The Brussels Post, 1937-7-14, Page 5tay Strang and Energetic
While You
Reduce on New
Bread Diet
This Diet Plan gives about 1600
Calories a day—the reducing allow-
ance of the average woman.
ng m at, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear) 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat, fish, or
Average serving 1 green vegetable
2 SLICES DREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
H glace fruit or tomato juice
Generous serving meat, fish, or fowl
Average serving 2 vegetables,
1 green
Small serving simple dessert
2 cup coffee or Dtea (clear)t butter
ITIHIS diet is based on
A three years of re-
search at leading uni-
You are allowed two
slices of bread at every
meal. Bread helps spare
your muscles and keep up
your energy. You won't be
weak and irritable on this
new reducing diet.
The Bread Diet is unlike
the extreme diets, which
often break down vital tis-
sues, and should never oe
taken without a doctor's
Bread itself is not fat-
.tening. It is a combination
of' carbohydrates and a
special form of protein
that helps burn up fat
while you are reducing.
Reduce safely on the
Bread Diet — with the
main part of your energy
food in bread.
For Sale At
Rowlands Bakery
W. E. Wills, Palace Bakery
Brussels, Ont.
(Continued from Page 1)
quite naturally we love our own the
best. We like and we love that old
,.t'nion Jack flag With Its triple
crosses Placed 011 top of each other 1
:Members of the Orange Lodge
,,.throughout the world today are:
o;inging the \aunts:: Anthem. We
feel, in the col'onati:•n of His Maj_ t
.esty, King George vf, we have a
ruler who will lead us to even great-
er endeavours than in the pest. t.
"The third loyalty is that broth
erhood to humanity. Wherever
there Is an Orange Association, you
a ill find that the members are 1
loyal to their government," -said 1
Rev. Mr. Lawrence, (
Addressing those who may have I
been from the United States, the 1
speaker welcomed 'them from a
M. H. Brothers
tlfUSSELS, Phoria 03X
land of freedom and liberty to a
land of freedom and liberties.
Have No Antagonism
"We have no antagonism toward
the Roman Catholics. They may
worsnip according t0 the dictates of
their own conscience The Orange
Lodge has done touch to even pro-
tect the integrity of the Roman
Catholic as an individual. We do
not believe ,the Rome.0 Catholic
atiproacltse God in the Proper man-
ner, but he has just as much right
to his beliefs as we have to ours, so
long us he aloes not ufringe Cu our
liberties. There must be equal
right.3 to all and special privileges
to none. That is the basis of our
brotherhood and that Is the platform \
on which the Loyal Orange Ledge
was founded and is carrying on.
"We believe in unity and in co.
operation. But we do not baileys
in segregation, five find ourselves
opposed to separate schools. They
breed separation and breed diva-
sion. We stand oPpOsed to separa.
Lion Of any kind. With it we ran,
not build a united people 0r a nutted
nation or empire. Why do we have
separate schools when we hae•o the
finest system of education In On-
tario, We haven't any use fon sen.
arate schools anti we don't want
them, The church and the items is
the place to teach religious doctrine,
"I assert that until the Separate
School is done away with in Ontario
there will be trouble•anf there will
continue to be trouble.
Rev, Bir, Lawrence spoke briefly
o11 the question of marriages he•
tween prat eotants and Renton
Catholics. Ile vo'ced protest 'a the
contention of the It, malt 1',:'!,01,
Church that 0 couple is not proper-
ly married until wedded by, the
Catholic Church.
"There is nothing more disturb-
s' and noticing more disgraceful
in for it Remelt (,athutle (1 to;t
IO11 a couple they are not married,
er tatty have been married for
tars by a pro'estan/ mhliser," dt.
r'ed the eix•ttltcr,
The elial'1114111 at the utrt'iine. yr es
ue.r \Ce h, ser, of Varna, Ct,leity
. vld'1' of South' 11ur011,
A titling address of wiottolaa In
01101011 R311i delivered by His \\'or -
ship, Mayor W. 5, R. Holmes, To-
day, said \iayor Holmes, the broth-
erhood of man is more closed,,• dn-
velopetl (111(1 it is to be hoped litat
this dm'eiopm0lnt may continue 1R
II has 10 the Pasl,icew years. II("1•
are other things whloh would des-
troy, the world, but the influencer
for 11.001 art' );raavin(l and 1111)' (11'0
11101T Rt'(0218ar•y 11((11 ever before,
"it 1a 113 to all of es to see that
the privileges o 1ri1•irtl wo 11144' 0u joy
may eon'tinue for ,111 stain:' t1c'cltu•.
(441 ItIa Wtuc11.111,
It, M. 1a111Nferti of Stratford,
County N1118101' of Soati Pel'th irn
atQUlleed 0
1 1104 j'oa!' filo '00jebra:
tlgn c1 1111 dlstrlct tvIll shite lllaee
in Stratford,
Other Speakers Heard
Brief addresses were delivered
by 17llvid (c0(.0l0n of Cursor, nosy
ill his 90111 yeas', tlua oldest Orange•
11118 111esclat. 11uv, \V, A, ticWtS,
111(1111 Loudon, 0hairn1aa of the t+ml-
den Board of Education and former
1 prosiden�t of Cltn1On and ltov, Cl, G,
11Burn of Ondarle street United
toChurch, Clinton, who spoke en be-
half o1 the Clinton clergy,
Tile grand parade was ln'obablY
the feature o1 the day, Forming up
at the Agricultural Park, the 'Parade
I wended Its -wiry downtown and then
, around the city and back to the
✓ grounds for the mass open-air meet -
Two handsome white horses, sym-
itolic of King William of Orange.
headed the parade and thousands
of People crowded every vantage
I point: to catch a glimpse of the
l Orangemen, ranging all the way In
1 Years trent tiny dote to White-haired
i veterans, some of them not far from
the 90 meek.
Tote prize for 'the oldest Crane-
, man present went to David Cantel
on, who desptte the fact he Is 111 his
90th year, 1s en active Clinton mer-
chant, He has been active is Or-
ange circles for the past 65 years,
has been a member of Murphy
Lodge No, 710, Clinton. Another
Iold-timer was Andrew •M0110n of
Nile Lodge No. 1052, who has been
in the order for 60 years.
Another of the oldest was Thomas
Stewart of Bluevale, who has been
a member of Lodge No, 766 for the
Fast 65 year's. He is now in his
33rd year and has only missed one
or two colebrahions gine kis Lai- Lid'
"One walk I missed was in Wing -
ham thirty-seven years ago. I had
jugs lost a leg In an accident. I
was staying at a Wingham home
and I=was,pleased greatly when they
had the parade coarse around to the
house, away from the regular route,'
commented Mr, Stewart,
Then there was William Scott of
Trowlbrldge, who jollied the Orange
order in Donegal, in the county of
Donegal, It'eland,
The prize for :the best -dressed
lades' lodge went to Goderi011, L.O.
B.A. No. 443, while members of the
Woodham Lodge won the prize for
the best dressed men's lodge, The -"—
largest lodge present, No. 93 from
Woodstock, who were accompanier.
by a band. The largest gr0ttp of
ladies prize went to those from
,Stratford Fife and Drum band No.
2663 won first prize for fife and
druan bands, while second prize
went to the Loyal True Blue Lr.dge
No. 97 of Stratford,
The .best Me Player present, ac -
Cording to the judges was W11,Iam
Mutch of London, while the corn -
Petition for the best drummer, the
prize went to Charles Stewart of
Londesboro, member of Blyth Lodge
No. 963,
Premier Hepburn has .tossed an-
other barrage in the direction of the
C. h 0. PrOntiisng to stop organiz-
ers at the Detroti river. At least
John L. Lewis knows where his
organization stands so far as On-
tario's premier isc�oncerued.
.�ti. IIIE,AR
Will Top All Records
DON'T miss this 70th Year Cele.
bration. Many new things to sen
and enjoy. Prize list of $32,000.00.
Stake Events, $4,000, Night Horse
Show. New Carnival Midway "Play.
land," Take a day or two, see it all.
SEPT 13 18
237 W. D. Jacksbe, Secretary
hllaDN10S1aAX J173$ .1401, 3937
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9f 9 • /or economical transportation
Agent Arval Whitfield - - Champion's Garage
These Noxious Weeds
Sow Thistle
Bind Weed
Bladder Campion
Canada Thistle
Wild Carrot
Tumbling Mustard
Ox -Eye Daisy Wild Mustards
Blue Weed Pepper Grasses
White Cockle
Commcn Ragweed
Prison Ivy
RiRiissian Thistle
Common Milkweed
Wild Lettuces
Common Burdock
Clause 5,
to es
Every occupant of land, or if the Land is unoccupie d, the owner shall destroy all weeds designated
noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their
Clause 23.
Any persons who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act or refuses or neglects to obey any
lawful order of an Inspector given under authority of this Act, shall incur a penalty of not less than .
$1O. no more than $50. for every such offence, r o a s
.pith ,%:, '.as..u..
Weeds Have No Place in a Progressive
P; 5S1VG
Municipality, Do Your Share to
Prevent Their Spread
Municipality of Grey Township Weed Inspector J. H. Fear.