HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-8-4, Page 4NEWS OF THE
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
111_ _ "- , ,-.-.---_,~: -^�^'. ,.. _-
ala• anti
.-.I --... ;filetsl t t 1s lapsing IntosEt, Tho motto 1e'riends like
C 'ANIeL Ce11O. IN, It. hiw. ern were made the see pi, l promises should be kept, will be
_,,.,",.�, eel e :V111 handsorae ucc,tswn:(l ' taken by 1\11ss Velmu Robertson:
.r.,n.. ".,,..n.r.1 1.s_ne 4,r-+ r , the laden-,
Thul :;lay of leis week L. ed erd c s .r, up,:ul0d by Roll call, 'Yeti• ideal name for a
'neighbours gathered at the C rum- Lar a i'll'' ;' r. -art( by tle.e, AA t,cst+u• f girt.' The taplc, `/lame duties of
berg. 11 girl,' will be taken by Miss ls(bet
en ho or to spend n social uyc tM' To Mir. and Mrs. ('call 1toUhison, i McTaggart, 'There will ulsi be the
9n honor of Mr, and t t .-t ' report oe the (Brie' Conference at
xlioUinsou, neyvly'wec5 of the tits -trite. t1'"t. Ue'i Laura Wei 1 1.11:
During the course of u pltusailt i It tires n you friends ,end neigh- Cluelplt, 1)Y the delegates. Amato
+,boas much pile tore to gather 11e,s' Frunklim and Muriel Backwell, As
._ _ ---- --• - l o-nigfnt, to 94141 1 social hums
NOTICE! 1 with you, and to eY 1'ess 0(11' best
wishes for Your (11(51.'
(Section 112, of The 'lelephene Act) eves be the prayel we breathe sur
No person upon whole premises 3 I • yen today
teleehotle instrument, wiring or \'Callen you have reached the summit
'other cliallent is installed shall of BfPn hill,
use or interfere with or permit May it be possible for you t sayare
such telephone instrument wiring 01 Married long years, but
other equipment to he used or in lover still."
tertered with so as to injure cn \1 a (telt you to accept this gift of
damage the same or sd as to prevent occasional elates a, a taken of our
the collveeieTt use of the circuit to esteem Ent' you. It is our hes;•'
which suele telephone instrument thee they will he reminders of Your
as eonuected for the transmission of friendship stere. Signed on belied!
telephone conversations or mss, of your neighbors and friends.
sages. Mr. Rubinson thanked the gather -
MY person guilty of a branch of fug, on behalf of himself and his
'this section shall be charged with w:ifs, for L11eit' gifts and good wishes.
the cost of time and material for AL George Gramm and the Miss•
the locating and repairing same or Misses Sora' anal Lite 1031 015 11iss-
according to the act shall incur a Mn 4,r d Annie
Mr. ate( 111 l ,ala Ritchie,
penalty of $25.00 for each offence, Galt tailed up a lte 1110 (tori une,u:,
By order of the Telephone Commie- 011 Monday, Sion, MI's. t . flim.:' eat! who 11(45 been
Manager, W. S. Scott, t• :et at. Thou
1 ;;stet of her sestet
• es 14.4., 1" 0.1(11(1 heli'•.
kir. and 1.11(4. J ek e h'.e and
seleit. and
Re hit y 1l:•, Hanover were 1007
I'll 11:4'1 1,'•,x(141_ M a,id
J4.=. J1., Nebo,.
\ir• t1 a
'eke, 1. 11. (, 11 ernn. L lr
(14,11 sac„ !11•`1: til E. eu,e, a et ills.
K. • Lice( meet,1-eve emeh,e. (
e;•clean at (.le 'u'R,fe ,.d les lila e
t;r•. X)t:;1u• \x„1:1. el.. She le %fee,
1,61'44 Dir (11• 1+::t
:mol 140 J:4404 , 1(1. seer and
Hartley Ana 1"re4 F i.'.11e1' we e. tSan
day ri. 1u:; t1t lirchener anti
ltolidaylu?, 1n Al heater retea.(1tl
storms with tiu..m,
Mils Min t'niette4 is visiting ei111
her 'Aunt. \lrs. Gee. Campbell at
i Rev. W. 1, Williams. Mrs. Wit -
Hams and Ivor are enjoying a va(u-
dun at Liver Huron.
Misses Marie and Jean Chapman,
Kitchener, are visiting with their
' cousin. :Miss Verja Fischer this
, Miss le shied Williams who ie tet
tending Sum -mer Sellout in Toronto,
spent the week -end at home.
of Household Effects
at the home of
at 1.30 p.m.
bedroom suites. 541100e
, sets bed sprites
2 mattresses
1 coal and wood range
1 Couch
1 Dining -room table
4 Dining -room chairs
1 Arm chair
1 leather rocking chair
1 Kitchen cupboard
3 Kitchen chairs
1 Hardwood table
1 Fancy table
'2 Flower stands
1 -Toilet set
-1 Commode chair
-1 Chemical closet
1 WashingeMeelline
2 Carpet sweepers
1 Woallbn rug
1 step ladder
1 long ladder
•Quantity of .fruit and jar's,
window shades
,Quantity of lumber and wood
1 pair pillows
1 lawn seat
A quantity of kitchen utensils
.and other articles too numerous
to mention
A, E. KEMP, Auctioneer,
1 Arthur Bayne of Handl:en h u 1,•
turned after a visit with II:, (1(1 '
110111. Currie.
Ilobt • Lundy hes Mee y'•::; q'„
wills Unpaid ('10I'i' of 510rr's.
Mr, end Mrs. Lundy of )1i101111 11
with Mt-. and \Ir3. A..1.. Crooks.
Donald Currie and Roes Duncan
and Veifa Ihtnan and Betty Currie
atteutitd the (11d Boys' Reunion at ;
James O:emphell had six sheS»
, killed 117 dogs in the last week.
Visitors at the •home of George
and Mrs. Davies during the last two
weeks wore: 11Irs, Johu Dodd and
daublutee, Marlon of Aurora, Ortt.;
Mr, and Mos, I4, TaaniinSou end
dan011.10', Joanne of Barrie, Ont.;
Mr, and Mrs, John Thompson anti
son of Downer's Grove, Ill.; Mr, S.
Cade of Gloderieh, Ont,; Mr, and
Mrs, Thos, Chapman, Mrs, Nelson
Hamilton and son of Listowel; Mr,
and Mrs' Alfred Hamp of Rochester,
N.Y.; Mrs, Deets, Sr, has returned
to Barrie after spending the past
etwo months at the home of her stn,
George Davis, 5th Line, Morris.
this is the girl's annual aneetirlg
all the girls interested are invited 10
'attend .and make the tweeting a sue -
Mr. Kemrelh Kreuter has gone to
Toronto where he has taken a peel.
Oen in a Drug Store.
M1', and Mrs, B. Gilden sad family
are spending a few days In Godeeteh
this weeds.
Mrs, Percy Stephenson is visit -
mg friends in Detroit,
Master Melvin Patterson of At-
Jthur is holidaying with Master Les,
Ile Deslardine .and other of hie
young friends.
Miss Edythe Kreuter and Doris
Gill spent the weekend with friends
in London.
The Women's 17tstitute will
on Thursday afternoon. Auer=t
at 2.30 al the home- of Mrs. J.
1'111 1
Want to keep the youngsters from under
your feet? Just give them a playroom.
We'll transform that attic of yours into
a happy hunting ground that will keep
them out of mischief for hours. And the
Job will be quickly done, with a mini-
imum of disturbance. Let us give you an
estimate. Then, if necessary, finance
under the Home Improvement PIan,
A very pleasant evening was
spent on Wed., July 2001, in the
Township Hall, Ethel, when a large
number of friends and neighbours
gathered to do honor to Air, and
Mrs. Andrew A. Shaw, Brigden, who
had been married recently. Mrs.
haw was formerly Myrtle Bowes,.
of this vicinity. Desiiite the inclem-
ent weather the hall was filled.
With Rev. W. A, Williams as
eheirman, et lengthy program was
given consi5ting of solos, duet:',
101011ngs, instrumental numbers and
eun1ulunity singing,
Mrs. Stanley Dunbar then rend
the following address:
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw:
We have met together this erect•
lug to express to yen our cong'ratitla-
tioee and best wishes for your
future health and happiness,
We appreciate the work which
you. Myrtle, have done in our cunt.
0(nnity and we learn with regret
that it will not be .here that Nott will
be making your home. We know,
however, that Ethel's loss le I3rig-
deit', gain.
In token of our kindly feeling and
good wishes we ask you to accept
this tea service and hope it will be
a pleasant remembrance of your,
many friends and well-wishers in
Signed on behalf of the neighbors
and friends.
Muriel Sinclair
Mary E, Ferguson
Elizabeth Barton
Helen Deseardine
Council met on July 26.111 with all
the members preeent, Minutes
'of last meeting were read and 0P -
Committee from the Dept, of Age:-
ge:culture re conducting a township
chemical weed killing demonstration
received. Owing to the lateness of
the season Council decided to take
no action in this platter,
Another communication from E.
Raithly Sec. of the S. S. No. 5, 1u•
burn stating that the Tp. of Hallett
was providing for dile cost of treat-
ment in that township in this union
school section ti all echooi children,
for Diptehria, Toxoid taxi asked
that East \Vaw(tnosh cooperate re-
gartliug children in attendance Rant
this township.
No action was taken at present re•
garding this •treatment, till further
information would be obtained.
On motion of Beeeroft and Ruddy
the following rates of taxation were
struck for the present year. County
rate 6 4.10 mills, Twp. rate 1 5,10
mills and general school rate 3 310
mills on the $. Ratepayers will be
Pleased to know that there is a re-
.d•neton of 3.10 of a mll for Cotwty
purposes and one mill for township
purposes from 1936.
The following accounts
Elliott's Book Store col-
lector's roll
Advance -Times Office
Voter's List
A. Rollinson, Auburn Police
Village accounts ... , 77.00
Road accounts,. Chas, Robin-
!'aeon crushing 234.30
Jtoe Kerr, trucking 311.71
S. McEurney, road superin-
Roy McGee, trucking bile
Mahood S: Stewart, cement .
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw replied, thank-
ing them for their kindness and
good wishes and for the beautiful
gift. Lune.lt was then served anti
the rest. of the evening spent In
Mise Ieldith Zimmer of Petrclin
le visiting her eou lns Mr. and Mrs.
Wm Zeigler.
1151!y Zeigler is spending a felt
slays at ins Grandma Leitch's u1
Bru s, e is,
1 'Ile fallowing pupil4 ot11 011z•
,1,i( hells A.T.C.M., were re 010144101.
1 fel to reeiig the Ttrou ., )''neerea.
t61y /done to:Ilti t1 .1 ,,,
Yltil±ipe, Norma Deere 1.'1
J'.!(((tie, 1 4bell ettef111,
Tt t r, 1.1ee41 1'1',1:,1 Ir . ld e1.
\\ m, 1 o4h4, I ,w4, wir1t 4.1ar: :. -. 11•
the citeeil7; guests ._t the leen,. et'
l • 111. and Mrs. Rebt. \Vete n44(51, \t;,
were paid:
$ 5,55
1, IH'alliday, oil 2.25
H. Glousher, gravel and
trucking road 2
R. C. McGowan, checking,
road 2 21.60
R, Charnney, grabel and
checking road 6 35.24
T. Robinson, checklag road 6 1,00
Wh, 1111111, ditching road 6 ,, 2.40
W. alert, dragging road 6 , 1 00
t smell adjourned to meet again
011 Te -day, Sept. 7111,
A. Porterfield, clerk.
Will Have Its Effects
(I;I1)nv,l 13an1 ere
\\'r- bine 1131 idett that the rr 50'
rielt of 'Traffic o±'h4 e r ('st'(r•ndc'•, rf
\Iiet-hell, and hispe1tor Fithian. '•f
'Terser(. will hive it 1114,5) 1/O11(414..3:11
°3r, 111 1h: a at 41111
O'Trll13!1 D eY. Al'GP0*p •4th, 191W
A magnificent dramatization of Canada's basic industry
awaits the visitor to the world's largest annual Ex-
hibition this Coronation Year. Agriculture in all its varied
branches ... champion livestock, horses, cattle, sheep,
and swine—poultry and pet°stock ... prize products of
field and orchard ... modern farm and household equip -
hods and new standards —
all atpart of thisavat panors, new ama of agricultural progress.
Display buildings open until 11 p.m.
®l President General ASanaser
ed disease germs, which cause ce4-
taiu specific diseases, such as diple
theria and typhoid Bever. There are
outer germs which are very cone
mom.; some of 'these are probably al-
ways present on the skin, but as
long as the skin is unbroken and
/healthy, they do no harm.
The shin may be broken in many
ways, such as 'when It is cut, scrat-
ched or bruised. The skin is all
Important part of the body and as
.has already been mentioned, if nue
part et the body is unset, othar
parts are apt to suffer. The heal•
thy condition of the skin is lost anti
its power to resist the action oe
germs is more or less decreased in
the presence of actual diseases,
such as diabetes. The skin is also
injured by upsets of the digestive
tract, by faulty diet, and by an un -
1170e31110 life which starves the body
of fresh air, Uncleanliness, turd
overelothilg which results in exec,.
sive pupil ,tion and irritation tit
the skin, lower Its r,...i.tance.
AS a• result of the oeeurrtence of
0110 or mire 4f 111 above 1-011(Hi>Ors,
111f, 1141/111111 reel -41,1e of the Ilii, le
1 1 ie. d s enr'11 help, the feeene.
i,v.141t on the side ;re entitled it
gain el 1oO,114411. The ;teeth ef their
ailivi'y it dill n,1.,tt loll (eine :1,
swelling, men end the P1 elur.tlun 4I'
and 1111, Lorne Tyu4vl1, r1 111/1,..1 lug 11100 irui, he'll going nn 11)1,1),
:11r end .Air's fierily titterer, .,. I the town 11ntt5. At varloue 131(3")
0111 1'1,:(1111 (<ur±,• the lnatt+r of soso,liu0 on 'Muhl and
bE 11 WA;010. 11. \V tllee,. streets has been discussed
by the "(111131 to an effort to seems
:musses were eondocled in ('11 snare awl nu' driving.
itsrl (rhumb 5 til lv with Rev. It. 1. Tiles,..0 ,:ring (10i11a1, rheckrrl
„Brook in cha315 a.u'r a nrintit'• on eerily Makes and 11111(5, 111 1" )"
holiday, The subjeri for netrui (1' pride, ;preelfter and the ((1149va'4•:'
(13113ee w4, "For a (Ley in thy r -„•s,. 1 step •ages, and as a 1,15)(11 Rana'
it 1,11'1' 111.11, a 111143: till.” A • •ale t es1R'i111'41$ woo,' 1 ;111401'43,1,
was sung by Mrs. Murray role, 'Tor
13110. 111 the evv11111g "AV.• }c•.c,.
141.4.11 great (.11njp (0.dey,"
\•isitol',: Mtge Zelda Sra13 T 1'
mitt,, 111)11 1103' father liu3.:.5 ?ru't;
KemeIII Brook. Peentford, at 41
purism; kir, ami kiss, elefa let,ebe0.•
and l'serly, 11r, and Mrs, 2. Gr'rn
and rantIly. Kitchener, with 114..
and Mrs, Sent R'er•inrie: 2,31's, (-lees.
(,r o hy, who spent the meet - (w0
months well 114.3' niece, ill's :101,1f,.
unwary, has returned horn Mee,
Rhea Shaw lett for 5, visit with
Mins Phylie I3r'uy tt 111elr pot i1ge
emir Ottawa; Mr, Bray, Revamp
1111 1P(.1 by Mies Viviab Melelrey anti
Mrs. 13. Iletlerington motored to the
Bray cott.ago, Odltawa,
by Grant Fleming, M. 0,
• o ml 0
dressed to the Canadian Medical
Association, 134 College Street, To-
ronto, will be answered personally
by letter,
flede are int', l t 4114 in 33) 4t•"Se
that they are ran"4'(l by living germs
in the tre'•ltlnea-t of hails, this feet
tenetbe krt't LI ailed, and the boil
should he irr1131'4 with t]nr S11111 I'
.1rie1 eleenllnesa that le used in 1311
Suretleal U•eelownt ,
(':.ttwldee••h1e 111(m nee, follow
the saner s'nt; or bolls. The belie-
lrinal'u helm; should h., kepi eav'7
f1•om the bae31, 141331 11 eheeld be (33(511•
err and seen tel et the proper titre
by it flty:eel:M,
in eerie emvtW, varieties are tiled
to rills,. 111'- rose-lance--•1ieh114 1)
pewrt /),.Nine!. the 01 (11), in 1)t
ea e, lie eel) ere 1 10113th ,nest be
vette Merl ri. Peeper diet, exerci,;e,
fresh air, body (-hem1ine,ss, regular,
elsnlhlnitnll ell g4, to melte up a. by
genic life.
The or.r,nrrenr,, e41 1.,13s to mss'
MN( 41$ 11111t he 1.1tlerer h r5
not beret giving tine Neese -noble wire
SOILS to his body shut Is required 11 a POP
The unbroken, healthy shin is nu ditiml of heath Is in be 1111uintein-
etfeeliv, barrier to the entrance, ., etl. To Slave 11 11 1114117 skin, 11 14,
-Into the belly, of the nmuerole: necettsary to keep the whole body
germs with which the shin Is in a stale of health by living a IY-
brought Into 1nntaet. glenio Life,
There are germs, commonly ca11- Questions concerning Health, ars
When the drought and the grass
stopper;; are not getting in their
work in the prairie provinces the
caterpillars decide to commit a
little sabotage on their own at:count_
�• x�tcz�K�i <
^» TEE •• �'„"
4)33141(1 1
ittCA), 4`)3
For Beauty and FULL
PROTECTION -Choose tale
You paint for beauty and. protection—and Martin-Senour
100%. Pure Paint guarantees you both—guarantees in
writing on every can that no cheap and useixss adulter-
ants are used in its manufacture. That's why you get
longer lasting protection, firmer colors and a better and
more economical job.
MEU-GLOS Medium Gloss Enamel
The new sanitary, washable finish for interior
walls and woodwork, An easy product to use.
Dries with medium gloss, Obtainable in wide
range of beautiful pastel shades.