find pleasure in meeting Mrs. \\fey, of Neel,awa, formerly Minnie Campbell a Mealier, on on. 4, Grey Twit. before going west several years ago. Mrs. Wey reports that two weeks ago, when she started on the trip este that there was spien410 pro •perm for a good crop, since then she has received word that they have been hailed out and will draw blank this year again. This was sure tiles cauraging, llrs. \V. Hicks a former residetti of Ethel is visiting her eistht \f,s. Keifer sr.. as Mss, Keifer is hi foil. Mg health, this c•ctnlpanien>ir:p is all , the more appreciated. Th„ Att m -t a:ttecit g of the W. \i. 5. of Erne; 1'r:ited Chilrril 5., lied on Thursday afitenoen. Aire, ,',tit. at the Mime of firs. Birt \'oe:. Lien, The p;t.111 ; 1 urt•,t tits el ti„ 1 chair and 13 ladies atrttt1111. The meeting opened with the "Call to Worship" read by thin ertted dent, f:rlitwed by hymn 11, Tee - minutes of last meeting were rrtrt and approved and the itoll t.'ail art swefed try a favaurae verse, Mrs Jos. Pearson read the Siritar• Lesson front Col. 3.1.17 std 1h•:+, Antes led in prayer. The Dee Leaflet "Jean; and Our idsai s' was read by Mrs. G. Eekairer after wheel hymn 75 was sung. Chapter VII of the Study Book was ably , rtar..t:ed trrirlt:r the leadership of Millis Dorothy Franklin. The tweeting reused with hymn 506 and the Benediction. After the meeting t:11, hostess very kindly served ice cream to the ladiert, ^ KING TO PLAY ROLE OF A PRIVATE GUEST Angus, Scotland, Aug. 1u ---'rhe t K !t i� understood, slo01 has Warmed i hist a,thtr ip htr4, the Karl of Sterile more that he, deeiree to be treated as a private guest when he 10:,;s the Queen and Princesses leitzchetl, and Margaret at the Ball's Smit here, Glamous Castle, WEDNESDAY 11 037 r THIS MUST STOP! The appalling loss of life and frightful injuries caused by reckless driving in Ontario must stop ! Motorists have been requested to be courteous on the road, but the death toll still mounts at an alarming rate. Reckless drivers must be dealt with according to their deserts, and to the laws of this Province. A reckless driver who causes death or injury is a criminal—just as much of a criminal as a thief; for reckless driving is illegal. Cutting in, passing on hills, excessive speed, driving slowly in the centre of the road, and all the other breaches of safe driving are to cease. RECKLESS DRIVERS BEWARE! Ontario has an internationally famous highway police force but they cannot be every- where. verywhere. Most accidents occur out of sight of the police. We therefore ask with all sincerity for the co-operation of public-spirited motorists to report to this Depart- ment instances of reckless driving. Itis your duty to help check this wicked slaughter —deaths that could be avoided, and the maiming and crippling of healthy men, women and children. Here is what to do! When you see a motorist driving in a manner dangerous to the public, take his number, make a careful note of the actual time and place and when you reach your destination write to the Motor Vehicles Branch, Department of Highways, Toronto, giving full details. We do not invite reports of minor infringements of the traffic laws; you are requested to use sound judgment. We will deal adequately with offenders, ' ONTARIO ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Motor Vehicles Branch 1 Generous Harvest And a Hot Election in Sight By RI'STICI:'S \\'hal , t ih•:=t s5e, t st groin yield rt -it ,1s we usttutiy it -t. tomtit at this lime of year? True, thresh- ing is not ,ret being c•itrtle,l en nit n , 111.. t t . het then mt:ry grail wheat 1rtve gone titre/telt i9- thre=liit:g mill, and those beetle t crops should be reporic-ti. A month ago the outlook 5)4 ex. ee11ent I- e wrote something itt that time about a real harvest beim; in prospects.-atkd we pointed an too, that much , ttuld 1in11P+'n It,- 1wet-n 1 hmt time and the actttll harvest That. some'hing to a1 large i tt et; t it is happened. itu•°t and tt mild degree of drought have changed the pit hue conelei •richly, The very farmers who, Pt former yours, Were tadltittg of their 40 anti 1 45 bushels of wheat per sere 51e this year reportitg yields latitging as low as 20 Mr:111;(4 and murk wheal is repotted to be of hire' quali'y. A farmer, in enmmeittittg nit molt r" 1)011S, arcuated the preens tend eve,y- body who "writes for the paliel:A' of hiding these farts. le was his cnntenti0n that the publication of Uig yield reports help- ed to de less marktt prime!, andd that rel mss of poor -I' yields wear purfioyely suppressed in order that Prices might be: kept down. The fact is that: the farther wits threshes 45 or 50 bushels of wheat fro1n an acre of land is very likely to he telling his neighbors and the preen about in but when his mem doesn't average half that he is likely to keep more quirt about It. It makes a lire i deal mero pleasant news items when the :tory concems good crop:; than when rust am! sitrut ken ;:tair' are th,, tnbj'•rt, R`.r.itt well der we k^.ow that w lomat it more pleasant to report an ?et nc'.'tlt to rete t't that Faille -of our crops hin•e become blighted (witty. TO what extent the spring grain: have been damaged, if any, we tl r not know. 'That the yield is net like:y to be up to the promi:se of a mouth ago is a t'4Ii.>Itty, over, we have Leen sticking. too close to the farm to know whetht-:r the strap c 111114ions are better stenewhere el,t. 01' nut, though u r:tt met from Essex County y turd -us that wheat yielding Witty bushels dawntheme was 1,ire and tit :tom- er with a decent sample. 51.5 iu di;., IGC also reptit.151 some yields as i.n: as seven bushels pct attic. filo is tt..tt seen: t1u,neh lie win ,1 crib 1,1,5 s•,yerrd unite a bots. * What. Is this rust? If you go 051 10 some farm lettere thre:siting is going on you will see plenty of Matt red duet hying about. The ancte.nt called it tate work of tele _God nicht• Bits win pu.nished a wicked 550,11 by sending a bight upon their grain. Leiter on it was supposed that clamp, would weather hot t v t e 5 td c use lb a era g in to rust hat ut scionca has a different slimy, They tell us that rust on grain is not, as was once supposed, something much tate same as rust on Iron, but a tiny organism that fas- tens onto the stalk and feeds on the platlt, hence the sup that shot:t,l produce the kernel goes; to fend tic., parasite:; Unroll uni.My the fungus out tl1ly harms the grain but a reddish dust makes rutting, st.atktttg and •'n ;.,it Mg uap,l e,sant. Nest week tate oat harvest wilt 11" in full swing and bate Ileitis tell of approaching Pall. As I write, the .Ines art testiest and roots, pod:. tae, t•olat Una pa:.ate;, in:,y ',PI tnuttlt Lertled tllt.i-ln••- 'fhe. picture, slay 1101 be g:til, 04 bright as t1 was a month ago, there Is still every likelihood ,'f a generous harvest, arid a Mee hot election light right after to help es forget malty hours of hard work te- gnired in ,tieing that harvest. away. MONCRJEFk CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST PC3TING OF VOTERS' LIST 4 Voter's List, 1937, Township of Grey, County of Huron Notice is hereby .given tit:;t I have t—ittited. with set t r , 21 of the Ao t and 11(11 I have p,., ltd tip at my .ttliro et 1. r r _„ can the' Ictal tli' of :(05051, ltt;61, illi list of tilt periods .4titled 10 vete in the said municipality at .liut,'t ip•:1 F.iretioa,.and that rlauains tilart, for inspee! iett, And I hereby rail upon all voters to take immediate preet-sdittge t0 bate, any (rears or omissions car- rtrtett tisc•lll'llittg to lett, lite hist (WY ,fur appt•.alittg'being shy unci tlay of Sel,tetither, 1557. JOHN H. FEAR, (jerk of Grey Tewttr.hip. Dated at 1011te1, Oetobtr llth, 1037. The Mnncrit11' United C'rou'ch are Judge: Do you challenge any of Sunday, the jury? hill tion t D, f tudt'nt: Well, I think 1 can lick that li!tic- guy on the end, holding their Anniversary r, ary .on Sept. leth. Farther las; will be elven Inter. $ZZOO' PRIZE LIST DLAN for a day or two at Western Ontario's 1 own exhibition. This year will surpass all previous efforts for agricultural, industrial, scien- tific and home exhibits. BM FEATURES .D JAC EVERY DAY SEPT. 93 w 18 seeret,ryK60N 137 "`4Lt' it'll .e1` y V tr �� � :.�\moo �♦�_ �;�\O a9,' 4 '® DON'•ttON ■AjuO