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The Brussels Post, 1937-8-4, Page 8
Id Picnic Supplies 'VACUUM BOTTLES WAXED PAPER SERVIETTES PLAIN WHITE ALSO Attractive Patterns PAPER PLATES CUPS AND SPOONS CITRIC ACID TARTARIC ACID BATHING CAPS SUN GOGGLES For 'SUnburn Gypsy Cream, Noxzema, Mentholine Balm ti'. ette Gold Special ti 'Q Blue Blades ,,Gillette Razor sit (Gold Plated) i, : UBlade Container • "-All this for ,"'only 59c Bisnaa-Rex— An Antacid Powder Quickly relieves the dis. comfort of Sour Stomach and Indigestion Safe, prompt and effective 75c Jars FilmsDevelopedand Printed Bring in, or mail us the Films you have taken, we will give them prompt attention FRESH SUPPLY OF ALL SIZES OF KODAK FILMS IN STOCK Wanted These Days— II Skeeter Scoot To drive . away Mosquitoes 25c bottles Re :all Poison Ivy Lotion 50c Bottles 1. R. SMITH rEt FPHONE NO. 62 Stare DRUGGIST and STATION ER - TELEPHONE NO. 62 • CLASSIFIED ADS, Notices in this column cost 25o up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. t,,WANTED Grain of all kinds espeeilly wheat r Highest price paid. Get in touch f with our prices, Geo, E. Pollard, Trucker, phone 50.13, • WANTED— Experienced farm hand wanted Separate house 00 desired. Apply to The 'Post' HONEY FOR SALE— No. 1 Glover Honey. Well ripened J. D. Warwick, phone 72, 1 FOR SALE— Pure Bred Yorkshire Sow, bred 4 1 weeks, 11 At Lott 29, Concession 9, Morris Twp, Gilbert McCallum, I phone 18 r 9, FOR SALE— Good House—Cellar, Hard and soft water and barn apply to Mrs, D. Hadgley, Albert Street. J FOR SALE— Mulot4e Cream Separa tor, in good repair; also 4 pigs about 1?0 As. apply to John Clark. FOR SALE -- g 1929 Chrysler Sedan in good shape tt.1uipped with Hydraulic brakes;. =0=0 phone 23-23 or 45X J. C. Long. WORK WANTED— Able bodied man wants work. apply at Albert St., Brussels, Ont. Edward Geo. Heist THE BRUSSELS POST PRIDE FAMILY ,HOLDS REUNION FOR SALE— House. apply at The Post AGENTS WANTED Why not become the owner of a dependable and profitable business. • 200 necessities; Farm, limentary, medicinal products. 825.00 buys first assortment, No risk, You sell or return goods for credit. Every home a prospect. Interesting offer for capable salesmen. Apply for details and FREE calatolgue, Fain• ilex Company, 570 St. Clement St. Montreal. (Olio Or�O1Ol�dBp, o. 0 dl p Know The Truth n R. A. REID R.O. About Your Eyes. Have Them Examined NOW by (Stratford's Leading (Optometrist) is at his Brussels Office in Miss Kingston's Store EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 'FROM 2.00 to 5.00 Phone 51 for appointment O a m 0 0 0 Summer Specials —s 20% Discounts On Summer Dress Materials 20% Discounts On All Stunner Lingerie ORIENT Hose—reg. $1. pair 2 prs $1.85 Special Prices on Dresses Groups at $2.95, $5.95, $7.49 Big Value at KING'S IN Wingham r ' INNINN■■■■N■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■RININE INN( NININ■■■■INNI•■■■f■ 11 N1 RED BAND STORE Phone a a IN I villimr II SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY • ■ ■ Red Band White Rubber Jar Rings 12 Cut 4 doz. ■ ■ 23c g • Extra Heavy Zinc Rings, per doz. - - ■ Pick O' the Garden Tea • • •••• %z 1b 381 Fly Coils 4 for • • • • .. 10c A ■ Wilsons' Fly Pads 9c ■ Mamba Seal .. 70c ■ 1 Certo .. .. • • • • • 27c A few' Forest City Baking Powder with'I ■ dessert seta left .. .. • • 25c • ■ Pitted Dates 2 Ib .. • • 23c R Best Ripe Tomatoes & Lowest Prices 29c ■ 27c IN III III Ideal Tomato Catsup 14 oz • • • . , 10c 41c III A ' Red JEtose Tea Black or Mixed '!z Ib • • .. 28c • ■ IN ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IN Wheat Berries •••• • . • • . . Cascade Salmon, 2-1 lb tins Maxwell ,House Coffee 1 lb Have You Tried Our New Potatoes • Ginger Snaps per lb lOcNI Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs M New Cabbage At a Special Price Icing Sugar 3 Ib .. 25c W M. Z I E G LE R i1111111111111IIIIIIIMOIIIIIIL 1.a.1tt• w.,,i..atis'ta mr LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS 5 i/Yu innuUIUI$■■UIIIlNu■UIIIuUImmum unutiUU■IU■■ ■■LWrI "`_ 25c Roy Rowland Elected president At ,Monkton Outing The second 0011111011 of the Pride f'ami'ly was field in •Cenfederatlon Park Here 011011daly, A program of a enjoyed sports was 1'py d in 0hat >;o of Miss Margaret Nlonlpson The lo• sults of the laces were children's race, Neil Thompson, Eileen fear; 7 to 10 years, John Purvis, Billie. Rowland; biscuit race, Alex Thomp son; ladies Pinged rice race, Mrs. A, Rol1h; men's puffed rice race, Alex Thompson; sup wshoe race, Mts. H, Young, Gordon Rae, Mrs, Rowland, Alex Thompson; bean race, Mr's, William Thompson, wink= Thompson; bean contest, Mrs, 3, Adair, H. Young. After supper 'the election of officers took place, Officers are: president, Norman Anticknap; secretary, Mrs, S. PurVus; treasurer, William Thompson; committees: general picnic, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs, C. Steffen, ',Seth P31de; sports, Mrs. P. Antic- knap, Margaret Thompson, Mrs, Gordon Rae; punch, Mrs. Roy Row- land, Mrs. Wheeler Mrs. H. Young, Mrs. R. Pride; Representatives 0f the family were present from Lis- towel, Attwood, Henfryn, Mitchell and Monldton • GREY 14 H, Aflame and Kon Ralph of New Market and Kay Stevenean and Veral Matthews of Toronto is erH holiday visitors ut W. C, Steven. son's, 101111 con.,, daring the pabt two 1 Welts, W11DNESE AY, 'GUST 401, 1J37 BRADDOCK TO REFEREE BLAND-WALLACE FIGHT Toronto Aug, 4. ---James J. 13''ad- dock, who recently lost his world's heavyweight boxing crown to Joe Louis, will referee the 'Tommy Bland —Gordon Wallace •weltersvelglit ' light here Aug. 19, Playfair Brown, promoter of the fight announced yesterday. It will be 'Braddocit's first appearance in Toronto, when ;he is the third man In the ring as Bland and Wallace battle for the ,right to challenge Frankie Genovese .for the Canadian title. - AUCTION SALE Lambert Saieyards Strathroy, Saturday afternoon, Aug. 7th, 300 mixed Cattle, including 150 Choice Mixed Steers, balance Mixed Shock Heifers, Grass Cows and Stock Calves. Usual run of Mixed Pigs, Trucks to deliver, Terms Cash, A. G. McAlpine, Auctioneer, i ARE YOU 'GETTING VALUE FOR ,YOUR MONEY ? ? IF NOT -- BUY A VIKING CREAM SEPARATOR (With •a Ten -Year Guarantee) COME IN AND SEE THE POWER DRIVE Demonstrated at Swift Canadian Co. "YOUR LOCAL DEALER" J. C. Long Jti®ls enifinimilmu mi ilelilliIIIu0911IsoI®m®IIio111im®Illiltiiiii iIILIII!II'l III. m 53 53 R 8 m 53 53 Lila's Beauty Shoppe ALL LINES OF BEAUTY CULTURE `PERMANENT WAVING' —A SPECIALTY Children's Hair '.Ceits 15c Hours—from 9 to 6 Evenings By Appointment Phone 54 Located in The Queen's Hotel — Private Entrance 115 53 Ri Is 53 53 EJ yA 153 53 IEiI1Bn 15311®11153111531115311153111011153111©111®111&1111531110111®IIIa0lll1llam 1011189111®1l153111531II®53&1 Optometrist Coming To Brussels In 'Miss Maude Bryans' Home All Day & Evening Thursday, August 12th Why continue to suffer from (headache, Blurred Vision, Nervousness, Sick Stomach, etc. LET US EXAMINE YOUR EYES BY THE NEWEST SCIENTIFIC APPROVED METHOD AND PRESCRIBE THE PROPER CORRECTION TO GIVE YOU CLEAR COMFORTABLE VISION Frederick Homuth THE MODERN OPTOMETRIST Brussels, Phone 26X Harriston Phone 118 oariamiimmasimalimsb Superior Store Quality Service Specials for the Week—Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Roller Towelling Sateens, all colors a , • Silk 'Rayons • 2 yards for 25c per yd 15c per yd 19c Table Linen, white or unbleached .. • • pea yd 49c Frilled Curtains ' . per pr 49c Boj's Cottonade Pants, long, 'with elastic pe rpr 790 Men's Tweed & Serge .Dress Pants, light, dark color pr. 2.69 Sugar • • • • • • • • • .. •... 17 lbs for $1.00 Aylmer 'Soups, Tomato & Vegetable • 2 tins 15c Vtanilia 8 oz Juga •. •, . • .. • • • .. each 15c Sunlight Soap Special 5 cakes 27c HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR EGGS (Store closes Tuesday & Thursday Evenings) Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont• 1 uperior Stores QUALITY SERVICE Aylmer Tomato or Vegetable SOUP - -' 2 tins for 15c Manning's Scotch Crunch Biscuits per pkg • 15c Tomato Juice 10 oz. tins • • • • • • 2 for • llc Aeroxon Fly Coils 4 for ,...... • 10c Miracle Whip'Salad Dressing per jar ' • • 21c Kellogg's Bran Flakes 2 pkgs 23c Golden Area Apricots per tin 15c Bring Your, Container for 1Fly Spray .-8 oz 20c l6 oz • ... 38c Sunlight Soap • . 5 'bars .27c Heavy Zinc Rings per idoz • • • , 23c Salted Peanuts per ib 15c Choice Quality Pumpkin Large Tins , • • •"2 for •••• .. 23c Kellogg's All Wheat 2 pkgs .. • • 25c A Few Magic Baking Powder Deal left at • • • • •28c Hemphill's Wheat Berries per bag .. Powdered Bath Brick per tin .. Happyvale Catsup per bottle • • •' Medium Qt. Jars per doz Jelly Powder in small Tumbler ••••• • 3 for 29c l O0- . , 11)c $1:14 .. ••• 25c WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF PICKLING SPICES Brussels Phone 64 1. W. Eckrnier Thursday rt''riday Saturday Stratford reports that there are no employable men who are without :jobs here now, That must leave things cuter quiet round the general store these days. These ere Vie days of threshing fires. Care is necessary around She barn at all times but never u'0re so khan at this season of the year. $32,000 PRIZE LIST PLAN for a day or two at Western Ontario's own exhibition. This year will surpass all previous efforts for agricultural, industrial, scien- tific and home exhibits. BIG FEATURES SEPT. W. S�e°ry JACKSON Secretary 137 NDON°''fONTARIO Brussels General Store PHONE 61 Now Showing Georgette, Sheen and Crepe In Floral Designs in Dress Lengths 98c yd. Ladies Print House Dresses • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -69c and $1.00 Misses Print Dresses • • _..••••.. .. 75c and $1.00 Ladies Celanese Slips • • • .. • • .. • • • - • 59c Ladies and Children's Cotton Hose • -...••••••• • • • .. • • • • . • 15c Ladies Silk (Hose all sizes .. 25c Linen, Lace and Rayon Table Cloths Circle Bar Silk Hose in Standard and Knee-length MEN'S WEAR Men's Polo and Outing Shirts itt .. .. 89c and $1.00 Men's Sailor Hats for worm weather $1:00 Fine Sox at • .. 15c a pair or 7 pair for $1.00 Boy's Jerseys and Polo Shirts Men's Strand Shirts with Separate Collar and Collar Attached GROCERY SPECIALS Old Cheese 25c Ib Corn Flakes • • .. • • • • .. 3 for 25c Gold Medal Coffee % 1b 25c Large Bottle Catsup 18c E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel 18