HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-7-14, Page 8F Summer. Time . Pictures �+ KODAK' � USE KODAK VERICHROME .FILM It 'Gets Results When )rdinary Film Sometimes Fails Films Developed and Printed. SEE THE SIX -16 BROWNIE CAMERAA r e With the Larger View Finders—Price • • • , , �7 Visitors to Town Try Our Store for High Grade Toilet Requisites Magazines and Books Stationery for Your Correspondence Picture Post Cards of the Town Gifts To Take Home Fine China, Leather, "Jasmin of Southern France" Candy, Toys, Etc• Poison Ivy Lotion . , • • 50c Mentholine Balm • • .. 25c Noxema 27c & 54c Cold Cream Almond Bloom Cream Camomile Shampoo • 10c Lavender Wave Set 35c Wildroot Wave Powder 15c Rexall Corn Solvent . • 25c 1r R. SMITH Seer 'sELEPHONE NO. 82 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TEI.P.PHONE NO. 62 ° 11 DEFECTIVE EYES p , May be the Reason CLASSIFIED ADS, tl. 7YMrY.k0. Notices in this columns cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line, Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. WANTED- Mrs. N. M. Sinclair would Itko a middle aged woman as housekeeper about middle of July, write to 63 Kensington Ave., South, Hamilton. PULLETS—PULLETS Barred Rocks, five weeks old 40c each, S. O. White Legltorns, four weeks of age for 30c each. These are from our very best stock, Waller Rose, 'phone 06 F'OR SALE OR RENT - 100 acres, more or less, being lot 11, COI, 4, Township or Gray, for sale Cr rent, on the farm is a run. ning spring; the crop could go with farm for sale, immediate possessi In Mrs. Louise Sieling, Bluevale, R.R. No. 2, FOR SALE— Fresh Pare Clover Honey. Those ,bringing palls lc cheaper, phone 90-5 .... ..... .... Harold France. NOTICE— person who took the ldddei from the Brussels 'ruwn Ball kindly return at once, to avoid further trouble. FOR SALE— A number of Clunks of Piga about '+n lbs., also second hand repair., for Maxwell flay Loader, and a Massey 11 trria Binder Truck. phone 42-26 Baxter Stevenson FOR SALE— 2 Young Sows, heavy in Pig. !Cheap) phone 69X Ian McDonald NOTICE— A good lawn mower was taken from the premises of 0 Queen S,ree• residence recently, and an old one from a junk pile left In its stead. Kindly return. hrrETh Know The Truth ° About Your Eyes. Have Them Examined NOW by D p R. A. REID R.O. 11 p EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2.00 to O Phone 51 for appointment oo1=fo, (Stratford's Leading Optometrist) is at his Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store 5.00 11' 0 , YOUR CHILD Il is Backward at Schoo Every Child should have their Eyes ( Properly Examined at least once O ! every two years to make sure 0 the delicate Eye Mechanism is O ' functioning Properly. We have taken a special course on the care of Children's Eyes. Let us care for your Child's Eyes during the Vacation F. F. HOMUTH P h m, B., R. O. o� 0 4 0 (O;QO) t0 or IOT.So =�oGlo Harirston Brussels Phone 118 Phone 26X massmosoilimmimimasimimil DANCEY & BOLSBY BARRISTERS, SOLICITIORS, ETC. L. E. Dancey, K.C. & P. J. Bolsby Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 54X Read the Ads. 11♦■■1//■®./■■e11l1i■�Ilw1l■11■Orsi®■l 1111E INIDalai!?a (SII■®Ie■®E��11®11■�11/11MM III IED BAND STORE Pone ■ • • 12 0 'n xi■ SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY i ■ ■ ■ g Own New Potatoes Clet Ali w ■ Our ■ a Harvest Apples • • • • 3 lbs 25c� Kellogg's All -Wheat with cereal II Cucumbers, extra Large ..•••• ......2 for • • • • , . 15c bowl 2 for 25c f6 1 � 111 ▪ Special home-grown Tomatoes Memba-Seal, seals over 2 dozen !� at Lowest Prices jars for • • 10e ■ • Sweet and Juicy Navel Oranges, Certo 27c U Lemons and Bananas at their best Zink Rings g g per doz ■ H. Hornes Orange, Lemon, Grape 23cNI • Cinnamon & (Raspberry Punch 25c Rubber Jar Rings 4 dozen 25c 1 : ▪ Extra .Good Cabbage 2 lb for . , • • • • 5c Heinz Tomato Juice , . • • 2 tins .. 19c 1 ■ Leave your orders for Black Currents Serviettes plain (80's) colored (60's) NI IIII and Cherries Now Coronation (40's) 15c A III : ▪ Rich mellow Cheese V2 Ib pkg • • , ..•. .. 15c Fresh Christie Cakes 10, 15, 20 25 & 30c IN NI • • ii LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS ■■ IaINNNlr■111IIIIIU■M11w■IIIA°•RRIlll■R■PiIUUIlllMu■I•RItltl•A®IIuIII■ Ilial l ■ THE BRUSSELS POST nn. 0,t4 2 !;» «✓,' 40:+ .4 is 4 4, K .• + it 1". + «'i i'OI14+t' Annouc,ernent' MED.' ESDAY, JULY 14th, 1`03?' The PARIS LADIES' SHOPPE wish to announce that they have closed up their Brussels branch for good. We wish to thank all those who patronized us for their support and we will be pleased to serve you at any future date in our Listowel store where a large and u!..) -to -date stock at moderate prices is always carried. The following fixtures are offered for Sale; One National Cash Register Four Window Display Figures Four Lighting Fixtures complete with bulbs Curtains, Rods, Boards, etc. One Quebec Heater One small Counter These articles may be seen at the Brussels store by getting in touch with with Miss A. E. Downing. Phone 29X Paris Ladies' Shoppe fa: i. e; Listowel, Ont. ♦. 1�»1N9 i } 1�?�f f . M� 1 1r�1 f f�'�'T't:11�,i1iw H�M1�+ M�l�f 1 ���4�� +•:1.:f: C'f�f�}t!11. 1N H1i�-{ GREY Newlyweds Honoured By Friends The Young People of 'Union ex- pressed their good wishes to Miss 13. Johnson, a recent bride, viten they spent an evening, prior to ber• marriage 10 games and social chat. ,She was made the recipient of a gift . and the following address read by • Miss Dorothy Dilworth:— Dear Ruth; We are pleased to gather here to.i night to extend to you our best) wishes. We are grateful to you Ruth, when we look back and see ; what a great influence you have had while associating with the Young People of thls community and we can only feel that what is our loss! is the sixteenth's gain. Of caurso i we are always looking forward tot seeing you both with us often. AS a mark of our appreciation, we k ask you to accept this present, May: yo uthink of us every time you step on it. / Signed on behalf of, The Young People of IJ4t1JI At a recent gathering of Nerds from Union, Moncrief and Wattoo, Itr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston were extended their congratulations and best wishes accompanied by the gift of a studio couch and table. The following address was read by Har vey Stevenson. An enjoyable even• ing was spent in dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnston, Dear Friends:lC we have gatheerd here to -night, to extend congratulations and out very* best wishes to you both, on this honoured occasion of your re• cent marriage. May you always be able to se o silver lining tlrrnagh every cloud aril may good health and happinrs••. ever be yours, , As a token of the esteec in which you are held in our nt;tist, we ask you to accept these gifts, (studio couch and table) and may they al - Superior Store Quality Service Specials for the Week—Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Libby's Pork & Beans 23 oz 3 tins for 25c Oxydol large . each 20c Granulated Sugar .. 10 lb for 56c Oilcloth Rugs 7%2 x 10%2 Special at $4.50 each Linen Towels, large • • • • • .. each 19c Girls Silk Bloomers & Vests .. • •,••• each 19c Dress Voiles, reg. 35c .. • • • • .. for 23c per yd. Girls Rain Capes each 49c Ladies Voile Dresses, all colors & styles each 89c Men's Summer Combination Underwear ........Der suit 49c Ladies White Kid Shoes, pumps & ties to clear at $1.75 pr. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs WM. ZIEGLER (Store closes Tuesday & Thursday Evenings) Phone 2211 Ethel Insulate Your Home HAVE IT COOL IN 140T WEATHER —AND— COMFORTABLE AND EASILY HEATED SIN COLD WEATHER'° —This Insulation will pay for itself i- in the saving in fuel in 4 years --We have just unloaded a car of Johnsmansville Insulat- ing Rock Wool. This is without a doubt the highest grade Insulating Wool on the market Fire Proof Vermin Proof Water Proof And we have it right in stock at lower prices than we can buy today Do not try to insulate your house with —dryed peat or sawdust— as some people are offering you Come in and see it for yourself— Let us measure up your house And give you a price Manufactured by people who stand behind their products WE CAN DO YOUR HOME AT ONCE Orerar & McDonald Phone 94X Brussels, Ont. 1 uperior Stores QUALITY - SERVICE I Large Pkg. Each � 2®c Libby's Pork Beans 23 oz., ..«. 3 tins . , . , • • 25c Mannings Cocoanut Cookies per pkg , , 15c Crunchie Sweet Pickles 6%2 oz. 10c Certo Per bottle . , ., , . • , , , , •27c Shredded Wheat 2 pkgs .. , . , , .. , , .. • ... , 25c Raspberry .or Strawberry Jam per jar . • . • .. 29c Tip Top Choice Quality Corn 2 tins • • • .. 23c Lifebuoy Soap 2 cakes , , ,.,, , • . , 15c Grape Nut Flakes 2 pkgs .. 23c Happyvale Catsup per bottle . , . • ;10c Peanut Butter 25 oz jar •• , 23c Embossed Table Napkins White per pkg , 15c Lily Brand Chicken Haddy 2 tins . 27c Manning's Lemon Iced (Biscuits per Ib 19c Crabapple Jelly per jar • • ... , .. . New Potatoes, Cucumbers, Cabbage and Tomatoes Good Old Cheese to your taste Big Five Cleaner 2 pkgs 9c Prepared Mustard 32 oz jar Each • • 29c A Few Toddy Deal Left at •. 40c Salted Peanuts per Ib .. .. 15c Brussels _ . Thursday Phone 64 Lillis EckmicSaturday Saturdday 1,. i,kYt• ' 4'^i4i 11 ,K „fit rtr>a t,' eft: ways remind you of your many friends. Signed on behalf of the common ity— , Rae l-Ioustin, Tim Dilworth, Har- vey Stevenson, Wu. Speiran, Stan ' ley Machan, Glen Rathwell, Sihvyn Baker, ELBA TP. WILL CARRY ON WORK To Continue Battle Against Leafy Spurge In That District Elmet Township Council is Damning do carry on the work Of weed eruli• ralfon where •the Department of Agriculture left off following weed killing demonstrations near Monit- ion lnnloton Friday. The weed -killing demon- strations were directed chiefly 000056 the ieat'y spurge in that i district with hope of completely eradicating the weed. Last year sodium chlorate solu- tion were poured over the leafy &Purge areas and many plants were killed. A few seeds and roars es- caped and grew up again this year. The ELnta Township authorities will start the spraying work on township roads immediately, R. E. White, agricultural represent,sIlve announced today, The weed demonstrations were under dire tiin of Dr. J, 11, Stephen and R. McLeod of the Department of Agriculture. A longer tta•ion 'VMS held Thursday afternoon near Sirtlte.;peare in an effort to liverest authorities of that district in the weed killing campaign Brussels Gencral Stare PHONE 61 Now Showing Georgette, Sheen and Crepe In Floral Designs in Dress Lengths , . wy98c yd. Ladies Print House Dresses Misses Print Dresses • • .. Ladies Celanese Slips • • • • .. • • ... , 69c and $1.00 75c and $1.00 59c Ladies and ,Children's Cotton Hose • • .. • • •••. • • • • ... , .. , 15c Ladies Silk Hose all sizes .. 25c Linen, Lace and Rayon Table Cloths Circle Bar Silk Hose in Standard and Knee-length. MEN'S WEAR Men's Polo and Outing Shirts at , . .. 89c and $1.00 Men's Sailor Hats for worm weather $1.00 Fine Sox at • • • , , 15c a pair or 7 pair for $1.00 Boy's Jerseys and Polo Shirts Men's Strand Shirts with Separate Collar and Collar Attached GROCERY SPECIALS Old Cheese Corn Flakes ••,.•.••„ Gold Medal Coffee 1/4 lb Large Bottle Catsup 25c Ib 3 for 25c 25c 18c E. J. McTAVISI-i GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel